IV-X Assigmt - ECED1070 Guiding Childrens Behaviour - Assignment 1

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ECED1070: Guiding Children’s Behaviour

Assignment 1

General Directions:

A. This assignment will count for 30% of your final mark in this course.

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________________

©N A C C E C A 2 0 2 1 Section IV. Assignments. ECED1070 Assignment 1 1|5


To identify Erikson’s stages of Emotional Development through various scenarios.


Part 1: Role Play

1. Put students in pairs or groups depending on the scenario.

2. Give students time to demonstrate a short play based on the scenario.

3. Class will identify the stage from Erikson’s theory.

Part 2: Presentation

1. Create a PowerPoint Presentation to answer the components of the scenario.

2. Create a scenario representing your scenario.

3. Make sure you identify the various aspects of the scenario in your PowerPoint.



Read the following scenario and determine which of Erikson’s stages is represented.

 Discuss the role of the adult within the stage as it directly relates to the scenario.
 Is the adult meeting the need of the child within this scenario according to Erikson’s
guidelines for the determined stage?
 If not, what should the adult do differently to meet the child’s needs?
 Explain what is happening in this scenario from Kendra’s perspective.

Four-month-old Kendra wakes up in an agitated state. Her care giver responds immediately
to her cries by taking her out of the crib and gently stroking her back while singing softly.
After several minutes Kendra’s cries subside and she relaxes into her care provider’s arms.

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Read the following scenario and determine which of Erikson’s stages is represented.

 Discuss the role of the adult within the stage as it directly relates to the scenario.
 Is the adult meeting the need of the child within this scenario according to Erikson’s
guidelines for the determined stage?
 If not, what should the adult do differently to meet the child’s needs?
 Describe this scenario from Adam and Alec’s perspectives.

Adam and Alec, both 4, storm into the room yelling,

“Everybody to the spaceship! The warlords are coming!”

They dash into the cardboard spaceship in the dramatic play centre.

The ECE had envisioned the spaceship as part of a lesson on transportation, which coincided
with a Canadian astronaut’s current space mission. When speaking with the children she
quickly realizes that for the children, this concept of space travel is too difficult. The children’s
immediate reality is the Saturday morning cartoon television superhero. Instead of watching
the boys race around the room, she encourages them to have a superhero meeting to plan
their strategies to safely evacuate members of the community.

In doing so, she draws upon such skills as planning, reflection, memory, thoughtfulness, and
consideration for others while encouraging the children to share ideas and resources.


Read the following scenario and determine which of Erikson’s stages is represented.

 Discuss the role of the adult within the stage as it directly relates to the scenario.
 Is the adult meeting the need of the child within this scenario according to Erikson’s
guidelines for the determined stage?
 If not, what should the adult do differently to meet the child’s needs?
 Describe this scenario from Adam and Alec’s perspectives.

In the afternoon Adam and Alec continue their superhero play in the cardboard spaceship.

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While another ECE observes their interactions. At this point in the play, they are defending the
community while the invisible civilians enter the spaceship. To the ECE, the boys are waving
pretend weapons around the room.

He rushes over and says,

“Out of that spaceship! You’ll ruin it. We don’t play like that here.”

Adam and Alec look at him in confusion, their play was acceptable to their ECE in the morning,
so why was it unacceptable now? Feeling shamed, they angrily wonder what they have done


Read the following scenario and determine which of Erikson’s stages is represented.

 Discuss the role of the adult within the stage as it directly relates to the scenario.
 Is the adult meeting the need of the child within this scenario according to Erikson’s
guidelines for the determined stage?
 If not, what should the adult do differently to meet the child’s needs?
 Describe this scenario from Megan’s perspective.

Three-year-old Megan has had her third toileting accident of the morning. Her exasperated
ECE says to her,

“Now what will we do? You’ve run out of all your extra clothes. You’ll just have to wear these
extra pants.”

English is a new language to Megan who has only been in the program for 2 weeks. Even
though she cannot understand the words, she senses disapproval.

Megan starts to cry and is of little help changing her clothes which aggravates the ECE further.
Megan shuns any interaction with other adults for the rest of the day.


Read the following scenario and determine which of Erikson’s stages is represented.

 Discuss the role of the adult within the stage as it directly relates to the scenario.
 Is the adult meeting the need of the child within this scenario according to Erikson’s
guidelines for the determined stage?
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 If not, what should the adult do differently to meet the child’s needs?
 Describe this scenario from Neil’s perspective.

Eight-month-old Neil is in his highchair, demanding food. His care provider is frustrated with
his older siblings and ignores him. Neil’s cries escalate and he begins to bang his hands on the
highchair tray. His care provider angrily shouts,

“Can’t you see I’m busy now?”

Neil looks at her in confusion. His cries and movements eventually subside, and he slumps
into his chair with down cast eyes. When his care provider finally gives him his plate, he
makes no eye contact with her.


Read the following scenario and determine which of Erikson’s stages is represented.

 Discuss the role of the adult within the stage as it directly relates to the scenario.
 Is the adult meeting the need of the child within this scenario according to Erikson’s
guidelines for the determined stage?
 If not, what should the adult do differently to meet the child’s needs?
 Describe this scenario from Peter’s perspective.

Two-and-a-half-year-old Peter is eager to go outside; it is the first snowfall of the year. He

drags his boots and mitts from his cubbie. He puts on his boots first, then struggles with his
snow pants. His care provider, seeing this says,

“I wonder if it would be easier if we put on your snow pants before your boots? Would you
like to try?”

Peter willingly agrees and to his pleasant surprise it works. He finishes dressing with the
encouragement of his caregiver.


Role Play 10 marks

Presentation 20 marks

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