Understanding The Power of Injunctive Messages and How They Are Resolved in Redecision Therapy

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Transactional Analysis Journal

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Understanding the Power of Injunctive Messages

and How They are Resolved in Redecision Therapy

John R. McNeel

To cite this article: John R. McNeel (2010) Understanding the Power of Injunctive Messages
and How They are Resolved in Redecision Therapy, Transactional Analysis Journal, 40:2,
159-169, DOI: 10.1177/036215371004000211

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1177/036215371004000211

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Understanding the Power of Injunctive Messages
and How They Are Resolved in Redecision Therapy
John R. McNeel

Abstract injunctions in their book Changing Lives

This article summarizes the theoretical through Redecision Therapy. In 1987 Stewart
findings of six previous articles (M cNeel, and Joines also referred to these 12 injunctions
1999, 2000, 2002a, 200b, 2009a, 2009b) and in their book TA Today. In 1988 Bader and
looks at redecision as a process, with par- Pearson (p. 220) reiterated this list. In addition
ticular emphasis on understanding the pow- to the original 12, I (McNeel, 2000) added 10
er, influence, and impact of injunctive mes- more injunctions, bringing the list to 22. W ith
sages as well as the way in which they are this article, three new injunctions—Don’t Touch,
resolved. It is posited that there are two, Don’t Share Your Life, and Don’t Invest— are
rather than one, central decision to each added for the first time, bringing the total to 25.
injunctive message: a despairing decision For the remainder of this article, injunctions
and a defiant decision. The defiant decision will be referred to as “injunctive messages” to
(which is the person’s best attempt at health) imply an ongoing effect in a person’s life. The
creates an observable coping behavior that word “injunction” is often used in legal pro-
becomes the observable evidence for the ceedings, where it has prohibitive power while
diagnosis of specific injunctive messages. in effect and can cease to have power when it is
The redecision to each injunctive message is revoked. Injunctive messages do not disappear
presented as a process of acquiring a new nor can they be revoked, but they can be coped
belief, and a resolving activity is described with better over time to the point of having
as a practice to strengthen the new belief. little or no effect.
Furthermore, a new internal parental voice The Gouldings (Goulding & Goulding, 1979)
is shown to be a necessary antidote to the defined injunctions as “messages from the
previous internal parental influence. Finally, Child Ego State of Parents, given out of the
a tool is offered for self-diagnosis of various parents’ own pains, unhappiness, anxiety, dis-
injunctive messages using internal responses appointment, anger, frustration, secret desires.
(labeled “bitter” or “healing”) to the injunc- W hile these messages are irrational in terms of
tions. Tw enty-five injunctions are described the child, they may seem perfectly rational to
in terms of five categories: survival, attach- the parent who gives them” (p. 34).
ment, identity, competence, and security. For the purposes of this article, injunctive
______ messages are defined as messages emanating
from parental figures, often outside their aware-
Background ness, that are negative in content, often deliv-
This article summarizes the theoretical find- ered in a context of prohibition, and defeating
ings in four published (McNeel, 1999, 2000, to the natural life urges of existence, attach-
2002a, 2002b) and two unpublished (M cNeel, ment, identity, competence, and security.
2009a, 2009b) articles about redecision therapy The material described in this article is the
and includes an expanded view of injunctions. result of a long, painstaking process lasting
The original concept of injunctions was first over a decade by the people recognized at the
mentioned by Eric Berne (1972) and Claude end of this article. It had its genesis in the be-
Steiner (1971,1974). The interesting history of lief that the Gouldings had created something
the concept is explored elsewhere (M cNeel, of remarkable value in the concept of separate,
2000). In summary, by 1979, Robert and Mary identifiable injunctions. Redecision therapy, as
Goulding had identified and canonized 12 created by the Gouldings, was a modality of

Vol. 40, No. 2, April 2010 159


brief therapy. In their original formula, they injunctive message. W hereas the Gouldings
described a redecision as taking place in a sup- (Goulding, 1972) defined specific decisions in
portive environment while the client was re- response to the Don’t Exist injunction, deci-
gressed. In this way, the client could experi- sions to the other injunctive messages were ad-
ence a past scene in the present, recall an early dressed in the context of each individual’s life.
decision made in that scene in a state of ex- The two decisions I have identified are the de-
tremis, and then actively and consciously make spairing decision and the defiant decision. The
a new decision in the context of that scene. The despairing decision represents the conclusion
expectation was that new behavior would occur by the child faced with an injunctive message
naturally as a result of resolving the past im- that something is wrong with him or her. The
passe. It is interesting to note that the word “re- defiant decision is the child’s best attempt at
decision,” while in common use now for more health, a creative way to resist the injunctive
than 40 years in certain therapeutic circles, is message and master the circumstances. The in-
not actually a word in the English language. junctive messages that had the most power
Even though the Gouldings wrote extensively were those that were embedded in the early en-
about redecisions and redecision therapy, they vironment, repeated over time, and reinforced
do not offer a specific definition in their earlier by parental ignorance, abuse, absence, neglect,
writings regarding what constitutes a redecision. or indifference. The more isolated a child is
In a 1985 presentation Bob Goulding stated: from the consolation of touch, warmth, affec-
Now I want to talk about Redecision thera- tion, and reassurance, the more power the in-
py. Redecision therapy is not simply mak- junctive message has.
ing a decision to be different. It is the pro- Further insight evolved from studying the be-
cess in which we facilitate the client get- haviors exhibited by individuals while opera-
ting into his or her Child Ego State. From ting from the defiant decision. These coping
that state, he relives an old scene and behaviors are created by and emanate from the
changes his or her part in it. (p. 305) defiant decision. In his or her pursuit of health,
However, all those who worked closely with the child adopts certain behaviors with an “I’ll-
and were trained by the Gouldings felt clear show-you” quality. Of course, these behaviors
that a redecision is a powerful event, identifi- are doomed to fail because it is not possible to
able in a moment of time, with the expectation “always be the best” or “never show hurt” and
of lasting, positive consequences. Research (Mc- so on. The failure of the defiant decision re-
Neel, 1975, 1982) indicated positive outcomes veals the deeply held beliefs in the despairing
as a result of redecision therapy, although these decision by exposing painful feelings of inade-
studies failed to offer a definition of a redeci- quacy, being unlovable and unwanted, terror,
sion. Bader and Pearson (1988) offered this defi- or painful vulnerability. Relief for these painful
nition of a redecision and its presumed outcomes: realities is sought by a determined return to the
The Gouldings work to help the client defiant decision. The most remarkable thing
achieve a redecision, which is an autono- about the coping behaviors emanating from the
mous, deep-level decision based in the defiant decision is that they indicate the pres-
child ego state, to no longer respond to the ence of a particular injunctive message. Obser-
injunction received as a child. Thus, the vation of these behaviors then becomes the
redecision represents a cognitive and an means by which the therapist diagnoses and
emotional understanding of one’s life identifies a specific injunctive message rather
script. The results of the redecision pro- than primarily seeking this information through
cess (often carried out within a gestalt dia- the client’s own insight. (A physician would
logue) are strong emotional changes and never ask a patient to diagnose his or her own
congruent changes in behavior. (p. 220) pneumonia.) In this way, each injunctive mes-
In exploring the impact of injunctions on sage has its own signature.
peoples’ lives, I found that there appeared to be W hile it is apparent that some individuals
two distinct decisions in response to each can make rapid, even startling, changes in their

160 Transactional Analysis Journal


lives through psychotherapy, it is also clear that Because they were the source of injunctive
change comes more slowly to others. Many messages, parental figures or persons with the
who were trained primarily in the redecision force of parental authority were not able to
model believed that most people could resolve transmit adequate protection to shield the child
their issues briefly, even dramatically. How- from the ravages of such messages. It is im-
ever, injunctive messages frequently entwine possible for a father who embodies the message
themselves into peoples’ lives in an insidious Don’t Be Close to also transmit effectively the
way, creating vast habit patterns that can feel healthy message, “You can speak words of love
like a part of the person’s personality and char- from your heart.” The parental figure who loves
acter. Changing deeply ingrained patterns is not his child unconditionally and is not overly dis-
an afternoon’s work. This insight alters the abled by mental illness is able to show love
view of redecision therapy from being event through word, action, and touch in a way that
based to process based. Rather than a memor- will not leave that child bereft of defense
able event at a moment in time, it becomes a against any message that says Don’t Exist. Rec-
process of acquiring a new belief, one that is ognizing this collusion between the ancient
original to the individual, novel in its content, Parent and the injunctive message led to the
and vastly protective. All beliefs derived by in- awareness of the need to create a new parental
dividuals in response to injunctive messages voice that, when integrated, reflects wisdom
are erroneous because all injunctive messages and protection. The new parental voice serves
are lies. They only have power because the either to replace a punishing voice or to fill a
falsehood in them is believed. There is no truth void where there was no voice. This is called
to the idea that one should not exist, touch, “the parental stance that heals.”
love, grow up, belong, feel, enjoy, relax, or de- There is one further aspect to the tables pre-
pend on others or to the feeling that one is a sented in the rest of this article: self-diagnostic
failure regardless of how well one succeeds. thoughts. This contains two columns: bitter
The early belief in the inerrancy of injunctive (self-destructive) and healing (self-protective).
messages has a profound impact on the indi- The content of these two columns invites the
vidual and is reinforced over many years of individual to examine the content of his or her
habitual behavior. Discovering a new belief own thoughts. Because injunctive messages are
cognitively is not potent enough to accomplish toxic, they will produce thoughts similar to
profound change on its own. Recognizing that those listed in the bitter (self-destructive) col-
more was needed to effectively install a new umn. If an injunctive message was not present
belief led to the creation of prescribed thoughts or was diluted by the warmth or intervention of
and actions that take place in what is called the protective caretakers, then the thoughts record-
“resolving activity,” which operates like drills ed in the healing (self-protective) column will
in other forms of cognitive behavior therapy. be more representative of the content of the
To someone under the thrall of a particular in- person’s thoughts. If one has identified more
junctive message, the resolving activity (the strongly with the content of the bitter column,
recommended behavior and/or thought) that it is likely that a particular injunctive message
helps to strengthen the new belief will seem has traction and influence in the person’s life.
strange and unfamiliar. For example, it is odd A further function of the healing column is to
for someone with the injunctive message Don’t introduce what for many people will be totally
W ant to ask actively for his needs to be met. original, perhaps even foreign, thoughts. They
For someone with Don’t Be You, it seems alien show how a person thinks who has a strong
to think about her innate gifts and talents and to sense of self-preservation, protection, and little
treasure them. And for the person with Don’t impact from that injunctive message.
Exist, it seems strange, indeed, to accept un- Over the years of working with this material,
conditional affection. Adherence to the pre- five natural categories of injunctive messages
scribed thoughts and behaviors of the resolving emerged: survival, attachment, identity, compe-
activity solidifies the new belief. tence, and security. These categories are dis-

Vol. 40, No. 2, April 2010 161


cussed briefly in upcoming sections along with tion and disappointment with real-life partners
the injunctive messages for each category. (For and friends. Not trusting in the goodness of
a more detailed discussion of each individual others or his or her ability to choose good char-
injunctive message, see McNeel, 1999, 2000, acter, the individual is likely to be both control-
2002a, 200b, 2009a, 2009b). ling and distant in relationships.
W hereas these injunctive messages have cre-
The Survival Injunctions ated a longing for a love never received, the
The injunctive messages in this category are: resolution lies in learning to express warmth,
Don’t Exist, Don’t be W ell, Don’t Trust, Don’t love, and affection. Requisite to this process,
Be Sane, and Don’t Be Important. Sometimes the person must learn to give up anger as a con-
the effects of these injunctions are obvious, as trol agent in relationships, to diagnose charac-
with someone who is actively self-destructive. ter in others more accurately, and to feel safe in
More often the self-destructive drives emana- being dependent on others. Determinism must
ting from these messages are cloaked in social be replaced by acceptance. The person must
and professional pursuits that have the impri- learn to recognize those individuals who hold
matur of success and are admired by society: unconditional affection for him or her and draw
working 80-hour weeks, being driven to perfec- toward them, as opposed to attempting to shape
tion even in trivial matters, or being highly relationships according to the image in his or
competitive. This group is characterized by her mind.
attitudes such as, “I’ll show you,” “I’ll prove Table 3 provides diagnostic information for
myself,” “I’ll be in control,” “I’m the best and the attachment injunctions, and Table 4 shows
proud of it,” and “You can’t stop me.” the self-diagnostic thoughts for the attachment
At the heart of resolving this group of injunc- injunctions.
tive messages is, actually, the heart. One of the
pernicious effects of the survival injunctions is The Identity Injunctions
to cause cynicism about the existence of uncon- The injunctive messages in this category are:
ditional love. The healing process involves Don’t Be You, Don’t Be Separate, Don’t Be
separating out the quest for attention, recogni- Visible, and Don’t (be engaged in your own
tion, and approval and seeing them as different life). In discussing the Don’t Be You injunc-
from affection. These injunctive messages are tion, the Gouldings (Goulding & Goulding,
not resolved in the vacuum of one’s own efforts 1979) often emphasized the impact of this mes-
but by taking in and internalizing the love of sage on gender identity. However, this is a small
others, by making the seeking of affection a top portion of the influence of that injunctive mes-
priority in one’s life. sage in particular and these injunctive messages
Table 1 provides diagnostic information for in general. Their central impact is to leave the
the survival injunctions, and Table 2 shows the person feeling unlikable, bereft of intrinsic
self-diagnostic thoughts for the survival injunc- worth, ashamed, and often fearful of acting on
tions. his or her own behalf. It is not uncommon for
someone with these injunctive messages to put
The Attachment Injunctions on a false front. Because such individuals have
The injunctive messages in this category are: no sense of their real gifts, they are often char-
Don’t Be Close, Don’t Feel Attached, Don’t acterized by envy focused on gifts they see in
Belong, Don’t Be a Child, Don’t W ant, and others and wish they had for themselves.
Don’t Invest. These interfere with the process Learning and knowing one’s gifts as well as
of attachment by leaving the recipient believing one’s shortcomings is the key to resolution in
that he or she is alone in the world and there is this group. Determination to change oneself
no one on whom to depend. Relying on his or into an ideal being or to match the imagined
her imagination, the person is likely to create wishes of another person is replaced. The new
an ideal image of a partner and what that part- drive is to know oneself intimately. Curiosity
ner can provide. This typically leads to frustra- becomes a tool for self-discovery. Shame over

162 Transactional Analysis Journal


Table 1
Diagnostic Table for the Survival Injunctions
The The D espair- The Defiant The Coping The The R esolv- The Parental
Injunctive ing D ecision D ecision (the B ehavior R edecision ing Activity S tance that
M essage (w hat the person’s (which stem s (the new (a process to H eals
person fears best attem pt from the belief) strengthen
to be the at health) defiant the redeci-
truth) decision) sion)

D on’t Exist I should go I will stay here Q uest for ap- U nconditional A cknowledg- Love does
away and you won’t proval/recog- acceptance ing love and exist: R ecog-
break or nition signifi- and affection accepting nition and ap-
defeat m e cant enough exist and are affection proval are not
to allay gifts the affection
despair you crave

D on’t B e W ell N o one ever I have to be T o be driven B oundaries Q uestion S ym pathy is

(d on ’t ta ke pays attention strong (often to (which create what m atters: not nurtur-
care of to m e exhaustion) to m oderation) H ow m uch is ance: Your
yourself) m eet huge are worth enough? life is worth
expectations m ore than preserving
accum ulating
num bers

D on’t Trust I’m terrified I only trust m e C ontrolling I can choose Look for char- T here are
and the to trust acter strength people and
defenseless environm ent and w eak - prom ises in
ness in peo- which you can
ple (evaluate believe

D on’t B e T here is no I’ll be H atred of self T here is a S eek A ll parents

S ane help in the supernorm al and others; way out (of continually did the best
world (for m y vengeful m isery) the “treasure” they could
feelings of of with what they
craziness) reassurance had (it wasn’t

D on’t B e I’m worthless I’ll be great, A lways tries I can be full G iving P ride (hubris)
Im portant bigger than to have an (of the attention to is not self-
life effect: often goodness of those who will esteem
interrupts, life) “love m e the
dom inates, rest of their
exaggerates; lives”
accepts too
m uch

Table 2
Self-Diagnostic Thoughts for the Survival Injunctions
The Injunctive M essage The Bitter (S elf-D estructive) R esponse The Healing (S elf-P rotective) R esponse

D on’t E xist D eep in m y heart I hate m y life (look what a I know m y life is precious and I cherish it.
m ess it is).

D on’t Be W ell I look tired and exhausted (but don’t allow T here is tim e for m e in m y life, and I do what
others to take care of m e). is healthy for m e.

D on’t Trust O ften I feel I am betrayed. I have safe people and places in m y life.

D on’t B e S ane P arents (parental figures) m ak e (have I feel love for m e and forgiveness for them
m ade) m e feel crazy. (parental figures.

D on’t B e Im portant I feel I m ust respond to everything (and with I know to whom I m atter and what m atters in
equal energy). m y life.

Vol. 40, No. 2, April 2010 163


Table 3
Diagnosis Table for the Attachment Injunctions
The The D espair- The Defiant The Coping The The R esolv- The Parental
injunctive ing D ecision D ecision (the B ehavior R edecision ing Activity S tance that
M essage (w hat the person’s (w hich (the new (a process to H eals
person fears best attem pt stem s from belief) strengthen
to be the at health) the defiant the
truth) decision) redecision)

D on’t B e I’m I’ll find it Looking for I can survive G iving love You can say “I
C lose abandoned (perfect love) love (“in all living with an (being love you” (the
(and I’ll await out there the wrong open heart verbally and words out
your return) places”) physically loud) from
affectionate) your heart

D on’t Feel I don’t exist I won’t be D eterm ined I don’t get to C onsciously You m ust
A ttached (in relation to denied to m ake focus choose or recognize know what
anyone) (whatever/ relationship(s) determ ine your posses- brings pain to
whom ever I work (feels who lik es m e siveness those you love
seek) possessive, (envy) and re- (and refrain
controlling, place it with from those
m anipulative) protectiveness behaviors)

D on’t Belong I can’t show I don’t care A pattern of T o forswear G iving A ffection is
how m uch I (about others) isolating using anger invitations to m ore powerful
care oneself (being to create people and than hostility
“shy”) distance in inviting self in

D on’t Be A T here is no I don’t need S uper respon- I am not a C ontem plate R eceiving
C hild one (I can anyone sible (always m achine the sweetness is
depend on) a giver, never “sweetness of not a
a receiver) dependency” weak ness

D on’t W ant I always try to I won’t want Always putting I can survive M ak e You can ask
please (but I anything from the real or im a- the requests daily for/request
never can) m y heart gined wants of displeasure of anything
others first others

D on’t Invest N o love is I’ll keep m y A lways I can be “all C onsciously Your love is
unconditional distance involved in in” (with turning to- (can be) a
(from people) m ultiple op- certain ward loved source of
tions (and/or people) ones (not reassurance
people) away)

Table 4
Self-Diagnostic Thoughts for the Attachment Injunctions
The Injunctive M essage The Bitter (S elf-D estructive Response) The Healing (S elf-P rotective) R esponse

D on’t B e C lose In relationships I am watchful and try to Instead of trying to be invulnerable, I let
leave (physically and/or em otionally) people love m e.
before others leave m e.

D o n’t Fe el A tta ched If I am honest with m yself, I know I I am protective of the people who have true
withhold com passion and understanding. affection for m e (especially m yself).

D on’t B elong I feel as if no one likes m e. I surround myself with people I love very much.

D on’t B e A C hild I’m always the caretaker, not the one cared for. I am so thankful for those on whom I can depend.

D on’t W ant I give up easily (and adapt to the desires of I am clear: My yes is yes and m y no is no, and
others). I am deeply loyal to m yself and m y principles.

D on’t Invest I don’t know of anyone for whom I would I would be bereft beyond words if I were to
be willing to die. lose certain people

164 Transactional Analysis Journal


one’s perceived shortcomings or vulnerabilities one’s own needs. Table 5 provides diagnostic
is replaced by a willingness to be known in information for the identity injunctions, and
vulnerability and to learn more about oneself Table 6 shows the self-diagnostic thoughts for
through the eyes of others. A certain adaptive the identity injunctions.
shyness gives way to assertiveness in meeting

Table 5
Diagnostic Table for the Identity Injunctions
The The The Defiant The Coping The The The Parental
Injunctive D espairing D ecision (the B ehavior R edecision R esolving S tance that
M essage D ecision person’s (w hich (the new Activity (a H eals
(w hat the best attem pt stem s from belief) process to
person fears at health) the defiant strengthen
to be the decision) the
truth) redecision)

D on’t Be You S om eone I’ll be perfect T rying to be T here is a C onsciously You are
im portant som eone real person love the gifts precious and
doesn’t like im agined, dis- here I never that you (or beautiful: I
me sociating from allowed you others) have love all
certain as- (and/or m e) to hated aspects of
pects of one’s k now you

D on’t B e I’m not I’ll be careful S ubm issive, C onflict is a S eeking You m ust
S eparate supposed to to be just passively precious opportunities m ake it easier
have a what you angry, and opportunity to define (not for people to
persona of want (I’ll conflict for learning/ defend) criticize you
m y own m ake you avoidant sharing/ oneself (give you
OK) individuating feedback )

D on’t B e I’m asham ed I’ll hide in A ppearing I don’t have to R eveal your W hat you
V isible of m e (or m y plain sight suprem ely be asham ed hidden self (in keep hidden
fam ily) confident or of being safety) can harm you
as having no vulnerable
problem s

D on’t (be W hatever I do I won’t m ove C ontrolled by It is not S eek daily to You are not
engaged in seem s wrong until it (the a fear of possible to do som ething here to be
your own life) world) feels future out- rem ove risk that was com fortable
safe com e (always from life by previously but to live
dream ing of a being “frozen” postponed your life
“risk-free” due to anxiety

Table 6
Self-Diagnostic Thoughts for the Identity Injunctions
The Injunctive M essage The Bitter (S elf-D estructive) R esponse The Healing (S elf-P rotective) R esponse

D on’t B e You I fear being exposed as an im poster. I’m fascinated to be discovering m yself,
warts, gifts, and all.

D on’t Be S eparate I feel I exist in the opinions of others and I’m curious to know m y own thoughts and
try m y best to create a pleasing im age. values as opposed to those of others.

D on’t B e V isible O ther people don’t really know m e at all I allow others to see m y private (vulnerable)
(only m y public self). self and know I am worthy of this attention.

D on’t (be engaged in your T here are m any things in life I won’t do C haracteristically, if som ething m ak es m e
own life) (but would like to do). anxious (but is actually safe), I do it.

Vol. 40, No. 2, April 2010 165


The Competence Injunctions balance is to create a more accurate perspective

The injunctive messages in this category are: about life in general and about one’s own capa-
Don’t Make It, Don’t Grow Up, Don’t Think, cities in particular. This is accomplished by
and Don’t Feel Successful. The handicaps cre- placing learning at the center of life, allowing
ated by these messages often do not appear to old prejudices and the habits that came from
be disadvantages at all. People with these mes- them to fall away, and adopting good models of
sages are often focused on being fixers of prob- competence to learn from and emulate. People
lems large and small. They are determined to with these injunctive messages must allow them-
prove themselves in all situations and are strong selves to surrender the unrealistic expectations
minded, even overbearing. But these are the that have created their sense of failure even
manifestations of the coping behaviors that when they have observable successes in life.
cover their sense of failure for not realizing all The goal is to allow the way life is conducted
of their expectations, blame for not making all with its intentions and direction to be the mea-
situations better, being lost underneath their sure of their self-esteem, not its results.
bravado, or not being very intelligent (even if Table 7 provides diagnostic information for
gifted with a high IQ). Everything is subject to the competence injunctions, and Table 8 offers
the tyranny of expectation. the self-diagnostic thoughts for the competence
For these individuals, the key to finding greater injunctions.

Table 7
Diagnostic Table for the Competence Injunctions
The The The Defiant The Coping The The The Parental
Injunctive D espairing D ecision (the B ehavior R edecision R esolving S tance that
M essage D ecision person’s (w hich (the new Activity (a H eals
(w hat the best attem pt stem s from belief) process to
person fears at health) the defiant strengthen
to be the decision) the
truth) redecision)

D on’t Make It I’m sorry I’ll show you S triving for T here is no C onsciously Your (m any)
(guilty) I’m not and I’ll prove the ideal in failure or record all accom plish-
good enough m yself better everything m istak es, personal m ents belong
than every- (but only learning, victories and to you
one else preoccupied and I love accom plish-
(arrogant) with failure) learning m ents

D on’t G row I don’t know I have to fend P seudo inde- It’s good (and Look for and C hoose good
Up what to do for m yself in pendence (a necessary) to integrate m odels for
the world “little person” im itate those I advice and your life
trying to look adm ire instruction
grown up)

D on’t T hink I’m not very I can/m ust Iron-clad I can learn Intentionally Life is too
sm art and im pose m y habits, and change learn about com plex to
feel inferior beliefs on prejudices, m y views and respect get it right (to
(ignorant) others (be views, and (tolerate the view s, know
dom inant) behaviors am biguity) wisdom , and absolute
sk ill of others truth)

D on’t Feel I always feel I m ust take Im m ediate (H um an) pain T o conscious- T he person
S uccessful blam ed care of (fix) blam e of self is not m y fault ly enjoy you seek to
everyone or others for and is not an efforts m ade be m akes you
(and anything indictm ent of on behalf of successful
everything) wrong me others

166 Transactional Analysis Journal


Table 8
Self-Diagnostic Thoughts for the Competence Injunctions
The Injunctive M essage The Bitter (S elf-D estructive) R esponse The Healing (S elf-P rotective) R esponse

D on’t Make It (S ecretly) I feel a failure about m y life. It’s rem arkable how m uch I’ve achieved.

D on’t G row U p W hile growing up, no one told m e (or showed T here are m any people I adm ire and from
m e) what to do. whom I continue to learn.

D on’t T hink M y way is (and has to be) the only right way, C hange is inevitable (including m y view of
for I possess the truth. life) and am biguity is m y friend.

D on’t Feel S uccessful If only I had been different or done differently, I love the effort I put into m y life.
I wouldn’t feel so burdened by regret.

The Security Injunctions vulnerability. Rather than feeling set apart from
The injunctive messages in this category are: other human beings with a smug sense of superi-
Don’t Enjoy, Don’t Be Thankful, Don’t Feel, ority, they see some likeness of themselves in
Don’t Relax (Feel Safe), Don’t Share Your all they meet. It is possible for them to relax,
Life, and Don’t Touch. Taken together, this set enjoy, and be grateful for all the blessings in
of messages negatively affects the level of in- the current moment. Security is a state attained
ternal security a person feels in life and creates in the present, with all its flaws, as opposed to
a distorted view. Subject to these influences, a dreamed-of future event.
people create a deeply flawed model of security Table 9 provides diagnostic information for
demonstrated by almost superhuman qualities. the security injunctions, and Table 10 offers
They aspire to be someone who is more Teflon self-diagnostic thoughts for the security injunc-
than human, thus not harmed by slights or ad- tions (see page 169).
versity. They have a response for any situation
and are master of their feelings. Through vigi- Conclusion
lance, they believe they should be able to keep The recent death of Mary Goulding reminds
any unfortunate event from happening. Uncon- all of us who knew her and had the privilege to
sciously, such individuals seek security by con- work and train with the Gouldings of the re-
trolling events so that bad never befalls them or markable legacy she and Bob left behind. First
those close to them. Lacking good models for and foremost, they were advocates for the
what healthy security looks like, their eye is client and believed that everyone should have
drawn toward other “superman” types whom the opportunity to reach his or her highest po-
they aspire to imitate (or conquer), never rec- tential. They were courageous in their pioneer-
ognizing the core of insecurity that such behav- ing efforts to create a more efficient psycho-
ior actually reveals. They expect that their quest therapy. I hope that the material contained in
for more of whatever holds their focus will this article will add in some significant way to
bring them the internal peace and security that the redecision therapy literature and to the
continues to elude them. theory of injunctions, in particular.
Paradoxically, a major element in the resolu- The contents of this article are admittedly
tion of these injunctive messages is the accep- subjective, although based on years of studious
tance of suffering as a natural force in life, one observation and a remarkable number of hours
that visits prince and pauper alike. This relieves of debate and theoretical thinking. It is easy to
a terrible burden. Instead of a headlong pursuit imagine that one could take issue with the
of false riches, individuals with security injunc- defined categories of injunctive messages as
tions begin to understand that the truly secure well as with the selection of the specific injunc-
person uses gratitude, memory, compassion, tive messages in each category. Likewise, one
the care of other people, and empathy for them- could debate the interpretive material contained
selves as sources of assurance during periods of in the tables. The single most outstanding ele-

Vol. 40, No. 2, April 2010 167


ment of the entire process was discovering over articles that were the basis of this article were
and over again the nonlinear effect of the in- dedicated to Dr. James Edward Heenan, 1925-
junctive messages. W hat made intuitive sense 1998, “a redecision therapist of penetrating
as a logical decision did not turn out to be the perspicacity, the kindest humor, and infinite
words that actually captured the true sense of sweetness.”)
the injunctive message and its impact. It was
fascinating to track through them and discover REFERENCES
Bader, E., & Pearson, P. (1988). In quest of the mythical
the elements that resolved them. It was hearten-
mate. A developmental approach to diagnosis and
ing to find that affection, trust, expressed love, treatment in couples therapy. New York: Brunner/
curiosity, gratitude, admiration, forgiveness, re- Mazel.
moving perfectionism, accepting one’s humani- Berne, E. (1972). What do you say after you say hello?:
ty, discovering one’s unique gifts, healthy de- The psychology of human destiny. New York: Grove
pendency, memory, consciously directing one’s Goulding, M. M., & Goulding, R. L. (1979). Changing
life, and forming a philosophy of life based on lives through redecision therapy. New York: Brunner/
wisdom rather than wishes were the core of Mazel.
resolution for the damage inflicted by these Goulding, R. L. (1972). New directions in transactional
analysis: Creating an environment for redecision and
life-limiting messages. change. In C. J. Sager & H. S. Kaplan (Eds.), Progress
in group and family therapy (pp. 105-134). New York:
John R. McNeel, Ph.D., is a Certified Teach- Brunner/Mazel.
ing Member of the ITAA. He trained with Bob Goulding, R. L. (1985). Group therapy: Mainline or side-
line? In J. K. Zeig (Ed.), The evolution of psycho-
and Mary Goulding in the early 1970s at Mt. therapy (pp. 300-306). New York: Brunner/Mazel.
Madonna and joined the faculty of the Western McNeel, J. R. (1975). Redecisions in psychotherapy: A
Institute for Group and Family Therapy in 1975. study of the effects of an intensive weekend group
His dissertation, Redecisions in Psychotherapy: workshop. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, California
School of Professional Psychology, San Francisco,
A Study of the Effects of a W eekend Group
Therapy W orkshop, was the first to study syste- McNeel, J. R. (1982). Redecisions in psychotherapy: A
matically the Gouldings’ work. John was edi- study of the effects of an intensive weekend group
tor of the Transactional Analysis Journal from workshop. Transactional Analysis Journal, 12, 10-26.
McNeel, J. R. (1999). Redecision therapy as a process of
1980-1983. He has taught the concepts of re-
new belief acquisition. Journal of Redecision Therapy,
decision therapy extensively within the United 1, 103-115
States and internationally. Currently vice presi- McNeel, J. R. (2000). Redecision therapy as a process of
dent and a founding member of the Redecision new belief acquisition: The survival injunctions.
Journal of Redecision Therapy, 2, 32-48.
Therapy Association, he is a psychologist in
McNeel, J. R. (2002a). Redecision therapy as a process of
private practice in Palo Alto, California, and new belief acquisition: The identity injunctions. Jour-
can be contacted at 467 Hamilton Avenue, nal of Redecision Therapy, 2, 123-134.
Suite 5, Palo Alto, California 94301, U.S.A.; McNeel, J. R. (2002b). Redecision therapy as a process of
email: jrmwbgva@aol.com . new belief acquisition: The attachment injunctions.
Journal of Redecision Therapy, 2, 108-122.
For over a decade the following individuals McNeel, J. R. (2009a). Redecision therapy as a process of
made remarkable contributions to the work new belief acquisition: The competence injunctions.
described in this article: Penny McNeel, Nina Unpublished manuscript.
Miller, Ruth Thurlow, Mark and Susan Faurot, McNeel, J. R. (2009b). Redecision therapy as a process of
new belief acquisition: The security injunctions. Un-
Joanna Greenslade, Ellen Deker, Rebecca Dek- published manuscript.
ker, Susan Tipton, Maria Luisa de Luca, Carla Steiner, C. (1971). Games alcoholics play: The analysis of
Maria de Nitto, Lucia Frattero, M aria I’ life scripts. New York: Random House.
Scoliere, Mary Kay Bigelow, Diana Pearce, Steiner, C. (1974). Scripts people live: Transactional
analysis of life scripts. New York: Random House.
Lorraine Priscaro, Cathy Martin, Joyce Lauter- Stewart, I., & Joines, V. (1987). TA today: A new intro-
back, Judy Justin, Joe Shaub, Mariel Pastor- duction to transactional analysis. Nottingham, Eng-
Simanson, Penny Fletcher, Andrew Whaling, land, and Chapel Hill, NC: Lifespace Publishing.
and Robert Lloyd. (The original series of six

168 Transactional Analysis Journal


Table 9
Diagnostic Table for the Security Injunctions
The The D espair- The Defiant The Coping The The Resolving The Parental
Injunctive ing D ecision D ecision (the B ehavior R edecision Activity (a S tance that
M essage (what the per- person’s best (w hich stem s (the new process to H eals
son fears to attem pt at from the defi- belief) strengthen the
be the truth) health) ant decision) redecision)

D on’t I feel em pty I’ll do m ore Life is full of lots T here is joy S aying “no” to You don’t
E njoy than everyone of events (great in life, but I extraneous have to be
(and becam e and otherwise) can’t create opportunities fam ous or
legend) it by being and events even great to
busy enjoy your life

D on’t B e I (we) have I’ll have Insatiable (for M ore never, B eing thankful H appiness
T hankful nothing everything things, power, never, for what has com es from
attention, never leads previously been feeling/being
privilege, to enough taken for thankful
access) granted

D on’t Feel N o one cares I will defend B eing very N IC E B eing nice M onitor and You have an
(w hat I feel) m yself (by or proper (but is not being elim inate the entire
hiding m y evincing little or tender or intensity of em otional
feelings) no em pathy for com pas- reaction that world inside
others or self) sionate covers of you
com passion

D on’t I’m I m ust be M ind always in S uffering is C reate a You can (and
R elax overwhelm ed vigilant (to m otion anticipa- not failure m em ory bank of will) handle
(don’t feel and afraid keep bad ting and sug- (but part of hardships faced what com es
safe) things from gesting future life) and overcom e up, so calm
happening) negative events yourself

D on’t T here is I’ll em phasize A certain My life story Listen with curi- You m ust not
S hare som ething and/or enact quickness of (unedited) is osity to know be rem ote (or
Your Life wrong with m y vast response to all a gift to be the essence of god like) but
(inferior superiority am biguity or shared with others’ lives, let giving of your
about) m e challenge those I love them know yours life

D on’t T here is no I’ll be bullet A n attitude of I actually Allow, encourage T here is great
T ouch protection in proof “nothing hurts need (and people to (safely) goodness in
the world m e” like) physically, ver- expressed
affection bally touch you warm th

Table 10
Self-diagnostic Thoughts for the Security Injunctions
The Injunctive M essage The Bitter (S elf-D estructive) R esponse The Healing (S elf-P rotective) R esponse

D on’t E njoy I com fort m yself with being busy and often in W hen alone I enjoy m y own com pany (with-
a hurry toward the future. out chem ical assistance or hectic activity).

D on’t Be T hankful It is difficult for m e to reflect on what m ay be I am thankful for what is in m y life, espe-
m y blessings. cially what I m ay have taken for granted.

D on’t Feel I feel envious of those who are well cared for. I am well cared for.

D on’t R elax (don’t feel I strive to be constantly proactive (to never I know suffering is part of life and so is
safe) fail, let down, or allow bad things to happen). being com forted.

D on’t S hare Your Life I tend to feel either inferior or superior to I feel a com m on hum anity with people.
others and often superior.

D on’t Touch I feel proud of the harshness I endured during I feel great em pathy for m y young self.
m y childhood.

Vol. 40, No. 2, April 2010 169

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