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2024-02-14 18:07:45

Summary: Annecy film submission 2024

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1) Film identity
Category: Short films
Original title: POCSO
English title: POCSO
English synopsis: Riya Mehra, a studious student, rejects her mentor Rahul Bajaj's advances after acing exams. Shattered but
resilient, she courageously seeks ways to report sexual crimes, emphasizing empowerment.
Year of production: 2023
Running time: 12 min 14 s
First film
Original music
Version: Original Hindi ST English
Nationality of film: India
Process: Colour
Main technique: Original techniques
Genre: Educational, Social satire
Target audiences: Young adults, Adults, Family
Film budget: 500
Has the film had any crowdfunding?
Instagram account of the film
2) Credits
Director 1: Male Kshitij Soni
Adress: House No 141 Hatri Chowk Killaward Juna Bilaspur, 495001 Bilaspur Chhattisgarh, India

Contact: +91 9179873135,

Producer 1: Kriti Khoteswar
Adress: Bhilai, India


Other Credits
Creator: Kshitij Soni
Script: Kshitij Soni
Camera: Shekhar Kushwaha
Sound: Kshitij Soni
Editing: Kshitij Soni
3) Copies & authorisations
Selection copy
Film link:
Competition copy
If selected: your film will be shown in DCP. You should send it to us by USB key (max 32 Gb), external hard
disk (USB3), FTP or a file sharing service (WeTransfer, Hightail, Dropbox, Smash...).
Format: 1,85 (Flat)
Sound: 2.0 Stereo LT/RT
This work is available in stereoscopic 3D
Who is the official and validated point of contact?
The film's official point of contact will be informed if the film is selected, this person must provide all the
elements requested by the Festival (additional information, a copy of the film, etc.).
The e-mail address provided must be valid and checked regularly.
This point of contact affirms authorisation from the rights holder to lend the copy of the film.
Male Kshitij Soni
Adress: House No 141 Hatri Chowk Killaward Juna Bilaspur, 495001 Bilaspur Chhattisgarh, India

Contact: +91 9179873135,

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