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1) First, I would like to speak about geography, location (population, area, climate, landscape),

parts and political structure, national symbols, history, people, language, currency. The USA
is the third largest country and situated in the southern part of North America. It consists of 50
states and the capital Washington D.C. Climate in the USA is very various because there are
hot deserts, subtropical Hawaii or cold tundra in Alaska. There are over 100 ethnic groups
today and a population of about 320 million people. Neighbours of America are Russia,
Canada and Mexico. The highest point of the USA is Mount McKinley which is more than
6000 metres high. The longest river is Mississippi. On the borderline with Canada lie five
Great Lakes (Ontario, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Superior. Between lakes Ontario and Erie
there are Niagara Falls. The main language is American English (it's different from British
English - for example in vocabulary and spelling). The USA flag is sometimes called “Stars
and Stripes” and consists of two parts. Has 13 stripes of red and white, representing the
original 13 colonies. The blue square with 50 stars, representing 50 states. Every country has
symbols. The Americans chose an eagle. The USA is a republic with the president as the
head of state. It's a federation of 50 states. There are two main political parties: Republican
and Democratic. America as a continent was founded in 1492 by Christopher Columbus. First
people living in America were Indians, because Christopher Collumbus thought that he was in
India and he didn't know that he discovered a new continent. Very important part of American
history is also the War of Independence. The currency is the US dollar.
2) Secondly, I would like to speak about Washington D.C., other cities and places worth visiting.
Washington D.C. is the capital city of the USA. It's not as large as New York and only about 1
million people live there. The city is named after the first president George Washington. There
are some well-known monuments for example Washington's monuments and the Lincoln
memorial. There are also the most important buildings in the USA (Whitehouse, Capitol,
Pentagon…). There aren't any factories and industries and that is why the city is so clean and
nice. New York is the biggest city in the USA and one of the largest cities in the world. It has
five parts. The original inhabitants were Indians. New York is famous for its Manhattan skyline
(a large number of skyscrapers in a small area). Famous places and monuments are for
example the Times square, Broadway, Central park, Statue of Liberty and many others. Other
famous cities are for example Los Angeles (there is Hollywood, Beverly Hills, the biggest zoo
in the world), San Francisco (one of the cleanest cities, there is the largest Chinatown), Las
Vegas, Miami, Chicago, Boston and Detroit. Places worth visiting are for example national
parks (Yellowstone, Grand Canyon), Niagara Falls, Mount Rushmore and many others.
3) Thirdly, I would like to speak about what Americans are known for? (food, drinks, sports,
national traditions, famous people. The famous food is for example popcorn, peanut butter,
apple pie, turkey, cookies, hamburger, hotdog, fries. The famous drinks are for example
milkshake, bourbon, whiskey, beer, coca cola, pepsi, Dr Pepper. Favourite sports in the USA
for example baseball, american football (similar to Rugby), ice hockey, basketball. There are
also other sports in the USA for example soccer, tennis, horse racing, lacrosse and bowling.
National traditions are for example Thanksgiving (People give thanks for their lives and
country, they are together with friends and family, they make a traditional meal turkey with
mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, corn and pumpkin pie.), Christmas and New Year's day
and Halloween. Famous people from the USA are for example Mark Twain (writer), Neil
Amstrong (cosmonaut), Michael Jackson (singer), Lady Gaga (singer), Taylor Swift (singer),
Brad Pitt (actor) and Jeniffer Aniston (actor, she played for example in Friends, Marley and
me and in many others).
4) Fourthly, I would like to speak about what I would like to visit and why. I never thought about it
(I would need a lot of money). There are many places and many sights that I would like to
visit. Definitely, I would like to visit some cities for example New York, Washington D.C., Los
Angeles and others. Because I like nature and animals I would like to visit some national
parks, for example Yellowstone and Grand Canyon. I would also like to see Niagara Falls and
Mount Rushmore. Of course I would also like to visit a zoo, for example in Los Angeles.

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