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Introduction: Discussions are a key part of university life. Although you may lack confidence initially when speaking
in a group discussion, your confidence will grow as you understand more about how to participate in discussions and
learn some useful expressions.
Part A: “Why do we have academic discussions?” Below are some reasons why we have academic discussions. In
your groups, talk about each reason. While talking please take notes in the box below. Then come up with the top
three most important reasons.

A. to help you understand a subject more deeply 1.B

B. to enable you to share ideas and insights with other students
C. to hear the thoughts and ideas of other students
D. to challenge and perhaps change your ideas 2.F
E. to increase and clarify your knowledge
F. to improve your ability to think critically
G. to increase your confidence in speaking
H. to improve your English-speaking skills 3.H

Part B: “What makes a discussion effective?” Read the sentences below and in your groups complete each of the
ideas by using your own ideas.
prepare for the topic because (if you don’t...) .........................
be willing to listen to others because (if you don’t...) .........................
build on what other people have said because .........................
be willing to change your opinions because (if you don’t...) .........................
support your opinions with evidence because (if you don’t...) .........................
give others a chance to speak (i.e. do not dominate the discussion) because.........................
encourage others to speak by inviting them to give their opinions because.........................
show your disagreement politely because (if you don’t...) .........................
make your points clearly but briefly because (if you don’t...) .........................
allow others to finish, without interrupting because .........................
Model Discussion: Read the model discussion about “Technology in Education” and fill in the blanks with the
words/expressions from the box.
I totally agree All things considered
I partially agree What are your initial thoughts?
While I strongly believe
Technology in Education
Anna: Good afternoon, everyone. Today, let's discuss the impact of technology on education. I think it's a crucial
topic in today's world. 1. __________________________
Carlos: Personally, I believe that technology has revolutionized education. It makes learning more engaging and
Bilge: 2. ____________________. The use of interactive tools and online resources has certainly enhanced the
learning experience.
Raj: 3. _____________________ I see the benefits, I also think technology might be a distraction in the classroom. It
can be challenging to stay focused with so many digital distractions.

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Anna: I understand your concern, Raj. However, 4. ____________________ when used appropriately, technology
can be a powerful tool for education.
Carlos: Absolutely, Anna. I think it's about finding the right balance and using technology as a supplement rather
than a replacement for traditional teaching methods.
Bilge: 5. ______________________ with Raj. It's true that distractions exist, but it's also the responsibility of
educators to guide students on using technology responsibly.
Raj: I'm concerned about the digital divide. Not all students have equal access to technology, and this can create
educational inequalities.
Anna: That's a valid point, Raj. It's essential for policymakers to address these issues and ensure equitable access to
technology for all students.
Bilge: 6. ________________________, it seems like we all recognize the positive impact of technology on education,
but there are concerns about potential distractions and inequalities in access.
Carlos: Before we wrap up, what do you all think about the role of artificial intelligence in education? Could it be the
next big leap forward?
Anna: That's an interesting point, Carlos. Unfortunately, we're out of time for today. Thank you all for your insightful
contributions to the discussion. Let's continue exploring these topics in future sessions.

Put the bold expressions in the correct boxes.

Table 1
Opening the Discussion

Maintaining Conversation (E.g. Expressing

Opinions, Agreeing and Disagreeing)


Part C: Practice: Working Individually vs. Working in Groups

Work with your partner and put the ideas below under the right heading in the table. Add an idea of your own for
both categories. Give reasons and examples for each statement.
● think about one problem in a variety of ways

● concentrate better

● gain independence

● different ways of thinking/different experience

● divide up tasks and delegate responsibilities

● listen to and respect others' ideas

● work at own level and pace

● feel more comfortable

Advantages of Working in Groups Advantages of Working Individually

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PART D: Work in groups and have a group discussion about the prompt below. Try to use the phrases from Table 1
and the ideas from Part C. Make sure you ask follow-up questions.
- Some ELC students believe that working in groups is better than working individually. Do you agree?

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