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Suggested activity plan for Week 1

Download the Lecture guide for Week 1

Download the Lecture slides for Week 1
Play back the video recordings while making notes on the slides
Systematically work through the examples in the lecture guide:

 Examples 1 & 2
o Attempt examples 1 and 2 in the lecture guide without the solution
o Mark your attempts and note reasons for lines you got wrong
o [HINT: if you do not get (at least) 80% of these two examples correct, you need to revisit your
notes from second year]
 Example 3
o Pay attention to the calculation of the treatment of the VAT and note the following:
 It is irrelevant that the person from who the vendor acquired the second-hand machine is
a non-vendor (i.e. not registered for VAT purposes)
 The vendor CAN claim the (deemed) input tax on a second hand machine acquired
 the purchase price is paid in full
 the machine is to be used in the vendor's business (i.e. for business purposes)
 Calculation of deemed input tax using the tax fraction
 Example 4
o Pay attention to the following:
 A watch was acquired by the employer to give to the employee and as such the input tax
was claimed on the purchase.
 The watch is granted to an employee
 If the watch was re-sold, the employer would have had to pay output tax on the "sale"
 Therefore you have to determine "deemed" output tax on the fact that the employer
no longer has the watch - almost as if the employer had sold the watch
 Calculation of the (deemed) output tax using the tax fraction
 Example 5 (VERY IMPORTANT)
o Pay attention to the following:
 There are five different variations of similar situations
 Note the sequence of the calculation in each case
 Note when to use 0.3% and when to use 0.6%
 Note what happens when the employee bears (full) cost of maintenance
 Note that in 4.5.5 only 60% of the use is for business purposes and how that affects the
 Note that in 4.5.1 and 4.5.2, the employer was unable to claim the input tax on the purchase
of the vehicle, but for calculation of the deemed output VAT paid to SARS, the value of the
motor vehicle is calculated without the input tax (as if the employer COULD claim the input
 Example 6
o Pay attention to the following:
 Note reasons for the treatment of deemed output tax from the facts given and how to
answer a question about indemnity payments received.
 Note that there is a difference if an insurance company:
 replaces the assets lost or
 reimburses the insured
 Note that there is a difference if a vendor is reimbursed for an item depending on if they
 could claim the input tax when they originally purchased the item insured; or
 could NOT claim the input tax when they originally purchased the item insured.

Attend in-venue lecture

o You are welcome to attend any (or both) of the following in-venue lectures:
 Monday 12:10 – 13:50 [G Les G02]
 Tuesday 11:20 – 13:00 [B Les 100]
o If you struggle to attend any of the topics, you are encouraged to attend both lectures

You are also encouraged to form study groups and take turns to explain topics to fellow student(s) in a
way that a non-tax student will be able to understand it.

Attempt questions from previous papers to test your knowledge.

Consult with your lecturers to clarify misunderstandings as soon as possiblep

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