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Psyc 1011

General Psychology

College of Social Sciences and Humanities

Department of Humanities

Course Outline
1st Semester 2023/24
Psyc 1011, General Psychology Course Outline

Table of Contents
1. Course Information....................................................................................3
2. Instructor Information.................................................................................3
3. Course Overview.......................................................................................3
4. Course Objectives.....................................................................................4
5. Course Learning Outcomes.......................................................................4
6. Course Schedule and Instructional Method...............................................4
7. Assessment Tasks.................................................................................... 5
Feedback on Assessments...........................................................................5
8. Learning Resources..................................................................................6
References................................................................................................. 6
Online Resources.......................................................................................6
9. Grading Policy...........................................................................................6
Pass requirements......................................................................................6
10. Academic Integrity, Referencing and Plagiarism.....................................6
Academic Integrity......................................................................................6
Referencing................................................................................................ 7
Referencing Style.......................................................................................7

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Psyc 1011, General Psychology Course Outline

1. Course Information

Course Code Psyc 1011

Course Name General Psychology
Year/Semester [I/I]
Academic Year 2023/2024
Pre-requisite(s) None
Co-requisite(s) None
Credit Hour / ECTS 3/5
Course schedule for Lecture: Tuesday 1:30-4:20PM: [venue-3006]
section 15
Course schedule for Lecture: Thursday 1:30-4:20PM: [venue-3004]
section 14
Course schedule for Lecture: Friday 9:30 Am -12:00PM: [venue-1007]
section 14

2. Instructor Information

Course Coordinator
Name Gashaw T.
E-mail NA
Telephone number NA
Consultation hour
Office (Block/Room) Department of Humanities
Course Instructor/s
Name Endalkachew T.
Telephone number
Consultation hour right after every class
Office (Block/Room) NA

Course Overview

The course General Psychology encompasses the fundamental concepts and

principles of psychology which have immense applications to human life. Hence,
this course is intended to introduce students to the basic concepts of psychology
and to acquaint them with how to apply psychological knowledge, principles, and
theories to real life situation and problems. So, it is of paramount importance for
students of any field of study to be effective in their personal, social, and
professional life. Apart from that, it is to introduce students to the core set of life
skills, which are important in realizing holistic development of students (i.e., sense

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Psyc 1011, General Psychology Course Outline

of well-being, confidence and academic performance) so that they can lead

happy, healthy, successful, and productive life. This introductory course examines
the role of environmental factors and the interaction of nature and nurture in
determining behaviors and mental processes. Areas to be discussed include: the
essence of
psychology, sensation and perception, theories of learning, memory and
forgetting, motivation and emotion, psychological disorder and treatments. The
course will also focus on how to develop life skills based on the theories and
principles of psychology where self-development, academic and social skills shall
be given due attention.

3. Course Objectives

Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to:
 Describe basic psychological concepts.
 Compare and contrast the major theoretical perspectives in psychology.
 Explain the difference between sensation and perception.
 Compare and contrast different learning theories.
 Summarize motivational and emotional processes.
 Demonstrate social and interpersonal skills in everyday life.
 Set an adaptive goal and plan for future.
 Apply knowledge of psychology to one’s own life.
 Explain how self-confidence, self-esteem, self-efficacy, assertiveness,
responsible behaviors, interpersonal skills will be strengthened.
 Apply different stress coping mechanisms.

4. Course Schedule and Instructional Method

Classroom lessons will be mainly lectures preceded by activities (leading questions

followed by brainstorming) and pair or group discussions followed by presentations
with amendments by the instructor.
Students will be given cases in light of the theories covered and asked to analyze
cases from the perspectives of the course objectives and make presentations. At the
start of every lesson, students will be requested to give brief summaries of the
previous lesson.
At the end of each chapter, they will be requested to prepare exit slips where they
reflect on what they have learned and what aspects of the chapter need further
consideration. In this way continuous assessment of students’ understanding will be
held and remedial actions taken. Whatever so, below is listed some general
 Gapped Lecturing; Brainstorming; Collaborative learning; Discussion;
Independent learning; Reading assignment and presentation, and Role play
This course consists of 3 hours of class contact hours. You are expected to take an
additional non class reading, complete assessments, readings and exam

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Psyc 1011, General Psychology Course Outline

Week Module
Week 1 & 2 Chapter One: Essence of Psychology
1.1. Definition of Psychology and Related Concepts
1.2. Goals of Psychology
1.3. Historical Background and Major Perspectives in Psychology
1.4. Branches/Sub-fields of Psychology
1.5. Research Methods in Psychology
Week 3 Chapter Two: Sensation and Perception
2.1. The meanings of sensation and perception
2.2. The sensory laws: Sensory Thresholds and Sensory Adaption
2.3. Perception
Week 4 and 5 Chapter Three: Learning and Theories of Learning
3.1. Definition, Characteristics and Principles of Learning
3.2. Factors Influencing Learning
3.3. Theories of Learning and their Applications
Week 6 Chapter Four: Memory and forgetting
4.1 Memory
4.2 Forgetting
4.3. Improving Memory
Week 7 Chapter Five ፡ Motivation and Emotions
5.1. Motivation
5.2. Emotions
Week 8 Chapter Six: Personality
6.1. Meaning of Personality
6.2. Theories of Personality
Week 9 Chapter Seven: Psychological Disorders and their Treatment
7.1 Nature of Psychological Disorders
7.2. Causes of Psychological Disorders
7.3. Types of Psychological Disorders
7.4 Treatment Techniques
Week 10 Chapter Eight: Introduction to Life Skills
8.1. Nature and Definition of Life skills
8.2. Components of Life Skills 8.3. Goals of Life Skills

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Psyc 1011, General Psychology Course Outline

Week 11 & 12 Chapter Nine: Intra-Personal Skills

9.1. Self-Concept and Self-Awareness
9.2. Self-esteem and self-confidence
9.3. Self-Control
9.4. Anger Management
9.5. Emotional Intelligence and Managing Emotion
9.6. Stress, Coping with Stress and Resilience
9.7. Critical and Creative Thinking
9.8. Problem Solving and Decision Making
Week 13 & 14 Chapter Ten: Academic Skills
10.1. Time Management
10.2. Note-taking and Study Skills
10.3. Test-Taking Skill
10.4. Test Anxiety and Overcoming Test Anxiety
10.5. Goal Setting 10.6. Career Development Skill
Week 15 Chapter Eleven : Social Skills
11.1. Understanding cultural Diversity
11.2. Gender and Social Inclusion
11.3. Interpersonal Communication Skills
11.4. Social Influences 11.5. Peer Pressure

11.6. Assertiveness
11.7. Conflict and Conflict Resolution
11.8. Team Work
11.9. Overcoming Risky Behavior

5. Assessment Tasks

No Assessment Method Weight

1 Continuous Assessment 50 %
Classroom Attendance and Participation 5%
Individual Assignment 10 %
Assignment and Presentation 15 %
Test 20 %
2 Final Exam 50%

Submission of Assessment Tasks

Submitting assessment tasks is a crucial aspect of this course, encompassing both

individual and group assignments.

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Psyc 1011, General Psychology Course Outline

 For individual assessments, students must meticulously adhere to

assignment guidelines, ensuring that their work is not only completed within
the specified deadline but also formatted according to provided instructions.
Attention to detail in file naming, plagiarism checks, and adherence to
prescribed formats is imperative.
 In the case of group assignments, effective communication among team
members is vital. Regular group meetings facilitate task allocation, progress
updates, and problem-solving. Coordination in combining individual
contributions, maintaining consistent formatting, and following the designated
submission method contributes to a seamless group submission. Throughout
the process, students are encouraged to engage in open communication with
instructors, seek clarification when needed, and uphold academic integrity in
their submissions.
 Late project reports/assignments will result in a grade reduction of 10% per
24 hours late (or portion thereof).

Feedback on Assessments

Providing constructive feedback on assessments is integral to student development

and academic progress. To enhance the learning experience, a strategy for
delivering feedback involves offering specific and actionable insights on both
strengths and areas for improvement. Feedback will be disseminated promptly after
the completion of each assessment task, with clear communication on when and
where students can expect to receive it.

6. Learning Resources

Module for the Course

Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MoSHE) (2019). General Psychology
(Psyc1011) Module. Addis Ababa: Author

Coon, D. & Mitterer, J.O. (2008). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind
and behavior (12th ed). New York, NY: McGraw Hill.

Feldman, R.S. (2018). Essentials of understanding psychology (13th ed). New

York, NY: McGraw Hill.
Gray, P. & Bjorklund, D.F. (2017). Psychology (7th ed). New York, NY: Worth
Kalat, J.W. (2013). Introduction to psychology (13th ed). New York, NY: McGraw
Lahey, B.B. (2008). Psychology: An introduction (10th ed). New York, NY:
Lilienfeld, S.O., Lynn, S.J., Namy, L.L. & Woolf, N.J. (2017). Psychology: From
Inquiry to understanding (3rd ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Meyers, D.G. & DeWall, C.N. (2016). Exploring psychology in modules (10th ed).

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Psyc 1011, General Psychology Course Outline

New York, NY: Worth publishers.

Weiten, W. (2014). Psychology: Themes and variations (briefer version, 9th ed).
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing.

7. Grading Policy

Grading of courses will be according to the university’s rules and regulation.

Examinations are graded and the letter grading system with corresponding points
shown below.

Marks Grade Grade Points

[90,100] A+ 4.00
[85,90) A 4.00
[80,85) A- 3.75
[75,80) B+ 3.50
[70,75) B 3.00
[65,70) B- 2.75
[60,65) C+ 2.50
[50,60) C 2.00
[50 F 0.00

Pass requirements
To pass this course a student must:

 attempt all assessments.

 achieve a minimum of 40% in the final exam.

8. Attendance

As per university guideline, a minimum 80% during lecture and 100% during practical
work sessions except for some unprecedented mishaps. Failure to fulfil this
requirement result in barring.

9. Academic Integrity, Referencing and Plagiarism

Academic Integrity
AASTU values academic integrity. Therefore, all students must understand the
meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offenses
under the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures. Work submitted
must be your own, and others’ ideas should be appropriately acknowledged. If you
don’t follow these rules, plagiarism may be detected in your work using plagiarism
detection tool 'Turnitin'.

Referencing is a way of acknowledging the sources of information that you use to
research your assignments. You need to provide a reference whenever you draw on
someone else's words, ideas or research. Not referencing other people's work can
constitute plagiarism.

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Psyc 1011, General Psychology Course Outline

Referencing Style
The course instructor advises students to use the “APA” for written work and oral

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