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Case Report

Accidental Implant Screwdriver Ingestion: A Rare

Complication during Implant Placement

Anshul Jain1, Shridhar D Baliga2

Senior Resident, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery,Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences,New Delhi,India.
Professor, (Head of the Department), Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, KLE VK Institute of Dental Sciences, Belgaum,Karnataka,

One of the complications during a routine dental implant placement is accidental
ingestion of the implant instruments, which can happen when proper precautions
are not taken. Appropriate radiographs should be taken to locate the correct posi-
 Corresponding author: tion of foreign body; usually the foreign body passes asymptomatically from ga-
A. Jain, Department of Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery,
strointestinal tract but sometimes it may lead to intestinal obstruction, perforations
Maulana Azad Institute of and impactions. The aim of this article is to report accidental ingestion of 19 mm
Dental Sciences, New Delhi, long screw driver by a senile patient.
Keywords: Implants; Ingestion; Foreign body; Screw driver; Hemorrhage; Perfo- ration
Received: 28 March 2014
Accepted: 5 August 2014 Journal of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran (2014; Vol. 11, No. 6)

INTRODUCTION Implant instruments are usually small and sa-

The ingestion of instruments or materials used liva makes them slippery. Thus, they may slip
in various dental procedures may occur acci- out from operator’s hand [8]. Rarely foreign
dentally in dentistry. Foreign bodies vary in body ingestion results in serious complica-
size and shape and range from burs, posts, tions, such as intestinal perforation, bleeding,
root pieces, teeth, orthodontic brackets, endo- obstructions or impactions. The presence of
dontic instruments (files, broaches), impres- the foreign body should be confirmed with the
sion materials, implant components, and resto- use of radiographs. The patient position in the
rations [1, 2]. Some objects are made of mate- dental chair as well as the patient’s medical
rials that lack radiopacity, which makes them history is important in preventing serious
impossible to identify and locate; diagnostic complications. Usually instruments entered the
bronchoscopy/endoscopy or computed tomo- GI tract pass asymptomatically and atraumati-
graphy for localization is then required [3, 4]. cally within 2 days to 4 weeks. However there
Foreign body ingestion is a commonly seen are many potential sites for impactions, among
accident in emergencies, usually in children them the ileocecal valve is the most common
(80%), elderly, mentally impaired, or alcohol- site. Approximately seventy five percent of
ic individuals; whereas it may occur intention- perforations occur at or near this site or at the
ally in prisoners or psychiatric patients [5-8]. rectosigmoid junction [6, 9]. November 2014; Vol. 11, No. 6 1

Journal of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences Jain et. al

Fig 1. PA radiograph of the abdomen depicting Fig 2. PA radiograph of the abdomen depicting im-
implant screw driver in the stomach. plant screw driver in the intestine.

Only 1 percent of ingested foreign bodies The patient was taken to the hospital imme-
cause an intestinal obstruction requiring sur- diately. The case was attended by a gastroen-
gery [10, 11].The aim of this article is to doc- terologist and immediately PA chest and ab-
ument implant screwdriver ingestion along dominal radiograph were taken confirming the
with its consequences and to offer guidance screwdriver to be in stomach (Fig 1).
for prevention and management. An endoscopy was planned, which was per-
formed under local anesthesia but the instru-
CASE REPORT ment could not be retrieved.
A 69 year-old male patient presented with a Patient was kept under observation and ad-
chief complaint of missing upper left second vised to consume fiber-rich food to enhance
molar and mandibular left first molar teeth; for intestinal motility and to regularly examine his
which implant placement was planned. Im- stools. The patient did not present any signs of
plant placement was done successfully and discomfort, tenderness or hemorrhage. On the
patient was recalled after 4 months for second second day again radiographs were repeated
stage surgery. During second stage surgery and this time screwdriver was located in the
while placing a gingival former on the implant intestine (Fig 2); the very same day the patient
in the region of upper left second molar, the passed the ingested screwdriver in his stool
screw driver accidentally slipped from the op- (Fig 3).
erator’s hand. The operator made an unsuc-
cessful attempt to retrieve the instrument by DISCUSSION
making the patient spit. There was no sign of It must be emphasized that preventing compli-
coughing, wheezing, choking or shortness of cations of foreign body ingestion and aspira-
breath. tion is of great importance. November 2014; Vol. 11, No. 6

Jain et. al Accidental Implant Screwdriver Ingestion

indicated and has to be done as early as possi-

ble through gastroscopy for its retrieval [16].
The Mallampati score is assessed by asking
the patient (in a sitting posture) to open his/her
mouth and protrude the tongue as much as
possible [12].The anatomy of the oral cavity is
visualized; specifically, whether the base of
the uvula, faucial pillar and soft palate are vis-
ible. Scoring may be done with or without
phonation. Depending on whether the tongue
is maximally protruded and/or the patient
asked to phonate, the scoring may vary.

Mallampati Scoring [17]:

Fig 3. Retrieved 19 mm long implant screw  Class I: Soft palate, uvula, fauces, pillars
driver. visible.
This applies to the identification of at risk pa-  Class II: Soft palate, uvula, fauces visible.
tients by means of comprehensive clinical ex-  Class III: Soft palate, base of uvula visible.
amination and thorough patient history taking.  Class IV: Only hard palate visible
In our case the patient was senile and appre-
hensive; there was difficulty in screwing the It is emphasized that all practitioners should
gingival former in the maxillary posterior re- take preventive steps during treatment like
gion of upper left second molar, from where placement of gauze screen across the oropha-
the instrument slipped. As the patient was in rynx ,tying ligature (dental floss) to instru-
the supine position direct access to oropha- ments, adjusting chair position (sitting posi-
rynx was eminent. tion prevents aspiration/ingestion and supine
In this patient, a wide oropharynx (Mallampa- position increases the risk of swallowing)[18]
ti class 1)[12] and absence of gag reflex were and should be able to manage the patients in
further contributory factors for ingestion of the emergency situations. Sending a patient home
screw driver. in the belief that a foreign body that slipped
Although rare, ingestion/inhalation of a for- into the oropharynx has been swallowed and
eign body may lead to serious complications; will pass through the gut may be associated
therefore, immediate radiographic evaluation with complications and lead to litigation.
is a must including PA/lateral chest, lateral Should a foreign body be ingested/aspirated,
neck and abdominal radiographs [13]. the patient must be examined clinically and
Usually, most ingested foreign bodies are ex- radiographically; diagnosis must be performed
pelled in stools without causing any complica- immediately by a specialist and patient and his
tions in several days to several weeks; for family members must be informed.
which conservative management of serial ra-
diographs and fiber rich diet is an initial pro- CONCLUSION
tocol [14, 15]. The object is usually passed. If This case report illustrates a case of foreign
serial radiographs depict the same location of body ingestion in an anxious senile patient
foreign body or there is a sign of abdominal having Mallampati class 1, during implant res-
tenderness or hemorrhage then most likely toration in the posterior maxilla; proper pre-
there is retention, obstruction or intestinal per- ventive measures may prevent such complica-
foration for which an invasive procedure is tions. November 2014; Vol. 11, No. 6

Journal of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Sciences Jain et. al

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