My English Trip 3 2 Edicion

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Amanda Cant @ Mary Charrington purit: ‘S BOo, %K > / / if . = Egon CONTENTS MAP Vocabulary: Ereryéay activites do exercise, Revision daly routines, days of So homework Isten to music, the weet. family members, ree Imeet fends, tidy yp my room, te activites, numbers 100, ‘wok the 0p ‘tho time and parts ofthe de 4 ‘of waveling. the weather }PP7I-74 — Language focus: al me ‘Aarerba of frequency: always, My brother does't go to schoo! ‘sual, sometimes, never Inthe morsing. Present simple: always get up Does Emly watch TY? eB ato Idovt ike video” Ne she doesn't ‘Gomes He doss homework in Revision hove got. there is/are he morning Social skills: Develop anarenoss of chil labour and chien’ ight. ORB Yoccbulory RED Srnec ft py vt tty enters v SSCS. RN, ‘eer Soneuber Fe sy sv (HPT) onset cna Soper pce Present continuous: not wrting Are you writing from Whéus? from home. wring from Porto Yes, rom ‘Seguro! Wore all enjoying ofthe Revision present sinpl, adverbs ‘Beach Theyre plouing beach” of frequency Social skills: Revision family members, hoy setts, pet, places in town, Short adjacuves(big/smal, fost! Siow, long/short tal/shor), types othones Revision prasont simple Social skills: Develop anareness of anima conservation and protection, © Happy moments Revision adjectives, colours, pI 2 athos,daye ofthe wos, amily members, places in town, : the wether 26 Language focus: Post simple = vet be: was at Were you ot the cami? my cousin's house. The mise Yes, wes. / No wos (nd doncers wore exceere War the camivel good? The festival wasn't in Asunlde Yes, twas. Mo, wast Revision: comparative forms Social skills: Develop enarancit ofthe impertance of having @ good ret and a heathy bedUme routine. Vocabulary: Teena Actions 1 regular verbs} cooked Ike, Revision: adjectives, clothes, os IstanedIvee ployed, worked ‘ations 2 (ereguar verbs) ae, bought Foc reel swe, wert 87-90 Language focus: rat snp Shed cortoone They worked realy hard The near cn cook eloborate food O Holiday time Hay aces 2 bok ram eet Revo: econ, Boe vet.gsovachy rar goto oman tony members ee ne Fis ny 0 ha fovea sc Py ates So te the wear tyveounty Means of vansport: boot, coach, ‘moped plane ox, underground Language focus: Revision: past spo (verb 69, Wr questions (Where, regular end ireqular verbs). presont Whom, How Wha, Whot Simpl, present continuous gh ere id you go? Seidl Wo does echo tows wth Develop awareness of the inperance of expressing anes feaings 50.05 to avoid doing things to ttn Cees country: _ (One thing learnt about this county: Two word Tearnt in this unit Age: (Country: ‘One thing I earnt about this country: Country: — (One thing Heart about this county aes co Age country country = One thing I laarnt bout this country: ne thing I learnt about this country: One thing Hearnt tsbout thie country: “wo words learnt ints unit “wo words !Tesent In this unt “wa words | learnt In this unit Coed Look at the photos and guess: What country Is it? What can you see in the photos? Can you find similerities between these photos ‘and your country? Discuss, a Q usten and look. Then sten and write the names, (ez) Félix wana Vietor_—_Sonia © usten again and waite T for Tee) and F for else). (a) 1 Resalo wes inact in Sauth America, (C) 2 She thes wth her dad end her sings, (7) 2 She has got a baby sister oO 4 She thes animals oO © complete the sentences withthe word from he box. Then say Taine te nawiokssbinge pk __Byeosos 776 1 Rosalia is —___ 4 Today the temperature is 2 She is from —___. 5 She has got two 9 She lives near_____________ 6 She hasn't got @ Qn 11 walk the dog 4 meet friends 5 tidy up my room 6 do exercise © took. think ane wit the atts The sy arceer 3 © tras, ek spout your one ung the voc from Act 1 9 (On Mondays ‘and Wednesdays, 1160 exercise, In the afternoon, | isten to music a sen ane Then conte the pretest. (a My routine is busy. From Monday to Friday, | always get up at 6 o'clock and | have breakfast with my brother. Félx and | always {go to school on foot. We usually have lunch at school but we sometimes go to my sister's house and she cooks lunch for us Ike playing with her baby! At 3 o'clock we go home. In the afternaon, | usually do homework and | sometimes listen to music, I never play video games | don't lke them, At the weekend, | usually go to the park and | meet my friends there. Activities Monday Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday get up at 1 v [ov v v v {90 to schoo! on 2 v v v v v listen to3 v x v x pays) x % x x @ Look at Activity 1 again and circle the words that express frequency. Qe 1 Complete with the words from Activity 2 2 Put the words in order. usually 1 lunch at school have © tn pots, ak about Rosa's routine using adverbs of requeney oan ste ad red Then ten od compete (ad It has got © —____ La Pae and Sucre, ‘thas got more than cj official languages! ‘There are more tian © ___ festivals ‘and traditional celebrations during the year capital cities: Thare are more than species of animal, including different species of flamingos and pink dolphins! Q took at Activity 1 again and answer: 1) How many departments are there in Bolivia? 2 Is Sucre a province? 3 Has Bolivia got one oficial language? 4 Are there a lot of festivals in Bolivia? 5 How many species of animals are there? o> earch ee write about your county Ue these words or our ies P provinces languages __carnivals_species of Ge) eae tenon @ on @ complete the text with the words from the box. Then tick (¥) Emily's photo, lve house afternoon visit family = ¢O4a To Rosalia Subject Hello! > Hi Rosalia, 'm Emily, | _____ 18 and tm from 2 __.13 —___ In a flat with my dad, mum and my big brother, Walter My 4 and I get up at 7 o'clock and we always have breakfast. Then | usually go to school by train but 15 —____ 0 by bike. Look! Im sending you a photo of me at the school ‘entrance. My brother doesn't go to school in the morring, he ‘goes in the 6 In the morning, he does homework and he sometimes 7 our dog. | usualy go back home ©) at § _______ but | sometimes have lunch at my best friend's, = 9 In the afternoon, | always do homework and I do. 10 I never watch TV. At the weekend, | always +) my grandma and | 12 —______my room. What about your family and your routine? Write to me soon! Emily 9 fe, Then answer. 1 Where / What is Emily from? 2 Do / Does she live in a house? 9 Have / Has she got a pet? 4 Bo/ Does Emily and Walter go to school together? 5 Do / Does Emily watch TV? © & pairs, talk about Emily's routine using adverbs of frequency. 2, © tevons ae) eso oq 1 Marco mentions Cm) @ Listen and look. Then listen and tick (Y) the activi ost up Oo rise ty fonds AE gtoxtot wok the dog =) have lunch Oo listen to music =) do homework — vsit Grendma tidy up my room (() visit Grandpa oO doexercee =) read books =) 8 Listen again and write T (for True) or F (for False). Ge 1 Marco ie from Bala, oO 2 He doesr't go to school in the aternoon, 2 He alnays ds exercise atthe gym, oO 4 He kes roading books, O © Listen agein and complete. & 1h the morning, Marco always 2 He sometimes —_________at the gym 2 A the weekend, he usually _____ and listens to muse. 4 He never larities between your routine end Marco's routine. SB, Q 'n pairs, find si r O) @ Answer about you 1 Have you got a pet? 3 What time do you go to sleep? 4 Where do you have lunch? 5 What time do you go home? 4 © Have you got brothers or sisters? 7 What do you do in your free time? © How old are you? © wats your no? ; 10 How do ou get tosh? © complete the writing planner withthe categories from the box Dally routine and free time activities Name, age, nationality and type of home: Family and sets Write about you. Use the writing planner in Activity 2 as ' a guide and your answers from Activity L Add extra ideas. LQ me 2 What time do you get up? —— 41) What are these children doing? 2 Do they look happy? Why? 3 Are these activities appropriate to their age? 4 Do children do similar activities in your city or country? © © tine, aiscuss and write Yes or No . J} 1 the cilren around the world have fre time, 2 Al the chitren around the work! go to schook 5 Al the chikren have the ight t ply and have fn, ———— 4 Its wrong that chien work. — 5's OK that children work some hours —— Gus Pag @ Think about your routine and free time activities, and take down notes using these tables. Activities Time Activities ‘do homework tidy up my room © Write « text using the information in Step 1. Use adverbs of frequency. © Present the information orally. Use reel images and captions to organize your speech Tip! speek ot est for minute lene iano Oims 4) Look at the photas and guess: What country is it? 2 What can people do at the beach? 3 What water sports do you know? itm Paulo Who's my friend? and tick (V). Co) Q tisten and look. Then @ Listen again and correct the sentence: 1) Paulo is from Bolivia, 2 Paulo and Fabrizio are brothers. 3 They always meet in the morning, 4 They play football at the beach. © Listen again and complete. (or) 1) Paulo and Fabrizio always 2 Paulo usually 2 Paulo and Fabrizio never 4 They sometimes iors form sertences about Poulan Fabra Use these words Salvador brothers or sisters green eyes video games schoo! football @ tisten and point Then listen and say. ee) 4 sail 5 scuba-dive © Listen and circle the activity you hear: (os) 1 surf / sunbathe 3 scuba-dive / fish 2 sail / play beach volleyball 4 surf / sail © M pairs, isten again, tick (¥) and complete. Then form sentences. @) always | usually | sometimes | never 1 Matt 2 Nick 3 Jenny 4 Mandy @) ston and road Then tick (V) the correct phoros. (io) «O74n Hi friend! To Fabriio Subject Hifrom Porto Seguro! B How are you? Guess what! fm not writing from home. im writing from Porto Seguro. fm on holiday with my family. We're having 2 great time together! Now, we're at the hotel because the weather is very hot outside! Mum is having a shower, Dad is watching TV and Grandpa is listening to the radio. \'m sending you three photos. Look! Dad and Grandpa are plying beach volleyball, Mum is ‘scuba-diving and I'm surfing at taquena Beach, How are your holidays going? Are you having fun in héus? Send me some photos too! Bye for now! Paulo COE aa 1 Complete, 2 Think and circle. 1 |______ from Porto Seguro. We use the present continuous to talk about: ‘8 actions in the past 2 We ___ a great time. 3 Mum —_____a shower. bb actions in progress 4 Dad —_____tv. pros «© econ in the fate 5 Dad and Grandpa she fa beach volleyball 3 Girdle a negative sentence in the text. @ imagine you're on holiday in Brazil. Look for photos on the Internet and tell \ a friend whet you and your family are doing, O ms Gaya a @ usten and point Then taten and sey. Gn) 4 Visit historic places What are they doing? 1 Sandra 2 Pedro and Jule 2 Miguel 4 Tina ane Sarah isten and look. Then listen and tick (V). (a) 6 take photos Oo ~ ii 0 QO o oO a Oo oO Oo QO Oo Q oO Oo © Lock ot Activity 2 again and complote the sentnces using the present continuous 1 Sanda 2 Pedra and Julie = 3 Miguel 4 Tina and Sarah ns ry @ usten and rad Then answer: Who are Isabel, Lr and Ulsses? a Hi, Paulo yy Hi, Fabrizio! Are you writing from thhéus? Ves, | antfm sunbathing now. Bw Coot Are you and your family having i? Yes we oral Now wee all erovng ete beach, ts your sister suring big wove? Yes, she ie! And Mum is taking photos of her now. / ‘And are your brothers surfing with Isabel? No, they aren't. Luiz and Ulises are sunbathing with mel aL) Put the words in order. Then match. \ you thus from Are writing 3 big sister your surfing waves Is 19 the present continuous. In pairs, ask and answer. SBAp 1) Fabrizio / send an email / to Paulo 9 Isabel / surf / with her mum Is fabrizio sending an email to Paula? 2 Fabrizio / do exercise / now “4 Fabio and his brothers / sunbathe qt 1 Nina is traveling with her brother ves O w» O 2 They ore visting a big city now ve O no O 2 Its very hot tod vs O no O 4 Nina with Ethan at restaurant. ves O nw O © uiston again and answer Cu) 4) Who is Ethan? 2 Are Ethan and Nina visiting old places today? 3 What is Ethan doing? 4 Is Nina having dinner? © usten again and compete. Use the present continuous, (4) 1) Nina and Ethan ____ store places. 2 They —_____ 2 great time 9 Ning —_______ local food. 4 She ___a hat Gr ran om umsons @ 120k for «photo of yourself an! answer: + hee ave your 0c you i the plas? iy? ns How yo fs? ‘What are you doing? i there anyone onthe ph? iat ine ei? What is the weather like? - eervausun What are you wearing? Q complete the mine map with the words from the box Pace Peto denision Erm tae —_—ople ] es in. 1 usually vist this ploce non. You can get to this place by | | od es, o'clock {The wocthor i \ im weoring. ye otal ycur samen Pom Aco Addl as toes pocsske © inven F crm. © Q tock, tink nl dace 1 What do these photos show? 2 How do the people in the photos feel? 2 How can these people sek for help? What should they do? 4 Do you feel identified with any of these situations? 5 How can you help a friend who Is going through a similar situation? © QP, cae a write Yor orto ® 1) Only litle chilean and teenagers suffer from bullying §—§— 2 Only adults can prevent bullying — 2 Bulying is always verbal — 4 Wa friend is suffering, it's OK to keep their secret — 5 I's OK to share your problems and emotions. ——— © © 2% research and discuss: How can you help a victim of bullying? SBP Caeader pp6=10 tessons © —— a @ sk 2 friend to look fora photo that represents 8 special moment and! ask hinvher the questions inthis mind map. You can add extra questions. Where ore you? fi 1s this ploce special? Why? Proce L How ote do yo goto ths place? Who isn the photo? How are you feling? Why? What are you doing? 1s this photo special? Why? } (ry Wat fe the weother ke? Wot ore you weering? | My friend's photo ——, People © write » text using the information in Step 1 Use tis text as a guide. ‘In this photo, Nico is celebrating his birthday with his forully This is his sister Kiara cand these are his parents, Nancy and Carles. They are in a restaurant in WP Pacer ities ly. Res rns pn ipl eee Important Sind salt ree © none Activate) Read and circle. Jessy 1s / are 1B years old. She 2 live / fives with her mum and her brother, Felipe. Felipe is 16. Jessy and her family 3 have / has got @ cat, Chase, and a dog, Rita, They 4 love / loves animals In the moming, Jessy usually 5 go / goes to school by bus, but she © sometimes / always walks. She always 7 have / has lunch at school “Dest / eats hamburgers, EIEN, | on aes 2 They 3 They 4 They 5 They © Jessy have _notdo not wear _isten In the afternoon, Jessy 8 do / does her homework and 9 listen / listens to music. She 10 never / usuelly walks her dog because Felipe always walks Rita in the morning, At the weekend, she 1! meet / meets her friends, They sometimes Look at the photo of Jessy and her best friend Alex, and complete the sentences with the present continuous form of the verbs from the box. look wear to music. fun. at her mobile phone. schoo! uniforms. 2 yellow T-shirt and jeans. es Explore (2s) Qe and match the photos tothe paragraphs. Then answer: ‘Jogo is my best friend. He Is 15 years old and he is from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rio is 8 popular city with beautiful beaches. Joao ‘enjoys the beach very much. Every midday, after schcol, he ‘swims in the sea and plays football on the sand, Like many children in Brazil, Joa0 loves football. His favourite team is Fluminense. On Saturdays and Sundays, he gets up very early and goes to a football camp. There he trains with other teenagers. He has got 24 mates: 18 boys and 6 girls. Joao is learning new skis and he is abo leering = to respect his mates. He is traning very hard because he has a dream: he wants to be @ famous football player and represent Brazil in the World Cup. ‘Arthur is his coach and he thinks Joao is very talented At the: ‘end of every class, Arthur says, ‘Remember: play footaall every day, eat healthy food and go to sleep at 10 o'clock’ Joao is following his tips because his dream is big.(_} Where does Joao live? What does he do at the weekend? Does he go to schoo! in the morning? Who is Arthur? @ Pood agsin and complate there we in io acto Afr ce), Jono inthe sn and on the san He trains to be a One day, he wants to play in the In his training class there are students, ‘Arthur says itis important to — carly. Look at the photos and guess: What country is it? What types of horres can you see? Do you know the name of any of the animals in the photos? eo @ usten and ook Then tsten and circle, Cis) Emilia ives in the .. of Chile 2 north b south She hasn't got any 2 sisters brothers ‘There are beaches .. Emilia’s city b near Emilia goes to the beach by & bus @ user again and answer (=) 1 How ol sri? 2 Has she gota big famiy? 3: Are thee mucus and thoares hap chy? 4 Does Emilia sail with her sisters? © usten again and complete, is) Valdivia is a 1______ in the south of 2______ There are 3 places, theatres, and big 5____fullof plants and trees. There is a big 6 ______ too, Tourists eat local 7 —___—- and buy © ____ here. Some kilometres away from the city, there are beautiful 9 © wens @ Listen and point. Then listen and say 4 fare 5 pure © whale © © ee, tine anc compote 1 The is 2 very big meme. ives in cold water 2 The Patagonion ___is smal and grey. ae i's got long pointed ears 9 The ____ isa bird but cant fy. ts slow on land but fast in the water 4 The isa very tal bir ts pink and ifs got long legs 5 The in aig an fast cat's brown and its got big teeth 6 The ____ has got short legs and a very lang tall. it eats insects, © Play a quessing game. tes a big animal tt 1 whale! swims in the ocean. The eho Quis (mi This is my school project. Quer od ee then en ane match School Project: Wildlife in Chile emer © - Chie i longer than other countries in South Ameria ond ‘ has got ferent types of climates end animal from marth to ova Bet ese ere eet Petet ee afc there ore diferent pes of animale cording tothe region a For example, there are flamingos alpacas and Hamas inthe > gl ; north, and penguins in the south Pumes and foxes live both a Pear ee eeaneer eee esate cal ‘ 1 Flamingos are taller than penguins. 2 Pumas are faster than foxes. 3 Llamas are bigger than alpacas, ‘one syllable em) ‘@ — bigger 1 Complete. ending: ene vowel + one consonant 1 Chile is longer ____ other countries. 2 The climate in the north is _____ than in the south. 3 Uamas are —_____ than alpacas. 2 Think and circle, We add -r or -er / -est at the end of short / long adjectives to form comparatives Qn ps, compare these ania sing to gen acs taninges end pengurs EEE pees ond foxes EID teres nd soacos ED @ evens Grn) 35 ne Q uisten and point ie) . 1 Penguins are intelligent. Llamas are sociabe. 3 Pumas are dangerous. 9 adc | rh = 4 Butterfles are colourful. 5 Flamingos are beautiful 6 Blue whales are peaceful Q usten and say. Go) © Look and complete. Then match © ® ee 3 Its small and 4 Its small and S isbn © x QO Q i» pairs, think of other animals for the descriptions in Activity 3. Bp ery soa tenons Q a Q Liston and rad Then answer: Whereis El Hi frien eed 4 ‘Tes howng 0 greottime in Punta Arenas, a ety locates inthe south of | J Lake Avenue g iy courley. This place is colder and in my opinion more beautiful than a cher reyons. Ti leering al about my fovourte aria the penguin | Ni 2h Guess wha! Fenguins are more infligent than ofher birds. Experts t oy they've got a great memory! They're also more seciable and more peeceful than other ocean snimals, One more fact Kin penguins ore ‘more colourful than other 4ypes of penguins! Tm sending you a photo of today’s excursion These birds are fontastic dent you think? What's her friend's name? (an) x Ny x ‘ Ny x x Bye for now! lore, Eni crea 4) Put the words in order. {beautiful place other. ~—«smore_~—than «This is__—_regions then 2 more Penguins inteligent birds. other are 2 Think and circle. We use mast / more to form the comparative of short / long adjectives © in pairs, compare these animals using long ackectives, Bp —«#hs 1) Where is Las Salinas beach? 2 Is it @ good place for relaxing? 5 Can you sucf at this beach? 4 Are there any restaurants? @ tisten aguin and correct the sentences. (i) 1 Yu can get to Las Sle by tin 2 Las Salinas is 2 good place to surf 5 You can't swim because the sea isn’t peaceful Gaon) aa iteligent socieble dangerous colourful beautiful peaceful local qe @ tsten and look. Then listen and tick (/) the adjectives you hear. (21) QO000000 “4 People say this beach is bigger and more dangerous than other beaches. vans Q Q Think oF your favourite animal and answer. hat yp aia 2 tee dangerous or pees? 2 What does ea 4 Wyo yo ke? 5 whats rae? 6 What does ok ke? > there doe he? @ compare your favourite animal wt thers using some of the alectes from rebos fd your own eas Do reseorch and try to write curious comparisons. Inteligent colourful peaceful curious. beautiful big —sfast_ small The penguins | meveneligent tan your favourite animal. Use ths chart to organize your writing Mrekade yur arowers from Aetivty 1 and your comparisons from Activity 2. Starter sentence (present your ani My favourite animal is the. ‘Something curious about itis that. | ‘Conclusion sentence (say why you like this animal): © sock nk ane cus 1) Name the animals in the photos and say something you know about them. 2 What do they have in common? Think, guess and :ick all the passible options: ‘= They're all mammals, OQ ¢ Treyine in cold ciate Oo b They're big Oe Theyre in danger of extinction © They ve in South America. (©) Thay herbivorous. Oo > What other animals can you add to this group? © What can people do to help these animals? 5 How can you help people become aware of this problem? © tore acs and wit Yer orto eee Cur daily actions can make a big aiference. weaune Only governments and big organizations can help endangered animals, —__ © © brpries, discuss possible actions you can take to protect endangered animals. Then make a poster and share it with the ret of the class Creader porn vesson @ choose » wi anna piel of your country and do reearch Take down wees Uns tia dal at» gu OTe oe Ua Animal name: Anteater Where does Main characteristics Diet | the animal live? (physical appearence Tt eats In the provinces and behaviour): arts ard Ot Tujuy Sela, | Tthas get a big snow: | Jermites. Choco Santiago | His big Tt white, Mel Ecloro ord block and grey. is Formosa, peaceful Routine: Ie an Curious facts: Ht walks a lot during endangered Anteaters have got stronger legs than pumas: ‘the day and the night. I+ Yeo 2 and yas aati ale cles that isn’ afraid of these big cots. sleeps IS hours a day. © Wite a text using the information in Step 1 Present the information orally. Use images and captions to organize your speech, Rehearse your presentation several times. ipl 1t you werk in pis, take i turns to tak, Dont interrupt yeu end | ea, Can you photos and ow @ Listen and look. Then listen and tick (V7): Where does Amaru live now? @) @ tisten again and complete. (x2) ) There are official languages in Paraguay. 2 is the capita city of Paraguay. 3 ________ is inthe south of the country. 4 At the weekend, Amaru and his friends go to © ster agein and pay attention to these adjectives ‘Then, in pairs, compere Asuncién and Encarnacion. (22) SRB peaceful old 9 _beautiful clean small Q "pairs, think of two cities in your country and compare them using short and long adjectives. ® La Plata is smaller than Rosario. = @ tes001 pa) ot @ iste and point Then listen and soy. (a) $c ¥ 1 trousers 2 bracelet 3 necklace: 4 belt 5 headband © costume 2 He's wearing red boots, red t____ and a biue b. 3 He's wearing @ brown ¢ 4 She's wearing jeans, a b___ and an. @ Read, look and complete. Then match. There is an extra photo. 1 She's wearing red boots end a red © 'm pates, describe the extra photo in Activity 2 D oer a anon Fm Amary and this is my blog, @Q Listen and read. Then tick (¥) the correct photo & at Last weekend, my family and I weren't at home, we were at the Carnival of Encarnacién! This celebration is very popular in my city and in my country, and! this year the event was more special to me because my brother was in the parade! My parents were really happy because the weather wasn't too hot and the music and the dancers were fantastic! The costumes were more colourful than last year: I'm posting a photo ‘of my brother Edgar. His costume was very criginal. His headband and bracelets were beautiful FEB Lucky you! You were at the camival My best fiend Julie was there too. era and circle, 1 Last weekend, we wasn't / weren't at home,“ They was / were fantastic, 2 He was / were in the parade, 5 You was / were at the carnivall 3 It wasn't / weren't too hot 6 She was / were there too. Think and circle. Was and were are the present simple / past simple forms of the verb be Q complete with wos/waan' or were/werent 1 Amaru at an event last weekend, The costunes _ beautiful | 2 He in the parade, 4) Edgar's bracelets ___ blue. @ swsons (cpr: isten and point. Then listen and say. (2s) 1 Wes half past seven. 2 It’s quarter past ten. 2 Ws quarter to three. 4 Ws twelve o'clock, 5 Its ten past eleven © I's twenty to nine. @ tston and look: Then listen and match Cas) ar © 100k a Activity 2 again acd complet. Then, in pi . play a memory geme. SB 1 Tom ___was at the club __ yesterday at 2 Gina and Kelly ___last Vonday at 3 Barbie __last Sunday at 4 Rob and Jim —____________ yesterday at a Q Listen and read. Then tick (¥}: Where are Amaru and Elene? Elena: Hi, Amarul Nice to see you! ‘Amare: +, Elena! Were you at the carnival last weekend? Elena: No, | wasn't | was at my cousin's house in San Antonio. Were you at the carnival? ‘Amaru: Yes, was! Elena: Was it good? ‘Amaru: Yes, it was. The music and the dancers were excellent. Elena: Were your friends with you? ‘Amaru: No, they weren't This time | was with my family. My brother was in the parade! Elena: Cool! Was he happy? ‘Aman: Yes, he was! And a bit nervous too ‘That's completely natural! Oh, look, lets go. at the bus stop in class Ce aL ‘Complete. wasn't = was not 1 2 3 you at the carnival? weren't = were not your friends with you? No, they he happy? In pairs, ask and answer five questions. Use the information from the boxes and/or your own ideas. People Places Times. Days of the week you school 945 in the morning last Monday your brother cinema 40 at night last Sunday your sister arcade 445 in the afternoon yesterday your best friend home 330 in the afternoon last Saturday | your grandparents ub ‘in the afternoon last Friday FQ teens Gaye Ps @ tusten and took. Then listen and tick (V) the correct poster. () Qa 2 Nanduti National Festival Nanduti National Festival Whent Friday 4th and ‘Wheet Saturday 5th Saturday 5th ‘and Sunday 6th March March Where? in Enearacion ‘Where? Im Asuncion oe Dancers ve Aerobats Food stands © Artisanal prodvets Dancers vee Mucietans “Food stands “% Artisanal products Masicians “Food stands Artisanal prodvets Listen again and write T (for True) and F (For False). ear Then correct the false sentences. (28), + Mercedes was at the festival with her parents and her sister 2 The festival wasn't in Asuncién. > People from different countries were at the festival 4 There were more than 30 groups of dancers and musicians. Sendint © Listen again and complete. & | This tecitionalfestnal | ____ than other festival in Paraguay ® This year there were more than __ stands fl of artsanal products 9 Randut! products were than the year before. 4 There were nandut bracelets, and dresses. (cps sexsn © 1 ———— x Q ink of» dream you had and answer 1 Were were ou? hat wth place ke? Who wos with ou? What was the weather lke? 2 3 4 Were there any animals? 5 © Was ita nice dream? Why? 7 Were you happy? Why? Write sentences comparing your dream from Activity 1 with other dreams you had. Use the adjectives from the box and your own ideas. ‘short interesting fast — colourful slow — peaceful beautiful long ‘his dream was more interesting than other dreams, Describe your dream Use this planner to orgonize your writing Include your answers from Activity 1 and your comparisons from Activity 2. Starter sentence (say when you had this dream and something interesting about it): month Ihad 9 dream tt was the Lhadl Tuiey details Conclusion sentence (say why your dream was special or different from others} My dreom wos specio! becouse. © rin cs oe wit Yr or to ® psi 4) What do these photos show? 2 In which way are these photos related? 5 How do the people in the photos feel? Why? 4 What can they do to feel better? 5 Do you feel identified with any of these photos? Explain why and how you feel about i. 1 It’s not important how many hours you sleep. 2 The food you eat at night can affect your sleep 3 tS a good idea to use your phone or computer before sleeping. 4 Ik you don't sleep well, you don't feel OK 5 Screens and sugar affect the quality of your sleep , discuss how an ideal bedtime routine should be. Then make @ poster and share it with the rest of the class. Dp Cronder 2 sens @ Per foo cralk about @ special celebra; pag you participated ins @ Think of a festival oF @ special celebration you participated in and take down notes using this mind mep Music tothes Feelings People |—_ ‘Something special about it | Weather © Write a text using the information in Step 1 Use these sentences as a guide to start your text. Last year, n February I was at my brother's wedding The porty wos in Corrientes, Argentina © Present the information orally Use images and captions to organize your Speech. Rehearse your presentation several times, TIPE 15 reduce your anxiety before the presentation, remember to breathe deeply and to drink some water. Activate Read. Then complete the text with the words from the box. longer peaceful dangerous vulnerable typical bigger colourful popular herbivorous sociable Esteros del Iberé Reserve ‘The tberé Provincial Reserve is in the province of Corrientes, in Argentina. It is bigger than other reserves in Latin America. tis very 1 ____ because there are a lot of animal species and a great variety of 2 plents. Some typical animal species are the yacare caiman, the marsh deer and the capybara The yacare caiman is more 2 ______ than the marsh deer and the capybara Ie is carnivorous and it has got around 80 teeth. It is also 4 than the rest of the animals, the male yacare caiman can be between 2 and 3 metres long. The ccapybara and the marsh deer are more © than the yacare caiman They are 6 __~ they eat plants and fruits. Unfortunately, the marsh deer is more 7 than the rest because iti in danger of extinction Another 8 ____ animal is the glant anteater. It lives in the forest and it eats ants ‘and other insects. Males are 9 ________ than females ~ they weigh 33 to 50 kg and females weigh 27 to 47 kg Giant anteaters are not 19 animal. They prefer to be alone Just like the marsh deer, they are in danger of extinction. Look at the fect files and write five sentences using comparative forms. oo EEE yo, CIO, ae er eee eer wrsiae 0 wits the questions wing the pat simple. Th anwar pre 2 tke you id 1) Manuel / go / to another city 2 he / have / a good time 3 Carmen / vist / her family @ twos ty aoe 1 Gael ves in Peru Oo 2 He went to Pisc with his fami. =O) 3 Pisac isa big and modern town, 4 There are historic paces in this town. () @ tisten again and circle. (28) 1 Goel went to anther county / province. 2 There iver / sn in Poe 2 The hes ved in Paseo short lng te oe. 4 Goel nought sous for Ma family ond ne ein an corac te sentences. (2) 1 Last year, Gael went to Pisac with his family. 2 He swam in the river because it wes peaceful 2 His mum didn't buy anything at the Pisac Market. 4 Gael and his family dida't eat local food. In pairs, think of your last holiday and form affirmative and negative sentences Uting the verbs from the box and your own ides. @Dp goto wien visit eat by Lt hold et oo tone roc Gm) na 0 uasens Q Pa @ ccomplate the toxt with the pst simple form ofthe vr n brackets When I was a child, | ' (lv) in a small fit in Santa Fe, Argentina, 1 2____ (be) a sociable child, | 3 ___ (play) with other children at the: park | also had friends at school. My best friend was Paco. My favourite animals 4 he) the elephant and the lion, | 5__ (lie) animals very much, but | 6 ___ (not have) 2 pet. My favourite book was The Jungle Book | loved, stories. My dad 7 ____ (read) different books to me at bedtime. My favourite food was pasta My mum 8 (cook) pasta an rainy days 19 _____(eat) diferent types of fruit and vegetables too, but | 10 ____ (not like) meat Q Read the text in Activity 1 again and tick (¥) the topies included in it, Food Oo fT progenmes & Family Oo 19 Books Q «Friends Oo hh Weekend actives a typectheme O | Personality o © Music Oo Janine oO © i pairs, think and answer. Then discuss as a less, SP ‘| Can you divide the text in Activity 1 into paragrapns? How many? Why? 2 What topics are included in each paragraph? 3 What words are used to connect the ideas in the text? | 9 Write about your childhood. Plan your writing: cecide what topics you are going to inchide and how meny paragraphs you are going to write. | @ eas © Q tink, discuss anc write Yes or No. a) 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 What do these photos show? Did men and women do these jobs or tasks in the oast? Why? What jobs or tasks are typically related to men? Why? What jobs or tasks are typically related to women? Why? Can you relate these photos to members of your femily? Give examples, ‘A man can cook but a woman can't be a president Men are not good at taking care of children Inthe past, women didnt like going to university You need to be @ strong man to work at NASA Men and women can have the same jobs. In pairs, think and answer: What job would you lice to have inthe future? Is this a job typically related to men or women? Why are you good for this job? Make a poster ond share your ideas with the cas. Dp reader pp22-25 Lessons @® a © Write» toxt using the Information In Step 1 Organize it into different paragraphs. f you want, include extra details. 4° © Present the information orally. Use images and captions to organize your speech. Rehearse your presentation several times. — Tip! if you travelled to a different city or country, share something Interesting about it. Ons @ Listen and look. Then listen and circle & | Nelson is from Piribpals Yes No 2 Last summer, he went to the beach, Yes No 3 He was with his family Yes No 4. The weather wasnt nice, Yes No @ tusten agoin ond correct the sentences. Gar) 1 Neon esi riots 2 Last summer, he went on holiday with his parents 3 He played football at the beach. 4 He went to the top of Cerro Pan de Azticar by cer © Liston agnin and pay attention tothe word inthe box ‘Then, in pairs, form sentences about Nelzon's holidays. (27) his mum, brother and dog a great time Cerro Pan de Aaicor beach volleyball inthe sea_—sistoric places hot and sunny bps tn of yur thoy nd tak about tinge ou a | Last year, I went to Mar del Plata and Vewem in the sea @ seston pa) 2 eat out © travel to another city/country 4 go to amusement parks 5 stay at 2 hotel @ Listen and look. Then listen and tick (/). Ca») et do they sy oon tata? 9) tO) i Ny / a o 0 0 0 0 0 oa 0 0 Oo Oo © ' pairs, look at Activity 2 again and form sentences. BP When Daniel is on | holiday, he usually. a 77 oa Ge 8 ven @ O oO o QO @ ead anc match. There is an extra photo t ~ @ ‘amy SY SARA, th Jessie! af My fom and Tare having fan in Prigpclis Were \ Tin arting thom Monteriden, Ten olde ath my oa. hotel ing at a small hotel in the city centre. The grsndparens. Fah aera very nd and hes hint een uk N iil Meter we went fo Tohdey oct Yoterday, we wert 40 Bric cane A270" 1 Ttsre fl Weald tnd her we were and we bked lok. We iskened fo great sons Reiciay.. rary. Grandpa bough some sinduches nd \ ce Se Angin cteout stole! NY whale pec! fe ch Gander on ectourant. the cite was debcious! \ bad nepurdr tree ad Ute o mane oe Kies Jie Bye for now! a N WS Serv nd ray | Underline the verbs in the texts. Use: * green for the present continuous forms. _* red for the past simple forms. * blue for the present simple forms. 2 Think and circle, |) We use the present simple / present continuous to talk about actions in progress. 2 We use the past simple / present simple to talk about actions in the past. 5 We use the present simple / present continuous to talk about routines or facts. In pairs, read the texts in Activity 1 again and form affirmative and negative sentences. Use the phrases from the box and the correct tense. ‘ravel with their family/friends stay at ahotel coo lunch go to a historic place have anap eat out goto the park travel isten to music read a book o- Qu (Qs od pore Then titer aco Cab —_ 4 plane 5 taxi © underground iw ae they tmetng tar nd mur than any. ab by taxi © by coach DO « by plane b bybot 0 4 by underground (CJ) ¢ by moped © complete the sentences wth the comect means transport. 1 Its faster to go to another country by 2 I dont lke going to work by ___. It’s always very het and full of people. 3 My sister has got @ ____ She always wears a helmet when she rides it 4 My cousins go to school by —___ because they have to cross a river. 5 can't walt for the bus today. 'm going to take a ____ 6 A___ ig bigger than a bus and the seats are more comfortable, @ '» pairs, compare the means of transport from Activity 1 SBP om —® 0 @ Read. Then complete the worksheet with the answers from the box | ‘Homework time! (Name: Nelson | ‘Think ofa trp you enjoyed and answer a Wheredid you go? aimen cago Biioraiayoa te? — sw ‘in aid you sn? Last ath my muro ny heater nd Bead my dig, Seemceing) See ee What yaa to vou noe imide yo fidsoutimvenscod ime? Yes Led 9 ity dd you ony the cts? ‘= My mum booked a room at ahotel di | travelled by car b It was hot and sunny. ‘© Because | went to the beach every day. « _______(eat) lunch with her friends. Last month, Dora went on holiday with her friends. Read her notes and answer. ‘Monday ‘Tuesday 4100 Uruguay Ai number 4587) 12.00_lunch at the beach 1n30__Floriandpo 4.00.—swimaming class. at the hotel 100 Praia t 2.00 samba concert at Mar. 4) Did Dora travel to another country? How did she travel? What did she do on Monday afternoon? What time did she swim on Tuesday? Did she stay at Praia Hotel on Tuesday night? sociable sunbsthe play beautiful have working intelligent writing restaurant. morning -~—book Yesterday Hi, my name’s Mora. fm from Uruguay. 'm 22 years old, I'm | ___ from Grand Hotel in Cartagena, Colombia, This summer, Im doing something differant. Im 2 __as a receptionist at Grand Hotel [and Im also enjoying the beach and meeting new frierds. Local people are very | work at the hotel from eight o'clock in the ¢ _____ to half past three In the afternoon and then 1 ___ some free time. | usually go to the beach, 6 ____ and surf. sometimes 7 ___ each volleyball with my new frionds. | never have a nap because there are a lot of interesting things to do here, ‘One more thing! This holiday | didn’t need to 8 ___a room In advance. because | work and I sleep at this hotel | also have lunch at the hotel kitchen, At night, | usually eat out © ___ | went toa j0 _____ near the beach and | ate sea food. | liked ita lot! Colombia is more | ___ than other places I visited. Coming here was ‘an (2 ____dacision. Follow my blog and learn more about my experience working and! travelling in Colombiat Peed agin and answer | Where is Grand Hotel? 2 What does Mora do at this hotel? 3 What does she usually do after 330 pm? «Did she book a hotel room? Why? What does she want to share with her folowers? murrecicarie — (aa) | Look and write. ore a ee : : aqigtii | ® Write sentences about your free time activities 1 2 3 4 5 on) do exercise v v v v v ‘omy Best trend’ |X v x ¥ oS Roose Isten to + > watch TV x x x walk the dog v v ena 0 2 She aways latens to music 9 She sometines goes to her best end’ house. 4 She usualy does exercise. Oo 4 Look at Activity 3 again and complete, 1 Ly always 2 She never 9 She sometimes 4 She sometimes © She usually '5 Look at Lil's free time activities and write three sentences about you,“ at) 6 Look at the infogrephic and complete the sentences with the correct numbers. Write the numbers in words. 1) The water park is ______ km away from the city centre. 2 There are —__ restaurants. There are __ cafés. 4 There are __ instructors. © There are swimming pools. © —______ people vist the park every day. 7 There ore water sides 8 There are water games. 7 Answer about you. How many teachers are there in your school? 2 How many classrooms are there in your school? 5 How many classmates have you got? on’ (© read. Then answer SCA ROT Teter | Subject Yurnew pen tiendl BE Wi nan, My ae’ Anco 18 yours cd ad i om 2 sal om n Engr ve got ser rrr rds sod she 22 eure Old fv as goto cag Her nama Ses vary any. "010 sheo nthe marin Tsay goby bum bt | somes by ctw ys he ateroon ely ston me Sr mich Vt ssties pny ide panes cr 9 oy bet aes haute Or Story | nt od ae goto Sino or the cde Or Senay a yo inet aout you? Wt tome son Fé ket vik your county tec Bye fr no scion |) Do Juan and Andrew lve in the same town? 2 Whe is Lulu? 9 How does Andrew usually get to school? “4 What does he sometimes do in the afternoon? © Dees he tidy up his room at the weekend? (© compete with iforaion bout you Then wit an ena to Anew. = ms — Sea ee Fewest = How much do you remember about Rosalia? Complete and say. 1 Her brother is . years old. 5 Inher free time, she io a 2 She hasn't got ] F took, think and complote wwe ® 000 0 @ 00 0 0 0 @ aaa. we) 3 Write sentences using the present continuous, Then match. 1 They / surf 2 She / sail 9 He I fish 4 She / sunbathe 5 Write the phrases from the box in the correct column. lunch dinner Grandma che violin local food my best friend a nap pizza new clothes beach volleyball souvenirs TTT t- 6 Write the questions using the present continuous, Then look and answer. 1 Eve / . souvenirs 2 John / .. photos 5 Frida and Helen / local food 4 Geff 7. a nap o Read, look and complete the text using the present continuous Hallo, Olver! Now we're in Brazil and we're having fun at a beach, Today the weather is really nice! Kyle |__with a group of teenagers. Tina 2 big waves. She's a great surfer! Cecile > ‘a novel She's a bit tired today. rm writing this posteard and | ‘As you know, | don't lke sports very much. Bye for now! ts Foe ns (@ Look at Activity 7 again andl answer: 1 Who is writing the posteard? 2 Are Tina and Cecile sisters? 5 Is Kyle playing beach volleyball with his siblings? 4 How is Cecilie feeling today? 5 Does Rob like sports? ar 2 His best fiend... years old. Naw, he .. fun in Porto Seguro, Gurr) ? 4 Read, think and match. Then write the animal nemes. |) This big mammal can swim and sleep at the same time. j00 2 This reptile can change the colour of its skin, 3 The name of this wild feline means ‘cat of one coleur } “4 This bird! usually stands on one leg to regulate its body temperature. © This bird can swim very fast. © This mammal is solitary and active during the night 2) Write sentences about the animals in Activity 1 Use these adjectives. big small fast. slow fog short The flamingo has got lang legs @ | | Write the comparative form of these adjectives Then match the opposites. th fast sow short big hot cold — smal Look and write sentences comparing these animals. Use some of the adjectives from Activity 3. Pee ‘ S| Banter Oru / lg =O} 5 Look and complete the sentences with the corract ct long actives Ws an i__. mammal 2 sas ___ pet 9 sac _____ reptile © Ws ap__ ed. © Wsad_____ creature 6 Put the words in order to form sentences about the animals in Activity 5. | tiger dangerous dolphin. more—the_-=— Theis than 2 colourful The than dog_—stizard- = more. is_—the 2 more penguin isthe The-—than— intelligent spider 4 than more tiger dolphin peacefu «= The. = s.—the ni?) 7 Read, look and complete the text using the words from the box. peaceful habitat faster eat_— dangerous. bigger black Endangered species ‘The panda bear is an amazing mammal. It lives mainly in the bamboo forest in China, It has got | ______ end white fur and black patches around its eyes. Pande bears 2______ bamboo, grass and sometimes small animals like 3 ‘and rats. These bears are ¢____ but they can be dangerous when they want to protect their babies, This species is in danger of extinction because human beings are destroying its 5 | ‘Another endangered mammal isthe Siberian tiger. This tiger is | more © than the panda bear. It is carnivcrous and for this reason, it has gat 7_____ teeth than the panda Its also © It can run up to 50 kelometres per hour Both the panda bear and the Siberian tiger need to be protected, 8 Read again and circle. 1 The panda bear ves Asia Yes No 2 Ws a very colourful animal Yes No 5 Ws catnivorous Yes No 4 The Siberian tiger isnt a fast animal Yes No | © The panda bear and! the Siberian tiger are extinct Yes No | Ou How much do you remember about Emilia? Complete and say. | Ticket — + she- in the south of 3 She — got any | 2 Ceclls end Kara ere her... the summer, she usualy 2) e (wrt) untr 4 Look, read and complete ® @ © | He's wearing @ fantastic plate 2 She's wearing a long green and two beautiful green 3. She's wearing a red T-shirt. a red and a long around her neck 4 He's wearing a pair of brown a red and orange —____ and 2 pair of black ____ on bis fet. 2, What is he wearing? Write sentences using colours and adjectives. mC) | 3 Where were they last weekend? Follow the lines and complete the sentences. | ® Harry and Eddie ® - ® f : 1 Last weekend, Uma —uwasn't at home. She was at the 2 Harry and Eddie __ at the cinema. 3 Sue and Will__t the theatre. 4 Oliver ___at the arcade, 4 complete about you, Write @ negative and an affirmative sentence. 1 Last Saturday, | wasa’t | was 2 Last Sunday, | 9 Last Friday, my friends and | 5 What time is it? Look and write. ea ae 6 Complete the questions. Then read Amaru's notes and answer. satay 1aa_bediatneiniga am Sunday 10.00 market wits Dad AAS beach with Pedro 5.25 video games at site's house oo °e eve 830. maca’s bitnday party! 2.43 _pigsa parhy with friends ak home ald 7 Complete the text with the words from the box. traditions shoes lune costumes popular photos small trous ‘The festival of San Juan is very | In Poraguay and itis part of the countr/'s 2 ___ In the past, San Juan wasn't a §] Guarani celebration but local people acopted it and ‘every 3 ____ Paraguay gets ready for this colourful celebration. There are many groups of dancers wearing typical 4__: women wear beautiful dresses with belts and long necklaces, and men wear hats and elegant 5 In the afternoon of the previous day, people prepare a big fire. They then sit around the fre, drink mate and eat local food. They also dance, play games and jump over the fire when it is © _____, of course. When there aren't any flames in the fire, some people walk with no 7 ___ over | the red hot embers and shout, Viva San Juan’ Tourists like this festival very much and they take lots of 8 _ Visit Paraguay and come to the celebration! 8 Read again and correct the sentences. 1) San Juan is a very popular carnival in Paraguay. 2 The celebration is in summer. 3 The night before, people prepare a big fire 4 Some people walk on the flames. | © How much do you remember abcut Amaru? Complete and say. Ticket 11 He .. the capital city of Paraguay. 3 At the weekend, he always 2 He lives in 4 His brother's name is... pe J o 1 Look and complete the sentences with the words from the box. lived listened worked cooked played + Last summer, my brother _____ at a café 2 Some years ago, my cousins in the countrysie. 5 When | was a child, |_______ with blocks 4 Last Sundey, Grands lunch '5 When my sister was a teen, she dirk clothes. 6 In the past, |_____to the radia, 2) Write about you and your family. Use some of the verbs from Activity 1.6" 4) When twas 2 chile, | 2 Last weekend, 3 4 nit 3 Complete Elizabeth's profile with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets See ''m Elizabeth. I'm 16 years old. Do you want to know about my childhood? Now, | live in a house in Trujllo in Peru but when | was @ child | | ___ {not live) in this city 12 ___ (lve) n'a fat in Santiago de Chile because my mum 3 ____ (work) at a big ‘company there. When | was in Chile, my routine was different Every morning, | 4 ___ (play) with my sister or 15 (listen) to music. 16 ___ (not ike) watching TV. ‘At midday, my dad 7 (cook) lunch. I really © _____ (lke) the food he prepared. the afternoon, my sister and I had classes at school ‘At the weekend, my parents 9 ______ not work), so we generally 10 visit some friends. It was great furt Now, | have classes in the morning and in the afternoon. My routine is very busy. [like weekends because | have same free time! 4. Look at Activity 3 again and complete the sentences with verbs in the present or past simple. Use affirmative and negative forms. + fluabeth nro whan she was cl 2 Years ago shen fat in Ce. 3 Now she ins oun 4 Mer nrc the pa 5 fluabeth er as fod when se site 6 In Chie, she ond er Ser eases inthe eterno | 1 Now er oun silent She asses day ong. nl 5 Write the past simple form of the verbs, ee een 4 have eat 5 swim ogo 6 read 6 Complete Carmen's text with the verbs from Activity 5. You can use some of the verbs more than once. My last weekend was very busy. Last Saturday, ' ____ to Dante's birthday party, He's my best friend. The party wes at a club. It was great fun! We danced a lot and we 2 ______ burgers and cake. Dante liked my present very much 13 him 2 colourful T-shirt (On Sunday, | visited my cousins and | «in their swimming pool. The weather was very hot. Then | ‘a nap. | was realy tied! At night, 16 dinner with Mum and then |” some pages of a book for school.| 8 ____to sleep at, 7 Write questions in the past simple. Then answer about Carmen. + Carmen / go to Dante's house / last weekend 2 she / dance / at the party 5 she / give a present / to Dante 4 she / have @ nap / on Sunday 5 she / go to sleep early / on Sunday a 8 Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs from the box. ex we ke be (x2) work read__invent have Home | Science | Geography kids news The Maya The Ancient Maya ‘tong time age, the Maya civiization 1—____in North and Central ‘America. They 2a very advanced clvlzation. Their empire ‘extended from Southern Mexico to Hondures The Maye 3 very herd to bull incredible temples and pyramid. They 4 great architects and mithematcies. They 5 the concept of the number zero. The Maya 6» calendar to record their historical events, They used It to determine the time of religious events end celebrations. They also crested the onn wring system. Some years ag0, a group of experts deciphered thelr complex wing system enc!” thelr ancient texts. br elation to thelr cet, they © great variety of fruit and vegetables, such as tomatoes, pototoes and avocodes. They also 9 chocolate, corn tortlas and fish The Maye civilization ruled their land for many years but then cisappeared. Some people think they 10 to other etes or planets Nobody knows what happened. kis stil a mystery. {9 Read again and write T (for True) or F (for False). Look! Then correct the false sentences. | The Maya lived in diferent pars of South America, (—] | avocado @p 2 They were very good at maths O 9 Thay det have wring sytem, O 4 Tey only ate fut and vegetables O Cus ——--——--—-—- Ticket * Now she ves in 2 Last sure, she went to 2 Inthe past, she Ived in 4 Heres ends name 698) ® 7 UNIT 1 Match. 1 stay ‘© another country 2 goon - a hotel “oom 3 eat “© amusement parks 4 goto ata hotel 5 travel to © out © book # acity tour ‘Complete the sentences with the phrases from Activity in the correct tense, Then match the sentences to the photos. 1 Last month, my brother ________but when he arrived, the manager s2id his reservation did't exist 2 Yesterday night, my femily and |_______ because it was my dacts birthdey. 5 My sister never______________ he prefers art galeries 4 When [travel | always te learn about the history of the place. 5 Now,|_____________by train. t's a great experience! m enjoying it 6 J usually ________ when 1 travel. dor‘t lke hostels or ats. © wm ra I | a ‘3 What tenses did you use in Activity 2? Complete. 1 In sentences 1 and 2, | used 2 Insentences 3, 4 and 6, | used 3 In sentence 5, | used 4 Write the phrases from the box in the correct column, last year at the moment alweys.==snow never yesterday last month sometimes last summer usually two years. ago alongtime ago _rightnow —_last weekend (Creer sie) (Cresent ino) | | i] 5) Write sentences about you and your family. ° (On Sundays, | always Right now, | My family sometimes [At the moment, 1 : 3 Yesterday, my bestfriend 4 5 6 Last month, ni Put the letters in order. Then match, ) omepd ——— 4 abe 2 abto ——— 5 Inaep 2 dgenrourudn © ochac Read. Then complete the questions with a Wh- word or Did and answer. 'm Pedro. Im from Rio Grande in Brazil On holiday, | usually travel to Uruguay with my dad and my sister. Last summer, we went to Punto def Diablo by coach because my dad dossn't like driving. We went t0 Paya del Rivero and Playa de los Pescadores | really iked Playa de los Pescadores because it was peaceful and there were fishing boats My dad ‘bought fresh fish and then we cooked it for dinner. It was delicious! does Pedro usually go in the summer? does he usualy travel with? did he travel to Punta del Diablo? Why? he visit different beaches? did he like Playa de los Pescadores? did his father do there? oan) 8 Read and circle. Montevideo, a marvellous city! 8y Noon Montero Ea 17 fom / wei Montevide, the captl of Uguny. hs ocaed on the southern coast of the 2 country / province store come to Montevideo by cr ferybeat er > plane / underground There is also a good coach service. ln Montevicloo you can find shopping centres, restaurants, acod hotels and, of course, beautf “4 mountains / beaches where you con sunbathe, surf and 5 climb / sal ‘There are lots of events and © amusement parks / festivals but my fevourite one is carnival. Carnival in Uruguay is very 7 long / short ti on for 40 9 days / montha! Last carnival, my dad and my brother participated in a parade, They ° danced / worked down the streets playing music. They had colourk 10 dresses / costumes and they put make-up on ther face. was great fun Don't mss the opportunity to tavel to Montevideo! 9 Put the words in order. Then answer. 1 does Where Ive Nelson 2 visitors to city How travel do this, 3 do can beach the people What at 4 Nelson participate parade Did the in 2 His pet's name ts 4 He went to the top of La siguiente seccién ha sido pensada para que la fami © cualquier otra persona cercana al nticleo familiar pueda colaborar con los nifios/as en el aprendizaje de esta nueva lengua La gran pregunta es: {Puede ayuder al nino/a sino sé inglés? Por supueste! Muchas veces la compaia de un tnayor sue gule la tarea del nino/a y que se anime Soprender con al/ela es ms que suficiento, Er interés del aduto le brindard al nino/a el apoyo nnecoserio pare concentrarse y asi dedicar un breve tiempo a seguir aprendiendo en su casa, Qué caracteristicas de My English Trip 2nd Ecltion ime ayudar ocolaborer? Cada unidad asta dividide en secciones claramente definides, como presentacion de ‘ocabulorlo, grambtica,ejercicios de practic, Droyectas y trabajo en habilidades socio femacionales Al final del libro, pare cade Unidad, hay una seccién de practica ‘adicional (My Practice Trp). (tres secciones de gran utlidad son Grammar Tip: esta seccién tiene como objetivo que los ninos/as refexionen sobre las estructuras gramaticeles que t2 presentan fen las distintas Unidades, Look! esta seccion aclara aspectos de vocabulario y gramaticales + La solapa del libro contiene un resumen de las structures gramaticales que se prasentan en él (04y Grammar Summary). hte mt gs pee Sheena ananre CO Sia eee son suficientes <éimo poems motive als nitos/es? + "Respetando sus tiempos de aprendizaje, yo ‘que todos tenemos nuestros propios ritmos + Estimuldndolos con sus aciertos y no permiiendo que se frustren ante sus errares + Respondienda sus inquietudes. £Cmo poclenos ayycorlos? ‘Gon una sited postival “Tratemos de que sea un momento de juege y de disrute, Observernos primero todo Io logrado y luego pensemos en lo que falta + Sheonstuimos un ambiente de apeyo y ‘aceptacén, se pueden indiear errores sin Corer el riesgo de generar frustracion on el ninoa Podemos: + Pedilas que nos ensemien lo que han ‘aprendldo on la escuela, Pregumntaries Strecue'dan una palabra o un saludo, © hacerlet abrir el libro y preguntarles sobre ‘algunas de las palabras que all aparecen, Eso les ayudard a “redescubri” ol material que vieron en la clase Practica Juegos de memoria con la pagina {de wocabulario, por ejemplo, dejéndoles ver el nombre da un objeto/snimal/sccién, tepande la palabra y pidléndoles que ‘nombren el cbjeto/animal/accion de la Imagen y ala inversa + Incorporor expresiones nuevas a la rutina aria Pode ser algo simple como Hello © Goodbye, y siempre a modo de juego fevitande generar le sensacién de abiigacién. + Realizar juegos del tp “Digalo con mimica * Practiear la escriture de palabras, por jempio jugando al shorcedo. + Ryidaris a doscubrr sus errores de ‘escritura verificando lo que han escrito en libro + yudeles @ pensar que palabras son similares fal espatol, cusies son distintas, qué latras forman las palabras, culls serén més files y cubles mas difilles de aprender, ete Recordemos que la refiexién sobre el vocabulario, asi como la préctica del mismo, ayudaré a los nifios/as @ recordarle con mayor facilidad. ® Number of players: 2 to 4 Materials: a game board a dice a set of cards 8 a counter per player How to play: ‘Throw the dice and move forward ‘on the game board according to the number you get If you get to a space with an emoj, follow the intruction. If the space doesn’t have an emoj, pick up a card and answer. Move forward. ™~ Ifthe answer is correct, you can contince playing, the answer is incorrect, you slay in the same space. Continue playing until one of you ‘gets tc the FINISH’ space. This player is the winner! — id WA wen atm Miss. aturn, Play with yeur friends oad have funl What do you usually do on Fridays? Where do you live? Sm Where dees sc Sg Rosalia live? Read two of these numbers: Has Rosalia got any brothers or sisters? Form a sentence How many When do you ‘about you using classmates usually do ‘always, usually, have you got? your homework? sometimes or never. What time do oo. ea is Paulo Who is Seckend? | ‘rom? Fabrizio? Name two water sports. What do you usually do in your free time? Think of your free time activities and form a sentence using never. Has Emilia got any brothers or sisters? Compare two. animals using tall Compare these animals. What can you do at the beach? What does your best friend usually don his/her free time? Say the name of this animal and mention one characteristic. => Spell out the comparative form of big. Compare these ‘animals. What is she doing? Where is Valdivia? Name two animals that start with letter ‘p’ Compare two animals using peaceful. Describe your favourite animal. Where is What does Amaru Name two items eee usually do at of clothing or eee the weekend? accessories. What time is it? Where were you last Saturday? What time do Where were you Were you at school you usually last Monday at yesterday at go home? half past five? ten orclock in the morning? Were you and Did Carmen your family tive in at home , Arequipa in last Sunday? in Arequipa. the past? Did you live in another place when you were achild? Say two things about Carmen's childhood. Say two things you did when you were achild. Did the Incas use machines to build Machu Picchu? What musical instruments dic the Incas play? Say two things Carmen did in Cusco last summer. Does Say two things you What did you do Nelson did last summer. last weekend? live in, Piridpolis? Who did Nelson Name two ast summon? holiday activities. i travel with : What are they doing? What do you Name three How can you travel usually do means of land from your house to on holiday? transport. the city centre? Compare these ft +. i means of transport CORED What is your ‘on your last holiday? favourite holiday place? Why? ch read do —» did go —> went sleep —* slept eat —> ate have —» had ‘swim —» swam

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