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ECED1070: Guiding Children’s Behaviour

Assignment 2

General Directions:

A. This assignment will count for 40% of your final mark in this course.

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Date: _____________________________________________________________

©N A C C E C A 2 0 2 1 Section IV. Assignments. ECED1070 Assignment 2 1|2


To practice the conflict mediation steps and help teach children how to solve their own


Part 1: Using Steps of Conflict Mediation and Reflection

While on practicum, find a situation where two children are having a conflict. Support the
children in resolving the conflict using the steps of conflict mediation.

Write a report about the following:

 How did the conflict take place?
 What was the conflict?
 What steps did you take to help children resolve it?
 Reflection: Would you do the same thing in the future, or will you change your
strategy? If you will change your strategy, explain how.

Note: You can use child’s actual words while explaining the situation.

Part 2: Environmental Support

What verbal, non-verbal, and environmental supports can you put in place to avoid the

Get the assignment signed from the co-operating teacher in order to get marks at the


Part 1 - Using Steps of Conflict Mediation and Reflection 20 marks

Part 2 - Environmental Support 20 marks

©N A C C E C A 2 0 2 1 Section IV. Assignments. ECED1070 Assignment 2 2|2

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