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Postgraduate Medicine

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Megaloblastic anemia

William B. Castle

To cite this article: William B. Castle (1978) Megaloblastic anemia, Postgraduate Medicine, 64:4,
117-122, DOI: 10.1080/00325481.1978.11714952

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Published online: 07 Jul 2016.

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Fourth of five
symposium articles
in this issue
William B. Castle, MD

In the majority of cases, megaloblastic anemia is

Megaloblastic due to either folie acid or vitam in B12 deficiency.
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Folie acid deficiency is usually caused by inade-

anem1a quate dietary intake, whereas vitamin B 12
deficiency is almost always related to a specifie ab-
sorption defect. Differentiation between the two
types of deficiency is important but is impossible
by blood and bone marrow morphology alone.

Megaloblastic anemia, usually due to vitamin 8 12

Consider or folie acid deficiency, is marked by normo-
chromic macrocytes and smaller poikilocytes in
What are the t_vpical hematologic.findings in the blood and megaloblastic changes in erythroid
megaloblastic anemia due tofolic acid or vitam in cells in the bane marrow.
B12 de.ficiency?
Clinicat presentation
How does the pathogenesis offolie acid de.ficiency Anemia with pallor and slight icterus; sore
differfrom that ofvitamin Bu de.ficiency? mouth and smooth tangue; and "indigestion,"
constipation, or diarrhea occur in bath vitamin B12
If serumfolate and vitam in B12/evels are deficiency and folate deficiency. Persistent numb-
unavailable or available on/y in retrospect, how ness and tingling of the extremities, difficulty in
should megaloblastic anemia be managed? fine motions of the fingers, and unstable walking
are typical only of vitamin B12 deficiency; in-
deed, they can be precipitated by folie acid admin-
istration in that condition. Owing to graduai de-
velopment, even of considerable anemia, circula-
tory adjustments favoring oxygen transport may
allow comfort at rest.
Megaloblastic anemia due to folie acid
deficiency may develop in infants with a history of
prolonged breast or bottle feeding without supple-
mentation with ascorbic acid or solid food. Heat-
ing of formula or long cooking of food may !essen
folate content. Diarrhea may be either the cause or
the result of folate malabsorption. Alcoholism di-
minishes folate intake and inhibits assimilation or
metabolism. Long deprivation is not required, as
the half-life of folate in the body is only about a
month and may be shortened by the increased
metabolic demands of pregnancy, chronic hemo-


The clinical triad: Pallor, sore
mouth, and paresthesias, the last a
sign of probable vitamin 8 12

lytic anemia, intravenous hyperalimentation, or tory of gastric or small-bowel surgery or chronic

malignancy. pancreatitis also raises that possibility. Such
Megaloblastic anemia due to dietary deficiency precipitating causes may precede clinical onset of
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of vitamin B12 does not occur except in the most anemia by several years because the biologie half-
dedicated vegetarians (no meat or dairy products). life of vitamin B12 is about a year unless shortened
Rarely, inadequate maternai endowment or reces- by a protein-losing enteropathy (eg, acute tropical
sive hereditary defects of assimilation may cause sprue).
vitamin B12 malabsorption within the first year of
life. In an adult, a familial or persona} history of Diagnosis
"anemia," early graying of the hair, or vitiligo sug- Megaloblastic anemia will not be undetected if
gests absorption defect. Previous discontinuation a hemoglobin or hematocrit determination is
of liver extract or vitamin B12 injections or a his- made. Macroscopic methods demonstrate a mean
corpuscular volume of 100 to 140 cu J.L and mean
corpuscular hemog1obin concentration of 32% to
Table 1. Pathogenesls of folate deflciency 34%. The typical oval macrocytes are usually ap-
Fooddefect Utllizatlon defect
parent on microscopie <!xamination of a stained
Lack Ascorbic acid deficiency blood film, but the characteristic increase in the
Overcooking Liver disease number of lobes (five or more) of the nuclei of sev-
Antileukemic drugs
Assimilation defect (Jejunum era} large polymorphonuclear leukocytes is often
and ileum) lncreased requlrement more obvious. Mod•!rate leukopenia and
Celiac disease, sprue, etc Growth of fetus, tumors
Alcoholism, anticonvulsants (?) lncreased hematopoiesis thrombocytopenia are usual, and with severe ane-
mia an occasional nucl<!ated RBC or myelocyte
may be seen. Young basophilie ("shift") RBCs are
Table 2. Pathogenesis of vitamln 8 12 deflciency few, as is confirmed by the low reticulocyte count
( l% to 3%) obtained after supravital staining.
Lack of animal protein As the important distinction between vitamin
Veganism B12 deficiency anemia and folie acid deficiency
Gastrlc defect: Lack of lntrlnsic factor (IF) anemia cannot be made from blood or bone mar-
Congenital: lsolated, recessive (HCI+) row morphology, the respective serum levels
Acquired: Gastritis, gastrectomy (HCI-)
should be determined at once. When such
ParasHic competition
Diphyllobothrium latum
Bacteria in diverticula
Stenoses Table 3. Phases of vltamin 8 12 assimilation
1. lntrinsic factor (IF) competitively binds vitamin 8 12
Pancreatic defect Acquired lack of trypsln released from food, especi 'illy at acid pH
Malabsorption: Distal ileal defects Il. IF-8 12 complex en routeto ileum is resistantto pepsin,
Congenital: lsolated, recessive (HCI+, IF+) chymotrypsin, and parasitEIS
Regional: Resection or disease Ill. IF-8 12 complex adheres to microvilli of epithelial cells
Diffuse: Sprue or celiac disease in distal part of ileum. Ca+-t, trypsin, and pH >6.5 are
Transport defects (parenteral)
lntravascular: Recessive lack of transcobalamin Il IV. Species-related release of 11itamin 8 12 to interior of ileal
lntracellular: Congenitallack of vitam in 8 12 binder epithelial cells occui-s en rcute to blood


The dual causality: ln folate de-
ficiency, dietary lack is usual; in
vitamin B12 deficiency, a prolonged
specifie absorption defect is
al most always present.

information is available in retrospect, the diagno- megakaryocytes may display immature dispersion
sis of megaloblastic anemia can be confirmed by a of chromatin. A point to remember is that the
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 19:50 17 August 2017

rise in the reticulocyte count beginning by the megaloblastic character of the marrow morpho!.:.
third day and becoming maximal by the tenth day ogy is greatly modified by a day or two of effective
in response to a single injection of 100 J.lg of vita- therapy with the deficient vitamin or in vitamin 8 12
min 8 12 and the daily oral administration of 1 to 3 deficiency by a Schilling test. For this reason the
mg of folie acid. Ifvitamin 8 12 deficiency was pres- Schilling test should not be performed early.
ent initially, the serum leve! will be Jess than 100
pg/ ml; with folate deficiency, it will be Jess than 5 Pathogenesis
J.lg! ml. When such data are available in ad vance, Table 1 summarizes the mechanisms of folate
the diagnostic trial can be conducted with the ap- deficiency already touched on. Folate occurs in
propriate vitamin. A satisfactory clinical response foods mainly in the form of "conjugates,"
may make bone marrow biopsy or hospital admis- pteroylglutamic acid to which two to six addi-
sion unnecessary. tional glutamic acid molecules are gamma-linked.
A Jack of the expected response to a diagnostic Normally in passage across small-intestinal cells,
trial suggests either the inhibitory effect of chronic these glutamate molecules are enzymatically re-
infection, uremia, or malignancy or an error in di- moved and much of the resulting monoglutamate
agnosis. In the former instance, the complication is reduced and methylated to become the
must if possible be eliminated. The possibility of metabolically active methyltetrahydrofolate of
mistaken diagnosis necessitates further study the serum. Interference with this process may oc-
including bone marrow biopsy by needle and syr- continued
inge or trocar to distinguish aplastic anemia,
refractory anemia with cellular marrow, William B. Cast le
preleukemia, aleukemia, and erythroleukemia. Dr Castle is Francis W. Pcabody
Faculty Professor of Medicine.
Any of these may present with anemia, leukope- Emeritus. Harvard Medical
nia, and thrombocytopenia, and recognition of School. Boston. He served as Dis-
tinguished Physician in the Vet-
erythroleukemia is especially difficult because of erans Administration and isacon-
the "megaloblastoid" appearance of early red cell sultant in medicine at the Veterans
precursors that may precede myeloblastic Administration Hospital. West
Roxbury. Massachusetts.
In untreated nutritional megaloblastic anemia,
the bone marrow is hypercellular and the ratio of
myeloid precursors to erythroid precursors ap-
proaches unity (normal ratio, 4: 1) because of in-
creased production of megaloblastic red cell pre-
cursors. The hallmark of megaloblastosis is Jack of
condensation of nuclear chromatin relative to the
degree of hemoglobinization of the cytoplasm.
This is most apparent in the more mature mem-
bers of the erythroid series. ln addition, there are
many large metamyelocytes with C-shaped or dis-
torted nuclei, and the lobes of the nuclei of


The laboratory diagnoses:
Macrocytic anemia, megaloblastic
changes on marrow biopsy, and low
serum folate or vitam in B12 level, in
increasing order of accuracy.

tamin 8 12 assimilation, any one of which may be

interrupted. X-ray films may show evidence of to-
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 19:50 17 August 2017

tal or partial gastrectomy or distal ileal disease or

resection. With jejunal diverticula, stenoses, or
blind loops, nutritional ,;ompetition by a luxuri-
ant bacterial flora may deprive the patient of vita-
min 8 12 • Diarrhea, abd,)minal pain, and trans-
verse irregular retroperitoneal calcification sug-
gest chronic pancreatitis and Jack of trypsin
Part 1 of the Schilling test, performed with
radioisotope-labeled vitamin 8 12 given orally as a
tracer, shows poor assimilation with any kind of
absorption defect. Results of part 2, performed
with vitamin 8 12 and hog intrinsic factor, approxi-
mate normal only when the defect is solely Jack of
human intrinsic factor. Congenital defects of ileal
assimilation are uncommon, and parenteral trans-
port defects are very rare indeed.
In the body, folate and vitamin 8 12 are normally
involved in interdependent biochemical processes
leading to the eventual synthesis of nuclear DNA
(figure 1). Vitamin 8 12 functions as the coenzyme
Figure 1. Biochemistry of vitamin 8 12 folate interrelationships with methylcobalamin. With its help, methyltetra-
respect to DNA synthesis. hydrofolate donates a methyl group to
Adap!ed.from Waxman S. Melz J. Herber! V: Defeuiw DNA srmhesis homocysteine, and so as tetrahydrofolate is ready
in human mega/oh/asiic bone marrow: E'ffeC!s o( lwmocysieine and to become the essenti.:.l molecule methylene
meihionine. J Clin lm•esl 48:284-289. /969. tetrahydrofolate. Methylene tetrahydrofolate is
the unique methyl-group donor to the enzyme
cur with alcoholism or various intestinal disorders thymidylate synthetase (not shown), which causes
detectable by x-ray films, depressed xylose or fat deoxyuridylate to becorne deoxymethyluridylate
absorption, or jejunal mucosal biopsy. Severe di- (ie, thymidylate), an e:;sential component of
etary deficiency of ascorbic acid may interfere DNA. Thus, in effect, vitamin 8 12 deficiency con-
with folie acid reduction, as severa! antileukemic ditions a metabolic deficiency of methylene
drugs do even more effectively. tetrahydrofolate secondarily, while folie acid
Vitamin 8 12 deficiency is almost always due to deficiency does so more directly. Delayed synthe-
sorne specifie type of malabsorption (table 2). Gas- sis of DNA and consequent delayed nuclear divi-
tric anacidity after betazole stimulation is invaria- sion and maturation due to deficiency of either vi-
ble in pernicious anemia in association with Jack tamin thus are express1!d morphologically as
of intrinsic factor, which occurs in the presence of megalo blastosis.
acid secretion only in a rare congenital disorder of A second coenzyme of vitamin 8 12- adenosylco-
childhood. Table 3 defi nes the normal phases of vi- balamin, may be involved in synthesis of the mye-


Figure 2. Plasma clearance and
RBC utilization of radioiron
(S9 fe) in normal persons, patients
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 19:50 17 August 2017

with erythroid hypoplasia, and

patients with ineffective erythro-
poiesis, as in vitam in 8 12 or folate

A dapted from Ers/el' A J,

Gabu=da TG: Pathophysiology
of 8/ood. Philadelphia, WB
Saunders Co, 1975.

lin nerve sheath, and its deficiency may lead to moglobin in the circulating R8Cs. Similar mea-
characteristic combined system disease. In vita- surements in normal persons and in patients with
min 8 12 deficiency, abnormal fatty acids with erythroid hypoplasia are shown for comparison.
odd numbers of carbon atoms have been found in
peripheral nerves on biopsy. Therapy
The megaloblastic anemias are the result not Clinical evidence of circulatory distress rather
only of delayed nuclear maturation but also of a than the "book values" for the anemia predicate
hemolytic process within the bone marrow. This cautious transfusion of l or 2 units of packed
"ineffective erythropoiesis" causes release of much R8Cs. Otherwise, transfusion is undesirable if
hemoglobin from the red cell precursors, specifie therapy is begun promptly. If serum levels
including reticulocytes, that disintegrate in the of folate and vitamin 8 12 are pending or unavaila-
bone marrow. Catabolism of this hemoglobin by ble, treatment should be begun at once: injections
the reticuloendothelial cells of the marrow and of lOO p.g of vitamin 8 12 once a week and oral ad-
liver accounts for the increased iron stores in those ministration of l to 3 mg of folie acid daily for a
organs and the bilirubinemia. Figure 2 illustrates month. Meanwhile, if serum vitamin levels were
the ferrokinetics of the situation in megaloblastic not initially available, subsequent clinical analysis
anemia: rapid decline in the plasma level of must attempt to distinguish folate from vitamin
radioiron as it enters the active early erythroid pre- 8 12 deficiency.
cursor cells of the marrow and, in contrast, its de- If vitamin 8 12 deficiency is possible, prolonged
layed and diminished reappearance as labeled he- therapy with folie acid alone is hazardous to the


The specifie treatment: Folie ac id,
1 to 3 mg daily by mouth, or vitam in
Bm 1 00 pg once a month by

nervous system and except in the presence of Decreased levels of folate or vitamin B12 are the
diffuse intestinal disease, pregnancy, or chronic most reliable criteria of megaloblastic anemia.
Downloaded by [Australian Catholic University] at 19:50 17 August 2017

hemolytic anemia is unnecessary. On the other With these available in advance, therapy with the
hand, unless the cause of malabsorption of vita- appropriate vitamin can be begun at once. If se-
min 8 12 can be corrected by antibiotics or surgery, rum levels are unavailable or available only in ret-
the injection of 100 J.lg ofvitamin 8 12 once a month rospect, initial treatment, especially of severe ane-
should be continued throughout !ife. mia, should be with both vitamins. Differentiation
between folate and vitarnin B12 deficiency is impor-
Summary tant but impossible by blood and bone marrow
morphology alone. Thus, if serum levels are una-
Most, but not ali, megaloblastic anemia is pro- vailable, the distinction must be made, sometimes
duced by "ineffective erythropoiesis" in the bone retrospectively, on the basis of other laboratory
marrow due to either folie acid or vitamin B12 examinations, such as gastric analysis, small-
deficiency. In folie a cid deficiency the cause bowel x-ray films, and the Schilling test.
frequently is inadequate dietary intake, whereas
vitamin B12 deficiency is almost always condi- Reprints will not be availablc.

tioned by sorne specifie type of malabsorption.

Anemia with oval macrocytes, few reticulocytes, CME Credit Quit bcgins on page LW.

moderate leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia is

typical of both. Aplastic anemia, refractory ane- Herbert V: Megaloblastic anem1as. ln Beeson PB. McDermott W
mias with cellular marrow, preleukemia, (Editors): Textbook of Medicine. Ed 14. Philadelphia. WB Saun-
aleukemia, and erythroleukemia may have some- ders Co. 1975. pp 1404-1413
Megaloblastic anaemia. Clin Haernatol. Oct 1976
what similar blood findings but are usually recog- Wintrobe MM. Lee .IR. Boggs DR. et al: Clinical Hematology: Ed 7.
nizable from bone marrow biopsy. Philadelphia. Lea & Febiger. 974. sec 2. chap 14and 15


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