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8B UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________

Listening C
1 08 Listen to people talking in four different Like most innovative ideas, wearable technology is
situations. Choose the correct answers. not without its critics. Some people believe that it
is just going to be a short-lived fashion, and view
1 The boy is going to earn some extra money because wearable gadgets as a waste of money. However,
he wants to others point out that wearable devices have
a do a photography course. a number of useful functions, and may help business
b save part of the money for a new camera. people, sportspeople, and in fact also everybody
c have his old camera repaired. else to take care of their health. Here, they give
2 The boy thinks that the examples of a lot of wearable gadgets being
a there is a hardware problem with his computer. used to measure our heart rate and, the burning of
b his computer has got a virus. calories, and to even control the condition of people
c there are too many programs on his computer. who suffer from serious diseases.
3 The text is part of a(n) Which paragraph
a interview.
b conference speech. 1 mentions an unusual item of clothing?
c news report. 2 presents a negative opinion about wearable
4 Which is the correct order of events in Noah’s story? technology?
a Mum’s computer was slow, Mum’s computer 3 gives several examples of mobile devices?
broke down, Noah removed some programs 4 mentions the first items of wearable technology?
b Mum’s computer was slow, Noah removed some 5 describes the medical uses of wearable gadgets?
programs, Mum’s computer broke down
c Noah removed some programs, Mum’s computer 6 says that wearable technology is popular
was slow, Mum’s computer broke down with a specific age group of people?
__ / 4 __ / 6

Reading Language functions

3 Translate the Polish parts of sentences into English.
2 Read the text and answer questions 1‒6. Write letters
A‒C next to each question. 1 I’m afraid that __________________ (czegoś brakuje)
in the package that I’ve received from your store.
A 2 The game was delivered a few days late.
There are a lot of electronic devices that we can carry __________________ (W wyniku tego), I didn’t have
with us when we go out of the house. The most a present for my cousin’s birthday.
obvious items here will include smartphones, music 3 Your shop assistants are very unhelpful. So
players, phablets, tablets, and laptops. But now __________________ (nie dziwi mnie) when I read
there are new kinds of devices which we can actually negative opinions about your shop.
wear on our body, much the same way as we wear
clothing and jewellery. This kind of thing is the so- 4 Unfortunately, the MP4 player is broken.
called wearable technology. Although it dates back __________________ (Czy chciałbyś wymienić) it for
to the 1980s when calculator watches became a new one?
quite popular, it’s development really speeded up 5 Sorry, I don’t want another model. Actually, I would
in the 2000s when Bluetooth technology came into like __________________ (otrzymać zwrot pieniędzy).
common use.
__ / 5
The world’s leading manufacturers of electronic Vocabulary
devices quickly saw huge potential for the new 4 Read the definitions and write the correct words.
market of wearable technology. Indeed, they worked
together with fashion houses to popularise the idea 1 a small camera connected to a computer
that wearable technology is trendy. Soon a number ____________
of events like fashion shows and competitions were 2 a device in, for example, a mobile phone or tablet,
organised to promote wearable gadgets. At one which you touch to operate the phone or tablet
such event, the winner was a Bluetooth dress that lit ____________
up when the person wearing it received a phone call.
3 this is all you see on your computer screen
It seems that those kinds of marketing campaigns
have been very successful. According to some survey,
over 70% of young people aged 16 to 24 would like 4 a type of very small speakers that you put over your
to have wearable devices. ears to listen to music ____________
5 a device which lets you connect other devices to your
computer ____________
6 a device you use to recharge a battery ____________

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8B UNIT TEST Imię i nazwisko: ____________________________

5 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs. English in use

1 I ____________ social networking sites a few times 8 Choose the correct word to complete each pair
a day. of sentences.
2 This model has an excellent camera, so you can 1 It isn’t a true story. I’ve ______ it myself.
____________ fantastic photos with it.
I think that 500 km an hour cars will never be ______.
3 I can’t call him now, so I’ll just ____________ him a imagined
a text message about the meeting. b invented
4 Could I use the phone, please? My battery is flat and c discovered
I need to ____________ a phone call. 2 They are a great team because they ______ together
5 If you’re not satisfied with the service in that shop, well.
why don’t you ____________ a comment on their The new printer didn’t ______ properly so we took it
website? back to the shop.
__ / 5 a play
b make
6 Complete the sentences with the missing words. c work
Some letters have been given. 3 Hurry up! We’ll need to ______ to the bus stop if
we want to catch the bus!
1 The team of scientists has suggested a very
_ n _ _ v _ _ _ v _ idea connected with new sources We have to work faster or we’ll ______ out of time.
of energy. a run
b go
2 There are free _ p _ _ available in their online store. c get
3 These days, most mobile phones are _ m _ _ t devices 4 They still haven’t ______ a way to solve this problem.
which can connect to the Internet and other devices.
I’ve just ______ out about this event and I’d really like
4 It is said that young people spend more time in to take part in it.
virtual _ _ _ l _ _ y than meeting friends or doing a discovered
sport. b found
__ / 4 c learnt
5 I often stop at a bookshop on my way home, just
to ______ and see what’s new.
There are a lot of programs you can use to ______
7 Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets in the Net.
the passive voice. Use the present simple, past simple, a browse
future simple or present perfect. b look
c check
1 __________________ (your blog / read) by a lot of __ / 5
people every day?
2 Unfortunately, the new hi-fi __________________
(not deliver) yesterday. Writing
3 My car’s broken down. I hope it __________________
(repair) soon. 9 Read the instructions and do the writing task.
4 It’s the first event of this type at our school. This kind W internetowym czasopiśmie przeczytałeś/
of thing __________________ (not organise) before. przeczytałaś artykuł na temat negatywnego wpływu
5 The exam rules say that students gier omputerowych na życie towarzyskie młodych
__________________ (not allow) to bring any ludzi. Napisz jeden akapit listu do redakcji czasopisma
technological devices into the exam room. (100–150 słów), w którym nie zgodzisz się z tą opinią
i uzasadnisz swój punkt widzenia.
6 When __________________ (Australia / discover)?
In 1770.
7 I’m not getting on well with Paul now, so I’m afraid
I __________________ (not invite) to his birthday
party next month. ________________________________________________
8 This region is famous for beautiful hand-made cups.
They __________________ (make) here for centuries. ________________________________________________
9 Two dangerous criminals __________________
(arrest) by the police last night. ________________________________________________
10 __________________ (this machine / service) since
last year? __ / 10
__ / 10

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