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◆ Thank you for checking out ToA! (aka LFG 2e)
◆ Main Objectives (compared to LFG):
1. Deadlier
2. Quicker Combat
3. Better Support for Solo & Emergent Play
◆ Obviously still a WIP. Requires more editing but the rules are
95% complete. There will be some additional material (not
decided yet, but eg revised mass battle rules, solo tables, etc).
This doc has bookmarks, contents, index, hyperlinks (page
references & online oracles), and is searchable.
◆ All feedback gratefully received! We are continuing to
playtest and tweak. The best way to reach us and other
players/GMs is the Low Fantasy Gaming Discord, Reddit,
or our website: Linktree
◆ The PDF is currently 245 or so pages, we have room to add
more content. What should be included that isn’t already -let
us know your thoughts!
◆ Some Art pieces are WIP sketches or placeholder but
included as examples/inspiration. We hope to commission
as many “scene” art pieces as we can.
◆ Licence to be determined (likely Creative Commons, will not
be OGL).


Philip Van Oppen, Glenn Fleetwood & Crew, Jason
AUTHOR Stephen Grodzicki Hobbs, Stu & Robert, Brad Ohlman (Goblin Scribe
Gaming), Logen Nein, JD (JD RPG Productions),
PUBLISHER Pickpocket Press and all our gamer friends taking this draft for a spin!
Thank you for your interest - and for your valuable
COVER ART Luke Eidenschink time to help make ToA a great game. Appreciate it!!


Luke Eidenschink, Earl Geier, Jeffrey Koch,
PROOFING, EDITING Steph Grodzicki Sverker Castillo, Dean Spencer, Daniel Comerci,
Matt Morrow, Carlos Castilho, Felipe da Silva
LAYOUT Steph Grodzicki Faria, Jeshields, William McAusland, Maciej
Zagorski, Thomas Denmark, Richard Sampson
WEBSITE (Nerdgore), Eric Lofgren, Brett Neufield, Blake
Pickpocket Press at Davis, Bradley K McDevitt, Colin C. Throm, Rick Hershey/Fat Goblin Games, John Bilodeau, Zed
Nope, J.M. Woiak, Heather Shinn, Randy M,
SOCIALS Jeremy Mohler, Christopher Spence Hominid Art, Kiril Tchangov, Christopher Tupa, Gary Dupuis,
Dyson Logos, Joseph Salvador III, Diane Ramic,
Henrik Karppinen, Kiss Márton Gyula, Leo
245Teduran. All art used with permission or under
licence, copyright 2023 the respective artists, and all
rights reserved.
ToA Playtest v3 - Updates since v2 (Nov)
1. Hirelings & Pets Death Save p.156, p122 Hirelings and pets usually die at zero hp. Added GM op�on to allow a PC to spend a
point of Luck to allow their hireling or pet a Death save.
2. Healing p.89, clarified that if you choose to recover lost hp twice during a short rest, you gain a total of three quarters of your
lost hp (ie not all of your lost hp).
3. Armour p.61 �died up language around penal�es, and Heavy Armour ignores nega�ve Dex modifiers (ie if you have Dex 8 or
less, heavy armour is a good choice).
4. Blessings p.96 clarified that for a spell like blessing, the Cul�st makes a Will (Divine Lore*) check to see whether they achieve a
Great Success on the spell effect or not. Also clarified that unlike spells, Blessings do not require a freehand to ges�culate with.
5. Barbarians p.21 ignore skill penal�es for medium armour.
6. Spellcas�ng p.91 A Great Success on your cas�ng check no longer gives Adv on the DDM check.
7. Finisher p.42 Bonus backstab damage only applies if the target is Wounded at the �me of the hit (ie before applying that hit’s
8. Removed d50 from the game, either changed to d100 tables or 3d20 roll (treasure tables).
9. Injury entries p.83. Where A�ribute loss occurs, no �me period is specified for recovery (ie the usual rules for A�ribute
restora�on apply; either 1 point as a Great Success on a Short Rest, or via a Long Rest).
10. Hexplora�on p.134 Nine step (hopefully clearer) Hexplora�on procedure and simplified Night Encounters (if there is a night
encounter, just roll randomly to see which party member was on watch at the �me).

There are probably other changes I forgot to update as I was going along, and I havent included typo references, but these are the
main ones. As with v2 many of these tweaks came about as a result of playtes�ng discussion on the Low Fantasy Gaming Discord –
Thank you one & all for helping make ToA a crackin’ game!!


The KS Pre-Launch Page is up for those who would like an email reminder when the KS launches in late Feb 2024 :D
Core Features 5 Kinds of checks 63
How to Play 6 Modifiers, Great Success, Terrible Failure 64
Opposed Checks 64
CHARACTER CREATION 8 Group Checks, Montages, Retries 65
Backgrounds 8
ATTRIBUTES 11 Reaction Rolls, Activity Die 66
Str, Dex, Con, Int, Perc, Will, Cha, Init 11 Influencing NPCs 67
Luck 12
RACES 13 Initiative, Delay, Ready Action 69
Humans, Dwarves, Elves 13
Morale 69
Halfling, Half Skorn 14
Move 70
Party Retreat, Chases 72
CLASSES 15 Action 75
Artificer 16 Attacks, Crits, Fumbles, Nat 19s, Dodge 77
Barbarian 20 Exploits 78
Bard 22 Fighting Styles, Miscellaneous Factors 80
Cultist 24 Conditions 82
Fighter 30
Magic User 33 INJURY & DEATH 83
Monk 35 Wounded, Death Save, Dying 83
Ranger 38 Injuries & Setbacks 83
Rogue 41 Trauma Tables 84


Short Rest, Long Rest, Sleep 89
UNIQUE FEATURES 45 Healer’s Kit, Other Gear 89


Spell Casting, Spell Duration 91
EQUIPMENT 55 Sensing Magic, Illusions 91
Supply, Light, Encumbrance 55 Dark & Dangerous Magic 92
Common, Uncommon, Rare Gear 56 Divine Blessings & Rebukes 96
Food & Board, Services, Lifestyle 57 Rites of Atonement 98
Weapons, Nat 19, Ammo Rolls 58 Spell List 100
Melee Weapons Table 59 Spell Descriptions 103
Ranged Weapons Table 60 Ritual Magic 111
Armour, Shields, Animals, Vehicles 61
Masterforged Gear 62 DOWNTIME 113
Advancement, XP, Session Advances 114
Black Market Trade 116

Carousing 117 TRAPS 210
Gambling 121 Three Second Trigger 210
Pets 122 Danger Level, Triggers & Counters 211
Potion Brewing 123 Mode of Attack 211
Recovery 124 Bypasses, Cost 212
Research (Standard, Magical) 125 Trap Tables 212
Rumours, Scroll Inscribing 126
GM TOOLS 129 Carry Loot A 217
Disease & Parasites 130 Carry Loot B, Valuables A 218
Dungeon Crawling 132 Valuables B 219
Marching Order, Light, Readied Gear 132 Trinkets & Curios 220
Dungeon Events, Dungeon Tally 133 Lair Treasures 226
Hexploration 134 Minor Magical Items, Potions 227
Hexes, Watches, Travel Procedure 134 Scrolls, Spellbooks 228
Travel Roles, Night Shift 135 Minor Charms 232
Weather, Exploring a Hex, Travel Events 136 Major Magical Items 236
Random Encounters, Back to Base 139 Atonement, Using Powers 236
Encounter Tables 140
Role, Cost, Names 156 INDEX 246
Background, Personality, Traits 157
Gear, Catchphrase 158
Advancement, Payback 159


List by HD, Custom Monsters 163
Special Traits 164
Monster Stats 167


Consult the Bones 204
Read the Signs 205



Lone Wolf PC 208

Tales of Argosa is an Emergent Play Adventure Bold Adventurers
Game inspired by classic sword & sorcery stories, ToA scenarios focus on personal contests against
focusing on dangerous wilds, fierce battles, ruinous savage wilderness, treacherous cities, murderous
magic, fabulous treasures, and cosmic weird. monsters, and mysterious ruins. PCs are not epic
heroes charged with saving the world; they’re sword
Simple Rules swinging, skull splitting adventurers seeking
ToA has simple rules, flexible PC customisation, fortune and glory!
improvisation support, and an emphasis on GM
rulings. It’s a mix of old school, modern, and new Emergent Play
game design, wrapped around a familiar d20 core. Argosa is designed for short, sharp adventures in a
sandbox world. The GM offers rumours and hooks,
Fierce Battle but the players decide where to go and what to do:
Battle is fast, brutal, & exciting! Any sword swing which tales to investigate, factions to interact with,
might lead to fractured bones or severed limbs, and ruins to explore, etc. ToA’s mechanics, procedures,
the threat of character death ever present. Retreat tables, and oracles equip the GM with a plethora of
and chase rules allow the players to decide when to support tools to adapt to player choices - ready to
push their luck, and when to get the hell out! adjudicate any situation or side trek with aplomb.
Dread Sorcery Adventure Game
Argosan sorcery is not only rare, it is dark and ToA is about great gameplay moments with friends
inherently dangerous. Be it arcane spell or divine or solo. Like many games, an impartial referee is
blessing, magic is a power not meant for mortals; required, in this instance between the PCs and the
those who engage with it do so at their peril. setting. This is facilitated by rolling in the open,
demonstrating that the risks are real and the world
independent of the GM. This approach also allows
everyone to be surprised by what unfolds, including
(and especially) the referee. From this meeting of
wits & chance will spring astonishing adventures,
fond memories, and lasting friendships. Enjoy!

ToA is d20 based, with the following features:

◆ 9 Classes Artificer, Barbarian, Bard, Cultist,

Fighter, Monk, Ranger, Rogue & Magic User;
only two of which involve magic.

◆ 9th Level max caps PC power levels.

◆ Flatter HP Curve Most PCs will have approx

10-40 hit points over their nine levels.

◆ Unique Features Every 3rd level design your

own PC ability in conjunction with your GM,
or choose from 40+ examples.

◆ Roll Under for attribute checks, making every

stat point matter (inc degrees of success).

◆ Skills allow access to a PC’s limited Rerolls if

they fail a relevant attribute check.

◆ Willpower & Perception attributes replace

Wisdom. Ranged attacks use Perc not Dex.

◆ Minor, Major & Rescue Exploits on top of

damage, not in lieu, promote improvised
stunts and moments of greatness. ◆ Dark & Dangerous Magic tests threaten to
unleash Veil monsters, madness, mutation, or
◆ Fast Initiative Only one player rolls for the worse! Meddling with sorcery is not for the
whole party each round, aiming for equal to faint of heart.
or under their Initiative score (average of Dex
and Int). If they succeed the party goes first, ◆ Downtime rules for Carousing, Pets, Black
otherwise the monsters do. Market Trade, Gambling, Recovery, Potion
Brewing, Magical Research, Scroll Inscribing,
◆ Diminishing Luck attribute replaces saving Rumours, and more.
throws, ratcheting up danger with each save.
◆ Emergent Play Support for Group & Solo
◆ Fierce Battle Martial Exploits, Nat 19 effects, Play via mechanics, procedures, and the GM
Crits, Fumble ripostes, Morale checks, and Toolbox, including: Range Bands, Reaction &
Trauma rolls make for action packed battles! Activity rolls, Morale, Consult the Bones Dice
When reduced to zero hp, healing takes 1d3 Oracle, Read the Signs Card Deck Oracle,
minutes (magical or otherwise). Players don't Hexploration Procedures, Dungeon Events,
roll to find out if their fallen PC lives until Travel Events, Random Encounters, XP
after combat, when someone checks the body. Awards, Treasure Tables, Weather, Hirelings,
NPC tables, Diseases & Parasites, Madness,
◆ Unbalanced Encounters ToA is designed for Traps, and more!
unbalanced combat. Clear escape rules put
the fate of the PCs in the players’ hands - do ◆ Creative Commons Licence TBC.
they fight another round, or run?
◆ Rules as Guidelines The GM is the final
◆ Short Rests PCs may attempt Will checks to authority on all rules, which are expected to
recover hp and class abilities, encouraging the be tweaked to fit table preferences (the Variant
party to press on rather than camp. Rules chapter includes suggestions).

The basics of playing a tabletop adventure game are enough before the figures disappear. Jessica, to
very simple. One player is known as the Games answer your questions; the body is a man, in
Master (“GM”) or Referee; this player runs the wealthy merchant robes of red silk. Definitely dead.
overall game in an impartial manner, playing all the You notice he’s missing three fingers on his left
characters the other players don’t (the Non Player hand.
Characters or “NPCs”). For example, the GM plays
the world’s monsters, merchants, inn keepers, Mia: I crouch next to the body and search it.
queens, and evil sorcerers. Anything good?

The other players control a single adventurer each, Jessica: Hey I was about to do that - we split
also known as a Player Character or “PC”; a whatever she finds!
Fighter, Barbarian, Rogue, Bard, Ranger, Monk,
Artificer, Cultist or Magic User. The player Tom: OK I made my Initiative check with an 8, so
characters are the central protagonists in the game, I react quick enough. I throw my spear, yelling out
like the main characters in a novel, TV show or “What the hell, berk!” … let’s see <Tom rolls his
movie. The players might also control NPC attack and damage> … I hit AC 18, and damage is
hirelings and pets (if any). 8, assuming that’s a hit?

The game generally unfolds with the GM GM: Yep you easily hit, even with cover <the GM
describing the situation at hand, including where knows the target’s AC is 12>. Your spear strikes one
the adventurers are and what they can see and hear. of the figures, who yells out in pain… <the GM
The players then tell the GM what they want their rolls a Dex check, which fails> .., and he topples off
PCs to do. The GM decides whether the attempted the roof, hitting the ground with a horrible splat!
action succeeds, fails, or if some dice need to be
rolled to determine the outcome. Tom: LOL! Classic Kruncor!

An example of play appears below. Jessica: Yeah that’s the Kruncor we all know and
love. Right, I loot the new dead guy!
GM (Steve): Okay, as you stroll down the alley
way, you hear a sudden squeal, then a body falls GM: OK then; Mia - you don’t find anything of
from the sky above you, landing on the much value on the dead merchant. Interestingly his
cobblestones with a bloody thud! money pouch has been cut from his belt. Jessica,
the latest dead body is a man wearing street rags,
Tom: What? A body? Where the hell did it come there’s a bloody knife, 3 silver in loose coins and a
from? money pouch with another 82 silver.

Jessica: Is the guy dead? Is it a man or woman? Jessica: Haha oh yeah!

What are they wearing?
Mia: We’re splitting that!
GM: The inn beside you is two storeys high. Your
torchlight just reaches the rooftop; you can make GM: Tom - what does Kruncor do while Dari and
out two humanoid shapes withdrawing from the Jacinth are looting?
roof ’s edge.
Tom: Can I climb up the side of the inn?
Tom: Hold up - as soon as I see the humanoids on
the roof, I throw my spear at one. GM: Of course you can. If you want to do it in a
hurry though you’ll need to make either a Strength
GM: OK, so Kruncor is throwing his spear. Tom, or Dex check, your choice. The Athletics skill
make an Initiative check to see if Kruncor reacts fast applies if you have it.

Tom: Great, I’ll go Strength <rolls 1d20 and gets
19, but Kruncor’s Strength is 16, so the check is a
GaMe Dice
fail>. Ah damn it. But I’ve got the Athletics skill, so ToA uses several kinds of dice, identified by how
I can use one of my Rerolls – let’s see, it’s a 5 - Great many sides they have. For example, a single six
Success! (the 5 is a Great Success because it is less sided die is referred to as “1d6”, while 4d6 means
than half Kruncor’s strength score of 16). roll four six sided dice and total the result. The four
sided die is “1d4”, eight sided die is “1d8”, ten-
GM: Sweet! Kruncor scales the side of the inn like sided die is “1d10”, twelve sided die is “1d12”, and
a monkey, leaping from one windowsill to another the twenty sided die is “1d20”.
then hauling himself up onto the tiled roof. You see
a one eyed female in street rags, menacing you with If you need to roll “1d100”, roll 1d10 twice using
an iron baton. She hisses at you in Argosan: “New the first throw as the tens and the second throw as
to these parts, is ya? I’m with the …” the ones (eg if you rolled 3 and 9, the result would
be a 39). 1d66 is like 1d100 but uses two d6s
Tom: I grab her and throw her off the roof. instead. For 1d2 roll 1d4 and divide by two (round
up), and finally for 1d3 roll 1d6 and divide by two
GM: What? (round up).

Tom: I grab her as she’s talking, and fling her off Exploding Dice
the roof down to where Dari and Jacinth are An “exploding” die roll means that if you roll the
waiting. maximum on the die, you roll it again and
accumulate the result (once per die only).
Mia: Yep, Dari stands up and draws her short
swords, ready for trouble. She knows what Krunc’s ROund DOwn
If a rule instructs you to divide an amount, round
down unless indicated otherwise.
GM: OK. Someone roll initiative, we’re about to
start combat.

In the spirit of quick and emergent play, player 12. Your Armour Class (AC) equals your
character creation is mostly randomised by Armour bonus (+1 if shield) + Dex mod.
default. For tables that prefer more control,
modify as desired (the Variant Rules chapter 13. Your Attack Bonus equals your Class Attack
Bonus + Str modifier (for melee) or Perc
p.244 has some suggestions).
modifier (for ranged).
1. Roll 1d12 for Race: 1-9 Human, 10 Dwarf, 14. Choose bonus Languages equal to your Int
11 Elf, 12 Halfling or Half Skorn (p.13). mod (if -2 or -3, you are illiterate).
2. Roll d66 for Background. Each 15. Your Age is 1d20+16 years (young - middle
background grants an attribute bonus aged) or humans may choose to be old
(max 17), a skill, and an item. (1d10+60). Old PCs reduce their Str & Con by
one, but increase their Int & Will by one (max
3. Generate Attributes by rolling 3d6 seven
17). Old PCs begin an adventure with one
times and allocate the results in order to
extra use of their 1st Level Class Ability.
Str, Dex, Con, Int, Perc, Will and Cha.
You must have at least one attribute of 13 16. Name your Adventurer. The Hireling tables
or higher and another of 15 or higher. If (p.156) offer example Names, Personalities,
not, increase one attribute of your and a physical Trait if desired (ignore entries
choosing to 13, and/or one to 15, as 23-24 and 91-92).
required. You may then also swap any two
Attribute rolls, if desired. 17. Party Bond Roll d66 for a Party Bond (unless
you already have one) p.44.
4. Choose your Class: Artificer, Bard,
Fighter, Barbarian, Monk, Ranger, Rogue,
Cultist, or Magic User. BACKGROUNDS
5. Your Luck is 11, Rerolls are 2 (Human) or Sleight of Hand,
1 (other races), and DDM 1. 11 Pickpocket +1 Dex
Secret Pocket
6. Initiative is the average of Dex and Int Stealth,
12 Rat Catcher +1 Dex
Cheese Wedge
(round down as noted on p.7).
7. Hit Points are calculated according to your Athletics,
13 Ditch Digger +1 Str
Class (Con score +1, 2 or 3 points).
Gather Info,
8. Your Death save is 10 + your Con mod or 14 Beggar +1 Will
Bitey Dog
Will mod, whichever is higher (min 10).
Wilderness Lore,
9. Skills are partly based on your class, and 15 Fur Trapper +1 Int
Bear Trap
partly rolled. If you get the same skill
twice, roll again. General Lore,
16 Cook +1 Cha
Spice Jar
10. Class Abilities (1st Level) may be set or
rolled for, depending on your class. Watercraft,
21 Galley Slave +1 Will
Fishing Rod
11. Your Battle Gear slots equal half your Str Herbalist’s Wilderness Lore,
(round down, min 5), and the other half 22 Assistant
+1 Int
Poppy Milk
are Pack Gear (min 5, p.55). Add a torch,
bedroll, and rations (5 days) to Pack Gear. Street Divine Lore,
23 Preacher
+1 Cha
Holy Symbol
Add a tinderbox to your Pouch, and 10 sp
to Coins. Then add Class Starting Gear.

Stealth, Wilderness Lore,
24 Brigand +1 Str
Wine Flask 56 Hunter +1 Perc
Sleight of Hand, Persuasion.
25 Prisoner +1 Con
Manacles 61 Busker +1 Cha Pipe, Drum,
Horn, or Lute
Traps & Locks,
26 Tinkerer +1 Int
Pouch of Marbles Animal Lore,
62 Swineherd +1 Perc
Burly Pig (as Dog)
Detection, Sack
31 Bone Grubber +1 Perc
of Broken Glass Apothecary’s Apothecary,
63 Assistant
+1 Int
Healer’s Kit
Deception, Lucky
32 Actor +1 Cha
Coin (1 use reroll) General Lore,
64 Street Crier +1 Will
Hand Bell
Athletics, Gather
33 Graverobber +1 Str
String of Garlic 65 Gong Farmer +1 Con Information,
Deception, Anti Toxin
Yellow Lotus
34 Addict
+1 Will Yellow Lotus Leadership,
Powder 66 Hangman +1 Will
Rope 30 ft
Traps & Locks,
35 Thief +1 Dex
36 Sailor +1 Con
Ancient Map
Animal Lore,
41 Kennelman +1 Dex
War Dog
42 Mercenary +1 Str
Deck of Cards
43 Barkeep +1 Cha Small Barrel
of Spirits
Divine Lore,
44 Pilgrim +1 Cha
Animal Lore,
45 Wagoneer +1 Perc
46 Miner +1 Str
General Lore,
51 Messenger +1 Con
Street Acrobatics,
52 Acrobat
+1 Dex
10 ft Pole
Alchemist’s Arcane Lore,
53 Assistant
+1 Int
Fire Pot
54 Organlegger +1 Con
General Lore,
55 Scribe +1 Int
Parchment & Ink

The seven core character attributes are Strength,
Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Willpower,
ChariSMa (Cha)
Perception, and Charisma. Initiative is a derived High Charisma represents an inspiring persona
stat (average of Dex and Int), and Luck is based on with strong natural charm and persuasiveness. A
PC level (see over). charismatic PC finds it easier to make contacts and
influence others. Charisma might also reflect
physical beauty.
STrengTh (STr)
High Strength means your PC is physically strong,
making it easier to perform acts of manual power.
IniTiaTive (IniT)
Strength grants bonuses to attack and damage rolls Initiative is a PC’s 8th attribute: the average of their
with melee attacks. Dexterity and Intelligence scores (round down).
Initiative reflects an adventurer’s capacity to act
quickly under pressure, most typically in combat.
DexTeriTy (Dex)
High Dex means your PC is well coordinated, with
sharp reflexes, high agility, and a knack for avoiding
physical danger. Dex contributes to your Initiative
score and Armour Class (AC), and is often used in
stealth related checks.

COnsTiTuTiOn (COn)
High Constitution means your adventurer is hardy
and physically resilient. Con is directly related to
Hit Points, and makes it easier to resist poisons,
transmutative magic, and fatigue. MODIFIERS
If an attribute (except Luck, see over) applies a
Intelligence (InT) modifier, use the bonus or penalty below:

High Int means your character is quick witted and

knowledgeable, with strong analytical and problem
solving skills. Int grants bonus languages, helps
your Initiative score, and is often used for lore
related checks. 3-4 -3 15-16 +2

PerceptiOn (Perc) 5-6 -2 17-18 +3

High Perc means your character has excellent aim,
a sixth sense for danger, and notices subtle details.
Perc grants bonuses to ranged attacks, detecting 7-8 -1 19-20 +4
ambushes, and picking up clues others might miss.
9-12 - 21-22 +5
WillpOwer (Will)
High Willpower represents robust self-confidence
and mental fortitude, granting bonuses to resist 13-14 +1 23+ +6
mind effects such as fear and madness. For NPCs,
tests of Morale are made against Willpower. Most
importantly, Will governs the capacity to rally
between encounters, allowing your adventurer to
recover hit points and expended class abilities.

Every PC has a special ninth attribute called Luck. To make a Luck roll, roll 1d20. The GM decides
Primarily representing fate and good fortune, Luck whether any circumstantial modifiers apply. If the
also reflects a character’s accumulated experience result is equal to or less than the adventurer’s
dealing with perilous hazards and dangers. current Luck attribute, the test is successful. Note
that a character’s Rerolls are always available for
At the start of an adventure, a character’s Luck Luck rolls. A successful Luck roll means the
attribute is equal to 10 + half level (round up). character avoids the threat (or lessens its effect), or
successfully performs the Major Exploit, Rescue, or
Luck ROLLS Party Retreat.
Luck rolls (often interchangeably referred to as a Every time a character succeeds on a Luck roll their
Luck check or Luck save, although “save” usually Luck attribute is reduced by 1 point to a minimum
implies a defensive use) are primarily made for two of five. Luck is not reduced on a failed check.
different reasons: (i) resisting serious adverse effects
Other USeS
such as spells, traps, special enemy attacks, or major
environmental hazards (particularly those with an
area effect), or (ii) to perform a Major Exploit, Luck is a flexible and ephemeral quality however,
Rescue, or Party Retreat, which rely on the Luck and your GM might allow other uses. For example,
resource to pull off. comparing Luck scores to decide which PC is
initially targeted by a trap or enemy, to see whether
A Luck roll is usually modified by an appropriate a guard patrol turns the corner at a critical moment,
attribute bonus or penalty, depending on the determine whether a discarded lantern has any oil
nature of the attack, hazard, or other action. For left, or a last ditch chance to spot the glint of a
example, a character’s Dex modifier applies to rooftop assassin. “Oracle” like uses of Luck to
dodging out of the way of a Hellblast or when determine independent parts of the game world do
making a successful get away via a Party Retreat. not reduce an adventurer’s Luck score.
To indicate this the roll is noted as a Luck (Dex)
save. Eg a PC with Luck 11 and a +2 Dex modifier
would need to roll 13 or less.
Regaining Luck
Luck returns at a rate of 1 point per Long Rest.

Designer’s Thoughts
Although hit points, spells, and other abilities tend
to replenish regularly, relying on Luck gets riskier
the longer an adventure goes on.

Diminishing Luck is intended to serve several

purposes. Firstly, players must make choices about
when to use their Luck. Secondly, it ratchets up the
danger as the adventure progresses. Thirdly, in
conjunction with Short Rests (p.89) and random
encounters, it incentivises pressing on with the
adventure rather than looking for a place to camp.

For longer adventures, or for tables who like to

engage in frequent side treks, you might consider
allowing Luck to replenish more quickly. Perhaps 1
point is restored at certain adventure milestones, at
the start of each play session, as a further Short
Rest Great Success recovery option, and so on.

In Argosa, humans are the default race for player
characters. Five races are provided below however
for greater variety. Elves possess a natural grace and agility that puts
humans to shame, but have fragile constitutions.
Like all fey, they are inherently bound to the wild
HuMAnS places of the world, coupled with haughty and
Humans have a flair for adaptability and problem aloof spirits (an artefact of their extraordinarily
solving. They exhibit wide variability and often long lives). Like dwarves, elves have better night
enjoy the largest population centres in lower magic vision than most humans, but are just as blind in the
settings. If the GM allows PC races other than absence of light. In the shadows of the elder forests,
humans, humans gain the following benefits: elves employ soft lighting to guide their way.

◆ Increase maximum Rerolls by 1. ◆ Advantage when making Dex checks and

defensive Luck (Dex) saves.
◆ During character creation, apply +1 to an
attribute of your choice (maximum 17, ◆ Disadvantage on Luck (Con) saves and Con
cannot be applied to Luck or Initiative). checks.

◆ Elves do not sleep, instead entering a trance

DWARVES like contemplation for six hours. They count
Dwarves are short, naturally hardy, and highly as being on Look Out duties (p.135) during
resistant to arcane forces. All dwarves suffer from this time, but with a -3 penalty on Perc tests.
gold lust and take great pride in their honour and
ancestry. They have better night vision than most ◆ The GM may require a Will check to resist
humans, but are just as blind in the absence of light. engaging with sites of great natural beauty, or
The deep roads are well lit if dwarves are nearby. to demonstrate elven superiority or disinterest
when the opportunity arises.
◆ Advantage when resisting poison.

◆ Advantage when resisting magic, but positive

magical effects provide only half the usual
benefits (where possible, for example
duration, amount of healed hit points, etc).

◆ May make a Perception check to sniff out a

handful of silver or gold coins, or a single
gemstone, within Close range.

◆ The GM may require a Will check to resist

new opportunities for riches, or to keep from
retaliating against a perceived slight.

Halflings are three feet tall, nimble and light footed, Half-Skorn (see Skorn p.195) are taller than most
sometimes mistaken for portly human children at a humans, invariably heavy set, with pinkish skin,
distance. They have a natural gift for hiding, wide jaws and small, misshapen ears. They are hard
dodging, and moving silently, and are seemingly to kill, strong, and bug resistant, but display poor
blessed with good fortune. Halflings are innately memory and analytical ability. Half-skorn are
curious and overly fond of comforts such as rich prone to instincts for war, conquest and strife,
foods, alcohol, pipeweed, and sleep. making it difficult to maintain peaceful lives. Like
dwarves, half-skorn have better night vision than
◆ Advantage on stealth related checks. most humans, but are just as blind in the absence of
◆ Disadvantage on strength related checks
(excluding melee attack and damage rolls). ◆ Gain advantage on strength related tests
(excluding melee attack and damage rolls).
◆ Increase your starting Luck and AC by 1 point
(the AC bonus is lost if using Heavy armour). ◆ Gain advantage to resist disease or parasites.
◆ PC allies within sight or hearing also increase ◆ Disadvantage on intelligence related checks
their Luck by 1 (does not stack). (excluding spell casting and Initiative checks).
◆ Cannot wield large weapons such as great ◆ Gain a +2 bonus on Death saves (does not
swords, polearms, and long bows. stack with the +2 healing magic bonus or
◆ Require two hands to use longswords or
similar moderately sized weapons (they do ◆ The GM might require a Will check to resist
not gain the usual +1 damage bonus for doing showing dominance or fearlessness in the face
so, if applicable). Smaller weapons (eg of overt challenge.
shortswords, shortbows) operate as normal.

◆ Lifestyle costs are doubled (p.57).

◆ The GM might require a Will check to resist
your prying nature, or to curb potential

ToA has nine classes to choose from: Artificer,
Barbarian, Bard, Cultist, Fighter, Magic User,
Monk, Ranger, and Rogue. Not all classes will suit
all games (particularly Artificer, at least for a sword
& sorcery setting), so check with your GM to
confirm which are available.

Hit PoinTS
While hit points partly reflect the ability to absorb
blows, they are primarily more intangible qualities
such as fighting spirit, combat experience, stamina,
and luck. Being restored to full hit points after a
battle does not mean a PC’s wounds miraculously
heal. On the contrary, it suggests that despite their
injuries, the adventurer has gathered the courage to
rally, found their second wind, or is otherwise hell
bent on reaching their objective.

Unique FeatureS
All 1st level PCs start with hit points equal to their
Con score plus class hp bonus (generally 1-3
points). Between 2nd and 9th level, all characters Every 3rd level devise one new ability, trait or
increase their hp by their class hp bonus only. theme for your adventurer. Feel free to borrow feats,
class abilities, perks and so on from other games,
A 1st level Con 13 Fighter starts play with 16 hit modified to suit ToA. The advancement need not
points (Con 13 + 3 class hp bonus). At 2nd level her be limited to traditional class themes, allowing for a
hp increases by 3 to 19, then to 22 at 3rd level, etc. degree of multi-classing. The open nature of
Unique Features requires some table discussion to
WOUNDED keep things balanced and consistent with the genre
of your campaign. Consider these advancements
Most damage is cuts and scrapes, but if reduced to under constant playtesting and subject to tweaking.
half max hp (known as Wounded), the character
shows real signs of trauma. If reduced to zero hp, If uncomfortable with creating your own Unique
the subject is unconscious or incapacitated, and Features, some examples appear on p.45. For more
may die or suffer a persistent injury (see p.83). experienced players, GMs might allow a bonus
Unique Feature at 1st level to allow for greater PC
LEVELLING UP customisation. Tables favouring simplicity might
ignore UFs altogether (or grant +1 to an Attribute,
When a PC levels up they gain +1 to an attribute
max 17).
of their choice (excluding Luck and Init, up to max
16), more hit points, and other benefits as outlined
Designer’s Thoughts
in the Class Attack Bonus & Abilities tables. If a
Hit points in ToA start out a little higher than LFG,
spell or monster ability refers to a target’s HD
but increase at a slower rate. The flatter hp curve
(p.162), a PC’s HD equals their level.
has many benefits: PCs quickly reach and remain in
the hp “sweet spot” of 20-30, lower HD monsters
ClaSS AbilitieS remain dangerous for longer, fewer enemies are
All classes come with special abilities relating to needed to threaten the party, and most importantly;
their general theme or niche. Some abilities work fights are quicker and more exciting! This in turn
automatically while others require a check of some frees up precious session time for more exploration,
kind. PCs may attempt to recover expended social interactions, side treks, crazy plans, and of
abilities by taking Short or Long Rests (see p.89). course - more fighting (and looting)!

You are an artificer, an expert alchemist and forge Class Starting Gear
master, gear priest, and black powder savant. You Heavy Hammer (1d8), Leather (+1 AC), Toolkit.
might be a reclusive tinker, a burly gadgeteer, a
fume addled apothecary or haughty steamsmith. Skills
Apothecary, General Lore, plus roll 1d12 three
Hammer in hand and hellfire at your belt, you times: (i) Acrobatics, (ii) Animal Lore, (iii)
travel abroad in search of inspiration, putting your Athletics, (iv) Deception, (v) Detection, (vi) Divine
unique devices to the test. Most folk brand you a Lore, (vii) Gather Information, (viii) Persuasion,
menace; a heretic meddling in secret and unstable (ix) Watercraft (x) Sleight of Hand, (xi) Stealth,
forces, destined for an early grave. And perhaps (xii) Traps & Locks.
they’re right. Yet no man lives forever, and all
kingdoms fade; what matters is whether your next
discovery will change the world.

Key Attribute
Intelligence (Min 15)

Hit Points
Equal to Con score + Level.

One handed weapons, light crossbows, sling,
and Alchemy & Mechanica weapons.

Armour & Shields

Light and Medium armour.


Alchemy &
Level 1 0 Level 4 +2 +1 AC Level 7 +5 Supercharged
New Skill, New Skill, Major +1 AC,
Level 2 +1 Level 5 +3 Level 8 +5
Troubleshooter Breakthrough New Skill

Level 3 +2 Unique Feature Level 6 +4 Unique Feature Level 9 +6 Unique Feature

AlcheMy & Mechanica Mechanica). If lost or destroyed, you may
create a replacement during Downtime.
As an artificer, you are privy to secret lore
governing the fundamental forces of the natural 4. Corroding Spray You cause a single metallic
world, enabling you to invent unique devices and object within Melee range (eg: weapon or
admixtures. By 1st level, you have crafted a number armour) to rust, crack or otherwise be
of inventions equal to your Intelligence modifier; destroyed. If the target object is carried, a
roll 1d12 on the below list to determine which. Luck (Dex) save resists. Enchanted objects or
With each new level, learn one additional invention special metals (eg silvered) are immune.
of your choosing.
5. Flash Rig When hit by a melee attack from
You begin an adventure with one use of this ability a sight based opponent, you may trigger a
per level. Unless noted otherwise, you may expend blinding flash via a modified bracer or other
a use of this ability as part of your normal action, worn item, imposing a 66% miss chance on
choosing one invention to apply. Abilities that the attack.
expend uses cannot be activated more times than
your Int mod per day. If an invention requires an 6. Fume Flask Spend an action to hurl a gas
Int check, you may use a Reroll. You may regain device up to Far range (an attack roll is
expended uses by taking Short or Long Rests. generally not required, GM’s call), causing
one of the following non-magical but spell
1. Black Powder Weapon You have created like effects in a Close area (your choice):
one (and only one) prototype black powder Dark Slumber, Fetid Fog of the Pit People, or
weapon: Two handed, Far Range, 4d4 Place of Perfect Night. The cloud duration is
damage, Nat 19 Missile Trauma (1d8+4), 2d6 minutes.
reload as crossbow, and damage dice are
exploding (p.7). Firing is loud, preventing 7. Hellfire Glass Spend an action to hurl an
stealth. On a fumble the gun malfunctions, explosive device up to Close range (an attack
rendering it a club until repaired (see shield roll is generally not required; GM’s call),
rules). Once created, you may wield the blasting a Melee area for 2d4 damage plus
weapon like any other (does not require 1d4 every odd level beyond 1st (no save).
expending uses of Alchemy & Mechanica). If Damage dice are exploding (p.7). Hellfire
the weapon is lost or destroyed, you may glass cannot be used if you are within Melee
create a replacement during Downtime. range of an enemy. May also be set as a trap
using a fuse, tripwire, etc. Expended uses of
2. Breathing Mask You may activate an Alchemy & Mechanica to create traps cannot
independent air supply as part of your action be recovered while the traps persist.
or in response to a gas attack. You are
immune to gas attacks and may breathe 8. Ironward When hit by a metal based attack
underwater for 2d6 minutes. In certain (eg sword, arrow, etc) you may make an Int
situations you might be able to share your air check to trigger a magnetic pulse to deflect
supply with others, dividing the duration by the attack. The pulse makes a loud humming
the number of users (GM’s call). noise, ruining stealth.

3. Chaintooth Weapon You have created one

(and only one) prototype chainsaw melee
weapon (or other mechanized melee device,
eg: piston hammer, torch mace, etc): Two
handed, 2d4+1 damage, Nat 19 Trauma
(1d6+6), and damage dice are exploding
(p.7). The weapon is loud, preventing
stealth. On a fumble the weapon
malfunctions, rendering it a club until
repaired (see shield rules). Once created, you
may wield the weapon like any other (does
not require expending uses of Alchemy &

9. Thunder Gauntlet Spend an action to
channel a shockwave at a single target within MUTAGEN
Melee range, hurling it up to Close range. A
creature gains a Luck (Con) save to resist. If (i) Increase Str to 17.
thrown into a wall or other hard surface, the
target suffers 1d8 damage. Larger than man
sized targets, or fixed objects, are generally
(ii) Increase Dex to 17.
immune (GM’s call). You may launch
yourself using this ability. (iii) Increase Str & Dex to 17.

10. Truth Serum If injected or ingested, this Spend an action to Spit Poison at a single
serum causes the target to blurt out honest target up to Close range: Luck (Con) save
(iv) or paralysed for 1d4 hours. Unused spit
answers to questions posed for 2d6 rounds
(Luck (Will) save resists). turns inert when the mutagen expires.

11. Mutagen These highly unstable and taxing You exude Eye Watering Fumes within
concoctions grant a random benefit for 2d6 (v) Melee range. All creatures must make a
rounds. Only one mutagen may be active at Luck (Con) save or Blind for 1d4 rounds.
a time. When a mutagen expires, there is a (vi) As Hunger For Blood (self only).
50% chance of Toxin Trauma (1d12). Roll
1d8 to determine the Mutagen effect: Heal 1d10 hit points each round at the
(vii) end of your turn. This effect ceases if you
are reduced to zero hp.
Stoney Skin Reduce all physical damage
(viii) by 5 points (minimum 1).

12. Xray Goggles Make an Int check to gain

xray like vision up to Close range. A thin
sheet of lead blocks the effect. The effect
lasts one round.

Generally speaking, other classes do not have the

expertise (including making on the fly calibrations
and dosing adjustments) or acquired tolerances to
make effective use of your inventions.

Once per point of Int modifier per adventure, you
may attempt to improvise a jury rigged device or ad
hoc mixture to bypass a current obstacle, or assist
the party in some other way. Your toolbox and a
successful Int check is required (Reroll available),
modified at the GM’s discretion. The device is
fashioned from spare parts and chemicals,
scavenged or adapted from nearby materials,
borrowed from allies, etc. The GM determines
whether a proposed item is possible in the
circumstances, and how long it takes to create.

Some examples might include: a primitive but

serviceable parachute, acid that melts a lock in a
few moments before turning inert, one shot flare
gun or magnetic grapple, or a fusing agent to bind
two objects together or to climb a sheer wall.

The devices and mixtures are temporary and ◆ Replacement Limb During Downtime at a
makeshift, lasting up to 1d4 hours at best. At the cost of at least 1,000 sp (GM’s call), you may
GM’s option, highly improbable or complex items permanently replace a lost limb with a
might also cost 1 point of Luck. clockwork, steam, and/or canned lightning
powered facsimile, eliminating injury
UNIQUE FEATURE penalties. The subject loses 1 point of Con
permanently but gains +1 AC. Secret
At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels, you gain a Unique compartments, tools or weapon attachments
Feature. See p.15 and 45. might also be possible at the GM’s option.
Maximum one limb per subject.
◆ Field Repair Once per adventure, you may
At 2nd, 5th, and 8th level, you gain one new skill
spend 1d6 x 10 mins to repair a broken or
(the skill need not be on your class list).
damaged item (eg shield, weapon) in the field,
using your carry tools, spare parts, etc.
MajOr BreakthrOugh
At 5th level, you make a major breakthrough or
new discovery, enabling the following benefits:
At 7th level, you may spend one Reroll die to reroll
any or all Alchemy & Mechanica related damage
◆ New Alchemy & Mechanica During
dice, number of targets affected, or Mutagen effect.
Downtime you create a new Alchemy &
Mechanica invention, adding it to your
known abilities. Work with your GM to BEYOND 9TH LEVEL
determine the details, subject to playtesting, If you survive this long, you retire as Master
etc, like a Unique Feature. Mechanica to an artificing facility, complete with a
mine, forge, workshop, laboratory and dutiful

You are a barbarian, a savage warrior from the
tundra, mountains, deep forests, or sandy wastes.
You might be a Viking raider, a Conan like
behemoth, or an Amazonian warrior woman.

Unlike soft city dwellers, your long exposure to

harsh elements has equipped you with primal
ferocity, acute instincts, and formidable endurance.
You are well versed in the use of weapons, but
prefer armours that do not hinder your natural
athleticism. Most barbarians are superstitious,
illiterate, and have an abiding distrust of magic.

Key Attribute
Constitution (Min 13).

Hit Points
Equal to Con score + (Level x2).

All except crossbows.

Armour & Shields

Light, Medium armour, and shields.

Class Starting Gear

Great Axe (1d12) and Hide (+1 AC).

Athletics, Wilderness Lore plus roll 1d10 three
times: (i) Acrobatics, (ii) Animal Lore, (iii)
Deception, (iv) Detection, (v) Divine Lore, (vi)
Gather Info, (vii) Leadership, (viii) Persuasion, (ix)
Watercraft, (x) Stealth.


Ferocious Rage,
Level 1 +1 Level 4 +4 +1 AC Level 7 +7 Killer Instinct
Wild Born
New Skill, New Skill, +1 AC,
Level 2 +2 Level 5 +5 Level 8 +8
Sixth Sense Second Attack New Skill

Level 3 +3 Unique Feature Level 6 +6 Unique Feature Level 9 +9 Unique Feature

As a barbarian you may harness a primal and At 1st level, your athleticism and survival skills
ferocious rage, transforming you into a fearsome grant you adv on Wilderness Lore checks, and you
and bloodthirsty combatant. ignore skill penalties for medium armour (p.61).

You begin an adventure with one use of this ability

per level. Unless noted otherwise, you may expend
Sixth SenSe
a use of this ability as part of your normal action to By 2nd level you have seen enough to cultivate a
rage. When you do so, choose one effect from the sixth sense for hidden danger. Whenever you are
list below to apply. If an effect requires a Con ambushed or surprised, make a Con check (Reroll
check, you may use a Reroll. Raging is loud and available). On a Great Success you may act
guttural, ruining any chance of stealth. You may normally.
regain expended uses by taking Short or Long
At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels, you gain a Unique
◆ Gain a +2 bonus on melee attack and damage
Feature. See p.15 and 45.
rolls, and Luck rolls. This rage effect lasts a
number of rounds equal to your Con
modifier. NEW SKILL
At 2nd, 5th, and 8th level, you gain one new skill
◆ Gain advantage on a Str check attempting a (the skill need not be on your class list).
feat of physical power (excluding attacks).

◆ Once per combat, when you suffer damage, SECOND ATTACK

you may trigger your rage to reduce that At 5th level, when you use an action to attack, you
damage by half. make two attacks instead of one. If Two Weapon
Fighting, you do not gain a second Extra attack.
◆ Once per target, after causing damage with a
melee weapon, you may attempt a Con check
to also inflict a relevant Trauma roll. KILLER INSTINCT
At 7th level, you perfect your primal fighting
◆ When you are subject to a mental effect instincts, expanding your crit range to 19-20.
(magical or otherwise) such as fear, charm, Additionally, if you reduce a target to single digit
confusion, or compulsion, you may trigger hit points (9 or less) they are reduced to zero hit
your rage to attempt a Con check to negate it. points instead.
Madness cannot be negated using this ability.


If you survive this long, you retire as Chieftain of a
large migrating or territorial tribe of barbarians. As
long as you remain strong and act in the best
interests of the tribe, your kin will follow fearlessly
and with great devotion.

You are a bard, a charismatic wanderer; part artist,
diplomat and warrior, as skilled with blades as you
are with ballads. You might be a fearsome skald, a
celebrated performer, or a master of whispers. In
your travels you draw knowledge from all corners,
forging alliances and extracting secrets from those
who should know better.

A bard’s influence fortifies the company,

strengthening bonds and the common will to
prevail. With the right words and deeds, the bard
elevates the party beyond the sum of its parts.

Key Attribute

Hit Points
Equal to Con score + (Level x2).


Armour & Shields

Light, Medium armour, and shields.

Class Starting Gear

Spear (1d6+1), Chain shirt (+3 AC).
Instrument (if desired).

Persuasion, Deception, General Lore plus roll 1d10
three times: (i) Apothecary, (ii) Arcane Lore, (iii)
Athletics, (iv) Detection, (v) Divine Lore, (vi)
Gather Information, (vii) Leadership, (viii) Stealth
(ix) Watercraft, (x) Traps & Locks.


Inspire Greatness,
Level 1 0 Level 4 +2 +1 AC Level 7 +5 Warlord
Silver Tongued
New Skill, Bardic New Skill, +1 AC,
Level 2 +1 Level 5 +3 Level 8 +5
Knowledge Rallying Shout New Skill

Level 3 +2 Unique Feature Level 6 +4 Unique Feature Level 9 +6 Unique Feature

At 1st level, your unifying presence builds trust At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels, you gain a Unique
within the party and inspires its companions to Feature. See p.15 and 45.
moments of greatness. You begin an adventure
with one use of this ability per level. You may use
Inspire Greatness any time (no action) provided an
ally is within Far range, and able to see or hear you. At 2nd, 5th, and 8th level, you gain one new skill
When you inspire an ally, grant them one of the (the skill need not be on your class list).
following effects. Expended uses may be regained
by taking Short or Long Rests. Rallying ShOut
At 5th level, if an ally within Far range that can see
◆ Apply a bonus equal to your Cha modifier on
or hear you misses with an attack, you may spend a
any single roll (excluding Trauma rolls). You
Reroll die to allow them to reroll their attack. You
may use this ability after seeing the result of
may also use this ability on your own failed attacks,
the roll. You may use this ability on your own
provided you can see or hear an ally within Far
rolls if you can see or hear an ally within Far
range. This ability may not be used more than once
range. The GM may limit the kinds of rolls
per round.
this ability applies to and/or if it stacks with
other modifiers p.64.
◆ If an ally has suffered an adverse magical At 7th level, you employ a mix of rare and
effect for at least one round, they may attempt unconventional fighting techniques, developed
a second Luck save to end it. If successful, the through study or adventure. When using a weapon,
PC’s Luck score is reduced by two points your crit range expands to 19-20. Additionally,
instead of one. This ability is not applicable to when an ally within Close range that can see or hear
instant durations or permanent effects, and you fumbles their attack roll, they automatically
may not be activated more than once per reroll their attack (no Reroll die cost). You also
round or effect. reroll your own fumbled attacks, provided you can
◆ If an ally is reduced to zero hp, that ally gains see or hear an ally within Close range.
an immediate melee or ranged attack against
their opponent. The ally is reduced to zero hp BEYOND 9TH LEVEL
regardless of the outcome of their attack (any If you survive this long, you retire as the
hits occur simultaneously, which may lead to untouchable head of a powerful network of secret
both combatants being incapacitated). informants. Your influence spans multiple cities, if
not continents, rivaling that of even the greatest
Silver TOngued houses.
At 1st level you have the gift of the gab, and are
skilled in the art of soliciting rumours, gossip, and
other intel. Gain advantage when using the Gather
Information skill, when performing to entertain or
inspire, and when using either the Persuasion or
Deception skill (choose one).

Bardic Knowledge
By 2nd level, your studies have earned you an ear
for languages and a broad knowledge of cultures.
You may make a Cha check to understand or
communicate in a language you don’t formally
know (speaking in short sentences, comprehending
the gist of what is said or written). Additionally,
you roll against Cha (not Int) when recalling lore
about history, culture, legends, and etiquette.

You are a cultist, the devoted servant of a god,
daemon, or other cosmic entity distant and
inscrutable. You might be a pious priestess, an
unflinching inquisitor, or a haunted warlock
struggling to avert a terrible doom.

Like all travellers of perilous lands, you are familiar

with weapons and armour, mindful that the divine
help those who help themselves. Yet in your hour of
need, when the flesh fails and the shield splinters,
you call upon your goddess for aid. And if you have
kept the tenets, and earnt Her favour, She answers.

Key Attribute

Hit Points
Equal to Con score + (Level x2).

Bludgeoning, and any weapons sacred to the cult’s
ethos (GM’s call).

Armour & Shields

Light, Medium armour, and shields.

Class Starting Gear

Heavy Mace (1d8), Chain shirt (+3 AC).
Holy symbol.

Apothecary, Divine Lore plus roll 1d10 three times:
(i) Arcane Lore, (ii) Athletics, (iii) Deception, (iv)
Detection, (v) Gather Info, (vi) General Lore, (vii)
Persuasion, (viii) Watercraft, (ix) Stealth, (x)
Wilderness Lore.


Level 1 0 Level 4 +2 +1 AC Level 7 +5 Church Militant
Sacred Lore
Child of the New Skill, +1 AC,
Level 2 +1 Level 5 +3 Level 8 +5
Gods, New Skill Second Attack New Skill

Level 3 +2 Unique Feature Level 6 +4 Unique Feature Level 9 +6 Unique Feature

BLESSINGS 7-12. Spell like Blessing Each time you choose
this ability, gain a blessing that mimics one
Choose the deity you serve and apply the relevant of the following spell effects. You cannot use
Patron Benefit. As an agent of the gods, you may the same Spell like Blessing more times than
petition your patron for aid in the form of your Will mod each day.
supernatural blessings. At 1st level, you know a
number of blessings equal to your Will modifier;
roll 1d12 and see below to determine which. With SPELL LIKE BLESSINGS
each new level, learn one additional blessing of
your choice.
7 Mend Flesh 10 Pierce the Veil
You begin an adventure with one use of this ability
per level. Unless noted otherwise, attempting to 8 Cleansing Charm 11 Sever Arcarnum
invoke a blessing is similar to casting a spell; see
p.96 (generally requires an action, and possibly a
Will check). You may regain expended uses by 9 Light of Soliri 12 Abjure the Unnatural
taking Short or Long Rests.

All cultists may learn the following blessings: Sacred LOre

At 1st level you have a detailed knowledge of
1. Blessed Weapon One weapon you touch religions. You may roll against Will rather than Int
counts as magical and gains +1 to attack on checks relating to Divine Lore, holy or unholy,
rolls for 1d6 x 10 minutes (no action). including deities, undead, and demons.

2. Holy Smite When you hit with a melee

attack, instead of rolling damage you cause
Child Of the GodS
maximum weapon damage + your level (no At 2nd level you are blessed by your patron,
action). The attack is magical. This ability increasing your maximum Luck by 1 point.
may not be used more than once per combat.

3. Sense Abomination You detect Undead,

At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels, you gain a Unique
Demons and Aberrant Terrors (including their
Feature. See p.15 and 45.
direction) within Far range for 2d6 minutes.

4. Turning You brandish your holy symbol to NEW SKILL

turn 1d8 + level Undead, Aberrations or At 2nd, 5th, and 8th level, you gain one new skill
Demons within Far range. If a target’s HD (the skill need not be on your class list).
are less than half your level they are
destroyed. Targets with HD equal to or
lower than your level gain a Luck (Will) save SECOND ATTACK
to resist fleeing for 1d6 x 10 minutes. Targets At 5th level, when you use an action to attack, you
with more HD than you are unaffected. make two attacks instead of one. If Two Weapon
Fighting, you do not gain a second Extra attack.
5. Watched Over You and all PC allies within
Close range gain +1 AC as long as you are
above zero hp. Once known, this blessing is Church MilitanT
always active, and does not require By 7th level, divine providence guides your hand to
expending a blessing use. strike true, expanding your crit range to 19-20.


6. Divine Word You command a creature
within Close range to carry out an act. The
command must be a single word (eg flee, If you survive this long, you retire as High Priestess
kneel, surrender, jump) and cannot directly at a temple dedicated to your god, attracting new
incapacitate or kill the target. A Luck (Will) worshippers and fervent protectors to the fold.
save negates.

ExaMple GodS
Five deities from the Argosa Sandbox are provided
below as examples. Each comes with suggested
Tenets and Patron Benefits. GMs are encouraged to
tweak or substitute as desired.

Argona (the Starmaiden)

Argona is the goddess of health, wealth, happiness
and hope. In addition, she is venerated as a fierce
protector of families, especially children, elderly
and other vulnerable. She is usually depicted as a
beautiful, raven haired woman with stars for eyes
and a comet like tail in lieu of legs.

Related Activities Weddings, births, carousing,

TenetS & FavOur trade deals, healing and illness recovery, defending
Included with each god’s description are example kith and kin. Her feast day is Thanksgiving.
duties and strictures consistent with the cult’s ethos.
Tenets are intended as roleplaying differences Common Phrases Argona protects. Starmaiden keep
between faiths, reasons to adventure, and ways for you. Health and happiness.
cultists to earn Favour.
Icons A star or stars. Shield with a star motif.
In order to gain Favour, you must take action
promoting, enacting or adhering to one or more Tenets
tenets. The GM determines whether a tenet is met
and Favour bestowed. You either have Favour or ◆ Foster hope.
not. Acting contrary to a tenet generally strips the
cultist of Favour if they have it (GM’s call, or a ◆ Aid the sick and injured.
Luck (Cha) save may be called for). Consistently ◆ Fight for those who cannot
breaking tenets not only strips favour, but may fight for themselves.
impose penalties on invoking blessings, or prevent
any blessings until/if the cultist atones (GM’s call). ◆ Embrace toil and prosper.
If labouring under a Divine Rebuke (p.96) that ◆ Celebrate good works.
requires Atonement to absolve, the cultist cannot
gain Favour until their atonement is complete. Patron Benefits
Because cultists rely on Favour to invoke blessings
reliably and without fear of Divine Rebuke, it is ◆ You may roll against Will on Apothecary
recommended that GMs give PCs the benefit of the checks.
doubt when deciding whether a tenet is satisfied. At
the GM’s option however, repeatedly using the ◆ Add the following to Spell like Blessings:
same tenet to garner Favour may become Abjure the Unnatural, Elemental Ward, None
increasingly difficult over the course of an Shall Pass.
Baal (Lord of Crows)
At dawn a Priestess of Argona obtains Favour by Baal is the god of decay, suffering, disease and
bolstering her allies’ spirits with an inspiring hymn death. His name is commonly uttered to ward off
(Foster hope). An hour later she regains Favour by his unwanted attention. Baal is usually portrayed as
healing the wounds of an ally mid combat (Aid the a floating skull, a murder of crows, or an animate
sick and injured). As dusk falls, the priestess again ooze.
tries to Foster hope, but this time the GM requires
a ceremony of several hours and a small offering Related Activities Funerals, executions, palliative
instead of a short prayer. care, ancestor worship, spreading or resisting
disease, torture, managing or ending suffering.
Baal’s feast day is the Day of Dust.

Common Phrases No life without death. Bones and ◆ Finish your foe without hesitation.
dust, blood and rust. All are equal before Baal. Baal’s
Balls! ◆ Iron & steel are hallowed metals; treat them so.

Icons Skull chalice. Crow(s). Ooze. ◆ Bring glory to yourself and the Iron God.

Tenets Patron Benefits

◆ Pray for the departed. ◆ Trained for War You may use all melee
weapons or heavy armour (choose one).
◆ Heed the suffering of others.
◆ Offering of Blood You may access your
◆ End those that deserve death. Rerolls for melee attack and damage rolls.
◆ Purge the undead and the Shennog
demon, wherever they roam. Shennog is the goddess of night, darkness, mystery,
deceit, and madness. She is whispered to in times of
◆ Stifle disease. treachery, despair, and clandestine activity. Most
descriptions of Shennog suggest a formless shadow,
◆ It is blessed to repurpose that which is in decay. broken mirror, or a giant spider.
Patron Benefits Related Activities Tending the mentally ill, false
dealings, double crosses, stealth and infiltration,
◆ Shadow of Death When you roll a critical hit
nocturnal affairs, subterranean exploration.
on a melee attack roll, a living target with
Shennog has no known feast day (if there is one, it’s
equal or less HD than you dies (no save). This
kept secret).
is a magical effect and requires a DDM check.
You may choose not to invoke this effect.
Common Phrases The darkest corners conceal the
◆ Add the following to Spell like Blessing: greatest secrets. Reject the mundane and embrace
Riddle of Bones, Bestial Communion (vermin, revelation. Mystery is the font of wonder.
crows and ravens only), Glimpse the True Gods.
Icons Slender crescent moon forming a
Graxus (The Iron God) circle, spider or webs, cracked mirror.
Graxus is the god of war, courage, struggle, and
glory. He is called upon in times of conflict and
strife, either to rally strength or deflect his wrath.
He is frequently depicted as a juggernaut of
destruction; a towering half man, half iron fusing
of steel and flesh.

Related Activities Warfare, combat, fisticuffs, arm

wrestling, exhortations of grit, bestowing of
accolades. His feast day is Ironvow.

Common Phrases Glory to Graxus! With me

Brothers! Blessed Iron!

Icons Anvil and skull. Iron fist.

Crossed swords with a central eye.


◆ Test your mettle.

◆ Live boldly or not at all.

Tenets Patron Benefits

◆ One secret for another. ◆ You may roll against Will on checks relating
to Wilderness Lore.
◆ Invoke trickery and guile.
◆ Add the following to Spell like Blessings:
◆ Delve the dark places of the world. Bestial Communion, One with the Deep,
Thunderous Invocation.
◆ Embrace mystery and wonder.
◆ Consort with the mad and un-mad alike.
Wodon is the dual headed god of knowledge, art,
◆ Find comfort in the night. wisdom, and justice, beseeched for insight,
inspiration or truth. They are portrayed as a giant
Patron Benefits owl, or a wizened human with two heads, one male
and one female, leaning upon a runed staff or stack
◆ You may roll against Will on checks relating of tomes.
to Stealth or Deception (choose one).
Related Activities Seeking or giving advice, study,
◆ Add the following to Spell like Blessings: investigation, meditation, artistic endeavours,
Mask of Many Faces, Place of Perfect Night, justice. Wodon’s feast day is Reverie.
Strange Joining.
Common Phrases Wodon guide you. Knowledge is
Soliri (The World Tree) power. One cannot hide from one’s self. Vengeance is a
Soliri is the goddess of the sun, weather, nature, pit, justice a door.
and creation. She is implored to bless harvests,
encourage fertility, and to repel darkness or Icons Stack of tomes. Dual headed bust. Giant owl
ferocious beasts. Commonly depicted as a female with a set of scales and/or hammer.
faced sun, a swarm of leaves, or a giant world tree.
Related Activities Planting, harvesting, breeding,
weather ceremonies, hunting, camping, raising ◆ Your word is your bond.
bonfires. Her feast day is Long Harvest.
◆ See justice done.
Common Phrases The World Tree provides. Man too
◆ Learning is blessed; expand
is a force of nature. Burn back the shadow!
and strengthen your ken.
Icons Flaring sun. Stylized leaf. Colossal tree with ◆ Preserve the old lore and relics.
great roots.
◆ Muse upon the
Tenets wonderment of art.
◆ Venerate the sun and flame. Patron Benefits
◆ Explore the uncharted wilds. ◆ Gain advantage on General Lore checks.
◆ Give to the earth, ◆ Hammer of Judgment On a successful melee
take from the earth. hit, you may spend a Reroll die to knock the
target Prone, and Blind them until the end of
◆ Reject the hollow adornments
their next turn (no save, once per target only).
and luxuries of convention.
This effect does not trigger a DDM check.
◆ Root out and destroy
◆ Add the following to Spell like Blessings:
abomination in all its forms.
Witchblade, Whispers of the Watchers.

You are a fighter, a veteran warrior expertly trained
in weapons and armour. Perhaps you are a mail
clad knight, an agile spearman, or a sharp eyed
bowman. Fighters are versatile masters of all
weapons, switching between armaments and
combat styles to best meet the foe at hand.

The fighter is the most heavily armed and armoured

adventurer in the game. You are comfortable in the
thick of battle, relying on brawn, steel, and superior
skill to win the day.

Key Attribute

Hit Points
Equal to Con score + (Level x3).


Armour & Shields


Class Starting Gear

Longsword (1d8) or Spear (1d6+1).
Chain shirt (+3 AC), Shield (+1 AC).

Leadership, Athletics plus roll 1d12 three times: (i)
Acrobatics, (ii) Animal Lore, (iii) Apothecary, (iv)
Deception, (v) Detection, (vi) Gather Info, (vii)
General Lore (viii) Persuasion, (ix) Watercraft (x)
Stealth, (xi) Traps & Locks, (xii) Wilderness Lore.


Level 1 +1 Level 4 +4 +1 AC Level 7 +7 Master of Arms
Deadly Strikes
Supplies, New Skill, +1 AC,
Level 2 +2 Level 5 +5 Level 8 +8
New Skill Second Attack New Skill

Level 3 +3 Unique Feature Level 6 +6 Unique Feature Level 9 +9 Unique Feature

ADAPTABLE 1. Charger When you take the charge action,
enemies do not gain the usual +2 attack
Your combat expertise allows you to switch bonus against you, and if you hit, the target
weapons and fighting styles/stances at a moment’s must make a Luck (Str) save or be knocked
notice. At 1st level, you know a number of styles prone and/or pushed a short distance.
equal to your Strength modifier; roll 1d10 on the
below list to determine which. With each new level, 2. Dual Weapons When Two Weapon
learn one additional style of your choosing. Fighting, every time you miss with your
Extra attack, you gain +1 to hit (cumulative)
You begin an adventure with one use of this ability on subsequent Extra attacks until it hits.
per level. Unless noted otherwise, you may expend
a use of this ability as part of your normal action, 3. Long Reach When using a Second Rank
choosing one stance to apply. You may regain weapon, you may make a free melee attack
expended uses by taking Short or Long Rests. when you first engage a foe. This stance
functions once per battle only (ie not per
At 1st level, choose one of your styles to be your foe).
default style. You gain the benefits of your default
style at all times, except when you switch to another 4. Opportunist When you reduce a foe to zero
using Adaptable. You may change your default style hit points with a melee or thrown attack,
when you level up, if you wish. immediately make another melee or thrown
attack. You may activate this style when you
When you expend a use of Adaptable, choose one reduce a target to zero hit points (no action,
of your styles and apply its benefits until the end of but must be during your turn). You may not
that combat. Stance benefits do not stack with each use this ability more than once per round.
other, only the current stance applies. You may
revert to your default style at any time during your 5. Protector You automatically succeed on
turn (no action, and this does not expend a use of Initiative checks to trigger Rescue Exploits,
Adaptable). and shields grant +2 AC instead of +1.

6. Ranged When you make a ranged or thrown

Kruncor has Two Hander default style, and also
attack, targets lose any AC bonus due to
knows Protector and Ranged. He automatically
cover. Additionally if you miss your target
begins a battle with Two Hander (advantage on
you never reroll the attack against an ally in
damage rolls with his great axe), but part way
the same melee.
through expends one use of Adaptable to switch to
Protector (gaining shield and Rescue benefits 7. Single Weapon When armed with a one
instead of advantage on damage rolls). A few handed weapon and your other hand empty
rounds later Kruncor reverts back to Two Hander (exception: holding a light), gain +2 Init,
style (no action, and no use of Adaptable) to finish defensive Luck (Dex) rolls, & Party Retreats.
off an enemy.
8. Two Hander When using a melee weapon
two handed, gain adv when rolling damage.

9. Unarmed Your unarmed attacks cause 1d6

damage instead of 1d2. On a Nat 19, you
may grab or disarm your foe.

10. Brutal When you inflict a Nat 19 effect with

a melee weapon, add +2 to Trauma rolls
(does not stack with similar modifiers).

11. Rearguard You may activate this style at the

start of a round, prior to your turn. You
adopt defensive manoeuvres, directing a
tactical retreat as you guide your allies to
safety. All party members gain advantage on
all Party Retreat based tests.

12. Expert Guard Your fumbled weapon attacks
become ordinary misses instead. You may
activate this style when you roll a fumble. At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels, you gain a Unique
Feature. See p.15 and 45.

Deadly StrikeS NEW SKILL

Your battle training helps you land crippling blows.
When using a weapon, your crit range expands to At 2nd, 5th, and 8th level, you gain one new skill
19-20, and Nat 19 effects also occur on a crit. (the skill need not be on your class list).


By 2nd level, you naturally anticipate and prepare At 5th level, when you use an action to attack, you
for dangers and obstacles that lie ahead. At any make two attacks instead of one. If Two Weapon
time during an adventure, you may automatically Fighting, you do not gain a second Extra attack.
add 1d4 mundane items to your equipment list (the
items must have a common theme). MASTER OF ARMS
At 7th level, when using a weapon, your crit range
For example, you might gain additional coils of expands to 18-20. Additionally, when you are hit by
rope, a grappling hook and climbing boots, a cache a melee attack, you may spend a Reroll die to gain
of fire pots, and so on. Particularly expensive or a 50% chance of parrying the attack, negating it.
bulky items may not be permitted at the GM’s GM discretion applies; attacks while surprised or
discretion. After using this ability, you may not use from very large monsters may not be subject to
it again until you resupply at a village, town or city parrying.
(the GM might impose additional limits).


If you survive this long, you earn yourself a title
and stronghold that attracts a body of loyal men-at-
arms. Over time your keep attracts villagers who
prosper under your protection.

You are a magic user, a student of strange and
supernatural powers that are not well understood.
You might be a mysterious conjurer, a dread
witchdoctor, or an eccentric sorcerer with a six
demon bag.

Magic is the most multi-faceted power in the game:

it can conjure lightning, invoke spirits, beguile
onlookers, or mend wounds in the blink of an eye.
But there is a price to be paid, and no spell is uttered
lightly. Like any adventurer, the magic user knows
the value of a sharp blade and steady arm.

Key Attribute

Hit Points
Equal to Con score + Level.

One handed weapons, light
crossbows, sling.

Armour & Shields

Light armour.

Class Starting Gear

Spellbook, Longsword (1d8).
Leather armour (+1 AC).

Arcane Lore, Apothecary plus roll 1d10 three
times: (i) Animal Lore, (ii) Deception (iii)
Detection, (iv) Divine Lore, (v) Gather Info, (vi)
General Lore (vii) Persuasion, (viii) Watercraft (ix)
Stealth, (x) Wilderness Lore.


Level 1 0 Level 4 +2 +1 AC Level 7 +5 Battle Foci
Sense Magic
New Skill, New Skill, +1 AC,
Level 2 +1 Level 5 +3 Level 8 +5
Mental Apparatus Veil Amulet New Skill

Level 3 +2 Unique Feature Level 6 +4 Unique Feature Level 9 +6 Unique Feature

At 1st level, you know a number of spells equal to At lst level, you may spend an action to make an Int
your Int bonus; roll 1d100 & consult the Spell List (Arcane Lore*) check to sense magic within line of
p.100 to determine which. With each new level, you sight up to Close range. If successful, you sense
may learn one new spell during Downtime through whether magic is present or absent, and its rough
Magical Research (including studying spellbooks, location. On a Great Success, you also confirm its
scrolls, and so on acquired as loot). general nature (eg protection, transmutation, etc).
Illusions cannot be detected in this way (p.91). On
You begin an adventure with one use of this ability a failure, you cannot use this ability again until you
per level. You may expend a use of this ability to sleep for six hours.
attempt to cast any spell you know (see the Magic
chapter p.91 for more). You may regain expended
uses by taking Short or Long Rests.
At 2nd level, you craft a circlet, cap, high rimmed
Spellbook collar, or other headgear that strengthens your mind
No warlock can hold the workings of magic in their against mental attacks (costs 50 sp). While openly
mind for long. The process of learning a spell is, in wearing it you gain adv to resist mind based attacks
truth, a thought destroying one; the Veil inexorably including charm, fear, and so on, but excluding
warps perception, riddles memories, and erodes Madness. Your mental apparatus only functions for
sanity. To counter this, sorcerers bind their most you or other Magic Users. If lost or destroyed, you
dangerous secrets in spellbooks, storing them apart may create another during Downtime.
from their daily consciousness until required. How
often a Magic User must study their spellbooks is UNIQUE FEATURE
abstracted, but a wizard without their scrolls and
At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels, you gain a Unique
tomes eventually finds themselves unable to invoke
Feature. See p.15 and 45.
magic, cackling mad, or destroyed in an ill fated
miscast (as the GM determines).
At 2nd, 5th, and 8th level, you gain one new skill
(the skill need not be on your class list).

At 5th level, you craft an amulet, torc, or other
talisman (100 sp) that assists you to curb adverse
Veil effects. While openly wearing it you may spend
a Reroll die to reroll a DDM effect. Your amulet
only functions for you or other Magic Users. If lost
or destroyed, you may create another during

At 7th level, you craft a wand, staff, or sword (200
sp) to better channel arcane energies. While
wielding it you may expend one use of your Rerolls
to reroll any or all spell damage dice, or the number
of targets affected by a spell. If lost or destroyed,
you may create another during Downtime.


If you survive this long, you retire to a remote tower
to study the secrets of the multiverse, perhaps with
an apprentice and strange servants in tow.

You are a monk, a pilgrim adventurer and martial
artist, travelling the world in search of
enlightenment. You might be a peacekeeping
vagabond, a reclusive mystic, or a vigilante drifter.
Raised by your order, you lack family attachment
and eschew material things, focusing instead on the
perfect alignment of mind, body, and spirit.

Unarmed and unarmoured, only a fool mistakes

you for easy prey. A lifetime of training has forged
you into a fearsome weapon; strong as the
mountain and supple as the wind, you perform
deeds others hold impossible. Your discipline and
spirit burn brighter than the sun.

Key Attributes
Willpower and Dexterity

Hit Points
Equal to Con score + (Level x2).

Spear, shortsword, dagger, staff, short bow, sling.

Armour & Shields

Light armour.

Class Starting Gear

Staff (1d6), Leather armour (+1 AC), Healer’s Kit.

Acrobatics, Apothecary, Athletics plus roll 1d10
three times: (i) Arcane Lore, (ii) Deception, (iii)
Detection, (iv) Divine Lore, (v) General Lore, (vi)
Persuasion, (vii) Watercraft, (viii) Stealth, (ix)
Traps & Locks, (x) Wilderness Lore.


Martial Arts,
Level 1 0 Level 4 +2 +1 AC Level 7 +5 Counterattack
Monk Techniques
New Skill, Open New Skill, +1 AC,
Level 2 +1 Level 5 +3 Level 8 +5
Hand Versatility Spirit Warrior New Skill

Level 3 +2 Unique Feature Level 6 +4 Unique Feature Level 9 +6 Unique Feature

You are a master of unarmed combat, causing 1d6 You employ secret and highly effective fighting
damage (Nat 19 Blunt Trauma 1d12) with your techniques, passed down from master to pupil over
hands, feet, and other body parts. You may apply the centuries. At 1st level, you know a number of
your Dex mod to your melee attack and damage techniques equal to your Will modifier; roll 1d12
rolls (armed or unarmed) rather than Strength. You on the below list to determine which. With each
make an Extra attack each turn with a punch, kick, new level, learn one additional technique of your
headbutt, etc, as if Two Weapon Fighting, but this choosing.
Extra attack does not suffer disadvantage (p.80).
You begin an adventure with one use of this ability
per level. Unless noted otherwise, you may expend
a use of this ability as part of your normal action,
choosing one technique to apply. If a technique
requires a Will check, you may use a Reroll. You
may regain expended uses by taking Short or Long

1. Formless Water Until the start of your next

turn, gain a bonus equal to your Will mod to
AC, Luck (Dex) saves, and protective Dex
checks. You may trigger this ability after
being hit or otherwise targeted by an
opponent (potentially turning a hit into a
miss, etc).

2. Spirit Strike For 2d6 rounds, your melee

attacks count as magical, cause critical hits
on natural 19-20 attack rolls, and suppress
target regeneration.

3. Moon Shields Sun You may trigger this

ability when hit by a non magical ranged
attack (thrown dagger, arrow, etc). On a
successful Will check, you deflect the attack,
turning it into a miss. Critical hits cannot be
deflected. This ability may not be used more
than once per round.

4. Heaven’s Leap You jump up to Close range

in any direction. GM discretion applies, and
a staff, creature, or other terrain might be
required to launch from. You gain the Rogue
Skirmisher ability until the end of your turn.
5. Strength of One Gain Str 19 for one action.

6. Mind over Matter You delay the effect of a

persistent physical injury (eg a Trauma or
Injuries & Setbacks result) until the next Long
Rest. Only one injury may be delayed at a

7. Purity of Self When subject to a disease or

poison (including magical), you may trigger
this ability to make a Will check to negate it.

8. Moment of Clarity Until the end of your ◆ Once per adventure, after a period of
next turn, you ignore penalties due to poor meditation and contemplation, you may
visibility, and may make a Will check to spend a Reroll die to gain a useful insight.
pinpoint invisible or hidden foes within Far Bearing in mind your party goals, the GM will
range. remind you of an important piece of
information, spotlight an overlooked clue or
9. Perfection of Will When required to make connection, or provide some other kind of
a Luck (Will) save, you may trigger this inspiration.
ability to make a Will check instead.
◆ Once per adventure, during your turn you
10. Fork the River When damaged by a melee may spend a Reroll die to make a Will check.
attack, you may trigger this ability to make a If successful, one magical effect you are
Will check to transfer the damage to another subject to ends. If others are subject to the
enemy instead (within Melee range of same effect, it does not end for them.
yourself or the original attacker). This ability
may not be used more than once per round.
11. Dream Sight You may attempt a Will check At 7th level, after being damaged by an enemy, you
to sense magic, treat as Pierce the Veil. may spend a Reroll die to make a single unarmed
attack against that foe. This ability may not be used
12. Iron Fist On a failed Luck (Will) save, one more than once per round.
living target within Melee range is Stunned.
Large creatures may gain a bonus on the
save, and very large creatures may be
immune (GM’s call). If you survive this long, you retire to a remote
monastery to contemplate your final steps towards
Open Hand Versatility enlightenment. Dedicated novices join your order,
guided by your tutelage as Grandmaster.
By 2nd level, you are an expert at controlling and
subduing your opponents. On a Nat 19 unarmed
attack roll, you may grab, trip, disarm, or push the
target a short distance.

At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels, you gain a Unique
Feature. See p.15 and 45.

At 2nd, 5th, and 8th level, you gain one new skill
(the skill need not be on your class list).

At 5th level, you unlock glimmers of spiritual
enlightenment, invigorating your physical and
mental being. Gain the following benefits:

◆ You unarmed attacks cause 1d10 damage

instead of 1d6.

◆ Open Hand Versatility applies on

Nat 19-20.

You are a ranger, a hunter of monsters and men;
scout of the borderlands and sentinel of
civilization. You might be a faultless tracker, a
brave woodsmen, a grizzled beastmaster, or a
veteran explorer.

Bold and self reliant, your skill with the bow is

rightly feared and your herbalist lore respected.
Many consider you a lone wolf, but your party
allies and beast friend provide all the fellowship you
need. Beholden to none, you alone decide your fate;
free as a bird and boundless as the sky.

Key Attribute

Hit Points
Equal to Con score + (Level x2).

One handed weapons. All ranged weapons
except heavy crossbow.

Armour & Shields

Light and Medium armour.

Class Starting Gear

Longbow (1d8), Quiver, Shortsword (1d6).
Leather armour (+1 AC).

Animal Lore, Wilderness Lore, Stealth plus roll
1d10 three times: (i) Acrobatics, (ii) Athletics, (iii)
Apothecary, (iv) Deception, (v) Detection, (vi)
Divine Lore, (vii) General Lore, (viii) Persuasion,
(ix) Watercraft (x) Traps & Locks.


Beast Companion,
Level 1 +1 Level 4 +2 +1 AC Level 7 +5 Master Hunter
New Skill, New Skill, +1 AC,
Level 2 +1 Level 5 +3 Level 8 +5
Steady Shot Second Attack New Skill

Level 3 +2 Unique Feature Level 6 +4 Unique Feature Level 9 +6 Unique Feature

BeaSt CoMpaniOn RanGercraft
At 1st level you have a Beast Companion of up to Traveling the outlands is dangerous for large, well
moderate size. Three examples appear below. If armed caravans, let alone solitary hunters,
your companion dies, you may gain another during requiring rangers to hone a variety of survival
Downtime. Your companion is an especially smart, talents. At 1st level, you know a number of talents
brave, and loyal beast, which under your handling equal to your Perc modifier; roll 1d12 on the below
is uniquely suited to the rigours of adventuring. list to determine which. With each new level, learn
one additional talent of your choosing.
You share a special bond and communicate using
sounds, touch, hand gestures, body language, etc. You begin an adventure with one use of this ability
Your beast companion gains the following benefits: per level. Unless noted otherwise, you may expend
a use of this ability as part of your normal action,
◆ Maximum hit points, +2 hp per ranger level. choosing one talent to apply. If a talent requires a
Perc check, you may use a Reroll. You may regain
◆ Attack bonus, and critical damage, based on expended uses by taking Short or Long Rests.
your level.
1. Animal Ken You and your beast briefly
◆ One skill that is reasonably applicable to an exchange detailed information, including
animal (Stealth, Athletics, etc). matters which might not normally be
imparted by an animal (GM discretion). The
◆ Luck attribute equal to your current Luck.
GM might require a Perc check for especially
Your Luck is not reduced on a successful Luck
complex information.
save by your companion.
2. Anti-toxin Draught One target within
◆ Treated as a PC for (i) Death saves, (ii)
Melee range may apply the effects of Anti-
injuries, and (iii) healing.
toxin. In addition, 1d4 attribute points lost
◆ Only makes Morale checks in exceptional due to poison are restored over 1d6 hours.
circumstances (GM’s call).

◆ Shares your Rerolls.

WOLF #1 AC 11 + ranger’s Perc mod HD 1+2

Bite 1d8 Nat 19 Knocked prone, Str contest to
stand up S15 D13 C16 I5 P14 W13 Ch7 L special.
Move Far. Adv when tracking, and extra +1 to
attack when outnumber foe. Reac 2-4 Hostile 5-6
Hungry 7-8 Cautious 9-10 Curious 11-12 Friendly.

VIPER #1 AC 12 + ranger’s Perc mod HD 1d6

Bite 1d3 + Poison 1d8 (Luck (Con) save negates)
Nat 19 Strong dose: 3d6 damage S10 D17 C14 I3
P5 W14 Ch6 L special. Climb Close. May climb
trees and squeeze into small spaces. Detect body
heat up to Close range. Reac 2-5 Hostile 6-8
Threatening 9-10 Cautious 11-12 Friendly.

OWL #1 AC 12 + ranger’s Perc mod HD 1d6 hp

Rake 1d4+1 Nat 19 Bloody eyes: target Blind until
end of their next turn S7 D16 C12 I6 P16 W15 Ch8
L special. Fly Very Far. Advantage on sight based
perception and sees with minimal light. Reac 2-3
Hostile 4-9 Cautious 10-12 Friendly.

10. Trackless For 1d6 x 10 minutes, you and
your beast leave no tracks, ignore armour
penalties, and move stealthily without
slowing your normal move rate (if the GM
normally requires such).

11. Slip Away You gain the Rogue’s Skirmisher

ability until the end of your next turn.

12. Healing Salve During a Short Rest, you and

your allies within Melee range heal extra hp
equal to your your Perc modifier.

Steady Shot
3. Instinctive Rescue Your beast may perform From 2nd level, when you make a ranged attack,
a Rescue that targets you or an ally. If the targets lose any AC bonus due to cover. In addition,
GM agrees a Rescue is possible, your beast if you miss your target you never reroll the attack
must make an Init check and you a Perc against an ally in the same melee.
check. If successful the Rescue occurs. No
Luck check is required. This ability may not
be used more than once per adventure. UNIQUE FEATURE
At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels, you gain a Unique
4. Nature’s Venom After you hit with a Feature. See p.15 and 45.
weapon attack, you may trigger this talent to
impose a 75% chance that the target is
Dazed. This is a Poison effect. NEW SKILL
At 2nd, 5th, and 8th level, you gain one new skill
5. Off Hand Adept If Two Weapon Fighting (the skill need not be on your class list).
(p.80), before rolling to hit with your Extra
attack, you may trigger this talent to negate
the usual disadvantage penalty this turn.
At 5th level, when you use an action to attack, you
6. Cover Fire If you or an ally is hit by a ranged make two attacks instead of one. If Two Weapon
attack, you may trigger this talent to reroll Fighting, you do not gain a second Extra attack.
the attack and apply the lowest result. You
must be armed with a ranged or throwing
weapon and be within range of the attacker
to activate this ability. At 7th level, your ranged attacks cause critical hits
on a natural 1d20 roll of 19-20.
7. Ranger’s Ointment For 1d6+6 hours, one
target within Melee range gains advantage In addition, your beast companion gains the
on rolls to resist adverse effects inflicted by following benefits:
cold, heat, fire, and lightning (magical or
otherwise). ◆ Reduces all damage by 2 points (min 1).

8. Seasoned Explorer You roll against Perc ◆ Gains the Rogue Skirmisher ability. If your
(not Int) on Wilderness Lore checks. Once beast already has the Skirmisher ability, it
known, this talent is always active, and does gains +1 AC instead.
not require expending a Rangercraft use.

9. Sharpshooter Before rolling for damage

with a ranged attack, you may trigger this If you survive this long, you retire to a remote
talent to make a Perc check. If successful, outpost, patrolled and maintained by a band of
your hit causes critical damage. This ability trackers, hunters, and their beasts, guided by your
may not be used more than once per combat. wisdom as High Ranger.

You are a rogue, a lurker in the shadows, gifted in
acrobatics, stealth, and sleight of hand. You might
be a brave scout, a sly thief, a deadly assassin, or a
haughty pirate. In any guise, agility and cunning are
the rogue’s hallmarks.

Lightly armoured, you rely on speed and guile to

keep you from harm, employing a range of tricks
and deceits to maintain the upper hand. When you
strike, your sword comes without warning,
dropping opponents before they realise the true
threat on the battlefield.

Key Attribute

Hit Points
Equal to Con score + (Level x2).

One handed weapons, light crossbow,
short bow, and sling.

Armour & Shields

Light armour.

Class Starting Gear

Shortsword (1d6), Dagger (1d4).
Leather armour (+1 AC), Thieves’ Tools

Stealth, Sleight of Hand, Traps & Locks plus roll
1d10 three times: (i) Acrobatics, (ii) Apothecary,
(iii) Arcane Lore, (iv) Deception, (v) Detection, (vi)
Divine Lore, (vii) Gather Info, (viii) General Lore,
(ix) Persuasion, (x) Watercraft.


Level 1 0 Level 4 +2 +1 AC Level 7 +5 Lethal Precision
Finisher, Tricks
New Skill, New Skill, +1 AC,
Level 2 +1 Level 5 +3 Level 8 +5
Skirmisher Backstab Boost New Skill

Level 3 +2 Unique Feature Level 6 +4 Unique Feature Level 9 +6 Unique Feature

BackStab 1. Cat’s Grace Subject to GM discretion, you
may turn a failed save or check relating to
You are a master of ambush and assassination. climbing, acrobatics, or falling, into a
From 1st level, once per turn, when making a melee success.
attack against a target that is surprised by you, gain
a +4 attack bonus and inflict an additional 1d8 2. Choking Dust Up to 1d4 targets within
damage. At 5th level the damage increases to 3d6. Melee range must make a Luck (Con) save or
be rendered mute for 1d4 rounds.
FiniSher 3. Blind Sense By applying the proper
At 1st level you are already adept at picking off techniques, you temporarily heighten your
injured foes. When you hit a Wounded target (p.83), senses, downgrading Blind to Near Blind, or
you may add your backstab damage (once per negating Near Blind. The effect lasts 1d6 x 10
target, and melee attacks only). minutes.

TrickS & TechniqueS 4. Flash Powder Up to 1d4 targets within

Melee range must make a Luck (Dex) save or
You come prepared with surprises up your sleeve, be Blind until the end of their next turn.
ready to exploit any advantage or opportunity. At
1st level, you know a number of tricks equal to your 5. Glue Pot On a failed Luck (Str) save, one
Dex modifier; roll 1d12 on the below list to target within Far range is Grabbed (Str 14).
determine which. With each new level, learn one
additional trick of your choosing. 6. Hidden Blade You may reroll a failed melee
You begin an adventure with one use of this ability
per level. Unless noted otherwise, you may expend 7. Quick Reflexes You may reroll your
a use of this ability as part of your normal action, Initiative check and use the best result.
choosing one trick to apply. If a trick requires a Dex
check, you may use a Reroll. You may regain 8. Rapid Dose You may apply a single dose of
expended uses by taking Short or Long Rests. poison, or drink a potion (or similar).

9. Slippery Mind When subject to magical

forces that control or detect your thoughts,
or locate you, you may choose to make a
Will check to fool, mislead, or negate the
effect. This ability lasts 2d6 minutes.

10. Smoke Bomb You throw a smoke bomb up

to Far range. Thick smoke fills a Close area,
blocking line of sight and rendering those
within Blind. The smoke disperses in 1d4

11. Unseen Whip On a failed Luck (Dex) save,

one target within Melee range is tripped,
pulled a short distance (GM determines how
far), or disarmed.

12. Recon Leader If an ally within Close range

fails a stealth related roll, you may trigger
this ability to cause them to roll again and
apply the best result.

Generally speaking, other classes do not have the

expertise required to make effective use of your
specialised tools and techniques.

SkirMiSher Lethal PreciSiOn
By 2nd level you are a natural skirmisher, attacking At 7th level, you may expend one use of your
swiftly then disengaging before your target can Rerolls to reroll any or all backstab damage dice, or
properly retaliate. When you are subject to a free the number of targets affected by a trick.
attack due to your movement, the enemy suffers
disadvantage on the attack roll.
UNIQUE FEATURE If you survive this long, you retire as Guildmaster
of a gang of thieves, cutpurses, and scoundrels.
At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels, you gain a Unique Your associates are surprisingly loyal, just so long
Feature. See p.15 and 45. as you keep the opportunities flowing.

At 2nd, 5th, and 8th level, you gain one new skill
(the skill need not be on your class list).

An optional step in character creation is generating prior bonds between party members, to explain why the
PCs are (at least initially) willing to adventure together. Most bonds are past events, but some could be
ongoing concerns if desired (discuss with your GM). If a rolled bond is a poor fit for certain characters, swap
in a more appropriate PC, roll again, or simply choose. By the end of this process, all PCs should have
connections to at least two party members (either directly, or indirectly as a “friend of a friend”).

◆ Firstly, roll d66 to generate one bond for every two PCs. Eg for four PCs, roll up two bonds.

◆ If there are five PCs, roll one extra bond to link the left over PC to one other adventurer.

◆ Lastly, roll one final bond between two PCs who have no connection (directly or indirectly).

11 Lone survivors of a battle 31 Sailing or riverboat voyage 51 Fought in a war
12 Childhood friends 32 In a Riot together 52 Captives for a brief time
13 Temple attendees 33 Prison cell mates 53 Grifters’ scam
14 Served in the town militia 34 Betrayed by an employer 54 Bouncers in a tavern
15 Caravan attack 35 Deceased teacher or mentor 55 Joint research task
16 Swore a common oath 36 Defenders in a siege 56 Saved people from a fire
21 Slaves to the same master 41 Plague lockdown survivors 61 Drinking buddies
22 Stole something for someone 42 Joint debt to someone/thing 62 Muscle for a crime boss
23 Borderlands patrol 43 Bodyguard duties 63 Bounty hunter job
Pit Fighters from the same Last members of a fallen Shared curse from the same
24 44 64
(or respected rival) faction mercenary company supernatural source
Befriended the same street Respected rivals on a job or Joined by fate or prophecy;
25 45 65
animal (gain a free Pet) in a particular interest you share a recurrent dream
26 Smuggling job 46 Expedition to find a lost ruin 66 Related (cousins, siblings, etc)

Muscle for
Caravan Attack Crime Boss

Cell Mates

Some example Unique Features (advancements
gained at 3rd, 6th, and 9th level) appear below. ARMOUR TRAINING
Each may be selected once only, unless the GM
determines otherwise. “Crossclass” feats are only Gain proficiency in the next level of heavier
1 armour or shields.
available to PCs of a different class.
Gain proficiency in the next level of heavier
Most UFs include three tiers, representing low, 2 armour and shields.
moderate, and high power versions. Each tier
accumulates upon the last. The GM decides which 3 Gain proficiency in all armour and shields.
power level UFs operate at in their campaign,
either globally or assessing each UF on its merits,
bearing in mind the composition and power of the
party. Alternatively the GM might allow players to
cherry pick a benefit from the list. You unlock magical powers by tapping into
1 your corrupted bloodline. Once per
Tables should in no way feel constrained by these adventure, you may cast Strange Joining.
examples. GMs and players are encouraged to Once per adventure, you may cast Gaze of
customise what follows to suit their game, and/or 2 Beguilement.
use them as guides for their own creations.
Once per adventure, you may cast Glimpse
3 the True Gods.
Gain a limited version of the Fighter Adaptable BORN TO LOOT
ability. Learn two fighting styles (you do not gain
a default style). You begin an adventure with two If the GM rolls for Carry Loot, and you
uses of this ability. don’t like the result, you may spend a Reroll
1 die to force the GM to reroll. You must
accept the outcome of the new roll.
ALCHEMY & MECHANICA If exposed to counterfeit coins or other
goods, you immediately gain an Int
(CrOSSclaSS) 2 (Perception) check to spot the forgery. If
Gain a limited version of the Artificer Alchemy & given 1d4 minutes to inspect the item, the
Mechanica ability. Gain one invention. You begin check is made at advantage.
an adventure with two uses of this ability (if If the GM rolls for Valuables, and you don’t
applicable). like the result, you may spend a Reroll die to
3 force the GM to reroll. You must accept the
outcome of the new roll.
While wearing armour, you reduce all
damage suffered by 2 points (min 1).
When all your spell uses have been expended, you
Spend a Reroll to reduce the damage of an may cast a spell by rupturing the Veil, causing 1d4
2 attack by your level (min 1). Con loss and triggering a DDM effect. Once per
Make a Luck save to negate one physical adventure only.
attack that reduces you to zero hp (once
3 only, then your armour is destroyed or
requires repair; GM’s call).

When all your blessing uses have been expended,
1 Increase your maximum Luck by 1 point. you may invoke a blessing in exchange for a price
or debt brokered with an agent of your deity
When making Luck rolls, on a natural roll (played by the GM). If no agreement can be
2 of 1-3, your Luck is not reduced. reached, you trigger a Divine Rebuke and your
action is wasted. Once per adventure only.
During a Short Rest, cause one patient to ENCHANTER
1 restore five hp. You begin an adventure
with one use of this ability. By fate, fortune or design, you know the secret to
enchanting a single Major Magical Item of your
Once per adventure, spend an action to
own creation (divine boon, forbidden knowledge,
grant a touched target (including yourself)
2 another Luck save vs ongoing poison or
unlocking a family heirloom, awakened bloodline,
etc). Work out the item’s details with your GM,
per the Magical Research rules. When you
Characters that make their Death save and attempt the ritual to create the item, you count as
are Dying usually regain consciousness and having all relevant skills.
3 1 hit point in 1d3 minutes (p.83). Once per
adventure, when you treat a Dying PC you
may reduce this time to 1 round.

DANCE OF DRAGoNS You have a magical pact with an immortal

being (non-deity) beyond the Veil. Once per
If unarmoured, when hit by a ranged adventure, in exchange for a price or debt
1 brokered with the GM, you may cast a spell
attack, spend a Reroll (no action) to
1 immediately move into cover within Melee from the Spell List. If no agreement can be
range (if available), possibly turning the hit reached your action is wasted.
into a miss. When you use this ability, instead of a spell,
If unarmoured, whenever you make a you may invoke a supernatural effect that
2 successful Luck (Dex) save for half damage, operates like a Rescue Exploit (no action,
2 negotiate a price/debt as normal). The
spend a Reroll to take no damage instead.
usual Rescue checks are required. The
Rescue may target yourself if you wish.
Gain advantage when resisting Fear and FerOciOus rage
Madness effects.
2 Gain advantage on Luck (Will) saves. Gain a limited version of the Barbarian Ferocious
Rage ability. Instead of all five rage options, you
have access to only one (your choice, the decision
DIVINE BLESSINGS is permanent). You begin an adventure with two
uses of this ability.
You gain a limited version of the Cultist’s
Blessings. Choose a god, gain its tenets (not Patron
Benefits), and learn two blessings (one random, (CrOSSclaSS)
one chosen). You begin an adventure with two
uses of this ability. Gain a limited version of the Bard Inspire Greatness
ability. You begin an adventure with two uses of
this ability.
You train to adapt to a permanent injury, You are the undisputed master of
1 negating all related penalties (GM’s call). impersonation and disguise. With a special
disguise kit (rare, 5d10+50 sp, 5 uses) you
You are skilled at baiting others to leverage gain advantage on all checks to disguise
the weakness usually associated with your 1 yourself as another humanoid. The GM
permanent injury, only to face a calculated decides whether certain humanoids are too
2 counterattack. Once per battle, after an outlandish to be impersonated, and the
attack misses you, immediately make a free time it takes to prepare your disguise.
attack against your opponent.
If you help another person with their
disguise, they gain a free Reroll to maintain
2 the ruse. This costs one use of your disguise
Iron grit kit.
You may only choose this Unique Feature
1 if you have survived a Death save. Increase
your hit point maximum by 5.
Whenever you suffer a critical hit, you may Since childhood you have had an enduring
2 make a Will check to turn it into a normal fascination with monsters, developing an
hit instead. extensive knowledge of monstrous myths,
Gain a +2 bonus on Death saves (does not 1 legends, and eye witness accounts. You
3 stack with other Death save bonuses). may make an Int check (no action) to
identify the general species of any monster
you encounter (subject to GM veto).
KNIFE FIGHTER If you succeed on your Int check, you may
spend a Reroll (no action) to recall some or
When using daggers or knives, they cause all powers, resistances, vulnerabilities, etc
1 1d6 damage and may be thrown up to Far
of the target. The GM decides how much
range. information to provide, including perhaps
Increase your crit range by 1 for dagger and stats like AC, HD, etc, taking into account
2 knife attacks. your Int check result, the campaign world,
monster rarity, etc.
On a critical hit with a dagger or knife
3 attack, the target is struck in a vital area,
causing Blade Trauma (1d10+2). MONK TECHNIQUES
(cross class)
MARKSMAN Gain a limited version of the Monk Techniques
ability. Learn two techniques. You begin an
When using ranged weapons, you do not adventure with two uses of this ability. These
suffer disadvantage when shooting further abilities do not function if you are wearing
1 than the weapon’s usual range, and never medium or heavy armour.
roll to see if you inadvertently hit an ally in
melee with your target.
You reroll fumbled attacks with ranged oracle
2 weapons. You interpret the portents of fate through rune
Before the first round of a new combat bones, tea leaves, etc. Once per adventure, engage
(assuming you are not surprised), you may in a 1d4 hour ritual to make a Luck check. If
3 spend a Reroll to make a free ranged attack successful, ask the GM one question about the
against one target. future. If possible the GM will answer truthfully or
provide a useful clue. The answer may be cryptic or
in riddles. On a Terrible Failure, you suffer a
random Madness.

Signet ring Trollblood
PACK TACTICS 49-50 40 sp
75-76 ointment
On your turn, spend a Reroll (no action, 51-52 Anti toxin 77-78 Smelling salts
max once per turn) to grant an ally an
1 immediate move or attack. The ally must be 53-54 Holy symbol 79-80 Live beetle
able to see or hear you. You begin an
adventure with one use of this ability. 55-56 Jar of bees 81-82 Liquor flask
When you roll a critical hit, you may make
a Cha check. If successful, you may spend 57-58 Acid flask 83-84 Glass shard
2 a Reroll as per (1) above (does not count as
expending a use of this ability). 59-60 Silvered knife 85-86 Foreign coin
When you are reduced to zero hp, you may 61-62 Flask of grease 87-88 Cheese wedge
immediately grant a move or attack as per
3 (1) above (no Reroll cost, and does not 63-64 Bag of caltrops 89-90 Skipping stone
count as expending a use of this ability).
65-66 Holy water 91-92 Chicken egg

PILFER POUCH 67-68 Tin of wax 93-94 Garrote

Cold iron Ferret or
Your hands have a mind of their own, 69-70 chain 2 ft
95-96 similar animal
regularly pocketing random objects and
stowing them. You may spend an action to 71-72 Flint & Steel 97-98 Rat trap
1 dig through your pouches to discover a
Roll on Carry Random potion
forgotten item (roll d100). You begin an 73-74 Loot A table
99-00 (once only)
adventure with one use of this ability.
2 You may use a Reroll with this ability.
Instead of rolling d100, you may make a
3 Luck check to select an entry from the d100 You are adept at scavenging illegal ingredients to
table (GM veto applies). concoct various toxins and poisons. If you spend at
least 1d4+2 weeks brewing poison during a
1-2 Poppy milk 25-26 Silk rope 10 ft Downtime period, you may make an Int check.

3-4 Fishing hook 27-28 Lockpicks If successful, you create 1d4 doses of a random
Poison (roll 1d10 on the Poison table) reflecting the
5-6 Trip wires 29-30 Spyglass ingredients available to you at the time. On a Great
Success you make 5 doses. On a Terrible Failure
7-8 Oil flask 31-32 Signal whistle you poison yourself; reduce your maximum Luck
by 1 point until the end of your next adventure.
9-10 Gemstone 30 sp 33-34 Bag of flour Alternatively, if you have a specific ingredient, you
might be able to create a particular poison (GM’s
11-12 Random Poison 35-36 Firepot
13-14 Iron spike 37-38 Spice pouch

15-16 Ink bottle 39-40 Chalk RANGERCRAFT

17-18 Skorn tooth 41-42 Iron tongs
Gain a limited version of the Rangercraft ability.
19-20 Candle 43-44 Deck of cards Learn two talents. You begin an adventure with
Pipe & Magnifying two uses of this ability.
21-22 pipeweed
45-46 glass
23-24 Manacles 47-48 Bag of marbles

(CrOSSclaSS) Choose one weapon type (eg longsword or
Gain a limited version of the Rogue Tricks & 1 shortsword or light axe). While using such
Techniques ability. Learn two tricks. You begin an treat your damage dice as exploding (p.7).
adventure with two uses of this ability. Gain a +2 bonus when attempting Minor
2 Exploits with your signature weapon.
Once per adventure, while using a signature
RUNESMITH 3 weapon, you may spend a Reroll to turn a
missed attack into a hit.
You are skilled in the lost art of enchanting items
through precise, painstaking rune etchings. Learn
three random spells (roll 1d100 on the Spell List).
You may perform a ritual to store one of your
known spells in any ring sized or larger object.
Treat this process as inscribing a Scroll p.126, but
no spellbook or monster parts (special materials)
are required. Anyone may automatically release
the spell with a command word (action), applying
success or Great Success to the spell effect per the
creator’s original Int (Arcane Lore*) check. Each
stored spell increases your min DDM tally by 1.

Reveal a secret background that no-one
suspected. Gain a related skill, and your
1 extra background might also prove useful
for skill related checks.
Gain a useful related contact who is a past
2 ally, owes you a favour, or has goals aligned
with yours.
Gain a powerful related benefactor whose
goals are consistent with your own, for
3 now. Your benefactor is willing to assist you
with significant resources, but will expect
favours in return.

If you are proficient in and using a shield,
1 gain +2 AC instead of +1.
After performing a shield punch attack, you
2 may spend a Reroll to avoid losing your
shield benefits.
You may use your shield to negate two
3 attacks instead of one before it is destroyed

Gain a +3 bonus when attempting to Gain advantage on Traps & Locks, Sleight of
1 Hand, or Stealth checks (choose one).
escape bonds, manacles, webs, nets, being
1 grabbed, etc, and Luck checks for Party If damaged by a trap, reduce the damage to
Retreats. 2 1d100 percent (eg: on a roll of 43, you
When you are hit by a free attack due to suffer 43% of the damage rolled).
your movement, you may spend a Reroll to You may attempt to climb sheer surfaces
2 force the attacker to reroll. You must accept 3 that others simply cannot (GM’s call).
the result of the new roll.
Subject to GM veto, you may attempt
escape even in situations where escape UNUSUAL MOUNT
would normally be impossible (eg: by
3 spitting up a tiny piece of lock picking wire You gain an unusual mount such as a Dire Wolf,
concealed in a false tooth, extreme body Griffon, Giant Lizard, or similar with HD 4 or less.
contortion, manipulating double jointed The GM decides what it costs, including for
shoulders/elbows/wrists/knees, etc). example one or more of: silver, a special service,
permanent loss of a point of Luck, etc. Apply the
Monstrous Pet rules p.122. If your mount dies you
SPELLCRAFT do not gain another.

Gain a limited version of the Magic User Spellcraft vengeful
ability. Learn two spells (one random, one chosen).
You begin an adventure with two uses of this 1 While Wounded, gain +2 to attack rolls.
ability, and a DDM tally of 3.
While Wounded, increase your crit range by
2 2 points.

When you use magic (including items), you
may choose to trigger a DDM effect. Roll
1 1d100 to determine the nature of the effect,
and reduce your Luck by 1 point.
Instead of using sorcery, you may trigger a
DDM effect by spending an action to bleed
2 yourself (causes 1 Con loss). Roll 1d100 to
determine the nature of the effect, and
reduce your Luck by 1 point.

Gain proficiency in one melee weapon or
1 one ranged weapon.
Gain proficiency in one melee and one
2 ranged weapon, or two melee weapons, or
two ranged weapons.
Gain proficiency in all melee and ranged
3 weapons.

Adventurers begin the game with a number of skills
as outlined in character creation. PCs also gain an
additional skill at 2nd, 5th, and 8th level.

Having a relevant skill is beneficial in several ways: REROLLS

Each PC starts an adventure with a number of
◆ Grants a +1 bonus on the related Attribute Rerolls determined by their level. This is the
check, and a skilled PC may access their maximum number of Rerolls the character may
Rerolls if the Attribute check is failed, have at any time:
allowing them to try again if they wish.

◆ Some rare actions may require a specific skill RerollS

or background to attempt (see below). Note
this is not the default position: PCs may
attempt the vast majority of things without a Level 1-3 Rerolls equal to level.
skill. Having a skill simply makes it easier.

◆ At the GM’s option, being skilled might be a Level 4-6 Rerolls equal to 4.
precondition for a Great Success, turn a
Terrible Failure into an ordinary failure, or
Level 7-9 Rerolls equal to 5.
obviate the need to roll (ie automatic success).

If an adventurer fails one of the below checks, or
vs does not obtain as favourable a result as they would
If a skill is relevant to an Attribute check, but not like, they may use a Reroll.
required, it will be noted in brackets, for example a
Str (Athletics) check. In the rare case where a skill ◆ Attribute Check If the PC has a relevant skill,
is required in order to even attempt the action, it or possibly background (see below), or when
will be noted in brackets with an asterisk (eg an Int attempting to activate a class ability (eg
(Apothecary*) check), or the GM decides such on making a Will check to activate the Monk’s
a case by case basis. The relevance or otherwise of Fork the River ability).
skills is always subject to GM discretion.
◆ Luck rolls.
The Skills table indicates which attribute(s) usually
pair with which skill. In some instances the GM ◆ Death saves.
might rule that a different attribute applies. Note
◆ Short Rest Willpower recovery checks.
that skill domains are not mutually exclusive and
some overlap. Wilderness Lore and Animal Lore
Only one Reroll may be used per action. If
might both apply to hunting for instance, and
advantage or disadvantage applies, only one of the
Athletics or Acrobatics to leaping across a pit. GMs
results are rerolled. Rerolls may sometimes be spent
are encouraged to modify the skill list to best suit
for other reasons, as noted in individual ability
their gaming preferences.
Designer’s Thoughts
The old Insight skill has been removed from the PC BackgroundS
skill list. Players must rely on their own intuition If an action is closely connected with a character’s
when deciding whether an NPC is being truthful or background, but isn’t a recognized skill, Rerolls may
not. While this undermines “Sherlock Holmes” like be available for that task (GM’s call). For example,
characters, overall we found the gameplay benefits a Roof Thatcher background might permit an Int
outweigh the drawbacks. reroll to identify weak points on rooftop.

Climbing, jumping, tumbling, parkour, escapology, and tests of agility. May
Acrobatics DEX
assist with standing up from Prone (p.70).
INT Animal behaviour, animal handling, hunting, mounted combat, driving
Animal Lore or CHA carts & carriages, animal training, veterinary lore, bestial monster lore.
First aid (including using Healer’s Kits), injury recovery, poisons, biology,
Apothecary INT
treating disease.
Sensing magic, recalling magical lore, fantastic monster lore, alchemy.
Arcane Lore INT
Might assist in disarming some kinds of magical traps (GM’s call).
Running, climbing, swimming, jumping, tests of physical power including
Athletics or CON
grappling, breaking down a door, knocking an enemy prone, pushing a foe
backwards, and so on.
Telling convincing lies, impersonations, making and using disguises and
Deception CHA
forgeries. NPCs might oppose using Int (GM’s call).
General state of alertness as well as purposeful searching. Detecting traps,
Detection PERC
ambushes, clues, secret doors, and so on.
Specialized, obscure, or forbidden religious lore, rites, and creatures (holy
Divine Lore INT
and unholy). Required for the Sky Gazer Travel Role (p.135).
Rumour hunting, rumour mongering, canvassing for witnesses or a missing
Gather CHA
person or item, extended researching (eg: monster weaknesses or other
Information or INT
specifics, the location of a lost ruin, etc).
The general catch all lore skill, recalling a broad range of historical,
General Lore INT scientific, and political information (but not Arcane, Animal, Divine or
Wilderness Lore).
Inspiration, bolstering morale, intimidation, teaching, having orders
Leadership CHA
obeyed. The Leadership skill assists in recruiting hirelings.

Persuasion CHA Debating, convincing, negotiation, diplomacy, etiquette.

Sleight of Picking pockets, palming, hiding small objects on your person or planting
Hand objects on others.
Hiding and moving silently. Often opposed by Perc (Detection). Navigating
Stealth DEX and operating ships (including airships if applicable), rafts, canoes, etc. Also
includes fishing and swimming.
Picking non-magical locks, setting and disarming non-magical traps.
Traps &
DEX Noticing traps is covered by Perc (Detection). Some traps might require the
character to be skilled in Traps & Locks to attempt a disarm.
CON Navigating and operating ships (including airships if applicable), rafts,
Watercraft or INT canoes, etc. Also includes fishing and swimming.
Wilderness INT
Wilderness survival, herbalism, foraging, hunting game, tracking. Might
Lore include some relevant non-magical monster lore (GM’s call).

The equipment lists below provide the usual price
range for each type of item, with variance for
availability, quality and decoration. Silver pieces PCs have item slots equal to Strength (min 10).
are the default denomination. 100 coppers (cp)
equals 10 silver pieces (sp) equals 1 gold piece (gp). ◆ An item slot fits anything about the size of a
sword or small sack (holds up to 200 coins).

SUPPLY ◆ Two handed items take two slots.

Gear is divided into four categories, reflecting how
difficult it is to acquire certain items: Common, ◆ Battle Gear The first half of an adventurer’s
Uncommon, Rare and Very Rare. The standard item slots are Battle Gear; easily accessible
supply “SUP” scores are intended as a guide for the and ready for use during combat (weapons in
GM, and modifiers may apply depending on the sheaths, vials on belt, dagger in boot, etc).
particular city, supplier, legality, etc. ◆ Pack Gear The PC’s remaining item slots are
items that are securely stowed in their pack.
Common equipment is generally available. For These items cannot be accessed in combat
other items the GM decides or makes a Supply unless the GM decides otherwise. It is
check; roll 1d20 and if the result is equal to or lower assumed adventurers have a pack, pouches,
than the item’s Supply score, the PC finds some for bags, and so on to enable their full slot
sale. If the check is failed the PC may try again capacity (empty bags do not require slots).
after the indicated wait time. Fantastic items such
as magic swords are generally not for sale (GM’s ◆ Worn clothing and armour are exempt.
call). Small outposts and villages tend to have less
inventory, bumping uncommon and rarer items up ◆ Bundles of Five For simplicity, the gear lists
by one Supply category. The GM has the final say bundle some items into fives. Eg Rations (5
on what is available for sale in their campaign. days), Torches (5), Iron Spikes (5), etc all take
up one slot. The GM may rule otherwise.

SUPPLY ◆ Misc Bundle At the GM’s option, various

very small items may be bundled into a single
TYPE & SUP QTY TIME “miscellaneous” slot. Eg two chalk sticks, a
COST handful of gems, a candle, a folded map, and
some wax might all be one “misc” pouch slot.
NA Available 1d3 hours
1d3 sp ◆ Horses, mules, etc have 20 item slots.
14 2d4 1d6 days Whilst the exact location of an adventurer’s gear is
3d10 sp abstracted, when using equipment players should
Rare indicate which items are in which hand. The order
8 1d4 1d6 weeks of items by slot may also be relevant to some
5d10+50 sp
adverse situations. Eg a fiery blast might damage a
Very Rare 1d6 random piece of Battle Gear, and so on.
3 1
GM’s call months
An adventurer carrying more than their Str score is
LIGHT SOURCES Encumbered, suffering disadvantage on checks
relating to Athletics, Acrobatics, Chases, and Party
Torches burn for one hour and shed light in a Close Retreats. An Encumbered PC cannot charge or
area. A flask of oil in a lantern burns for six hours attempt Rescues, and company Hexploration speed
and illuminates a Close area. A bullseye lantern may be affected (p.134). The max number of “slot
projects a narrow beam out to Far distance instead. items” a character can carry is twice their Strength.

Common equipment costs 1d3 sp and is available Rare items cost 5d10+50 sp. They require unusual
in most villages and towns. Most examples below components, long and difficult manufacturing
take up one item slot (worn items do not take up processes, or highly specialized skills to create.
slots, and two handed items take two slots). Smaller They are typically found in cities or wealthy towns.
quantities of different types of items might be
bundled into a single item slot (GM’s call). The GM Acid
may apply bonuses for using the right kind of tool A vial of acid may (slowly) melt through locks,
for the right kind of task (eg a crowbar might grant hinges, chains, etc. It may also be thrown (Close
a +2 bonus to pry open a door). range) at an enemy, causing 1d8 acid damage.

Quiver of Arrows/Bolts (20 or use Ammunition Anti Toxin

Rolls p.58), Bells (steel, 5), Block & Tackle, Candles Anti-toxin applied within one minute of poisoning
(5), Canvas (large), Chain (10 ft), Chalk (5 sticks), grants a second Luck save to resist the poison or
Chest (small), Clothes (includes footwear, cloaks, some other beneficial effect at the GM’s discretion.
etc), Crowbar, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Fishing Net It does not undo attribute or hit point loss already
(large), Grappling Hook, Hammer, Ink (1 oz), suffered, but will stave off further loss, paralysis, or
Ladder (10 ft), Lamp, Lantern (bullseye or death. Anti-toxin may also be taken ahead of time,
hooded), Mirror (small steel), Oil flask, Parchment granting the same protection for 2d6 rounds.
(5 sheets), Pickaxe, Pole (10 ft), Pot (iron), Rations
5 days (includes water), Rope (60 ft), Sealing wax, Fire Pot
Shovel, Signal Whistle on neck chain (steel), Iron The fire pot is a thrown missile weapon (range Far,
Spikes (5), Tent (2 person), Tool, Torches (5). +2 bonus on attack roll) which explodes in a Melee
area, causing 1d10 damage (Nat 19: Luck (Con)
UNCOMMOn gear save or Burning) and creating a thick cloud of
smoke (Near Blind, disperses after 1 round).
Uncommon gear costs 3d10 sp and is more likely to
be found in towns as opposed to small villages. The Healer’s Kit
GM determines any benefits in consultation with A Healer’s kit comes with two uses and contains
the player. bandages, balms, etc. It may assist with recovery
during Short Rests (see p.89).
Boot blade (concealed), Caltrops (action to throw
in a Melee area, Dex check or half movement until Hook Hand
spend action tending to feet), Clothes with secret For those adventurers, thieves, pirates or other
pockets, Disguise Kit (clothes, dye, powder, etc), unfortunates absent a hand or forearm, the
Holy Symbol (wooden or silver), Holy Water (one practicalities of a hook hand cannot be understated.
vial), Hunting Trap, Lock (standard quality), Hooks act as daggers if used as a weapon and may
Manacles, Musical Instrument, Pommel Blade be attached to customised shields. Advanced
(spring loaded), Secret Sheath, Signet Ring. mechanical hand replacements are not unknown,
with life like shapes, hidden compartments, tools or
weapon grafts, more complex movement range, etc.

Magnifying Glass or Spyglass

A magnifying glass assists in locating tiny clues and
starting fires (magnifying daylight). A spyglass
telescope allows the user to see three times as far.

Peg Leg
A lower leg prosthetic to replace lost limbs beneath
the knee. With practice the subject will be able to
walk at the same speed as a normal humanoid. The
user suffers disadvantage on movement based Dex
checks, including Luck (Dex) saves. Advanced

mechanical leg replacements are not unknown, Yellow Lotus Powder
with life like shapes, colours, more complex Yellow Lotus Powder produces a moderate euphoria
movement, hidden compartments, etc. and boosts pro social temperament (+2 bonus on
social checks, and may spend a Reroll even if
Poison unskilled) for two hours. Side effects include
Poisons come in a wide variety of effects as noted disinhibition, elevated heart rate, sweating, and in
in the Traps section (p.214). Different poisons are long time users a yellowing of the eyeballs. Each
administered in different ways, by skin contact, use carries a 20% chance of Addiction (p.124).
blood injury, inhalation and/or ingestion (GM’s
call). Applying poison to a weapon takes an action,
and remains until a strike is delivered or one minute
passes (at which time the poison has either run off ◆ Cheap meal 2 cp, drink 1 cp, room 5 cp/day.
the blade or become inert after exposure to air). The
GM decides which poisons (if any) are available for ◆ Expensive meal 2 sp, drink 1 sp, room 5 sp or
sale on a case by case basis. more per day.
Poppy Milk
This cloudy white tincture is a morphine like pain
killer that suspends or mitigates most persistent ◆ Ship 20 sp/day Coach: 2 sp/day.
injury effects for two hours (GM’s call). Only one
effect may be suspended at a time, and the user is ◆ Messenger 5 cp/day of travel.
drained 1 point of Perc, Will and Int. Each use
carries a 20% chance of Addiction (p.124). ◆ Unskilled 3 sp/day, eg porter, labourer,
funeral mourner, servant, etc.
Poisoner’s Ring
◆ Semi Professional 5 sp/day, eg guide,
This ring includes a small secret compartment to
carpenter, stone mason, cook, nurse, etc.
store one dose of poison or some other tiny object.
Some variants include a pop out needle. ◆ Professional 10 sp/day, eg architect, solider,
apothecary, mercenary, jeweller, etc.
Thieves’ Tools
Skeleton keys, picks, files, saws, clamps and pliers, ◆ Rare Expert GM determines cost, eg sage,
this tool kit allows a character to pick locks or famous bard, gladiator champion, etc.
disarm traps. Without such tools, picking locks or
disarming traps may not be possible (GM’s call).
Smelling Salts
If a PC who survives their Death save is exposed to Lifestyle expenses amalgamate periodic costs for
smelling salts, they regain 1 hp in one round instead food, shelter, clothing, utilities, etc. Rich & Filthy
of 1d3 minutes. Comes with two doses. Rich lifestyles might include servants, livestock,
land, special functions, and so on.
Commonly a spool of thin fishing line, strung ◆ Street: Homeless. Persistent injuries may not
between ankle height weights topped with bells or heal (GM’s call). At least it’s free.
connected to a trap of some kind (such as a brace of
◆ Poor: 10 sp/week. A bunk and table in a
rigged crossbows on a wooden frame).
small, dark, cold room.
Trollblood Ointment ◆ Middle: 40 sp/week. Moderate sized room
This non magical admixture may be applied to ease with a fire.
painful bruises, clot wounds, and scab over cuts
with disturbing alacrity. The ointment works like ◆ Rich: 100 sp/week. Large rooms, warm and
Mend Flesh, but heals 1 hp per round for 5 rounds. secure, fine furnishings.
It does not affect persistent injuries, and acid or fire
ends the regeneration. A character may only benefit ◆ Filthy Rich: 300+ sp/week. The finest rooms,
from Trollblood Ointment once per day. servants and guards, rare delicacies, etc.

Second Rank Weapons
If using a weapon with the Second Rank quality,
provided an ally is in Melee range of the target, you
Every adventurer needs at least one reliable weapon may stand behind your ally to attack from the
by her side, preferably more. Example weapons of second rank. While doing so you are not in Melee
average quality and price are provided in the table range of the target (subject to GM’s call; may not
opposite. Weapons made of special metals or other apply vs large monsters with long reach, etc).
materials cost substantially more.

PrOpertieS and nat 19S AMMUNITION rOllS

Unless the GM prefers that ammo be tracked, if a
Most weapons have some additional properties as weapon using arrows, bolts, etc is fired during
noted in their description, and all cause a bonus combat, after the battle there is a 1-in-6 chance the
effect on a natural 1d20 roll of 19, known as a “Nat adventurer only has enough ammo left for one
19” effect. In most instances this will be a roll on more fight. The chance increases by 1 each battle.
the appropriate Trauma table, eg an axe rolls on the The tally may be reset to 1 by restocking at a village.
Blade Trauma table, a hammer rolls on the Blunt
Special MetalS
Trauma table, and so on. In some cases the attacker
may choose a fixed effect in lieu of the Trauma
table roll (marked with an * in the weapons table). Weapons and other objects may be made of special
metals, some examples of which appear below.
Note: For Nat 19 effects that push the target a Generally speaking metal properties cannot be
“short” distance, the GM decides how far. The +2 combined. The GM determines Supply and any
Initiative granted by daggers and shortswords does benefits if used to make armour or shields.
not stack with Mithral or similar weapons.
◆ Cold Iron (+500 sp) bypasses the resistances
Lothar swings at a Dire Wolf with his heavy hammer of Demons and Undead.
and rolls a Nat 19! In addition to causing normal
damage, Lothar may choose to inflict a 1d10+2 ◆ Silvered (+300 sp) bypasses the resistances of
Blunt Trauma effect, knock the wolf prone, or push Lycanthropes and Aberrant Terrors.
it back a short distance (GM decides how far). He
◆ Mithral (+800 sp) +2 Initiative bonus, and
opts for a trauma roll and scores a 12 - inflicting a
naturally emits a soft phosphorescent glow to
Severe brain injury and dropping the hound!
see by (Melee range, Near Blind).

◆ Adamantine (+800 sp) +1 damage rolls and

gains advantage on checks to resist breaking.

Melee weapOnS

1d8 NA 1d8+4 +1 damage two handed. Good for

1 Axe, Battle 5 sp
Blade Trauma breaking open doors, chests, etc.

1d6 Close 1d12

2 Axe, Light 2 sp Also good for kindling.
Blade Trauma

1d6 NA 1d10 Often masquerades as a branch, fire

3 Club Free
Blunt Trauma log, or table leg.

1d4 Close 1d10

4 Dagger 1 sp +2 Initiative. Easily concealed.
Blade Trauma

5 Flail 8 sp 1d8 NA 1d12* Nat 19 alternative: trip or disarm.

Blunt Trauma
6 Great Axe, 1d8+4
30 sp 1d12 NA Two handed. -2 Initiative penalty.
7 Great Sword Blade Trauma

1d12 NA 1d8+4
8 Great Hammer 30 sp Two handed. -2 Initiative penalty.
Blunt Trauma
+1 damage two handed.
9 Hammer, Heavy 1d10+2*
10 sp 1d8 NA Nat 19 alternative: push a short
10 Mace, Heavy Blunt Trauma distance or knock prone.
11 Hammer, Light 1d10* Nat 19 alternative: push a short
3 sp 1d6 Close
12 Mace, Light Blunt Trauma distance, or knock prone.
Must be mounted. Double damage
Impale, Push on a charge. On a Nat 19 knock
- Lance 8 sp 2d4+1 NA
or Prone prone, Impale (Blade Trauma #3),
or push a short distance.

1d10 NA 1d6+6 Two handed. -2 Initiative penalty.

13 Polearm 20 sp
Blade Trauma Second Rank weapon.

1d8 NA 1d12
14 Rapier 15 sp +2 Initiative bonus.
Blade Trauma
1d12 +1 damage two handed.
15 Spear 3 sp 1d6+1 Far
Blade Trauma Second Rank weapon.

1d12 +1 damage two handed. Second

16 Staff 1 sp 1d6 NA Rank weapon. Great for hiking,
Blunt Trauma
monks, and the elderly.
17 Sword, Bastard 1d10+2* +1 damage two handed.
15 sp 1d8 NA
18 Sword, Long Blade Trauma Nat 19 alternative: disarm.

1d12* +2 Initiative bonus.

19 Sword, Short 6 sp 1d6 NA
Blade Trauma Nat 19 alternative: disarm.
Trip, Pull On a Nat 19 trip, pull, or disarm.
20 Whip 6 sp 1d4 NA
or Disarm Second Rank weapon.

RANGED weaponS
1d12 Two handed. One item slot bow, one
1 Bow, Long 50 sp 1d8 Very Far
Missile Trauma slot quiver.
Two handed. May use mounted, easier
2 Bow, Short 25 sp 1d6 Very Far to hide than long bow. One item slot
Missile Trauma
bow, one slot quiver.
Two handed. Action to reload but if
Crossbow, 1d10+2 suffer damage during a reload round,
3 100 sp 2d8 Very Far
Heavy Missile Trauma action is lost. One item slot bow, one
slot bolts.
May fire with one hand, requires two
hands to reload. Action to reload, if
Crossbow, 1d10
4 35 sp 2d4+1 Far suffer damage during a reload round,
Light Missile Trauma
action is lost. One item slot bow, one
slot bolts.
1d10+2 May be used as a melee weapon (use
5 Javelin 3 sp 1d6 Far
Missile Trauma Blade Trauma for Nat 19).
May fire with one hand. Requires two
1d10 hands to reload. Stones are free and in
6 Sling 1 sp 1d4 Very Far
Blunt Trauma abundant supply. One item slot sling,
one slot stones.

Most adventurers choose to wear armour to ward
off blows. An unarmoured person has Armour
Class (AC) 10 plus their Dex modifier. Armour
adds to AC making it harder to be hit. A character’s
AC = 10 + their armour AC bonus + Dex mod (if
any). Heavier armours impose penalties on certain
actions, as indicated below. Animal barding costs
five times the price of human armour.

Leather, hide, Com, +1 AC. No penalties.
5 sp
robes, etc. ANIMALS
+3 AC. -2 penalty on
Chain shirt, Unc, TYPE SUP COST TRAVEL
stealth and swimming
breastplate, 40 sp
related checks.
bone, etc.
Hunting Bird Rare 2d10+100 sp NA
+5 AC. As above plus
-2 penalty on running,
Plate mail, Rare, War Dog Unc 2d10+10 sp NA
climbing, etc, related
chain mail, 100 sp
checks. Ignore negative
ring mail, etc.
Dex mod to AC.
Monkey Rare 2d10+30 sp NA
Donkey, 1d6+6 sp,
Shields cost 20 sp and provide +1 AC. If you are Com +1 Watch
wearing heavy armour and using a shield, do not Pony 1d10+20 sp
apply your Dex modifier to your AC. Once per Riding Horse, Com, 2d10+50 sp, +2 Watches
adventure, a PC may use a shield to negate a single Rare 5d20+300 sp p.134
War Horse
directional attack against them, be it a sword strike,
lightning bolt, or dragon bite. To use this ability, a
player simply declares that the shield negates the
hit or damage. The shield is destroyed in the VEHICLES & SHIPS
process. Magical and adamantine shields are not
destroyed but cannot be used again in this manner TYPE SUP COST TRAVEL
until repaired at a village or similar (at a cost of 50
sp). They continue to provide a +1 AC bonus. Carriage Unc 5d20+50 sp +1 Watch


1d6+10 sp,
+1 Watch
Repairing damaged gear generally takes several Wagon 2d10+20 sp
hours and costs half the original purchase price.
Rowboat, Com, 3d20 sp, 12 Hexes
PCs with a relevant class, background, or custom
Longboat Rare 5,000 sp per 24 hrs
skill might be able perform their own repairs
(assuming tools etc). Similarly, PCs might be able to Sailing Ship, Rare, 10,000+ sp, 20 Hexes
craft their own gear for two thirds of the usual Galley V.Rare 30,000+ sp per 24 hrs
price. The GM decides which projects are feasible,
whether any checks are required, and how long 20 Hexes
Warship V.Rare 25,000+ sp
they take. per 24 hrs

On rare occasions, mastersmiths may be available
to be commissioned to fashion bespoke weapons Damage Gain +1 damage. At 5th level the
and armour of unmatched quality. Made of Boost bonus increases to +2.
flawless or advanced materials, utilising superior Low Reroll 1s or 2s on damage dice
designs, or perfectly weighted to match the owner’s Damage (once only). This quality does not
physiology, such armaments outperform similar Reroll function with exploding d4s.
equipment of their kind.
Crits add level to damage, instead of
Crit Boost
Assuming a mastersmith can be retained (GM’s half level.
call), adventurers may spend 2d6 x 100 sp to order
Speed Boost +2 bonus on Initiative checks.
a masterforged weapon or shield, or 3d6 x 100 sp
for masterforged armour. Forging silvered, cold iron, Anti Spend a Reroll to turn a fumbled
mithral or adamantine versions add their usual Fumble attack into a normal miss.
additional cost (p.58). A weapon or armour may
only have one masterforged quality. Creation times Subject to GM veto, cannot be
are typically 1d4+3 weeks for a weapon or shield, destroyed by non magical forces.
and 1d6+4 months for armour. The GM is Exotic Dragon scales, Bulette chitin, etc.
encouraged to create their own custom Material GM determines any benefits.
masterforged qualities.

AC Boost Grants +1 AC (armour only).
Con check to convert critical hits
Anti Crit
into normal hits instead.
AoE Reduce damage from AoE effects
Defence by your level (before making a save).
The armour (not shields) may
Shield negate a single directional attack
Effect like an adamantine shield (p.61),
but reduce AC by 2 until repaired.
HP Boost Increase maximum hp by 3 points.
Exotic Dragon scales, Bulette chitin, etc.
Materials GM determines any benefits.

During a session, players generally interact with the Resisting minor external forces might also call for
game world by asking the GM questions and an attribute check (eg: to avoid falling over while
describing the actions their adventurers carry out. running across a slippery floor). More serious
Straight forward actions happen automatically, like external threats (most magic, toxins, disease,
opening most doors or talking to NPCs, and special monster attacks, and so on) require a Luck
impossible actions are generally vetoed by the GM save to resist (see Luck p.12).
on the spot.
Skills grant a +1 bonus to the relevant attribute
In between these are actions that are reasonably (max 18), are sometimes required in order to
possible but have significant uncertainty attached to attempt a specific action, and allow access to a PC’s
them. In such a case, the GM makes a ruling about Rerolls after a failed attempt p.52.
how the uncertainty will be resolved (using the
existing rules as a guide), and dice are rolled to
determine the outcome. Uncertain actions include
things such as making attacks, hiding from a guard,
or resisting hazardous effects from spells.

Most uncertain actions are resolved through one of
the following rolls:

◆ Attribute check (eg: a Strength check).

◆ Attack roll (see Combat).

◆ Luck roll (save or check, see Luck).

◆ Montage (a series of actions abstracted over
time), or

◆ Random check (outlined below).

Attribute Checks
All attribute checks (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Will, Perc,
Cha, Init, Luck) are made with a 1d20 roll. If the
roll is equal to or under the attribute the action is
successful. Note attribute modifiers do not apply
to this roll. A natural 20 always fails, even if the
character’s attribute is 20 or more.

The GM may apply modifiers (see over) based on

the player’s approach and/or the circumstances.
Attribute checks are most commonly used when an
adventurer proactively attempts to do something,
like climb a wall, swim across a lake, or sneak up on
a foe. The GM decides whether any modifiers stack
or not. Attribute checks are sometimes also used to
represent struggling with another character to
achieve a contested purpose (see Contests below).

Lyssa has Str 13 and wants to break down a sturdy For simplicity, GS and TF are derived from the
door. The GM rules that a Str 16 character would base attribute only; do not apply the +1 skill bonus
automatically open the door, but requires a Str or situational modifiers. The reason for this is to
check from this PC. speed play and minimise the need to recalculate GS
and TF numbers for borderline rolls on the fly. As
Lyssa rolls 1d20 and gets a 14, more than her Str 13, always, GMs are encouraged to tweak this
which would normally mean failure. However she approach as desired.
is skilled in Athletics, boosting her Str to 14, turning
the check into a success.
If the roll had been 15 or higher (a fail), Lyssa
would have had the option of using a Reroll to roll 5 2 8 13 6 20
again (due to her training in Athletics, p.52).
6 3 10 14 7 20
Any modifiers are GM’s call. Minor beneficial or 7 3 11 15 7 20
adverse circumstances typically apply a 1-2 point
modifier to an attribute. Modified attributes are
capped at a max of 18, unless noted otherwise. The 8 4 13 16 8 20
GM decides whether modifiers stack.
9 4 14 17 8 20
Major beneficial circumstances allow the player to
roll 2d20 instead of 1d20 and use the best result
(this is called rolling with “advantage”). Similarly,
10 5 16 18 9 20
for major adverse circumstances, the player rolls
2d20 and uses the worst result (“disadvantage”). A 11 5 17 19 9 20
combination of minor and major circumstances
might involve a mix of static modifiers and 12 6 19 20 10 20
advantage or disadvantage. GMs are encouraged to
use as many or as few modifiers as they like.
Lyssa has Dex 9, a +2 situational bonus, and the
Great SucceSS and Traps & Locks skill (+1) for a total Dex 12 when
she attempts to disarm a trap. On a result of 12 or
terrible Failure less, she succeeds. On a result of 4 or less (based on
Sometimes it is useful to know how greatly an her unmodified Dex 9) the outcome is a Great
adventurer succeeds or fails at an action. In such a Success, such that she might be able to repurpose
case: the trap after disarming it. Conversely, a result of 14
or more represents a Terrible Failure, possibly
◆ Great Success Rolling equal to or less than setting it off!
half the attribute (round down), represents a
Great Success (GS) as opposed to an ordinary
success. The GM may rule that in certain
OppoSed CheckS
situations, having the right skill or If two characters are in direct contest, both
background is required to qualify for a Great characters roll and whoever succeeds by the
Success. greatest margin wins. Ties mean the status quo
remains, or might require a reroll at the GM’s
◆ Terrible Failure Rolling more than 1.5 times discretion.
the attribute (round down) is a Terrible
Failure (TF) instead of an ordinary failure. A Contests might involve the same kind of attribute
natural 20 is usually a Terrible Failure, roll (eg: opposed Str checks when arm wrestling), or
regardless of the character’s attribute. The different attribute rolls (eg: a Dex (Stealth) vs Perc
GM might rule that having the right skill or (Detection) check when an adventurer tries to hide
background automatically negates a Terrible from a town guard).

GrOup CheckS
When making a Group check, the whole party
succeeds in a task as long as more than half the
group succeeds. If half succeed and half fail, the
GM might allow a Great Success or Terrible Failure
to tip the balance, or require a failing PC to make a
Luck save for the group to pass. Generally speaking
all PCs must roll for a Group check, even if more
than half the company have already succeeded or
failed (GM’s call). Sometimes the GM may make a
single check to reflect a group result to save time,
particularly for bands of NPCs (most commonly
for Perception vs a party stealth attempt).

Sometimes a player fails an attribute check and
wants to know if they can try again. The GM
decides this on a case by case basis. Generally
speaking, a retry is only permitted if the situation
changes in a favourable way. On the other hand, a
GM might allow retries to break down a door,
reasoning that the door grows weaker each time.
◆ PCs must take turns and cannot employ the
Designer’s Thoughts same course of action more than once.
The problem with frequent retries is they take risk Whilst perhaps not realistic, gameplay wise
out of the equation, making succeeding at a task this keeps everyone involved and encourages
less satisfying. Sometimes adventurers simply fail at creative approaches (GM discretion applies).
what they attempt to do. When this happens, it’s
time for the player to think outside the square and ◆ The GM decides whether the challenge level
find another way forward (or sideways). is Moderate (3), Hard (2), or Very Hard (1),
noted for example as “Moderate, 6S/3F”. An
MONTAGES “easy” challenge is better resolved as a single
attribute check rather than a Montage. If the
In some cases the GM might announce a Montage party accumulates failures equal to the
to resolve a time consuming challenge or ongoing indicated number before scoring six successes,
task in an abstract manner. Example scenarios that the objective is not achieved. Depending on
may suit include gathering information throughout the scenario, and the number of successes, the
a village, sneaking through a warehouse to avoid GM might allow partial or secondary success.
patrols, climbing a mountain, and so on.

The process is outlined below: randoM CheckS

From time to time the GM may rule that a simple
◆ In order to achieve their objective, the party random check, eg a d100 percentage, x-in-6, or
must accumulate six successes. Consult the Bones roll (p.204) will resolve the
uncertainty of a situation. For example, the GM
◆ Players suggest courses of action working might decide there is a 20% chance of random
towards their goal. The GM decides which encounter this watch. Or with a Basilisk surrounded
attribute checks, if any, are required, along by three PCs, the GM decides the beast will attack
with any relevant skills and modifiers. In Kruncor on a d6 roll of 1-2, Lyssa on a 3-4, or their
some instances, the use of a limited resource poor hireling Ratsack on a 5-6. Additionally, certain
may generate an automatic success. If checks powerful monsters may have percentile based
are required, Great Successes count as two abilities, such as Magic Resistance.
successes, and Terrible Failures as two fails.

Whilst the GM always has the option to decide how
a creature engages with the party, the dice often
play an important role in determining an NPC’s
initial reaction. When encountering a creature for
the first time, the GM makes a Reaction check: roll
2d6 and consult the Reaction entry in the creature’s
stat block (p.162), which are designed to reflect For those times when the GM would prefer a more
each monster type’s natural inclinations; Owlbears evenly balanced reaction range, use the below
are famously foul tempered, Dwarves gruff, Sprites chart instead of the individual monster Reac stats.
mischievous, and so on.
When making a Reaction check, the GM may use 2-3 Hostile, opposed, confrontational.
a different coloured d6 (or nominate the left most
die) as the Activity Die. The result of this d6 4-5 Unfriendly, suspicious, disinterested.
provides additional information about what the
creature(s) are doing when the PCs come across 6-8 Neutral, uncertain, careful, cautious.
them, to assist GM improv and/or to provide
inspiration. The table includes six broad categories 9-10 Fairly friendly, curious, mildly helpful.
of activity, although some activities blend into
more than one. 11-12 Affable, attracted, very helpful.

Sleeping, relaxing, reading, drawing, Sleeping, relaxing, recovering (eg
1 Resting recovering (eg hangover, injury, or injury, sickness, shock), waiting for
sickness), waiting for something. something (eg mate to return).
Conversing, sporting activity, trading, Calls, howls or other vocalisations,
2 Socialising gambling, teaching, child rearing,
play fighting, mating rituals, teaching.
intimate relations.
Having a meal, cooking, preparing Having a meal, drinking from a
3 Eating food, drinking alcohol, drawing water puddle, pool or stream, dragging a
from a pool, stream or well. fresh kill, picking at bones.
Plying their trade, making repairs, Making or repairing a den, minding
4 Working gathering resources, trade expedition, eggs or offspring, teaching young,
performing services. gathering resources, keeping watch.
Hunting, passing by, exploring, on Hunting, exploring, marking territory,
5 Traveling patrol, messenger, trade expedition, patrolling feeding grounds, fleeing
escaping from someone or something. from danger, en route to elsewhere.
Ambush, battling a person or creature, Ambush, battling a person or creature,
6 Threat dealing with a trap or environment dealing with a trap or environment
hazard, stand off, verbal altercation. hazard, stand off, mating contest.

The GM is ultimately in charge of deciding how
NPCs deal with adventurers in social interactions,
based on their history and common sense. On some
occasions however the referee may decide that the
outcome is uncertain, and call for a Cha check
from the adventurer to shape the outcome. A skill
may apply (eg Persuasion, Leadership, etc), and/or
other modifiers appropriate, as the GM determines.

The outcome depends on the degree of success or

failure of the check. In most instances, a Great
Success means the NPC is co-operative and will go
out of their way to assist. On an ordinary success,
the NPC will agree or help but is not willing to put
themselves at any significant risk to do so. An
ordinary failure means the NPC generally won’t
co-operate, or only with an adverse complication or
setback. A Terrible Failure means the NPC takes
an opposing position to the adventurer and actively
obstructs the character (directly or indirectly).

The party wishes to enter a city after nightfall and

is challenged by the gate guards. The GM rolls 2d6
for Reaction and gets a 3+2 = 5. According to the
Human Guard stat block, the guards are Difficult,
and using the left most die as the Activity die, they
are Eating. The GM decides they are snacking on
hard tack while on duty.

After some small talk, the GM calls for a Cha

(Persuasion) check to convince the guards to let
them in. Noticing the flavourless rations, one of the
PCs offers some fruit as a (literal) sweetener, for
which the GM grants a +2 bonus.

With a Great Success, the guards take a liking to

the party, welcome them inside, direct them to the
safest inn, and provide a warning about cut purses
frequenting certain streets.

On an ordinary success, the guards invite them

inside and direct them to the closest inn.

On a failure, the guards grumble about low pay and

solicit a pouch of silvers as a “night tax” before
allowing entry.

On a Terrible Failure the guards take a definite

dislike to the wandering freebooters, suspicious of
their motives, and refuse them entry. They tell them
they can camp outside the walls, and if they’re still
there tomorrow, they can make their case to the
captain of the morning shift.

When battle begins, game time is broken down into Most combatants will not fight to the death; the vast
flexible rounds, of approximately three to six majority will seek to flee or surrender if battle goes
seconds per round. During this time characters take poorly for them. The GM always has the option to
turns resolving their actions until everyone has decide whether one or more monsters abandon the
finished, at which point either the combat ends, or battlefield, based on the situation, but in most
a new round begins. The order of combat is as instances a Will check determines whether their
follows: mettle holds.

1. Surprise The GM determines if one side or The GM decides when a Morale check is called for,
the other is entitled to a free round as a result and any modifiers that apply (eg a leader’s Cha
of surprise (p.81, eg an ambush). modifier). A single check typically covers all
monsters of the same kind, although the GM may
2. One Player Rolls for Initiative One PC rule that a Group check or individual checks are
makes an Initiative check to represent the required. Hirelings and pets are subject to Morale,
whole party: roll 1d20, aiming for equal or but PCs are not.
under their Initiative score (p.11). If the PC
succeeds, the party acts before the enemy. Possible events to trigger Morale checks include:
On a Great Success the PCs also act before
any Bosses and Heavies. If the PC fails, the ◆ When a leader is killed or incapacitated.
party acts after the enemy.
◆ When half of the NPC group are killed or
3. Resolve Turn. Each turn, characters take incapacitated.
one action and one move. The player that
rolled Initiative acts first for the PCs, then ◆ When intimidating sorcery is used against
remaining players in clockwise order. Note several allies successfully.
PCs can delay their turn, which effectively
means they can act in any order, but the If required, Morale checks are normally made at
default is clockwise to keep things moving. the end of a round. The GM may decide however
The GM decides the order of monsters. that a check is to be made immediately.
4. Make Morale checks if required. Finish Them!
When Morale breaks, the battle usually ends and
5. Combat Ends or New Round The round is surviving NPCs immediately flee the area if
complete. If the battle is not finished, begin possible. PCs may be entitled to a free attack as
a new round at Step 2. Players take turns enemies leave melee. At the GM’s option, the party
rolling for Initiative in clockwise order until may make a Group Luck (Str or Perc) check to
the combat ends (or as the GM decides). automatically slay their foes, and/or take prisoners.
Delay & Ready Action Rallying NPC Allies
An adventurer may delay their turn until other PCs At the GM’s option, a PC may be able to rally one
or one or more monsters have acted. A character or more NPCs (eg hirelings) that have had their
may ready an action to respond to a specific event Morale broken. The adventurer must spend an
at the GM’s discretion. The player describes the action (or more, GM’s call) attempting to convince
triggering event and the character takes her action the NPCs to return to the fray. A Cha (Leadership)
simultaneously with the triggering event. If the two check is required. On a success the NPCs may
acts cannot occur simultaneously, an Initiative make another Morale check to recover, or on a
check (or contest) determines who acts first. If the Great Success they automatically rally. Otherwise,
triggering event does not occur, the character’s NPC allies will not usually rally until the combat
action is generally lost (GM’s call). ends and it is safe to return.

MOVE DOuble MOve
A character may take one move each turn, either A character may spend their action to gain a second
within the same range band or transitioning into move.
the next range band. The bands are as follows:
◆ Melee In hand to hand combat (or up to A charging character moves up to twice as far as
approx 5 ft or so). normal (minimum Close distance) to engage a new
foe in Melee. The charger makes a melee attack at
◆ Close Current room (or up to approx 30 ft).
a +2 bonus (including any Extra attack or second
◆ Far Into the next room (or up to approx 60 ft). attack). Until their next turn however enemies gain
+2 to attack them. Charging uses the character’s
◆ Very Far Beyond Far (or more than 60 ft). move and action.
The default is at least two Moves to reach Far
range. Intercept
Range bands are only approximations; a degree of If a character is (i) not surprised, (ii) not in melee,
flexibility and overlap between edges is expected. If (iii) hasn’t moved this turn, and (iv) an enemy
the GM is unsure as to whether a target is in one wishes to move within Close range, the character
band or another, either determine randomly (even may attempt an intercept. An Initiative check (or
chance, or Consult the Bones), or a PC may make a Dex check for Monsters) is required, in which case
Luck check to decide the distance (GM’s call). the intercepter moves himself into melee with the
enemy (at some point before the enemy completes
A move incorporates minor necessary conduct its intended movement). If a character attempts to
such as opening doors, climbing ladders, swinging intercept before their first turn in a new combat, the
from a rope, etc. Moving silently, or hiding, is also check is made at disadvantage.
part of your movement, assuming suitable terrain is
available (the GM decides whether hiding is WiThdrawing
possible). Being stealthy usually requires a Dex
(Stealth) vs Perc (Detection) contest. & Free AttackS
If a character attempts to move out of melee with
A move cannot be broken up with an action; an an active opponent, the opponent gains one free
attack, casting a spell, and so on ends the move. melee attack against the character.
Note that flying creatures and enemies riding
mounts may make attacks part way through their
move, provided the movement continues in one
Stand Up frOM PrOne
direction. Movement speed might be reduced due Standing up from Prone costs a character’s Move,
to poor visibility, when climbing, negotiating unless they make a Luck (Dex) save, or other check
difficult or hazardous terrain, etc (GM’s call). as the GM determines (eg Dex (Acrobatics*)).

Blocking an Area
A man sized character effectively blocks a Melee
area, and enemies cannot move through this space
without first removing the defender in some way.
Very large or small creatures might ignore blocking
(GM’s call).

A significant fall up to Close range inflicts 3d6
damage and a 1d12 Blunt Trauma roll (Luck (Dex)
save or Dex (Acrobatics*) check negates the trauma
roll only). Greater falls are adjudicated by the
referee, but cannot be mitigated by Acrobatics.

ParTy ReTreat ◆ The chase lasts up to six legs. The timescale
for each leg is flexible, from thirty seconds to
At the start of a round, if the whole party wishes a few hours.
to flee from a battle, they must first explain to the
GM how escape might be possible. If the GM ◆ If the chasers reduce the gap to zero before
agrees, a group Luck check is required. The GM the end of the last leg, the quarry are caught
decides any modifiers (eg dropping food, treasure, and the chase ends. Otherwise the quarry
or caltrops might be required or provide a bonus), escape. The GM might also rule that the
and whether checks are required to carry allies. quarry escape if they open a wide enough gap
(eg: 10 lengths).
If successful the adventurers manage to break away
from the battle with incapacitated allies over their Resolving the Chase
shoulders (or otherwise in tow, as explained by the
players). Depending on the circumstances, fleeing 1. Start of Leg Both sides choose one character
may lead to a Chase. If unsuccessful, the GM may to lead them. No character may lead a
permit individually successful adventurers to flee, second leg until all allies have lead a first leg,
regretfully abandoning their hapless comrades. The and so on.
party, or any remaining PCs, may attempt to flee
again next round if desired. 2. The Two Leaders make opposed Con
(Athletics) checks. The GM determines any
CHASES modifiers (eg fast quadrupeds chasing the
party might gain a +2 bonus, or flyers +4).
Characters sometimes get themselves into chase The winning side widens or closes the gap by
situations that aren’t much fun using the one length, or two lengths on a Great
(predictable) standard movement rules. Presented Success (or Terrible Failure from the loser).
below is an abstract chase system that attempts to
recreate the frenetic pace of an exciting pursuit. As 3. The PC Leader rolls 1d20 on the Chase
always, what follows is just a guide, and GMs are Event table. Event entries apply to the party
encouraged to tweak chases as they see fit. unless indicated otherwise in the description.
The GM may simply decide who is affected
Setup by an event (eg everyone, just one side, only
specific people, just one person, etc).
◆ The chase has two sides: the chasers and the
quarry. 4. Repeat until the chase ends.
◆ The starting gap between the two sides is
1d4+3 abstract “lengths”. Alternatively the
GM determines the starting gap.

Large Crowd A large group of creatures impedes the progress of the characters in a non-violent
manner (eg: a funeral procession, bison herd, dwarven mining crew, cloud of curious air spirits).
1 One or more characters may (amongst other things) attempt to persuade or intimidate the group
to assist them (GM’s call). If the crowd is not managed or bypassed, the opposing side changes
the gap by two lengths.
Dangerous Hazard The GM improvises a physical threat of some kind (eg: a street riot,
2 poisonous vines, carnivorous plant, underground slime, swarm of giant insects). 1d4 characters
must make a Luck (Dex) save (or similar) or suffer 2d6 + level damage.
Obstruction The GM improvises a physical obstruction of some kind (eg: horse & cart, thick
3 scrub, crumbling passage, powerful winds). If the characters cannot bypass or resolve the
obstruction, the opposing side changes the gap by 1d2 lengths.
Snap Opportunity Randomly nominate 1d4 characters from both sides. Those participants may
take an action to assist themselves or act against the opposing side, provided they declare their
action within a 5 second count down! The GM adjudicates what kinds of actions are possible in
the circumstances, but might include making ranged attacks, casting spells, attempting to lasso a
quarry, dropping caltrops, etc. If events lead to a failed Morale check, the party’s opponents drop
out of the chase.
Random Setback Roll 1d6:

i. Drop Something The leader accidentally drops something valuable (randomly determine
from the PC’s Battle Gear). For a large item, the PC notices such immediately. If a smaller
item, the GM decides whether the adventurer makes a Perc (Det) check to notice to loss
now or only after the chase ends. If the PC notices the loss, they may choose to drop out
of the chase to retrieve the item.

ii. Fatigue The leader is overcome by unexpected exhaustion and is Fatigued.

5 iii. Head Strike The leader is struck on the head by an object; Con check or Stunned and drop
out of the chase.

iv. Fall The leader must make a Dex (Acrobatics) check or trips and falls, suffering a setback
improvised by the GM (eg: falls down stairs, injured knee, damaged object, etc).
v. Hostile Third Party A random PC is beset by a hostile random encounter. The character
must make a Luck (Dex) save or drop out of the chase and deal with the random encounter.

vi. Lost A random PC is somehow separated from the party. The adventurer must make an
Int check or become lost (momentarily or otherwise) and drops out of the chase.
Burst of Speed If the party succeed on a Group Con (Athletics) check, they are inspired to dig
deep and put on a burst of speed, changing the gap by one length.
Dangerous Hazard The GM improvises a physical threat of some kind (eg: falling debris from an
7 upper storey window, hunting trap, dungeon deadfall, hostile giant bird). The leader must make
a Luck (Dex) save (or similar) or rolls 1d12 on the appropriate Trauma table.

Obstruction The GM improvises a physical obstruction of some kind (eg: barrels and crates,
8 treacherous creek, jammed dungeon door, smoke). If the characters cannot bypass or resolve the
obstruction, the opposing side changes the gap by two lengths.

9 Random Setback As Entry #5.

Hidey Hole The quarry locate a viable hiding place. If the PCs are the quarry they make a Group
Dex (Stealth) check. If the PCs are the chasers they make a Group Perc (Detection) check. The
GM may impose modifiers based on distances, terrain, lighting, senses, and other circumstances.
If the quarry succeed they escape! If they fail they are caught. Either way the chase ends.

11 Snap Opportunity As Entry #4.

Third Party A single or small number of creatures impede the party’s progress in a non-violent
manner (eg: 1d4 beggars, a drunk woodsman, 1d6 underground Rock Grinders, 1d4 mischievous
12 Sprites). One or more characters may (amongst other things) attempt to persuade or intimidate the
creature(s) to assist them (GM’s call). If the creature(s) is not managed or bypassed, the opposing
side changes the gap by 1d2 lengths.
Fell Vapours The GM improvises a gaseous or inhalation vector threat of some kind (eg: poison
13 vapours from an alchemist’s lab, carbon dioxide in deep tunnels, rising bog fumes, psychedelic
plant spores). 1d4 PCs must make a Luck (Con) save or roll 1d12 on the Toxin Trauma table.
Cross Paths A random chaser gets lucky with a shortcut and catches up to a random quarry
14 lagging behind. Each character may make a single melee attack against the other, or take some
other action, before being separated again.
Split Up The party’s opponents split up into two groups of quarry or chasers respectively. If the
quarry split, they go in opposite directions, and the party must decide whether to focus on just one
15 group or also split themselves.This may require running an extra mini chase, if so the new mini
chase has the same number of remaining legs as the main chase and ends at the same time. If the
chasers split, half the NPCs are fatigued and drop out of the chase.

16 Random Setback As Entry #5 above.

Major Obstruction The GM improvises a major physical obstruction of some kind (eg: busy
marketplace, slippery mud, spider webs, hail storm). If the characters cannot bypass or resolve the
17 major obstruction, the opposing side changes the gap by 1d2 lengths. In addition, a random PC
must make a Luck (Dex) save (or similar) or a tear in their pack causes a random piece of Pack
Gear to be lost (see Entry #5(i) for more details).
Burst of Speed The opposition is inspired to dig deep and put on a burst of speed, changing the
18 gap by two lengths! The party may choose to attempt a group Luck save to negate this event if
they wish.
All In! The whole party and up to the same number of characters from the opposing side, may
take an action to assist themselves or act against their opponents, provided each player declares
19 their action within a 5 second count down! The GM adjudicates what kinds of actions are
possible in the circumstances, but might include making ranged attacks, casting spells, attempting
to lasso a quarry, dropping caltrops, etc.
Hidey Hole As Entry #10 above, but after the chase ends, all PCs must make a Luck (Con) save
or be Fatigued.

ACTION When using Battle Gear, drawing or otherwise
readying your item(s) occurs as part of your action
to attack or use the object. Battle Gear is stored on
COMMOn ActiOnS your person in easily accessed places for the
A character may take one action during their turn. purposes of combat.
An action includes anything that can be done in a
few seconds, for example: Accessing Pack Gear is not possible in combat
unless the GM decides otherwise, based on the
◆ Making a melee, ranged, or thrown attack. circumstances. For example, quickly stuffing a gold
statuette into your pack might be possible as an
◆ Casting a spell. action.

◆ Dodging. Dropping an item does not require an action (“no

action”). For example, a warrior armed with a great
◆ Drinking a potion. axe wants to fire his bow. He could spend an action
to stow his great axe, and then ready and shoot his
◆ Activating a magical amulet. bow the following round, or he could drop his axe
◆ Sheathing or stowing a weapon. (no action) and immediately ready and shoot his
bow. In this example however his axe is now on the
◆ Retrieving an item from the ground. ground, which requires an action to retrieve should
he need it later.
Picking a lock or disarming a trap usually takes
more than one action (even if only one check is Some abilities allow adventurers to take special
required), unless the GM determines otherwise. actions or cause effects during other character’s
turns. Examples include Rescue Exploits and the
Bard’s Inspire Greatness ability.

Melee ATTackS DaMage
To attack in melee, you must be in Melee range of Damage is deducted from the target’s hit points.
your opponent or using a Second Rank weapon. When an NPC is reduced to zero hit points, they
Make the following attack roll: 1d20 + your Class die. When a PC is reduced to zero hit points, they
Attack Bonus for your level + Str modifier. If the are unconscious or dead. See the Injury & Death
result is equal to or higher than the target’s Armour section for more details (p.83).
Class (AC), you hit. Roll damage per the weapon
table + Str modifier. A 3rd level Fighter with Str 14 has a class attack
bonus of 3, and a Str modifier of 1, for a total of +4.
He attacks a skeleton with AC 11. On a 1d20 roll of
MELEE MODIFIERS 7 or more (+4, total 11), the skeleton is hit and
damage is rolled. If the Fighter was using a
Outnumber Enemies longsword, the damage would be 1d8+1 hit points
+1 (+2)
(3:1 or more) (longsword weapon damage being 1d8, plus 1 for
Prone Target Str).
+2 (-2)
(or Attacker)
Grabbed Target
+2 (-2) Critical HitS
(or Attacker) A critical hit occurs when the 1d20 attack roll is a
natural 20. Critical hits by PCs cause max damage
Near Blind 33% miss chance
plus half level (round up). Other characters cause
66% miss chance* max damage only. Exploding damage dice do not
Blind explode on a crit.
(see p.82)


To attack at range with a bow, sling, thrown dagger On a natural 1, the attacker has fumbled, somehow
or similar, roll: 1d20 + your Class Attack Bonus exposing themselves to counterattack:
for your level + Perc modifier. If the result is equal
to or higher than the target’s AC you hit. Roll ◆ If the target is in melee with the Fumbler, the
damage according to the weapon table + Perc mod. target gains a free attack against them (choose
one attack if the target normally has multiple
RANGED MODIFIERS ◆ If the target is distant and not in melee, the
target immediately returns fire with a readied
Shooter in Melee Disadvantage ranged or thrown weapon (if any).
Target gains Half Cover, and if ◆ If the target is distant and in melee with an
the attack misses there is a ally, the Fumbled attack is rerolled against a
Target in Melee 33% chance of rerolling the random ally in the melee.
attack against an ally in the
nat 19S
same melee (if any)
◆ Half Cover
+2 AC & Luck (Dex) saves Weapon and monster attacks cause special effects
Target in Cover on a natural 19 roll, see p.58.
◆ Three Quarters Cover
+4 AC & Luck (Dex) saves
Near Blind 33% miss chance
A character may use their action to dodge or
66% miss chance* otherwise focus on defence. Until the start of their
Blind next turn, a dodging character has advantage on
(see p.82)
Shooting Beyond Dex checks and Luck (Dex) saves to resist adverse
GM’s call (if yes, Disad) effects, and enemies suffer disadvantage on attack
Weapon Range
rolls against them.

Characters may attempt Minor, Major, and Rescue PCs may attempt Major Exploits; impressive feats
Exploits, as outlined below. Major and Rescue of power and skill that inspire the party and turn
Exploits are exclusive to PCs. the tide of battle. Major Exploits are exclusive to
player characters.

MinOr ExploitS An adventurer might shatter a foe’s weapon, grab

Characters may attempt various Minor Exploits an enemy in each hand and crack their skulls
during combat, often but not always improvised to together (Stunning both of them), cut off a
fit the situation at hand. wyvern’s wing, or decapitate an ogre (subject to the
hit dice rule below).
Minor Exploits are limited to one target and have
instant or short durations (often one round or In prior campaigns, some successful Major Exploits
less). They occur as part of an attack action. Minor included spearing a T-Rex in one eye, causing it to
Exploits cover the usual range of combat options suffer Perc penalties and a 33% miss chance,
found in most tabletop RPGs, for example: finishing off a fearsome witch hunter by trampling
tripping, pushing, disarming, or grabbing hold of him with a horse and carriage, and making wild
an enemy. Incapacitating effects (eg Stunned) would swings with a cold iron flail to drive away three
normally be Major Exploits. The GM determines Shades clustered around a fallen ally.
whether a proposed exploit is possible.
Major Exploits may affect more than one target
For a Minor Exploit to occur, the character must and can result in very serious and permanent
first hit and cause damage as normal. The player effects, including death. Subject to the rules below,
then declares the intended exploit, and the GM they are limited only by the player’s imagination
makes a ruling to resolve it. For example: and the scenario at hand.

◆ An opposed Str check to knock an opponent ◆ Major Exploits do not increase hit point
off his feet, grab hold of him with one hand, damage to a single target, but might increase
drive him backwards a short distance, or total damage by affecting multiple targets.
throw him through a window.
◆ Major Exploits cannot instantly kill or
◆ An opposed Dex check to throw dirt in an incapacitate a single target, unless the target’s
opponent’s eyes, temporarily blinding them hit dice (HD) are equal to or less than the PC’s
for one round. level.

◆ An opposed Dex check (perhaps modified by ◆ The GM has the final say on whether a
level) to disarm. proposed exploit is possible, taking into
account the character’s class and skills.
Different GMs will make different rulings to suit
their table. The above are a guide only. If the exploit A Major Exploit usually requires the PC to:
is successful, the intended outcome occurs; the
target is tripped, or thrown through the window, 1. Roll attack & damage as normal (or make
etc. The GM makes a ruling to determine the effect. other relevant tests, eg a riding test for a
horse based exploit).
While fighting some wolves, Kruncor attempts to
throw one off a cliff. He rolls a 16 to hit, and causes 2. Declare the intended exploit. The GM
3 points of unarmed damage. The GM then calls decides whether the exploit is possible.
for an opposed Str check to determine whether the
3. Make a Luck check. The GM decides what
wolf is flung over the edge.
modifiers apply, if any.
If a Minor Exploit fails, the character may not 4. If the Luck check succeeds the exploit
attempt any further Minor Exploits that combat. occurs, and the character’s Luck is reduced
On a Terrible Failure, the GM improvises a special by one (as usual). The GM makes a ruling
penalty or setback. to determine the effect.

While fighting some Giant Scorpions an adventurer An enemy sorcerer unleashes a blast of lightning at
attempts to sever one monster’s poisonous stinger. Kruncor, who fails his Luck (Dex) save and is
The GM decides the action is standard for a Major reduced to zero hit points. Lyssa declares a Rescue,
Exploit in his campaign, and does not impose any attempting to push her comrade out of harm’s way.
modifiers. The player rolls an 18 to hit, and causes The GM agrees and calls for an Initiative check,
7 damage. She then makes a Luck check… and which Lyssa successfully makes. She then makes a
succeeds! With a bloody spray, the scorpion’s Luck (Str) check, rolling 1d20 and scoring a 4, well
venomous barb spins off into the sand! under her modified Luck attribute of 12. With a
warning shout, Lyssa barrels into Kruncor, sending
If a Major Exploit fails, the PC may not attempt both sprawling out of the path of the sizzling blast!
any further Major Exploits that combat. On a
Terrible Failure, the GM improvises a special Succeed or fail, the PC has used up their one
penalty or setback. Rescue attempt for the adventure. On a Terrible
Failure, the GM improvises a special penalty or
ReScueS setback. In the above example, both Kruncor and
Lyssa might have been caught in the lightning blast!
Once per adventure, a PC may attempt a Rescue,
which may only be used to protect another person
or thing. Rescues are available when it is not the
PC’s turn, in response to something happening
within Close range. A Rescue allows one player to
negate or reverse an adverse event for another
player or NPC. Only one party member may
attempt a Rescue per situation, and Rescues are
exclusive to PCs.

To perform a Rescue, a PC usually needs to:

1. Explain how a Rescue might be possible

(eg: grab a hireling as they are about to
plummet into a pit trap, or provide covering
fire to distract an enemy archer).

2. The GM decides whether the proposed

Rescue is possible in the circumstances. The
referee may impose conditions such as
requiring the rescuer to take the hit for their
ally, that they forfeit their next action, or that
their spear will break if they thrust it into the
T-Rex’s jaws at the last moment.

3. The Rescuer makes an Initiative check to

determine whether they react fast enough to

4. The Rescuer makes a Luck check (often

modified by Dex, Str, etc, as the GM
determines, as well as any other modifiers).
Rerolls are available.
5. If the Luck check is successful, the Rescue
occurs and the Rescuer’s Luck is reduced by
one (as usual). The GM makes a ruling to
determine the effect.

FIGHTING StYLES Two Handed Style
Bows and some large or high damage weapons
Rules for common fighting styles are provided
require two hands to use. Wielding certain one
below for tables that wish to use them.
handed weapons with two hands grants +1 damage
Single Weapon Fighting (as noted in the Melee Weapons table).
Fighting with one hand empty (exception: holding
a light) grants +1 Init, a bonus Battle Gear slot Mounted
(p.55), and allows you to cast spells, grab a foe, etc A warrior riding a mount trained for battle may
without having to drop or sheathe another weapon. make attacks part way through their movement (in
a single direction) and gains the Rogue Skirmish
Two Weapon Fighting ability. Their mount may also be able to make
Using two weapons, one in each hand, grants an attacks at the GM’s discretion.
Extra attack each turn, made at disadvantage. At
the GM’s option, the second weapon must be a MISCELLANEOUS FACtORS
smaller sized weapon such as a shortsword, dagger, Guidance in relation common battle complications
etc (d6 damage or below). A shield may be used as are provided below.
a second weapon, causing 1d3 + Str mod damage,
but the character loses all shield benefits until the Cover
start of her next turn. A character half covered by terrain gains a +2
bonus to AC and Luck (Dex) saves, or +4 if three
Unarmed Combat quarters covered. A character fully covered by
All characters are proficient in brawling with fists, terrain cannot be directly attacked unless the cover
feet, etc, which cause 1d2 damage (plus Str mod, is somehow bypassed.
Nat 19 Blunt Trauma 1d10). Attempting to knock
out an opponent with an unarmed attack does not Visibility
suffer any penalty to hit (see opposite). A target that is very hard to see, glimpsed in near
darkness, or moving in and out of heavy fog or
similar, is protected by a 33% miss chance against
any direct attack (Near Blind). A character who
cannot be seen at all due to total darkness,
impenetrable fog, invisibility or similar, is protected
by a 66% miss chance on all direct attacks,
assuming an attacker can narrow down his location
by some means (Blind). If the attacker cannot
narrow down the location, no effective direct attack
may be attempted. Area effect attacks may not be
subject to this miss chance in certain situations, at
the GM’s discretion.

A sorcerer the party is fighting turns invisible.

Kruncor notices tell tale footprints in the long grass,
and hurls his axe! The adventurer makes an attack
roll as normal, and succeeds. The GM then rolls for
the 66% invisibility miss chance, scoring 77. It’s a
hit! The axe lodges itself in the sorcerer’s skull with
a wet thud, dropping his reappearing form to the
ground as Kruncor roars victorious!

Invisible or Stealthy Attacker

An invisible attacker gains advantage on attacks. A
stealthy (but not invisible) attacker who sneaks up
on or shoots at an unaware enemy (eg suddenly
moving out from behind a wall to fire), might gain
the benefits of surprise (GM’s call).

Surprise Drowning and Suffocation
An attacker who gets the drop on an unaware Adventurers laden with equipment can normally
opponent gains a bonus round (see Initiative p.69). hold their breath and swim (or perform other
Further, the ambusher’s first attack is made at activity) for approximately 1 round per point of
advantage, or physical area effect imposes disad on Con, plus another 1d4 rounds. While fighting
any Luck save. however, the base duration is a number of rounds
equal to one third Con score (round up). After this
Non-Proficiency period, the adventurer must make a Luck (Con) save
The GM decides whether a character can use a at the end of each round or be reduced to zero hp.
weapon that is not on their class weapon list. If yes, The GM decides whether the PC might be able to
apply disadvantage to their attack rolls. be resuscitated if rescued quickly.

Knock Outs Aerial Combat

If using a weapon to knock out, rather than kill, an An aerial combatant gains the following:
opponent, the character suffers a -2 penalty to
attack, and if the hit reduces the target to zero hp, ◆ +1 bonus on attack rolls against ground based
the target is rendered senseless but remains alive. targets,
Such a prisoner generally regains consciousness
with 1 hit point after 2d6 minutes. Unarmed knock ◆ May make attacks part way through their
out attempts do not suffer the -2 penalty to attack. movement (in a single direction),

Underwater Combat ◆ Gains the Rogue Skirmish ability, and

Adventurers have an unfortunate habit of getting
◆ May make a special charge attack causing
into underwater struggles with monsters trying to
double damage if the target is surprised.
drown them. When fighting in an underwater
melee, piercing weapons operate normally, slashing
weapons attack at disad, and clubbing weapons are
Other Modifiers
A 1 or 2 point modifier will cover most nebulous
useless. Arrows moving through water only inflict
combat factors. Examples include high ground,
damage up to about 10 ft deep.
slippery surfaces, and so on. GMs should use as
many or as few modifiers as they like. The referee
Flanking decides whether modifiers stack.
ToA uses abstract positioning consistent with
movement range bands, as reflected in the
Outnumber Enemies modifier entry in the Melee
Modifiers Table on p.76. If however your table is
using precise positioning, allies gain a +1 attack
bonus when flanking an enemy (ie with an ally on
the opposite side).

An Encumbered (p.55) PC suffers disad on tests
The following rules address common conditions relating to Athletics, Acrobatics, Chases, and Party
characters may be subject to. Specific circumstances Retreats. They cannot charge or attempt Rescues,
may modify the default conditions (for example and Hexploration speed may be affected (p.135).
some Monster entries) or per GM’s call.

Blind Fatigued
A character loses 1 point of Con each time they
A Blind combatant suffers a 66% miss chance on become Fatigued. In addition, they are treated as
direct attacks, assuming they can narrow down the Encumbered until they get six hours sleep. Lost Con
target’s location by some means. If the target may be restored in the usual way. Characters that
cannot be located, no direct attack may be made. do not sleep suffer disad on all tests the next day,
Area attacks may be unaffected at the GM’s until they get at least six hours sleep.
discretion. Opponents that can see clearly gain
advantage on attacks against Blind targets.
Burning A Grabbed character cannot move from their
location without breaking the grab (opposed Str
A Burning character suffers 1d6 damage at the start check, no action).
of their turn. While burning, the character must
make a Will check to do anything other than spend
their action to put out the flames (automatic unless HelpleSS
GM decides otherwise). If rolling on the Injuries & A Helpless target is completely unable to defend
Setbacks table, Minor Scars become Nasty Scars themselves and may be killed with a single melee
instead. action (or perhaps ranged action, GM’s call).
Typical examples include sleeping, unconscious, or
Dazed trussed up head to toe with rope.
A Dazed character’s next action occurs last in the
initiative order. In addition, until their next action, Near Blind
they do not make a free attack when an opponent A character that is Near Blind suffers a 33% miss
fumbles or withdraws. chance on all attacks.

A Prone character suffers a -2 penalty on melee
attack rolls, and melee opponents gain a +2 bonus.
Standing up from Prone costs a character’s Move,
unless they make a Luck (Dex) save, or other check
as the GM determines (eg Dex (Acrobatics*)).

A starving or dehydrated character loses 1 Str and
Con per day until death if either stat reaches zero.
Eating or drinking removes the condition. Lost Str
or Con may be restored in the usual way.

A Stunned character loses their next action.

A character at half hit points or below is Wounded.

When a PC or monster is hit, the target’s hit points
are reduced. When a character’s hit points drop to Minor Scar Minor scars have no
half or below, they gain the Wounded status, and significant adverse effect, in fact after a
1-3 few drinks some folks might even be
display obvious signs of physical trauma. The
Wounded condition can be a useful indicator to impressed by them.
gauge how a combat is going, and some character System Shock You suffer disad on Init
abilities trigger when a creature is Wounded. 4 checks. The injury mends in 1d3 days.
Generally when a monster’s hit points fall to zero it
dies (ignore negatives). When a PC is reduced to Sprained Ankle You must make a Dex
zero hit points, the adventurer falls unconscious check to charge, jump, or move twice in
and is either Dead or Dying. You don’t find out one round, and apply disadvantage on
which until after the battle, when someone turns 5 mobility related checks (including Party
the body over for a closer look. Retreats and chases). If you fail such
checks you fall prone. The injury mends
in 1d6 days.
DEATH SAVE Head Injury You suffer 1d6 Int, Perc,
After the fight, if the character’s body is recovered 6 Will or Cha loss.
and inspected, the PC makes a Death save: a roll
equal to or under check vs 10 + Con mod or Will Muscle Tear You suffer 1d6 Str, Dex or
mod (whichever is higher, ignore negatives, Reroll
7 Con loss.
available). Any healing magic applied up to this Pestilent Wound Your hit point max is
point grants a +2 bonus to the save only (does not immediately reduced by 1d6, and again
stack, and does not restore any hp). On a success, every 24 hours the wound persists. You
the character is Dying (see below). On a failure, or
8 die if your hit point maximum reaches
if the body cannot be recovered, the adventurer zero. Treatment with the Apothecary
really is dead and gone. Shed a tear, frown as the skill cures the wound after 1d3 days, or
party loots the still warm corpse, then join the GM Cleansing Charm cures it instantly.
on the other side of the screen (or take over a
hireling or other NPC, if available). Damaged Battle Gear A random piece
of Battle Gear has been damaged. Until
repaired, the item cannot be used,
9 imposes disadvantage, or suffers some
A Dying adventurer isn’t gone just yet; the PC is other penalty as the GM determines.
unconscious and deteriorating, but can be saved by Magical items have a 50% chance to
an ally. After combat, an adjacent character may negate this effect.
stabilize a Dying PC by applying healing magic, Damaged Armour Armour you are
bandages, staunching wounds, etc. Whatever the wearing is damaged. Until repaired, your
means, as long as there is no immediate danger and 10 armour provides only half the normal
aid is rendered, the PC is restored to 1 hit point AC bonus. Magical items have a 50%
after 1d3 minutes. Healing magic applied to a chance to negate this effect.
Dying PC provides additional hit points, but still
requires 1d3 minutes to do its work. Damaged Magical Item A random
magical item (not a weapon or armour) is
The near death experience however leaves a mark, 11 damaged (if not applicable, reroll). Until
requiring a 1d20 roll on the Injuries & Setbacks repaired, attempting to use it requires an
table. Such injuries are generally referred to as Int check; a failure triggers a DDM effect.
persistent injuries (those which heal over time, eg Swelling on the Brain You suffer a
Muscle Tear) or permanent injuries (which do not 12 random Madness. The madness naturally
heal, eg a lost eye or severed limb). subsides after 1d10 days.

Nasty Scar You gain a permanent BLADE TRAUMA
disfiguring scar on your head, neck, Blade related injuries and setbacks are caused by
13 hands, or other location not easily Nat 19 rolls from piercing and cutting weapons
concealed. The scars generally impose a such as swords, knives, and axes, but also claws and
-2 penalty on social checks (GM’s call). teeth. Roll 1d12 unless instructed otherwise.
Broken Ribs When you suffer physical
damage, you must make a Con or Will
14 check (your choice) or lose your next BLADE TRAUMA
action. 3d6 days of rest mends the injury.
Pinned The attacker may choose to pin
Internal Bleeding When you attempt an the target to a nearby surface (if possible,
action in combat, you must make a Con 1 GM’s call) by piercing their armour,
15 or Will check (your choice) or lose your clothing, gear, etc. Breaking free requires
action. 3d6 days of rest mends the injury. a Str check or contest (no action).
Ear Injury You suffer disadvantage on Disarmed The target is disarmed. The
hearing Perc checks and balance related attacker may choose to make a Dex
16 checks. Make a Luck (Con) save; on a fail 2 check to catch the weapon in their hand,
the ear is lost. On a success the ear is beneath their foot, kick it away, etc.
damaged but will heal in eight weeks.
Impaled The target is impaled, suffering
Leg or Foot Injury Roll 1d6: 1-3: foot, 4- automatic weapon damage at the start of
5: below knee, 6: leg. Your move speed is 3 their turn. Unimpaling requires a Str
halved, you require a crutch or peg leg to contest (or a Will check if unopposed).
walk, and apply disadvantage on mobility
17 related checks. Make a Luck (Con) save; Damaged Gear A random piece of Battle
on a fail the limb is lost. On a success the Gear is damaged. The item is non
4 functional or suffers some other penalty
limb is broken and non functional but
will heal in eight weeks. until repaired (GM’s call).
Arm or Hand Injury Roll 1d6: 1-3 hand, Ligament Slash Target suffers 1d6 Str,
5 Dex, or Con loss.
4-5: below elbow, 6: arm. Make a Luck
18 (Con) save; on a fail the limb is lost. On a Sliced Nose Target loses their olfactory
success the limb is broken and non sense and 1d3 Cha until healed. Make a
functional but will heal in eight weeks. 6 Luck (Dex) save; on a success the nose is
Eye Injury You suffer disad on sight Perc split but will self heal with six weeks rest.
checks, and a 33% miss chance on attack Otherwise the nose is lost.
19 rolls. Make a Luck (Con) save; on a fail Shorn Ear Target suffers disadvantage on
the eye is lost. On a success the eye is hearing Perc checks and balance related
damaged but will heal in eight weeks. checks. Make a Luck (Dex) save; on a
Neck Injury Your neck is fractured. You
7 success the ear is partly shorn but will
are Helpless, paralyzed from the neck self heal with six weeks rest. Otherwise
20 down until treated by an apothecary and the ear is lost.
twelve weeks of rest. Permanently lose 1 Stabbed Eye Target suffers disadvantage
point of Con. on sight Perc checks, and a 33% miss
chance on attack rolls. Make a Luck
8 (Dex) save; on a success the eye is
damaged but will self heal with six weeks
rest. Otherwise the eye is lost.
Bleeding Out A deep gash causes the
target to lose 2d6 hp at the start of their
turn each round. Spending an action
9 bandaging stems the flow for ten minutes.
A few minutes being stitched up with the
Apothecary skill prevents further hp loss.

Severed Arm or Hand Roll 1d6: 1-3 Retreat! Surviving targets and nearby
hand, 4-5: below elbow, 6: arm. Target’s allies must retreat to a safer location and
7 regroup. PCs may make a Luck (Will)
limb is severed unless they make a Luck
10 (Con) save. On a success the limb is badly save to resist.
lacerated and non functional, but will Secondary Detonation An explosive
heal with treatment and eight weeks rest. device (eg fire pot, powder keg, etc) on or
Severed Leg or Foot Roll 1d6: 1-3: foot, 8 nearby the target is detonated by the
4-5: below knee, 6: leg. Target’s move attack (if applicable). The object
speed is halved, they require a crutch or explodes in the usual way.
peg leg to walk, and suffer disad on
Structural Collapse An affected room,
11 mobility related checks. Target’s limb is
cavern, or vehicle collapses (if possible,
severed unless they make a Luck (Con)
GM’s call). Characters in the area must
save. On a success the limb is badly 9 make a Luck (Dex) save or become
lacerated and non functional, but will
trapped in rubble (Helpless until freed, or
heal with treatment and eight weeks rest.
as GM determines).
Severed Neck Target makes a Luck (Con)
save. On a fail they are decapitated Arm or Hand Blown Off Roll 1d6: 1-3
12 (instant death). On a success, they are 10 hand, 4-5: below elbow, 6: arm. The limb
reduced to zero hit points. is lost and the target reduced to zero hp.
Leg or Foot Blown Off 1d6: 1-3: foot,
BLAST TRAUMA 11 4-5: below knee, 6: leg. The limb is lost
and the target reduced to zero hp.
Blast related injuries and setbacks are caused by
explosive forces such as Hellblasts, powder grenades, Vaporised Target makes a Luck (Con)
ship artillery, dragon breath, and so on. If multiple save at disadvantage or they are vaporised
12 in a red mist (dead). All gear is destroyed.
targets are caught in the area, roll for each character
(GMs might prefer to group NPCs). Rolls tend to On a success, target is reduced to zero hp.
vary from 1d6 to 1d12 depending on the attack.

BLAST TRAUMA Blunt injuries and related setbacks are caused by
bludgeoning weapons such as hammers, fists, tail
Ragdoll The target is hurled away from whips, etc. Roll 1d12 unless instructed otherwise.
the blast (GM determines distance) and
1-2 falls prone. May stand at the end of their
next turn with a successful Str, Will, or BLUNT TRAUMA
Con check.
Concussion The target falls prone and is Prone & Winded Knocked to the ground
3 Stunned. Standing requires a successful and winded. Target may stand at the end
1 of their next turn with a successful Str,
Str, Will, or Con check.
Will, or Con check.
Structural Damage The target falls prone
and loses their next turn. Minor cover is Head Knock A head impact renders the
4 destroyed, and large chunks of structural 2 target Stunned. If wearing a helmet, PCs
material fall from the ceiling (Luck save may make a Luck (Con) save to negate.
or roll 1d10 on the Blunt Trauma table). Hurled Backwards The target is thrown
Destroyed Gear The target falls prone backwards (GM decides how far) and
3 falls prone. They drop whatever they
5 and loses their next turn. A random piece
of Battle Gear is destroyed. were holding at the point of impact.
Deafened Target falls prone and is Concussion The target’s skull gets
Stunned. Make a Luck (Con) save. On a hammered, causing 1d6 Int, Will, Cha or
6 4 Perc loss (if wearing a helmet, 1d2). The
success the target is deafened for 2d6
minutes. If failed the injury is permanent. target is also Stunned.

Damaged Gear A random piece of Battle MiSSile TRAUMA
Gear is damaged. The item is non Missile injuries and related setbacks are caused by
5 functional or suffers some other penalty arrows, bolts, sling stones, thrown daggers, and so
until repaired (GM’s call). on. Very large missiles use other tables (eg for
Broken Ribs When the target suffers boulders use the Blunt Trauma table, for explosive
physical damage, they must make a Con catapult ammunition use Blast Trauma, etc).
6 or Will check or lose their next action.
3d6 days of rest mends the injury
Mangled Ear Target suffers disad on
hearing Perc checks and balance related Duck for Cover The target abandons
checks. Target’s ear is lost unless they 1 their next action to hunker down behind
7 make a Luck (Con) save. On a success the cover and regain their composure.
ear will heal with treatment and six
weeks rest. Damaged Gear A random piece of Battle
Smashed Eye Target suffers disad on Gear is damaged. The item is non
2 functional or suffers some other penalty
sight related Perc checks, and a 33% miss
chance on attack rolls. Target’s eye is lost until repaired (GM’s call).
8 unless they make a Luck (Con) save. On a Disarmed The target is disarmed, and
success the eye will heal with treatment the weapon skitters away several yards in
and eight weeks rest. 3 a random direction. If the weapon is
fragile, the attacker may choose to
Crushed Larynx Target makes a Luck
destroy the weapon instead.
(Con) save; on a success unable to speak
9 for four weeks. On a fail the character is Stray Shot The target is spun about and
permanently mute. 4 accidentally shoots or stabs a nearby ally
Broken Arm or Hand Roll 1d6: 1-3 hand, (apply standard damage).
4-5: below elbow, 6: arm. Target’s limb is Hasty Retreat The target decides
lost unless they make a Luck (Con) save. discretion is the better part of valour, and
10 On a success the limb is broken and non 5 makes a hasty exit. PCs, elite guards, and
functional, but will heal with treatment other combat veterans may make a Luck
and eight weeks rest. (Will) save to resist.
Fractured Leg or Foot Roll 1d6: 1-3: Rapid Shot The target is struck by two
foot, 4-5: below knee, 6: leg. Target’s 6 missiles instead of one; roll damage
move speed is halved, they require a twice.
crutch or peg leg to walk, and suffer disad Skull Tap The target falls prone and loses
11 on mobility related checks. Target’s limb their next turn. Standing up requires a
is lost unless they make a Luck (Con)
7 successful Str, Will, or Con check. If
save. On a success the limb is broken and wearing a helmet, PCs may make a Luck
non functional, but will heal with (Con) save to fall prone only.
treatment and eight weeks rest.
Explosion An explosive item (fire pot,
Skull Crush Target makes a Luck (Con) powder bomb, etc) on or nearby the target
save. On a fail they die instantly. On a 8 is detonated by the attack (if applicable).
success they enter a coma for 2d6 days The object explodes in the usual way.
12 and then die (may be healed with
intensive apothecary treatment and a Stomach Wound A life threatening
Luck (Con) save in the interim). stomach wound causes the target to lose
1d8 hp at the start of their turn each
9 round. An Int (Apothecary) check
. prevents further damage (if failed, may
try again next round).

Wounded Arm or Hand Roll 1d6: 1-3 Nausea The target suffers powerful
hand, 4-5: below elbow, 6: arm. The 5 nausea, vomiting and fever, imposing
affected limb is non functional. Target disadvantage on attack rolls.
10 makes a Luck (Con) save; on a success the Lethargic Persistent fatigue handicaps
limb is damaged but will self heal with the target, imposing disadvantage on
four weeks rest. Otherwise treatment by 6 Initiative and Party Retreats. A Will
an apothecary is required. check is required to run, swim, climb, or
Wounded Leg or Foot Roll 1d6: 1-3: stand up from prone.
foot, 4-5: below knee, 6: leg. Move speed Clumsy Target becomes uncoordinated
is halved, and apply disadvantage on
7 and clumsy, temporarily reducing their
mobility related checks. Target makes a Dex score to 6.
11 Luck (Con) save; on a success the limb is
damaged but will self heal with four Twitchy The target becomes hyper
weeks rest. Otherwise treatment by an vigilant to danger and unable to regulate
apothecary is required. their self defence impulse. For example,
if surprised by someone turning a corner,
Head Shot Target makes a Luck (Con)
save. On a fail they die instantly. On a 8 they might instinctively punch or stab
12 success, they are reduced to zero hit
them, or reactively hurl a dagger in the
direction of a sudden noise. The GM
points instead.
may require Will checks to avoid over
TOXIN TRAUMA Delusional The target suffers vivid visual
Toxin Traumas are primarily caused by drugs, and audial hallucinations. The target
noxious fumes, plant spores, and mixing potions. believes in the delusions no matter how
Poisons are covered separately on p.214. Unless 9 fanciful they might seem to others. The
noted otherwise, Toxin Traumas last twice as long GM may require Will checks to avoid
as the original drug, or 1d6 hours, whichever is reacting to the figments.
longer. Roll 1d12 unless noted otherwise. Paranoid The target becomes acutely
paranoid, interpreting the conduct of
others in a way that suggests they are
plotting to harm or steal from them. The
Sweaty Target sweats uncontrollably; the GM may require Will checks to avoid
effect is obvious and quickly saturates taking action against perceived threats.
1 their clothing. Disad on all social checks Drug Induced Rage The target is
and gains no benefits from resting. overwhelmed by murderous rage. For
Slurring Target has trouble speaking and 2d6 rounds, they believe everyone is their
11 enemy, and must use their action to
2 cannot cast spells. PCs may make a Luck
save to speak clearly for a moment. attack until all foes are dead or
Distractible The target becomes highly
distractible, even amidst the most serious Black Out The target falls into a
or dangerous situations. The GM may chemically induced coma and is reduced
require Willpower checks to avoid pre to zero hit points. If the target survives,
12 they awaken in 1d6 x 10 minutes with
3 occupation with random minutia, eg: a
flickering torch, glare from the sun, Swelling on the Brain (see #12 Injuries &
sudden bird call, etc. If triggered, the Setbacks table).
target may only take actions related to the
distraction for 1d3 rounds.
Suggestible The target becomes highly
suggestible. If a version of events or
4 course of action is suggested to them, a
Willpower check is required to resist
adopting it.

ShOrT ReSt
After a significant combat (the GM decides what
constitutes a significant combat on a case by case
basis), a character may spend a few minutes to
recover and tend injuries before pressing on. This
process is often a stationary one, but walking or
easy riding is permitted.

After taking a Short Rest an adventurer makes two

Willpower checks. For each success the PC gains
one recovery benefit. A character’s Rerolls are
available for these checks.

◆ Recover half of any lost hit points. If you

choose this option twice, you recover a total
of three quarters of your lost hp.

◆ Recover one use of an expended class ability.

◆ Recover one Reroll.

◆ On a Great Success, recover one attribute

point (excluding Luck). SLEEP
A PC that sleeps overnight for at least six hours
After a furious battle the GM indicates the party generally restores 1 hp. A lack of food or water,
may take a Short Rest. Kruncor is a 4th level Fighter disease, poor weather, or uncomfortable conditions
down to 6 hp from a maximum of 26. He rolls his may negate such at the GM’s option. If sleeping in
two Will checks and succeeds on both. The player a safe and comfortable location (like an inn) a PC
chooses to restore (a) half of Kruncor’s lost hp (ie restores 2 hp.
+10 hp, new total 16 hp), and (b) one use of his
Adaptable ability. Battered and bloody, Kruncor
gives his companions a wry grin as he strikes
Long Rest
another torch. “C’mon you scobs, there’s more loot in A Long Rest requires seven days of predominately
these tunnels yet!” low key activity in a safe location. Travel is
permissible, but the majority of the day must be

spent resting. Battle or strenuous activity of any
kind extends the rest period by one day. Recovering
During a Short Rest, a PC may expend one use of at an inn or other safe and comfortable location
a Healer’s Kit to make an Int (Apothecary) check. may reduce the time at the GM’s option.
If successful, the patient converts one failed
recovery Will check into a success. A PC may only A Long Rest grants the following benefits:
treat one patient (inc themselves) per Short Rest.
◆ All hit points are recovered.
OTHER GEAR ◆ All expended class abilities are recovered.
In addition to a Healer’s Kit, adventurers might
consider stocking up on Smelling Salts, Trollblood ◆ All expended Rerolls are recovered.
Ointment, Poppy Milk, and Anti toxin draughts to
assist with hit point recovery, persistent injuries, ◆ All attribute loss is recovered (exc Luck).
and poison effects respectively. ◆ Recover 1 point of Luck.

Spell DuratiOn
Most spells have instant durations, causing an
immediate effect. Other spells last a number of
In Argosa, sorcery is relatively rare, mysterious, and rounds, minutes or hours as noted in their
perilous. Spell casters are few and far between; most description. A caster may end a spell early by
villages don’t have one, and even the largest cities spending an action to dismiss it. This also applies to
conceal but a few. users of magical items. Unless a spell description
suggests otherwise, if the caster dies or is rendered
unconscious, any ongoing spells immediately end.
Casting a spell requires the following: SenSing Magic
◆ An action, including clear speech and at least Any character with the Arcane Lore skill may
one free hand to gesticulate with. At the spend a few minutes attempting to sense magic in a
GM’s discretion, characters might be able to Close area by making an Int (Arcane Lore*) check.
cast stealthily with a Dex (Sleight of Hand*) If successful the character senses there is magic
vs Perc (Detection) check. either present or absent, perhaps as a tingling
through their spine, a barely perceivable hum in the
◆ Line of sight and range to the target. air, or some other fleeting quality that vanishes after
only a moment. Illusion magic cannot be detected
◆ A successful Int (Arcane Lore) check. in this way, part of its power includes fooling
rudimentary detection methods of this kind.
◆ Whether the casting check is successful or
not, a Dark & Dangerous Magic (“DDM”)
check must be made. The kind of die rolled IllusiOnS
varies according to the caster (see over). Some magical effects create illusions fooling vision,
hearing, smell, taste, and sense of temperature. No
◆ A Magic User (or similar) cannot cast the illusion can mimic the sense of tactile sensation
same spell more times than their Int mod however, and interacting with one will reveal the
each day (they must refresh their memory by ruse, for example by passing a hand or object
studying their spellbook overnight). through it. At any time, a character may attempt to
disbelieve a suspected illusion, which may require
Results will vary according to the casting check: an Int check at the GM’s discretion. If successful,
the character observes the figment as a transparent
SPELL CASTING overlay covering the real creature, object, or terrain.
Illusions cannot directly damage or physically
Great The spell is extra potent (see spell affect a target.
Success description). Make a DDM check.
The spell works as intended (see
Success spell description). Make a DDM
Failure The spell fails. Make a DDM check.

Terrible The spell fails, and a DDM effect is

Failure automatically triggered.

Spell Limits
Magic is a powerful force, but there are some things
mortal sorcery cannot achieve. Amongst these are
teleportation, time travel, resurrection, and the
curing of Madness or Addiction.

Dark & DangerouS Magic DARK and
Magic is not only rare, it is dark and inherently
dangerous. Sorcery was not meant for mortals, and DANGERoUS MAGIC
this fundamental mismatch taints every casting Tentacled A random arm transforms
with uncertainty. From beyond the Veil, magic into a branching, flesh coloured tentacle
draws the attention of strange and inscrutable 1-2 (Str 15). The tentacle can hold items but
forces, some of which find ways to impose their will is incapable of spell casting. It returns to
on the material realm. normal after 1d6 days.
Every time a character attempts to: (i) cast a spell, Foul Beard You grow a beard of short
(ii) invoke a blessing without favour, (iii) use a 3-4 rubbery tentacles that you can’t control.
magical item, or (iv) activate some other magical They shrivel and drop off after 1d6 days.
effect as the GM determines, a check must be made Fell Fingers Your fingers turn into
to determine whether a Dark & Dangerous Magic tentacles, serpents, leeches or something
effect (or possibly Divine Rebuke) occurs. Magical similarly creepy for 1d6 minutes. You
items that grant permanent “always on” bonuses 5-6 cannot cast spells during this time. You
or effects (eg immunity to fire, or a crit range boost) count as Two Weapon Fighting and
are an exception and exempt from DDM checks. cause 2d6 acid or poison based damage
on a hit.
When making a DDM roll, the type of die used
Dark Seed A Doppelganger magically
depends on the character’s level or whether they are
splits from you with a hideous, slurping
using a magical item:
plop. The monster wishes to kill and
7 replace you, but may flee until a better
DDM DIE opportunity presents itself. The monster
lasts 1d12 months or until destroyed.
Level 1-3 1d8 Level 7-9 1d12 Tusks You sprout two inch, blackened
tusks from your jaw, making eating and
8 speech awkward (you may still cast
Level 4-6 1d10 Magic Item 1d20 spells). They recede in 1d6 weeks
Tenuous Connection Your connection
to magic fades for a time, imposing
If the roll is a natural 1, the magic functions as 9 disadvantage on all casting checks for
usual, but roll 1d100 for an additional effect from the next 4d6 hours.
the DDM table (or, if a blessing, from the Divine
Rebuke table). If a DDM or DR effect does not Heartless You have no discernible
occur, the chance increases by 1 for each further 10 heartbeat, and do not bleed. The effect
attempt to use magic until an effect triggers or the lasts 1d12 months.
adventure ends. A PC’s DDM tally resets to 1 when Rift A random enraged monster1 from
an effect triggers or a new adventure begins. the Veil appears within Close range of
11-12 you. The monster wreaks havoc for 1d4
Old Man Wu is a 3rd level Magic User with a DDM minutes then vanishes.
tally of 5. He attempts to cast another spell and Frost Soul Your skin is always cool to
succeeds. As a 3rd level character, he then rolls 1d8 the touch, and your breath condensates
to check for DDM. He rolls a 4, triggering a DDM 13-14 under hard physical exertion. The effect
effect! After the effect is resolved, Old Man Wu’s lasts 1d12 months.
DDM tally resets to 1.

Unless otherwise noted, DDM and Divine Rebuke 1

effects are self sustaining and last a minimum of Roll 1d12: (i) Gmorsha, (ii) Shade, (iii) Surgat, (iv)
one minute; they cannot be ended early by mortal Doppelganger, (v) Infernal Minotaur, (vi) Gibbering
magic. At the GM’s option, particularly deleterious Terror, (vii) Chuul, (viii) Grey Ooze, (ix) Invisible
effects might be lessened or reversed with a custom Stalker, (x) Tentacle Spawn, (xi) Yegnu, (xii) Spectre.
ritual (p.111).

Life Leech All plant life within Far Mute Your lips fuse shut, preventing
15-16 range of you withers and dies. 33-34 speech and spell casting. They return to
normal in 2d12 hours.
Behold the Secret Truth You gain a
17 random Madness. Spellburst You cast a random spell2 at
the intended target. The spell lasts a
Breathless You do not breathe and 35-36 minimum of 1 minute (cannot be ended
cannot mimic breathing. If subject to early by mortal magic).
18 drowning or asphyxiation, you enter a
dormant state rather than die. The effect Spirit Form You turn Incorporeal for
lasts 1d12 months. 2d6 minutes.
Mucus Your skin oozes a foul smelling Hairless Over the next hour, all of your
19 mucus for 1d3 days. 38 head and body hair falls out. It grows
back as normal.
Time is Mutable The target ages 2d6 Third Eye You grow a fishlike eye in
20 years but gains an extra action that they one palm, the centre of your forehead,
must use immediately. or at the end of your tongue (GM’s call).
Rift A random enraged monster1 from 39 If the eye is uncovered, you can see
the Veil appears within Close range of perfectly in non magical darkness up to
21-22 you. The monster wreaks havoc for 1d4 Close range. The eye rots away after
minutes then vanishes. 1d10 days leaving behind a rune scar.
Spellburst You cast a random spell2 at Shadowless You cast no shadow. The
40 effect lasts 1d12 months.
the intended target. The spell lasts a
23-24 minimum of 1 minute (cannot be ended
Rift A random enraged monster1 from
early by mortal magic). the Veil appears within Close range of
41-42 you. The monster wreaks havoc for 1d4
Whisperer You speak only in a sibilant
25-26 whisper for 1d12 months. minutes then vanishes.
Called from Below Whenever you Devil Eyes Your eyes turn white, black,
43-44 or another colour for 1d12 months.
linger on earthen soil, worms, beetles or
27 other insects squirm to the surface. The The Claw One of your forelimbs
effect lasts for 1d12 months. transforms into a chitinous claw. A
Aqueous Shift All independent liquids melee attack causes 1d12+2 damage
45-46 (Nat 19: snip off target’s limb, no save).
within Close range turn to salt, ash,
28 dust, or slime (GM’s call). A large body The claw flakes away and returns to
of liquid such as a pool or lake is only normal after 1d4 days.
affected up to a depth of three feet. Soulless You feel no emotions for 1d4
Whisper of the Watchers A random 47 months; no fear, no love. Nothing.
29 creature within Close range suffers a
random Madness. Darkening Small open flames such as
candles and torches are automatically
Fey Horns You grow antlers from your 48 extinguished within Close range of you.
30 skull in 1d4 mins (if cut they regrow). The effect lasts 1d12 months.
The horns drop off after 1d12 months.
Speaker of the Void You speak only in
Rift A random enraged monster1 from a disturbing alien chittering that no-one
the Veil appears within Close range of 49 understands. You may still cast spells.
31-32 you. The monster wreaks havoc for 1d4
The effect lasts 1d4 months.
minutes then vanishes.
Mind Pod The intended target suffers a
Roll 1d8: (i) Place of Perfect Night, (ii) Glimpse the 50 random Madness.
True Gods, (iii) Beseech the Ancient Ones, (iv) Gabbling
of the Jade Moon, (v) Brain Burst, (vi) Strange Joining
(link between you and target), (vii) Hellblast, (viii) Flesh
to Stone.

Conclave of Wind & Sky A super Spellburst You cast a random spell2 at
natural weather event immediately the intended target. The spell lasts a
51-52 occurs (storm, wind, etc). If indoors, the minimum of 1 minute (cannot be ended
effect is limited to the current building early by mortal magic).
level. The effect lasts 2d6 hours. Divine Interference Roll on the Divine
Rotting Your surface flesh begins to rot, 70 Rebuke table instead.
starting with your extremities and
53-54 spreading inwards. The effect is painful Rift A random enraged monster1 from
the Veil appears within Close range of
but cosmetic. It fades after 1d6 months. 71-72 you. The monster wreaks havoc for 1d4
Spellburst You cast a random spell2 at minutes then vanishes.
the intended target. The spell lasts a
55-56 minimum of 1 minute (cannot be ended Astral Coma You drop to the ground,
early by mortal magic). 73-74 unconscious and unresponsive for 2d6
minutes (no save).
Bestial Fear For 1d12 months, small
Fey Ears Over the next 1d12 hours,
and medium sized animals (eg cats and
57 dogs) within Close range instinctively 75-76 your ears become pointed like an elf.
The effect is permanent.
fear you, entering fight or flight mode.
Forbidden Lore Learn a new spell, but
Winged You sprout large membranous
wings from your back, elbows, neck or 77 also suffer a random Madness. If the
Madness is cured, you lose the spell.
58 ears (GM’s call). You can fly at your
normal speed. The wings wither and Stillness The air around you is
slough off after 2d12 hours. breezeless and still. Your hair, cloak, etc
78 are unmoved by wind, smoke clings to
Lightning Storm Electricity surges
you, etc. The effect lasts 1d12 months.
outwards from you in all directions,
59 striking up to Far range. Everything in No Mercy All creatures within Close
the area suffers a Lightning Bolt effect range lose all sense of clemency or
(including yourself). quarter, and will not accept surrender if
79 engaged in combat (foes are put to the
Inner Child Your personality reverts to sword). The effect lasts 2d6 days, at
60 that of a 1d6+6 year old for 1d12 days. which time PCs might suffer a related
Rift: A random enraged monster1 from Madness (GM’s call).
the Veil appears within Close range of Jaws You grow to 8 feet tall, your jaws
61-62 you. The monster wreaks havoc for 1d4
and limbs distending to grotesque
minutes then vanishes. proportions. You gain a powerful urge
One Hatred All enemies within Close to devour your enemies. If possible you
range target you above all others (they must use your move to engage with an
63-64 will expose themselves to free attacks 80 enemy. If in Melee you must use your
due to movement in order to do so). The action to make a bite attack causing
effect lasts 2d6 rounds. 2d6+3 damage. On a natural 19-20
Hollow You are never hungry or thirsty, attack roll you sever a target’s limb or
and cannot abide food or drink. Even head (GM discretion). After 1 minute,
65-66 the smell makes you nauseous. The you return to normal.
effect lasts 1d12 months. Rift A random enraged monster1 from
Spines Six inch bony spines emerge to the Veil appears within Close range of
81-82 you. The monster wreaks havoc for 1d4
form a line down the centre of your
67 back. They splinter and drop off after minutes then vanishes.
1d12 months (if cut away, they regrow). Ironbane Carrying iron causes you
severe nausea, and touching it causes
Void Pulse You radiate a wave of
dissonance; all creatures within Close
83-84 pain (using such objects imposes
68 range (including you) must make a Luck
disadvantage or some other penalty;
GM’s call). The effect lasts 1d8 months.
(Will) save or suffer a random Madness.

Spellburst You cast a random spell2 at Gravity Warp Gravity reverses within
the intended target. The spell lasts a Close range of the target, causing those
85-86 minimum of 1 minute (cannot be ended 93-94 within to fall upwards until the end of
early by mortal magic). the next round (no save).
Diseased A random limb turns black, Spellburst You cast a random spell2 at
rots, and drops off over the next 1d20 the intended target. The spell lasts a
hours, roll 1d4: (i) foot, (ii) lower leg, 95-96 minimum of 1 minute (cannot be ended
87 (iii) hand, (iv) forearm. The rot cannot early by mortal magic).
be stopped once it starts, but
Soul Harvest Your intended target must
Starmaiden’s Miracle restores the lost
appendage. make a Luck (Will) save. On a success
97 they lose half their current hp. On a fail
Regurgitator You develop a wet, they die, wailing horribly as some dread
hacking cough, imposing disadvantage Veil entity siphons away their soul.
88 on Athletics related checks. From time
to time you cough up grubs, worms, etc. Nightmare Manifest An enraged Balor
The cough subsides after 1d6 weeks. 98 appears within Close range of you. It
wreaks havoc for 1 min, then vanishes.
Gibbering Terror You transform into a
Gibbering Terror for 1d4 minutes. Your Marked Gain the following table effect
permanently; Roll 1d10: (i) Heartless,
89 personality is substituted with the
(ii) Breathless (iii) Called From Below, (iv)
sentience of a Gibbering Terror until the
99 Shadowless, (v) Regurgitator, (vi) Hollow,
effect ends. (vii) Darkening, (viii) Bestial Fear, (ix)
Glimpse the True Gods You and all Speaker of the Void, (x) Devil Eyes. No
90 creatures within Close range gain a mortal magic can end this effect.
random Madness. Claimed Gain the following DDM
Rift A random enraged monster1 from effect permanently; Roll 1d8: (i) Foul
the Veil appears within Close range of Beard, (ii) Mucus, (iii) Third Eye, (iv)
91-92 you. The monster wreaks havoc for 1d4 100 The Claw, (v) Winged, (vi) Tentacled,
minutes then vanishes. (vii) Jaws, (viii) Spines. No mortal magic
can end this effect.

Divine BleSSingS
& RebukeS
In Argosa, the workings of the gods, eternal and
impossibly distant, are beyond the grasp of mere
mortals. Whilst generally safer than arcane sorcery,
communing with beings older than time remains a
perilous proposition. To invoke a Blessing:

◆ The Cultist must speak clearly, and have line

of sight to the target. Unlike a spell, a free
hand is not required to gesticulate with.

◆ If the Cultist has Favour, they may spend it to

automatically invoke the blessing. If a spell
like effect is involved, make a Will (Divine
Lore*) check (instead of Int (Arcane Lore*))
to determine the spell result (a failure
becomes an ordinary success instead).

◆ If the Cultist does not spend Favour, a Will

(Divine Lore*) check is required and treated
like a spell casting check. If a DDM effect
(p.92) triggers, roll on the Divine Rebuke table
instead of the DDM table.

A Divine Rebuke might reflect faltering faith,

punishment for a past or future sin (of the Cultist,
their ancestor, or progeny), misinterpretation of a
lesser tenet, interference from the Veil, dark forces
striking at the agent of an opposing power, and so
on. Roll 1d100 on the table below to determine the
nature of the rebuke. As noted in the descriptions,
some effects require a Rite of Atonement to
absolve. Such rebukes are unaffected by mortal
magic short of Forbidden Wish.

Divine rebuke
Dark Interference Roll on the Dark &
1-2 Dangerous Magic table.
Broken Icon Your holy symbol no
longer functions and appears tarnished,
3-4 cracked or faded. Atonement ends the
Mark of Shame A holy brand burns
itself onto your face, hand or chest,
5-6 clearly indicating your divine disfavour.
Atonement heals the brand overnight.
Divine Warning You are wracked by a
7-8 momentary heart attack (1d6 Con loss).

Bear Witness You catch a glimpse your Holy Edict You are subject to a one
patron’s true form and suffer a random sentence command that you must obey
9-10 Madness. Atonement ends the rebuke 43-44 before you may invoke Blessings again
after 1d4 months. (GM determines details). Atonement
Trappings of Wealth Any coins, gems, ends the rebuke.
11-12 and trinkets on your person turn to Tears of Blood You weep blood for 2d6
worthless rust, stone, or sand. 45-48 rounds (Near Blind).
Dark Interference Roll on the Dark & Empty Vessel You lose all memory of
13-14 Dangerous Magic table.
49-50 the last 48 hours. No mortal magic can
reverse this effect.
The Flesh is Weak You are overcome
15-16 with exhaustion, causing 1d4 Str loss. No Light But Mine Torches, lanterns,
and other small mundane light sources
And The Lord Taketh Away You 51-52 are extinguished within Melee range of
17-18 unlearn a random blessing. Atonement yourself for 1d6 months. Atonement
ends the rebuke. ends the rebuke.
Soul Cleansing You lose 1 level until Gift of Truth You cannot intentionally
19-20 the end of the adventure. 53-54 lie for 1d6 months.
Confess You immediately fall to your Trial By Combat In an impending
knees, dropping whatever you are 55-56 battle, enemies target you above all
21-24 holding, clasping your hands together in others (GM decides when).
obeisance. Your next action is spent
praying for forgiveness. Unwelcome Avatar An agent of your
patron possesses your body for 2d6
Speak In Tongues You speak only in 57-58 minutes. It pursues your patron’s ends,
meaningless babble for 1d6 months heedless of any consequences to you.
25-26 (may still invoke blessings). Atonement
ends the rebuke. Sacred Visions Holy hallucinations
59-60 impede your real world vision, causing
Frail of Spirit Your divine connection you 1d4 Perc loss.
27-28 frays, causing 1d4 Will loss.
Forbidden Truth You learn a disturbing
Shameful Pride Your skin manifests 61-64 cosmic truth, which inflicts a random
29-30 ugly boils, causing 1d4 Charisma loss. Madness.
The condition heals in 1d4 months.
Second Chance You may plead your
Plague of Flies Lingering in the open case as to why your patron should
attracts an abundance of flies, gnats, intervene. If the GM agrees, a Cha
31-32 mosquitoes, locusts, etc to your person. 65-66 check causes the intended blessing to
Atonement ends the rebuke. occur. If failed, roll again with
No Respite You gain no benefit from disadvantage.
33-34 Short Rests until the next dawn.
Condign Affliction You manifest a
Unbidden Heresies Dark interference 67-68 random disease. Atonement ends the
35-38 clouds your thoughts, causing 1d4 Int rebuke.
loss. Soul Tithe You cannot invoke blessings
Test of Devotion You cannot invoke until an enemy is reduced to zero hp by
39-40 blessings until you enact five different 69-70 your hand. Reroll if contrary to your
tenets. Atonement ends the rebuke. patron’s ethos. Atonement ends the
Ancestral Reckoning You suffer a 2
point penalty when invoking blessings Silent Torment You may not invoke
41-42 until you perform the Consecrated blessings until the next dawn, and may
71-72 never explain why (or the rebuke
Ground Rite of Atonement at a place
special to your ancestors. becomes permanent).

On Your Belly You are compelled to RiteS Of AtOneMent
prostrate yourself upon the ground, In some instances, removing a Divine Rebuke
73-74 dropping whatever you are holding. On requires the cultist to complete a Rite of
subsequent turns, a Luck (Will) save is Atonement. Some example rites are provided
required to end the effect. below; roll 1d20 or choose from the table. Reroll or
Stigmatic Flagellation You instantly substitute rites inconsistent with the patron’s ethos.
75-77 manifest 1d8 + level damage.
Timely Offering Your weapon, shield, RITES OF ATONEMENT
or armour breaks (even chance. If
78-80 Healing Host Spend 1d4 days tending
magical the item is damaged instead,
not usable until repaired). 1 to strangers’ physical injuries or
Cast Out You suffer disad on social illnesses.
81-82 checks as others instinctively shun you. Add to the Flock Convert a pagan or
Atonement ends the rebuke. 2 non-believer to the faith (GM decides
the details).
Toll of Mortals You age 3d6 years. No
83-84 mortal magic can restore the lost years. Liturgy of the Word Preach to a
3 congregation or crowd of strangers for
Redeeming Agony You are wracked 1d6 x 10 minutes.
85-86 with cleansing pain (1d4 Dex loss).
Ministry of Compassion Spend 1d4
Struck Deaf You are deaf for 1d4 4 days counselling strangers, including
87-88 months. Atonement ends the rebuke.
treating or managing madness.
I Summon Thee You vanish from Blood Redemption Slay a dangerous
existence for 1d6 rounds, then reappear 5 foe single handed, then perform a 1d4
89-92 within Close range of your original hour offering ritual (50 sp).
location (with no memory of where you Seat of Worship Spend 1d8 days
went, but restore 1 Luck).
6 consecrating a new shrine or temple to
Struck Blind You are blind for 1d4 honour your god.
93-94 weeks. Atonement ends the rebuke.
Catechism Spend 1d4 days instructing
7 novices in your hallowed ways.
Struck Mute You cannot speak or
95-96 invoke blessings for 1d4 weeks. Sanctum Sanctorum Spend 1d6 hours
Atonement ends the rebuke. purifying a defiled shrine or temple
Repent or Perish You lose 1d2 Con
8 (dedicated to your god or one of similar
every dawn (not recoverable by any ethos, 100 sp in materials).
97-98 means) until dead at zero Con.
Bitter Flagellation Spend 1 hour a day
Atonement ends the rebuke. painfully drawing your own blood. The
Final Judgment You die immediately in
9 ritual causes 1 Con loss per day for 1d8
spectacular fashion (in a manner days.
99 befitting your god, or perhaps an Restored Relic Retrieve, reinstate, or
interfering alien force). A Luck (Will) cleanse a lost relic, holy symbol, or
save reduces you to zero hp instead. 10 other religious object of your god or one
Wrath of the Gods As Unchain the of similar ethos.
100 World Eater (p.231), with you at the End the Accursed Personally slay a
centre. 11 sapient creature faithful to an opposed
god or other supernatural force.
Cloistered Contemplation You must
12 sequester yourself for 1d4 months,
studying holy scripture.

Transcendence Attain greater power Oppose the Misguided Take public
within your order (rise in station, 17 action to discredit or disrupt the
13 conferral of greater authority, obtain a activities of a competing god’s agent.
special accolade, etc). Glorious Adornment Commission a
Render Their Idols Dust Destroy a statue, symbol, or other religious
14 relic, holy symbol, or other sanctified 18 paraphernalia worth 1 x Valuables B,
paraphernalia of an opposing god. which is gifted to your order, charity, or
Pilgrimage Visit a distant shrine or a deserving stranger.
15 temple to your god or one of similar Holy Quest Complete a special task for
ethos. 19 another of your order, or in accordance
Tithe of Absolution Donate your share with a vision.
16 of treasure from the current adventure Tear Down Their Temples Destroy or
to your order or an unrelated charity. 20 defile an altar, shrine, or temple to an
opposing god.

A Wisp Unseen Utility Turn invisible until you attack or cast another spell.
1-2 Invisibility

Abjure the Unnatural Conjure a protective field that keeps supernatural

3-4 Combat
Circle of Protection creatures at bay.
Arcane Aegis Combat Conjure a hovering shield that protects you.
5-6 Shield

Bending the Stone Utility Reshape a large volume of stone into another form.
7-8 Stone Shape

Beseech the Ancient Ones Divination Seek answers from inscrutable entities beyond the Veil.
9-10 Contact Other Plane

Bestial Communion Utility Speak with animals or insects.

11-12 Speak with Animals

Blast of Frozen Ruin Unleash a blast of freezing ice. Targets may become
13-14 Combat
Cone of Cold semi-frozen at their location.

15-16 Brain Burst Combat Attack the brain of a living creature.

Cleansing Charm Healing End a curse, neutralize poison, or cure a disease.

17-18 Neutralize Poison, Cure Disease

19-20 Conjure Entity Combat Conjure a dangerous entity from the Void.

Cradle of Formlessness Utility Turn into flying mist for a short time.
21-22 Gaseous Form

Crush of the Warp Combat Paralyze several creatures.

23-34 Hold Person

Dark Slumber Combat Put several creatures to sleep.

25-26 Sleep

27-28 Echo of Days Divination See past events connected to an item.

Gain immunity to one kind of element or supernatural

29-30 Elemental Ward Combat
attack form.
Fetid Fog of the Pit People Combat Conjure a sickening fog that incapacitates those within.
31-32 Stinking Cloud

33-34 Flesh to Stone Combat Turn a creature into a statue, or reverse such.

Gabbling of the Jade Conjure an alien moon that causes onlookers to fall
35-36 Moon Confusion Combat
into madness.
Gaze of Beguilement Utility Enchant a humanoid to believe you are a trusted friend.
37-38 Charm Person

Glimpse the True Gods Cause several targets to flee in terror, and perhaps drop
39-40 Combat
Fear what they are holding.
Hand of the Void Utility Conjure an invisible flying hand for a short time.
41-42 Unseen Hand

Hellblast Combat Unleash an explosive fireball.

43-44 Fireball

Hex of Volcanic Steel Combat Turn a metal object white hot.

45-46 Heat Metal

Hunger for Blood Combat Gain a second attack for a short time.
47-48 Haste

Infuse Animus Utility Animate an object.

49-50 Animate Object

Light of Soliri Utility Conjure sunlight to see by, harm undead, or blind a foe.
51-52 Light

53-54 Lightning Bolt Combat Unleash a blast of lightning.

Mask of Many Faces Utility Use illusion magic to look like another humanoid.
55-56 Disguise Self

Mend Flesh Healing Restore hit points or mend a persistent injury (p.83).
57-58 Cure Light Wounds

None Shall Pass Utility Magically seal a door, window, box, etc.
59-60 Wizard Lock

One with the Deep Utility Breathe water as well as air.

61-62 Water Breathing

63-64 Phase Door Utility Form a magical doorway through a wall.

Pierce the Veil Utility Detect magic, veil echoes, and illusions.
65-66 Detect Magic

Place of Perfect Night Utility Conjure a magical, impenetrable darkness.

67-68 Darkness

Rain of Stone Unleash a hail of stones in an area, causing damage

69-70 Combat
Ice Storm and making the location slippery with scree.
Riddle of Bones Divination Speak with a corpse or skeleton about past events.
71-72 Speak with Dead

Sever Arcarnum Utility Dispel an ongoing enchantment.

73-74 Dispel Magic

Shadows & Dust Utility Conjure an illusion.

75-76 Phantasmal Force

Sight Beyond Sight Divination Conjure a flying invisible eye you can see through.
77-78 Clairvoyance

Silent Shroud Cloak yourself and anything you touch in magical
79-80 Utility
Silence silence.
Speaker of Tongues Utility Speak, read, and write all languages.
81-82 Comprehend Languages

Strange Joining Utility Communicate telepathically with multiple targets.

83-84 Telepathy

Sundering Sign Utility Open all nearby doors, locks, windows, etc.
85-86 Knock

87-88 Thrice Bound Curse Combat Render a target blind, mute, and deaf.

Thunderous Invocation Unleash a wave of thunderous force that pushes targets,

89-90 Combat
Thunderwave or shatter a single object you touch.
Transmogrification Utility Transform yourself into another creature.
91-92 Polymorph Self

Undead Servant Utility Animate a humanoid corpse to serve you.

93-94 Animate Dead

Whispers of the Watchers Divination Receive directions to find a person or object.

95-96 Locate Object

Wings of the Raven King Utility Grow wings enabling flight.

97-98 Fly

Conjure a spectral weapon with a random

99-00 Witchblade Utility enchantment.

The incantations that follow are merely examples might be shaped into a sword, box, door, passage or
of the most common spells employed by humans small room. Rudimentary moving parts may be
and their ilk. PCs may research their own (p.125), constructed, such as hinges and a latch. On a Great
and the Treasure chapter includes several ancient Success you might be able to trap one creature:
spellbooks of great potency. The GM is encouraged GM’s call depending on the circumstances, if so a
to create other rarefied and secret thaumaturgies for Luck (Dex) save resists.
the party to discover or encounter.
BeSeech the ancient
Range: Self
Range: Self
Duration: 1d6 x 10 mins
Duration: 2d6 minutes
You turn invisible until you attack, cast a spell, or
You contact a supernatural entity mankind was not
the duration ends. On a Great Success you may
meant to know, and may force a yes or no answer to
affect a second target with a touch. When the spell
questions posed. You may ask up to five questions,
ends, Consult the Bones (unlikely) to determine
which the entity answers truthfully, but perhaps
whether a random body part remains invisible for
cryptically or in riddles (GM’s call). Afterwards,
2d6 days (including to you).
Consult to Bones (likely) to determine whether you
suffer a random Madness. On a Great Success
ABJURE THE UNNATURAL Consult the Bones (unlikely) instead.
Range: Self
Duration: 2d6 mins BESTIAL COMMUNION
You gain +1 AC, and radiate a field of protection Range: Self
out to Melee range, which supernatural monsters Duration: 1d6 x 10 mins
cannot penetrate (eg elementals, demons, undead). This charm causes normal animals and insects (not
Attempting to attack or push such a monster, from Giant or Dire) within Close range to regard you as
or using the field, ends the spell. On a Great friendly, unless your actions suggest otherwise. You
Success, the spell lasts 1d6 x 10 mins. may engage in two way conversations with any
animal and/or insect within range, during which
ARCANE AEGIS time you make chittering, squawking, or similar
Range: Self noises. The spell imbues your communications
Duration: 2d6 hours or until expended with persuasive influence, granting advantage on
any Cha checks with animals and insects. On a
A hovering shield of force protects you by phasing Great Success, you may affect up to 2d6 Giant or
in and out as needed. If you use the shield ability to Dire animals or insects instead.
negate a physical attack (p.61) the spell ends. On a
Great Success the shield grants +2 AC instead of
+1. You may only have one shield at a time. BLAST OF FROZEN RUIN
Range: Close
BENDING THE STONE Duration: Instant

Range: Close Freezing hoarfrost and ice blasts outward from you
Duration: Shaping up to 2d6 minutes, but the to fill a cone shaped area (up to Close sized at the
widest point; GM decides how many creatures are
effects are permanent.
affected). Targets suffer 1d6 damage per caster
You permanently shape stone up to the volume of level, on a Great Success roll damage with adv. A
a wagon into another form. The transformation Luck (Dex) save halves the damage, on a failed save
process might take a few seconds to a few minutes, the target is also quasi frozen, unable to move from
depending on the degree of detail involved. A rock their location (treat as Grabbed vs Str 13).

Range: Melee
Duration: Special
You attempt to summon a supernatural entity from
beyond the Veil; choose from (i) Shade, (ii) Hell
BRAIN BURST Hound, (iii) Surgat, (iv) Sentient Sludge, (v)
Range: Close Gibbering Terror, or (vi) Imp. The GM might allow
other choices. The entity that appears depends on
Duration: Instant
your spell casting check as outlined below:
You directly assault the brain of a living creature,
perceivable as a distortion in the air between you.
The attack destroys synapses and neuro chemistry, CONJURING
causing 3d8 damage (no save). On a Great Success
The intended entity appears within
roll damage with advantage. If the damage roll Great
Close range and obeys your orders
includes doubles you suffer a random Madness due Success
for 3d6 rounds, then vanishes.
to psychic backlash.
A random entity appears within
CLEANSING CHARM Success Close range and obeys your orders
for 2d6 rounds, then vanishes.
Range: Touch
Duration: Special Failure No entity appears.
This spell ends a curse or poison immediately, or An uncontrolled, enraged random
cures a disease within 1d3 days. Any attribute loss Terrible entity appears within Melee range
or other damage as a result of the toxin or condition Failure of you and attacks. It vanishes back
is not restored. On a Great Success, you may affect to the Void in 1d4 minutes.
two targets or maladies. Note that madness cannot
be cured by mortal magic. If an entity is successfully conjured, the following
rules apply:

◆ You may only have one summoned entity at a

time (controlled or not).

◆ If in combat, the entity manifests during the

casting round, and may act next round.

◆ Each round after the first, you must spend an

action and succeed on a Will check (Reroll
available) to maintain control of the entity, or
it goes uncontrolled (as a Terrible Failure on
the Conjuring table, and the entity targets you
if possible).

◆ The entity naturally defends you, or you may

direct it to perform a specific task. Once
summoned and issued orders, the entity need
not remain within Close range or your line of

◆ No conjuring is without cost: lose 1 Luck.

If you are killed, rendered unconscious, or lose

control of your wits (eg: Stunned, magical fear, etc),
the entity immediately goes uncontrolled as above.

Range: Close Range: Touch
Duration: 2d6 rounds Duration: 2d6 minutes
You or a willing ally are transformed into mist (AC The target is immune to one kind of damaging
14) that flies at your move speed. The mist is energy or other dangerous element, commonly fire,
immune to weapons without magical, silver or cold lightning, or cold, but also for example steam, acid,
iron properties, and may squeeze through cracks, as or other natural hazards. On a Great Success you
long as the surface is not airtight or magically may choose a more unusual supernatural hazard
sealed. On a Great Success, move at double speed. such as a Shade’s Str drain, a Ghost’s aging attack,
or a Spectre’s level drain.
Duration: 2d6 rounds PEOPLE
1d4 humanoid creatures are held rigid (Helpless) Range: Far
unless they succeed on a Luck (Str) save. On a Great Duration: 1d6 x 10 mins
Success, you may affect other kinds of monsters. A
You conjure a Close sized area of thick, sickly
target with more HD than twice the caster’s level is
coloured fog. The fog does not completely obscure
immune. Characters that save cannot be retargeted
sight but Near Blind applies. Creatures in the cloud
by this spell in the same encounter.
must make a Luck (Con) save or lose their action
and move due to nausea for 1d4 rounds, after which
DARK SLUMBER time they stagger out. On a Great Success, the save
Range: Far is made at a -2 penalty. This is a Poison effect.
Duration: 1d6 x 10 minutes
This enchantment causes 4d4 HD (p.162) worth of FLESH TO STONE
living humanoids in a Close sized area to fall asleep Range: Touch
(Helpless). Lower HD humanoids are targeted first, Duration: Permanent until dispelled
and a Luck (Will) save resists. Targets of 5 HD or
This potent curse transforms flesh into stone or vice
more are immune. Shaking a victim grants a Will
versa. A touch attack (at adv) is required, forcing
check to awaken. On a Great Success, you may
the target to make a Luck (Con) save. On a success
target other living creatures.
the petrification is negated but the target is Dazed.
A character that saves cannot be retargeted by this
ECHO OF DAYS spell in the same encounter. Petrified creatures are
Range: Self in stasis and do not age until the enchantment ends
Duration: 2d6 rounds (eg by way of Sever Arcarnum, Cleansing Charm, or
similar). On a Great Success the effect cannot be
You perceive past events connected with a touched dispelled without Ritual Magic.
object as if you had been present. You gain only a
quick glimpse of the event (up to 2d6 rounds
worth), but may go back in time up to one day per Gabbling Of the jade
level. You may indicate the nature of the event, or MOOn
particular day and time, you wish to observe (eg: Range: Far
the last person to hold the object, or a meeting
Duration: 2d6 minutes
known to have occurred in the location, or four
days ago at high noon, etc). If no specific You conjure the apparition of an alien, emerald
information is sought, the GM chooses the event. green moon. Creatures within Close range that look
Once cast, the divination cannot be repeated with upon the moon at the time of casting must make a
the same object or regarding the same subject Luck (Will) save or be overwhelmed by pure
matter (GM’s call). Reading the astral echoes of the madness. If the spell takes hold, roll 1d4 for the
past frays sanity; you suffer a Madness when the effect (or choose on a Great Success). Affected
spell ends (a Great Success negates). targets will defend themselves if attacked.

Range: Far
Duration: Instant

You project a ball of fire that explodes in a roaring

inferno, filling a Close sized area. If the fireball
MADNESS strikes something before reaching the intended
destination, it detonates early. The blast causes 1d6
Attack caster & his allies in a berserker damage per caster level (Luck (Dex) save for half, on
1 fury (if aware of them, otherwise reroll). a Terrible Failure also Burning). On a Great
Mull around yelling, screaming, pulling Success, roll damage with advantage. Hellblast is
2 at their hair/clothes, gnashing teeth, etc. very loud and ignites the surrounding environment.
Stand baffled and inactive, drooling and
3 murmuring contently. HEX OF VOLCANIC STEEL
Silently attack each other with wide and Range: Far
4 vacant eyes. Duration: 2d6 rounds
One small metal object (excluding worn clothes or
GAZE OF BEGUILEMENT armour) within range such as a sword or door knob
Range: Close turns red hot (no Luck save). Any creature touching
Duration: 2d6 hours the object suffers 1d8 damage at the start of their
turn each round. The object sheds dim light and
This enchantment beguiles a single humanoid to may set fire to flammable objects. On a Great
regard you as a friend (on a Great Success a trusted Success, you may target two objects.
friend). A Luck (Will) save resists. The spell cannot
be cast in combat, and if you or your apparent allies
attack the target the spell ends. Putting the target in HUNGER FOR BLOOD
danger, or asking them to act in a way contrary to Range: Close
their nature, may allow further saves (GM’s call). Duration: 2d6 rounds

GLIMPSE THE TRUE GODS The target of this spell gains one bonus attack when
they use their action to attack. On a Great Success,
Range: Far you may affect a second target. When the spell
Duration: 2d6 minutes ends, the target must make a Will check or is
compelled to drink from the skull of a dead enemy
This spell causes 1d4 creatures to flee in pure terror (if prevented from doing so, they go into a
(on a Great Success, roll 1d4+2). Creatures that murderous rage). If the Will check is a Terrible
succeed on a Luck (Will) save are unaffected. Failure the target also suffers a random Madness.
Consult the Bones to determine whether fleeing
creatures drop whatever they are holding.
Duration: 2d6 rounds
Range: Close
Duration: 2d6 rounds You animate an object (max 1 HD per caster level,
use Animated Object stats p.170 as a guide) which
You conjure an invisible hand of force. The hand gains a degree of flexibility, enabling it to fight,
has Str, Dex, and Perc 7 (for throwing purposes), walk, slither, etc (GM decides Move rate). The
and may perform any relatively simple activity (the object follows your mental commands as part of
control is not fine enough to pick a mechanical your action. On a Great Success, you may animate
lock, for example). Directing the hand requires two objects (total HD must be less than your level).
your action. If the hand attacks with a weapon, When this spell ends, Consult the Bones (unlikely) to
apply your attack bonus (with Str or Perc 7). On a determine whether the animating spirit breaks free
Great Success, the hand has attributes of 14 and manifests uncontrolled (roll 1d3: (i) Shade, (ii)
instead. Ghost, (iii) Wraith).

LIGHT OF SOLIRI close inspection by someone familiar with the real
article allows a Perc/Int check to spot the deception
Range: Close
(on a Great Success, attempts to see through the
Duration: 2d6 hours
illusion require a Perc/Int Great Success).
One object produces light, from a dim glow to a
bright radiance that illuminates a Far sized area
(action to change brightness). Alternatively you
may cast this spell on a target’s eyes to Blind it (Luck Range: Touch
(Con) save negates). On a Great Success, you may Duration: Special
produce sunlight, and if the object strikes a Demon If the target has one or more hit points, this spell
or Undead, they suffer 1d6 extra damage. instantly restores hit points equal to 1d6 + the
caster’s level. If the target is unconscious on zero hit
LIGHTNING BOLT points, no hit points are restored, but the target’s
Range: Very Far Death save is made with a +2 bonus. Alternatively
you may restore 1d4 lost attribute points (excluding
Duration: Instant
Luck or Init), or attempt to heal a persistent (but not
Lightning blasts outwards from you in a straight permanent) injury (p.83). Mending a persistent
line up to Very Far range. Targets in the path suffer injury may only be attempted once per specific
1d6 damage per caster level, on a Great Success roll injury; on a Great Success it mends over 4d6 hours.
damage with advantage. A Luck (Dex) save halves
the damage, on a Terrible Failure also Dazed.
Flammable objects in the area may catch fire.
Range: Close
MASK OF MANY FACES Duration: Permanent until dispelled

Range: Touch You enchant a doorway, box, or similar object,

sealing it closed. You and anyone you designate
Duration: 1d6 x 10 mins
may open the object. Others of lower level than you
You conjure a complex illusion, causing the target cannot open it, and those equal or higher level may
to look like (but not identical to) another humanoid make a Str check (vs Str 20) to force it open. On a
you have seen, including their clothes, armour, and Great Success, if the object is forced open, you may
gear. The target’s real body and gear must be cause an elemental rune trap to inflict 4d6 damage
disguised as something else, nothing is turned on the opener (Luck (Con) save for half). You
invisible. The illusion is convincing but not perfect; cannot have more seals than your level.
if attempting to mimic a specific uniform or item,

ONE WITH THE DEEP Great Success roll damage with advantage. A Luck
(Con) save halves the damage, on a Terrible Failure
Range: Touch
Duration: 2d6 hours also Blast Trauma (1d6). The area is slippery with
scree for three rounds; Dex check or Prone if
Up to one creature per caster level may breathe attempting to move more than half move rate.
underwater (as well as air). On a Great Success the
targets also swim as fast as sharks.
Range: Touch
PHASE DOOR Duration: Special
Range: Self You ask a humanoid corpse or bones with a skull
Duration: 2d6 rounds three questions, and it answers with knowledge the
You conjure a door sized tunnel through a wall, corpse had while alive. The pair of you converse in
ceiling, or floor up to 3 feet thick. The tunnel closes a sorcerous tongue no-one else understands. Some
when the spell ends (anyone or anything left inside answers may be cryptic in nature (GM’s call).
is safely ejected). On a Great Success, the duration Consorting with the dead corrupts the mind; when
is 2d6 minutes or penetrate up to 6 feet thick. the spell ends Consult the Bones (unlikely) to
determine whether you suffer a Madness (a Great
Success negates).
Duration: 1d6 x 10 minutes Range: Far
You perceive the visual, aural, and olfactory auras Duration: Special
of magic and spirit forms (including Invisible You attempt to dispel an existing magical effect.
targets) within Far range. You also discern the kind Make an opposed Int (Arcane Lore) check against
of magic involved (eg protection, healing, etc) and the other caster (or Int 1d4+12, if the original caster
identify any physical Veil echoes such as is unknown). On a success a temporary effect is
temperature drops, spectral winds, clinging ended, or a permanent enchantment suspended for
vapours, etc. Illusions are not ordinarily detected, 2d6 minutes. On a fail, roll on the DDM table
part of their magic includes fooling detection spells instead, and you cannot repeat the attempt until
of this kind (on a Great Success, you also identify you gain a level. On a Great Success the owner of
and see through illusions). Pierce the Veil is blocked the targeted effect does not realise their spell has
by a thin sheet of lead, or stone, earth, or wood been broken (otherwise they generally do sense
more than 1 ft thick. such; GM discretion applies).


Range: Far Range: Far
Duration: 1d6 x 10 minutes Duration: 1d6 x 10 mins
You conjure an enchanted darkness that fills a You conjure an illusion of a creature or object that
Close sized area, impenetrable to all non magical fits within a Close sized area. The illusion fools
vision (Blind). Bringing a magical light into the area most of the senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and
softens the pitch blackness to semi opaque, temperature, but not touch, and must be something
reducing the penalty to Near Blind. On a Great you have previously seen or studied. The illusion
Success, the darkness is unaffected by magical light. may be programmed to perform a series of acts, or
to react and change as desired by spending an
RAIN OF STONE action round to round. Anything that physically
Range: Far touches the illusion passes through it. Depending
Duration: Special on events, the GM may allow a creature a Perc or
Int check to recognize the illusion for what it is
A swirling vortex of rocks hammers a Close sized (p.91). On a Great Success, checks to see through
area, causing 1d6 damage per caster level, on a the illusion require an Int/Perc Great Success.

SIGHT BEYOND SIGHT held or locked by magic. Invoking the Sign weakens
the Veil; Consult the Bones (unlikely) to determine
Range: Far whether a DDM effect occurs. On a Great Success,
Duration: 2d6 mins you may choose which items open and which
You conjure a tangible but invisible tennis ball sized remain closed.
eye through which you can see. You direct the eye
by spending an action; it flies at your normal speed
and may move up to Far range from you. You may
switch between senses by spending an action. On a Range: Close
Great Success, the eye comes with an ear which you Duration: Special
may hear through. When using the magical senses, This dread enchantment lasts three days. The target
your real eyes and/or ears do not function. is blinded for one day, muted another, and deafened
on the third. You decide the order of afflictions
SILENT SHROUD when the spell is cast. A separate Luck (Will) save is
required to resist each effect. On a Great Success,
Range: Self the curse lasts three years instead of three days.
Duration: 2d6 mins
Sounds you make are magically silenced, along
with any creatures or objects you are holding or
touch. On a Great Success, you may affect one Range: Self
target per level within Close range. A creature may Duration: Instant
resist being silenced by making a Luck (Will) save. A thunderous wave bursts outward from you,
affecting up to three targets within Melee range.
SPEAKER OF tONGUES Creatures and unattended objects in the path suffer
1d4 damage per caster level (on a Great Success,
Range: Touch roll damage with advantage) and are pushed a short
Duration: 2d6 hours distance (GM determines how far). A Luck (Con)
This spell allows the target to speak and understand save halves the damage and negates the movement,
all languages. On a Great Success, the target can on a Terrible Failure also Prone.
also read and write all languages.
Alternatively, you may channel the thunder into an
STRANGE JOINING inanimate, non magical object the size of a door or
smaller by touching it. If so, make a Luck (Int)
Range: Very Far check to shatter the item. Particularly large or
Duration: 1d6 x 10 mins strong objects may be immune, impose disad,
require a Great Success, etc (GM’s call). Shattering
You telepathically broadcast (no action) words,
in this way still produces a deafening noise.
images, and feelings to a number of intelligent
creatures equal to your level (on a Great Success,
twice level). The telepathy works both ways, and all
participants receive all messages unless the sender Range: Self
nominates otherwise. A party may resist at any Duration: 1d6 x 10 mins
time with a Will check, ending the effect for them.
Participants are under no compulsion to respond. You transform into another type of creature you
Consult the Bones (unlikely) to see whether an alien have touched before. The form cannot be smaller
entity beyond the Veil intrudes; asking questions or than a large rat or have more HD than half your
sharing its thoughts and urges (GM’s call). level, rounded up (on a Great Success, half level
rounded up, +2). Gain the physical qualities (eg
AC, attack bonus, damage, movement modes,
SUNDERING SIGN senses), but not magical traits or hp of the form.
Range: Close You retain your personality and may use spells if
Duration: Instant the form can speak and has hands. Gear melds into
The Sundering Sign opens, unlocks, and unbars all you unless you decide otherwise. Polymorph magic
locks, doors, gates, windows, manacles, bear traps, is taxing, draining 1d4 Con, which cannot be
and similar objects within range, including those restored by any means until your next Downtime.

UNDEAD SERVANT The spell may also be used to detect a general type
of object such as stairs, gold coins, keys, etc. The
Range: Touch magic is blocked by a thin sheet of lead, or stone,
Duration: Permanent earth, or wood more than 1 ft thick.
This accursed necromancy animates a humanoid
corpse as a Skeleton or Zombie. As part of another On a Great Success, the spell’s range is increased
action, you may issue spoken orders which the (GM’s call) or you also sense the largest
Undead obeys. The monster acts at the same time as concentration of objects sought. Treating with the
you in future turns. Watchers beyond the Veil is dangerous work; when
the spell ends a Will check is required to avoid
Animating the dead is fraught with peril and always suffering a random Madness.
triggers a Dark & Dangerous Magic effect. On a
Great Success you may animate two corpses. WINGS OF THE RAVEN
Range: Close
WATCHERS Duration: 2d6 mins
Range: Very Far The target grows magical wings, allowing them to
Duration: 1d6 x 10 mins fly at twice their normal movement speed. On a
This spell gives you the correct direction (as the Great Success the duration is 1d6 x 10 mins.
crow flies) towards an object or person you specify
with a description (or mental image) within range.
If you have not seen the person or object, the spell
Range: Special
might still detect the subject with a sufficiently
detailed description and identifying markers (eg: Duration: 2d6 rounds
female teenager, blonde hair, and cheekbone scar). You conjure a spectral melee weapon (no larger
than a polearm) in your hand, or enchant an
existing non magical weapon that you touch. You
may give the weapon to another person, and
anyone wielding it counts as proficient. The
weapon works as normal with a random bonus
effect for the duration (roll 1d6). On a Great
Success you may choose the effect.

Darkness On a hit, Luck (Will) save or
1 target is Near Blind until the end of their
next turn.

2 Wyrd Sharpness Increase crit range by 2.

Frost On a hit, Luck (Con) save or target

3 is Dazed and Grabbed (Str 14).
Vampiric Heal 2 hp with each successful
4 attack against a living foe.

5 Strength Gain 3 Str (max 19).

Flame On a hit, Luck (Dex) save or target

6 is Burning (once per target only).

Boundaries of area effects must be marked in some
way (runes, tokens, etc), and are generally limited
to a Close or Far sized area.
Ritual magic allows a caster to impose a long term
magical effect on an object, area, or creature(s),
including for example a staff, building, or a pile of COMPONENTS
corpses. The duration of the enchantment may be Every ritual requires expensive components (GM
months, years, or even permanent at the GM’s determines, but a minimum of 3d6 x 100 sp) and a
discretion. Especially potent effects might require special reagent that the PC must provide. The GM
multiple spell casters working together. decides the component based on the theme of the
effect, or rolls d66 on the table below. Ritual magic
A ritual requires the following: is more mercurial art than science; the time and
special component needed may change each time a
◆ At least 2d6 days to perform (GM’s call). ritual is attempted.

◆ A successful (i) spell casting check, and (ii)

Luck (Will) save, from each caster. ExaMpleS
Examples might include enchanting a talisman,
◆ Each caster must pay a price (eg 1 point of calling a familiar, conjuring an elemental, binding a
Con or Luck loss, 3d6 years aging, etc; GM’s pair of shades to guard a tomb, setting a lightning
call), which cannot be recovered as long as the rune trap, creating a persistent illusion, etc. Effects,
effect persists (if not permanent). duration, and other conditions are GM’s call.

11 Legs of a Xornling. 31 Acid sack of a Fire Beetle. 51 Hooks of a Hookfurgle.

Gills of an Argosan
12 Wings of a Sprite. 32 Strangler.
52 Flower of a Vine Puppet.

Horn of an Abominable
13 Sap of a Flesh Eating Vine. 33 Mane of a Manticore. 53 Snow Beast.
Jar of Bone Cutter Ant
14 Brain of a Zombie. 34 A quart of Grey Ooze. 54 abdomens.

15 Beak of a Cockatrice. 35 The slough of a Yegnu. 55 Ears of a Batbeast.

1d4 pounds of Shrieker

16 Spleen of an Urgozer. 36 Fungus.
56 Fog of a Dream Phantom.

Larvae of a Flesh
21 Essence of Will o’ Wisp. 41 Heart of a Demon. 61 Burrower.
Half a pound of Yellow Tentacles of an Aberrant
22 Mould.
42 Terror. 62 Eye of a Cyclops.

Essence of Shade, Spectre,

23 Lungs of a Harpy. 43 Carapace of a Burn Bug. 63 or Wraith.

24 Proboscis of a Stirge. 44 Blood of a Deep Elf. 64 Bones of a Hag.

Croak sack of a Black Shards of an Animated

25 1d4 quarts of Troll blood. 45 Croaker.
65 Object.
Rib of an animated
26 Skeleton.
46 Gullet of a Frost Worm. 66 Teeth of a Spriggan.

As noted in the Classes chapter, when a PC levels
up they gain +1 to an attribute of their choice
(excluding Luck and Init, up to max 16), more hit
points, and other benefits as outlined in the Class
Attack Bonus & Abilities tables.

ToA offers three ways to advance PCs: Experience

Points, Session Advance, and Downtime Level
Up. The GM decides which option(s) to use.

The Experience Points method, also known as
“XP”, requires adventurers to gain a certain
number of xp before they progress to the next level.


◆ Obtain Carry Loot B, a Trinket or
1st 0 xp 4th 60 xp 7th 400 xp
1 xp Curio, Valuables A, or harvest a
useful monster part.
2nd 10 xp 5th 125 xp 8th 550 xp ◆ Obtain Valuables B, Minor Charm,
2 xp Scroll, Potion, or harvest a valuable
monster part.
3rd 25 xp 6th 255 xp 9th 800 xp
◆ Obtain a Major Magical Item, or a
3 xp Spellbook.
To earn xp, PCs must engage in that time honoured
profession known as “adventuring”, broken down
◆ Lair Treasure grants a base 2 xp +
into Exploration, Combat, Loot, Social, and individual treasure item xp awards.
Bonus XP.

Some example rewards are outlined below. GMs

are encouraged to limit the categories that apply to
their campaign, to promote the kind of gameplay
they prefer. The GM decides if xp awards are made 0 xp ◆ Defeat insignificant foes.
to individual PCs or the whole party on a case by
case basis. If only using one or two xp categories, ◆ Defeat significant foes.
you might consider doubling the suggested rewards.
◆ Save a PC, ally, or innocent from
ToA was playtested using three categories, plus the
1 xp severe injury or death.
occasional Bonus xp reward.
◆ Successfully retreat from a losing
Designer’s Thoughts battle.
When a PC dies, starting again at 1st level can be
daunting. The XP tables however are designed to 2 xp ◆ Defeat difficult foes.
ensure low level PCs quickly catch up to high level
allies to restore party balance. For example, a 5th
◆ Defeat very difficult or particularly
level party (125 xp) needs 130 xp to advance to 6th 3 xp dangerous foes.
level (255 xp). A 1st level PC that gains 130 xp over
this period will reach 5th level as the party hits 6th.
5+ xp ◆ Defeat extremely dangerous foes.

explOratiOn Bonus xp
◆ Explore several hexes of untamed, In addition to the above XP awards, individual
dangerous wilds (GM determines adventures might grant bonus XP for completing
how many hexes are required). particular objectives, reaching milestones, etc.
◆ Discover a new ruin, dungeon,
significant lair, or other major point Hirelings & Pets
of interest. If the PCs make use of hirelings, parties larger than
1 xp
seven members (or other number as the referee
◆ Explore a new level of a ruin, decides) incur a -1 XP penalty for each additional
dungeon, dangerous city district, or member (applied to total xp for the adventure, not
other adventure site. individual xp awards). Non-combatant hirelings
count as half members. Ranger beasts, dogs, birds
◆ Interact with mysterious dungeon
of prey, warhorses, and other fighting animals
components like levers, buttons, etc.
count as full members. Monstrous pets count as two
◆ Discover lost or forgotten lore, or members.
learn an important clue.

◆ Discover a secret door (2 xp if an DOwntiMe Level Up

adventurer opens it). Using this method, adventurers who meaningfully
2 xp participated in the last adventure advance one level
◆ Detect a trap before it goes off (3 xp during Downtime. Some GMs might require silver
if an adventurer disarms and/or re- and/or time to be spent on training before the level
purposes the trap). up occurs. For a slower advancement rate, consider
leveling after two or three adventures instead.
◆ Solve a riddle or puzzle.

3+ xp ◆ Explore 90% of an adventure site. SeSSiOn Advance

Using this method, at the end of a gaming session,
each adventurer who meaningfully participated in
SOCIAL the session gains a partial level advance. The
player chooses one improvement from the PC’s
◆ Make a new contact of minimal next level and applies it immediately. Each class has
0 xp influence or power. at least three advances each level; (1) increased hit
◆ Influence one or more NPCs for an points, (2) increase one attribute, and (3) an extra
important purpose. use of a class ability. Often however additional
options are available, like (4) a new or improved
◆ Perform an impressive deed in jaw class ability, (5) an extra Reroll, (6) increased attack
dropping style, or bust out a great bonus, (7) a new skill, (8) a new Unique Feature, (9)
one liner (GM may limit). a Luck increase, and so on.
1 xp
◆ Play out a Madness, Addiction, etc Alternatively, for randomised Session Advances,
your PC has (GM may limit). roll 1d10 and consult the list above for the advance
◆ Strengthen bonds with a PC or obtained. On a 10 result the player chooses. If the
NPC (GM may limit). result is not applicable at the current level, the
player may choose an adjacent result instead (if still
◆ Make a new contact of significant NA, roll 1d3). If a PC has gained all of his increases
2 xp power, or influence them for an for a single level, the character is officially “levelled
important purpose. up” and no further session advances are possible.
◆ Make a new contact of great power,
or influence them for an important Session Advances can be particularly useful as ad
3+ xp purpose. hoc awards for higher level PCs who do not level
up often, especially in a party of mixed levels.
◆ Earn a new henchmen.

PCs wishing to engage with the black market to sell Impostor The other party is not who they
or acquire illegal goods or services do so at their profess to be. Roll 1d6: (i) Undercover
own risk. Firstly, the adventurer needs someone guard, (ii) Rival faction spy, (iii) Assassin
with connections to the underworld to put them in paid to kill the PC for a past wrong, (iv)
contact with a potential buyer or supplier (thief, 5 Thug planning to rob the PC, (v) Slaver
smuggler, assassin, fixer, possibly barkeep, etc). about to spring their trap, (vi) Vigilante
With respect to Supply (p.55) black market goods who intends to expose the PC for the base
generally qualify as Rare or Very Rare. ne’er do well they really are.
Secondly, assuming a deal is struck for the item or All Clear No complications this time
6-8 around. As far as the adventurer can tell.
service in question, a Luck save is required to avoid
a Black Market complication. If failed, roll 2d6 on
Bounty Hunters Third party agents get
the table below. On a Terrible Failure, roll with
wind of the transaction and take steps to
disadvantage. If successful, the deal is completed
arrest the PC for a bounty, to expunge a
and avoids a complication, but the PC begins their 9 debt, acquire the item for themselves, etc.
next adventure with their Luck reduced by 1 point.
1d2+1 bounty hunters, random classes,
level 1d4+2 (use Rival Adventurers).
COMPLICATION Bidding War Word of the transaction is
Long Arm of the Law Word of the deal leaked to other interested parties, who
reaches the ears of the guard. Roll 1d6: (i- 10 start a bidding war for the item. Increase
2-3 iii) Sergeant, (iv-v) Captain, or (vi) the price by 1d100% + 50%. Nothing
Commander of the watch, who takes a personal. Just business.
personal interest in the case. Doublecross The other party attempts to
Scam The other party attempts a scam. doublecross the PC. Roll 1d6: (i) Ambush
Roll 1d6: (i) Takes the deposit and wastes with intent to kill the PC, (ii) Ambush
PC’s time, then vanishes, (ii) Produces a with intent to rob the PC, (iii) Reports the
counterfeit object or payment, (iii) PC to the guard (secret informant), (iv)
Engages with the PC but endlessly delays 11-12 Completes the transaction, but later
4 (never runs out of excuses), (iv) Delivers attempts to blackmail the PC, (v) Reports
something similar, but different, to what the transaction to a known enemy of the
was promised, (v) Demands more gold PC, (vi) While the adventurer is meeting
(or a discount if buying) at the final meet, about the deal, the other party arranges
(vi) Engages with the PC but is killed by for the PC’s home/room to be burgled.
rivals before the final meet.

Unhappy Awakening You awaken the
next morning in (roll 1d6): (i) a pile of
Carousing covers a range of activities, but primarily horse dung, (ii) the gutter, (iii) dog
11-12 kennel, (iv) stable, (v) your aunt’s place,
drinking, gambling, brawling, drug use, and related
vices. Assuming a suitable tavern, inn, tap room, (vi) the arms of an attractive someone
etc is available, a PC may carouse at any time. A whose name stubbornly eludes you.
minimum of spend of 20 sp is required, triggering Unhappy Awakening You awaken the
a d100 roll. Many of the entries below will benefit next morning (roll 1d6): (i) under a
from further elaboration; players are encouraged to bridge, (ii) in a bell tower, (iii) in an
improvise these, subject to the GM’s approval or at isolated alley, surrounded by vicious
least rueful acquiescence. Where named NPCs are street cats led by a grey tabby that calls
involved, reroll any repeats. 13-14 herself Reow, (iv) dumped outside city
walls, (v) on a rooftop being pecked at
If carousing during Downtime, each 20 sp spent by crows, (vi) half naked and alone,
earns the adventurer 1 xp, up to a maximum per nearby a brothel (Consult the Bones to
Downtime period as follows: Level 1-3: 5 xp, Level see if you have contracted Lemon Rot).
4-6: 10 xp, or Level 7-9: 20 xp.
Duel You accuse Lord Anders of
sleeping with Lady Hanna, the wife of
CAROUSING another highborn (in fact true). Anders
demands a duel to the death for
Chains You awaken in chains as part of 15-16 besmirching his honour, ushering
a Nydissian slave caravan. Word of your forward his champion, Yorrick, a
predicament somehow makes it to your towering Argosan with a deadly left
1-2 allies. Consult the Bones to determine if hand (Fighter 4, S16, D15, C15, Minor
the caravan is delayed while checking Exploit Protection). Best of luck.
supplies the following day (due to Cards You wager 2d4 x 10 sp on cards.
depart in 1d4 hours). 17-18 Consult the Bones to see whether you win
Crime Your drunken endeavours lead twice that, or lose it.
you to commit a crime, roll 1d6: (i) Bottom’s Up! The inevitable drinking
street graffiti, (ii) pilfered tavern shot contest. Roll 1d6: (i) Winner! Gain 3d6
3-4 glasses, (iii) cosmetic arson, (iv) sp and some fame (or is it infamy?), (ii)
lecherous leering, (v) affray, (vi) a strong contender but you bow out
wounding. You are wanted by the guard before you pass out, (iii) you wake up
for questioning for the next 1d6 months. under the table (no, you didn’t win), (iv)
Cells You wake up in the watch cells on you wake up with a terrible hangover
drunk and disorderly charges, with no 19-20 and no coin pouch (lose 4d6 sp), (v) you
5-6 memory of what occurred. You are wake up at home with a stranger in your
fined 5d10+20 sp with a side order of bed, (vi) you vomit on a competitor,
shame, shame, shame. who vomits on you in turn. Then you
both vomit on some spectators, who
Spiked A rapscallion spikes your drink. vomit on other patrons. You know how
Make a Con check. On a fail, the rogue this ends. The tavern shuts for a week
steals your coin pouch (lose 6d10 sp) and you are banned for 1d12 months.
7-8 while you sleep it off. On a success, the
thief beats a hasty exit instead. Either Rooftops At some point in the festivities
way, if you make an Int check, you you lead the watch on a merry chase
remember their face. across the rooftops, before falling off
(roll 1d8+3 on the Blunt Trauma table,
MoaH You awaken with the Mother of 21-22 no permanent injuries). Make a Luck
all Hangovers. You cannot function for save. If you fail, you are thrown in the
9-10 twenty four hours, and suffer the effects cells and fined 4d10 sp. On a success the
of Head Injury and System Shock from guards decide you’ve suffered enough
the Injuries & Setbacks table. and let you go.

Shrooms Someone breaks out the Jig You get into a raucous jig with other
shrooms, puff pipe, yellow lotus earnest drinkers and accidentally break
powder, etc which your intoxicated self something, roll 1d6: (i) knock over a
can’t resist. Roll 1d6: (i) you wake up lantern setting a table on fire, (ii) broken
with a new tattoo, (ii) you wake up with chair, (iii) shattered mug (empty), (iv)
a temporary Madness that lasts until the 33-34 shattered mug (full, held by Vorrag the
end of your next adventure, (iii) you Unwashed, Barbarian 3, S16, C15), (v)
wake up on the couch of a new friend, broken window, (vi) broken door (the
23-24 (iv) you wake up three days later with no room beyond is occupied by a trysting
memory of what occurred, (v) you wake couple; bouncers intervene and you are
up bruised and missing 1d3 teeth, (vi) banned for 1d4 months).
you wake up in bed with a married Beauties You somehow end up most of
highborn, who is desperate to sneak you the night arm in arm with a bevy of
out ASAP (make a Dex (Stealth) check, 35-36 burlesque beauties. On a successful Cha
if successful you escape, if failed you check, you earn a reputation as a
are caught. GM decides repercussions). charmer. On a fail, as a sleazy rake.
Axe At some point in the night an axe Catapult? You wake up entwined in the
throwing competition becomes a thing. boughs of a tall tree outside city walls,
Roll 1d6: (i) Winner! Maybe you are laden with scrapes and cuts (Luck save
half dwarf after all, gain 4d6 sp, (ii) 37-38 or roll on the Injuries & Setbacks table,
runner up, (iii) woeful, (iv) dead last, (v) no permanent injuries). You remember
25-26 you injure the house cat or other animal very little. Something about a catapult.
(banned for 2d6 months, or until they
get a new pet), (vi) you injure a staff Most Agreeable A most agreeable and
member (roll 1d12 on the Blade Trauma engaging time is had by all concerned,
table, if a permanent injury, you are none more so than yourself. Increase
39-40 your maximum Luck by 1 point for the
banned for life, else one year).
next adventure (20% chance the boost is
New Contact Your amicable merriment permanent, once only).
attracts a new contact, with whom you
begin a friendship, roll 1d6: (i) Cutpurse Horse You get into a fisticuff with a
27-28 Cinder Gribshanks (ii) Alchemist Lilian, horse that offended you with all the
(iii) Beggar Moe Harrit, (iv) Dockmaster hoity toity clip clopping. When you
Cruthers, (v) Grave Digger Hugott, (vi) 41-42 awake you have a hoofprint in your
Tinkerer Bergermont. forehead. Still, you should’ve seen the
horse (treat as a Head Injury on the
New Contact Your amicable merriment Injuries & Setbacks table).
attracts a new contact, with whom you
begin a friendship, roll 1d6: (i) Trapper Outrageous Whilst outrageously drunk
29-30 Shandel, (ii) Organlegger Borgov, (iii) you inform Madam Wendel, a wealthy
Brewer Verna, (iv) Pilgrim Lung Pao, (v) spice merchant, that her face reminds
Gong Farmer Gerret, (vi) Street Sweeper 43-44 you of a baboon’s bottom. Word
Jessa Two Jabs. spreads like wildfire amongst the
highborn ladies. More than half of
Unexpected You come into possession them agree with you.
of something unexpected. Roll 1d6: (i) a
young child of 1d4 years, with a note Moderately Blotto, you decide a quick
saying you are the father, (ii) a charcoal dip in the local steam baths, pond, or
sketch of yourself by an unknown horse trough is due. You forget to wear
31-32 45-46 your pants for half a block before going
illustrator, (iii) an ancient map to Ortu
Menon, Temple of Baalec, (iv) a letter back to get them. Many passers by are
blackmailing you for a past misdeed, (v) mortified. A few are impressed.
Potion or Scroll (equal chance), (vi)
Minor Charm.

Arm Wrestle You engage in an arm Lucky You acquire a rare item in a
wrestling contest with a series of game of chance. Roll 1d4: (i) Mithral
burlsome brutes. Roll a Str contest vs Str
59-60 weapon, (ii) Magical trap, (iii) Minor
47-48 17. If you fail, suffer Muscle Tear (per Charm, (iv) Cold iron shield.
the Injuries & Setbacks table). If you win, Mystery You acquire a rare item, but
you earn the adoration of the tavern’s have no memory of how, roll 1d4: (i)
regulars for 2d6 months. Adamantine weapon, (ii) spellbook, (iii)
Intimate Relations You have intimate 61-62 scriptures of a secret cult, (iv) holy
relations with a person who, in symbol. Consult the Bones to determine
hindsight, you probably shouldn’t have. whether the owner(s) come knocking at
Consult the Bones to find out if there are some future time.
any repercussions. If so 1d6: (i) stalker, Adversary Your boozy antics make you
(ii) overzealous family member/clergy a new adversary by, roll 1d6: (i)
wants to punish you, (iii) irregular but rebuffing an infatuated admirer, (ii)
49-50 ongoing intimate liaisons, (iv) former telling a moneylender the only thing
partner is jealous and wants to harm looser than her boyfriend are her
you in some way, (v) awkward rash that morals, (iii) hitting on the main squeeze
may be cured with the aid of an 63-64 of a crime boss, (iv) breaking the nose of
apothecary, (vi) the person asks for your a loud mouthed braggart who also
help to get out of serious trouble that happens to be the nephew of the watch
authorities cannot/will not assist with. captain, (v) threatening to disembowel a
Bravado You engage in an act of lecher offering lotus powder to young
drunken bravado. Roll 1d6: (i) attempt street kids, (vi) calling out a greedy
to eat a live scorpion (Luck save or merchant for his outrageous prices.
Minor Poison), (ii) climb a church only Tip Off You receive a tip off that a party
to fall off or through the roof (suffer pet, hireling, etc has been press ganged
Muscle Tear on the Injuries & Setbacks 65-66 onto a pirate ship (crew, mascot, etc).
table), (iii) attempt to kiss a stranger The vessel is due to set sail in 1d8 hours.
51-52 only to be slapped or punched, (iv) try to
wrest a bone away from a hungry dog,
gain a small bite scar, (v) insult the staff
and get thrown out, banned for 1d6
months, (vi) rousing song or story (Cha
check, if successful, earn 2d6 sp and
some fame as an entertainer).
Temple awaken on top of a temple roof,
dangling from a spire or gargoyle by
your cloak. You don’t remember much,
but spot a rope and grapple on the street
53-54 below. Consult the Bones to find out if a
guard is staring up at you shaking his
head. Relevant faithful treat you with
disdain for the next 2d6 months.
Skulduggery You acquire a rare item
through deception and or skulduggery,
55-56 roll 1d4: (i) 1d3 doses of Minor Poison,
(ii) 1 x Valuables B, (iii) Potion, (iv)
Silvered weapon.
Reward You acquire a rare item as a
reward for a good deed, roll 1d4: (i) 1 x
57-58 Trinkets & Curios, (ii) Scroll, (iii) 1 x
Valuables, (iv) Cold iron weapon.

Four Figs You accidentally cut off one Fence You end up in a back room
of your fingers whilst competing in a making deals with a fence offering
“stab between the fingers game” with a stolen gear. You may buy up to three
gang of roughnuts. On a Luck save your 79-80 items (uncommon or rare) at half the
67-68 opponent lost a thumb, in which case usual price. Consult the Bones (unlikely)
you win 5d10 sp. Either way you earn to find out if the watch comes knocking
the gang’s respect and a new nickname on your door 1d10 days later.
(eg: Four Figs, Ol’ Stabby, El Stumpo, Rank You end up eating some kind of
Big Nine, etc). befouled meat on a dare. It tastes rank
Big Brawl You kick off a tavern brawl
81-82 and almost makes you hurl. Make a
the likes of which has not been seen in a Con check or suffer a random disease.
decade, erupting into the street and into Trophy You are cajoled into a beast
other taverns! Roll on the Injuries & hunting contest with 3d6 bounty
69-70 Setbacks table (no permanent injuries). hunters, border rangers, etc. Whoever
The taphouse is shut for three weeks 83-84 returns to the tavern in two weeks’ time
afterwards, and you are banned for 1d4 with the most dangerous trophy wins
years or life (Luck save determines). the pot (each person puts in 20 sp), and
Peacekeeper You step in to quell a more importantly, bragging rights!
disturbance amongst unruly patrons Rumours You set to drinking with a
after they KO the house bouncer. Make series of curious and informative folk,
a Cha check. On a success you settle 85-86 trading interesting secrets throughout
71-72 things down, the owner so impressed he the evening. You end up with of 1d3+1
offers you free lodging for month. On a adventure hooks, rumours, or clues.
fail, the mob turn on you too (roll on the
Injuries & Setbacks table, no permanent Hireling By some miracle (aka alcohol),
injuries). you attract the services of 1d3 random
hirelings, who agree to work with you
Ferret At some point in the night you 87-88 for free for one week. If you want to
acquire a ferret with a red velvet vest. If retain them beyond this, you’ll have to
she had a name, you’ve forgotten it. pay as normal.
73-74 Your new pet is small and feisty, keen
eyed, with more heart than most men Fight You get into a physical altercation
(treat as a Cat but always succeeds on with a powerful NPC, roll 1d4: (i) Guard
fear related checks). Captain, (ii) Prominent Merchant, (iii)
89-90 Senior Priestess, (iv) City Administrator.
Injected A nefarious artificer, alchemist You are escorted from the settlement by
or other dangerous scob injects you with the watch, and barred entry for 1d6+6
an experimental mutagen while you months (Luck (Cha) save for half).
were passed out. Roll 1d6: (i) you exude
a scent similar to sulphur that repels Desecrater Angry at the heavens for
dogs, (ii) your lips thin and recede, some past calamity, your drunken self
75-76 exposing your teeth (lose 1 Cha), (iii) decides payback is in order, and defiles
your hands tremble if you don’t a temple, graveyard, sacred object, or
91-92 similar. Consult the Bones to find out if
concentrate, (iv) you suffer a Madness,
(v) your voice drops two octaves, (vi) you suffer a Divine Rebuke, otherwise
your muscle mass improves (gain 2 Str, lose 1 Luck until the end of your next
max 19). The effect lasts 1d12 months. adventure.
Secret Ruin You shout rounds with a Witch In your well sotted state, you
trio of retired explorers. One of them, 93-94 insult a secret witch, who reciprocates
77-78 Neddy Rook, offers to guide you to a with a curse. Roll on the DDM table.
secret ruin for a 10% cut of any loot.

Fool’s Dare While highly intoxicated, a
fool’s dare or act of bravado causes you
to (i) shave your head, (ii) shave your Adventurers gamble with their lives, so why not
eyebrows, (iii) pull out a tooth, (iv) their coin? Given the objective of ToA is for the
kidnap one of the watch’s hounds, (v) party to go on exciting adventures in search of
steal the watch’s lucky anvil, (vi) kidnap wealth and power, the scope for making coin via
95-96 a maligned merchant, hog tie them gambling is artificially limited.
naked to a horse, then set them loose in
the main street. Make a Luck save. On a During Downtime, an adventurer may spend one
fail, the guards know it was you (2d6 week gambling, wagering up to 100 sp during this
months prison, 1d6 x 100 sp fine, and time. At the end of this period, the gambler makes
kidnapping brand on forearm). a Luck save. If the PC attempts to cheat or leverage
Taxes Poorly timed boasts of your some advantage, the GM makes a ruling and
many plunders reaches the ears of determines any modifiers.
Master Tolstern, the local tax collector.
He attends on you the following day, If the Luck save is failed, the PC loses their coin. On
97-98 serving orders to pay 1d6 x 100 sp in a Terrible Failure, they lose double their wager. If
“unpaid treasure taxes”. Non payment they cannot pay, they are indebted to a local
results in the guards confiscating your criminal, or made an example of (Blunt Trauma
gear (to be gleefully auctioned off by (1d6+6, but no permanent injuries). If successful,
Tolstern to meet the debt). the PC doubles their money, or on a Great Success,
triples it. If the gambler wins, they begin their next
Bear You somehow end up wrestling a adventure with their Luck reduced by 1 point.
bear to prove that you are, well, stronger
than a bear. Turns out you aren’t. Roll
99-100 1d8+12 on the Injuries & Setbacks table
(no permanent injuries), and gain local
notoriety as the “bear man”.

Most monstrous animals (Owlbears, Griffons, etc)
A character skilled in Animal Lore may attempt to are not capable of being trained; their instinctive
train an ordinary or monstrous animal to follow ferocity and distrust of bipeds renders such
directions and fight beside them. Such pets are attempts doomed to failure. Assuming the PC can
treated like hirelings; they act of their own accord, find a suitable candidate however (an adventure in
apply the usual morale rules, and die at zero hp (at itself), training a monstrous pet requires 4d6 weeks
the GM’s option, the PC may spend a point of of intensive work, 50 sp per week, and a successful
Luck to allow the pet a Death save). Directing a pet Montage (Moderate or Hard). A monster’s
to attack a target other than the one the PC is combative nature imposes disadvantage on all
attacking, or to perform a specific trick under training checks. If failed, the beast proves
pressure, usually requires an action (and perhaps a intractable.
Cha (Animal Lore) check; GM’s call).
Even if successfully “trained” however, monstrous
Ordinary PeTS pets sometimes revert to their primal urges,
particularly when injured. Each time such a pet
Training an ordinary pet to fight with the PC, or to inflicts or suffers critical damage, or is Wounded,
perform specific tricks under pressure, requires 2d6 a Will check (by the beast) is required to avoid
weeks, 10 sp per week, and a Cha (Animal Lore*) rolling 1d6 on the Monstrous Instincts table.
check. Roll d66 for pet qualities; the GM decides
the impact of traits if/when required.
PET QUALITIES Base Instinct The pet regards everyone
as a threat and ignores directions for the
11 Dumb 41 Hyper 1 remainder of the combat. May be calmed
12 Ferocious 42 Insane afterwards with a Cha (Animal Lore*)
check, otherwise apply Sojourn.
13 Hard to Kill 43 Fat
Inhuman Rage The pet lashes out in pain
14 Keen Ears 44 Stubborn or rage, making an immediate attack
2 against a random creature (friend or foe)
15 Territorial 44 Sick within Close range.
16 Affectionate 46 Clever Feral Thrashing The pet thrashes about;
3 anyone in Melee range is knocked prone
21 Protective 51 Climber and Dazed (no save).
22 Cowardly 52 Lazy Bestial Hunger The pet spends its next
1d3 actions feasting on the closest fallen
23 Reckless 53 One Eye 4 body (friend or foe, if an unconscious
24 Greedy 54 Playful PC, they die). Attempts to dissuade it
provokes an enraged assault.
25 Hates Water 55 Skinny Flight Not Fight The pet flees from
26 Impatient 56 Sociable present danger. Consult the Bones to
determine whether it takes cover nearby
31 Mangy 61 Shaggy 5 until the combat ends, or it abandons the
battlefield and returns in 2d6 hours (or
32 Very Quick 62 Sharp Eyes other time; GM’s call).
33 Sneaky 63 Albino Sojourn After combat ends, the pet
departs for 1d4 days and does not
34 Great Nose 64 Very Vocal 6 reappear until an appropriate time
35 Fearless 65 Very Strong (hunting, chasing a mate, urge to revisit
the wild, etc; GM determines details).
36 Digger 66 Super Loyal

Cradle of Formlessness Essence of Shade
Magic Users and Cultists may brew potions during
Downtime, and at the GM’s option, appropriately Deny Fate A Gambler’s spine
trained apothecaries, alchemists, and Artificers. A
PC requires access to a laboratory or apparatus Dragon’s Breath Hell Hound lungs
friendly workroom (1,000 sp) for the process.
Quart of
Draught of Courage
Brewing a potion costs (1d4+2) x 100 sp and is not Knight’s blood
without risk. More art than science, the process
requires 2d6 days of constant attention, and a Dwarven Snout Dwarf nose
successful Int (Apothecary* or Arcane Lore*)
check. Any potion from the Potion List (p.227) may Earth Asunder Bulette jaw
be created, as long as the brewer has the required
special ingredient. On a failure the brewing fails
and any materials are lost. On a Terrible Failure, a
Fire Aegis Fire Beetle sac
catastrophic explosion occurs, destroying the
laboratory and reducing the brewer to zero hp. Mend Flesh Troll tongue

On a success, the potion is made, and the creator is Giant Strength Ettin marrow
drained 1 Con. Lost Con cannot be restored until
the end of the next Downtime period after the
potion has been consumed. To use a potion, see Glad Fortune Fairy tears
Life Leeching Vampire teeth
Every magic potion requires a special ingredient Perfect Timing Sprite skull
that the PC must supply (generally some part of the
anatomy of a monstrous creature, which may need Phasing Form N’Tarc tentacles
to be preserved). The following table provides
suggestions, but as always GMs should tweak as Wings of the
desired. Monsters with qualities that are somehow Raven King
Giant Eagle beak
consistent with the potion theme are most
appropriate. Sever Arcarnum Urgozer heart

At the GM’s option, “greater monster” parts might Sharpened Senses Dragon tooth
substitute or boost lesser monster ingredients. For
example, using Dragon tongue in a Dragon Breath
potion (as opposed to Hell Hound lungs) might Sight Beyond Sight Hag eye
cause 10d10 damage instead of 10d6.
Spider Essence Giant Spider spinnerets
SPECIAL INGREDIENT Starmaiden’s Miracle Unicorn mane
A Wisp Unseen Will o’ Wisp essence
Transmogrification Surgat tail
Abrupt Diminution Xornling body
Towering Growth Giant spleen
Bestial Communion Dire Beast brain
One with the Deep Argosan Strangler gills
Borrowed Talent Doppelganger nails

◆ Breaking the Habit requires a minimum
Poor Lifestyle and eight weeks of sequestered
focus, precluding other Downtime activities.
During Downtime, adventurers with Addictions, On a Luck (Will) save, the Addiction goes
Madness, or Persistent Injuries must spend some into remission and is removed, but future risks
time dealing with them. of Addiction increase by 10%. The PC may
spend 150 sp for treatment (counselling,
ADDICTION herbalism, etc) to gain a +2 bonus on the save.
A character with an Addiction is subject to On a failure the time is lost and the PC
powerful cravings. Players might like to roleplay remains addicted. On a Terrible Failure, the
their Addiction for social xp (p.115), and once per per week cost increases by 10 sp, and at the
adventure (GM’s call, typically during high stress), GM’s option cravings may occur more than
the GM may require the PC to make a Luck (Will) once per adventure.
save. On a fail, if the PC does not get their fix
within one hour, they suffer Toxin Trauma (1d8, MADNESS REMISSION
lasts 1d6 hours) and 1 Con loss. Lost Con cannot Every eight weeks a PC makes a Luck (Will) save
be recovered until the Addiction is removed. for each Madness they have. A success means the
Madness goes into remission and is removed. On a
During Downtime, a PC with an Addiction must failure the Madness worsens such that no further
make a Will check. On a success, they may choose recovery attempts may be attempted until the PC
to either (i) feed their habit, or (ii) spend time trying gains a level. Additionally, on a Terrible Failure,
to break it. If they fail the Will check, they must the Madness triggers more than once per adventure,
feed their Addiction. as determined by the GM (p.160). Two month’s
counselling from a trained carer (at a cost of 150
◆ Feeding an Addiction costs 10 sp per week sp) grants a +2 bonus on the save.
(Wealthy or Filthy Rich Lifestyles include this
cost, p.57). At the GM’s option, an adventurer
with a long standing Addiction may find it PERSISTENT INJURIES
begins to affect NPC relationships, and/or the Some persistent injuries such as broken limbs
per week cost increases. If the PC cannot require treatment and time to heal (as detailed in
afford to get their fix for the week, they suffer the injury tables). Nursing care costs 35 sp/week,
Toxin Trauma and Con loss as noted earlier. and apothecaries 70 sp/week.

GM’s might permit adventurers with permanent
injuries, such as lost eyes or limbs, to reduce or
negate some or all related penalties after three
months of adaption training. For example, a fighter
with a missing eye might negate the 33% miss
chance after acclimatizing to one eye, or a rogue
with a peg leg reduce her movement penalties. The
GM decides these on a case by case basis.

Designer’s Thoughts
Persistent injuries are intended to make the game
more dangerous with longer term setbacks that are
not easily overcome (unlike lost hp or expended
class abilities). Even permanent injuries however
are not truly permanent; adventurers are expected
to adapt and overcome their losses as noted above.
Starting characters that happen to roll missing eyes
or limbs (using the Hireling tables) are assumed to
have already adapted to their injuries.

Magical ReSearch
Magical research includes such things as learning a
Research comes in two varieties, standard and a new spell, deciphering how to use the powers of
magical. a magic item, or how to break a ward. For the
creation of permanent magical items or effects, see
STandard ReSearch Ritual Magic on p.111. For Potion Brewing see
p.123 or Scroll Inscribing p.126.
Standard research covers just about any non
magical topic the PCs are interested in, including The GM decides whether the proposed research is
dungeon locations, clues to the whereabouts of a possible or not. If so, PCs may engage in the
magic item, monster ecology or vulnerabilities, research themselves (access to a library is usually
relevant histories, etc. required) or retain the services of an NPC
spellcaster. Magical research to learn a new spell is
Basic research generally takes 1d6 days and costs generally possible as long as the PC has access to
5 sp/day. More Advanced research requires 1d4+2 their spellbook.
weeks and costs 100 sp/week (or more, reflecting
library fees, research assistants, sage consultations, Minor or Major Research
and so on). The GM decides what qualifies as basic The GM decides whether the proposed research
or advanced research consistent with the game qualifies as Minor or Major, consistent with the
world. After the research period, an Int check is setting. A Magic User researching a spell from the
required (either by the PC or hired NPC; various Magic chapter to add to their grimoire counts as
Lore or Gather Information skills might apply). In Minor research. Researching a spell from an Old
some instances, the GM might prefer to make this Magic Grimoire (Treasure chapter) counts as Major
roll in secret on behalf of the players. The below research. Magic Users may also create their own
table provides guidance as to the results. unique spells; the GM determines whether the
suggested spell counts as Minor or Major research.
STandard reSearch Modifiers to any checks are at the GM’s discretion.

MAGICAL reSearch
Roll 1d6 (i-ii) No new intel, (iii-iv)
Terrible False info, (v-vi) No new intel but
Failure an opposing agent gets wind of the
2d6 days of study, and costs 20 sp
PC’s inquiries.
per day. An Int (Arcane Lore*)
Roll 1d6 (i-iii) No new intel, (iv-vi) check is required, or the time and
Failure Minor
False information. silver is lost. Learning a spell from a
If there is new information to be newly acquired scroll or spellbook
had, the PC learns at least some of (ie not an Old Magic Grimoire p.228)
Success is automatic and free.
it, or perhaps most of it, based on
the margin of success. 3d6 weeks of study, costs 100 sp per
If there is new information to be week, and requires an Int (Arcane
Great had, the PC learns all of it. If Lore*) Great Success, or the time
Success opposing agents are also making and silver is lost. Learning a spell
inquiries, the PC may hear about it. from an Old Magic Grimoire is free.

An Int (Arcane Lore*) check is required at the end
of the process. On a success, the spell scroll is made.
The spell scroll functions at the creator’s level,
This section covers Rumour Hunting and Rumour applying success or Great Success to the spell effect
Mongering. For the most part, rumour hunting as per the Int (Arcane Lore*) check. To use a scroll,
requires an evening or afternoon speaking with see p.228. The creator of the scroll is drained 1
locals whilst buying them food and drinks, at a cost Con, and lost Con cannot be restored until the end
of 4d6 sp. The adventurer then makes a Cha of the next Downtime period after the scroll is used.
(Gather Information) check. If extra time or gold is On a failure the inscribing is unsuccessful and any
spent modifiers may apply at the GM’s option. On materials are lost. On a Terrible Failure, a DDM
a success they learn 1d4 rumours (a mix of true and effect is also triggered.
false as the GM or rumour table determines).

Rumour Mongering on the other hand is more SCROLL MATERIALS

labour and coin intensive. Before a new gossip item
takes root and spreads, the PC must spend 2d6 days Monsters with similar abilities. Eg
“leaking” it to as many tattletales as they can Elemental Frost Giant blood for Blast of
(costing 10 sp per day). At the end of this process, effects Frozen Ruin or Hell Hound hide for
the PC makes a Cha (Persuasion, Deception or Hellblast.
Gather Information) check. If successful, the Monsters with regen or classic
fledgling rumour takes on a life of its own and good or holy creatures. Eg Troll
begins to proliferate. At the GM’s option, blood for Mend Flesh or Unicorn
particularly newsworthy rumours might spread tears for Cleansing Charm.
faster (and more cheaply). Classic evil or unholy monsters.
Curses or Eg Demon ichor for Thrice Bound
“evil” effects Curse or bottled Spectre essence for
Undead Servant.
Monsters with similar abilities. Eg
Magic Users (and at the GM’s option Cultists) may
Invisible Stalker saliva for A Wisp
create scrolls during Downtime. The inscriber Illusion
Unseen or Imp marrow for
requires access to a spellbook/scriptures, as well as
Shadows & Dust.
a writing surface and ink.
Monsters with similar or opposite
Every scroll requires a special material that the PC abilities, or perhaps classic good or
must supply (generally rare hides or fluids, which or resilient creatures. For example
spoil or otherwise become unsuitable after 2d6 Stone Golem dust for Arcane Aegis
months). In most instances the material must or Water Elemental fluid for
somehow be consistent with the spell to be scribed. Elemental Ward.
The GM decides whether the proposed material Monsters of a similar kind or
matches the spell, guided by the table opposite. inherently magical creatures. Eg
Gibbering Terror tentacle juice for
The inscribing process costs (1d4+2) x 100 sp and Conjure Entity.
takes 2d6 days of ritual etching. Any spell from the Amorphous monsters or creatures
Spell List (p.100) may be inscribed, or other spell with similar abilities. Eg Basilisk
the Magic User knows or is contained in a bile for Flesh to Stone or Grey Ooze
spellbook they have access to. sludge for Transmogrification.
Monsters with psychic, charm,
Mental effects fear, etc effects. Eg Harpy milk for
Gaze of Beguilement.
Monsters with augury powers or
creatures strongly connected to the
Divination Veil. For example Hag blood for
Sight Beyond Sight or Ghoul teeth
for Riddle of Bones.

Lemon Rot disease causes foul smelling,
yellow pustules to grow around the armpits,
Argosa is rife with fetid diseases, some of which the groin, and neck glands, infecting the blood
PCs are bound to fall prey to sooner or later. after 1d3 days (1d4 Str loss each day until
Generally speaking a Con check or Luck (Con) 2 bedridden at zero Str). A Luck (Con) save is
save is required to resist infection. Disease vectors permitted after each day of Str loss to throw
are at the GM’s discretion, but typically include off the malady. An apothecary might cure
touch, body fluid exchange, coughing or sneezing, the patient with a course of blood draining
and/or parasite bites. and the correct healing herbs.
Bulging Bluevein causes blood vessels to
Most diseases may be recovered from with time, burst in the patient’s eyes, cheeks, and
herbalism, a skilled apothecary, or Cleansing Charm tongue, spreading like purple tendrils. After
spell. Attribute loss due to infection cannot be 1d6 hours, the patient loses 1 point of Cha
restored until the disease is cured. At the GM’s 3 and Int, and suffers a random Madness due
option, particularly horrid strains may cause death to brain swelling. These effects last 1d4
or permanent debilitation instead. If in need of a months. An apothecary adept in skull bores
random disease, roll 1d12 and see below. might halve the duration.
Slop Bowel is a horrid wasting disease that
ends in digestive and renal failure, killing
DISEASES half its afflicted in a matter of weeks. 1d4
Pinkscab Palsy manifests as a red, irritating days after infection, carriers lose 1 Con
rash that swiftly extends across the body in each day until death at zero Con. A single
24 hours. Scratching leads to oozing scabs, Luck (Con) save is permitted after 2d6 days
until the third day manifests as muscle to end the disease. There are no known
weakness, dragging gait, and tremors (1d6 herbal or apothecary treatments.
Str and Dex loss, half movement rate). Foam Fever is a rare brain disease that
1 Previously healthy adults generally recover causes flushed cheeks and foaming at the
in four to six weeks (Con check each week mouth 4d6 hours after infection. Carriers
after the third), but children, the infirm, and lose 1d4 Will, constantly grind their teeth,
the elderly often fail to pull through, and grow insatiably bloodthirsty. Sufferers
succumbing to critical organ failure. There attack others at the slightest provocation,
5 spend 1d3 rounds dismembering downed
are no known apothecary treatments.
foes, and will attack allies when no foes are
left (Will check to snap out of a blood
frenzy). Foam Fever naturally subsides after
1d3 days. The right healing herbs grant adv
on Will checks but do not speed recovery.
Filthenfurgers is a curious nerve plegia,
beginning as a tingling sensation in one
limb that progresses to weakness and
eventual paralysis within 6d6 hours of
infection. Paralysis lasts 1d4 months on a
successful Con check, or is otherwise
permanent. Sinew surgery can restore
movement (but not feeling) in the limb.
Oozy Eye causes opaque weeping from the
tear ducts, followed by speckled vision.
Within 24 hours, the patient suffers 1d4
Perc loss, and blindness in one or both eyes
(Consult the Bones) after 48 hours. Vision
7 loss lasts 1d4 months. An apothecary
expert in lens sculpting can cure the disease
(very difficult surgery, imposing disad on
the Int (Apothecary*) check).
Skorn Wheeze causes a violent, hacking
cough that spits up blood and bile paraSiteS
overnight. Victims suffer disadvantage on Treasure Ticks are 1 inch parasites drawn
endurance and charisma related tests, and to the smell of valuable metals and gems.
8 find stealth impossible (irrepressible They are chameleonic, changing shape and
cough). The wheeze subsides after 2d6 colour to mimic coins, gemstones, etc,
weeks. A specialist daily draught cures the where they hibernate until a warm blooded
sickness in 1d6 days. victim becomes available. If collected in a
Slough Pox is bacterial and causes the pouch with coins, the bugs burrow out in
victim’s skin to rub off in red raw abrasions. 1d6 minutes, entering the flesh of their
Symptoms appear in 1d6 hours. Victims victim to feed (they secrete a leech like
lose 1d3 Str each day for 1d4 days, then 1 anaesthesia). Detecting a burrowing tick
make a Luck (Con) save. If successful, the requires a Perc check at disadvantage. If
disease subsides with no further decline undetected, the tick causes blood poisoning
9 over 1d6 months. If failed, the victim loses (1d3 Str and Dex loss after 1d4 hours, and
another 1d3 Str, and repeat. A character a Madness). The effects do not subside
that survives may permanently lose 1 point until the bugs are removed, which requires
of Cha (Consult the Bones) due to severe surgery (Int (Apothecary*) check, causing
scarring. A rare jungle ointment kills the 1d4 damage). If unsuccessful the victim
disease in 4d6 hours. also suffers Internal Bleeding.
Black Retch is a deep belly illness that Flesh Grubs are filthy two inch burrowing
causes disorientation and nausea within worms with wicked beaks. They consume
1d6 hours, inflicting 2d4 Dex loss and corpses from the inside, kept warm by the
disadvantage on balance related checks. foul gases they emit as they lay eggs and
10 Carriers cannot abide food or drink, and multiply. Infested corpses bloat as the
vomit up a foul, black coloured fluid every fumes build, rendering them liable to
few hours. The sickness passes in 1d4 days. explode (an Int (Apothecary*/Wilderness
An apothecary with the right healing herbs 2 Lore*) check might notice the tell tale
halves the duration. “flesh grubs” odour). If disturbed, the
Greyscale Blight is an uncommon skin corpse ruptures, showering Melee range
infection forming itchy scales on forelimbs, with grubs, which burrow for the heart. A
fingers, and toes. Scratching at the scales Luck (Con) save is required to avoid death
causes bleeding sores that quickly regrow in 1d4 rounds. Fire or acid kills the grubs
more scales, spreading to adjoining areas. but causes the victim 2d6 damage.
After one week, enough scales have formed Throat leeches are fast swimming 4 inch
11 to impede fine motor skills with fingers and marine parasites that lurk in water holes,
chaffing feet, causing 1d3 Dex loss and rivers, and oceans. A PC swimming in an
imposing disadvantage on picking locks, infested area requires a Luck save to avoid
disarming traps, endurance checks on long swallowing the horrible wrigglers. On a
trips, etc. The scales fade after approx 2d4 failed save, several leeches have entered the
months. A herbal unguent removes the victim’s throat and latched onto their gullet.
scales in 2d6 days. Over the next 1d4 hours, and each day
Weeping Earholes is a brain disease that afterwards, the leeches feed, causing 1 Str
impairs thought clarity and judgment, akin 3 or Con loss (even chance). Removing the
to being drowsy or intoxicated. Clear fluid leeches requires surgery or alchemical
leaking from the ear canal is the first sign, tinctures that are poisonous if not properly
followed by persistent fever and headaches. administered. An Int (Apothecary*) check
Within 2d6 hours victims suffer 1d4 Int kills the parasites in 1d3 days. If failed, the
loss, disadvantage on Initiative checks, and victim also suffers 2d4 damage. A desperate
forget one random spell (if applicable, spell victim might drink and regurgitate a flask
returns when the disease ends). The malady of acid to kill the worms in minutes (the
clears up of its own accord after 1d3 drinker suffers 3d6 damage, and cannot use
months. There are no known herbal or their vocal chords for 1d4 months).
apothecary treatments.

Dungeon crawling This information is important for the GM to
determine who is likely to see what first, who might
When the PCs first enter a dungeon, there’s a few be at risk of triggering a trap, who might be targeted
things the GM and party should consider. by an enemy sneaking up behind them, who might
be positioned to attempt a rescue, and so on. When
MARCHING ORDER uncertain as to who might be the target of an
attack, a random d6 roll, nominating PCs by
First up, the party should declare their general Marching Order (or clockwise) works well.
Marching Order: who’s in front, who’s in the
second rank, in the middle, and who’s taking up the
rear. In playtesting we often lined up miniatures on
the table as a visual reminder. The gear that the adventurers have in their hands
can be a relevant consideration if the party is taken
by surprise, for example when triggering a trap or
being ambushed by hidden foes. Having a free hand
to grab a falling comrade, or a shield to deflect an
arrow trap, could be important.


Speaking of readied gear, the most important
question is who’s carrying the light? Players should
nominate which adventurers have light sources
p.55 and whether they are torches, lanterns, etc. If
the PCs are willing to find and pay for them,
hirelings can be an excellent option as torch bearers,
freeing up PC hands for weapons, shields, etc.
Keeping them protected within or behind the party
will help shore up their Morale when the fighting

To encourage meaningful choices while exploring,
ToA uses Dungeon Events, which are triggered by Clue or Gear The party finds a helpful
an escalating Dungeon Tally (“DT”). 2-3 clue or piece of gear (d100 on the Pilfer
Pouch UF table p.48)
The party’s DT starts at zero. As they explore the Lore The party learns a new piece of lore
complex, moving along corridors, searching rooms, through a ceiling fresco, wall tapestry,
disarming traps, and so on, the GM adds 1 to the etched markings, old scroll, artefact, and
DT and updates the players with the current total. 4 so on. At the GM’s option, a player might
In playtesting we added metal tokens to a pile as a introduce new lore relevant to their PC
visual reminder. Actions that are loud or otherwise instead (if so, +2 xp).
prone to draw attention might add extra points at Resource A party resource is somehow
the GM’s option. used up, damaged, lost, left behind, or
5 otherwise expended. Roll for which PC
How much the PCs can do before the DT increases and one piece of Pack Gear.
each time is decided by the GM on a case by case
basis. Those familiar with old school games might 6-8 A Random Encounter occurs.
employ the classic ten minute dungeon turn.
Warning sign of nearby danger (prints,
When the DT reaches 6, or at the GM’s option 9 scratches, nest materials, sounds, scents,
when the adventurers are (a) drawing attention to droppings, remains of recent victim, etc).
themselves, (b) being overly indecisive, or (c) there Terrain change (visibility, temperature,
is a natural lull in the adventure, the GM rolls 2d6 10 water, odour, stability/footing, etc).
on the Dungeon Event table. As always, GM
Potential Ally The PCs find a prisoner,
discretion applies: as referee you may simply decide
11-12 opposing faction, enemy turncoat, third
that something happens (eg a dead body hidden by
party, other adventurers, etc.
the PCs is found alerting nearby guards, or a
Random Encounter occurs, etc). After determining
the Dungeon Event, reset the tally to zero.

Consult the Bones

If tracking DT is too much bookkeeping for your
liking, instead try Consulting the Bones (p.204)
when (a), (b) or (c) arises to determine whether a
Dungeon Event occurs. Apply Likely or Unlikely as
desired, and Fortune or Misfortune results may assist
in interpreting clues, warning signs, etc.

Designer’s Thoughts
Note that Dungeon Events are not necessarily
adverse to the party; they just mean that something
interesting happens. Helpful clues and even allies
might be found, especially when using monster
Reaction and Activity rolls (p.66).

For quieter complexes or very small parties, the

GM might use a DT trigger of 8 or 10. For very
dangerous locations, or large parties with several
hirelings, 3, 4 or 5 may be more appropriate.
Custom entries in your Random Encounter tables
are a terrific way to breathe life into your dungeons,
and also allow you to set ballpark danger levels.

Injured or Encumbered
If any members of the party have a mobility injury
When trekking the wilds, the party explores from or are Encumbered, moving into another hex costs
hex to hex, each of which is approx 6 miles wide. 1 extra watch. This penalty may be removed by
Each day is broken up into 6 watches of 4 hours. another party member performing the Support role
(see opposite).


Morning Evening The daily travel procedure is as follows:
1 6am - 10am
4 6pm - 10pm
Midday Late Night 1. New Day PCs that ate the prior day, and
2 10am - 2pm
5 10pm - 2am slept for six hours, generally heal 1 hp (p.89).
Afternoon Pre Dawn 2. Weather The GM decides starting weather.
3 2pm - 6pm
6 2am - 6am On subsequent days roll 1d12 for weather
shifts (p.136), which may affect travel speed,
Parties typically spend the last three watches (night encounter distance, ration use, foraging,
shift) to set up camp and sleep. The remaining three overnight healing, etc as the GM determines.
watches (day shift) may be spent as follows:
3. Travel Roles PCs decide their roles for the
day (see opposite). If multiple PCs choose
EXPLORING AND TRAVEL the same role, apply the best result, or
determine as the GM sees fit.
Explore a hex, or Move into a hex
1 Watch with roads, plains, grasslands, fields 4. Explore or Enter Hexes PCs spend their
or other easily traversed terrain. watches to enter or explore hexes. This may
Move into a hex containing hills, require a Guide check (see opposite).
2 Watches
forest, moors, badlands, or desert. ◆ On Entering a hex, the GM reveals any
Move into a hex with mountains, obvious Hex Details or Hex Events.
3 Watches swamp, jungle, or other very difficult
terrain. ◆ If Exploring a hex, the referee also reveals
one or more further points of interest (if
If a hex is of mixed terrain, apply either (a) the nothing keyed, see p.136).
majority terrain type or (b) the terrain of the hex
face through which the party entered. If used in ◆ Any Checks (inc Travel Role checks) are
suitable country, Mounts grant two bonus watches determined by the GM on hex to hex
worth of movement, or Wagons grant one bonus basis.
watch (at a cost of 2 sp/day p.57).
5. Events If there have been No Events,
Consult the Bones (p.204) to see whether a
River boats travel 12 Hexes per 24 hour period (3
Travel Event occurs. If yes, roll 1d20 on the
knots, 3 sp per day) and ocean ships 20 Hexes (at 5
relevant table (p.136). If more details are
knots, 20 sp per day).
required, Read the Signs (p.205). After at
least one Event, the referee may ignore
further Events for the day.
6. Camp The PCs camp and deduct rations.
7. Night Watch Players decide which party
members will be on Look Out duty during
the night (typically over two watches; 10pm
to 2am, and 2am to 6am).
8. Night Encounters If desired, the GM may
Consult the Bones to determine if there is a
Night Encounter (see opposite).

134 9. End of Day Return to Step 1.

TRAVEL ROLES ◆ Rearguard
You travel stealthily behind the main party,
Each PC performs one role during the daytime
maintaining some distance from them (at
shift (which covers the morning, midday, and
least Far range). If the company encounters
afternoon watches):
something, you might be able to stay hidden.
◆ Look Out You also watch for dangers from the rear, and
This is the default role unless a PC chooses possibly conceal the party’s tracks. The GM
otherwise. You keep watch from within the decides whether any checks are required.
main party for dangers such as monsters and ◆ Quartermaster
traps. You automatically spot most creatures
You manage journey rest breaks, camping
at Very Far range unless the GM rules
duties, and company morale. If the GM
otherwise. For a trap or ambush, you make a
allows it, you may make a Cha (Leadership)
Perc (Det) test on behalf of the main party (if
check. On a Great Success the rest breaks or
an ambush, vs your foe’s Dex (Stealth) check).
camp site are ideal (sheltered spot, relatively
◆ Guide comfortable) and spirits are high (good meal,
If there are no roads, landmarks, rivers, etc amicable, hopeful mood). Choose a benefit
one PC must be the Guide. You lead the party from (i) reduce the likelihood of a night time
through the wilderness. An Int (Wilderness encounter, or (ii) anyone who eats a meal and
Lore) success means you travel in your sleeps six hours may restore one Reroll. On an
intended direction. On a Great Success you 18-20 however the party falls into discord,
make excellent time and may spend the and or the camp is a magnet for bugs, cold
equivalent of one bonus watch this day (max winds, etc; rest is poor and all party members
once/day). On a Failure you become lost (if must make a Con check or be Fatigued.
possible). Consult the Bones to find out if you ◆ Support
wander into a random hex (1d6 for direction).
With a Str (Athletics) check, you assist others
If not, you spend this watch regaining your
who are Encumbered or have a mobility
bearings in your current hex. This role also
injury, negating the usual watch movement
covers tracking a quarry, in which case a Perc
penalty. Alternatively, you tend to one
(Wilderness Lore*) check is usually required,
patient’s injuries; on an Int (Apoth*) Great
opposed by Int (Stealth* or Wilderness Lore*)
Success they heal 2 hp instead of 1 during
if the quarry is concealing their tracks.
their next sleep.
◆ Forager ◆ Sky Caller
You hunt or scavenge for food and water as
If skilled in Divine Lore, you may study the
you travel. On an Int or Perc (Wilderness
signs of weather prognostication and make
Lore*) success you do not use up any rations
offerings to the gods at auspicious times,
for the day. On a Great Success you gather
hoping to influence tomorrow’s conditions.
enough for two people. On a Terrible Failure
On a Will (Divine Lore*) Great Success, the
you consume something poisonous; make a
GM rolls for weather twice and you choose
Luck (Con) save or suffer Toxin Trauma (1d8,
the result. On an 18-20 however you offend
any effects last until the end of the next day).
the local nature spirits; the GM rolls for
◆ Scout weather twice and applies the worst result.
You travel stealthily ahead of the party at
Very Far range. At this distance you might be NIGHT SHIFT
able to ambush any creatures you find, but Night shift (6pm - 6am) is usually spent camping
normally you report any dangers back to the and sleeping. Unless the players decide otherwise,
main group. The GM decides whether any the PCs take turns being on watch while their
checks are required. If an encounter occurs, it companions sleep. Consult the Bones (likely or
takes 1d3 rounds (double moves) for you to unlikely as the GM decides) to see if a Random
reach Far range of the party. Encounter occurs. If so, randomly determine
which PC was the sentry, and roll 1d12+8 on the
encounter table (9-20 are mostly creatures).

The referee decides starting weather. Each day If the party spends a watch exploring a hex that has
thereafter roll 1d12 to determine if conditions shift. no keyed material, Consult the Bones to determine
Modifiers may be appropriate for seasons or whether anything special might be found. If so, roll
entrenched climates, or to break up heat waves, etc. d20 and see below. The GM may require checks to
locate some items. For more details, Read the Signs
WEATHER SHIFT or consult the Argosa Sandbox tables.

1 Much Hotter 7 More Humid EXPLORING

Breezier, Sacred site, Outpost, Inn,
2 Hotter, Drier 8 Windier 1 11
Leyline, etc Tower, etc
3 Warmer, Drier 9 Cloudier, Foggier Landmark or Waterfall, Pool,
2 Natural Wonder
12 Stream, Creek
Clearer, Cooler,
4 Less Humid
10 3 Small Ruin 13 Vantage Point
Slightly Wetter
Rare Herbs, Ore, Corpses, Bones,
5 Similar 11 Colder, Wetter 4 etc (1d6 x 60sp)
14 Graves, Cairn
6 Cloudier 12 Much Wetter Random Random
5 Encounter
15 Encounter

Rivers 6 Camp 16 Hamlet, Village

Rivers marked on the map are significant water Game Trail,
7 Short Cut, Path
17 Large Lair
bodies not easily crossed. If a bridge isn’t shown in
the hex, Consult the Bones to determine whether 8 Cave Complex 18 Large Ruins
some means of crossing is possible, modified by
recent weather. If a crossing is possible, the party 9 Small Lair 19 Dungeon
suggests how they will do so, which the GM
adjudicates, including whether any checks are Random Random
10 Encounter
20 Encounter
needed, how many watches the process takes, etc.

Freak weather change Roll Dangerous terrain must be A substantial weather change
for Weather (reroll 6s and 7s), passed through to stay the occurs. Roll 1d6:
and exaggerate the effect (eg course, avoid backtracking, etc
“wetter” means a sudden (unstable tunnel, pockets of (i) Perfect weather
downpour washing away gas, scalding steam pools, (ii) Storm
1 tracks). If the PCs press on magma flows, etc). At the (iii) Fog
GM’s option, some kind of (iv) Gale force winds
through difficult weather, a
check or Montage (Moderate (v) Severe Storm
Con (Athletics) check is
6S/3F) p.65 may be required (vi) Becalmed
required to avoid becoming to avoid 2d6 + level damage
Fatigued. per PC.

Off Course The party has strayed from their intended course and risks becoming lost in their hex (if
possible, otherwise reroll). A Montage p.65 is required to regain bearings (Moderate, 6S/3F). If
2 successful, the adventurers get back on track. If unsuccessful, they become lost: the GM rolls for a
Random Encounter, and the PCs must spend the next day trying to regain their bearings.

3 A Random Encounter occurs.

Vagaries of Adventure The party experiences an unexpected turn of weal or woe (Consult the Bones).
If good (the stars align, blessed from afar, lucky charm/shibboleth, dumb luck, etc) 1d4 PCs may
reroll a single roll during the adventure at a time of their choosing (excluding a die that has already
been rerolled). If bad (wrong place wrong time, supernatural curse, ill fated prophesy, blind
4 misfortune, lost mascot, etc) roll 1d6: (i) 1d4 PCs are exposed to a random disease, (ii) 1d4 hirelings
or pets are exposed to a random disease or parasite, (iii) 1d4 PCs lose, damage (not usable until
repaired), or use up a random Pack Gear item, (iv) the PCs have secretly been (or will be) betrayed
by a hireling or other NPC, to be revealed at an opportune moment (if irrelevant, reroll), (v) Luck
(Perc) save or one PC misplaces, loses, or has a valuable (secretly) stolen from them (coin pouch, etc),
(vi) Random Encounter .
Forgotten Ruins beckon, tempting the adventurers with the possibility of treasure. Exploring the
ancient site requires a Montage (Moderate, 6S/3F) p.65. If successful, each PC finds some loot (roll
5 1d6; 1-3: 1 x Carry Loot B, 4-5: 1 x Trinkets & Curios, 6: 1 x Valuables A). If unsuccessful, the party
awakens the ruin’s guardian(s) instead; roll on an appropriate Random Encounter table, if a single
creature it is a Boss).
Overwhelming Numbers of enemies or rivals block the party’s Chance Salvage A grounded
present course (xenophobic barbarians guard a valley, a man vessel, shipwreck, drift cargo,
eating Skorn tribe is camped along the riverbank, dwarf clan etc appears. A group Luck save
6 guards a chasm bridge, ooze spawning cavern, etc). A Montage garners 1 x Carry Loot B, 1 x
(Hard, 6S/2F) p.65 is required to slip by unnoticed. If failed, run Valuables B, and 1 x Trinkets.
a Chase to determine whether the adventurers escape! Consult the Bones to find out if
PCs are exposed to a disease.

7 A Random Encounter occurs.

New Lore Travel is uneventful, providing ample time for study, contemplation, and the sharing of
8 stories. The GM provides a new rumour, myth, legend or other piece of lore to the party (ideally
something local, through a hireling or other NPC, but alternatively as something a PC now recalls).
Natural Wonder The party stumbles upon a natural wonder, fey sacred site, leyline, or other place
of special majesty or tranquility. If the adventurers spend a day resting here, one PC suffering
9 Madness may make a Luck (Will) save to remove it. This effect functions only once per character.
Random Encounters are unlikely here, but if so roll Reaction with advantage.
Other Travellers The party Other Travellers The party Other Sailors The party
encounters other travellers, roll encounters other travellers, roll encounters other travellers, roll
1d8: (i) 1d3 scouts, (ii-iii) 1d8: (i) 2d4 Skorn scouts, (ii-iii) 1d8: (i) a patrolling warship, (ii-
2d6+10 border guard, (iv) 3d6+8 dwarves on patrol, (iv) iii) merchant vessel, (iv) 2d6
10 merchant caravan, (v) 1d4+2 metal ore caravan heading for canoes or rafts, (v) a rival
rival adventurers, (vi) noble the surface, (v) 1d4+2 rival adventurers’ ship, (vi) raiders/
with entourage, (vii) 4d6+10 adventurers, (vi) 3d6 miners, pirate ship, (vii) 2d6 survivors
religious pilgrims, (viii) GM (vii) 2d6+5 cultists in a secret in a cast off lifeboat, (viii) GM
special. ceremony, (viii) GM special. special.

11 A Random Encounter occurs.

Camaraderie The explorers’ travel is relatively uneventful, providing ample time to strengthen party
bonds. One player may choose to spin a tale or reveal a secret or other special detail about their
12 PC’s history (eg old deed, interesting locale, NPC encounter, memorable event, party bond, prior
adventure, etc; GM veto applies). If the table is entertained, each PC may choose to recover 1 Luck
or take a Short Rest. A PC may benefit from this event once per adventure only.

Short Cut The opportunity to Short Cut The opportunity to Short Cut The opportunity to
take a short cut arises if the take a short cut arises if the take a short cut arises if the
party can find it (mountain party can find it (friendly guide, party can find it (seasonal
pass, game trail, Bulette tunnel fissure bypass, rock chute cut by currents, new route through a
13 bypass, etc). Resolve as an Int lavaworms, etc). Resolve as an reef, hidden inlet etc). Resolve
or Perc (Wilderness Lore) Int or Perc (Wilderness Lore) as an Int or Perc (Watercraft*)
check. On a Great Success the check. On a Great Success the check. On a Great Success the
party enters this hex for free. party enters this hex for free. party enters this hex for free.
Lost Supplies The party must make a group Luck save or their rations/water are halved (failure) or
run out (Terrible Failure). Perhaps tainted by parasites, spoiled by disease, stolen by animals,
14 overeaten after too many ales, dropped in a chase, etc. PCs that do not eat or drink for twenty four
hours become Starving. If available, PCs may consume tainted food or water, but each meal requires
a Luck (Con) check to avoid contracting a random disease or suffering a Minor Poison effect (p.214).

15 A Random Encounter occurs.

Discovery As luck would have it, the company discovers or otherwise happens upon any secret
information about the current hex (if they have not already found it). If there is no such information,
16 they discover a monster Lair instead. Roll for a Random Encounter, but use Lair numbers for #
Appearing (p.162). Consult the Bones to determine whether one of the Lair’s outer sentries have
detected the PCs (depending on the circumstances, including mode of party travel).
Unfortunate Injury A random NPC (hireling, henchmen, other NPC) or animal (horse, mule, dog
etc) falls ill, lame, or suffers a Sprained Ankle (Entry #5 Injuries & Setbacks table). A Ranger Beast
Companion may choose to make a Luck (Con) save to resist. If there are no NPCs or animals in the
17 party, then a PC is affected (they may choose to resist like a Beast Companion). This will impact
company Travel Speed unless the injured character or animal can be assisted (p.134). Characters can
be helped with the Support Travel Role, the GM determines whether animals may be assisted.
Taxing Terrain Difficult and Taxing Terrain Difficult and Strange Waters Difficult and
unexpected terrain impedes the unexpected terrain impedes the unexpected waters or weather
explorers’ path (river crossing, explorers’ path (deep chasm, impede the ship’s progress
landslide, steep valley, ruined collapsed tunnel, viscous mud (violent storm, once a century
bridge, forest fire, etc). Progress pits, thick fungi forest, etc). currents, whirlpool, tsunami,
is slow and taxing, requiring a Progress is slow and taxing, pockets of rising sea gas, etc).
18 Montage (Hard, 6S/2F) p.65. requiring a Montage (Hard, Progress is slow and taxing,
If failed the party is Fatigued 6S/2F) p.65. If failed the party requiring a Montage (Hard,
and a random PC uses up or is Fatigued and a random PC 6S/2F) p.65. If failed all PCs
loses a piece of relevant gear (eg uses up or loses some relevant are Fatigued and a random PC
rope, climbing gear, rations, gear (eg rope, rations, climbing uses up or loses some relevant
and so on). gear, torches, anti toxin, etc). gear (eg rope, rations, climbing
gear, rations, anti toxin, etc).

19 A Random Encounter occurs.

Perfect Campsite The company has a chance to locate the perfect Safe Harbour The crew have a
campsite, providing comfort and safety in equal measure. A Perc chance to locate the perfect
(Wilderness Lore*) check is required. On a success, all PCs harbour, providing comfort and
20 restore 1d3 lost attribute points, one Reroll, or one point of Luck safety in equal measure. A Perc
(once per adventure only). (Watercraft*) check is needed,
otherwise as Perfect Campsite.

A major component of emergent play adventuring For GMs running Argosa in a West Marches style
is dealing with the unexpected, for both GM and (with a potentially different mix of players each
players. Twists and surprises generate a special kind session), it is often a requirement for the party to
of excitement; disrupting plans, offering novel “return to base” at the end of a play session (to
options, and most importantly forcing everybody to ensure that the characters of those wanting to play
improvise and take action. This is the stuff that next week are available to adventure, and not stuck
gaming memories are made of; roll with it and in the wilderness or mid dungeon). A potential
enjoy! problem with this approach is that large amounts of
precious session time can be spent returning from
What follows are a series of tables categorised by an adventure site, when the players would rather be
geographic location. Random encounters are most exploring the dungeon further!
commonly triggered by Travel or Dungeon Events,
but the GM may insert an encounter at any time. The “Return to Base” rule circumvents this. Instead
of playing out the return trip in the usual way, each
Consistent with an independent and dangerous PC makes a Luck save. If successful, the adventurer
world, random encounters are “unbalanced” by makes it home without incident. If unsuccessful
design. If the party ventures into hills where Giants they make it home, but must roll 2d6 for a setback.
are known to roam, they should be prepared to find Deduct rations based on estimated travel days.
Giants, regardless of whether they are 1st level or
9th. Rescues, splintering shields, Party Retreat, and
the Chase rules are included for good reason: there BACK TO BASE
are bigger, badder things in the wild than
adventurers, and PCs should be prepared to avoid Death’s Door Reduced to zero hp. If
or flee from them if they must. other PCs, hirelings, etc are with them, the
2 PC makes a Death save at advantage.
For most tables roll 1d20 during the day or 1d12+8 Otherwise the body is lost and they die.
at night. Night travel is particularly dangerous; Injured Roll 1d20 on the Injuries &
3-4 Setbacks table.
most monsters can see in the dark, while
adventurers are limited to the area of their torches, 5 Diseased Roll 1d12 on the Diseases table.
lantern, etc, which also act as beacons to predators.
Poisoned by a random plant, animal, etc.
STarting DiStanceS 6
Roll 1d12 on the Poison table (p.214) but
effects last until you receive an Anti toxin
The GM decides encounter starting distances, but treatment, or one month passes, which
during the day, creatures will generally be noticed at ever occurs first (excluding hp damage).
Far or Very Far range. Unusually poor visibility, Battle lose 2d10 hp. If reduced to zero hp
ambush, or an abundance of hiding places may 7 apply Death’s Door above.
reduce starting distances at the GM’s discretion. In
Lost Gear Randomly use up or lose one
contrast, night encounters typically start at close
range of the camp, as the PCs can only see as far as
8 piece of gear. Roll 1d6 (i-ii) Battle Gear,
(iii-vi) Pack Gear. Reroll magic items.
their light source allows.
Animal Death 1d4 horses, pets, or other
With respect to hexes, broadly speaking the earth’s 9 animals are lost. Beast companions are
curvature at sea level creates a horizon about three reduced to zero hp instead.
miles distant, which neatly coincides with the six Hireling Death A hireling or NPC is lost.
mile hexes of the Argosa map: a party at the centre Henchmen are reduced to zero hp instead.
of a hex can see as far as its edges barring obscuring 10 For a much loved hireling, the GM might
terrain. The higher you are, the further you can see. Consult the Bones to see if they roll on the
Assuming flat land, at 18 ft high a person can see up Injuries & Setbacks table instead.
to about 5 miles, or at 36 ft approx 7 miles. From a Bonus Loot! You happen upon a hidden
1,000 ft mountain, the horizon is at about 40 miles. treasure cache or empty lair. Roll 1d6 (i)
Obviously very large objects higher than sea level 11-12 Carry Loot B, (ii) Valuables A, (iii) Trinket
(hills, etc) can be seen at longer distances. or Curio, (iv) Minor Charm, (v) Scroll, (vi)

EncOunter TableS Eagles 3d6 Giant Eagles with humanoid
The Cities, Towns, & Villages table has 50 entries 9 riders approach from across the skyline,
that are almost all non-combat encounters. The signalling an intention to parlay.
other tables have twenty encounters, divided up Elemental A 10 HD Air Elemental takes up a
into approximately 70% “monster” encounters, course parallel to the PCs, curious about
10 what they are, and what they’re doing. It may
15% hazards, and 15% seeds for possible side treks.
An encounter with monsters need not necessarily attack if spooked.
lead to combat by using Reaction and Activity rolls Manticore A Manticore is hunting in the area,
(p.66). If facing very dangerous opponents, the GM looking for a fresh meal. There is a 30%
might like to remind the players of the benefits of chance the beast is an ancient 20 ft behemoth
stealth or the Party Retreat rule.
11 with 15 HD (Boss). It has a limited vocab, but
might spare the party for one of their mounts,
or some valuable trinkets.
AERIAL Stowaway A stowaway is discovered aboard
the PC’s ship, or 2d4 Xornlings (60%) or
Winds Hurricane strength winds force the 12 Treasure Ticks (40%) are in a random PC’s
1 party to remain on the ground for 4d6 hours.
backpack or coin pouch.
Roll for a ground encounter.
Spores Tainted winds carry an unsavoury
Eclipse A once a millennia full solar or lunar
tang, spreading the spores of a rare airborne
eclipse occurs, turning the sky pitch black. 13 disease. Each party member must make a
PCs exposed to the sky at the right time have
Luck (Con) save or contract a disease.
2 their fates altered by otherworldly forces
extending their influence through the Veil Wyverns The party has unwittingly entered
(Consult the Bones to determine whether the the hunting grounds of 1d4 Wyverns, whose
14 lair is nearby. They are highly territorial, and
PCs gain or lose 1 point of Luck).
will attempt to destroy or drive off intruders.
Intercept Another flying ship, mounted
adventurers or guard patrol, or a single flying Harpies The haunting song of 2d6 Harpies
3 sorcerer appear on the horizon, taking up a can be heard on the wind before they descend
heading to intercept the PCs. from the clouds, appear from a mountain top,
15 etc. They attempt to beguile at least one PC
Dust Storm A heavy dust storm blows in,
turning the sky red grey with fine silt. and lure them back to their lair (to be their
plaything, and eventual meal).
4 Breathing becomes difficult (even with a
mask) for those above deck or riding mounts. Roc A terrifying 40 ft Roc with a 100 ft
Lose 1d2 Con (Luck (Con) save negates). wingspan, blacks out the sun or moon before
16 diving from high altitude. It is determined to
Peak On a high mountain peak, an ancient
spire juts toward the sky, its jade tip reflecting eat at least one of the PCs before moving on.
5 the sunlight. A cold iron door marked with Dire Bats 3d6 Dire Bats can be heard
forgotten runes can be found at the base. screeching in the night sky before they
Cloud Vortex On the horizon, an unnatural appear, swooping around the PCs as they
17 decide who to target. Their plan is to grab one
cloud system is forming, lightning flashing
6 around a swirling vortex of clouds. Even at or two of the adventurers, then escape back to
this distance, a tugging force can be felt. their colossal cave to devour them.
Malfunction The PCs’ ship, mounts or flying Bats A flock of bats flies through or over the
magic falters, disrupted by poor maintenance, party, chasing insects. A random character is
18 accidentally struck by a bat or their droppings
sabotage, sickness, or a tear in the Veil. The
7 company are forced to land and lose 1 day’s (Luck (Con) save to avoid a random disease).
travel. Checks might be required to make Griffons A flock of 2d6 Griffons fly around
repairs, cure illnesses, etc at the GM’s option. the party’s ship, playing some kind of game,
19 or attack them if they are riding flying
Curious Bat A solitary bat follows the party.
It might simply be curious (30%), a trained mounts (or using personal flying magic).
8 pet that has lost its owner looking for a new Wasps 2d4 Giant Wasps are conveying 1d6
master (50%), or a vampire hoping to ambush paralysed humans to their nest. One captive
20 has regained movement in her face, giving the
one of the PCs when alone (20%).
party a desperate look as they buzz by.

CiTy, tOwn, village
Farmers Two farmers, Mortin and Jeraal,
1 brawling over livestock, foodstuffs, or cotton.
Con A con woman by the name of Doska is
2 inviting marks to gamble on a cups and balls
game. She is highly skilled in sleight of hand.
Fowl A gaggle of ducks, chickens, or other
fowl scatter across the street, causing havoc.
3 Riva “Homeslice” (a wily pickpocket, Dex 16)
takes advantage of the diversion.
Noble Lord Ibrenon trots by on a white
charger. He is terribly arrogant and jostles
4 aside anyone who doesn’t immediately get Guards 4d6 guards patrol the street, eyes
out of his way. He remarks that his horse eats wary for pickpockets. If it’s a slow day, they
better than the adventurers before he departs. might accost any strange or dangerous
Bard A long haired bard with a handlebar looking adventurers, inquiring as to their
moustache, Arthur Excelsior, offers to make a 12 business, the duration of their stay, boarding
5 ballad about the party’s exploits (for a house, and whether they have any
reasonable fee). information they wish to share with the
Merchant Eggbert “sell me own mother” authorities. Impolite or cheeky responses are
Cruthers is selling an assortment of weapons unlikely to be well received.
on a gilded table in the street, watched over Axemen A trio of axemen are selling
by his muscle, Juke (Fighter 4). For the firewood and kindling. They haven’t noticed
6 discreet inquirer, he might also have access to 13 that one of the split logs is hiding a tiny fey
more specialized gear, such as hidden behind a hinged knot.
sheaths, spring-blade pommels, caltrops, Oleg Arkoza, a potion maker of some
lockpicks, and knife boots. renown and very rarely seen outside his
Brawl The Screaming Goat Tavern is well laboratory, is speaking with a noblewoman
14 on the street. Arkoza is very choosey about his
known for its exciting bar fights, and today is
7 no exception. 5d6 drunken brawlers have clients. Perhaps this is an opportunity for an
spilled out onto the street, spreading fists, feet introduction.
and headbutts like wildfire. Falconer Ms Eliana is selling an assortment
Alchemist Gusterro the Improbable (“Gus”) is of hunting birds.
hawking fire pots stacked up by the half Funeral A funeral procession winds slowly
dozen. Mid way through his sales pitch, a 16 down the street, including pall bearers,
8 guard patrol appears at the end of the street. priests, and sorrowful relatives.
Gus quickly scoops his pots into a sack and Gangs 3d6 thugs of rival gangs clash over
replaces them with undergarments instead, turf lines, stabbing at each other with knives
giving any potential customers a wink. and hatchets. Lingering witnesses, or anyone
Pot At an inopportune moment, a chamber 17 who attempts to intervene, is also set upon.
pot is emptied from the second story of a Whatever the outcome, the surviving leader,
9 boarding house. One traveller must make a
Udan the Slip, does not forget.
Dex check or be doused in human excreta. Rats! 3d6 starving rats skitter from a dark
Cows! A herd of cows gets spooked by a alley, attempting to bite chunks out of a
10 terrific thunderclap and is about to stampede.
18 busking street kid by the name of Totha. The
Fire! A woman yells “Fire!” and is pointing boy has a great knowledge of the settlement’s
frantically at a nearby building. Billowing back roads and safe houses.
11 smoke is issuing from the ground floor and Troupe A 3d6 member performing troupe
cries can be heard from the upper windows. has gathered a small crowd. The troupe has
19 knowledge of the local region. There is a 30%
The nearest well is several blocks distant.
chance of pickpockets working the audience.

Repent 2d6 officious clergymen and devout Tarot An old crone, Madame Eshorri, is
sisters accost the travellers, berating them for reading the tarot on a rickety table. The
20 their wicked ways of violence and greed. woman is in fact a genuine soothsayer and
They threaten natural disasters and eternal channels the fates. For 2 sp, a PC may have
hellfire if the party does not recant. 26 their fate read (player draws from the Deck of
Shuba A shrill scream issues from a nearby Signs: If a sun, their Luck increases by 1 (may
alley. Glancing inside, three thugs can be seen temporarily exceed usual max), or if a moon
beating on an overdressed merchant by the they lose 1 Luck instead.
21 name of Shuba Sendarran. He is in debt to a Moon A blood moon (lunar eclipse) occurs,
local gang, and they intend to make an many folks invoking strange, superstitious
example of him. rites to ward off evil, such as driving away
Pie A pigeon pie seller, Ghirk Galak, is on the any cats, lining their doorways with salt,
22 27 marking the forehead with blood, carrying
corner. He is a little known street informant.
obvious silver, and so on. Consult the Bones to
Farrier An elderly farrier, Ugalos, is mending find out if a Lycanthrope hunts tonight in an
horse shoes in a half barn. His wife has especially ferocious manner.
passed and having no children, he wishes to
Dog An elderly street dog with a grey snout
pass on his lucky shoe to a deserving stranger.
23 If the travellers impress him, he gifts it to
and one eye takes a liking to one of the
travellers, and begins following him or her
them. The shoe is indeed fortuitous, and 28 around. The dog is actually a canny and
restores 1 point of Luck at a time of the
ferocious fighter. If befriended, the dog will
owner’s choosing once per adventure.
fight to protect its bipedal pack mates.
Execution A magistrate is presiding over an
Rooftop Rumble Cries of struggle and the
execution in the square. Three middle aged
ringing clash of steel can be heard on a
criminals are to be hanged. A small crowd
nearby rooftop. Glancing up, the party can
24 has gathered. 3d6 guards are in attendance,
29 see several figures moving back and forth
along with the burly, hooded executioner.
along the roof, blades clashing. The figures
Consult the Bones to determine if there is a
appear to be a mix of guardsman and
rescue attempt by related ne’er do wells.
hunched, cowled figures (Urgot).
Plague A pile of dead, plague ridden bodies
are stacked in a side alley, covered in sheets. Rain A miserable, driving rain begins to fall,
25 One body has rolled off the pile, an ornate 30 making the road slippery and riddled with
bracer (worth Valuables A) clasped to its arm. deep puddles.
Mimes A plague of mimes has descended on
31 this street. Their mute performances range
from poor to painful.
Riot A riot has broken out in this square and
adjoining streets. 1d100 +100 furious dock
workers or other labourers have taken up
32 arms against their guild leaders and the town
authority that supports them. The riot is
reaching a crescendo such that the 5d6 guards
will shortly lose control.
Actor A beautiful man (Aros) or woman
(Odea) walks by, drawing the eye of local
33 admirers. He or she is a skilled actor and
Books Middle aged merchant Thelsa is
selling books and maps from a covered stall.
She is also an excellent forger and produces
34 false party invitations, letters of introduction,
identity documents, and so on for discreet

Rivals 6d10 members of three rival parties Zealot A religious zealot is preaching from
(barbarian clans, street gangs, religious atop a wooden stool, inviting passers-by to
orders, mercenary companies) have broken
46 prepare for the end of days, repent, welcome
35 into a bellicose brawl, transforming the street the Old Ones joyfully, etc.
into chaos! No-one has drawn steel yet, but Ritual A procession of 3d6 priests and other
things are escalating quickly. religious officials makes its way down the
Thief! A whipcord teenager with red hair
47 road, offering blessings and scripture to
(Bjernvin) sprints towards the travellers interested passers-by.
36 clutching a pouch. Some ways behind, a Licences The diminutive Tax Collector
portly stall keeper (Yornic) struggles to keep Cruxus, bearing the mayor’s seal, makes a bee
up, yelling “Thief ! Thief !” 48 line for the travellers, and asks to see their
Blood A young man (Carrex, a noble) in fine “weapons and armour licences, if you please”.
clothing staggers in a cluttered ally and Cat A thin looking tabby cat meows at one of
37 collapses. A pool of blood quickly forms the travellers, moving close to brush against
beneath him. their legs if given the chance. Both of the cat’s
Hypnotist Alal the Mysterious is a skilled ears have been cropped. If befriended, the cat
hypnotist and performing a show for a small
49 becomes extremely loyal and has excellent
38 crowd. In addition to his mundane skills, Alal hearing, eyesight, and instincts for danger. He
has recently learnt how to cast the spell Gaze is happy to nap during the day and stay up at
of Beguilement. night, keeping watch over his human.
Explosion! A deafening explosion rocks the Wind A blustering wind is blowing today,
surrounding area, causing tables to shudder 50 knocking light objects off tables and sending
39 and clothes lines to snap. A thick plume of leaves and dust whirling across the ground.
smoke billows from a nearby tower.
Monkey A small monkey has escaped her
enclosure and springs from behind a barrel, DESERtS
wriggling into a traveller’s backpack to hide.
40 A handsome but furious travelling performer Plateau A rocky outcropping rises from the
appears moments later at the end of the street sand, stretching 40 ft high to form a small
with a small net, obviously searching for plateau. Hand carved steps circle up to reach
1 the top. At the uppermost edge, stones have
been placed in small piles at irregular
Fog (50% light, 50% heavy) rolls in off the intervals.
docks or adjoining land. Consult the Bones to
41 determine whether 2d4 Will o’ Wisps follow Oasis An oasis with a watering pool and
after the fog at dusk. shady palms. The water is bitter but non-
2 poisonous. Consult the Bones to determine if
Race Two horses, carriages, or chariots are there are lurking predators (2d4 Giant Crocs
42 racing down the street, two young nobles (70%) or 1d6 Giant Scorpions (30%)).
from opposing houses at the reins! Sandstorm A powerful sandstorm sweeps
Body A body crashes to the ground in front 3 through the region. All travellers must make
of the travellers with a horrendous thud! a Luck (Con) save or become Fatigued.
43 Looking up, 1d3 humanoid shadows can be Heat The unrelenting heat threatens to
seen making a quick getaway across the overcome even the most careful explorer. All
rooftops. 4 travellers must make a Con check or roll 1d10
Orb The elderly merchant Castin has a single on the Toxin Trauma table.
glass orb on his table stall. A number of Statue A 20 ft statue of a many headed
potential customers inquire about the item, serpent is half buried in the sand nearby. 1d6
44 but are quickly turned away. If the travellers 5 Giant Serpents, and 1d4 Serpentmen Hybrids
inquire, Castin says “The orb is not for sale, but (Ssurlocs, 40%) have made a pilgrimage to the
it is time I part with it. The real question is, are site, and are resting in nearby ruins.
you the one the orb waits for?” Raiders 3d10 Human Berserkers (60%) or 3d6
Crier A town crier is ringing his bell and 6 Bandits (40%) looking for an easy raid.
45 declaring “The duke is dead!”

Dungeon A recent tremor or sandstorm has Tribute A Sand Genie (treat as Malafas but
unearthed a humanoid statute with a beetle Reac 2-5 Distant & Aloof, 6-10 Inquisitive 11-
7 like head holding a whip aloft. Beside the 12 Amicable, and Spells (3) Forbidden Wish)
statue, carved steps from a previous age guards a sacred site, most likely an oasis,
descend into a dark tunnel of worked stone. 15 ancient battlefield, cursed altar or rock
Pillars 6 ft pillars of salt rise from the sands, formation. It demands a tribute (gold,
shedding wispy trails in the desert breeze. gemstones, item of personal value) or a test
8 Despite the winds, the columns do not shrink (riddle, moral quandary, entertaining ballad)
or deteriorate. Ancient weapons and shields from all who seek to pass.
are half buried around some of the columns. Hydra A desert Hydra prowls these wastes,
Beetles 2d4 Giant Scarab Beetles (as Fire digging a temporary burrow each day before
16 it goes hunting at night. It leaves enormous
9 Beetles but jet black) playing in the shadows
of high dunes. tracks in the dunes or other wastes.
Camp 4d6 Skorn raiders (60%) or 2d6 Urgot Worm A Purple Worm hunts in this area,
with an Urgozer (40%) have camped nearby, erupting from below to engulf its next meal.
17 Large collapsed tunnels, circular and 15 ft
10 their tracks obvious. Consult the Bones to find
out if the humanoids are downwind of the wide, warn of its presence.
party and have detected their scent. Ants 2d6 Giant Worker Ants (70%), possibly
Ambush! A Desert Bulette bursts from the with 1d4 Soldier escorts (30%) are exploring
11 sandy drifts, intent on swallowing a PC 18 this region. The odd clicking noises of their
before burrowing beneath the wastes! mandibles can be heard before they appear
Scorpions 1d6 Giant Scorpions crawl out of over the next dune.
12 the sand, hoping to ambush their prey from Guardians 3d8 animal headed humanoids
behind. (jackal, hawk, etc) wait for the travellers on a
Cyclopes 3d6 Cyclops raiders are on the hunt, high dune. They are guardians of a scared site
19 and will seek an offering from the party as a
13 ranging from a nearby oasis that they control.
30% chance they have a pet Wyvern. tribute before they permit passage (as Skorn,
Elemental A malicious Fire Elemental is but 3 HD, Int 11, possible Lycanthropes).
14 ranging here. It wants to burn everything it Scarabs A swarm of cursed scarab beetles
finds; 10 HD (70%) or 15 HD (30%). burrows up from beneath the sands, seeking
to infest the party’s food, bedding, and
20 clothes. Each traveller must make a Luck save
or their rations are spoiled, and reduce their
current and maximum Luck by 1 point until
the curse is lifted.

Poison Poisonous vines or mind altering
fungi spores cause all travellers 1d10 damage
1 and inflict a random Madness for 2d4 days. A
Luck (Con) save resists.
Insects A cloud of biting insects carries a rare
disease. The adventurers must make a Luck
(Con) save or suffer Weeping Limbs disease,
2 causing nails to emit yellow puss and flake
off (2d4 Dex loss over 1d3 days). An
apothecary with the right healing herbs might
be able to cure or delay the disease.
Pit Pit traps with spikes, set by cannibals or
territorial Skorn, causing 3d6 damage.
3 Alternatively tree snares suspend travellers 6
ft in the air. A Luck (Dex) save resists.

Statue A 15 ft stone statute,in the likeness of Lair A Hydra lairs nearby in a subterranean
a serpentman, stares imperiously, its fanged 17 cave or pool with a clutch of recent
4 jaws agape. The base is wrapped in flowering hatchlings. They are very hungry.
vines, which appear carefully tended.
Leeches 5d4 Projectile Leeches lurking in the
Hut A wooden hut is set into the branches of
trees waiting to pounce (50%), or 3d6 Urgot
an enormous kapok tree high above. Vines 18 (50%) with an Urgozer (30%) concealed
5 twisted into knotted ropes hang down to 9 ft
behind a thicket of trees and vines.
above the jungle floor.
Skorn 5d6 Skorn are making a loud racket,
Monkeys 5d6 Man Eating Monkeys are in the
crashing their way through the vegetation.
6 trees, stalking the travellers and hoping to 19 Consult the Bones to find out if the Skorn are
drop upon them when they sleep.
upwind and have caught the party’s scent.
Centipedes 2d12 Giant Centipedes are Boar A wild Boar comes crashing through the
7 crawling through the undergrowth, looking undergrowth, thundering past the party at
for a warm body to implant their eggs into. high speed. A few moments later, 2d4 Tigers
Ants 2d6 foraging Giant Worker Ants (70%), 20 (50% chance of 1d3 cubs) suddenly emerge in
possibly with 1d4 Soldier escorts (30%), full stride. Consult the Bones to determine if
8 suddenly emerge from behind a cluster of they abandon the boar and decide to eat the
eight foot, broad leafed aroids. PCs instead.
Splintering The crack and crash of great
trees being broken and hitting the ground
echoes from the west. From here, distant
9 treetops can be seen bending or buckling as
something truly colossal makes its way
through the jungle. A humanoid scream
begins and is quickly cut off.
Vines 5d6 Flesh Eating Vines are growing
here. They keep perfectly still until the party
10 are amongst them before surging to life,
desperate to strangle and absorb them.
Serpents A nest of 2d4 Giant Serpents is
located in the roots of some huge strangler fig
11 trees. Their Serpentman (Ssurloc) handler
might also be nearby (30%).
Serpentmen A band of Serpentmen (3d4
Hraarsk and 2d4 Ssurlocs, 10% chance of a
12 Noble (Razkarrt)) are passing through this
area, on the way to a ley line junction.
Sabretooth One or more Sabretooth Tigers
have been tracking the party for the last two
13 hours, and are about to spring their attack
(70% solitary hunter or otherwise 2d4 pack,
including some cubs).
Apes 2d6 Giant Apes (see Owlbear variant)
14 are lounging beneath some towering kapok
trees. They are fiercely territorial.
T-Rex A ravenous 40 ft Tyrannosaurus Rex is
rampaging through the area. It makes a lot of
15 noise before it arrives, and smaller creatures
(boar and monitor lizards) flee before it.
Drums From the east comes the sound of
16 hundreds of tribal drums. Consult the Bones to
find out if they’re human cannibals or Skorn.

Stones A sinkhole has opened beside an
arrangement of man sized stones. Scraping
6 away some moss reveals runes from a
forgotten fey race. At the bottom of the hole,
earth clad steps lead into ancient darkness.
Puff Small black & white mushrooms herald
the appearance of an enormous, two foot
mushroom with red spots, growing in this
darkened corner of the forest. The giant
7 mushroom puffs out a cloud of spores if
approached, requiring a Luck (Con) save to
avoid a Toxin Trauma effect. PCs might be
able to harvest 1d4 doses of the toxin.
Webs Thick, sticky webbing covers the
ground and lower branches of this heavily
8 wooded area. In the shadows of the higher
branches, 2d4 Giant Spiders are lurking.
Hive A Giant Ant hive is beneath the earth
nearby. 2d6 scouting Giant Worker Ants
(70%), possibly with 1d4 Soldier escorts
9 (30%) can be heard chittering beyond some
nearby trees. Starting a battle here will draw
more ants from the colony.
Beetles 2d4 Fire Beetles are laying eggs here in
the undergrowth. They do not wish to be
fOrestS disturbed and will drive off any curious
Poison Poisonous trees, vines, undergrowth, Serpents 2d6 Giant Serpents are slithering
or noxious spores, causing all travellers 2d6 through the undergrowth or winding through
1 damage, 1 Con loss, and a random Madness branches in the trees. Consult the Bones to see
for 1d6 days. A Luck (Con) save resists. 11 if they have spotted the party and attempt to
Huts A trio of dilapidated thatched huts sit in ambush them. Otherwise, their hissing can be
2 a small clearing beside a bubbling brook. Five heard before they are seen (Perc (Det) check).
burial mounds can be seen beside the houses. Cracking A curious creaking and scratching
Snared A female barbarian named Iriti is noise can be heard in the next swath of trees.
struggling against a tree snare that is 12 A towering Owlbear (50%) or mated pair
3 suspending her 10 ft in the air, setting off (50%) are itching their backs against ancient
some wooden chimes. In 2d4 rounds the 2d6 tree trunks.
Ogres that set the trap arrive to investigate. Howls Wolf howls fill the air an hour before
Bridge A very old, stone arch bridge stretches a pack of 3d4 Wolves (70%) or 2d4 Dire
across a long, dry riverbed. In centuries past, Wolves (30%) appear through the trees,
druids used the bridge to commune with 13 surrounding the party. The alphas know the
4 distant spirits. Attempting to cross the bridge weakest of the pack are near starvation and
has a 50% chance of summoning dark won’t leave without something. They might
entities from the Veil (DDM #11-12 Rift). be appeased with food (or a horse).
Carving A lone tree, gnarled and white, Death During the night, 2d6 pitch black
spotted with age, stands in a clearing. 14 Shades silently emerge from between the
Something is carved in the tree, but it’s hard trees, swiftly gliding towards the party sentry!
to tell what from afar. A fey might reside Treants A grove of 1d4 Bloodroot Treants are
5 within or nearby, willing to swap information masquerading as trees. An astute observer
for stories of the outside world. Or perhaps 15 might notice their subtle leaf or branch
the tree is cursed, or good fortune, imparting signalling.
such to any who touch it.

Rats 5d4 Giant Rats (70%) or 3d4 Dire Rats Cloud A small, low lying cloud seems to be
(30%) are scavenging here, snuffling about. If following the party, matching their speed and
the party are being noisy, they hide in the 6 direction. As each hour passes, it slowly
16 shadows. The rats try to snatch any food in descends, drawing nearer.
the party’s backpacks, or take a bite out of an Quarrel From around a bend, quarrelling in
arm or leg, then flee. Dire Rats try to drag one broken, guttural common can be heard. 2d6
of the party away. Ogres are fighting over whether they should
Skorn 4d6 Skorn (60%) or 2d6 Urgot with an 7 continue in the same direction or change
Urgozer (40%) are camped here at a small heading. Consult the Bones to determine
17 pond. They are in a foul mood, having failed whether they are upwind and smell the party
to catch any food today. Perhaps their coming, in which case they go quiet.
fortunes are about to change. Nest On a stony escarpment, a 100 ft
Bats Flock of 3d6 Vampire Bats (treat as latticework of small trees and boulders forms
Stirge) are hanging high in the trees, making a gigantic nest. Dark grey feathers, 12 ft long,
the occasional flutter with their wings. They 8 litter the ground. If the centre of the nest is
18 watch the party warily, but do not attack explored, three four foot eggs can be found
unless the travellers are sporting obvious, hidden beneath a bedding of leafy shrubs.
bloody wounds. Taurs 1d8 Minotaurs are hunting in the area,
Branch A heavy deadwood branch falls from keenly sniffing the air for the scent of man
19 a diseased tree, causing 1d10 damage to a 9 flesh. They live in a nearby ravine containing
single traveller. A Dex check resists. the bones and accoutrements of prior meals.
Light Wisps of light circle high out of reach Feasting 1d6 Giant Scorpions are feasting on
in the tree branches above, following the dead skorn, tearing them apart with their
20 party. They seem to resonate an ethereal 10 massive pincers. Another meal of juicy
hum, a sorrowful dirge that rises and falls humanoid flesh would not be unwelcome.
with the breeze.

MountainS & hillS

Obelisk A tall obelisk with ancient silver
markings rises from the depths of a shallow
1 crater. The floor of the crater is mirrored,
reflecting the stars and moon overhead.
Tunnel Set into the mountain side is a dim,
10 ft tall tunnel. Guttering torchlight can be
seen within. The entryway is ringed with
2 bronze verdigris capstones, warded against
intruders. Any non-cyclops who attempts to
enter must make a Luck (Will) save or suffer
2d6 cold damage.
Steep A steep slope or cliff like ridge must be
climbed, requiring a Str (Athletics) check. If
3 failed, the traveller is Fatigued by the time
they reach the top.
Cave Flickering torchlight can be seen from a
large cave mouth. 4d6 Skorn (60%) or 2d6
4 Urgot with an Urgozer (40%) are inside, taking
a brief respite. Consult the Bones to determine
if a sentry is keeping watch.
Encampment Dozens of campfire smoke
5 columns can be seen wafting over a high ridge
to the north.

Run! 1d4 Goblins come rushing around the Pools 1d3 Grey Ooze lurk in large rock
corner in the trail, breathing hard, moving 18 depressions, mimicking small polluted pools.
11 straight past the PCs if permitted. 1d12 Hill
Rockslide! All travellers must make a Luck
Giants, also short on breath, come hurtling (Dex) save or suffer 3d6 damage. If damage
around the bend a few moments later. 19 of 13+ is rolled, a Con check is also required
Cyclopes 3d6 Cyclopes are roaming here, to avoid Blunt Trauma (1d12).
following orders to scout the area. Looks like
12 Xornlings 2d4 diminutive Xornlings are
their soothsayer was right after all; there are
blending into the rock face here, hiding
humans present to feast upon.
behind loose scree. They can smell any
Snuffling, cracking and grinding sounds can 20 precious metals or gems carried by the party,
be heard up ahead. On a high ledge further and will try to sneak into their packs or
13 along are 1d4 Manticores, devouring the pouches to eat them.
remains of an unlucky barbarian. Depending
their number, they might want more food.
Bulette A hungry Bulette bursts from the OceanS, lakeS, riverS
14 earth, showering the adventurers with rocks
as it tries to bite one in half. Storm A powerful storm with heavy rain and
Ambush 1d6 Hill Giants are waiting in high winds blows in. Watercraft might
ambush on this mountain path. A successful become damaged and unsound craft threaten
15 1 to break apart. Visibility is reduced and
Perc (Det) check hears them complaining
about hunger, tipping off would be prey. checks to retain steady footing are made at
disadvantage while the storm rages.
Wyverns 1d4 Wyverns use these mountain
tops as their hunting grounds. They are Becalmed This region of water is becalmed,
16 particularly fond of snatching up metallic stranding sailing vessels without oars. The
2 travellers must make a group Luck save each
humanoids and dropping them from great
heights to crack open their hard shells. day to determine whether the winds return.
Griffons A flock of 2d6 Griffons (50%) or 2d6 Raiders Viking like raiders in a longship
Harpies (50%) begin circling high above the (3d20+40 crew, including rowers) appear on
3 the horizon, changing course to intercept the
17 party, riding the currents. They observe them
for a time, gauging their prospects of a travellers.
successful raid. Dolphins 2d6 dolphins, seals, otters or other
4 inquisitive but harmless marine life takes an
interest in the travellers.
Wreck A damaged merchant caravel from a
nearby port or village, or another water craft,
5 bobs in the current, half submerged. Consult
the Bones to determine if there are 1d4
survivors with a ghastly tale to tell.
Inky Depths The water surrounding the
travellers turns jet black in all directions.
6 Birds diving for fish do not resurface from the
inky depths.
Balloon A one of a kind hot air balloon ship
flies overhead. The captain and his crew
7 might be spying on the travellers,
coincidentally passing through, or drawing
lightning from the clouds.
Fog A thick fog rolls in, reducing visibility to
Far range. Consult the Bones to find out if 2d4
8 Will o’ Wisps emerge from the fog, keen to
torment the crew or distract them long
enough to ground them on a nearby reef.

Trolls 2d6 Sea Trolls (as Troll but hooked Battle On the horizon, two cogs (approx 20
tentacle arms, with Swim Close) intercept the 19 crew) are in the midst of a pitched battle with
9 vessel and cling to the hull beneath the water. 1d3 pirate caravels (approx 30 crew).
In the dead of night, they scale the ship and Dinosaur A Kronosaurus (see Giant Croc
attempt to eat everyone on board. variant) surfaces nearby, slowly turning its
Pirates A pirate ship (carrack, crew 2d10+40 gaze to fix upon the party’s ship. If the PCs
pirates) appears on the horizon and gives
20 seek to flee, a successful Party Retreat check
10 chase. Consult the Bones to determine if they means the winds are with them, or the
are slavers, otherwise they leave no survivors. behemoth is distracted by some other prey.
Hag A Blue Hag (as Hag, but amphibious and
Spells (3) Gaze of Beguilement, Witch Fog
(causes Near Blind, and Madness in a Far PLAINS & GRASSLANDS
11 area, Luck (Will) save resists Madness), Blast Wildfire erupts in nearby grassland,
of Frozen Ruin. She follows the ship for a sweeping through neighbouring plains, filling
time, hoping for the opportunity to snatch the sky with smoke and embers. Consult the
one of the crew and eat them. Bones to see if the winds blow the fire towards
Jelly An Ochre Jelly is swimming on top of the party. If so, a group Luck save is required
the water, slowly undulating towards its next 1 to avoid being caught in the flames and
12 meal. It can slurp its way up the side of the suffocating smoke, causing 4d6 damage and
ship without difficulty. requiring a roll on the Injuries & Setbacks
Mutiny! If the PCs have other crew aboard, table. Taking appropriate precautions grants
80% of them seek to seize control of the ship advantage on the check (using a facemask,
13 and change course for elsewhere. The losing shelter in a trench or pool, etc).
side is made to walk the plank! Shaman In the distance a single humanoid
Wyverns 1d6 Wyverns are hunting in the wearing an bird skull mask can be seen,
skies and decide the party are a potential 2 raising her arms and voice to the sky.
14 meal worth investigating. They begin to Moments later, a peal of thunder sounds
slowly circle down towards them. overhead.
Sabotage A saboteur has planted a slow Palisade A wooden palisade 50 ft on a side
acting poison in the ship’s water supply or has been erected here, protecting a large tent
ration stores, spoiling them (an enemy of the 3 within. A solitary Stone Golem stands outside
PCs or crew). Everyone who has partaken of the entry gates.
15 the ship’s stores must make a Luck (Con) save Scavengers 5d4 Giant Rats (70%) or 3d4 Dire
each day or lose 1d2 Con (on a save, the Rats (30%) are scavenging an animal corpse.
poison subsides). An apothecary with the 4 They might take their chances against an
right healing herbs might craft an antidote. adventurer, particularly if they can isolate a
Pox One of the crew has Lake Pox, a highly small or obviously injured target.
contagious skin disease that causes painful Crater A 50 ft crater blackens the earth, at the
boils to manifest under the armpits, crotch, centre of which lies a man sized meteorite of
and jaw overnight (1d6 Dex loss). The 5 blue veined crystal. Serpent like tracks lead
16 infected are contagious (airborne and touch away from the mysterious rock.
vectors) for 1d4 days, and the boils disappear Footprints A clear pond is located here. Wet
after 1d4 months. A Luck (Con) check resists. humanoid footprints can be found nearby,
An apothecary with the right healing herbs 6 circling the area. If the pond is explored, a
might halve the duration. dark underwater tunnel is discovered.
Slavers A huge merchant galley (up to 300 Centaurs 2d8 Centaurs are on sentry duty in
crew), apparently in good condition, sits idle this region, which they have recently claimed
17 and seemingly abandoned. The flag displays as part of their ancestral territory. They are
the shackle icon of slavers. 7 extremely hostile towards outsiders and will
Sprites 5d4 water Sprites take an interest in seek to drive them away, using their war
the sailors, swimming alongside or climbing horns to summon more of their kin if
18 aboard the adventurers’ craft to cause necessary.

Fog Clouds roll in and a thick fog settles over Willow A Bloodroot Treant masquerading as
the grasslands, reducing visibility to Far a large willow tree, hoping to lure a meal.
8 15 Careful scrutiny of the tree reveals a number
range. Consult the Bones to see if 3d6 mounted
tribesmen, Skorn or Centaurs are in the fog. of bloodstained branches.
Eagles 2d4 Giant Eagles are wheeling over Clash A warband of 4d8 Ogres are clashing
head, descending from the thermals of with 5d10 mounted barbarians (50%) or
9 16 Skorn (50%). If any monsters notice the
distant peaks as they survey the grasslands for
food. Their chicks are hungry. party, they attack them too.
Tiger A Tiger (70%) or mated pair (30%, Serpents 1d6 Giant Serpents, or if one a single
possibly with cubs) are hunting in the long massive 16 ft specimen (10 HD, Heavy), is
10 17 slithering through the long grass, eager to
grass, stealthily stalking the rear member of
the party. locate their next meal.
Captive 2d4 boisterous Ogres, taunting a Wolves Two rival packs of 3d4 Wolves (70%)
11 trussed up, captive barbarian (Bok), on the or 2d4 Dire Wolves (30%) are fighting over
18 hunting grounds, growling and snapping at
way back to their clan campsite to eat him.
Pack A large pack of 3d4 Wolves, led by each other.
1d4+2 Dire Wolves, are on the hunt, Barbarians A band of 3d10+20 xenophobic
12 signalling to each other via howls. The Dire barbarian riders appear in the distance. The
Wolves have developed a taste for human 19 travellers might be able to hide from them,
flesh and will not be distracted by horses, etc. negotiate passage, or neutralize the encounter
Wasps 2d4 Giant Wasps are buzzing low in some other way.
across the grasslands, searching for some Skorn 3d10 Skorn hunters are loping through
humanoid sized prey. If they manage to the grasses here, on the trail for fresh meat.
13 20 Consult the Bones to determine if they are
incapacitate a target, they will withdraw,
carrying the unfortunate with them (for later upwind of the party and hiding in ambush.
eating and/or egg implantation).

Holes A Bulette is hunting here, evidenced by
6 ft wide holes scattered across the region (the ROadS & trailS
tunnels have collapsed in on themselves). Cart A broken down cart, filled with
firewood and other timber. Two elderly
wagoners (Orson, Rugert) ask for help to
1 mend the axle and get them back on the road.
The wagoners have lived in the region many
years, and might have useful information.
Visitors 2d6 wealthy tourists visiting from
the neighbouring towns and villages. They
2 are accompanied by 4d6 guards. They are in
good spirits and happy to share stories with
other travellers.
Crow Cage A thief named Beth is locked in a
crow cage dying of starvation. She pleads
3 with the travellers to release her, in return for
a service or valuable information.
Patrol 4d6 local Soldiers or militia on patrol.
4 They don’t suffer cheek.
Caravan A merchant caravan protected by
5d6 guards. Roll 1d8 (i) cloth, (ii) wine, (iii)
5 foodstuffs, (iv) oil, (v) trinkets or art, (vi)
tools, (vii) wheat, (iv) iron.
Pilgrims 4d6 pilgrims making their way to a
6 near (or far) shrine or temple.

Carriage A carriage carrying the highborn Horse A saddled but rider less messenger
7 Lord Verne, escorted by 3d4 knights or other horse thunders past, saddlebags intact. Half a
heavily armed guards. mile up the trail is the dead messenger’s body
16 with a broken neck, as if thrown from his
Quest A robed woman with a shaved head on
a horse, escorted by three men with features horse. A severed chain dangles from a locked
8 reminiscent of a monkey, a pig, and a fish. forearm clasp.
They are on a quest to locate some holy Adventurers 2d4 adventurers (p.206) chasing
scriptures. a rumour of lost treasure, magic or glory.
Bandits 3d6 bandits block the road, extorting 17 They might invite the company to join forces,
a “road tax” from travellers. If asked how consider them rivals, or ignore them, based
9 much, the leader Grent replies “How much ya on the circumstances.
got?” Troupe A troupe of 3d6 performers, artisans
Crone A Hag, posing as an old crone, makes 18 and bards. Some might be opportunistic
polite conversation with the party, hoping to thieves or spies on the side.
gain their trust and accompany them for a Knights A detachment of 4d6 knights are
10 time. When the opportunity arises, she urgently hunting a criminal, traitor, or other
attempts to eat one of them before escaping. human enemy. They interrogate everyone
She leaves behind an Evil Eye pendant, to spy
19 they encounter for any useful information.
on her pursuers should they track her. Consult the Bones to determine whether one
Raiders 3d10 barbarians (60%) or 4d6 Skorn of the travellers resembles their quarry.
(40%) have decided to risk raids on road Treant A Bloodroot Treant has taken up
11 travellers, despite the occasional guard
residence beside the road, masquerading as a
patrols, in the hopes of earning more normal tree. Tell-tale signs of blood can be
valuable booty. found around the base of the tree.
Impersonators 1d6 Wererats (60%) or
Werewolves (40%) in human form and posing
as (i) merchants, (ii) explorers, (iii) farmers,
(iv) labourers, (v) miners, or (vi) artisans,
12 attempt to befriend the party and accompany
them for a time. If rebuffed, or when the
opportunity arises (or at the next full moon)
they attack.
Beggars 2d4 beggars line the thoroughfare,
asking for alms. One or more might belong to
13 a network of spies, keeping an eye on the to-
ings and fro-ings along the road.
Wagon A wagon carrying an undertaker
(Master Tibers) and a number of coffins. He is
armed with a well used sword, but would like
the party to act as his guards till the next town
14 (his prior guards got into a drunken brawl
and were arrested). The undertaker might be
Doppelganger, hoping to kill one of the
travellers and take his place, hiding the body
in one of the coffins.
Smugglers 1d6 smugglers with a carriage or
textiles wagons, secreting transporting, 1d8
(i) false papers, (ii) slaves, (iii) gems, (iv)
counterfeit coins, (v) poison, (vi) floor plans,
15 (vii) maps, (viii) spellbook. Nosey travellers
might get a sword in the gut, or an invitation
to help out for a cut, depending on the

Encampment An encampment of 5d10
Urgot, led by an Urgozer, live nearby in a
Blizzard A terrible blizzard lasting many permanent hide skin encampment. In the
8 desolate wastes, they practice dark and
hours erupts. Unless the party can find or
1 build adequate shelter, each PC must make a dangerous rituals, hidden away from the rest
Luck (Con) save or suffer 1d3 Con loss and be of the world.
Fatigued. Frost Worms 2d4 Frost Worms (15 ft long,
Glacier A breaking glacier has unearthed a AC 15, 7 HD, 2d8 dmg) are burrowing their
2 metallic, 40 foot cylindrical object, mostly (or 9 way through the surface ice or snow, attracted
entirely) encased in a shelf of deep ice. to the party’s foot falls, hoping for a meal of
Crevasse A crevasse breaks open beneath the warm flesh.
lead traveller, who must make a Luck (Dex) Cyclopes 3d6 Cyclopes are scavenging here.
3 save or fall to the bottom (1d10 x 10 feet deep, They are outcasts from a large tribe in remote
10 mountains, and are looking to resettle. They
ie Close range).
Cave A serpent like cave mouth is set into a are in a ferociously foul mood.
4 low rise, ridge, or escarpment. Flickering Ooze Lurking beneath the snow or ice is a
torchlight can be seen within. Sentient Ooze that burrowed up from the earth
Pack A pack of 3d4 Wolves (70%) or 2d4 11 before falling into a dormant state. If a
Winter Wolves (30%; as Dire Wolves) are traveler approaches within Close range,
5 tracking the party through the wastes, hoping Consult the Bones to find out if it wakes.
the humans will suffer exhaustion before Ice Bulette An Ice Bulette (as Bulette, but
targeting the weakest member. amphibious and immune to cold damage)
Smoke The smoke from a single campfire hunts in this region. If burrowing up through
12 ice, the travellers feel the tremors and cracks
wafts into the air beyond the next rise. A
6 mysterious explorer sits by the flames, a thick at least one round before it arrives (if
fur cowl pulled over their head. burrowing up through clear ice, they see it).
Altar A ring of humanoid statues, seemingly Yeti A lumbering, shaggy, vicious 14 ft Yeti
made of ice, encircle a black, altar like rock. prowls here, hoping for warm flesh to feast
7 13 upon (as Owlbear, but Heavy, Off Turn
A yellowed bone drinking horn sits atop the
altar, covered in frost. Attacks, and immune to cold damage).
Roc A Roc flies far overhead, scouring the
white wastes for a suitably sized meal (it
14 usually hunts frost giants, polar bears or
mammoths). Humans however make for
good entrees.
Giants 1d10 Frost Giants are traversing the
snow or ice fields, on their way to a meeting
15 with other giant kin. It’s been a long time
since humans were on the menu.
Elemental A 15 HD Water Elemental (quasi
ice) is gathering strength here. Unlike most of
its kind, it has developed a degree of
16 intelligence (Int 4), and will attempt to
communicate with the adventurers. It is
interested to learn about what lies beyond the
white wastes.
Beetles 2d4 Ice Beetles (as Fire Beetles, but
deep blue and without any luminescence) are
17 hibernating in frost covered shells. From a
distance they look like three foot long snow

Ice Serpent An Ice Serpent (as Purple Worm)
18 lies dormant beneath the ice, waiting for
travellers of sufficient size to awaken it.
Raiders 3d10 Viking like raiders are
19 travelling across the horizon, pulling their
gear on sleds.
Avalanche! Each traveller suffers 4d6
20 damage (Luck (Dex) save for half).

Quicksand! The lead traveller must make a
1 Luck (Dex) save or be sucked underwater,
losing 1d3 Con in the scramble to escape.
Scales A gigantic, half submerged dragon
skeleton lies in the water. Although ancient
and highly decomposed, a handful of scales
2 remain intact, and could be worked into a
shield, breastplate, or helmet (any special
properties at the GM’s discretion).
Bog Fumes Each traveller must make a Luck
3 (Con) save or suffer 1d6 damage and a
random Madness (lasts 1d4 months). Crocs 2d4 Giant Crocodiles lie in ambush,
Stirges 3d10 ravenous Stirges descend on the 10 fully submerged in the filthy swamp water but
4 party in a buzzing swarm. for their nostrils.
Chest An ancient mangrove tree has carvings Nest A nest of 1d6 Giant Serpents can be
of capering, demonic frogmen lording over found nearby, including 1d4 baby serpents
humans. Roots have merged with an oaken and 1d4 unhatched eggs the size of a man’s
11 hand (worth 1d4 x 100 sp each to the right
5 chest (1 x Valuables B), sealing it shut. Consult
the Bones to find out if 2d4+1 Swamp Sprites buyer). The serpents will defend their brood
are nearby the sacred ground, preparing to at all costs.
enact loathsome rituals. Trolls 1d12 Moor Trolls wander these fens,
Vermin 5d4 Projectile Leeches lurking within searching for sentient flesh to feast upon.
6 shallow pools (50%), or concealed in bracken 12 When pickings are scarce, they go into a state
are 2d12 Giant Centipedes (50%). of dormancy and sink beneath the watery
Refuse A 10 ft wide pile of green brown mud, waiting for prey to rouse them.
refuse sits in the middle of a dark pool. Snails 1d4 Hammer Snails come surging out
Careful inspection of the pile reveals a of a wide thicket of bracken, crowberry or
7 13 scattered birch trees, gliding towards the
number of shiny objects within. Anyone
approaching might notice ripples in the party with a sickening slurping noise.
water, or tremors from the pile itself. Eels 2d6 amphibious Giant Eels (as Giant
Hut A wooden hut stands elevated on stilts Serpent but Swim Close, and electric shock
within a bog cluttered moor. Smoke rises (Luck (Con) save or Stunned instead of
14 poison) emerge from dank, clouded pools,
8 from a small chimney, and light flickers
behind a set of shutters. The insects here are hoping to take a bite out of the adventurers
eerily silent. before fleeing back into the muck.
Stinging insect swarm. Each adventurer must Treants A grove of 1d4 Bloodroot Treants are
make a Luck (Con) save or contract Febrile masquerading as bald cypress trees. They
Rot, a feverish wasting disease, suffering 1d4 15 attempt to drown passers-by in shallow pools.
9 Str loss each day (save each morning to end). Their scarlet stained roots might tip off the
An apothecary might be able to cure the wary.
disease with the right healing herbs.

Toads 2d6 Giant Toads are croaking loudly in
the area, signalling to each other to gather for UNDERGROUND
spawning, or alternatively to feast on the
adventurers (or both). Rockfall! Party requires a group Luck (Dex)
1 save or 2d4 dmg and Blunt Trauma (1d12).
Hut Hags live nearby in a ramshackle hut
made of mud bricks; either one (70%) or a Crevasse Tremors have opened a large
coven of three (30%). Consult the Bones to crevasse here, blocking the way. The crevasse
17 learn whether the hags foresaw the party’s 2 is 1d4 x 10 ft wide and 1d10 x 10 ft deep.
arrival, and are waiting for them with a Consult the Bones to determine whether
prophetic message, threat, or an offer of something awful climbs out of it.
mutual gain. Underwind A rare underdark wind rips
Fog A curious fog descends on the moorlands through the passage, extinguishing all non-
that persists for 1d4 hours. Consult the Bones 3 magical lights. Consult the Bones (unlikely) to
18 to determine if 2d4 Will o’ Wisps appear from find out if a Green Slime coincidentally drops
the gloom, hoping to lure travellers into sink from the ceiling to attack.
holes or quicksand. Clanking An empty well or narrow vertical
Horns 3d6 Skorn (60%) or 2d6 barbarians are chute sits in the middle of a small chamber. If
4 travellers listen carefully, they might hear
hunting in the area, using drums or horns to
19 signal to each other. If combat begins, the grinding noises echoing from deep below.
other half of the war party (similar numbers) Webs are strung across much of this area, on
appears as reinforcements in 2d6 rounds. the walls, floor, and ceiling. 2d4 Giant Spiders
Serpentmen 4d4 Serpentmen (Hraarsk), are either lurking in webs (50%) or hidden
5 behind trapdoors concealed in the wall or
possibly with 1d4 Ssurlocs (40%), are ranging
far from their lair, scouting the area for signs floor (50%; a Perc (Detection) check notices
of ley lines. If the serpentmen are defeated, the outlines of the burrow doors).
20 the leader possesses an old, brittle map Fungi Forest A naturally formed side tunnel
indicating the location of a crossing between opens up into a gigantic cavern filled with a
a leyline and an ancient ruin (if translated, it 6 still, dark lake, in the centre of which is a
is labelled the Spire of Abartu). small forest of giant fungi. Within rises a 40
ft, golden monolith with a crenelated top.
Mould 2d4 patches of Yellow Mould are
7 growing in dark corners (or are in stasis like
dormancy, if no food sources are available).
Mouth A 6 ft carved red devil face, with a
wide open mouth, is set into the wall. The
8 mouth is large enough to crawl into. The
interior of the mouth is unnaturally black, as
if somehow absorbing nearby torchlight.
Gas A tremor releases a pocket of flammable
gas in the party’s vicinity. The gas is clear but
may be detected by scent with a Perc
(Detection) test. If any flame based light
9 sources are not extinguished in 1d4 rounds,
the gas explodes for 3d6 damage (the light
source is destroyed). If the damage is 15+,
the victim also rolls Blast Trauma (1d8).
Fungi 2d4 Mushroom Men (sentient walking
toadstools, AC 10, HD 4, Tendril 2d6, choke
and stick to target on Nat 19) are hibernating
10 in this chamber, surrounded by many smaller
varieties of fungus and mould. If the party
lingers here, they awaken within 1d4 rounds.

Jelly An Ochre Jelly is searching for organic Ambush! 1d6 Rock Grinders burst from the
11 matter to consume, undulating along a 16 walls, ceiling or floor, homing in on the
corridor wall or rooftop. resonance of the party’s precious metals.
Worms 1d6 Plague Worms are moving Elemental A pile of earth and rock the size
12 through these tunnels, tasting the air for signs of a large wagon is lumped against a wall.
of succulent flesh. The 10 HD Earth Elemental is replenishing its
Statue Pieces A Basilisk has made its home in
17 strength from nearby stone, which slides
across the walls and floor to merge with it. It
the walls nearby, digging itself a large cavity
13 to sleep in. Scattered about the area are the
is in a quasi sleeping state and may be surly if
remnants of old petrified meals.
Skorn 4d6 Skorn (40%) or 2d6 Urgot with an
Mould A mould known as Miner’s Woe is Urgozer (60%) are either exploring these
growing nearby. Its airborne spores require a 18 tunnels, or their skeletons lie dead on the
Luck (Con) save to avoid suffering a floor, killed by some unknown beast (1 x
wheezing, hacking cough developing over the Carry Loot B).
14 next 1d6 x 10 mins. The condition imposes
Ooze A Grey Ooze is silently stalking the
disadvantage on endurance related tests and
passages here. It uses its Emotion Burst ability
the sufferer speaks in whispers only, lasting 19 to try and confuse or isolate a member of the
for 1d4 weeks. An apothecary with healing
party before it attacks.
herbs might reduce the duration by half.
Antennae 2d12 Giant Centipedes are crawling
Aberrant A Tentacle Spawn (50% 1d3) or Eye across the ceiling, antennae twitching for
Terror is exploring this area, expanding its 20 food. They might be driven off if branded
15 knowledge of near surface tunnels. If it with open flames such as torches.
thinks it can prevail, it will gladly take the
opportunity to devour some surface dwellers.

Mercenaries are slightly different (apart from the
smell). They mean to fight, and expect to be put in
peril, but they didn’t sign up for shoving fingers in
Hirelings come in two kinds: mercenaries, typically locks, pulling on suspicious levers, or deciphering
rash fodder with sharp steel and dull wits, and non- tedious puzzles. Sellswords sign on for coin, glory,
combatants; desperate souls willing to risk life and and combat experience, and won’t agree to being
limb as torch bearers, etc for hard coin. Hirelings trap monkeys or campfire cooks. Then again, some
normally die at zero hp, but the GM may allow PCs offers are hard to refuse; they might just be cajoled
to spend a point of Luck to allow them a Death into something stupid in special cases.
save (once per hireling, or as the GM determines).

ROleS HOw Many?

Hirelings are generally recruited during Downtime,
Hirelings are willing to perform their specific role up to 1d3 + Cha mod retainers being available (and
as agreed (and set their fee to). Non-combatants “trust” the PC enough to risk accompanying them).
might be willing to perform other relatively safe The process of buying drinks/making inquiries and
roles if capable (eg a torchbearer might act as a vetting potential hires usually takes 1d3 days and
porter if he doesn’t have a bad back), but will not costs 2d10 sp. Urgent recruitment may be possible
fight unless cornered, and then only to save their at higher cost (GM’s call). A Cha (Leadership)
own skin. As a rule of thumb, hirelings won’t do check is required to convince the potential hires to
anything the PCs aren’t willing to do themselves. sign on with the party (any modifiers are GM’s
call). Each hireling has an even chance of being a
mercenary or a non-combatant, unless the PC goes
out of their way to recruit one kind or the other.


The GM determines cost, taking into account the
region’s usual price lists, nature of the job, etc. As a
rule of thumb however, mercs cost 10 sp/day and
non-combatants 3 sp/day. Example Argosa names
appear below, split into the five human cultures:
Argosans, Nydissians (n), Varnori (v), Karoks (k)
and Thuels (t). Names with an (f) are female names.

1-2 Erik 21-22 Pax (n,f) 41-42 Jugath (t) 61-62 Ettore (k) 81-82 Wick
3-4 Brigley 23-24 Herotta (v,f) 43-44 Merek 63-64 Sula (t,f) 83-84 Carver
5-6 Gorath 25-26 Donoso (k) 45-46 Thea (f) 65-66 Crowe 85-86 Avenius (n)
7-8 Numitor (n) 27-28 Grubar (t) 47-48 Corvex (n) 67-68 Terrin 87-88 Arnolf (v)
9-10 Maarika (v,f) 29-30 Vance 49-50 Sigfurd (v) 69-70 Brogen 89-90 Garcilo (k)
11-12 Costana (k,f) 31-32 Carter 51-52 Falker 71-72 Iovis (n,f) 91-92 Orok (t)
13-14 Krul (t) 33-34 Daria (f) 53-54 Boris 73-74 Luta (v,f) 93-94 Yaness (f)
15-16 Robek 35-36 Ferox (n) 55-56 Gorven 75-76 Mercado (k) 95-96 Dain
17-18 Torin 37-38 Yorri (v) 57-58 Sertus (n) 77-78 Hothra (t,f) 97-98 Tybalt
19-20 Eloise (f) 39-40 Marente (k) 59-60 Lagertha (v,f) 79-80 Ayleth (f) 99-00 Ruen

Hirelings are commonly from the lowest rungs of The traits table includes a mix of humorous,
society, emboldening them in their quest for coin. curious, and distinguishing oddities, some suited to
The Backgrounds table (p.8) serves equally well for the rigours of adventuring, and others not. Players
non combatants. For mercenaries roll 1d8 (i) ex- might also use this table during PC creation, if
city watch, (ii) ex-militia, (iii) bodyguard, (iv) pit desired.
fighter, (v) ex-soldier, (vi) thug (vii) ex-pirate (viii)
green recruit.
The personas below are skewed towards the kinds Half Dwarf Stark
of fortune hunters, outsiders, and other 3-4 (Con 15)
53-54 White Hair
desperadoes willing to accompany unpredictable
adventurers into the dark places of the world. 5-6 Pockmarked 55-56 Elderly
Players might also utilise this table during PC
7-8 Ugly Mug 57-58 Bald/Hairless
creation, if desired.
9-10 Missing Ear 59-60 Sumo Size
perSOnality 11-12 Very Scruffy 61-62 1d4+12 yrs old
1-3 Loose Canon 53-56 Dimwitted 13-14 Missing Teeth 63-64 Bad Wheeze
4-6 Short Fuse 57-59 Prankster 15-16 Limp or Pegleg 65-66 Only Whispers
7-9 Deceptive 60-62 Sneaky Git Half Skorn
17-18 Missing Finger 67-68 (Str, Con 13)
10-12 Cynical 63-65 Lotus Addict 19-20 Pox, Warts, etc 69-70 Nose Ring
13-15 Brutish 66-68 Pagan 21-22 Lucky Pet 71-72 Exile’s Mark
16-18 Greedy 69-70 Sly 23-24 7 ft Giant Str 17 73-74 Hook Hand
19-21 Callous 71-72 Reckless Handlebar Thievery
25-26 Moustache
75-76 Brand
22-24 Hears Voices 73-74 Grieving
27-28 Obvious Scars 77-78 on Face
25-27 Shameless 75-76 Loose Lips
28-30 Overconfident 77-78 Godless 29-30 Foul Odor 79-80 Lisp
Refuses to Constant
31-32 Argumentative 79-80 Sassy 31-32 Wear Pants
81-82 Muttering
33-34 Death Wish 81-82 Blamer 33-34 Hard of Hearing 83-84 Crude Glasses
35-36 Outspoken 83-84 Ruthless 35-36 Lice Ridden 85-86 Loud Talker
37-38 Gambler 85-86 Selfish 37-38 Eye Patch 87-88 Bad Wig
39-40 Snarky 87-88 Lazy 39-40 Body Tattoos 89-90 Broken Nose
41-42 Mirthless 89-90 Rowdy Lucky (like Cat Reflexes
41-42 a Halfling)
91-92 (Dex 15)
43-44 Paranoid 91-92 Blunt
43-44 Hunchback 93-94 Bad Breath
45-46 Withdrawn 93-94 Jaded
45-46 Lazy Eye 95-96 Massive Beard
47-48 Bawdy 95-96 Foul Mouthed
47-48 Twins (2 for 1) 97-98 Hairy Palms
49-50 Alcoholic 97-98 Daring
49-50 Androgynous 99-00 Mute
51-52 Superstitious 99-00 Iron Grit

Gear Roll d100 for a catchphrase to further differentiate
hirelings, if desired.
In addition to everyday items, non-combatant
hirelings may use light armour, one handed melee
weapons, and slings. Roll 1d4 for their starting gear. CATCHPHRASE
Mercenaries may use any weapon, light or medium 1-2 Not how I’d have done it.
armour, and shields. Roll 1d12 for their starting
gear, plus dagger. Naturally, PCs may buy better 3-4 A shovel will sort it.
equipment for their hirelings. 5-6 I can do it fast, or I can do it right.
7-8 You had one job.
9-10 Slackjaw scrumpy time.
Non-Combatant Knife, no armour.
1 Mercenary Shortsword, light armour. 11-12 We’re all gonna die.
Non-Combatant Club, no armour. 13-14 I like the silver more than I like you.
2 Mercenary Flail, light armour.
15-16 Can’t hear you over my brain talk.
Non-Combatant Staff, no armour.
3 Mercenary Spear, light armour, shield. 17-18 This is bullsh*t.
Non-Combatant Sling, no armour. 19-20 Argona save us.
4 Mercenary Heavy mace, medium armour.
21-22 Fangs of fate!
Mercenary Heavy Mace or Hammer, 1d3
5 light axes, shield, medium armour. 23-24 Does this look swollen to you?
Mercenary Spear, 1d3+1 javelins, medium 21-22 Permission to speak, cap’n?
6 armour.
Mercenary Longsword or Battle Axe, 23-24 We should never have come here.
7 shield, medium armour. 25-26 I ain’t got time to die.
8 Mercenary Polearm, medium armour. 27-28 Son of a scob must pay.
Mercenary Great Sword or Axe, medium 29-30 That’s some bad juju.
9 armour.
31-32 Don’t mention it.
Mercenary Shortsword, shortbow, quiver
10 of arrows, medium armour. 33-34 It’s like we’re in some kind of sick game.
Mercenary Heavy crossbow, bolts, medium 35-36 I never liked him anyway.
11 armour.
37-38 Ruuun!
Mercenary Longsword, heavy armour
12 (proficient), shield. 39-40 Aw hell no.
41-42 Baal’s balls!
43-44 Get to the horses!
45-46 Is it just me, or …
47-48 You heard the lady.
49-50 Where to from here?
51-52 I didn’t sign up for this.
53-54 This ain’t good.

55-56 Well that’s embarrassing. HIRELING ADVANCEMENT
If I was richer, I wouldn’t put up with this
57-58 sh*t. Permanently gain one 1st level ability
2 from an appropriate class.
59-60 I’m not dying in this scraghole.
3 Gain an appropriate skill and a Reroll of 1.
61-62 Am I right?
63-64 The bones say no. 4 Gains advantage on Morale checks.
65-66 Thought I was smarter than this.
5 Treat as a PC for dying and injuries.
67-68 I don’t trust any of you assholes.
I survived the puss puddle plague. How 6 Gains a piece of useful gear.
69-70 bad can it be?
Increase a random attribute by 2 (max 15,
71-72 Smells like a trap. 7 subject to GM approval if a pet advance).
73-74 I would if I could. Gains a piece of useful gear.
75-76 I feels it in me bones.
Learns to use a new weapon or new
77-78 You got this. 9 armour (including shields).
79-80 I’m gonna need more silver. Increase max hit points by 3 and treat as a
10 PC for dying and injuries.
81-82 If this ain’t a trap, I don’t know what is.
11-12 Transforms into a beautiful henchmen.
83-84 Storm’s brewin’
85-86 I don’t even want to know.
87-88 Better you than me.
Hirelings treated poorly tend to react adversely over
89-90 Somebody oughta do something. time, particularly mercenaries. At the GM’s option,
poor treatment might call for a 2d6 roll on the
91-92 Right you are guv. Payback table.
93-94 Say what now?
95-96 Fucking magic innit? PAYBACK
97-98 No, no, no (shaking head). Revenge A powerful friend of the hireling
gets wind of their poor treatment (if not
99-00 What? Speak louder will ya? 2 impossible), and organises some manner of
revenge (blacklist, robbery, arson, arrest,
possibly even assassins, etc).
Hireling Advancement Blackmail The hireling leaves the party’s
Hirelings (and perhaps pets) that survive an employ, then attempts to blackmail the PC
adventure roll 2d6 for an advancement. If they 3 over some misdeed they witnessed or are
evolve into henchmen, they become 1st level in an aware of.
appropriate class, and are loyal to their PC if
Tarnished Word of the party’s poor
accepted. If a PC declines a henchmen, or if the
treatment of their hireling(s) makes its way
henchmen has any outstanding Payback, they
4 to powerful people (if not impossible),
depart for adventures of their own.
marring the PCs’ reputation in highborn
Henchmen gain experience like a PC. Whether
they receive a share of party treasure is a matter left
to PCs to negotiate (typically a half share).

Undermined The hireling actively works to
undermine the PC behind her back. Within
5 4d6 hours, all of the party’s hirelings Some things are so shocking, such an affront to the
become reluctant to assist the PC (might natural order, that they threaten the minds of those
require Cha checks, etc). who experience them. Grotesque monstrosities,
Poor Morale The hireling suffers disad on impossible aberrations, depraved demons, and
Morale checks until the end of the forbidden lore are just a few of the unhinging
6 adventure or matters significantly improve horrors adventurers might endure. The following
(GM’s call). rules are intended to add fun to the game, twisting
the PC’s usual outlook with strange and possibly
Bites his lip and cops it, this time. Add +1 dangerous eccentricities. If your table is not
7 to the next Payback roll. interested in such things, feel free to ignore.
Departs The hireling leaves the party’s

employ when back in civilization. He bad
mouths them in taverns, etc, marring their SyMptOMS Of MadneSS
reputation amongst commoners and When a character’s sanity is threatened, a Luck
merchants. (Will) save is usually permitted to resist. On a
failure the adventurer develops one or more
Thievery The hireling tries to steal
symptoms of Madness. The table below provides a
9 something valuable from the PC (maybe
range of examples, leaving the GM and/or player
some silver, a trinket, a gem, etc).
free to elaborate on the details and cause.
Betrayed The hireling leaves the party’s
10 employ, and betrays them to a known
enemy (if not impossible). Acute EpiSOdeS
As a rule of thumb, an adventurer’s Madness
Sabotage The hireling sabotages the PC’s
should manifest an acute episode at least once per
11 gear in some way (frays climbing rope,
adventure (more if the PC has multiple Madness
holes in waterskin, greases sword hilt, etc).
symptoms; GM’s call). Players will often be able to
Murder The hireling actively seeks to improvise their own issues via roleplaying (and gain
arrange the PC’s injury or death. Eg a non- social xp, p.115), but in some cases the GM might
combatant might fail to pass on critical like to impose a specific complication. Luck saves or
12 information, or lead the PC into an attribute checks may be permitted to resist or
ambush. A mercenary might slit the PC’s mitigate the severity of an episode (GM’s call).
throat while on sentry duty, switch sides
during a desperate melee, etc.
Curing MadneSS
Madness cannot be cured by magic, but can be
removed by spending time in Recovery during
Downtime, see p.124.

MADNESS Hallucinations Now and then you are
subject to distracting visual delusions, roll
Tremors You exhibit shaking hands, 15 1d8: (i) roaches, (ii) flies, (iii) snakes, (iv)
1 twitchy eyelids, and/or other visible spiders, (v) devils, (vi) ghosts, (vii) sprites,
tremors. (viii) wombats.
Night Terrors You find it hard to achieve Empathy Deficit You develop an obvious
restful sleep. When you wake in the 16 lack of empathy and guilt. You kill or
2 morning, a Luck (Con) save is required to maim foes without mercy or hesitation.
avoid being Fatigued. Explosive Rage You have impaired
Poor Hygiene You stop looking after impulse control when it comes to outbursts
17 of verbal aggression and physical violence,
3 yourself, preoccupied with other more
pressing concerns (real or imaginary). especially when provoked.
Skewed Levity You laugh at odd or Paranoia You believe one of your party
4 inappropriate moments, and no longer find 18 (determine randomly) intends to betray or
common humour funny. harm you.
Social Deficit You tend to speak plainly, Catatonia From time to time, particularly
5 without regard for the usual social norms under periods of stress, you withdraw into
and etiquettes. 19 a non responsive, catatonic stupor. You
may be shaken out of such with a Luck
Dissociative Fugue You experience short (Will) save (GM’s call).
6 periods of time where you cannot recall
what happened to you (“blackouts”). God Delusion You believe you are a demi
god, daemon, or spirit in mortal form. You
Trophy Fetish You develop a growing 20 have no fear of death; if this body is
compulsion to keep trophies of those you destroyed, you will simply manifest
7 kill or otherwise defeat, as a reminder of another.
your victory and power.
Obsession You develop an unhealthy
devotion to an allied NPC, or an obsessive
8 vengeance against an individual enemy or
OCD You develop an OCD ritual that
“protects” you or those you love against
9 some form of perceived danger, threat, or
bad luck.
Phobia You develop an acute phobia
10 related to the event that caused your
Madness (directly or indirectly).
Mute Every now and again, you
11 inexplicably lose the power of speech.

Confusion You are prone to becoming

12 disoriented about where you are, and what
you are meant to be doing.
Deathwish You are addicted to the thrill of
13 extreme danger and/or are in a spiral of
deadly despondency.
Voices You hear whispering voices that
14 compel you to do things, or not do things.

# NuMber Appearing
The figure or die after the hashtag indicates the
usual number of creatures travelling in the wilds.
At the GM’s option, Consult the Bones (unlikely) to
determine whether there is a Lair nearby (with
+3d6/+6d8/+100 monsters, or GM’s call).
Armour ClaSS An enemy’s Luck attribute functions like PC Luck,
The monster’s Armour Class or AC. Represents the but is not reduced on successful save.
creature’s tough hide, scales, agility, etc. Humanoid
monsters wearing armour and using shields MOVEMENT
generally apply the equipment rules. If a monster does not have a move rate indicated,
they move at the standard humanoid rate. Monster
Hit dice descriptions will note if a creature has a special
Monster Hit Dice or HD are the number of 1d8s movement mode (eg fly, burrow, etc) or if they
rolled to calculate hit points. If there is a plus next move more quickly or slowly than a humanoid.
to the number, you add that number to the total. If
relevant, a Monster’s “level” is equal to its HD (and REACTION
similarly, a classed character’s “HD” equals their Each monster has a list of custom Reaction results
level). Spells & powers based on caster level are (p.66) to better reflect the inclinations of that kind
capped at Level 10 unless the GM rules otherwise. of creature, should the GM wish to use them.

AttackS Special AbilitieS

The number of attacks the monster makes with its Some enemies have special abilities such as spell
action. A monster’s attack bonus is equal to their effects. These abilities require an action to use
HD (eg, a 3 HD monster rolls 1d20+3 to attack vs unless noted otherwise. If an ability has a number
AC), to a max of +12 (Bosses may exceed this cap; in parentheses beside it, the ability may be used up
GM’s call). Multiple attacks of the same kind are to that quota per encounter. Each use counts
in parentheses. Separate rolls are made for each towards the limit, including repeated use of the
attack. Monster attacks and damage are simplified same ability. Eg: an opponent with Spells (3) could
and do not apply the normal attribute modifiers. cast the same spell three times, or a mix of three
different spells, during an encounter.
Nat 19
On a natural 19 attack roll monsters cause a special Recharge
effect. Humanoids using weapons generally apply Recharge abilities may be used once and not again
the weapon rules. For specific injury effects refer to until the monster’s recharge conditions are met. If
the Injuries & Setbacks or Trauma tables. Some a percentile check, roll at the start of their turn.
monsters cause their special effect over a broader
range, referenced for example as Nat 18-20.
AttributeS Harvesting monsters for venom, parts, etc, requires
an Int (Animal Lore*, Apothecary*, etc) check.
Average attributes are provided for attribute checks Generally one monster may be harvested for one
and contests. NPC attack, damage, and defence dose of poison/special ingredient (enough to create
bonuses are simplified, and may not apply attribute one item). Whilst not realistic this limit is required
modifiers the way PCs do. GM discretion applies. for game balance. GM discretion applies.

Rough AC, Luck and Damage expressions appear below (based on Hit Dice) to assist with making your own
monsters. As always - but especially with monsters - GM discretion applies. Naturally lucky or skilled foes
might have higher than usual Luck for example. If adding multiple attacks, compare with similar HD foes
and extrapolate. Referees are encouraged to be creatively devious with Nat 19 effects & other abilities.

Bat, Bird, Cat, Goblin, Kobold, Man Eating Monkey, Rat (Giant),
<1 11 1d6 3
Snake, Sprite, Stirge, Xornling.
Animated Sword, Bandit, Berserker, Cultist, Dog, Dwarf, Elf, Flesh
1 11 1d8 4 Eating Vines, Guard, Human, Leech (Projectile), Shrieker, Skeleton,
Skratt, Urgot, Wolf.
Animated Armour, Ant (Giant, Worker), Bat (Dire), Centaur,
Centipede (Giant), Gnoll, Green Slime, Horse, Rat (Dire), Rat
2 12 1d8 5 Swarm, Rust Monster, Serpentman (Hraarsk), Skinless Terror,
Skorn, Spider (Giant), Will o’ Wisp, Zombie (Walker).
Animated Rug, Ant (Giant, Soldier), Ape, Boar, Bugbear, Eagle
(Giant), Feathered Maw, Gargoyle, Ghoul, Harpy, Imp, Lizard
3 12 1d10 6 (Giant), Merscine, Raptor, Shark, Snake (Winged), Wererat, Wolf
(Dire), Worm (Plague), Urgozer, Yellow Mould, Zombie (Brain
Animated Table, Ant (Bone Cutter), Assassin, Bear, Champion,
Cockatrice, Doppelganger, Fire Beetle, Gelatinous Cube, Griffon,
4 13 2d6 7 Hell Hound, Mob, Ogre, Ogre Skeleton, Scroach, Shade, Toad
(Giant), Tiger.
Basartu, Chuul, Elemental (Minor), Hammer Snail, Rhino, Shark
5 13 2d6 8 (Giant), Sorcerer, Mimic, Minotaur, N’Tarc, Ooze (Sentient),
Serpent (Giant), Wasp (Giant), Wight.
Animated Wardrobe, Ant (Giant, Queen), Crocodile (Giant), Hag,
6 14 2d8 8 Ooze (Grey), Owlbear, Rock Grinder, Scorpion (Giant),
Serpentman (Ssurlock), Werewolf, Wraith, Xarrox, Zombie Swarm.
Banshee, Cyclops, Golem (Flesh), Manticore, Mummy, Ogre Mage,
7 14 2d8 9 Spectre, Surgat, Tiger (Sabretooth), Troll, Vine Puppet, Worm
(Frost), Yegnu.
Gibbering Terror, Ghost, Giant (Hill), Gmorsha, Invisible Stalker,
8 14 2d8 9
Medusa, Ochre Jelly.
Basilisk, Bulette, Elemental, Ettin, Golem (Crystal), Lake Wyrm,
9-10 15 2d10 10 Serpentman (Razkarrt), Slop Gorger, Tentacle Spawn, Vampire,
Werebear, Zombie (Giant).
Ankylosaurus, Bloodroot Treant, Eye Terror, Giant (Frost), Golem
11-12 16 3d8 12
(Stone), Mammoth, Roper, Spider (Giant, Nest Mother).

13-14 17 3d8 13 Giant (Fire), Hydra, Malafas, Roc, Wyvern.

Elemental (Major), Giant (Storm), Golem (Iron), Lich,
15-16 18 3d10 15
17+ 20 3d12 16 Balor, Dragon, Octopus (Giant), Purple Worm, T-Rex.

SPECIAL TRAITS ◆ Off Turn Attacks: A Boss makes Off Turn
Some special monster traits are grouped together ◆ Major Exploit Protection: A Boss is immune
here for ease of reference. to Major Exploits until Wounded.

◆ Stronger Luck: Bosses may make a Luck save

BOSS to completely negate (or mitigate, GM’s call)
A Boss is a particularly powerful example of an any adverse spell, ability, exploit, or other
enemy, strong enough to fight the party alone or effect (even if a save is not normally allowed).
with little back up. The template may be applied to
any monster, from vampires and dragons to gang ◆ Rerolls: Bosses have 1d4+1 Rerolls available at
leaders and ogre chiefs. Bosses gain the following the time combat commences. Boss Rerolls
traits: may be used for any of their rolls.

◆ Quick: PCs must roll a Great Success on their Designer’s Thoughts

Initiative check to go before a Boss. The Boss template is meant to threaten the party
with a single, very dangerous foe that breaks the
◆ Double HP: A Boss doubles its hit points. If normal rules, capable of challenging the PCs alone.
hp is included in a Boss stat block in an
adventure, hp has already been adjusted. Off Turn Attacks allow a Boss to match the party’s
action economy, while more hit points, Stronger
Luck and a small number of Rerolls make it
difficult for PCs to end the fight early.

DEMONS & Undead

Demons are evil and corruption incarnate, utterly
depraved and malicious. Undead are sustained by a
cursed half-life, trapped in an unliving but animate
state. Demons and Undead do not sleep, eat, or
breathe, and are immune to poison and all mind
affecting abilities (including for example charm,
fear, illusion, and stun) except madness. All Demons
and some Undead are immune to non magical
weapons, excluding cold iron. A vial of holy water
causes them 1d10 damage (whether thrown,
applied to a weapon, etc).

A Heavy is an extra strong example of an enemy
type, but something less than a full Boss. They have
superior equipment as well as the following traits:

◆ Quick: PCs must roll a Great Success on their

Initiative check to go before a Heavy.

◆ More HP: Increase hp by 50%. If hp is

included in a Heavy stat block in an adventure,
hp has already been adjusted.

◆ Stronger Luck: Heavies may make a Luck save

to completely negate (or mitigate, GM’s call)
any adverse spell, ability, exploit, or other
effect (even if a save is not normally allowed).

◆ Major Exploit Protection: A Heavy is Back in Black If reduced to zero hp, unless
immune to Major Exploits until Wounded. the party ensures the NPC is definitely dead
14 (eg beheading), she miraculously survives
Heavies are widely variable and GMs are to fight another day.
encouraged to add further qualities to taste. Some
possibilities appear below (choose or roll 1d20): Treacherous Dog Gains advantage when
attempting sneaky tactics or Minor Exploits
15 such as tripping, throwing sand in eyes,
HEAVY ABILITIES using poison, etc.
Scrapper Suffers half damage while Lightning Reflexes The GM chooses when
1 Wounded. 16 the NPC takes their turn (instead of the
usual initiative rules).
Bloodletter Rolls double the usual number
2 of melee damage dice. Monstrous Ally The NPC has a loyal Dire
17 Wolf, Giant Eagle, or other monstrous ally
Warlord Advantage on Cha and Will that serves and protects them.
related checks, including Luck saves. Allies
3 in Close range gain advantage on Morale Arcana Equipped The NPC has a random
checks. 18 magical item (1d20 on the Major Magical
Items table, p.236).
Eldritch Blood Advantage on all tests to
4 resist magic, and/or the character’s spells Backup When Wounded, 2d6 allies break
impose disadvantage on targets’ saves. 19 from nearby cover to assist the NPC
True Prodigy Contrary to popular belief, (Mercenaries p.206).
this NPC may attempt one Major Exploit Doom Pact When reduced to zero hp, a
5 per combat. A targeted PC may make an horrifying monstrosity bursts forth from the
appropriate Luck save to resist. 20 corpse! (per #11-12 Rift entry in the Dark &
Void Conduit May cast one spell per Dangerous Magic table, p.92).
6 combat (Int 16). IMMUNITY TO NON
Triple Threat May use any weapon or MAGICAL WEAPONS
armour. Also annoyingly good looking. Immunity to non magical weapons includes natural
Sentinel Contrary to the usual rules, this attacks. At the GM’s option, very large creatures,
8 NPC may attempt one Rescue per Bosses, Heavies, and monsters with a supernatural
adventure. bent bypass this immunity.
Infamous Beheads or otherwise ensures
defeated foes are definitely dead. If a PC is
9 reduced to zero hp, the body must be
recovered before the Heavy’s next action or
the adventurer dies!
Shield Master May use a shield, and can
10 negate up to two attacks before the shield
requires repair.
Ruinous Corruption Roll on the Dark &
11 Dangerous Magic table, entry #99 or 100
(even chance).
Mercurial Never grants enemies a free
attack due to movement, and once per
12 combat may turn an enemy’s hit into a
Auspicious Once per combat, after the
character attempts an action, may reroll any
13 single die (eg attack or damage roll, save, Str
check to grapple, etc).

Magic ReSiStance %
Enemies with Magic Resistance are unaffected by
adverse magical effects if they roll 1d100 equal to
or under the nominated percentage. For area
effects, the magic is negated for the protected
creature only. A Demon caught in a Hellblast might
be safe, but other creatures still burn.

Off Turn AttackS

Some dread foes have Off Turn Attacks, allowing
them to make a single physical attack, or cast a
spell, after each PC turn during a round (or allied
NPC turns, eg hirelings or pets). Off Turn Attacks
do not trigger if it is also the creature’s normal turn
in the initiative order. If the monster only has melee
attacks, and no adjacent enemies, it may also Move.

A Demon with Off Turn Attacks is fighting three

characters who win initiative. The Ranger goes,
then the Demon gets an Off Turn Attack, then the
hireling goes, and the Demon gets an Off Turn
Attack, then the Fighter goes, and the Demon gets its
normal turn. The round then ends.

Incorporeal Regeneration
Incorporeal creatures are visible but intangible, able Creatures with Regeneration instantly heal the
to fly and pass through objects and creatures like a indicated amount of hp at the end of the round. If
human moves through water. They are immune to damaged with the nominated attack type however,
non magical weapons, excluding cold iron. any regen is suspended that round. Regen usually
ceases to function if the creature is reduced to zero
LycanthrOpeS hp (especially if dismembered, burnt, or buried).

Lycanthropes are half human, half beast monsters,

the classic example being the werewolf. In Argosa SENSES
all were-creatures are inherently evil, savage and The GM decides whether a monster can see or
cruel, delighting in eating humans. Lycanthropes otherwise navigate in total darkness. As a general
may spend an action to shift between three forms: rule, all PC races and most humanoids require light
human (or other standard race), beast, and hybrid. sources, and animals have their usual senses. Some
The racial form tends to have some resemblance to creatures have special senses such as echolocation,
the beast form (eg werewolves appear as very hairy tremor sense, body heat, supernatural senses, etc.
humans with an acute sense of smell). The GM determines these on a case by case basis.

Lycans have Regen (All damage, silver, fire), but

unlike normal regeneration, their incredible healing
continues to function even if the monster is reduced Some monsters may be treated as a single “swarm”
to zero hit points. A character bitten or scratched rather than individual monsters (eg: Rat Swarm).
by a lycanthrope must make a Luck (Con) save at Swarms attack all targets in melee range each
the end of combat or be cursed with lycanthropy round. They suffer half damage from weapons,
themselves. Victims have until the next full moon to double damage from area effects, and split into two
have the curse removed (GM’s call as to how this when reduced to zero hp (once only, same stats as
might be possible), or the change is permanent. A the original Swarm, but half hp). On a Nat 19, the
permanent lycanthrope PC becomes an NPC under target is overwhelmed by sheer numbers (Helpless
the referee’s control. for 1d3 rounds; a Luck (Str or Dex) save resists).
Small house and alley cats. Big cats are under Tiger.
A selection of common animals for the GM to
extrapolate from. CAT #1 AC 13 HD 1d4 hp Rake 1d3 Nat 19
Latches onto target’s back, cannot be attacked by
APE the target next turn S4 D18 C8 I2 P16 W10 Ch13
L5. Move Far. Adv on stealth, climbing and
Silverback gorillas are territorial herbivores that live balancing. Reac 2-4 Scratch your eyes out feral 5-6
in troops, grow to 7 ft, and weigh up to 600 pounds. Haughtily annoyed 6-8 Languidly indifferent 9-10
They are arboreal only in the largest fantasy forests One eye curious 11-12 Purringly affectionate.
which can bear their weight.

APE #2d6 AC 11 HD 3+4 Fists (2) 1d6+2 Nat 19
Bear hug: Luck (Con) save or Broken Ribs S19 D13
C15 I3 P10 W13 Ch8 L6. Climb Close. Reac 2-4 Dire creatures are beasts corrupted by rifts in the
Hostile 5-6 Destructive 7-9 Cautious 10-12 Curious. Veil or cursed by demons or other malevolent
forces. To apply the Dire template to an animal:
BIRD ◆ Increase AC and HD by 2.
A trained eagle, falcon, owl, raven or other medium
to large sized bird. Might also cover very large bats ◆ Increase damage by two dice categories (eg d4
(add echolocation). becomes d8, max d12).

BIRD #1 AC 14 HD 1d6 hp Rake 1d4+1 Nat 19 ◆ Reac is typically 2-7 Hostile, 8-10 Aggressive,
Bloody eyes: target Blind until end of their next 11-12 Cautious.
turn S5 D16 C8 I2 P16 W10 Ch8 L5. Fly Very Far.
Adv on sight based perception. Reac 2-5 Fly away ◆ Create a special ability to delight, perplex and
6-8 Nervous 9-10 Cautious 11 Curious 12 Friendly. perhaps terrorize your PCs, or roll on the
Urgot mutation table (p.198).
Large bears stand up to 9 ft tall, weigh more than a
1,500 pounds, and can climb trees. Be afraid.

BEAR #1d2 AC 11 HD 4+4 Claws (2) 1d8+1 and

Bite 2d6 Nat 19 Bear hug: Luck (Con) save or
Broken Ribs S19 D8 C15 I3 P12 W15 Ch7 L7.
Move Far. Reac 2-3 Hostile 4-5 Grumpy 6-8
Hungry 9-12 Interested.

Wild Boars are notoriously aggressive and go into a
bestial fury when injured.

BOAR #1 AC 12 HD 3 Tusk 1d8+2 Nat 19 Severe

goring: Blade Trauma (1d8+3) S15 D10 C17 I2 P10
W14 Ch4 L7. Move Far. Bestial fury when
Wounded gaining advantage on attacks. Reac 2-4
Charge! 5-6 Hostile 7-8 Threatening 9-10 Guarded
11-12 Probing.

HORSE RHINO #1d4 AC 12 HD 5 Horn 2d8 Nat 19
Skewered: Impaled, Broken Ribs, or Internal Bleeding
The below stats are for a riding horse, which will (Blade Trauma) S19 D8 C13 I3 P10 W10 Ch4 L7.
not normally fight unless cornered. For a Warhorse Move Far. Reac 2-4 Hostile 5-6 Aggressive 7-8
use HD 3, Hoof 1d8+1, and AC based on barding. Indifferent 9-10 Alert 11-12 Curious.
HORSE #1 AC 10 HD 2 Kick 1d6+1 Nat 19 Skull
kick: Luck (Con) save or unconscious for 1d4 SHARK
rounds S19 D10 C16 I2 P10 W13 Ch6 L6. Move A 20 ft man eating shark similar to a white pointer.
Far. Reac 2-3 Hostile 4-5 Uneasy 6-8 Indifferent
9-10 Watchful 11-12 Interested. SHARK #1d6 AC 11 HD 3+2 Bite 2d6 Nat 19
Luck (Con) save or Severed Arm or Leg, S19 D14
RAT SWARM C19 I2 P10 W10 Ch4 L6. Swim Far. Frenzies
when they or target is Wounded: Bite (2) per action).
A rat swarm consists of hundreds of desperate, Reac 2-4 Hostile 5-9 Hungry 10-11 Cautious 12
starving vermin. Swarm rules apply. Interested.
RAT SWARM #1 AC 11 HD 2 Bites 1d6 + disease
Nat 19 Overwhelmed! Luck (Str/Dex) save or SNAKE
Helpless for 1d3 rounds S3 D15 C4 I2 P10 W7 Ch4 Typical snakes are 4 to 6 ft long, able to climb trees
L5. Swarm (p.166). Threatening the rats with fire and squeeze into tiny spaces. Many detect body
may keep them at bay for a short time (Will check heat up to Close range. GM determines the type of
resists). After combat, anyone injured must make a poison, if any. For Giant Serpents see p.192.
Luck (Con) save or suffer a disease. Reac 2-3
Starving Rat Swarm! 4-5 Hostile 6-8 Threatening 9- SNAKE #1 AC 11 HD 1d6 hp Bite 1d3 + Poison
10 Wary 11-12 Fearful. Nat 19 Strong dose: double Poison effect S9 D15
C12 I2 P10 W10 Ch5 L4. GM decides the Poison
RHINO or roll on Poison table (p.214). Reac 2-5 Hostile 6-8
Threatening 9-10 Careful 11 Curious 12 Friendly.
A rhino is 12 ft long, 6 ft high and over two tonnes
of ramming power. Some cultures make use of
them as fearsome mounts. TIGER
Tigers, lions, panthers, and similar felines. For
prehistoric Sabretooth Tigers that stand 5 ft at the
shoulder, use HD 7, S20, L9, Bite 2d8.

TIGER #2d4 AC 13 HD 4 Claws (2) 1d6+2 and

Bite 1d8+2 Nat 19 Blade Trauma (1d10+2) S19
D13 C17 I3 P13 W10 Ch6 L7. Move Far. If both
claws hit the target is knocked prone and the bite
automatically hits. Reac 2-4 Hostile 5-6 Aggressive
7-8 Hungry 9-10 Cautious 11-12 Curious.

WOLF (0r DOg)

Wolves weight up to 100 pounds, are pack hunters,
and may be found in large numbers. Wolf stats may
substitute for hunting dogs, war dogs, and so on.

WOLF #4d4 AC 12 HD 1+2 Bite 1d8 Nat 19

Knocked prone, Str contest to stand up S13 D14
C15 I4 P12 W10 Ch6 L4. Move Far. Adv when
tracking, and extra +1 to attack when outnumber
foe. Reac 2-4 Hostile 5-6 Hungry 7-8 Cagey 9-10
Sniffing curiously 11-12 Friendly.

A selection of monsters follows with which to
perplex and delight your players. Some monsters
are grouped together under subheadings, for Eye Terrors are floating, bulbous sacks of rubbery
example Aberrant Terrors, Demons, and Giants. As flesh with a slavering toothed maw, and eye stalks
noted under Senses, the GM decides how well a that shoot beams of magical energy. Eye Terrors are
monster can see or navigate in darkness. intelligent but their thoughts wholly alien and
unfathomable to men.

ABErRANT TERRORS EYE TERROR #1 AC 17 HD 12 Bite 3d6 and 1d6

Eye Stalks special Nat 19 Nasty Bite: Luck (Dex)
Aberrant Terrors are unholy horrors spawned from save or Severed Arm (Blade Trauma) S14 D12 C14 I9
other dimensions, or magic gone catastrophically P19 W16 Ch1 L12. Fly Far. Eye stalk beams cause
awry. Terrors appear in all manner of forms, and random spells, roll 1d6: (i) Crush of the Warp, (ii)
most have a special trait according to the 1d12 table Brain Burst, (iii) Flesh to Stone, (iv) Dark Slumber, (v)
below. Whatever shape the monstrosity takes, their Lightning Bolt, (vi) Infuse Animus. Regen (1d12,
move rate remains humanoid like, whether by silver, fire). Reac 2-4 Enraged 5-9 Hostile 10-12
means of crawling, slithering, floating, etc. All Vexed.
Terrors regenerate wounds, excluding those caused
by silver or fire. GIBBERING tERROR
Gibbering Terrors are undulating, babbling oozes of
tERROR TRAITS teeth, tentacles and eyes, threatening the sanity of
any who gaze upon them. They employ a kind of
Many Maws Makes 3 bonus attacks each burbling motion, able to move up walls and across
1 action: Bite 1d10. ceilings as the ground. The mind of a Gibbering
Terror, such as it is, is wholly unfathomable; they
Cannot be Unseen Gazing upon this
simply seek to destroy all living creatures they come
2 Terror’s especially horrifying visage causes across. They make no distinction between a person,
a random Madness (no save).
animal, insect, or fungus.
Psychic Lash When Wounded, the Terror
3 unleashes a Brain Burst. GIBBERING TERROR #1 AC 14 HD 8 Bite 2d8
Crushing Tentacle Makes a bonus attack Nat 19 Disturbing Moan: Close range, Luck (Will)
4 each action: Constrict 1d8 + Str Contest or save or random Madness S16 D7 C16 I3 P10 W14
Helpless. Ch1 L9. Climb Close. Gazing upon a Gibbering
Floaty The Terror ignores gravity, floating Terror requires a Luck (Will) save to resist a random
5 in any direction it chooses. Madness. Regen (1d12, silver, fire). Reac 2-12
Gnashing, babbling doom.
Veil Rupture When slain, the Terror
6 unleashes a DDM effect on its killer.
Pestilent Vapours After combat, anyone
7 who engaged in Melee must make a Luck
(Con) save or suffer a disease.
Warp Call When Wounded another Terror
8 manifests! (once only).
Acid Flesh The Terror’s touch melts bone,
9 flesh, and steel:+1d8 damage.
Unholy Stench Creatures within Close
10 require a Luck (Con) save or lose 1d6 Con.
Eye Stalks The Terror has 1d3 eye stalks,
11 which operate like an Eye Terror.

Time Shunt On an 18+ attack roll, target

12 disappears for 1d4 rounds (no save).

SkinleSS terror SOLDIER ANT #2d3 AC 15 HD 3+3 Bite 2d4 +
Poison Nat 19 Acid Spit causing 2d4 S19 D12 C16
Skinless Terrors are foul, 4 ft tall humanoids with I1 P12 W12 Ch8 L6 Giant Ants gain +1 attack
piercing claws and exposed muscle. They are blind bonus for each extra ant (max +4) Reac 2-5 Hostile
and use a chittering echolocation to locate their 6-8 Threatening 9-10 Cautious 11-12 Investigative.
victims, moving with unnatural urgency and
agitation. In a constant state of extreme pain, QUEEN ANT #1 AC 16 HD 6 Bite 3d4 and
skinless “die” within 2d6 minutes of manifesting. Stinger 1d6 + Poison Nat 18-20 Special S19 D8
C19 I1 P15 W15 Ch16 L10. On Nat 18-20 Target
SKINLESS TERROR #1 AC 10 HD 3 Bite (2) 1d8 crushed in mandibles suffering 3d6 on their turn
Nat 19 Frenzied Death: automatic 10 damage and unless Str contest (action) to break free. Poison 1d6
the Terror dies S13 D13 C13 I3 P13 W13 Ch1 L7. Con loss, Luck (Con) save for half. Reac 2-5 Hostile
Leap Close. Dies within 2d6 mins of manifesting. 6-8 Defiant 9-11 Heedful 12 Scrutinizing.
Regen (1d12, silver, fire). Reac 2-12 Agonized
blood frenzy.
ANIMATED OBJECT Banshees present as beautiful fey to lure in
unsuspecting victims before transforming into
Some Animated Objects for the GM to improvise gaunt, hideous humanoids. They are corrupted by
from. dark forces, consumed by loss, sorrow, and hate,
seeking only to inflict pain on the living. A
ANIMATED ARMOUR #1 AC 15 HD 2 Fist banshee’s wail is a terrifying screech of unnatural
1d10 Nat 19 Target’s armour also animates and agony. Most Banshees are corporeal, but some can
begins suffocating the victim S12 D8 C10 I- P10 W- shift between physical and Incorporeal form.
Ch- L5 Reac As creator’s orders.
BANSHEE #1 AC 15 HD 7 Touch 2d8 Nat 19 Age
ANIMATED TABLE #1 AC 12 HD 4 Ram 2d6 3d8 years, Luck (Will) save resists S16 D14 C14 I14
Nat 19 Knocked prone, Str contest to stand up S15 P13 W16 Ch6 L9. Death Wail: Close sized area
D7 C12 I- P10 W- Ch- L7 Reac As creator’s orders. radiating from Banshee, Luck (Will) save or reduced
to zero hp, recharges when Wounded. After
ANIMATED RUG #1 AC 10 HD 3 Slap 1d10 Nat combat, survivors of a Death Wail make a Luck
19 Engulf: Str contest (action) or Helpless S16 D13 (Will) save or suffer a Madness. Reac 2-6 Hostile 7-
C10 I- P10 W- Ch- L6 Reac As creator’s orders. 8 Hateful 9-10 Malevolent 11-12 Covetous.
ANIMATED SWORD #1 AC 16 HD 1 Slash 1d8
Nat 19 Blade Trauma (as weapon) S10 D15 C9 I- BaSiliSk
P10 W- Ch- L8 Fly Close. Reac As creator’s orders. Basilisks are 14 ft lizards with eight legs, able to turn
flesh to stone with their supernatural gaze. Basilisk
ANIMATED WARDROBE #1 AC 10 HD 6 lairs are often surrounded by broken, life like
Pummel 2d8 Nat 19 Blunt Trauma (1d10+2) S18 statues, which the monster consumes. Petrification
D6 C16 I- P10 W- Ch- L8 Reac As creator’s orders. may be reversed with tears from a unicorn or sprite,
or Flesh to Stone.
ANT, GIANT BASILISK #1 AC 16 HD 10 Bite 2d8 and Gaze
Most Giant Ants are 3-4’ long but the Queen is 8’. Far range, Luck (Con) save or target petrified Nat 19
They live in hives and venture outside for food. Luck save or weapon or armour is petrified S20 D10
C16 I2 P10 W14 Ch3 L10. Reac 2-4 Violent 5-6
WORKER ANT #2d6 AC 13 HD 2 Bite 1d6 Nat Hungry 7-9 Irritable 10-12 Hesitant.
19 Knocked prone S16 D10 C16 I1 P10 W10 Ch4
L5 Giant Ants gain +1 attack bonus for each extra
ant (max +4) Reac 2-3 Hostile 4-5 Unsure 6-8 BEETLE, FIRE
Interested 9-10 Attracted 11-12 Friendly. Fire Beetles are 4 ft scuttling carnivores with strong,
luminescent shells. They burrow through soft earth
and ambush prey from below, sensing their victim’s
movement. They attack with a jet of acid.

FIRE BEETLE #2d4 AC 16 HD 4 Acid Spray
Close range 2d4+2 Nat 19 Caught in mandibles
suffering 2d4 acid damage on target’s turn unless These half man, half horse hybrids are xenophobic
Str contest (action) to break free S16 D10 C14 I2 and highly hostile to strangers encroaching on their
P10 W12 Ch8 L7. Reac 2-5 Antagonistic 6-8 territory (typically deep forests, low hills, or
Hungry 9-10 Wary 10-12 Interested. expansive plains). Corrupted tribes are a terror to
behold, fast and deadly raiders that descend on
remote homesteads and outposts to snatch away
BUGBEAR victims for eating or worse.
Bugbears are 8 ft tall ursine humanoids with bear
heads, mangy fur, and clawed hands. Belligerent CENTAUR #2d4 AC 12 HD 2 Kick 1d6 and
and ferocious, they are oppressive tyrants of low Spear 1d6+1 Nat 19 Mule Kick: Double damage
intellect but high cunning. Innately lazy, they and knocked prone S18 D14 C15 I8 P13 W13
enslave smaller races to labour for them where Ch10 L5. Move Far, double spear damage on
possible. Weapons are for the weak, but armour charge. Reac 2-5 Charge! 6-7 Bellicose 8-9 Aloof
desirable and a mark of high standing. 10-11 Cautious 12 Inquisitive.

Bugbears eat humans, elves, and dwarves in equal

measure, despising their shameful reliance on
external armaments (referring to them as Po Nuk or
“no claws”). They find halflings delectable.

BUGBEAR #1d10 AC 12 HD 3 Claws (2) 1d4+1

and Bite 1d6 Nat 19-20 Rage: Bugbear takes half
damage until end of combat S18 D9 C15 I7 P11
W12 Ch8 L6. If both claws hit, the target suffers 12
damage (ignore normal claw damage). Raging
Bugbears kill unconscious victims with their next
action if the body is not recovered. Reac 2-5 Hostile
6-8 Explosive 9-10 Suspicious 11-12 Terse.

Bulettes are 12 ft burrowing quadrupeds covered in
slick chitin. Their armoured head is beak shaped to
assist in tunneling, their jaws filled with a ridiculous
number of teeth. They burst up from the earth,
taking their prey by surprise before dragging them
underground to devour.

BULETTE #1 AC 18 HD 9+4 Bite 3d6 Nat 19-20

Blade Trauma (1d6+6) + target dragged beneath
ground and begins suffocating; Str check (action, cENTIPEDE, GIANT
Great Success) to dig free S22 D13 C19 I2 P13 Giant Centipedes are 4 foot long myriapods with
W14 Ch3 L10. Burrow Close, tremor sense Far. If strong carapaces and venomous stingers. They hunt
attacking with surprise +3 to attack and double in swarms.
damage. Reac 2-9 Hungry 10-12 Playful (blissfully
unaware of its own strength). GIANT CENTIPEDE #2d12 AC 13 HD 2 Bite
1d8 and Stinger Poison Luck (Con) save or 1d3 Dex
loss Nat 19 Strong Poison dose: double Dex loss
(save for half) S14 D14 C10 I1 P10 W10 Ch2 L5.
Climb Close. Reac 2-5 Violent 6-8 Hungry 9-10
Confused 11-12 Probing.

Chuul are 8 ft unnatural mergings of arthropods These 20 ft crocodiles have muscular frames and
spawned from another planet or dimension. They powerful bites. Giant Crocodiles often lurk beside the
appear as crab like humanoids with tentacles where edges of waterways, fully submerged but for their
their mouths should be. nostrils to ambush their prey. A Kronosaurus is
essentially a colossal 40 ft dinosaur crocodile with
CHUUL #1d4 AC 16 HD 5+2 Claw 2d6 and fins instead of legs. They have HD 16, Bite 3d12
Tentacle Poison: Luck (Con) save or Madness Nat (Nat 19 Blade Trauma 1d6+6), Off Turn Attacks.
19 Pincer Snap: weapon destroyed S19 D11 C15
I10 P12 W14 Ch5 L8. Hard shell: Immune to GIANT CROC #2d4 AC 14 HD 6 Bite 2d6+2
critical hits. Swim Close Reac 2-8 Murderous 9-10 Nat 19-20 Death Roll: target loses their turn each
Ravenous 11-12 Destructive. round until they succeed on a Luck (Str/Dex) save
to break free S20 D10 C19 I3 P10 W12 Ch5 L8.
COCKAtRICE Swim Close. Reac 2-5 Violent 6-8 Starving 9-10
Grumpy 11-12 Oblivious.
The cockatrice is a 6 ft, black feathered wyvern like
beast with bird legs and a spine crested rooster
head. Its bite turns victims to stone. Petrification
may be reversed with a ritual involving cockatrice Primordial Cyclopes were known by another name,
blood or a Flesh to Stone spell. beautiful giants that ruled their kingdom with
prophecy and wisdom. Civil war led to dark pacts
COCKATRICE #1d6 AC 13 HD 4 Bite 1d6 + with eldritch forces however, and the race fell into
Petrify: Luck (Con) save or petrified in 1d4 rounds ruin, slowly degenerating into the monsters of
Nat 19 Luck save or weapon or armour is petrified today. Cyclopes are one-eyed, 10 ft tall giant kin with
S6 D17 C11 I2 P13 W10 Ch5 L7. Fly Close. Reac stout bodies. They are not unintelligent, but are
2-4 Hostile 5-6 Crowing Aggressively 7-8 Peckish 9- primitive, nomadic tribesmen, more preoccupied
10 Vigilant 11-12 Disinterested. with finding their next meal than learning. They are
callous, fearsome beings with a taste for human
flesh. Old legends suggest the Cyclopes retain
vestiges of augural ability, and refer to an even
larger, elder variant: 17 ft tall, shaggy, with a single
horn protruding from their forehead.

CYCLOPS #3d6 AC 12 HD 7 Club 2d8+1 Nat

19-20 Blunt Trauma (1d8+4) and make a bonus
attack S19 D12 C16 I6 P8 W10 Ch9 L9. Disad on
ranged attacks. Reac 2-5 Hostile 6-7 Hungry 8-9
Covetous 11-12 Inquiring.

Demons share certain characteristics (p.164) but

come in many shapes and sizes. The grimoires of
Nocratha suggest some may grant wishes, albeit at
terrible cost.

Balors resemble 20 ft minotaurs with dragon wings,
wreathed in smoke and flame, bearing a wicked
blade and white hot lash. They are among the most
powerful and cunning of all demon kind, second
only to the Demon Princes themselves.

BALOR (BOSS) #1 AC 21 HD 20+4 Sword
3d12+1 and Whip Close Range, drag into Melee,
suffer 3d6 fire damage on target’s turn unless Str Hellhounds are infernal, fire breathing dogs
contest (action) to break free Nat 18-20 Blade spawned from evil dimensions. They breathe fire
Trauma (1d6+6) S22 D14 C20 I16 P20 W18 Ch16 and are highly resistant to magic.
L16. Fly Close. Boss Traits. Crit 18-20. Magic
Resistance 75%. Immune to non magical weapons HELLHOUND #2d4 AC 13 HD 4 Bite 2d6 Nat
(excluding cold iron, holy water). Once per week, 19 Target Grabbed and Burning S13 D13 C13 I2
may use ritual magic to summon 2d10 lesser P15 W14 Ch5 L7. Move Far. Magic Resistance
demons. Reac 2-3 Hostile 4-5 Violent 6-8 90%. Fire Breath (2) Close range, two adjacent
Malevolent 9-10 Aloof 11-12 Intrigued. targets 5d6 (Luck (Dex) save for half). Immune to
fire and non magical weapons (excluding cold iron,
holy water). Reac 2-12 Hostile.
Basartu, also known as Veil Bound, are living
humanoids possessed by malignant, otherworldly
entities. They may adopt two forms: the ordinary
body of their host, or a corrupted variant including
horns, claws, glowing eyes, etc, and a tendency to
levitate rather than walk. Killing a Basartu’s vessel
forces the daemon into an invisible, Incorporeal
form that invades the body of the next closest
sentient being that fails a Luck (Will) save. The only
way to destroy the demon is through an exorcism,
the details of which are determined by the GM.

BASARTU #1 AC 14 HD 5+5 Life Leech Close

range 2d6+1 Nat 19 Basartu may possess the target,
Luck (Will) save resists S18 D16 C14 I15 P15 W15
Ch15 L8. Fly Close. Magic Resistance 50%.
Immune to non magical weapons (excluding cold
iron, holy water). May switch between host form
and corrupted form (action). Possession lasts until
the host is killed or by ritual (GM determines).
Reac 2-5 Malicious 6-8 Deceptive 9-10 Jealous
11-12 Infatuated.

Gmorsha are 10 ft tall daemons of mud like
consistency, with humanoid, skeletal upper bodies.
They may transform to masquerade as an object,
from as small as a dagger to as large as a door (the
object does not actually work, other than basic
moving parts).

GMORSHA #1 AC 16 HD 8 Bite 3d8 Nat 19 Luck

(Con) save or transformed into a Helpless fleshjelly
for 2d6 days S19 D10 C15 I10 P10 W16 Ch7 L9.
Climb Close. Magic Resistance 60%. Immune to
non magical weapons (excluding cold iron, holy
water). May switch between object form and
demon form (action). Reac 2-12 Murderous.

Imps are one to four feet tall, horned, smooth
skinned humanoids with bat like wings and cloudy
white eyes. Like all demons, they are evil incarnate
and seek only to beguile and corrupt any intelligent
beings they encounter.

IMP #1 AC 15 HD 3 Claw 1d6+1 and Bite 1d4 +

Poison (lose 1 Luck and amnesia for last 1d4 hours,
Luck (Con) save negates the amnesia) Nat 19 Imp
casts a spell S14 D16 C10 I14 P15 W14 Ch14 L10.
Fly Close. Magic Resistance 40%. Immune to non
magical weapons (excluding cold iron, holy water).
Spells (3, Int 17) A Wisp Unseen, Shadows & Dust,
Crush of the Warp, Brain Burst, Gaze of Beguilement
Reac 2-5 Murderous 6-8 Malevolent 9-10 Curious
11-12 Conspiratorial.

Malafas are two headed, 12 ft tall infernal giants
with tentacle arms. They may transform into any
humanoid form, from a small child to a seven foot

MALAFAS #1 AC 14 HD 13 Tentacle (2) 2d8 Nat

19-20 Crush: 1d10 damage on target’s turn unless
Str contest (action) to break free S20 D9 C19 I12
P11 W17 Ch5 L13. Climb Close. Off Turn
Attacks. Magic Resistance 80%. Immune to non
magical weapons (excluding cold iron, holy water).
May switch between humanoid forms (action).
Reac 2-5 Hostile 6-8 Soul Starved 9-10 Hateful
11-12 Covetous.

Surgat are 5 ft, bipedal flesh sacks with a tri pronged
maw and spike whip tail. They may spend an action
to transform into an ordinary animal, from as small
as a mouse to as large as a horse.

SURGAT #1 AC 13 HD 7 Bite 2d8+1 Nat 19-20

Tail Spike: Luck (Con) save or Transmogrification
into 1d4: (i) roach, (ii) toad, (iii) eel, (iv) rat S19
D11 C16 I6 P14 W10 Ch4 L9. Leap Close. Magic
Resistance 50%. Immune to non magical weapons
(excluding cold iron, holy water). May switch
between animal and demon forms (action). Reac 2-
6 Violent 7-9 Ravenous 10-12 Watchful.

Tyrannosaurus Rex is the gigantic, 40 ft dinosaur
A selection of prehistoric man eating dinosaurs to king from the prehistoric era. Its oversized skull and
extrapolate from. jaws, in combination with its aggression and speed,
usually make it the top predator in the area.
ANKYLOSAURUS T-REX #1 AC 14 HD 20 Bite 3d10+2 Nat 19-20
Ankylosaurus is a 20 ft, 5 tonne quadruped wrecking Blade Trauma (1d4+8) + Crit S23 D13 C21 I3 P12
machine with sturdy armour plates, reinforced W15 Ch4 L16. Off Turn Attacks. Creatures of 4
skull, and a hammer like tail. Ankylosaurs are HD or less must make a Will check or flee in terror
temperamental and proactive herbivores, prone to for 2d6 rounds. Reac 2-5 Enraged 6-8 Ravenous
charging potential threats en masse to demonstrate 9-10 Uncertain 11-12 Oblivious.
their collective strength.

ANKYLOSAURUS #2d4 AC 19 HD 12 Tail 3d10

Nat 19-20 Blunt Trauma (1d6+6) S20 D10 C20 I3
P13 W13 Ch10 L12. Reac 2-4 Hostile 5-8 Distant
9-10 Tentative 11-12 Friendly.

Raptors are 7 ft bipedal predators that hunt in packs.
They display intelligence similar to a smart dog.

RAPTOR #2d6 AC 13 HD 3 Bite 1d10+1 Nat 19

Another Raptor suddenly leaps out of the jungle!
S14 D14 C10 I4 P10 W10 Ch4 L6. Leap Close.
Extra +1 to attack when outnumber foe. Reac 2-5
Frenzied 6-8 Hungry 9-10 Testing 11-12 Inquisitive.

Triceratops are 30 ft long and weigh 10 tonnes,
sporting three horns and a protective neck plate.
Whilst herbivores, they are fierce defenders of their
herd and territory.
TRICERATOPS #1d6 AC 16 HD 16 Horns The Doppelganger is a predatory Veil entity able to
3d8+2 Nat 19 Skewered: Luck (Dex) save or magically assume the physical form (including
reduced to zero hp S21 D9 C21 I3 P10 W12 Ch9 clothing and gear) of any humanoid they have
L16. Reac 2-4 Angry 5-7 Uncertain 8-10 Curious touched. Complementing their physical disguise,
11-12 Friendly. they may subtlety skim the surface thoughts of any
intelligent being within Close range, assisting them
to answer queries the questioner already knows the
answer to.

DOPPELGANGER #1 AC 13 HD 4 Claws (2)

1d6+1 Nat 19 Doppelganger steals a deep secret
from the target S16 D16 C12 I16 P15 W16 Ch16
L7. Immune to Pierce the Veil and charm effects.
Magic Resistance 50%. Reac 2-5 Murderous 6-8
Guarded 9-12 Conspiratorial.

Dragons are the terrifying 80 ft winged reptiles of Dwarves have the qualities noted under the Races
legend, with claws like steel and scales like iron. description. Culturally speaking, dwarves place a
Most have animal sentience, but a rare few are high value on honour, loyalty, and expert
intelligent and can even speak or invoke magic. craftsmanship, and are renowned builders and
miners. A dwarf puts his clan name before his own.
DRAGON (BOSS) #1 AC 22 HD 20+8 Claws (2) Dwarves have a racial lust for gold, silver and gems
2d10 and Bite 3d10+2 Nat 18-20 Blade Trauma that most cannot resist.
(1d4+8) + Crit S23 D14 C23 I4 P22 W20 Ch16
L16. Fly Far. Boss Traits. Adv on Perception inc DWARF #4d6 AC 15 (plate) HD 1 Hammer 1d8
smell. Foes of 7 HD or less must make a Will check Nat 19 Blunt Trauma (1d10+2) S11 D10 C14 I10
or flee in terror for 2d6 rounds. Fire Breath P10 W10 Ch8 L4. Advantage vs poison or magic,
(recharge 30%) Very Far range, targets in a Close 50% chance sniff out gold, silver or gems, gold lust.
area suffer 20d6 damage and Burning (Luck (Dex) Reac 2-3 Hostile 4-5 Cautious 6-7 Gruff 8-10
save for half). Reac 2-4 Enraged 5-6 Violent 7-8 Inquisitive 11-12 Friendly.
Voracious 9-10 Unfriendly 11-12 Fascinated.

YOUNG DRAGON #1 AC 17 HD 10 Claws (2)

Eagle, giant
1d12 and Bite 2d10 Nat 19-20 Blade Trauma Giant eagles have 20 ft wingspans and hunt in
(1d8+4) + Crit S20 D15 C19 I4 P20 W17 Ch13 mountains, forests and plains, generally preferring
L11. Fly Far. Adv on Perception inc smell. Foes of animal prey. In times of scarcity, or when feeding
4 HD or less must make a Will check or flee in chicks, they are not above hunting humans, making
terror for 2d6 rounds. Poison Breath (recharge opportunistic dives against lone explorers or small
30%) Far range, targets in a Close area suffer 10d6 groups. They are instinctual enemies of the
damage and 1d6 Str loss (Luck (Con) save for half). Serpentmen.
Reac 2-4 Destructive 5-7 Hungry 8-9 Careful 10-12
Desirous. GIANT EAGLE #1d4 AC 13 HP 3+3 Claws (2)
1d6 and Bite 2d4 Nat 19 Target Grabbed & carried
away S16 D14 C14 I2 P15 W14 Ch7 L6, Fly Very
Far, Advantage on sight based Perception checks. If
the target is surprised, attack with advantage and
may carry away their victim (Str contest to resist, no
action). Reac 2-4 Hostile 5-6 Hungry (especially for
dogs, mules, or horses) 7-8 Reserved 9-10 Curious
11-12 Friendly.

Elementals are 6 to 20 ft animate manifestations of

earth, fire, air, or water. Earth and fire variants tend
to adopt a humanoid form, air elementals appear as
miniature cyclones, and water as churning waves.

They are sometimes encountered as a result of

being summoned by others, but also independently
coalesce. Elementals have animalistic sentience but
will follow the orders of their summoner to the best
of their understanding. They are immune to non
magical weapons, excepting those of cold iron.

Batter 2d6/2d8/3d6 Nat 18-20 Special S18/19/20
Air Elementals batter their opponents with powerful D14 C20 I3 P13 W16 Ch3 L8/10/15. Swim Far.
winds, small objects, or hurl them into nearby Immune to non magical weapons excluding cold
terrain. Even the smallest can lift a humanoid and iron. On a Nat 18-20 Engulf Automatic Batter
carry them at Fly Close speed. damage on Elemental’s turn unless Str contest to
break free (victim is drowning and cannot take
AIR ELEMENTAL #1 AC 16 HD 5/10/15 Batter other actions). The GM decides how many targets
2d4/2d8/3d8 Nat 19 Prone & Stunned S17/18/19 may be engulfed at once. Reac As creator’s orders
D23 C10 I3 P14 W16 Ch3 L8/10/15. Fly Far. or 2-5 Aggressive 6-8 Reserved 9-12 Playful.
Immune to non magical weapons excluding cold
iron. Suffocate (1) Close targets suffocate until the
elemental is defeated or driven off (Luck (Con) save ELF
resists). Reac As creator’s orders or 2-5 Hostile 6-8 Elves have the qualities noted under the Race
Mischievous 9-12 Curious. description. Culturally speaking, elves value
freedom, art, beauty, and the natural world, which
ELEMENTAL, EARTH sometimes brings them into conflict with
expansionist humans and gold hungry dwarves.
Earth Elementals hammer or crush opponents with Elves can live for many human generations, giving
their mighty fists. They may merge with the earth, them an aloofness and arrogance that encourages
passing through it like water or burrowing through an isolationist view.
to leave a tunnel.
ELF #3d4 AC 13 (leather) HD 1 Bow 1d8 Nat 19
EARTH ELEMENTAL #1 AC 19 HD 5/10/15 Missile Trauma (1d12) S10 D15 C8 I10 P13 W10
Fist 2d6/2d10/3d10 Nat 19-20 Blunt Trauma Ch13 L4. Adv on Dex related rolls, Disad on Con
1d10+2/1d8+4/1d6+6 S19/21/23 D10 C22 I3 related rolls. Trance instead of sleep. Reac 2-3
P10 W16 Ch3 L8/10/15. Burrow Close. Immune Hostile 4-5 Cautious 6-8 Aloof 9-10 Musing 11-12
to non magical weapons excluding cold iron. Reac Friendly.
As creator’s orders or 2-6 Violent 7-9 Grumpy 9-12

Fire Elementals rake their opponents with searing
claws or roast them with flames. They shed light
according to their size and cause flammable
materials to ignite (houses, trees, PCs, etc).

FIRE ELEMENTAL #1 AC 16 HD 5/10/15 Burn

2d6/2d8/3d8 Nat 18-20 Target Burning S17/18/19
D20 C13 I3 P10 W16 Ch3 L8/10/15. Fly Close.
Immune to non magical weapons excluding cold
iron. Fire Blast (recharge 30%) Up to three targets
within Close range suffer 5d6/10d6/15d6 (Luck
(Dex) save for half). Reac As creator’s orders or 2-5
Destructive 6-8 Mischievous 9-12 Probing.

Water Elementals batter and beat their opponents
with their wave like form, trapping foes within their
bodies to drown them.

Fey Creepers are 8 ft tall humanoid simulacrums of
branch and thorn, bound together by hate and
infused with the spirit of a sadistic fey. They are
temporary constructs, fusing for a specific purpose
before melting back into a mound of sap, twig, and

FEY CREEPER #2d4 AC 14 HD 5 Bite 1d10 +

disease Nat 19 Partial Engulf: 2d4 on Creeper’s turn
unless Str contest to break free (no action) S19 D11
C14 I7 P10 W15 Ch4 L8. Disease 1d3: (i) Pinkscab
Palsy, (ii) Black Retch, (iii) Oozy Eye. Reac As
creator’s orders or Hostile.


Flesh Eating Vines are quasi sentient, spiked vines
that crush and absorb animals or humanoids
Ettin foolish enough to wander into their patch. The
Ettins are 12 ft Neanderthal like humanoids with vines come in a wide array of colours and forms,
two heads. They are relatively dull witted and the multiplying by way of seed pods.
heads often argue with each other.
ETTIN #1d6 AC 13 HD 10+3 Club 2d10 Nat 19- Crush 1d6+1 + Grabbed Nat 19 Paralytic Spore:
20 Crit, knocked prone, and mocked mercilessly by Luck (Con) save or 1d8 Dex loss S14 D14 C7 I2 P10
both heads S19 D10 C15 I7 P9 W12 Ch8 L10. W8 Ch1 L4. Sense moving creatures within Close,
Move Far. Mind based attacks affect only one head. and recoil from open flames (Will check resists)
On a fumble, the heads break into violent argument Reac 2-12 Ravenous.
(instead of the usual free attack). Reac 2-6 Violent
7-8 Unfriendly 9-10 Confused 11-12 Amicable.

Feathered Maw Gargoyles are supernatural, winged beings, stony

skinned with vacant eyes, resembling the rooftop
Feathered Maws are 6 ft carnivores with 14 ft wing statues of medieval cathedrals. A Gargoyle can
spans, tentacle limbs, elongated necks and gaping, masquerade as a statue for years, patiently waiting
toothy maws. Rarely spotted, they prefer cooler for a passing victim, sustained by forbidden magic.
climes and tend towards high mountains and snow
fields. The creature’s limbs carry a sticky, disabling GARGOYLE #1d2 AC 15 HD 3+3 Bite 1d12 Nat
poison that allows them to feed on victims at their 19 Blade Trauma (1d12) S14 D14 C12 I3 P14 W12
leisure. Ch4 L6, Fly Far. A natural 1-2 attack roll against a
Gargoyle’s enchanted hide shatters the weapon
FEATHERED MAW #3d6 AC 15 HD 3+1 Bite (Luck save resists). Reac As creator’s orders or 2-5
1d8+1 and Venomous Limb Luck (Con) save or Aggressive 6-8 Hesitant 9-10 Covetous 11-12 Nosy.
Helpless for 1d4 hours Nat 19 Poisoned Brain: suffer
a random Madness S14 D14 C12 I3 P14 W12 Ch4
L6, Fly Far. A thick coat of oil on the skin helps
repel the Maw’s venomous secretions (adv on the Gelatinous Cubes are highly translucent, jelly like
Luck save). Reac 2-5 Hostile 6-8 Hungry (especially monsters that expand to fit the width of corridors or
for dogs or other small animals) 9-10 Wary 11-12 small chambers. They sense movement within Very
Follow from a distance. Far range and are voracious predators, paralysing

and absorbing all forms of organic matter. They are
sometimes employed by lazy dungeon lords as
inexpensive cleaners. Giants are at least 12 ft tall, massive and frightening
humanoids filled with arrogance, avarice, and ire.
GELATINOUS CUBE #1 AC 11 HD 4+4 They are strict carnivores and prefer humans to
Pseudopod 2d4 + paralyzed (Helpless) for 1d6 hrs, cows or sheep.
Luck (Con) save negates paralysis Nat 19 Engulfed:
2d4 on target’s turn unless Str contest to break free
(cannot take other actions). S18 D10 C16 I2 P14 GIANT, FIRE
W16 Ch1 L7. Climb Close. A Cube dissolves a Fire Giants grow to 17 ft in height, an aggressive
corpse in 1d4 hours, leaving behind only metals and and domineering warrior people that revel in
other non organic matter. Reac 2-5 Voracious 6-8 combat and metal smithing. They are immune to
Hungry 9-12 Lethargic. heat and fire, and prefer to lair in volcanoes, close
by magma streams, or within blistering deserts.
GHOST FIRE GIANT #1d8 AC 17 (armour) HD 14+3
Ghosts are the tortured souls of those unable to Hammer 4d8 Nat 19-20 Blunt Trauma (1d6+6) S21
cross over from one life to the next, trapped or D11 C17 I10 P13 W14 Ch12 L14. Hurl boulder,
stranded between worlds. They are committed to a carts, etc up to Very Far range for 4d6 damage.
single unrelenting objective or emotion such as Immune to fire. Foes of 4 HD or less must make a
revenge, justice, avarice, or rage. Most ghosts are Will check or flee in terror for 2d6 rounds. Fire
quite insane as a result. Priests gain Spells (3, Int 16) Hellblast, Hex of
Volcanic Steel, Light of Soliri. Reac 2-4 Enraged 5-6
GHOST #1 AC 12 HD 8 Touch 1d4 + age 3d10 Angry 7-9 Unfriendly 10-12 Haughty.
years (no save) Nat 19 Double aging, Luck (Will)
save negates the extra S- D- C- I10 P13 W17 Ch3
L9. Fly Close. Incorporeal Undead. Immune to non
magical weapons excluding cold iron, holy water. Frost Giants are approximately 15 ft tall and live in
After combat, aged survivors must make a Luck keeps or caverns of snow and ice in frozen regions.
(Will) save or suffer a random Madness. A victim Most are of low intelligence and have never been
aged more than their expected lifespan dies a taught to read or write, instead keeping sacred oral
desiccated husk. Reac 2-6 Murderous 7-8 Hateful 9- histories.
10 Envious 11-12 Besotted.

Ghouls are intelligent Undead pack hunters that
sustain their unnatural existence on a diet of
corpses. Their touch carries powerful necromantic
energy that paralyses their victim. Ghouls will
sometimes make an opportunistic retreat with a
paralysed adventurer in tow, scampering back to
their hidden lair before engaging in a feeding

GHOUL #2d12 AC 13 HD 3 Claw 1d8+1 +

Paralyzed (Helpless) for 2d6 mins (a Luck (Con) save
resists the paralysis) Nat 19 Frenzy: extra Claw
attack S16 D13 C12 I10 P13 W14 Ch6 L6. Climb
Close. Undead. Reac 2-6 Violent 7-9 Ravenous
10-12 Jealous.

FROST GIANT #1d10 AC 15 (armour) HD 12+4 GOBLIN #4d6 AC 11 HD 1d4 hp Bite 1d6 Nat 19
Axe 3d8+2 Nat 19-20 Blade Trauma (1d6+6) S21 Frenzy: bonus Bite attack S7 D14 C10 I9 P11 W8
D10 C16 I8 P11 W14 Ch11 L12. Hurl boulder, Ch8 L3. Adv on stealth related checks. Near Blind
carts, etc up to Very Far range for 4d6 damage. in sunlight. Reac 2-6 Hostile 7-8 Unkind 9-10
Immune to cold. Foes of 3 HD or less must make a Withdrawn 10-12 Interested.
Will check or flee in terror for 2d6 rounds. Elder
Chiefs gain Frost Breath (2) Up to three targets in a
Close area suffer 6d8 damage and Grabbed (Luck
(Dex) save for half, Grab Str 15). Reac 2-5 Hostile Gnolls are 7 ft, hyena like humanoids, with teeth
6-8 Aggressive 9-10 Interested 11-12 Bemused. filled snouts, rending claws, and semi furred torsos.
They prefer light armour and ranged weapons to
GIANT, HILL take advantage of their speed and natural
skirmisher tendencies. Gnolls are strict carnivores
Hill Giants are approximately 12 ft tall, the lowest and relish eating intelligent humanoids, whom they
caste of the true giants. Most are primitive cave torture and sacrifice to their demon god. Gorging
dwellers or nomads with rudimentary language, on the carrion of a sacrificial victim is one of the
carrying clubs and crude tools. pack’s highest honours. Shamans have Int 15, HD
4+2 and Spells (3) Hunger for Blood, Fetid Fog of the
HILL GIANT #1d12 AC 12 HD 8+2 Club 2d8+2 Pit People, Bestial Communion, Glimpse the True
Nat 19-20 Blunt Trauma (1d6+6) S20 D8 C15 I6 P9 Gods.
W12 Ch8 L9. Hurl boulder, carts, etc up to Very
Far range for 3d6 damage. Olfactory sense like a GNOLL #4d6 AC 13 HD 2 Claw 1d8 Nat 19-20
dog. Foes of 2 HD or less must make a Will check Bloodhowl: Gnolls within hearing gain +1 to crit
or flee in terror for 2d6 rounds. Reac 2-7 Violent range until combat ends (max +3) S13 D13 C10 I9
8-10 Hungry 11-12 Curious. P13 W9 Ch8 L5. Move Far. Reac 2-5 Sadistic 6-8
Starving 9-10 Heedful 11-12 Ritual Reverie.
The 18 ft Storm Giants are the masters of giant
kind, the most intelligent and most likely to speak goleMS
with humans before devouring them. Storm Giants
prefer mountain tops, underwater, or cloud based Golems are humanoid automatons built to serve
realms. their masters. The process is long, dark and
gruelling, requiring an unwilling sacrifice to
STORM GIANT #1d6 AC 18 (armour) HD 16+6 provide the construct’s animating spark. Golems do
Trident 3d10+2 Nat 19 Lightning Bolt S22 D12 not sleep, eat, or breathe, and are immune to all
C18 I14 P15 W16 Ch14 L16. Hurl boulder, carts, mind based effects, including sleep, charm, fear,
etc up to Very Far range for 5d6 damage. Immune illusion, stun, and madness. Golems automatically
to lightning. Foes of 5 HD or less must make a Will sense physical creatures within Close range.
check or flee in terror for 2d6 rounds. Spells (3, Int
18) Lightning Bolt, Thunderous Invocation, Conclave GOLEM, CRYSTAL
of Wind and Sky. Reac 2-4 Destructive 5-6 Crystal Golems are 10 ft humanoid constructs of
Unfriendly 7-9 Reserved 10-12 Questioning. magically hardened glass or crystal.

GOBLIN CRYSTAL GOLEM #1 AC 15 HD 9+3 Claws (2)

Goblins are 4 ft, spindly humanoids with prickly 2d6+1 Nat 19 Resonance Wave: Close range, Luck
skin, pointed ears, and oversized jaws brimming (Will) save or Stunned S17 D19 C20 I- P10 W- Ch-
with man eating teeth. They avoid daytime activity L10. 60% Magic Resistance except Thunderous
and inhabit dark woods and caverns, as sunlight is Invocation (causes 6d8 damage, once only). 50%
painful to their eyes (Near Blind). Hobgoblins are chance of negating non magical weapon hits. At
highly rare and reclusive goblin sorcerers with Int zero hp Shard Blast Close area, Luck (Dex) save or
16, HD 3+3, and Spells (3) Dark Slumber, Crush of Blast Trauma (1d10+2). Reac As creator’s orders.
the Warp, None Shall Pass, Shadows & Dust.

GOLEM, FLESH For example, Green Slime might first transform a
hand, then an arm, then the torso which would kill
Flesh Golems are 7 ft humanoid automatons bound a human. Green Slime is destroyed by sunlight, fire,
together using the parts of different corpses, extreme cold, or Cleansing Charm, which renders it
primarily humanoids. They enter an uncontrolled an inert tar.
frenzy when seriously injured.
GREEN SLIME #1 AC 10 HD 2 Fling Goop
FLESH GOLEM #1 AC 14 HD 7+3 Fists (2) 2d6 Special Nat 19 Head Strike, see below S13 D13 C13
Nat 19 Knocked prone and bonus Fist attack S18 I2 P12 W16 Ch1 L5. Metal or organic matter
D10 C18 I- P10 W- Ch- L9. 50% Magic Resistance touched by Green Slime turns into Green Slime in
and 50% chance of negating non magical weapon one round (Luck (Con) save resists). If a limb or
hits. Lightning grants the Golem Hunger for Blood object becomes slime, it attempts to spread each
instead of damaging it. When Wounded gains Off round, eg hand, then arm, then torso (fatal). Green
Turn Attacks but loses 1d6 hp each round until Slime is destroyed by sunlight, fire, extreme cold or
torn apart. Reac As creator’s orders. Cleansing Charm. If dropping from above, 50%
chance of striking the head/torso (Luck (Con) save
GOLEM, IRON or die, adv if helm). Reac 2-12 Mindless Hunger.
Iron Golems are the greatest of the automatons; 16
ft animated statues of hardened metal. They attack
with fists, giant weapons, and a noxious fume blast.

IRON GOLEM #1 AC 20 HD 15+7 Fists (2) 2d10

Nat 18-20 Blunt Trauma (1d6+6) S22 D12 C24 I-
P15 W- Ch- L15. 90% Magic Resistance and 50%
chance of negating non magical weapon hits. Off
Turn Attacks. Immune to fire. Noxious Breath
Close range, targets in a Close area suffer 10d6
damage (Luck (Con) save for half), recharges when
Wounded. Reac As creator’s orders.

Stone golems are 12 ft statues that move in a
robotic, grinding fashion.

STONE GOLEM #1 AC 16 HD 11+3 Fists (2)

2d8 Nat 19-20 Blunt Trauma (1d8+4) S22 D12 C24
I- P15 W- Ch- L15. 60% Magic Resistance except
Bending the Stone (causes 6d8 damage, once only).
50% chance of negating non magical weapon hits.
If both Fist attacks hit the target is Crushed Luck
(Con) save or Broken Ribs. Reac As creator’s orders.

Green Slime is an immobile, predatory amoeba. It
detects body heat and attacks by dropping onto
moving targets from above, or flinging blobs of
goop. Any metal or organic substance Green Slime
touches transforms into more Green Slime. If a limb
or object becomes slime, it attaches to the host and
spreads each round, transforming more of the

GRIFFON A Hag may enchant the eye of a victim into an Evil
Eye, transforming it into a precious stone the witch
Griffons have the body of a lion with the wings, may see through as if under the effect of Sight
head, and talons of an eagle. They typically nest in Beyond Sight. Hags sometimes gift the Eyes as
high mountain aeries, where they lay their eggs and pendants, turning the wearer into an unwitting spy.
return with live prey to feed to their young.
A trio of Hags is known as a coven and multiply
GRIFFON #2d6 AC 14 HD 4 Claws (2) 1d6 and their powers. If all three Hags are within the same
Bite 2d4 Nat 19-20 Target Grabbed & carried away geographic region (forest, mountains, plains, etc),
S19 D15 C16 I2 P14 W13 Ch8 L7, Fly Very Far. they use Spells (6). If two Hags are in the region,
Advantage on sight based Perception checks. If the Spells (4). A single Hag in a region may use Spells
target is surprised, attack with advantage and may (2). Once per lunar cycle, a coven may perform a
carry away their victim (Str contest to resist, no dark ritual to gain powers of prophecy.
action). Reac 2-4 Hostile 5-6 Hungry (especially for
dogs, mules, horses) 7-8 Unfriendly 9-10 Watchful HAG #1d3 AC 13 HD 6 Claws (2) 1d6+1 Nat 19
11-12 Intrigued. Cursed: lose 1 point of Luck S19 D15 C10 I14 P14
W15 Ch4 L9. Magic Resistance 30%. Spells (2/
HAG 4/6, Int 18) A Wisp Unseen, Shadows & Dust, Flesh
Hags present as elderly, hideous crones. They roam to Stone, Gaze of Beguilement, Bestial Communion,
or lair on the outskirts of human settlements, often Hex of Volcanic Steel, Mask of Many Faces, Thrice
posing as isolated hermits. They are highly Bound Curse. Reac 2-5 Murderous 6-8 Malevolent
intelligent monsters and often adopt the language 9-10 Enticed 11-12 Conspiratorial.
and culture of the region. Hags feed on humans,
preferably children and babes, but can subsist on HAMMER SNAIL
animals if required. They possess preternatural Hammer Snails are 5 ft, carnivorous gastropods
strength and their fingernails lengthen to wolf like with hard shells and resilient, rubbery hides. They
claws when fighting. attack foes by battering them with their five flail like
stalks, or crushing them against the floor or walls
with their bulk. Truly monstrous variants up to 16
ft in length are not unknown (HD 14, Stalk 1d8+2).

HAMMER SNAIL #1d4 AC 16 HD 5 Stalks (5)

1d4+2 Nat 19 Blunt Trauma (1d8+4) S12 D7 C15
I3 P8 W17 Ch1 L8. Climb Close. Hammer Snails
attack the same target with all five hammer stalks
until unconscious before selecting another target (or
tenderising the corpse into a pulpy mass which it
consumes). Reac 2-4 Belligerent 5-6 Hungry 7-8
Careful 9-10 Curious 11-12 Receptive.

Harpies have the upper body of a human female
with the legs and wings of a vulture. Their song is
an unnatural charm that compels victims to move
towards them in an entranced state - even going so
far as to jump into water to swim or leaping from
cliffs (to their death).

Survivors of a Harpy attack recall only a lilting,

captivating song, sung by flying angelic like beings
of incredible beauty. They are unable to explain
what happened to lost comrades or even their own

HARPY #2d6 AC 12 HD 3 Talons (2) 1d6 or Kiss
Special Nat 19 Unnatural Song: Luck (Will) save or
random Madness S9 D15 C10 I10 P12 W13 Ch15
L6, Fly Far. Harpy Song (1) Luck (Will) save or
Stunned and must move towards the Harpy until
they touch (on a TF even if suicidal) or flies into a
rage if prevented. Kiss causes 1d6 Str loss and the
target is Stunned (Luck (Will) save negates the stun).
If reduced to zero Str the Harpy devours the
victim’s heart the following round (dead). Reac 2-5
Violent 6-8 Hungry 9-10 Curious 11-12 Smitten.

Humans make up a great variety of opponents.
Some examples are provided below.

Archers generally have one or two quivers of arrows
and a backup shortsword.

ARCHER #4d6 AC 11 (leather) HD 1 Bow 1d8

Nat 19 Missile Trauma (1d12) S10 D11 C10 I10 P10
W10 Ch10 L4. Reac 2-3 Hostile 4-5 Cautious 6-8
Civil 9-10 Interested 11-12 Friendly. HUMAN, BERSERKER
Berserkers are indoctrinated to fight from an early
HUMAN, ASSASSIN age with astounding (and often drug induced)
Assassins are stone cold killers for hire, trained to ferocity.
incapacitate or kill their marks as quickly and
quietly as possible. Most carry poison to assist in BERSERKER #3d8 AC 13 (heavy hide) HD 1 Axe
their missions. 1d8+1 Nat 19 Blade Trauma (1d8+4) S13 D10 C13
I8 P9 W12 Ch10 L4. +2 bonus on attack rolls and
ASSASSIN #1 AC 14 HD 4 Shortsword 1d6+2 advantage on Morale checks. Reac 2-6 Hostile 7-8
Nat 19 Poison Blade: Luck (Con) save or death S13 Quarrelsome 9-10 Leery 11-12 Civil.
D17 C13 I14 P14 W13 Ch13 L9. Adv on stealth
checks, Rogue talents Skirmisher, Backstab, Finisher. HUMAN, COMMONER
1d3 doses of Major Poison (p.214). Tricks (4)
The Commoner entry is intended to cover most non
Rapid Dose, Hidden Blade, Smoke Bomb, Choking
combatant NPCs the party might meet, including
Dust, Flash Powder. Reac As hirer’s orders.
torch bearers, labourers, porters, etc.

HUMAN, BANDIT COMMONER #1d6 AC 10 HD 1d6 hp Knife 1d4

Bandits roam caravan routes and under patrolled Nat 19 Blade Trauma (1d10) S10 D10 C10 I10 P10
city blocks, looking for wealthy marks. They are W10 Ch10 L4. Reac 2-3 Opposed 4-5 Unfriendly 6-
commonly skilled in Sleight of Hand (especially 8 Civil 9-10 Friendly 11-12 Hospitable.
picking pockets).
BANDIT #3d6 AC 11 (leather) HD 1 Spear 1d6+1
Cultists operate covertly in villages, towns, and
Nat 19 Blade Trauma (1d12) S12 D11 C11 I10 P10
cities, kidnapping victims for sacrificial rituals.
W10 Ch10 L4. Reac 2-6 Bullying 7-8 Covetous
Some rare members with access to forbidden lore
9-10 Civil 11-12 Sociable.
(or a dark patron) might learn to cast spells or
invoke blessings.

CULTIST #3d10 AC 11 HD 1 Knife 1d4 Nat 19
Blade Trauma (1d10) S10 D10 C10 I13 P10 W13
Ch9 L4. Some rare members may have Spells (2, Knights and cavalry may sacrifice their shield to
Int 16) Gabbling of the Jade Moon, Dark Slumber, negate one attack, and ride warhorses.
Brain Burst, Gaze of Beguilement. Reac 2-5 Hostile
6-8 Deceptive 9-10 Jealous 11-12 Conspiratorial. KNIGHT #2d4 AC 16 (plate, shield) HD 2 Lance
2d4+1 Nat 19 Impale, push, or prone S14 D10 C13
I10 P12 W10 Ch10 L5. Usually comes with a
HUMAN, CHAMPION Warhorse. Reac 2-3 Hostile 4-6 Civil 7-9 Courteous
Champions are rare, highly experienced warriors. 10-12 Gracious.

CHAMPION #1 AC 14 (scale) HD 4 Greatsword

1d12+3 Nat 19 Blade Trauma (1d8+4) S16 D10
C14 I10 P12 W13 Ch10 L7. At the GM’s option Mobs consist of scores of angry armed commoners.
may gain a random Heavy ability (p.164). Reac 2-4
Violent 5-6 Insulting 7-8 Civil 9-10 Inquiring 11-12 HUMAN MOB #1 AC 10 HD 4 Pitchforks 1d10
Cordial. Nat 19-20 Overwhelmed! Str contest or Helpless for
1d3 rounds S15 D6 C10 I7 P10 W10 Ch7 L5.
Swarm (p.166). A rousing speech or display of
HUMAN, GUARD overwhelming force might disperse or delay a mob
Guardsmen, soldiers, mercenaries, and men-at- (GM’s call). Reac 2-6 Riotous! 7-9 Hostile 10-12
arms are covered by this entry. Typically bearing Jeering and disruptive.
chain armour, a shield, and a mace, sword, or spear.
Heavy Infantry have AC 15 or 16 (with a shield).
Veterans have HD 2. Captains have HD 3, superior
weapons and armour, and might have a Heavy Sorcerers, wizards, druids, evil priests… whatever
ability or class levels. label is applied, all spell casters rely on the
unpredictable forces of magic for power.
GUARD #1d6+4 AC 14 (chain, shield) HD 1
Sword 1d8+1 Nat 19 Blade Trauma (1d10+2) or SORCERER #1 AC 12 HD 5 Sword 1d8 Nat 19
Disarm S13 D10 C12 I10 P12 W10 Ch10 L4. Reac The Sorcerer triggers a DDM effect S9 D14 C10 I16
2-3 Hostile 4-6 Difficult 7-9 Civil 10-12 Helpful. P14 W15 Ch10 L8. Adv resisting mind effects.
Spells (5) Crush of the Warp, Hellblast, Mask of
Many Faces, Undead Servant, Conjure Entity, Light
of Soliri, Arcane Aegis. Reac 2-4 Malevolent 5-7
Reserved 8-9 Civil 10-12 Inquisitive.

The Hydra is a 30 ft long reptilian quadruped with
nine serpentine heads that grow back if severed.
They commonly lair in large caves, forest burrows
and swamplands. They are notoriously vicious,
often toying with their prey before devouring them.

HYDRA #1 AC 15 HD 13 Bite (9) 1d8+1 Nat

19-20 Random limb torn off, Luck (Dex) save
negates S22 D8 C20 I3 P14 W15 Ch3 L13. Regen
(1d8, silver, fire). Off Turn Attacks. Severed heads
by virtue of Major Exploits or similar grow back in
one round unless the stump is sealed with fire,
lightning, or acid. Reac 2-6 Destructive 7-9 Hungry
10-12 Annoyed.

Invisible Stalkers are 7 ft supernatural assassins from Liches are Undead wizards, transformed by dark
the void, and are most commonly encountered as a rites or dangerous magics gone wrong. Whatever
result of Reaper of Hidden Shadow (an Old Magic the cause, the transformation inevitably turns the
Grimoire spell) or wayward DDM effect. They are magic user mad; the longer the Lich persists, the
invisible, winged monsters compelled to obey a greater its derangement. They often build up a
single command from their conjurer until they collection of enchanted objects over their long years
succeed or are destroyed. of magical research.

INVISIBLE STALKER #1 AC 16 HD 8 “Bite” LICH (BOSS) #1 AC 18 HD 15 Touch 1d12 +

2d8 Nat 19 Special S18 D19 C15 I15 P19 W15 Ch7 Paralysis 2d6 rounds (Luck (Will) save at disad
L9, Fly Close. Invisible. Magic Resistance 50%. On resists) Nat 19 Impart Sorcery: targets rolls for a
a Nat 19 the target and Stalker disappear to the void DDM effect S14 D14 C12 I20 P20 W20 Ch14 L15,
to finish their duel. If the Stalker is defeated, the Fly Close. Boss Traits. Undead. Magic Resistance
target reappears. Reac As creator’s orders or 50%. Spells (5) As GM determines but including at
Hostile. least one Old Magic Grimoire spell, roll 1d4: (i)
Unchain the World Eater, (ii) Sign of Subjugation,
LAKE WYRM (iii) Word of Ending, (iv) Forbidden Wish. Reac 2-3
Hostile 4-5 Hateful 6-8 Interrogative 9-10 Civil
Lake Wyrms are 18 ft marine reptiles that dwell in 10-12 Captivated.
deep lakes, rivers, and oceans. Their diet typically
consists of dolphins, sharks, and other large marine
mammals, but they will gladly tear apart ships to
feast on men if given the chance. They prefer
underwater environs but can survive on land for up
to an hour, slithering and dragging themselves
about on their foreclaws.

LAKE WYRM (HEAVY) #1 AC 16 HD 10 Bite

2d10+1 Nat 19-20 Blade Trauma (1d10+2) S19 D16
C18 I3 P13 W13 Ch6 L12, Swim Far. Heavy
Traits. Steam Breath Far range, targets in a Close
area suffer 10d6 damage (Luck (Dex) save for half),
recharge when Wounded. Reac 2-4 Violent 5-7
Starving 8-9 Indifferent 10-12 Attracted.

Projectile Leeches are one foot rubbery blood suckers
that launch themselves through the air to attack.
Their rubbery hides are impervious to most blunt
force. They react poorly to salt, fire, and acid.


1d3 + Blood Drain Nat 19 Latches onto the target’s
face causing an Eye Injury (Luck (Con) save resists,
adv if helm) S10 D10 C16 I2 P14 W8 Ch3 L3,
Leap Close. Immune to bludgeoning damage.
Blood Drain 1d4+1 dmg + 1 Con loss on target’s
turn unless Str contest (S16) to break free (no
action). A handful of salt, fire, or acid
automatically causes the leech to curl up and die.
Reac 2-12 Hungry!

Giant Lizards are 12 ft carnivorous reptiles that are Wererats are often found in cities, lurking in sewers
highly territorial and nest in broods. If raised from or abandoned alleyways. They are expert sneaks
and may exert control over nearby vermin,
a young age, they can be ridden like mounts,
including their Giant and Dire cousins.
making their eggs valuable in certain quarters.
WERERAT #1 AC 12 HD 3 Bite 2d4 Nat 19 A
GIANT LIZARD #2d6 AC 15 HD 3+4 Bite 2d6 Giant Rat comes to the lycan’s aid (if possible) S14
Nat 19 Acid Spit: 1d6 damage for 1d6 rounds D18 C10 I13 P14 W10 Ch8 L6, Climb Close. Shift
(action to clean off) S17 D10 C14 I2 P8 W10 Ch3 form (action). Regen (all damage, silver, fire). After
L6. Move Far Reac 2-4 Furious 5-6 Hungry 7-9 combat, anyone injured must make a Luck (Con)
Threatening 10-12 Attentive. save or suffer Lycanthropy. Reac 2-3 Hostile 4-5
Unfriendly 6-8 Heedful 9-10 Covetous 11-12

General Lycanthrope traits are detailed on p.166

Three example creatures appear below.
Werewolves are the classic wolf based Lycanthrope.
They have an excellent sense of smell in all forms
LYCANTHROPE, WEREBEAR (gaining advantage on related tests), and may
Werebears are the least human and most bestial of compel wolves and their variants to obey them.
the werecreatures, preferring to lair in the
wilderness, biding their time to strike at woodsmen, WEREWOLF #1 AC 13 HD 6+4 Bite 2d6 Nat 19
explorers, barbarian clans, and so on. They may A Dire Wolf comes to the lycan’s aid (if possible)
issue order to other kinds of bears. S18 D14 C14 I10 P15 W13 Ch8 L8, Move Far.
Shift form (action). Regen (all damage, silver, fire).
WEREBEAR #1 AC 13 HD 9 Bite 2d10 Nat 19 A After combat, anyone injured must make a Luck
Bear comes to the lycan’s aid (if possible) S19 D10 (Con) save or suffer Lycanthropy Reac 2-5 Violent
C18 I10 P15 W15 Ch7 L10, Move Far. Shift form 6-8 Hungry 9-10 Desirous 11-12 Intrigued.
(action). Regen (all damage, silver, fire). After
combat, anyone injured must make a Luck (Con)
save or suffer Lycanthropy Reac 2-6 Destructive 7-8
Aggressive 9-10 Sour 11-12 Cautious. The Mammoth is a gigantic 12 ft tall woolly
elephant with oversized tusks. They are generally
foul tempered destructive brutes, who will trample
or gore unwelcome intruders in their territory.

MAMMOTH #1d4 AC 13 HD 11+3 Gore 3d6+2

Nat 19-20 Trampled: Blunt Trauma (1d6+6) S21
D7 C20 I3 P12 W13 Ch8 L11, Move Far. Adv vs
cold effects. Charge (1) Must move Far, double
damage + Blunt Trauma (1d8+4). Reac 2-5 Furious
6-8 Aggressive 9-10 Surly 11-12 Indifferent.

Manticores have the body of a great cat, dragon like
wings, a tusked humanoid head, and a tail armed
with projectile spines. They often lair on high cliffs,
riding the mountain winds to hunt. Manticores are
generally of low intellect, but some have the
capacity to speak.

MANTICORE #1 AC 13 HD 7 Claws (2) 1d6 and
Bite 1d10 and 1d6 Tail Spikes 1d6+1 Nat 19 Wing
Batter: Luck (Con) save or Stunned S19 D14 C18 I8 The Mimic is a sorcerous oddity of shapeshifting
P10 W12 Ch8 L9. Fly Far. Reac 2-4 Hostile 5-6 sentience; a living trap brought to life by arcane
Combative 7-9 Withdrawn 10-12 Interested. design or perhaps catastrophe. They may change
forms to impersonate an object from as small as a
shoe to as large as a wagon, and are generally
MEDUSA indistinguishable from a mundane object unless
A Medusa is a cursed humanoid with a female touched or threatened with fire.
upper body and face, but with hair consisting of
writhing snakes. They have no legs, conjoined The Mimic may exude a super adhesive secretion
instead to the lower half of a scaled serpent. when desired, causing weapons and creatures to
stick to it. Strong alcohol acts as a solvent to free the
A mortal looking into a Medusa’s eyes risks being captured.
turned to stone (reversible with a rare salve of
Razkarrt bile, or Flesh to Stone spell). Unless MIMIC #1 AC 14 HD 5 Bite 1d10+1 and Tendrils
surprised, adventurers may choose to avert their (4) 1d6 Nat 19 Strong glue; disad on Str check S18
gaze, effectively fighting the monster Blind. D10 C16 I8 P13 W15 Ch4 L11, Climb Close.
Magic Resistance 50%. Off Turn Attacks.
MEDUSA #1 AC 13 HD 8 Bow 1d8+1 and Snake Anything touching the Mimic sticks to it, Str contest
Hair 1d3 + Poison Nat 19 Luck save or weapon or to break free (action). If reduced to zero hit points,
armour is petrified S10 D15 C12 I15 P13 W15 Ch8 does not die but enters a dormant state for 1d4 days
L9. Petrifying Gaze Each round that a combatant (unless set on fire). Climb Close Reac As creator’s
does not avert their gaze (Blind), Luck (Con) save or orders or Mindless Hunger.
Petrified. Poison 2d6 + 1d6 Str loss, Luck (Con)
save for half. Reac 2-4 Murderous 5-6 Treacherous
7-9 Demanding 10-12 Infatuated.
The Minotaur is an eight foot tall, bestial man-
eating predator, with the head of a bull and
MERscine humanoid body covered in shaggy fur. Most are
Merscine are 7 ft aquatic humanoids with a shark, brutal and of primitive intelligence, keen to devour
squid or piranha like head. They spend most of man flesh should the opportunity present itself. The
their time in oceans, rivers, and lakes, but are quasi Infernal Minotaur is a half demon variant, with jet
amphibious and can survive on land for a few hours black eyes, smoking hooves, and a bloody drool.
if necessary.

Merscine are strict carnivores of low intellect, highly

attracted to shiny things which they horde in their
underwater lairs. They communicate via clicks,
whistles, and haunting tones reminiscent of whale

MERSCINE #2d4 AC 12 HD 3 Bite 2d6 Nat 19 A

Giant Shark comes to the Merscine’s aid (if possible)
S16 D16 C12 I8 P10 W13 Ch10 L8, Swim Far. A
Merscine frenzies when a target becomes Wounded,
attacking them if possible and ignoring Morale.
Frenzied Merscine kill unconscious victims with
their next action if the body is not recovered. Reac
2-6 Hostile 7-9 Starving 10-12 Unfriendly.

hp Bite 1d6 Nat 19 Disarmed S10 D17 C10 I4 P13
W8 Ch8 L3, Leap Close. When a target becomes
Wounded, all Monkeys within Close range frenzy,
ignoring other foes to attack the injured (they will
risk free attacks to reposition). On a Crit, the
Monkey climbs onto the back of the target and sinks
its fangs into their neck, knocking them prone (Str
Contest resists). Reac 2-5 Hostile 6-8 Famished
9-10 Peaceful 11-12 Frolicsome.

Mummies are the classic bandage wrapped Undead
of popular fiction. They are susceptible to fire, have
no real intelligence, and simply follow the orders of
their long dead creator. Their touch carries the
dreaded curse Mummy Rot.

MUMMY #1 AC 13 HD 7 Fist 1d12 + Mummy

Rot Nat 19 Scarab Beetles surge out of the Mummy
(as Rat Swarm) S19 D8 C16 I4 P10 W14 Ch3 L9.
Undead. Double damage from fire. Mummy Rot
causes 1 Con loss and prevents all healing until the
adventure ends (Luck (Con) save resists the healing
prevention only). Cleansing Charm also removes the
curse. Reac As creator’s orders.

N’tarc, or flesh harvesters are approx 8 ft tall
MINOTAUR #1d8 AC 15 HD 5+4 Axe 2d8 Nat
aberrants with bulbous, pufferfish like heads and
19-20 Blade Trauma (1d8+4) S19 D14 C19 I6 P14
beaked, toothy jaws. They float with unnatural
W15 Ch7 L8. Charge (1) Move Far, as Axe + Blade
locomotion, folding space to jerkily slip from one
Trauma (1d8+4) Reac 2-5 Enraged 6-8 Ravenous
place to another, long mucus covered tentacles
9-10 Aggressive 11-12 Boisterous.
caressing the ground as they pass.
N’tarc bend space and time in ways humans cannot
2d8 Nat 19-20 Blade Trauma (1d8+4) S19 D14 C19
understand, and in their home dimension age
I6 P14 W15 Ch7 L8. Immune to non magical
slower than the fey. In the material world however,
weapons (excluding cold iron, holy water). Magic
they decay rapidly and die within a few short
Resistance 33%. Roar (1) as Glimpse the True Gods
decades. Their objective is therefore highly time
(Great Success). Reac 2-8 Hostile 9-12 Malevolent.
sensitive; few harvesters wish to remain in the
world longer than necessary.
Man Eating Monkeys are 3 ft tall, agile primates On the verge of extinction, the last N’Tarc are
with elongated teeth, extendable jaws and ferocious unable to reproduce, stretching their lifespans by
tempers. They are clever pack hunters, using hoots, replacing failing organs with those of compatible
howls, and sign language to communicate. While organisms (one being humans). Driven by this
stalking their prey, Man Eating Monkeys take to the fundamental imperative, small bands roam the
high branches to keep out of sight, dropping down universe seeking humans to discreetly harvest.
to ambush their meal as they sleep. For Man Eating
Apes, see the Owlbear entry.

N’TARC #2d4 AC 13 HD 5 Bite 2d6 + age 1d10
years (no save) Nat 19 Target loses next turn, stuck
in a déjà vu loop S13 D13 C9 I16 P15 W14 Ch5 Exceedingly rare, and exceptionally dangerous,
L8, Fly Close. Temporal Warp (recharge 30%) Ogre Mages are the result of Ogre shamans making
Close range, target ages 3d10 years (Luck (Con) dark pacts with entities beyond the Veil to become
save for half). Spells (3) Strange Joining, Crush of the half demons.
Warp, Gaze of Beguilement (lasts 2d6 days and
victims also become friendly to other victims of the After the bargain is made, the shaman manifests
power). Reac 2-6 Murderous 7-9 Covetous 10-12 horns, hooves, and a bloated, corpulent body,
Fascinated. coupled with a keen intellect and unbridled cruelty.
In exchange for their soul, the Ogre no longer ages,
can shapeshift, and cast spells.
Ochre Jellies are mindless, amorphous oozes of OGRE MAGE #1 AC 15 HD 7+4 Sword 2d8 Nat
larger than man size. They dissolve and absorb 19-20 Rift (DDM effect) but the creature obeys the
organic matter with acidic pseudopods. Ogre Mage S19 D10 C15 I16 P14 W15 Ch10 L9.
Murderous rage when Wounded: free attack against
OCHRE JELLY #1d3 AC 11 HD 8 Pseudopod all foes in Melee range. Switch between humanoid
2d8 Nat 19 Jelly splits into two (halve remaining forms (action). Spells (5) Dark Slumber, Gaze of
hp) S18 D10 C16 I2 P13 W16 Ch1 L9. Immune to Beguilement, Blast of Frozen Ruin, Wings of the
fire, split into two if subject to a magical cold Raven King, Shadows & Dust. Move Far Reac 2-6
attack. Jellies absorb unconscious victims with their Hostile 7-8 Deceptive 9-10 Jealous 11-12 Curious.
next action if the body is not recovered (dead).
Reac 2-12 Mindless Hunger. OOZE, GREY
Grey Ooze, also known as grey matter ooze, is more
OCTOPUS, GIANT liquid than ooze, a fast flowing and terrifying
A Giant Octopus is 80 ft long, dwarfing small sailing amoeba that feeds on the thoughts of living
vessels which are inevitably splintered by the beast’s creatures. It attacks by surging into the target’s
devastating tentacles. They are reluctant to crawl on mouth, nose, and ears, tunneling its way to the
land but can do so for short periods if sufficiently victim’s brain which it absorbs.
enraged or hungry.

GIANT OCTOPUS #1 AC 15 HD 17+3 Bite 2d8

and Tentacles (8) 1d10 Nat 19-20 Blunt Trauma
(1d6+6) or Swallowed S23 D14 C22 I3 P10 W15
Ch1 L16, Swim Far. Swallowed 3d10 on Octopus’
turn, victim may only use action to make small
weapon attacks (vs AC 10). If severely injured will
flee, releasing a Far area cloud of black ink (Near
Blind) and regurgitate any swallowed foes. Reac 2-4
Destructive 5-8 Insatiable hunger 9-12 Oblivious

Ogres are nine foot tall lesser giants; powerfully
built, brutish man eaters with elongated canines
and pointed ears. They are of low intelligence,
vicious, and easy to anger.

OGRE #2d4 AC 12 HD 4+3 Club 2d8 Nat 19-20

Blunt Trauma (1d8+4) S19 D8 C15 I6 P7 W8 Ch7
L7. Murderous rage when Wounded: free attack
against all foes in Melee range. Move Far Reac 2-6
Enraged 7-8 Starving 9-10 Rude 11-12 Confused.

Grey Ooze have rudimentary intelligence and
possess limited telepathic abilities. They can mirror OOZE TRAITS
and project basic emotions such love, fear, and
wonder, which they may project out to Very Far Potent Acid The ooze’s attacks ignore
1 armour.
range, luring or herding prey.
Splitting The ooze splits in two when
If killed, the ooze takes up residence in the host’s 2 Wounded (halve remaining hp).
skull, controlling them in an appalling, puppet like
fashion. When it desires another meal, the ooze Blood Frenzy Ooze gains Off Turn
pours out of the host’s orifices to attack.
3 Attacks when target Wounded.
Enraged by Fire Fire damage grants the
OOZE #1 AC 12 HD 6 Tendril 2d6 + 1d4 Int loss 4 ooze adv on attacks until combat ends.
(Luck (Will) save negates Int loss) Nat 19 Emotion
Burst S18 D16 C16 I4 P14 W16 Ch1 L8. Half Fast Flowing Moves Far and may leap
damage from bladed weapons and double damage 5 up to Close range. Never suffers an attack
from fire. Emotion Burst Very Far range, Luck for leaving melee range.
(Will) save or emotion or Madness, recharge half Psi Shriek When Wounded unleashes a
hour. Climb Close Reac 2-12 Mindless Hunger. 6 brain baking psychic attack: Close range,
Luck (Will) save or Madness.
OOZE, SENTIENT Glue Membrane May choose to cause
Sentient Oozes come in a various forms, but are 7 anything that touches it to stick to it
invariably carnivorous flesh melters. Their (Grabbed).
amorphous mass may flatten to crawl under doors Oozifier When a living target is hit, Luck
or puff up to the size of a small wagon. 8 (Con) save or a random limb transforms
into goo that merges with the ooze.
Most emerge from subterranean pools, fissures, or
Explosive As this ooze is damaged, it
Veil ruptures. Oozes track their prey by various
swells larger and larger, then explodes
methods including scent, body heat, and vibration.
9 when killed. Targets within Close range
They fall into stasis like hibernation if starved,
roll Blast Trauma (1d12), a Luck (Dex)
roused to wakefulness if a warm body comes within
save negates.
Close range. Roll 1d10 to determine a particular
ooze’s special trait. Gigantor The ooze puffs up to as large as
10 two wagons; treat as a Boss.

SENTIENT OOZE #1 or 2d6 (spawn pool) AC 11

HD 5 Acid Tendril 1d12 Nat 19 Weapon damaged
-2 attack rolls until repaired S17 D10 C16 I2 P14
W16 Ch1 L6. Half damage from bladed weapons
and double damage from fire. Climb Close Reac
2-12 Mindless Hunger.

Owlbears have the body of a bulky 10 ft bear and the
head of an owl, including a powerful lacerated
beak. Notorious as foul tempered, blood thirsty
beasts, they quickly become enraged if challenged,
inconvenienced, or looked at the wrong way.

For Giant Apes use Dex 14, throw boulders (Far

range, 2d6 damage), and for Winged Apes also add
Fly Close.

OWLBEAR #1 AC 13 HD 6+3 Claws (2) 1d6+2 ROC #1 AC 13 HP 14 Claws (2) 2d6 and Bite
and Bite 2d6 Nat 19 Limb torn off (Luck (Dex) save 2d10+2 Nat 19-20 Target Grabbed & carried away
resists S19 D12 C16 I3 P10 W15 Ch4 L8. If both S23 D13 C20 I2 P14 W16 Ch10 L14, Fly Very Far.
claws hit, bear hug: Luck (Con) save or Broken Ribs. If the target is surprised, attack with advantage and
On a Critical hit the Owlbear explodes into extreme may carry away their victim (Str contest to resist, no
violence causing 20 hp damage. Move Far Reac 2-6 action). Reac 2-4 Hostile 5-8 Voracious (especially
Enraged 7-9 Violent 10-11 Aggressive 12 Sated. for horses) 9-10 Inquiring 11-12 Unaware.


The Purple Worm is a colossal, 100 ft column of Rock grinders are eight foot bipeds with eye stalks,
rubbery flesh, and a circular maw filled with row mandibles, four claws, and a sturdy carapace. They
upon row of man sized teeth. They hunt in seas and have animal like intelligence, eating rocks and
burrow beneath the earth, rarely surfacing except in minerals, drawn to the “resonance” of valuable
times of extreme scarcity, or summoned by metals such as silver (which they find irresistible).
apocalyptic cults. Purple Worms detect their prey They eat as they burrow through the earth, their
through smell, ground vibrations and echolocation. tunnels (usually) collapsing behind them.

PURPLE WORM #1 AC 17 HD 20 Bite 3d12+3 ROCK GRINDER #2d4 AC 15 HP 6 Claws (4)

and Stinger Poison Luck (Con) save or die Nat 1d4+3 Nat 19 Mandibles: Roll 1d20 on the Injuries
18-20 Swallowed S24 D8 C24 I3 P14 W15 Ch2 & Setbacks Table S19 D10 C16 I3 P11 W12 Ch4 L8,
L16. Burrow Close. Off Turn Attacks. Tremorsense, Burrow Close. Tremorsense, sense metals. Reac 2-5
Echolocation. Swallowed 3d10 on Worm’s turn, Violent 6-8 Starving for metals 9-10 Probing 11-12
victim may only use action to make small weapon Passive.
attacks (vs AC 10). If severely injured will flee,
regurgitating any swallowed foes. Reac 2-12
Mindless Hunger! Run!

Giant Rats are about the size of a large cat. They are
often found in sewers and lurking in forests nearby
civilization. Consult the Bones (likely) to determine
whether they carry a random disease.

GIANT RAT #5d4 AC 11 HD 1d4 hp Bites 1d3 +

disease Nat 19 Another Giant Rat comes to this
Rat’s aid (if possible) S3 D14 C8 I2 P13 W6 Ch4
L3, Climb Close. Threatening a Giant Rat with fire
may keep it at bay for a short time (Will check
resists). After combat, anyone injured must make a
Luck (Con) save or suffer a disease. Reac 2-3
Ravenous! 4-6 Hostile 7-8 Steady 9-10 Scared 11-12

Rocs are dragon sized, predatory avians with a
hawk or vulture like appearance and shape. They
are large enough to carry away elephants, wagons,
small boats, and other very large prey. They nest in
the highest, most remote mountain ranges, and
prefer to feed their chicks live meals where possible.
Nests will often have a partner and 1d4 eggs or

ROPER RUST MONSTER #1d6 AC 14 HD 2+4 Bite 1d3
and Antennae Special Nat 19 Prone and Grabbed
Ropers are ten foot stalagmite shaped subterranean S13 D10 C13 I3 P16 W18 Ch9 L5. Antennae hits
monsters, with rock hard hides, lashing tentacles, turn metal objects to rust (destroyed) care of a fast
and a single baleful eye. Their six mucus covered acting chemical reaction, roll 1d4: (i) weapon, (ii)
tendrils snatch at targets, dragging them towards armour, (iii) shield, (iv) other eg coin pouch,
their fang filled maw. Ropers are chameleonic, lantern, etc. Magic items are unusable until
blending into ordinary stalagmites at distances repaired instead of destroyed. Reac 2-3 Hostile 5-7
greater than Melee. They have dog like intelligence Famished 8-10 Interest piqued 11-12 Docile.
and are always hungry.

ROPER #1 AC 18 HD 11 Bite 3d8+1 and Tendrils SCORPION, GIANT

(6) Far range, Poison, dragged into Melee + The Giant Scorpion is a 10 ft monstrosity straight
Grabbed Nat 19 Disarm and weapon tossed behind out of an adventurer’s worst nightmare: a skittering
the Roper S19 D7 C18 I4 P13 W18 Ch5 L11, Move predator with an iron like carapace, limb snapping
Melee. Poison causes 1d4 Str loss (Luck) Con save claws, and a barbed stinger loaded with deadly
for half. Slicing off a tendril offers only brief venom (the poison below is just an example, roll on
respite; 50% chance the monster grows another the Poison table p.214 if preferred).
next turn). Chameleonic: Perc (Det) Great Success
required to spot if motionless among stalagmites. GIANT SCORPION #1d6 AC 15 HD 6 Claws (2)
Reac 2-12 Mindless Hunger. 1d8 and Stinger 1d4 + Poison (1d6 Con loss, Luck
(Con) save for half) Nat 19 Claw Crush: 2d6 on
RUST MONSTER victim’s turn unless Str contest to break free (action)
S19 D13 C15 I1 P10 W14 Ch3 L8. Reac 2-5
Highly feared and widely loathed, the Rust Monster Destructive 6-8 Hungry 9-10 Guarded 11-12
is a wolf sized insectoid with a hard shell, four Uncaring.
claws, whipping tail, and long antennae. Curious
and determined, they are drawn to and feed on
ferrous metals of all kinds. Rust Monsters have no SCROACH
interest in people other than their metal gear (they Scroaches are 7 ft scorpion roach hybrids with
will not eat a person, but might pin one down to sturdy carapaces and paralysing stingers. They lair
feed on their equipment). away from sunlight, most commonly in the deep
forest, dark ravines, and underground tunnels.

SCROACH #1d10 AC 14 HD 4 Stinger 1d10 +

Poison (Luck (Con) save or random limb paralysed
for 1d4 days) Nat 19 Blade Trauma (1d10+2) S13
D14 C10 I3 P10 W10 Ch4 L6. A humanoid with
all limbs paralysed is eaten alive, or has eggs laid in
them (hatch in 4d6 hours and consume the host).
Reac 2-5 Hostile 6-8 Eager to feast 9-10 Suspicious
11-12 Confused.

Giant Serpents vary in size and colour but are
generally 8 to 12 ft long and one or two feet thick at
their widest point. Their oversized heads have
dislocating jaws and fangs laced with venom.

Serpent Poison varies from species to species (GM

determines, or roll 1d20 on the Poison table, p.214).
Larger, even more monstrous specimens of up to 12
HD are not unheard of, growing to more than 3 ft
wide and 25 ft in length.

GIANT SERPENT #1d6 AC 13 HD 5 Bite 1d10
+ Poison Nat 19-20 Constricted: Luck (Str) save or
Helpless, Str contest (action) to break free S19 D16 Razkarrt are the noble caste of the serpentmen,
C13 I3 P10 W12 Ch5 L8. GM decides the Poison ruling over their civilization with great cunning and
or roll 1d20 on the Poison table p.214. Reac 2-6 ruthlessness. They seek to restore the serpentfolk to
Violent 7-9 Ravenous 10-12 Curious. greatness, or in the alternative hasten mankind to
final destruction. The Razkarrt often masquerade as
humans, seeking positions of power with access to
networks of spies and informants, reveling in
manipulating the foolish warmbloods as their plans
Serpentmen are a cruel and despotic race from a lost unfold.
age, once great rulers over early mankind but now
forgotten and exiled into dark corners of the world. RAZKARRT #1 AC 18 HD 9+4 Bite 1d10 +
They breed two primary forms, the Ssurloc warrior, Poison: 1d8 Will loss (Luck (Con) save halves the
a giant, 8 ft hybrid serpent with a humanoid upper Will loss) Nat 19 Psychic Stab: as Brain Burst S12
torso, and the Hraarsk cultists; a reptilian biped that D19 C14 I18 P16 W18 Ch14 L10. Poisoned
can often pass for human in a cloak and cowl. Some victims reduced to zero Will go into a trance like,
ancient writings also refer to a third form, the noble suggestible state for 1d6 hours, even to the point of
Razkarrt caste, recorded as beautiful, cold blooded, committing suicide. May switch between human,
human like beings, able to conceal their forked noble and hybrid forms (action). Spells (6) Brain
tongues and reptilian eyes through shapeshifting. Burst, Arcane Aegis, Bestial Communion, Crush of the
Warp, Gaze of Beguilement, Hand of the Void,
HRAASK Lightning Bolt, Phase Door, Shadows & Dust, Word
of Ending. Reac 2-4 Sadistic 5-10 Malicious 11-12
Hraarsk are the lowest breed of serpentmen,
humanoid in form and dedicated cultists of dark Conspiratorial.
and insidious powers beyond the stars. Hraarsk
venom puts victims into a suggestible state, which
they sometimes use to taint drinks before stealing
away townsfolk for use in sacrificial rituals.

HRAASK #4d4 AC 14 HD 2+2 Bite 1d6 + Poison:

1d3 Will loss (Luck (Con) save resists the Will loss)
Nat 19 Hypnotic Gaze: target Stunned (Luck (Will)
save resists) S12 D13 C10 I10 P12 W10 Ch9 L5.
Poisoned victims reduced to zero Will go into a
trance like, suggestible state for 1d6 hours, even to
the point of committing suicide. Reac 2-5 Hostile 6-
8 Malevolent 9-10 Covetous 11-12 Cautious.

Ssurlocs are 8 ft tall hybrids, half humanoid, half
serpent, devoid of empathy and utterly loyal to the
serpentmen cause. Their venom causes a potent
paralytic effect. If using a weapon, Ssurlocs coat
their weapons with their poison.

SSURLOC #2d4 AC 16 HD 6+3 Sword 2d6 +

Poison: Luck (Con) save or paralysed (Helpless) for
1d3 hours Nat 19 Tail Whip: 1d8 damage and
knocked prone S18 D16 C14 I10 P11 W13 Ch10
L8. Reac 2-6 Murderous 7-9 Aggressive 10-12

Shades are Incorporeal Undead manifesting as ink Shriekers are immobile, 7 ft mushroom fungi with
black shadows, existing only to steal the vitality sphincter like organs on top. If they sense warm
from the living to sustain their cursed half life. Elder bodied creatures within Far range, they emit a
Shades are ancient versions with HD 7, drain 1d6 piercing cry for several seconds, alerting other
Str per hit, and control ordinary shades. Some also monsters that something edible is close. Scratching
demonstrate spell like abilities similar to Shadows & the fungus on the underside of its cap in just the
Dust, Place of Perfect Night, Sever Arcarnum and right way (might require a check) causes it to
Shadowbolt (as Lightning Bolt, but made of life murmur contently then “sleep” for 1d4 hours.
leeching darkness rather than lightning). Some fungi have a means of defence (roll 1d6).

SHADE #2d6 AC 12 HD 4 Touch 1d6+1 + 1d3 Str SHRIEKER #2d6 AC 10 HD 1 Special Nat 19
loss Nat 19 Luck save or weapon or armour is Shrieks even louder! S10 D4 C8 I2 P13 W7 Ch4
turned to shadow S- D16 C- I10 P13 W10 Ch7 L7. L4. Immobile. Reac Shrieks!
Move Far. Incorporeal Undead. Immune to non
magical weapons (excluding cold iron, holy water).
A victim reduced to zero Str is instantly slain, and
rises as a Shade next midnight. Reac 2-12 Hostile.
Poison Puff Melee range, 1d8 damage,
1 Luck (Con) save resists. Once per hour.
Stem Slap Capable of a bludgeoning attack
2 (+1/as Club).
Spore Scream Close range, 1d4 Int loss,
3 Luck (Will) save resists. Once per hour.
Fungi Grubs As Flesh Grubs (p.131) but
4 they burrow for the brain and cause a
random Madness instead of death.
Cap Capture Engulfs Melee target, which
5 begins suffocating. Str contest (action) to
break free (apply disad after first attempt).
Toxic Skin Covered in fine toxic powder,
6 causes 1d6 damage if touched.

Skeletons are magically animated Undead that
unerringly follow the last orders of their creator,
even if their master has long since passed. They
have no personalities as such and are more
automaton than creature. Skeletons are impervious
to piercing damage from arrows, javelins, and
similar weapons. They make excellent guardians,
with no need for food, sleep or shelter. The magic
that sustains a skeleton can last centuries, if not

SKELETON #3d10 AC 11 HD 1 Spear 1d6+1

Nat 19 Another Skeleton animates to aid this one
S13 D10 C10 I- P13 W- Ch- L4. Undead. Immune
to piercing dmg. Reac Creator’s orders or Hostile.

Also known as halfmen or beastmen, Skorn are
heavy set, pink skinned proto-humans, often
scarred and heavily sunburnt. Their precise traits
vary by tribe but most would be 7 ft tall but for their
stooping stature, with small eyes, flat faces,
rudimentary ear holes, and oversized jaws. Skorn
are dull witted cannibals, more beast than man,
preferring to eat humans than animals or their own
kind. They have rudimentary dark vision, able to
make out rough shapes in complete darkness (Near

SKORN #4d6 AC 11 HD 2 Club 1d6+1 Nat 19

Skull Strike: Stunned (Luck (Con) save resists) S15
D10 C13 I7 P12 W8 Ch8 L5 Partial dark vision
(Near Blind instead of Blind). Reac 2-3 Enraged 4-5
Enraged 6-8 Hungry 9-10 Careful 11-12 Interested.

Skratt are 5 ft tall rat like humanoids with rodent
heads, furred bodies, and bald tails. They move on
two or four limbs, communicating in low chirps,
high chitters and aggressive hisses, baring yellowed
fangs when threatened. Like most vermin, the
ratmen are disease laden, skulking scavengers, SLOP GORGER #1 AC 13 HD 9+2 Bite 3d4 and
careful to avoid physical danger unless necessary. Tentacles (3) 1d8+1 Nat 19 Grabbed and Blunt
Once engaged however the ratmen fight with Trauma (1d8+4), Luck (Dex) save negates S19 D8
desperate fury, exploiting any obvious weakness in C17 I3 P10 W9 Ch3 L10, Swim Far. After combat,
their foe. Skratt take no prisoners, and leave no anyone injured must make a Luck (Con) save or
survivors, preferring to eat slain enemies whenever suffer a disease. Reac 2-5 Violent 6-8 Ravenous 9-10
possible (whilst technically omnivores, they prefer Probing 11-12 Unconcerned.

SKRATT #4d4 AC 11 HD 1 Bite 1d6 Nat 19 Tail SPECTRE

whip 1d6 damage and knocked prone S10 D13 C8 Spectres are Incorporeal Undead that pass through
I9 P13 W7 Ch8 L5, Climb Close. After combat, solid objects like water. They possess a malign
anyone injured must make a Luck (Con) save or intelligence and remember much of their former
suffer a disease. Reac 2-3 Starving! 4-5 Hostile 6-8 life, but tainted by overwhelming hate, vengeance,
Threatening 9-10 Reserved 11-12 Fearful. and torment. A Spectre’s icy touch drains the
victim’s memories and life essence.
SLOP GORGER SPECTRE #1 AC 15 HD 7 Touch 1d10 + Drain 1
Slop Gorgers are 8 ft, fleshy slug like monsters, with level until the end of the next Downtime period Nat
grinding maws and a tangle of 10 ft long spiked 19 Special S- D15 C- I13 P15 W15 Ch9 L9, Fly Far.
tentacles. They are amphibious in nature, strong Incorporeal Undead. Immune to non magical
swimmers, and disturbingly quick overland. Gorgers weapons (excluding cold iron, holy water). On a
feed on refuse and carrion (which won’t fight back) Nat 19 the target and Spectre vanish to a nightmare
but are also partial to warm blooded creatures, realm of dark sorcery to finish their duel. If the
especially when spawning. Slop Gorgers are asexual Spectre is defeated, the target reappears. A PC
beasts, laying clutches of slimy egg sacks that drained to zero level dies and rises as a Wraith in
produce multiple babies. Most carry diseases. Elder 1d4 nights. Reac 2-8 Murderous 9-10 Malevolent
Gorgers of up to 16 HD are not unknown. 11-12 Infatuated.

Sprites (also known as Pixies or Brownies) are 6 inch
fey humanoids found in forests, woodlands or near
water. Some have gossamer wings while others
have gills and are amphibious. They are notoriously
capricious with an overpowering lust for a small
glittering things such as coins, rings, and gems.
They employ a sleep inducing poison on their tiny
arrows to waylay travellers, liberating them of their
shiniest trinkets.

SPRITE #5d4 AC 12 HD 1 hp Bow 1d2 + Poison:

Luck (Will) save or deep slumber for 1d4 hours Nat
19 Fey Curse: Lose 1 point of Luck S3 D17 C5 I12
P13 W15 Ch15 L3, Fly/Swim Close. Poisoned
victims awaken with no memory of the prior hour,
SPIDER, GIANT bereft of as many shiny trinkets (coins, gems, etc) as
Giant Spiders are 6 ft long, aggressive hunters and the Sprites can carry. Reac 2-3 Hostile 4-7 Covetous
web builders that will gladly dine on passing 8-10 Mischievous 11-12 Curious.
adventurers if given the chance. Some build hidden
burrows with concealed trapdoors from which to
strike, but most drop from the trees. StIRGE
Stirges resemble grotesque, 1 ft mosquitoes with six
GIANT SPIDER #2d4 AC 13 HD 2+2 Bite 1d6+1 hook like appendages and a needle proboscis, used
+ Poison Nat 19-20 Luck (Str) save or wrapped in to drain their victims of blood. They swarm a target
webs (Helpless) S14 D16 C12 I2 P12 W10 Ch4 L5, in large numbers and are difficult to remove once
Climb Close. GM decides the Poison or roll 1d20 attached. Not unlike bees, Stirges may be pacified
on the Poison table p.214. Cutting a victim free with smoke.
from webs requires a Str check. Reac 2-5 Hostile 6-8
Hungry 9-12 Cautious. STIRGE #3d10 AC 12 HD 1d4 hp Bite 1d3 +
Special Nat 19 Luck (Con) save or disease S4 D16
NEST MOTHER #1 AC 12 HD 12 Bite 2d6 + C6 I2 P10 W5 Ch4 L3, Fly Close. Bite victims
Poison (Luck (Con) save or death in 1d3 rounds) suffer 1d4 blood drain at the end of their turn unless
Nat 19-20 Luck (Str) save or wrapped in webs Str contest (S13) to pry off (action, kills the Stirge).
(Helpless) S18 D16 C16 I5 P12 W15 Ch5 L10, Attacking a Stirge attached to an ally suffers a -2
Climb Close. Off Turn Attacks. Cutting a victim penalty and on a 1-3 attack roll strikes the PC.
free from webs requires a Str check. Reac 2-8 Dousing with smoke makes them sleepy and
Hostile 9-10 Calculating 11-12 Treacherous. aimless (Will check resists). If left unchecked Stirges
will kill an unconscious PC in 1d6 rounds. Reac 2-7
Ravenous 8-10 Follow at a distance 11-12 Fly away.


Bone Cutter Ants are 1 ft carnivores that harvest
bone, claws, carapace, and other hard materials to
build their sprawling surface nests. Once a suitable
corpse is located, they converge on the area,
forming long lines to convey their spoils back to the
nest. Bone Cutter Ants are extremely aggressive,
attacking anything they perceive as a threat or
potential donor (particularly humanoids in rigid

HD 4 Bites 1d10 Nat 19 Overwhelmed! Luck (Str/
Dex) save or Helpless for 1d3 rounds S7 D14 C9 I2
P11 W11 Ch4 L7, Climb Close. Swarm (p.166).
Threatening the ants with fire may keep them at bay
for a short time (Will check resists). Long standing
nests close to trade routes gather piles of salvaged
goods (equal to 1 x 4 HD Lair Treasure). Reac 2-5
Hostile 6-8 Hungry 9-10 Probing 11-12 Indifferent.

Tentacle Spawn are oily skinned, psionic humanoids
with octopus like heads from another planet or
dimension. Their motives are inscrutable but they
are intelligent and exist on a steady diet of brains.
They are subterranean in nature and become
severely disorientated if exposed to wide open TREANT, BLOODROOt
spaces. Tentacle Spawns attack with psychic powers
or by burrowing their tendrils into an opponent’s Bloodroot Treants are sentient, 20 ft tall animated
skull. trees corrupted by great evil. Unlike the peaceable
tree whisperers, these hardwoods hunger for flesh
TENTACLE SPAWN #1 or 1d4 (pod) AC 13 HD and blood rather than earth and stream. Bloodroots
10+2 Tentacles (2) 1d8 + Special Nat 19 Mind look like any normal tree until they attack,
Lash: target Stunned S13 D16 C14 I19 P19 W19 battering their foes with powerful limbs before
Ch15 L10. If both tentacles hit, Luck (Con) save or digging them down into the earth and rooting
target dies on the Spawn’s next turn unless the two themselves atop the still warm corpse. Bloodroots
are somehow separated. Psychic Blast (recharge are unintelligent and incapable of speech, but do
30%) Close range, Melee Area: Stunned, 1d6 Int use leaf rustling to communicate very basic
loss and random Madness (Luck (Will) save negates concepts to each other. They are particularly
the Stun and Madness, and halves the Int loss).
susceptible to fire and will retreat from forest fires
Spell like Psionics (6) Strange Joining, Crush of the
Warp, Gaze of Beguilement, Brain Burst, Hand of the and other very large blazes.
Void, Psychic Force Reac 2-6 Hungry for brains 7-9
Treacherous 10-12 Fascinated.

Giant Toads are about 5 ft tall but are much bulkier
than a man, with lumpy skin and an enormous
mouth. Their colouration runs the gamut and in
large numbers their croaking calls can be deafening.
As tadpoles they are herbivores, but grow to
become carnivores as adults, feeding on fish,
animals, and barbarians alike.

GIANT TOAD #1d8 AC 14 HD 4 Bite 1d12 and

Tongue Close range, dragged into Melee + Grabbed
(Str contest resists, no action) Nat 19 Swallowed:
2d6 on Toad’s turn, victim may only use action to
make small weapon attacks (vs AC 10) S18 D12
C17 I3 P10 W14 Ch5 L7, Leap Close. Reac 2-5
Combative 6-8 Hungry 9-12 Languid.

Batter (2) 3d6 Nat 19 Blunt Trauma (1d8+4) S22
Urgot are abominations of dark sorcery or the
D10 C20 I3 P13 W17 Ch4 L11. Fire causes double cursed bloodlines of humans whose ancestors
damage. Reac 2-6 Hostile 7-10 Hungry 11-12 Sated. made pacts with infernal powers. They differ from
tribe to tribe but all display major mutations such as
TROLL tentacles, shark teeth, deformed bodies and limbs,
Trolls are 10 ft tall, rubbery fleshed humanoids with quadruped motion, etc. Roll on the Mutations Table
large ears and hard nodules patterning their skin. for a special ability if desired. Urgot are intelligent,
They have oversized heads and teeth, paired with cruel and depraved pack hunters, often employing
elongated arms and claws. Trolls are famous for ritual scarring to mark seniority. They are drawn to
their power to self regenerate, making them magic and prefer to lair in the shadows of ancient
extraordinarily difficult to kill without fire or acid temples, forests, and isolated mountains.
on hand. In swamps or moors they sink beneath the
waters to hibernate in times of scarcity, waiting for Urgot Champions have HD 4 and cause 2d8
prey to rouse them. damage with a bite, tentacle crush, etc. Some tribes
include a shaman known as an Urgozer, with Int
TROLL #1d12 AC 13 HD 7 Claws (2) 1d4+2 and 16, HD 3+3, and Spells (4) Dark Slumber, Crush of
Bite 1d8+1 Nat 19 A nearby pet or hireling is eaten the Warp, Shadows & Dust, Brain Burst, Hellblast,
or has a limb torn off S19 D12 C17 I6 P7 W8 Ch7 Riddle of Bones.
L9. Regen (all damage, fire, acid). If reduced to
zero hit points and completely burnt or buried the URGOT #2d6 AC 11 HD 1+4 Club/Bite/etc
Troll does not regenerate. Reac 2-5 Destructive 6-8 1d6+1 Nat 19 Veil Curse: Lose 1d3 Luck S13 D13
Voracious 9-10 Rude 11-12 Uncaring. C16 I7 P9 W12 Ch6 L5. A group of Urgot may
issue a Disturbing Moan (1) Close range, Close
area, Luck (Will) save or random Madness. Reac 2-
5 Murderous 6-8 Hungry for flesh 9-10 Cautious
but drawn to any magic the party might possess
11-12 Inquiring.

Bulbous Brain The Urgots’ Disturbing
1 Moan also inflicts Brain Burst.
Hooks for Hands Drawn out forelimbs end
2 in wicked hooks, 1d6+4 damage.

3 Spiked Carapace The Urgot have AC 13.

Giant Arm 9 ft tall with one ridiculously

4 oversized Str 20 arm; 2d6 damage, Nat
19-20 Blunt Trauma 1d8+4.
Needle Teeth Venomous bite, roll 1d10 on
5 the Poison Table.
Bleeding Orifices When the last Urgot dies,
6 a monster coalesces from their pooled
blood. Treat as DDM #11-12 Rift.
Quadruped Motion These Urgot Move Far
7 on all fours.
Lashing Tentacles The Urgot leader has
8 Off Turn Attacks.

Hideous Beyond Reckoning Instil nausea
in any who see them; Luck (Will) check or
9 lose next action due to uncontrollable
retching, etc.

10 Corpulent Frame Double hit points.

Lamprey Tail Bonus attack causing 1d6

11 damage.
Filth Spores After battle, all combatants
12 must make a Luck (Con) save or contract a
random disease.
Acid Vomit Once per combat, one of these
13 Urgot may Acid Vomit: Melee range, 6d6
damage (Luck (Dex) save for half).
Veil Amplifier All spell casting and DDM
14 checks within Close range are made at

15 Fleshknitter Regenerate like Trolls.

Toxic Belch When Wounded they belch
toxic gas; anyone in melee must make a
16 Luck (Con) save or suffer blurred vision
(Near Blind) for 2d6 hours.
After a time, the master may choose to release a
Toad Tongue Once per combat these Urgot Thrall, allowing it to mature into a full Vampire.
17 may lash out with their tongues to disarm Vampires are conscious of creating too many rivals
(Luck (Dex) save negates). however, and are territorial with respect to feeding
Sudden Blob When Wounded these Urgot grounds. They are just as likely to destroy a Thrall
18 split into twin blob forms; AC 12, half as release it. A Thrall’s ability to move about in
remaining hp, Pseudopod 1d12. daylight however is often of great utility to its
Blood Frenzy When a target becomes master.
Wounded, nearby Urgot will attack them
19 above all others (even risking free attacks in Vampires find the smell of garlic repugnant, do not
order to reach them). cast reflections in mirrors, cannot enter a building
Abominable Stink Once per combat, this without being invited, and hiss loudly when
group of Urgot may ooze a debilitating forcefully presented with the icon of a good deity.
20 stench; Range Melee, Luck (Con) save or The only way to permanently slay a vampire is to
lose 1d6 Dex. submerge it in running water, expose it to direct
sunlight, or drive a wooden stake through its heart.

VAMPIRE #1 AC 13 HD 9 Bite 1d12 + Drain 1

VAMPIRE level until the end of the next Downtime period Nat
Vampires are wicked Undead blood feeders that 19 A Thrall comes to the Vampire’s aid S19 D19
masquerade as humans, living within the very C16 I13 P17 W16 Ch16 L10. Climb Close.
towns they prey upon. They are intelligent and Undead. Off Turn Attacks. Immune to non
present as cold, clammy handed humans, often magical weapons (exc cold iron, holy water).
physically beautiful with enticing voices. Some may Charming Voice (3) As Gaze of Beguilement (Int
control vermin, bats, and wolves, and all drain a 18) Regen (1d12, fire, holy). If reduced to zero hp a
victim’s lifeforce with their bite. A fully drained Vampire turns to mist and flies to its coffin, where it
victim dies or becomes a Thrall under the Vampire’s regenerates in 1d4 hours. Reac 2-3 Enraged 4-5
command. Hungry 6-8 Malevolent 9-10 Curious 11-12 Lustful.

THRALL #3d6 AC 13 HD 3 Bite 1d10 + Drain 1
level until the end of the next Downtime period Nat
19 Blood Frenzy: Bonus Bite attack S18 D14 C14 Giant Wasps have 18 ft wingspans and tough,
I10 P11 W14 Ch10 L5. Immune to non magical carapace hides not dissimilar to heavy armour.
weapons (excluding cold iron, holy water). Regen Their buzzing can be heard from afar, warning of
(1d12, fire, acid). Reac 2-3 Hostile 4-5 Starving 6-8 the wasp’s approach. Giant Wasps are aggressive
Treacherous 9-10 Scrutinizing 11-12 Aroused. hunters that seek to incapacitate their prey with
poison before eating or implanting them with eggs.

VINE PUPPET GIANT WASP #2d4 AC 14 HD 5 Sting 2d6 +

Vine Puppets are cursed creeper plants imbued with Poison: Luck (Con) save or paralysed (Helpless) for
evil spirits or magic seeping from the Veil and 1d4 hours Nat 19 Strong dose: Disad on Poison
corrupted ley lines. They adopt humanoid shapes save and if failed, random limb paralysed for 1d4
in a ghastly parody of men, intertwined with days S14 D14 C9 I2 P13 W13 Ch6 L8, Fly Far.
weapons, armour, and bones of the fallen. Puppets Reac 2-7 Aggressive 8-9 Probing 10-12 Distracted.
often begin an ambush laying prone, masquerading
as plants scattered within the remains of some lost
explorer (indistinguishable from a normal vine, but
if studied carefully, an Int (Arcane* or Wilderness Wights are semi decayed humanoid Undead that
Lore*) check might tip off an observer. inhabit tombs, graveyards, and burial mounds. All
Wights develop cursed insights into the Veil,
VINE PUPPET #1 AC 14 HD 7 Crush 2d8 + gaining the ability to cast spells whilst falling deeper
Grabbed Nat 19 Choke: victim begins suffocating, into madness. A creature killed by their accursed
Str Contest (action) to break free S17 D14 C8 I2 touch rises as a Zombie.
P11 W11 Ch1 L8. Off Turn Attacks. Major
Exploit Protection. A Vine Puppet’s animus protects WIGHT #1 AC 14 HD 5 Claw 1d10 + Drain 1
them from fire (half damage). Reac 2-12 Hostile. level until the end of the next Downtime period Nat
19 Impart Sorcery: targets rolls for a DDM effect
S17 D14 C14 I15 P16 W15 Ch8 L8. Undead.
Immune to non magical weapons (excluding cold
iron, holy water). Creatures killed by a Wight’s
touch rise as Zombies at midnight. Spells (4)
Glimpse the True Gods, Lightning Bolt, Conjure
Entity, Gabbling of the Jade Moon, Hand of the Void.
Reac 2-6 Hostile 7-9 Baleful 10-12 Inquiring.

Will o’ Wisps are malicious, translucent spheres of
eerie light that hunt in remote wilderness, luring
travellers to their deaths. They are Undead, some
say the vestiges of souls who died frightful deaths
alone in the wilds. Wisps may brighten or dim their
luminescence, and change shape to appear as
groups of lights, shimmering pools, or glowing
creatures. They commonly inhabit swamps, high
moors, and dark forests. Very old Wisps manifest
illusions (Shadows & Dust (GS), Very Far range).

WILL O’ WISP #2d4 AC 16 HD 2+2 Shock 1d10

Nat 19 Torches, lanterns, etc go out within Close
range, and all Wisps in the area wink out (invisible)
until the end of their next turn S3 D19 C6 I11 P15
W15 Ch5 L5, Fly Far. Undead. Wisps always win
Initiative. Reac 2-7 Sadistic 8-12 Mischievous.

Winged Snakes are typically 6 ft long, dark green or
brown, with hard scales and leathery bat like wings
that propel them through the air in a lurching
motion (somewhat akin to a bat). Bad tempered
and ferocious, Winged Snakes are quick to strike but
also quick to retreat if battle fares poorly, relying on
their wings to flee. They have a venomous bite and
can also spit poison a short distance.

WINGED SNAKE #3d4 AC 14 HD 3 Bite 1d8 +

Poison Nat 19 Disarmed and the snake flies away
with the weapon S10 D17 C10 I3 P13 W9 Ch4 L6,
Fly Close. GM decides the Poison or roll 1d20 on
the Poison table p.214. Spit Venom (recharge 40%)
Close range, Luck (Con) save or Poison effect. Reac
2-4 Aggressive 5-6 Hungry 7-9 Cautious 10-12 Fly
on by.

Frost Worms are armour plated, 15 ft predators with
segmented jaws, found in freezing climes of ice and
snow (typically high mountain peaks and glaciers).
They hunt for flesh in small groups, detecting their
prey through a combination of smell, tremor sense WRAITH
and echolocation. Wraiths are most commonly encountered as thralls
to their Spectre master. They may shift between
FROST WORM #2d4 AC 15 HD 7 Bite 2d8 Nat Incorporeal and physical form, but physical
19 Blade Trauma (1d10+2) S19 D10 C15 I3 P8 manifestation causes them great pain and they do
W14 Ch4 L9, Burrow Close. Frost Breath (1) so only for short periods. Wraiths are often armed
Close range, target suffers 6d6 damage and Grabbed with ghostly weapons that sap the will of the living.
(Luck (Con) save for half). Reac 2-6 Hostile 7-9
Hungry 10-12 Cautious. WRAITH #1d6 AC 14 HD 6 Ghostly Sword 1d12
+ 1d4 Will loss Nat 19 Veil Conduit: targets rolls
WORM, PLAGUE for a DDM effect S- D17 C- I10 P13 W12 Ch7 L8.
Plague Worms are 8 ft chitinous worms that burrow Undead. May switch between Incorporeal and
through rock and soil, their skin coated in a slick, physical form (action). Creatures drained to zero
disease laden fungus that imparts Greyscale Blight Will die instantly with a pitiable shriek. Reac 2-8
(p.131). Their diet consists of smaller annelids and Violent 9-10 Hateful 11-12 Envious.
other creatures they happen upon. In times of
scarcity, the worms fall into a dormant state, WYVERN
subsisting on tiny organisms in the earth. Plague Wyverns are 30 ft, two-legged quasi dragons, with
Worms are nomadic but will linger near places of horned skulls and fore claws attached to their
food, such as underground cities. wings. They have a bestial intellect, low cunning,
and a deadly tail stinger.
PLAGUE WORM #1d6 AC 17 HD 3 Batter
1d10+1 Nat 19 Blunt Trauma (1d10+2), Luck (Dex) WYVERN #1d4 AC 17 HD 13 Bite 2d8 and Sting
save negates S17 D10 C13 I3 P10 W10 Ch5 L6, 1d6+2 + Poison: Luck (Con) save or reduced to
Burrow Close. After combat, anyone injured must zero hp (if save, 20 damage) Nat 19-20 Blade
make a Luck (Con) save or suffer Greyscale Blight. Trauma (1d6+6) S22 D16 C20 I3 P15 W14 Ch7
Reac 2-8 Ravenous 9-12 Sated. L13, Fly Far. Reac 2-6 Hostile 7-9 Starving 10-12

XARROX Xornlings “hear” gems and metals within Far range,
have animal like intelligence, and often develop a
The Xarrox is a terrifying 10 ft centipede monster taste for jewellery and coins. A Xornling left to its
with a steel carapace, giant claws, and snapping own devices will eat 1d10 coins, gemstones, or a
mandibles. Capable of rapid swimming and earth chunk of a metal every few hours. They are natural
burrowing, these man eating predators ambush chameleons and gain advantage when hiding.
caravans or ships in packs, bursting up from the
earth or sea to devour travellers. XORNLING #2d4 AC 15 HD 1d4 hp Bite 1d2 +
Luck (Con) save or lose 1 Str Nat 19 Bites a chunk
XARROX #2d4 AC 15 HD 6 Bite 2d8 Nat 19 out of the target’s weapon, reducing its effect by
Blade Trauma (1d8+4) S19 D13 C16 I3 P10 W11 one die category until repaired S6 D17 C9 I4 P13
Ch4 L8. Burrow Far, Swim Close. Tremorsense, W12 Ch9 L3. Climb Close. “Hear” gems, coins,
Echolocation. Xarrox claws are perfectly evolved to etc. Tremorsense, Echolocation. A Xornling left to
burrow through earth and soft stone. Reac 2-5 its own devices will eat 1d10 coins, gemstones, or a
Destructive 6-9 Hungry 10-12 Unconcerned. chunk of a metal every few hours. Chameleonic,
advantage when hiding. An adventurer reduced to
XORNLING zero Str is turned to stone. Reac 2-5 Starving! 6-9
Xornlings are diminutive 4 inch subterranean Proving 10-12 Playful.
monstrosities that sustain themselves on rocks,
minerals, gems, and metals (they home in on their YeGNU
“resonance”). They resemble alienesque spiders Yegnu are interdimensional aliens composed of
with six legs, a hard, noduled carapace, and darting slough like flesh that moulds to suit their purpose.
eyes scattered across their body. A grinding maw is In their native form they adopt a 3 ft long slug like
located beneath their oval midsection. shape, with a single eye and prehensile tendrils.
They are intelligent parasites that paralyse their
victim before entering through their mouth, taking
up residence in the digestive system. Once
ensconced, Yegnu control their victim via chemical
signals until the host dies of starvation, at which
time they exit the corpse to find another puppet.
Yegnu avoid salt as its touch burns them.

YEGNU #1d6 AC 12 HD 7 Tendril (2) 1d8 + Luck

(Con) save or paralysed (Helpless) for 1d4 mins Nat
19 Hypnotic Eye: target Stunned S10 D8 C18 I10
P10 W19 Ch3 L9. Climb Close. Tremorsense.
Yegnu may mould their shape to suit their purpose.
Once paralysed, the parasite takes up residence in
the victim’s stomach. A cupped handful of salt
causes the Yegnu 1d10 damage. Forcing a victim to
eat large quantities of salt forces the parasite to be
regurgitated. Reac 2-12 Hostile.

YellOw MOuld
Yellow Mould is a semi-sentient fungus; it is
immobile but attacks by way of projectile spores
that induce a horrible, choking death. The dead
become incubators for the spores, sprouting a new
Mould in 1d4 days. An apothecary may be able to
delay or cure spore poison. Yellow Mould is
particularly susceptible to fire. When pickings are
slim, they fall into a stasis like dormancy until a
warm body’s presence rouses them.

YELLOW MOULD #1d4 AC 10 (auto hit in
melee) HD 3 Projectile Spore Close range, Close
area: Luck (Con) save or die a horrible choking
death in 1d6 rounds Nat 19 Misfire: a sad, tiny puff
wheezes out (negates attack) S6 D- C16 I2 P14 W-
Ch- L6. Immobile. Sense warm bodied creatures
within Far range. Protecting the nose and mouth
with a mask grants advantage on the spore save.
Apothecary treatments delay spore death by 3d6
hours, -2 penalty to actions in the meantime (or
cure on a Great Success). Double damage from fire.
Reac 2-12 Hostile.

Zombies are walking corpses, mindlessly obeying
their creator’s orders. They come in several
variants, some of which appear below.
Standard fare, slow moving mindless Zombie that
ZOMBIE, BRAIN EATER simply seeks to destroy and dismember any living
thing it comes across. They don’t understand how
As the name suggests, these Zombie variants are to open doors or windows, but may break them
horrific brain eaters. They are able to sprint for down trying to reach the living.
short periods, sometimes catching their prey off
guard. WALKER ZOMBIE #3d8 AC 11 HD 2+2 Fist
1d8 Nat 19 1d3 nearby corpses animate to aid this
BRAIN EATER ZOMBIE #2d4+4 AC 11 HD Zombie S15 D7 C18 I- P12 W- Ch- L5. Move Half
3+3 Bite 1d6+2 Nat 19 Choking Grasp: target’s Close. Undead. Walkers dismember unconscious
brains are eaten on the Zombie’s next turn unless the victims with their next action if the body is not
two are somehow separated S15 D10 C14 I- P12 recovered (dead). Reac As creator’s orders or 2-12
W- Ch- L5. Move Half Close. Undead. Sprint (1) Hostile.
Move Far. Brain Eaters kill unconscious victims

with their next action if the body is not recovered.
Reac As creator’s orders or 2-12 Hostile.
The following Zombie Swarm represents scores of
ZOMBIE, GIANT Walkers lurching along in a mindless fashion,
groping at the closest living thing they sense.
Unfeeling, obedient servants of unflagging
strength, there are few brutes as effective as an ZOMBIE SWARM #1 AC 8 HD 6 Fist 1d12 Nat
Undead Giant, particularly if armed with a weapon. 19-20 Overwhelmed! Str contest or dead on the
Like standard zombies, giant versions attack a Swarm’s next action unless somehow rescued S19
target until it is destroyed, dismembering humans, D5 C18 I- P10 W- Ch- L6. Undead. Swarm (p.166).
splintering doors, and so on. Raising such a Zombie Swarms are easily baited and move towards
behemoth requires a particularly taxing ritual, wherever they think the closest prey is. They kill
triggering a DDM effect and permanently draining unconscious victims with their next action if the
the necromancer of 2 points of Con. body is not recovered. Reac As creator’s orders or
2-12 Hostile.
GIANT ZOMBIE #1d2 AC 14 (armour) HD 10
Axe 3d6+2 Nat 19 1d3 nearby corpses animate to
aid the Giant Zombie S21 D6 C22 I- P10 W- Ch-
L12. Undead. Giant Zombies kill unconscious
victims with their next action if the body is not
recovered. Reac As creator’s orders or 2-12 Hostile.

Traditionally Oracles have been used for solo play,
but in truth they are quintessential improv
enablers and will make your world feel alive and
independent like no other devices can.


The Bones are an oracle tool that answers yes or no
questions that you pose as an adventure unfolds.

They consist of four dice:

◆ The Hammer of Judgment, an oversized

19mm d6. It provides Yes or No answers
only, and acts as a tie breaker when necessary.

◆ The Twins of Fate, two identical d6s generate

Yes or No or Nil (blank) results. More or Less Likely
There will often be times when based on the
◆ The Fortune die, which produces Fortune , circumstances you consider that either a yes or no
Misfortune or Nil (blank) results. answer is substantially more likely than its
counterpart. In these cases, after you cast the Bones,
Consulting the Bones if any of the dice show the result you felt was
After you pose a question to the Bones, roll all four unlikely, you must reroll one of those dice (only
dice, then interpret them as follows: one). If the Judgment die is one of the potential
dice to be rerolled, you must reroll it (not a Fate
◆ Yes and No answers cancel each other out, die).
with one exception. If the result is Yes or No
on the Judgment die, and the opposite result The party is sneaking into ruins held by Urgot, and
on just one of the Twins of Fate, the Judgment you Consult the Bones: Is there a sentry keeping
die acts as a tie breaker and the Fate die is watch? The Bones reveal a double Yes, a single No,
ignored. and a Sun (Fortune) result. One Yes cancels out the
single No, resulting in a final answer of Yes. You
◆ If the final outcome is a single Yes or No, interpret this as there being a sentry, but that the
interpret the result as an ordinary yes or no. Fortune result means she is distracted. Rolling 1d6
on the Activities table (p.66), you get a 3: Eating.
◆ If the final outcome is a double yes or no, You decide the lookout is distracted sucking the
interpret the result as being a “greater” or marrow from an old thighbone, which will make
more definitive event. Similarly, on a triple things easier for the PCs.
result, this should be interpreted as an
“extremely great” or exaggerated result. Alternatives
If you don’t have The Bones or Deck of Signs, you
◆ If the Fortune die shows a icon, interpret
can pick them up from Gamecrafter or DTRPG
the yes or no result with an additional benefit
(deck only) or use the free online Deck or Dice. Or
or advantage to the PCs (the benefit need not
simply substitute the following percentage chances
be directly related to the original question). If
when instructed to Consult the Bones: If yes or no is
the die shows a icon, interpret the yes or no
equally likely use 50%, or if one answer is
result with an additional complication,
substantially more likely use 75% (or 25% for the
setback, or disadvantage. The Fortune die is of
unlikely result). For the Deck of Signs, substitute
course subject to GM discretion; in some
your favourite open question oracle.
instances there may be no practical effect.

READ THE SIGNS You Read the Signs to learn more about a random
barbarian tribe in a ruin. Drawing two cards reveals
The Deck of Signs is an oracle tool to draw from
when you have an open question that requires Magician, Conjuring, Learned, Enchanted and
more than a yes or no answer. Death, Decaying, Uncaring, Doomed. Applying
Magician, Doomed, and Decaying, you interpret
The cards are in a similar style to the tarot’s major this to mean the Thuel tribe camping in the ruins
arcana, made up of and depicting various fantasy have been cursed by a resident undead sorcerer!
archetypes and icons. Each card has four words
related to its theme from which to draw inspiration: Time
a Noun (the archetype name, top left), Verb (a Each card includes a sun or moon icon to generate
doing word, top right), Adjective (a descriptive random times, if required:
noun, for more nuanced detail, bottom left), and a
general Ambience/Tone/Mood Tag for broader ◆ Light Sun = Morning (6am to Noon)
context (bottom right).
◆ Dark Sun = Afternoon (Noon to 6pm)
When you Read the Signs, pose an open question to
be answered and draw two cards, then interpret the ◆ Light Moon = Evening (6pm to Midnight)
answer using two or more of the words and/or art
presented. A single card also works, but drawing ◆ Dark Moon = Late Night (Midnight to 6am)
cards enables more obvious and varied prompt
If the particular hour is required, roll 1d6, starting
combinations. Remember the deck is just another
from 6am, Noon, 6pm, or Midnight respectively.
tool in your arsenal, to be used with your other
favourite oracles, tables, etc.
The cards also includes a small compass symbol
with an arrow, indicating direction.

Noun Direction


Sun =

Adjective Ambience,
Tone, Mood

The below tables are for making quick, simplified NPC adventurers. Each combat, a rival adventurer may
use their class abilities (from their level or lower) a number of times as indicated in the relevant column
(choose one ability to use each time). Attack bonus is equal to HD, like any monster. Naturally the GM is
free to tweak details or create NPC adventurers more consistent with the PC creation rules (note: NPC
Luck usually relates to HD/Level; see p.163 for guidance).


Hellfire Glass, Spear 1d6+1,
ARTIFICER 1, 2, 3 14 14, 15, 16 4, 5, 6 2
Flash Rig Chain Shirt
INT 15
DEX 13 Fume Flask, Hammer 1d8+1,
4, 5, 6 15 17, 18, 19 7, 8, 8 3
CON 13 Mutagen Scale Shirt
Other 10 Corroding Spray, BP Weapon 4d4,
7, 8, 9 16 20, 21, 22 9, 9, 10 4
Thunder Gauntlet Breastplate
Battle Axe 1d8+2,
BARBARIAN 1, 2, 3 14 17, 19, 21 4, 5, 6 Ferocious Rage 2
Heavy Hide, Shield
CON 15
STR 13 Greataxe 1d12+2,
4, 5, 6 14 23, 25, 27 7, 8, 8 Second Attack 3
Other 10 Monstrous Chitin
Spear 1d6+3,
7, 8, 9 16 29, 31, 33 9, 9, 10 Killer Instinct 4
Chain Shirt, Shield
Spear 1d6+2,
BARD 1, 2, 3 11 12, 14, 16 4, 5, 6 Inspire Greatness 2
CHA 15
STR 13 Longsword 1d8+1,
4, 5, 6 14 18, 20, 22 7, 8, 8 Rallying Shout 3
Other 10 Chain Shirt
Long bow 1d8,
7, 8, 9 16 24, 26, 28 9, 9, 10 Warlord 4
Scale Shirt, Shield
Holy Smite, Mace 1d8+1,
CULTIST 1, 2, 3 12 12, 14, 16 4, 5, 6 2
Turning Leather, Shield
STR 13 Mend Flesh, Flail 1d6+2,
4, 5, 6 15 18, 20, 22 7, 8, 8 3
Other 10 Watched Over Chain Shirt, Shield
Blessed Weapon, G.Hammer 1d12+1,
7, 8, 9 15 24, 26, 28 9, 9, 10 4
Sever Arcarnum Scale Shirt
Deadly Strikes, G.Hammer 1d12+2,
FIGHTER 1, 2, 3 15 16, 19, 22 4, 5, 6 2
Two Hander, Brutal Chainmail
STR 15
CON 13 Opportunist, Charger, Bast Sword 1d8+2,
4, 5, 6 17 25, 28, 31 7, 8, 8 3
Other 10 Second Attack Splint, Shield
Dual Weapons, Sword 1d8+2, Axe
7, 8, 9 17 34, 37, 40 9, 9, 10 4
Master of Arms 1d8+2, Platemail

Arcane Aegis, Staff 1d6,
MAGIC 1, 2, 3 12 11, 12, 13 4, 5, 6 2
USER Dark Slumber Heavy Robes
INT 15
Lightning Bolt, Spear 1d6+1,
4, 5, 6 13 14, 15, 16 7, 8, 8 3
DEX 13 A Wisp Unseen Leather
Other 10 Flesh to Stone, Longsword 1d8,
7, 8, 9 14 17, 18, 19 9, 9, 10 4
Sever Arcarnum Studded Leather
Iron Fist,
MONK 1, 2, 3 13 12, 14, 16 4, 5, 6 2 Unarmed 1d6+1
Formless Water
DEX 15 Fork the River,
4, 5, 6 14 18, 20, 22 7, 8, 8 3 Unarmed 1d10+1
Other 10 Spirit Warrior
Strength of One,
7, 8, 9 15 24, 26, 28 9, 9, 10 4 Unarmed 1d10+1
Heaven’s Leap
Sharpshooter, Throwing Axe
RANGER 1, 2, 3 12 12, 14, 16 4, 5, 6 2
Instinctive Rescue 1d6+1, Hide
STR 13 Cover Fire, Short Bow 1d6+1,
4, 5, 6 15 18, 20, 22 7, 8, 8 3
DEX 13 Nature’s Venom Reinforced Leather
Other 10 Slip Away, Long Bow 1d8+1,
7, 8, 9 16 24, 26, 28 9, 9, 10 4
Off Hand Adept Chain Shirt
Backstab, Finisher, 2 x Daggers
ROGUE 1, 2, 3 13 15, 17, 19 4, 5, 6 2
Flash Powder 1d4+1, Leather
DEX 15
STR 13 Unseen Whip, Short Bow
4, 5, 6 14 21, 23, 25 7, 8, 8 3
CON 13 Hidden Blade 1d6+2, Leather
Other 10 Glue Pot, 2 x Shortswords
7, 8, 9 15 27, 29, 31 9, 9, 10 4
Rapid Dose 1d6+1, Leather

Tales of Argosa is well suited to Solo play. The A Lone Wolf PC applies the following benefits:
many random tables, as well the Dice & Deck
Oracles, Reaction rolls, exploration procedures, ◆ Starts at Level 3.
Nat 19 effects, Chases, etc, allow the player to cede
many traditional GM decisions to chance, fostering ◆ Hit Points equal to 25 + Class bonus.
a more independent and emergent world.
◆ Each time the PC takes an action in combat,
they make a bonus melee or ranged attack.
If solo gaming with a party of three or more PCs,
the game will function as usual and no special ◆ Each time the PC suffers a melee or ranged
adjustments are required. hit, roll the Fortune die (p.204). On a the
attack is parried, evaded, or negated by some
For a party of two, you might consider reducing other means. On a the PC counterstrikes,
the number of enemies encountered by a third, or automatically causing standard melee (or
hiring some NPCs to beef up your daring duo. ranged, if more appropriate) damage to their
opponent. On a Nil (blank) result there is no
LONE WOLF special effect.
For a solitary PC, some rules changes are required ◆ On a Short Rest, make three Willpower
in order to give them a fighting chance in the wilds checks instead of two. If the PC’s Luck is less
of Argosa. Compared to a standard PC, the Lone than 10, on a Great Success, the PC may
Wolf is a hero among heroes, emulating the likes restore 1 point of Luck as a further option.
of Conan, Elric, Aragorn, Caramon, Druss the
Legend, Connavar of the Rigante, and so on. ◆ If the PC is facing five or more enemies,
halve their number.

◆ During Hexploration, the PC always counts

as being on Look Out duty (p.135), even
when asleep (they’re light sleepers, or perhaps
have a sixth sense for danger). This is a bonus
Travel Role; the PC still chooses another role
to perform each day.

Generally speaking solo play unfolds much like
group play, but you are both GM and player,
switching back and forth between what your PC(s)
are doing and how the world responds to them.

Analog - maps, cards, dice, etc

Ambient Music

Quicker with just one PC

SiMple vs COMplex Where & HOw?
For the purposes of ToA, traps come in two Spotting hazards before they go off, and figuring
varieties: simple and complex. Simple traps are out how to neutralise them, is an important part of
easily ad-libbed and quickly resolved; they are the trap experience. GMs are encouraged to ask
straightforward hazards such as tripwires that fire questions of the players about where and how they
darts, or a false door that opens a pit. Simple traps are searching (or disarming) before:
can appear any place that makes sense, and their
purpose is to deter or prevent passage or access. 1. Check or No Check? Deciding whether a
check is required, and/or
Complex traps on the other hand are fully fledged
encounters in their own right. They require 2. Modifiers Whether any modifiers ought to
significant GM planning ahead of time in order to apply (similar to the approach adopted for
fit their location and allow for meaningful social skills, if using them).
interaction. Complex traps are multi part affairs,
often with telegraphed warnings or clues, and If traps are allowed to devolve into a series of dice
serious consequences if the PCs fail to find a way to rolls without any real player input, they quickly
overcome them. become dull resource sinks instead of interesting
In keeping with assisting improvisational play, this
book contains tools to create simple traps only. Three Second Trigger
Eleven complex traps are available for free When a PC triggers a trap, instead of moving
download via our website. straight to the Luck save, attack roll, or other effect:

Mechanical vS Magical 1. Inform the player of the nature of the trigger

What follows assumes a low to moderate magic (eg: a tripwire tugs at your boot), and
world, with tables and rules skewed towards
2. Boldly Inquire “What do you do? Three
mechanical or alchemical triggers and effects.
seconds to answer!”
Magical traps are also included however.
Do not be drawn into providing any extra
Rarity information about the trap at this stage. The player
Generally speaking, it is recommended that traps be has to the count of three to respond. If the proffered
used sparingly, and only in places and ways that action makes it easier to avoid the trap, the PC
make sense. For example, many traps will need gains a bonus on their Luck save or attribute check
methods to bypass them by friendly forces, and/or (perhaps a +2 bonus or advantage). If the described
require ongoing maintenance by residents. action is neutral the save or check is rolled as
normal. If the action makes the trap significantly
The reasons for trap rarity are twofold: harder to avoid, the save or check is rolled with a
1. Surprise Rare traps offer more novelty and
player surprise, and Designer’s Thoughts
The intention of this rule is to throw a snap
2. Overcaution When traps are too common, decision to the player, building the suspense, with
the game inevitably suffers from repetitive the potential to skew the odds in their favour.
searching routines and/or overcautionary Whether there are ultimately squees of delight, or
play (eg the PCs avoid touching anything curses and fist pounding, everyone at the table gets
non-essential for fear of springing a trap). to linger on the precipice a little longer.

A series of tables appear below to improvise simple
traps on the fly. Roll once for each of the following:

1. Danger level,

2. Triggers & Counters, and

3. Mode of attack.

Roll 2d6 to determine the trap’s danger level (or
choose) as appropriate for the situation:

2-7 Minor 8-10 Moderate 11-12 Major

TriggerS & COunterS MOde Of Attack

Triggers and countermeasures are partly dependent To determine a trap’s attack mode, roll 1d8 for
on the nature of the trapped item or space: portable containers (chests, boxes, jars, etc), or
1d20 for spaces and large objects (doors, hallways,
◆ Portable container traps activate if opened, rooms, etc). If an attack mode does not fit the
moved, or otherwise interacted with, as situation at hand, reroll (or choose).
determined by the GM.

◆ Roll 2d6 for spaces (doors, rooms, hallways,

etc) or large objects (statues, bookshelves,
MODE Of attack
beds, etc). If a particular trigger doesn’t make
sense for the situation, roll again (or choose). 1 Magic 11 Deadfall

2 Needle 12 Drowning
Disconnect or 3 Gas 13 Boulder
2 Water level change manipulate the
float. Arrows or
4 Darts
14 Relocation
3-4 Tripwire Cut/dummy line.
Scything Crushing Walls
Jam, disassemble,
5 Blades
15 or Ceiling
5-7 Pressure Plate weighted bag.
Fire or Spears
Open, Move, or Depends on nature 6 Explosion
16 or Spikes
8-9 Interact with of interaction.
Sever Arcarnum or 7 Acid 17 Alarm
similar. Deface
10-11 Magic Sensor runes, break the
enchanted circle. 8 Self Destruct 18 Monster
Cut, jam or disable
clockwork or other 9 Snare 19 Pit
12 Timer Mechanism
components. Reset
or extend timer. GM Special or
10 Lockdown 20 Double Trap

BypaSSeS acid
Some traps will include a method to safely bypass
the hazard to allow passage/access by friendlies. Minor Luck (Dex) save or 2d8 damage.
Finding the bypass generally requires searching in a
specific location, and/or a Perc (Detection) check 4d6 damage in a Melee area, Luck
(often modified). Prying the information from a (Dex) save for half. On a Terrible
captured enemy also works. Roll 2d6 (or choose) to Moderate
Failure, the PC suffers Nasty Scars
determine the bypass: (#13 Injuries & Setbacks table).
7d6 damage in a Close area, Luck
bypaSSeS (Dex) save for half. On a Terrible
Major Failure, armour is destroyed and
Trap does not activate, or is disabled, at the PC suffers Nasty Scars (#13
2-3 certain times of the day or night. Injuries & Setbacks table).
Code or puzzle (multiple buttons, dials, Plug nozzle(s), concave bowl or
4-5 levers, etc). Counter
shield to redirect the spray.
6-8 Hidden switch, lever, pressure plate, etc.

Safe route map (possessed by enemy, ALARM

9-10 hidden, or puzzle). Perception (Det) check to notice
trigger. If activated, the alarm
11-12 Magical Password. Minor sounds in this room: Consult the
Bones to see if a sentry or random
Purchasing traps monster comes to investigate.
Traps are generally categorised as “rare” goods. Luck (Perc) check to notice trigger.
Rough costs are outlined below according to danger If activated, the alarm sounds in
level. Final prices and availability are subject to GM this or a nearby room: a sentry or
discretion. Most prices will need tweaking to random monster investigates.
account for the vendor and trap specifics. Luck (Perc) check at disad to notice
trigger. If activated, alarm sounds in
cOSt Major
multiple rooms. Various sentries are
alerted or random monsters come
to investigate (roll twice and use the
Minor 5d10 + 50 sp. most dangerous result).
Destroy or mute any obvious sound
Moderate 500 sp + (1d6 x 100 sp). Counter
device(s). Silent Shroud.

Major 1,500 sp + (2d6 x 100 sp).

Minor Single target, +4 to hit, 2d8.

Moderate 1d3+1 targets, +8 to hit, 2d8+2.

Close area, +12 to hit, 4d8+4 and
Nat 17+ Missile Trauma (1d12).
Plug firing port. Shield or other
improvised blocking object.

Room seals and walls/ceiling crush Luck (Dex) save or 2d6 damage and
occupants to death in 4d6 rounds. Burning.
Luck (Dex) save at +3 bonus to 5d6 damage and Burning in a Melee
wedge a door open or dive outside. Moderate area. Luck (Dex) save halves the
Chamber seals and walls/ceiling damage and negates Burning.
crush occupants to death in 3d6 10d6 damage in a Close area, Luck
rounds. Luck (Dex) save to wedge a (Dex) save for half. Targets are
door open or dive outside. Major
Burning. If explosive, targets also
Chamber seals and walls/ceiling suffer Blast Trauma (1d10+2).
crush occupants to death in 2d6 Plug nozzle(s), neutralize explosive
Major rounds. Luck (Dex) save at -3 chemicals, shielding object.
penalty to wedge a door open or
dive outside.

Make your own exit through a wall, GAS
floor, ceiling. Use gear as wedges.
Minor Melee area gas; Minor Poison p.214.

Close area gas; Minor (40%) or
Moderate (60%) Poison p.214.
Stone bricks drop from above. Dex
Minor Close area gas; Moderate (40%) or
(Acro) check or 1d12+2 damage. Major
Major (60%) Poison p.214
A one foot stone block drops from
Moderate above. Luck (Dex) save or 2d12 Plug outlet. Anti-toxin. Breathing
damage and Blunt Trauma (1d12). Mask. Wet face mask (save bonus).
A very heavy 4 ft block drops from
above. Luck (Dex) save or zero hp.
Counter Seal the drop hatch with spikes.
Chamber locks entry ways. Luck
Minor (Dex) save to wedge something in an
opening before doors lock.
DROWNING Chamber seals with portcullises.
Luck (Dex) save to wedge something
Fills with water in 1d6 mins. Luck Moderate in an opening before they seal. 2 x
Minor (Dex) save to wedge something in an Str (Athletics*) Great Successes are
opening before the room seals. required to lift a portcullis.
Fills with water (75%) or another Chamber seals with stone blocks.
liquid (25%) in 4d6 rounds. Luck Luck (Dex) save to wedge something
(Dex) save to wedge something in an Major in drop hatch before the blocks drop.
opening before the room seals. Blocks may be breached with the
Fills with water (50%), another right tools (requires 1d2 hours).
liquid (25%), or sand (25%) in 2d6 Lockpicks. Pickaxe. Bending the
Major rounds. Luck (Dex) save to wedge Counter
Stone. Corroding Spray.
something in an opening before the
room seals
Make holes in walls and floor to
allow liquid to escape. Make
Counter breathing holes, air pockets, air
tubes. Breathing Mask or One with
the Deep.

For a Minor Magic trap, roll 1d6. For Moderate
power roll 1d6+3, and for Major magic roll 1d6+6. PIt
For completely random roll 1d12.
5 ft diameter pit, 1d2 x 10 ft deep
(Close). Luck (Dex) save negates.
Magic 10 ft diameter pit, 1d3 x 10 ft deep
Glimpse the Gabbling of (Close), with Spikes (50%, extra 2d6
1 True Gods
7 the Jade Moon hp and roll on the Injuries & Setbacks
table), Acid (25%, 1d6 damage per
Hex of Thrice
2 Volcanic Steel
8 Bound Curse
Moderate round), or Quicksand (25%, Str
check or begin drowning in 1d2
3 Brain Burst 9 Lightning Bolt rounds). 33% chance the pit trap
locks itself shut after a PC falls in. A
Fetid Fog of Luck (Dex) save negates.
4 the Pit People
10 Flesh to Stone
As above but Poison Spikes (Mod
Thunderous Poison) or Underwater Cage (50/50)
5 Invocation
11 Ray of Unmaking
Climb down one side then back up
Roll for a Counter the opposite wall. 10 ft pole. Rope.
6 DDM effect
12 Word of Ending
Seal the drop hatch with spikes.

MoNSTER For Minor Poisons roll 1d8, for Moderate Poisons

1d10+4, for Major Poisons 1d10+10, or for a
A secret door or ceiling hatch Random Poison 1d20. Most Poisons take effect
releases (roll 1d4): (i) A Gargoyle, (ii) immediately, but some have an onset time (2d6
Minor rounds, mins, hrs). Generally Luck (Con) save to
1d4 Skeletons (iii) 1d4 Green Slime,
(iv) 1d4 Yellow Mould. halve or negate effects (GM’s call).
A secret door or ceiling hatch
releases (roll 1d4): (i) A Gelatinous
Cube, (ii) A Grey Ooze (iii) A Flesh
Golem, (iv) An Invisible Stalker. 1d6 Toxin 1d6 Str, Dex
1 11
A secret door or ceiling hatch Trauma or Con loss
releases (roll 1d4): (i) An Iron Golem, Lose memory 1d6 Int, Will
Major 2 12
(ii) A Stone Golem, (iii) A Gmorsha, of last 48 hours or Cha loss
(iv) 1d3 Ochre Jellies.
1d12 Toxin Blind for
3 13
Counter Block the door or hatch. Run! Trauma 1d6 hours
1d6+6 Toxin Unconscious
4 Trauma
14 for 1d4 hours
1d4 Str, Dex
15 6d8 damage
or Con loss
Luck (Con) save or Toxin Trauma
Minor 1d4 Int, Will Limb paralysed
(1d12) 6 16
or Cha loss for 1d6 days
Moderate Luck (Con) save or Mod Poison. Paralyzed for
7 3d8 damage 17 1d6 hours
Major Luck (Con) save or Major Poison. Madness Death in
8 for 2d6 hours
18 1d6 minutes
Heavy gauntlets (Immune or adv on
Counter Choking for Death or 4d8
save). Crowbar. Anti-toxin. 9 19
3d6 rounds damage if save
Death or zero
10 4d8 damage 20 hp if save

A wall turns on its axis, pushing the Luck (Dex) save or contents of the
nearest PC into an adjacent room container are destroyed by acid.
(50%) or into a Spike trap (50%). Luck (Dex) save at -3 or container
Dex (Acro) check resists. Moderate
contents destroyed by alchemist fire.
A floor chute shunts a random PC If not disarmed, container contents
Moderate into a distant room (75%), or Pit trap are destroyed in an explosion: Close
(25%). Luck (Dex) save resists. Major area, 8d6 damage, Luck (Dex) save
Entire floor gives way, funneling all for half. On a Terrible Failure, also
PCs into a distant room (50%), Pit Blast Trauma (1d12).
Major Open container underwater. Make
trap (25%) or Crushing Walls trap
(25%). Luck (Dex) save resists. Counter a hole in the container rather than
Roping together. 10 ft pole. Jam open it in the usual way.
wall or hatch with spikes.

ROLLING BOULDER Limb snare (50% rope, 50% other).
Minor Dex (Acro) check or hoisted into air,
A series of small rolling boulders or foot injury and Grabbed (Str 20).
must be jumped (Dex check). Failure
Minor Close area net. Luck (Dex) save or
causes 2d6 damage and a Luck (Con)
save to avoid Blunt Trauma (1d6). Moderate Helpless. Action to make a Dex/Str
check to get free. An alarm sounds.
Some man sized rolling boulders Convex Melee area iron cage drops,
Moderate must be dodged. Luck (Dex) save or Luck (Dex) or trapped. Three people
4d6 dmg and Blunt Trauma (1d12). Major
can lift the cage, but Str (Athletics)
A hallway sized rolling boulder must Great Successes are required.
Major be outrun. Luck (Dex) save or PC is Counter 10 ft pole. Knife or hacksaw.
reduced to zero hp.
Run! Acrobatics. Seal the drop
hatch with spikes.

SCYTHING BLADES Minor Dex (Acro) check or 2d8 dmg.

Luck (Dex) save or 3d8 dmg and
Minor Dex (Acro) check or 2d8 dmg. Blade Trauma (1d10+2). On a
success half dmg, and on a Great
Close range line along floor, ceiling, Success also negate Blade Trauma.
Moderate or wall. Luck (Dex) save or 4d8 dmg Close area, 5d10 dmg and a random
and Blade Trauma (1d10+2). limb injury (per Blade Trauma). Luck
Close area along floor, ceiling, or (Dex) save for half, and on a Great
Major wall. Luck (Dex) save or 8d8 dmg Success also negate injury.
and Blade Trauma (1d8+4). Jam thrusting ports with spikes or
other materials. Shielding object.
Jam blade slots with spikes. Shields
or other blocking items.

When the party starts looting the bodies of the
fallen, it’s time to roll for treasure! Some foes might
Carry LOOt A
not carry anything (animals, giant vermin, etc), but Carry Loot reflects the kinds of things creatures
most intelligent humanoids will have something. might have on their person. Carry Loot A is the
Treasure is split into the following categories: lowest value treasure chart, and a single d100 roll
generally represents the total spoils of a small group
◆ Carry Loot A Often nothing of significance, of enemies. Most rolls will generate 0 - 50 sp, with
or a small number of copper or silver coins. some exceptions up to 120 sp or so (lesser stone).
Low chance of a precious stone.

◆ Carry Loot B Mostly silver coins or a useful CARRY LOOT A

item. Possibly some gold coins. Low chance Nothing of significance (besides clothes
of a gemstone. 1-30 and other obvious gear).
◆ Valuables A Lesser art objects, lesser gems, Coppers equal to the sum of the digits on
potions, scrolls. Low chance of a Minor 31-40 the d100 roll.
Coppers equal to 20 + the sum of the
41-50 digits on the d100 roll.
◆ Valuables B Greater art objects, greater gems,
potions, scrolls. Low chance of a Minor Silvers equal to the sum of the digits on
Charm or Major Magical Item. 51-60 the d100 roll.
◆ Trinkets & Curios Broad variety of weird and Silvers equal to 20 + the sum of the digits
wonderful curiosities. 61-75 on the d100 roll.

◆ Lair Treasure Major hauls. Silvers equal to 40 + the sum of the digits
76-85 on the d100 roll.
◆ Minor Magical Items Potions, scrolls,
spellbooks, and Minor Charms. Silvers equal to the sum of the digits on
the d100 roll, plus Precious Stone worth
◆ Major Magical Items Higher power 100 sp + the highest d10 roll. The lower
permanent magic items. 86-95 die determines gem type: (i) Quartz, (ii)
Agate, (iii) Amber (iv) Turquoise, (v)
GMs are encouraged to customise the treasure Crystal, (vi) Amethyst, (vii) Jasper, (viii)
tables to suit their campaign and/or the scenario at Topaz, (ix) Jade, (x) Pearl.
96-100 Roll 3d20 on the Carry Loot B table.

Carry Loot B tends includes larger silver amounts, Valuables A captures lesser art objects (10 - 360 sp),
useful mundane items, and limited gold. A single lesser gems (50 - 500 sp), potions, and scrolls. Also
d100 roll generally represents the total spoils of a a limited chance of a Minor Charm.
small group. Most rolls will generate 60 - 200 sp, or
fewer coins coupled with a useful item. There is a
small chance of a gemstone worth 400 - 1,300 sp. VALUABLES A
A three inch carving of a sabretooth cat
CARRY LOOT B from the Suurat Jungle (10 sp).
A steel hand mirror with pearl edging (15
Silvers equal to 50 + the sum of the digits 4-6 sp) or an ornate nickel bell (20 sp).
1-30 on the d100 roll.
A tin ring with geometric designs (30 sp)
Silvers equal to the reverse of the digits 7-9 or an intricate bronze necklace (40 sp).
on the d100 roll plus an Item. Roll 1d10
(i) Hacksaw, (ii) Bell, (iii) Fishing Line, Gold gilded lantern with an Argona star
31-40 (iv) Ink Bottle, (v) Lamp, (vi) Smelling 10-12 (60 sp) or a silver ivy motif ring (70 sp)
Salts, (vii) Flute, (viii) Smoking Pipe, (ix)
Acid Vial, (x) Bag of Caltrops. A fine painting of the lost temple of Ortu
13-15 Menon, nestled at the base of a mountain
Silvers equal to the reverse of the digits valley (80 sp).
on the d100 roll plus an Item. Roll 1d10
(i) Spice Jar, (ii) Anti Toxin herbs, (iii) An old very rare book; Ophia’s Unusual
41-50 Wine Flask, (iv) Holy Symbol, (v) Bag of 16-19 Herbs (90 sp) or a set of platinum eating
Marbles, (vi) Iron Spike, (vii) Minor utensils: a fork, knife and spoon (100 sp).
Jewelry 35 sp, (viii) Candles (5), (ix) Copper bicep bracer with a minotaur
Whistle, (x) Trollblood Ointment. 20-23 icon (100 sp) or a brass nose ring of
Ancient Suun (110 sp).
Silvers equal to the reverse of the digits
on the d100 roll plus an Item. Roll 1d10
(i) Firepot, (ii) Manacles, (iii) Holy
51-60 Water, (iv) Poppy Milk, (v) Mirror, (vi)
Oil Flask, (vii) Torch, (viii) Rope 30 ft,
(ix) Healer’s Kit, (x) Poison (1d10 on the
Poison table, p.214).
Gold pieces equal to the sum of the digits
61-75 on the d100 roll.

Gold pieces equal to 10 + the sum of the

76-85 digits on the d100 roll.

Silvers equal to the sum of the digits on

the d100 roll, plus a Gemstone worth
300 sp + 100 sp x second d10 roll. The
86-95 second die also decides gem type: (i-ii)
Opal, (iii-iv) Moonstone, (v) Emerald (vi)
Peridot, (vii) Sapphire, (viii) Bloodstone,
(ix) Ruby (x) Diamond.

96-100 Roll 3d20 on the Valuables A table.

An immaculate, water proof cloak of
24-27 luxurious wool from the fashion houses of
Crow’s Keep (120 sp).
An obsidian circlet of dwarven design
28-31 (130 sp) or a five inch ivory statuette of a
handsome bard playing a lute (140 sp).
A finely detailed brass amulet, depicting a
32-35 primordial sun goddess (150 sp) or a
silvered hook hand (160 sp).
Promissory notes from the Hargraves’
36-39 Mercantile Collective (170 sp) or an oak
harp with silver inlay (180 sp).
An intricate silver candelabra (210 sp) or
a three inch brass orb decorated with a
40-43 Valuables B covers major art objects (400 - 1000 sp),
platinum rope pattern (220 sp).
greater gems (600 - 1500 sp), potions, scrolls, and
A silver anklet with a dragon motif (230 Minor Charms. There is also a small chance of a
44-46 sp) or a leather forearm bracer studded Major Magical Item.
with small turquoise stones (240 sp).
A silver orb set with holy icons and onyx
47-50 stones (280 sp) or a bronze skull chalice VALUABLES B
with a gold rim (300 sp).
A trio of ebony dice with pips inlaid with
A finely crafted silver brooch with a lion pearl (400 sp) or teak masquerade mask,
51-54 motif (310 sp) or bronze bracelet with 1-5 with ornamental jade and a deep purple
gold charms of the four winds (320 sp). feather (420 sp).
A six foot tapestry depicting a ferocious A one foot bronze sceptre with a claw on
battle between armour clad giants in the the end, encrusted with bloodstones (450
55-57 clouds (330 sp) or a silver necklace with 6-9 sp) or an intricate silver double finger
an amethyst pendant (340 sp). ring, depicting a pair of birds (460 sp).
A four ft chest containing colourful bolts A pair of ivory earrings studded with
of fine silk (350 sp) or a copper bell tiny diamonds (470 sp) or a fine oak
58-60 decorated with small topaz gemstones 10-13 telescope inlaid with a jasper wave motif
(360 sp). (490 sp).
Precious Stones worth 50 sp x second A one foot jade statue of a coiled serpent
d10 roll. The second die roll also
14-17 (520 sp) or an ornate silver bowl with a
determines gem type: (i) Quartz, (ii) sun motif, rimmed in gold (550 sp).
61-70 Agate, (iii) Amber (iv) Turquoise, (v)
Crystal, (vi) Amethyst, (vii) Jasper, (viii) A six inch articulating hound, fashioned
Topaz, (ix) Jade, (x) Pearl. of burnished steel, with a gold key and
18-21 tiny emerald eyes (560 sp) or a bronze
71-80 A random Potion (p.227). circlet decorated with opals (570 gp).
A gold signet ring with a human eye
22-25 motif (580 sp) or a trio of silver bangles
81-90 A random Scroll (p.228). with a corded rope motif (590 sp).
A magnifying glass with a silver crescent
91-95 A random Minor Charm (p.232). moon motif (600 sp) or antique wooden
26-29 shield plaque, depicting dual headed
Wodon, decorated with moonstones and
96-100 Roll 3d20 on the Valuables B table.
amethysts (620 sp).
A lifelike, five foot teak carving of an
30-33 attractive female (630 sp) or an ebony ring
studded with peridot gemstones (640 sp).

A two foot mahogany chest edged with
gold and studded with amber gems. The
chest’s lock is inordinately difficult to
34-36 pick (disad with a -3 penalty, 650 sp) or
silver necklace with a gold pendant in the
shape of a dancing flame (660 sp).
A four inch alabaster skull, decorated
with platinum tracings (670 sp) or an
37-39 ivory horn with intricate bronze capping,
encrusted with amber stones (680 sp).
An ancient pair of cold iron gauntlets,
decorated with holy symbols and
40-42 moonstones (690 sp) or ebony walking
cane with a hardened platinum tip and
opal octopus handle (700 sp).
Exquisite ten inch silver tree sculpture, TRINKETS & CURIOS
leaves studded with tiny diamonds (720 The Trinkets & Curios table is for those oddball
43-45 sp) or a silver crown with platinum
items adventurers sometimes stumble across. About
tracery with a cloud motif (750 sp). 90% of the items are non-magical. Many have a
A platinum ring with lion motif (780 sp) touch of mystery about them, or the seed of a side
46-48 or a platinum compass (810 sp). trek. About 10% of the items have a minor
A blacksteel breastplate decorated with a
gold and platinum griffons, highlighted
49-51 with small rubies (840 sp) or a silver
incense brazier and chain, studded with
amethyst gemstones (870 sp). A one foot, deep red and grey feather. If
A gold sceptre with diamonds (900 sp) or inspected closely, tiny black writing can
52-54 an obsidian torc decorated with ruby 1 see be seen along the shaft. The writing is
encrusted teardrops (930 sp). in a lost language. If translated, it reads
A gold crown decorated with small “The Seeking of the Sky God is ended.”
emeralds (960 sp) or old title deeds to A stained scroll case containing an old
55-57 Eventide Isle, located in one of the larger 2 chart revealing directions to the Lost
inlets of Lake Argos. Ruins of Ashabat.
A gold quill studded with small A jet black music horn, made of a shell
diamonds (980 sp) or a fine platinum like material, that appears to be in
58-60 necklace decorated with emerald stones working order (50 sp). When blown it
(1,000 sp). 3 produces a deep and strangely disturbing
Gemstones worth 500 sp + 100 sp x sound. If by the water, crabs crawl up
second d10 roll. The second die roll also onto the shore, drawn to the music.
61-70 decides gem type: (i-iii) Emerald, (iv-vi) A single bloodstained tarot card: The
Sapphire, (vii-viii) Ruby, (ix-x) Diamond. 4 Seven of Swords (signifying betrayal and
71-80 A random Potion (p.227).
The broken horn of an Ogre Mage or
5 Minotaur, hung on a leather thong.
81-90 A random Scroll (p.228). Tied up with string are the title deeds to
6 The Hunting Harlot, Port Brax (the Harlot
91-95 A random Minor Charm (p.232). is in more debt than its worth).
An intricate eyeglass shaped in the
7 likeness of a yellow cat’s eye (75 sp).
96-100 A random Major Magical Item (p.236).

A decrepit, and slightly malodorous, Folded parchment containing the notes to
preserved rabbit’s foot on a metal chain. a whimsical tune. If hummed, sung or
Anyone who keeps the foot for a day played on a wind instrument, Consult the
8 increases their maximum Luck by 1 point. 19 Bones to find out if a handful of butterflies
The Luck point is lost if the owner is surrounds the musician. The butterflies
separated from the lucky charm. depart when the tune ends.
Three small crystal vials of what appears A painted toy boat, in great condition (8
9 to be blood. The vials are marked with cp). A single child figurine steers the ship.
druidic signs for son, beastman, and bird. 20 There is space for a second figurine, but it
A varnished case containing a string of appears to be missing.
10 garlic, two wooden stakes, and a silver Tucked away in a water proof satchel is a
holy symbol (world tree icon, 80 sp). 21 sea blue masquerade mask, with a slim
A fragile black paper fan (12 sp). The wooden handle (12 sp).
unfurled fan depicts a pair mesmerizing A small, nickel edged book with a
snake eyes. Once per week one target hummingbird motif lock. If successfully
who observes the snake eyes must make unlocked, the book contains hand written
11 a Luck (Will) save or be subject to Gaze of 22 essays on avian husbandry and training
Beguilement. Using the fan in this way by the reputable (and deceased) Falconer
drains the user of 1 point of Luck and Kothmai, of considerable worth to the
requires a roll on the Dark & Dangerous right collector (230 sp).
Magic table. Fossilized tree sap encasing a six inch
A folded piece of parchment reveals a 23 dragonfly with elongated tentacles instead
charcoal sketch of a stunning young of mandibles.
12 woman. A wide lake and a large tree split
by lightning are depicted behind her.
A dog whistle fashioned of bone. When
used at night, there is a 50% chance of a
wild dog with a one eye appearing from
the wilderness. The dog is smart, brave,
13 and friendly to the owner, happy to keep
watch or perform other minor tasks if
well treated. The dog disappears back
into the wilderness every dawn.
A six inch clockwork knight, made up of
patchwork metal parts (30 sp). If wound
up, the knight shuffles forward up to
14 Close range, whirring and clicking, before
making a single strike with his miniature
A purple silk scarf, bearing the insignia
15 of House Lorca (150 sp).
A wide leather belt with a studded
bronze buckle (40 sp). One of the studs
16 opens a secret compartment in the
buckle, another releases a two inch
buckle blade.
An iron wrought rose of spectacular
17 craftsmanship (100 sp).
An envelope, wax sealed with the mark
18 of Dominus Cruxus, the infamous Tax
Collector of Melek.

A hemp sack contains a two foot length A counterfeit coin of the local currency,
24 of reinforced, silvered chain, attached to weighted to favour one side (70% chance
silvered manacles (300 sp). of coming up heads). The replica is a
30 perfect copy, apart from the weight, which
A completely sealed, six inch oak barrel,
25 with sloshing liquid inside. can be detected by handling the coin and
making a Perc or Int check.
An impeccable leather carry case marked A tiny gilded cage (38 sp) with a spotted
with the twin moons sigil of the Duskers. moth inside, and a medicine dropper
Inside are the pieces of an exquisitely filled with nectar. If the moth is released
crafted miniature crossbow. Assembling underground, it unerringly flies towards
26 the crossbow takes 1 minute. Three needle 31 the nearest surface exit. If offered nectar,
like bolts with tiny poison compartments the moth will happily follow the
are set into the lid (Close range, silent, 1 adventurer, returning to the cage to rest
damage + Poison. 420 sp). or for protection against predators.
An incredibly heavy, bronze like cube, A fine hide throat collar with bone studs.
with alien hieroglyphs marking each side. Once every 1d4 days, the user may press
Once per week, if the hieroglyphs are one of the studs to magnify their voice up
pressed in a particular order (requiring a to 10 times as loud for a few seconds. The
successful Int check), the cube resonates 32 enchanted voice may be modified in
27 a low frequency thrumming, causing all pitch, and/or accompanied by the sound
creatures within Close range (excluding of distant thunder, lightning, high winds,
the user) to make a Luck (Will) save or or baby cries.
suffer a Madness. Each time the cube is
used, the order of hieroglyphs changes, A strange yellow candle of foul smelling
requiring an Int check to decipher. wax. Inscribed on the bottom of the
33 candle is a single word: the adventurer’s
The serrated tooth of a Bulette (or similar name.
28 creature), fashioned into a scary looking
knife (74 sp). An apparently empty glass jar with a
whitewood lid. Any attempt to twist the
A copper ring with a flat shield motif, lid loose is immediately met with a loud
29 polished to a mirror like state (25 sp). 34 hissing noise, as if the jar is under extreme
pressure. If thrown, the bottle explodes in
a Melee area for 3d6 damage.
This corpse has a map tattooed on its
back. The map is in the ancient
35 Serpentmen tongue. If translated, the map
reveals the secret location of the Spire of
A secure, enameled box, bound with
silver cord. Inside is a purple seedling
growing a single golden leaf. An Int
(Wilderness Lore*) check reveals the
36 plant is Goldenward, long thought to be
extinct. Some records suggest it can be
made into a special tonic with protective
A multi-coloured gemstone of curious
37 origin. No stone dealer alive is able to
identify it (2,000 sp?).
A sturdy hide pouch sewn shut with
38 strong fishing line. Something small
wriggles inside.

In a small pouch is a tuft of thick, dark A wine case containing a bottle labelled
brown hair, bound with string. Over the Rowfred’s Finest Red, depicting a cheery
next few days, hair towards the centre of 50 bald fellow, raising his glass with a sly
39 the tuft seems to grow slightly longer. The wink. Consult the Bones to find out if the
hair is from a lycanthrope, and might be a wine has been poisoned.
valuable potion ingredient (530 sp). A pair of fine, black leather gloves (7 sp).
A spare boot stuffed with straw. If the 51 The right glove has six fingers.
boot is emptied, a dark green, scaled egg
40 is found. The egg is about the size of a A cold iron cage lantern, with no oil
child’s fist, and is warm to the touch. reservoir or candle spike. The oversized
52 handle ring has a broken chain link
A promissory note to Ms Lorthe Toureme, attached to it. The lantern is inscribed
41 entitling her to “three of the finest racing with runes of holy abjuration (510 sp).
steeds of Rinwolde Stables.”
A small book entitled Path to Forgiveness,
A very ancient and ornate bronze oil edged in gold filigree. Some pages have
lamp, badly tarnished and in need of a been cut away to insert a small gold ingot
42 thorough clean up (80 sp). From time to 53 (350 sp) and a handwritten note, stating
time, the lamp seems to creak of its own “As agreed, three more once Father Moon is
accord. crow pickings.”
A crimson envelope bearing a blue star An antique crystal perfume dispenser
sigil. Inside is a fine piece of folded with a hose and squeeze pump (76 sp).
parchment in a rare language. If The top of the dispenser is decorated with
43 translated, it reads: Alive as thee but absent a pewter octopus. A green liquid can be
breath, Cold in life as we’art in death, seen inside.
Always a thirst we ever drink, Clad in mail
but never clink (the riddle’s answer is fish). A small cane box with the words “Eat
55 Me” imprinted on a small nickel plate set
Wrapped in a gold handkerchief is a red into the top. Inside is a small iced cake.
bamboo Shenzu finger puzzle patterned
44 with white stars (10 sp). Suspended in the A polished jet black orb that reflects
middle of the puzzle is a small, fluffy nothing, wrapped in cloth (130 sp). If the
feather. orb is revealed within 2 ft of a small open
flame, such as a torch or candle, the
A small velvet bag with a tiny padlocked flame is extinguished and the orb grows
45 draw chain. The bag contains the warm for 1d4 hours. Larger fires such as
varnished skull of a human baby (25 sp).
a campfire have a 50% chance of being
A false eye (either in a pocket or the extinguished. Magical fire, or fires of
corpse’s replacement eye, 48 sp). The iris humanoid size or greater are unaffected.
46 may be slid open to reveal a secret The orb may absorb up to 1d4 fires each
compartment. day.
A gold coloured pill box depicting a A cold iron amulet stamped with
single cat on the lid (22 sp). Inside are geometric designs not attributable to any
painted the shadows of eight cats. If the 57 recorded culture (280 sp). Anyone who
47 owner fails an Death save, the failure wears the amulet does not dream.
becomes a success instead. The next time
A small drawstring pouch containing a 4
the owner attempts to locate the box, it
inch statuette of pure gold, shaped to
cannot be found.
58 resemble a field mouse standing on its
Wrapped in a clean linen cloth is a single hind legs, pawing at the sky (400 sp, but
48 acorn. Sewn into the corner of the cloth possibly cursed…).
are the words Handle with Care.
An ebony ring carved like entwined vines
The left side of a white gold, two halves 59 (111 sp). If exposed to water, the ring
49 heart necklace (120 sp). Inscribed on the sprouts tiny green leaves.
back are the words Till next we meet.
60 A pouch of cold iron caltrops (230 sp).

Wrapped in colourful braided cord, are A tarnished gold anklet chain with three
legal papers entitling the bearer to a one tarnished charms: a windmill, a boot, and
61 half share in Delecarte’s Circus Les a torch (112 sp). A fourth, gleaming and
Wonderment (a forgery). untarnished charm, is also attached: a
A 100 ft coil of Giant Spider silk rope. sailing ship.
The rope is extraordinarily light and A brass bas-relief, depicting a life like
62 strong, with incredible tensile strength image of the finder’s long forgotten
72 childhood imaginary friend, trapped
and resistance to severing. But also highly
flammable (98 sp). within a gilded cage (50 sp).
The blackened, clawed finger of the A heavy eight inch gate key, fashioned of
ancient hag Menethorii of the Unseelie cold iron, inscribed with hieroglyphs from
63 Court. Some say the spiteful hag comes 73 the Second Age (93 sp). If translated, the
for her missing digit during a blood moon. glyphs translate to Star Door.
A bronze tablet bound in human skin. A seal stamp made of dark yellow stone
The tablet is inscribed in an ancient 74 that is always cool to the touch. The seal
tongue on both sides (176 sp). If icon is a slim crescent moon.
translated, a rambling account is A kraken like statuette, carved from blue
64 revealed, seeming to expound the means 75 and white coral (48 sp).
of communicating with (or perhaps
binding?) the demon Uln-Rgaoon, Child In a padded pouch is a small, brass
of Whispers. hourglass, filled with a very dense, dark
76 red mist, instead of sand. It is
In a cracked, old map case, is a nautical
map with co-ordinates to a mysterious isle surprisingly heavy (176 sp).
recorded as Varn Karagoss (translation A tiny opal jar containing two pinches of
Place of Ending). The island is many extremely fine, bright blue dust. If the
77 dust is sprinkled on a non-magical object,
65 leagues to the distant north, and is surely
encased in snow and ice. The island does it forms into an exact, permanent copy.
not appear on contemporary maps, but is A thick journal bound in grubby fur,
referenced in some rare texts as a burial filled with awful, highly disturbing
ground for ancient giant kin. sorcerous ramblings (10 sp). Anyone
A crystal bracelet decorated in a fog 78 who studies the journal intently (takes
motif, with three animal charms 3d6 days) may learn to cast one spell per
66 attached: a bird, a wolf, and an octopus. Long Rest, but also develops an incurable
There are links for two other charms, but Madness.
they are missing (56 sp). A white veil with a slim adamantine
A brass bicep bracer engraved with a 79 chain. The chain is incredibly strong, and
genie like figure (75 sp). Anyone that could be used as a garrotte (210 sp).
67 wears the bracer for 24 hours becomes An ebony canister sealed with wax. The
immune to fire, including magical fire, as canister is filled with ash, in the middle
long as the bracer is worn. 80 of which are a pair of pulsating, purple
A lightweight wooden case containing a pods, connected by slick, black tendrils.
luxurious feather quill (25 sp). Two small A hemp sack filled with coal. If the coal
68 bottles of ink are also set into the case, is examined, small bite marks can be seen
one a faint brownish yellow, that smells on some pieces. Concealed in the sack
like bile. The second is congealed blood. are 1d2 Xornlings, diminutive fey that eat
81 rocks and metals. The Xornlings have
A hand sized ball of parchment tied up
with string. If the string is removed, and been eating coal for quite a while, and are
69 the many parchment layers unwrapped, ready to move onto something more
at the centre is a pinch of odourless and appetising, like steel. Or silver.
tasteless white powder. A tarnished jar containing a perfectly
82 preserved Cyclops eye (134 sp).
Leather gloves with a pocket containing
70 a lockpick of fine workmanship (90 sp).
A colourful seashell amulet on a string of
dark beads. A friendly, amphibious hermit
crab lives in the shell, venturing out at
83 night to eat leaves, fruit, or meat. If
treated well, the crab keeps watch for the
wearer, scaring off vermin or pinching the
wearer awake if danger threatens.
A drawstring pouch containing three
sticks of green incense, stamped with a
two headed monkey. Anyone who
84 breathes the smoke of the incense for
more than 5 minutes must make a Luck
(Will) check or suffer a Madness for 1d10
A stout smoking pipe apparently made of
lacquered wood. In fact the pipe is made
from hardened iron, expertly painted to
85 pass for wood, and makes for an excellent A sheet of tin rolled into a scroll bound
bludgeon. The pipe can be used to smoke, with cord. The scroll must be unwound
but is very heavy, requiring at least one to be read, revealing a chronological star
hand (50 sp). chart, annotated in an alien language. If
A glass jar with air holes in the lid, translated, the chart reveals a once in 433
containing a dozen small beetles and year planetary alignment, the Ark of
86 some lettuce leaves. If the jar is tapped, Phobos, is imminent.
the beetles glow brightly, softly Mixed in with some coins is a two inch
illuminating a Melee range radius. disk of ebony. One side of the disk is
A brick. Looks harmless enough, but inscribed with three intertwined serpents.
then, most bricks do. Might be inscribed 92 Those in the know understand the ebony
87 with the words Mr Brick in small writing tri-serpent is a symbol of the Six Eyes, a
on one side (50%). network of informants with links to House
A two inch lead figurine, depicting a Vorrox.
striking young priestess, holding aloft a A small wooden box containing three
tentacled orb (77 sp). From time to time, inches of a pearl coloured horn. A small
very faint muttering can be heard coming glass bottle inside the box holds what
from the figurine. If placed next to a 93 appears to be powdered horn. A person
person’s ear, the tentacled orb animates, knowledgeable in Arcane Lore might
88 caressing the holder’s ear and enabling identify the material as Unicorn horn,
the muttering to be understood. There is known for healing properties (1,000 sp).
a 50% chance the figurine imparts useful A wooden witchdoctor mask, trimmed
information betwixt disturbing truths with bright feathers and two horns made
mankind ought never know. After from the teeth of a large cat (22 sp). The
learning any useful information, the user mask has three painted eyes and a beak
makes a Will check or suffers a Madness. instead of a mouth.
A scroll of complex formulae and A seven inch, primitive cutting blade
detailed charcoal sketches, depicting made of basalt stone. (26 sp) Wide groves
89 some kind of winged flying contraption are carved into the blade and handle to
(60 sp). 95 channel blood down to the pommel. The
A thick cotton pouch containing a pommel has been crudely worked to
handful of powerful lodestones (magnets, resemble a human heart.
90 82 sp). A single lodestone within two feet
of a compass produces false readings. 96-100 Roll on the Minor Charms table.

Lair treasure is generally allocated according to the In some instances however Lair Treasure might
predominant or highest HD of the vanquished. An reflect the collection of an individual hoarder such
entry covers from several score to hundreds of as a Dragon, Medusa, or elderly sorcerer. The entries
monsters (consolidated in a base of operations such indicate how many items of each category are
as a castle, cave complex, temple, etc). found, or the percentage chance for a single item.


1-2 3d100 5d100 2d20 50% NA 1 1 NA

10 x
3-4 6d100
1d100 1 50% 1 2 1

10 x 20 x
5-6 d100 d100
2d100 2 1 1d2 2 1

50 x 40 x
7-8 d100 d100
3d100 3 1d2 1d2 2 1d2

100 x 60 x
9-10 d100 d100
4d100 4 2 1d2 3 2

200 x 80 x
11-12 d100 d100
5d100 5 3 1d2 3 2

400 x 100 x
13+ d100 d100
6d100 6 4 1d3 4 3

In Tales of Argosa, whilst magic

is relatively rare in the world at
large, the ancient wilds and lost
ruins adventurers tend to explore
expose them to a higher than
usual number of potions, scrolls,
enchanted weapons, and other
sorcerous paraphernalia.

In my early days playing AD&D

2e, I always delighted in rolling
on the treasure tables as both a
GM and player - you never knew
what special item might pop up! I
hope these tables bring you and
your table the same joy. As
always, GMs are encouraged to
tweak to taste, and of course add
your own custom entries and

Minor Magical Items includes all manner of potions, Potions come in a variety of containers, roll 1d6: (i)
scrolls, spellbooks, and minor permanent magical jug, (ii) vial, (iii) flask, (iv) waterskin, (v) powder
items. satchels, (vi) bottle. The owner may sip a potion to
try to obtain a clue about what it might do prior to
Lore wise Old Magic Grimoires don’t really fall into imbibing it whole (GM’s call).
the category of “minor” but they have nevertheless
been wrapped into in the Spellbooks category. Roll 1d100 to determine which potion. They last for
1d6 x 10 minutes unless indicated otherwise, or the
imbiber may end the effect early by spending an
MINOR MAGICAL ITEMS action. Spell effects are usually treated as an
ordinary success at 5th level (GM’s call). Each
1-35 Potion Roll 1d100 on the Potions table. time a potion is fully imbibed, the subject must
check for a Dark & Dangerous Magic effect (p.92). If
Scroll Roll 1d100 on the Spell List an effect does not trigger, the imbiber’s DDM tally
36-50 (p.100) to determine which spell the increases by 1 (as usual).
scroll holds.
Minor Charm Roll 1d100 on the Minor
51-90 Charms table. POtiOnS
Spellbook Roll 1d10 to determine which 1-3 A Wisp Unseen As the spell.
spells are contained: (i-v) 2 x random
spells from the Spell List, (vi-viii) 3 x Abrupt Diminution You instantly shrink
91-100 random spells from the Spell List, (ix-x) 4-6 to a minimum height of six inches.
The PCs have discovered an Old Magic
Grimoire, containing an ancient and very 7-9 Bestial Communion As the spell.
powerful spell (p.228).
Borrowed Talent You steal one ability
from the next creature you touch,
10-12 including the ability to cast a specific
spell, if desired (Luck (Will) save resists).

13-15 Cradle of Formlessness As the spell.

Cheat Fate You may cause any three
16-18 rolls that affect you to be rerolled. This
effect lasts until expended, up to one year.
Dragon’s Breath You breathe fire, up to
Close range, affecting up to three targets
19-21 within a Close area. Targets suffer 10d6
damage (Luck (Dex) save for half).
Draught of Courage Immunity to fear
22-24 and +2 bonus to attacks and damage.
Dwarven Snout Sniff out large quantities
25-27 (at least 500 sp worth) of treasure (coins,
art objects, etc) within Very Far range.
Earth Asunder Burrow through earth
28-30 and stone at a rate of Melee range per
Fire Aegis Immune to normal fire and
31-33 half damage from magical fire.

34-56 Mend Flesh As the spell.
Magical scrolls contain spells that anyone may
Giant Strength Your Strength increases attempt to cast (including the illiterate). Part of
57-59 to 22 for 2d6 rounds. their enchantment includes the ability to read and
comprehend the arcane runes contained within.
Roll 1d100 and consult the Spell list to determine
60-62 Glad Fortune Restores 2d4 Luck points. which spell the scroll holds. Magic Users (and
Life Leeching Your touch drains 2d6 hit perhaps Cultists in some cases; GM’s call) may use
points from a living target, and you heal a scroll to cast the inscribed spell without making
63-65 the same amount. Each time you drain any checks.
hit points in this way, make a Dark &
Dangerous Magic check. A Non Magic User attempting to cast a spell scroll
requires the usual spell casting check. If failed
Perfect Timing Gain advantage on Luck however the spell is miscast, triggering a DDM
66-68 rolls, and enemies suffer disadvantage on effect (p.92). Spell effects are usually treated as a
attacks against you for 2d6 rounds. Great Success at 7th level (GM’s call). Using a
Phasing Form Move at twice normal scroll to cast its spell destroys the scroll.
69-71 speed, and physical attacks against you
have a 50% miss chance for 2d6 rounds.
Poison 2d6 doses of Poison, roll 1d20 on As noted on p.34, a Magic User requires access to
72-74 the Poison table (p.214)
their spellbook(s) to protect and refresh their mind’s
capacity to work magic. In the course of their
75-77 Wings of the Raven King As the spell. adventures, PC Magic Users that acquire new
spellbooks, scrolls, and so on may study them to
Sever Arcarnum You may cast Sever learn new spells. Learning a new spell from a
Arcarnum once during the time the spellbook or scroll is a Downtime activity under
potion lasts. Alternatively, if you fail a Magical Research (p.125).
78-80 Luck save to resist magic, you may use
the potion effect to negate the spell (for If the PC has acquired an Old Magic Grimoire,
yourself only) instead. roll 1d12 and consult the chart below to determine
Sharpened Senses See in non magical which spell it contains. Old Magic Grimoires may
darkness, gain echolocation like a bat, be cast like Scrolls, but at 10th level.
81-83 and the olfactory senses and discernment
of a bloodhound.
83-85 Sight Beyond Sight As the spell.
Conclave of Wind
Spider Essence You may walk up walls 1 & Sky 7 Rite of Revelation
86-88 and on ceilings etc like a spider.

Starmaiden’s Miracle As the Old Magic 2 Forbidden Wish 8 Sign of Subjugation

89-91 Grimoire spell (p.230).
3 Ineffable Force 9 Starmaiden’s Miracle
92-94 Transmogrification As the spell.
Towering Growth You grow up to 20 ft Phylactery of the Unchain the World
4 Undying 10 Eater
tall and your Str increases to a minimum
95-97 of 16. Your weapon die increases by two
categories (dice categories are: d2, d3, d4, 5 Ray of Unmaking 11 Veil of the Balor
d6, d8, d10, d12, 2d8, 2d10, etc).
Reaper of Hidden
98-100 One with the Deep As the spell. 6 Shadow 12 Word of Ending

Range: 10 miles
Duration: 1d6 days
You summon weather of your choosing, from
pleasant sunshine to oppressive heat, dangerous
winds, thunder storms, blizzards, or anything in
between. On a Great Success you may conjure
catastrophic weather such as a cyclone or tsunami,
but only if similar foundational weather is already

The incantation requires eight hours to cast, during

which time the supernatural weather gathers,
spreading up to five miles. Such grand sorcery is
particularly complex, taxing, and dangerous, You may attack with a levitating weapon, object or
triggering a DDM effect at disad. In addition, if you creature by making attack rolls as normal (damage
conjure catastrophic weather, you suffer 1 Con loss is determined by the GM). The spell is not precise
for each day the weather persists. Lost Con cannot enough to pick locks or engage in similar tasks, but
be restored until you gain a level. Unlike normal it can throw switches, turn door knobs, untie simple
spells, Conclave of Wind & Sky cannot be ended knots, etc. Casting Ineffable Force is particularly
early by spending an action. Once summoned the taxing and drains 1d6 Con. Lost Con cannot be
weather remains for the full duration. restored until your next Downtime period.


Range: Very Far UNDYING
Duration: Instant Range: Special
This greater sorcery grants you a single wish by Duration: Special
beseeching a mysterious entity from beyond the Phylactery of the Undying is an example of Ritual
Veil. The GM decides what is possible (a Great Magic (p.111). This particular ritual requires seven
Success allows for more) and a bargain is inevitably weeks to enact, and seven special reagents from the
struck between yourself and the entity that answers. Ritual Magic table. Once complete, you bind your
Invoking a Forbidden Wish is both taxing and soul into an object (the phylactery) within Melee
dangerous, triggering a DDM effect at disadvantage range. Once within the phylactery, you may spend
and draining 1 point Luck permanently (cannot be an action to project your life force and possess the
recovered by any means). The bargain may impose bodies of other creatures, provided they remain
further costs. within Close range of the phylactery and fail a Luck
(Will) save.
Range: Very Far You may return your life force to the phylactery at
Duration: 2d6 mins any time, and if a body you control is slain, your life
force returns to the phylactery. If the phylactery is
You may spend an action to levitate one creature broken while your soul inhabits it, the spell ends
(up to man size, or giant size on a Great Success) or and you die. If your body is destroyed while your
object (up to door size, or wagon size on a Great life force inhabits the phylactery, you are trapped
Success) in any direction with a movement rate of until you can possess another body. If your soul
Close range per round. If you do not spend any returns to your own body the spell ends.
further actions, the target remains hovering at that
location. An unwilling target gains a Luck (Con) The forbidden art of phylactery imbuement is
save to resist. You may choose a new target by particularly complex, taxing, and dangerous. Each
spending an action, but this ends the spell for the time you possess a body triggers a DDM effect, and
previous target. drains you of 1 point Luck.

The Stalker relentlessly pursues its objective until
completed, the mission becomes impossible, or the
Stalker is destroyed. If the mission is completed
there is a 50% chance the assassin breaks free of
your control and attempts to return and kill you (on
a Great Success it does not return). Otherwise it
vanishes forever. Calling forth an Invisible Stalker is
both taxing and dangerous, triggering a DDM effect
and permanently draining 1 point Luck which
cannot be recovered by any means.

Range: Self
Duration: Special
Over the course of a lengthy research period (5d20
days), you employ frequent divinations to obtain
detailed knowledge of a person, place, or thing.
RAY oF UNMAKING There is a 50% chance of gaining access to
particularly important secrets such as hidden lairs,
Range: Far concealed crimes, true identities, true names, or
Duration: Instant prophecies. At the GM’s discretion, some
You fire a beam of viridian energy at a single information may be cryptic in nature (on a Great
creature or non magical object, which is instantly Success, at least half the information must be
turned to microscopic dust, leaving no trace. On a clear). This spell cannot be repeated about the same
Great Success you may target magical objects. If topic. Probing the Veil for answers is not without
targeting an object such as a wall, up to a Melee risk, when the rite is complete you suffer a random
size area may be affected. Creatures or attended Madness.
objects gain a Luck (Dex) save (on a save, creatures
suffer 20 hp damage instead). Magic items that are SIGN OF SUBJUGAtION
unattended might require a Luck (Int) check to Range: Close
destroy, and especially powerful objects may be Duration: 2d6 rounds
immune (GM’s call). Casting Ray of Unmaking is
particularly taxing and drains 1d6 Con. Lost Con You seize control of a humanoid creature’s mind,
cannot be restored until your next Downtime and may command them by spending an action.
period. The target must obey, even if the action is obviously
suicidal. A Luck (Will) save resists. On a Great
REAPER OF HIDDEN Success, you may affect other kinds of monsters
(excluding Bosses). The sorcery required to
SHADOW puppeteer another is particularly taxing, draining
Range: Melee range you 1 Luck and 1d6 Con. Lost Con cannot be
Duration: Special restored until your next Downtime period.

During a ritual spanning dusk till dawn, you

summon an Invisible Stalker, an unseen assassin
from beyond the Veil. The Stalker attempts to Range: Touch
perform one task as ordered by you, regardless of Duration: Instant
how long it may take or how far the Stalker must This spell regrows one lost eye, ear, limb or similar
travel. The magic binding the monster is especially appendage over 2d6 days (a Great Success halves
strong and imposes disadvantage on any Sever the time). Regenerating lost body parts is taxing on
Arcarnum test. the recipient, permanently reducing their Con by
1d2 points. The Veil also demands a price from the
caster; draining them 1d4 Luck, which cannot be
recovered until the end of their next adventure.

EATER Range: Far
Range: Line of Sight Duration: Instant
Duration: Instant
All creatures in a Close area with HD equal to half
your level or less, rounded up (on a Great Success,
You unleash a ferocious and unnatural earthquake
half level rounded up, +2) are instantly slain (no
in a Very Far Area. The quake topples structures,
Luck save permitted). You may choose to exclude
causes rock slides, and opens gaping fissures in the
eligible targets if you are aware of them. Harvesting
earth. Any humanoid caught in the area must make
souls for the Veil with this dread incanter is both
a Luck (Dex) save or become hopelessly buried in
dangerous and sanity fraying; you trigger a DDM
rubble (50% chance, taking 1d4 hours to dig out), or
effect at disad, lose 1 point of Luck, and suffer a
fatally crushed by falling material or grinding
random Madness.
fissures (50% chance). The earthquake’s tremors do
not extend in any way beyond the spell’s area of
effect. Channeling a quake is incredibly taxing and
dangerous, so much so that this spell may only be
cast once per year (on a Great Success, twice). In
addition it triggers a DDM effect, and permanently
drains 1 point of both Luck and Con.


Range: Very Far
Duration: 1d6 x 10 mins

You conjure a wall of opaque fire, either a wall up

to Far range long and 20 ft high, or a Close range
diameter half dome. The flames are two feet thick.
Entering the wall causes 1d8 damage per two caster
levels (Luck (Con) save for half, on a Terrible
Failure also Burning). On a Great Success, roll
damage with advantage. If created so that the wall
touches a creature, a Luck (Dex) save negates any
damage and the target chooses which side of the
wall it ends up on.

Designer’s Thoughts
The twelve Old Magics included in this section are
merely examples for the GM (and players) to create
new spells from, whether as Old Magic Grimoires,
formulated via magical research, or whatever other
means the GM allows.

Compare the power of your custom spells with

those in the Spell List, as well as these twelve spells
to get a feel for power levels. Most spells wont need
any special balancing factors, but extra powerful
effects should carry commensurate costs to keep
them in check and discourage spamming. See for
example Unchain the World Eater, Conclave of Wind
& Sky, and Word of Ending.

The following 1d100 table includes fifty Minor
Charms; about 80% useful but limited effects, 10% A clear crystal ring with a twisting
odd effects, and 10% cursed effects. Cursed items 1-2 infinity pattern. Anyone wearing it
might be instruments of revenge, “gifts” from dreams the same thing every night.
capricious powers, improperly enchanted vessels, or A wooden spoon with a shield emblem
once benign items malfunctioning long after their on the back. Poisoned or diseased food
creator’s demise. 3-4 eaten with this utensil is safely
Attunement is not required for minor items, but A two inch basalt statuette of a dwarf
using one requires the standard Dark & Dangerous holding the world beneath his beard.
Magic check. Unless noted otherwise, cursed items 5-6 Rubbing the world restores 1 point of
cling to the character unerringly; the user either Luck (functions once per adventure).
cannot bring themselves to discard it, or if forcibly
removed, finds the item somehow returns to them When lit, this blood red candle produces
after a short period. The GM decides what special a sickly crimson glow in a Melee area.
means might end a curse (in addition to the 7-8 Anyone within the glow finds it hard to
Cleansing Charm spell). lie (disadvantage on deception related
A wicker bowl entwined with copper and
colourful string. Placing it on the ground
9-10 outdoors causes a random bird to fly
down and sit in it. The bird retains full
control of itself; it just likes the bowl.
A small pouch contains 2d4 sticks of
runed chalk. The chalk wears out quickly
(one use each) but writes on anything,
11-12 including ice, water, fire and air
(messages written on non solid surfaces
dissipate in 1d4 minutes or until swished
A copper hairpin shaped like a lightning
bolt. If the wearer is struck by lightning,
13-14 the hairpin absorbs it, then glows for 2d6
days (like a candle).
This leather skullcap ties up with chin
straps and has a false bottom. Peeling
away the padded flap reveals a series of
15-16 spidery runes beneath. Anyone wearing
the cap becomes genuinely fearless (as
often a boon as a curse, depending on the
A dark furred cloak fashioned from the
pelt of a Dire Wolf. The wearer is immune
to adverse temperature changes due to
17-18 natural environmental conditions (eg
blistering heat from the sun, but not fire
or magma burns).
A drinking horn crafted in the Old
Varnori style. Anyone who finishes
19-20 drinking from it feels compelled to sing
loudly (Will check resists).

A writing quill made from a vulture’s
feather. The quill refuses to work with any
liquid other than blood. If used with
blood, the user may write the name of a
21-22 specific individual. When fighting that
individual, the user’s crit range expands to
15-20. The quill functions once only, then
A bone earring shaped like a jackal.
Once per adventure turn a Charisma
23-24 (Deception) success into a Great Success.
You may affect your own lie, or a lie you
hear (you must know it is a lie).
An ivory comb with black striations. By
the time a user finishes styling their hair
25-26 with this comb, they appear fresh and well
kempt (dry, unrumpled, and stain free, but
holes/tears are not repaired).
This copper wand has a blue zircon
gemstone at one end. Activating it
(mental command, requires an action)
27-28 imposes a throbbing headache (causing
1d2 Int loss) but allows the user to detect A 2 inch piece of blue coral carved into
magic as Pierce the Veil. the likeness of a seahorse head. While
holding the trinket, the user no longer
An unblemished needle with a tiny ruby 39-40 breathes and doesn’t need air for up to ten
set in its eye. Pricking a creature with the
minutes. The head functions once per
needle creates a sorcerous connection
29-30 adventure.
with the object. If the needle is laid flat, it
turns to point in the direction of the A tin hand mirror with a cloudy face. If
pricked creature. the user stares into the mirror for one
41-42 minute, they no longer cast a reflection in
A plain circlet of white steel, set with a
any surface, and cannot be magically
small jasper gemstone. If worn, the user
detected or scryed for 1d4 days.
is encased in ice (Luck (Con) save resists).
31-32 The ice will not melt unless fire is applied A quartz whetstone that never wears
to it (requires 1d4 hours). The circlet down. Wrapping a damaged blade in an
43-44 oiling cloth, with the stone placed on top,
functions once per week, and wearing it
triggers a DDM effect. causes the weapon to repair overnight.
A wooden collar with a bear motif. Any This charred, chipped, and stained 10 ft
33-34 animal wearing it increases their Int and wooden pole is (despite appearances)
45-46 indestructible by any means short of a
Perc by 2, but ages twice as quickly.
These old, blood stained bandages have
prayers of healing sewn into them. If A mummified cat paw on a golden
35-36 wrapped around a persistent injury string. Upon taking possession of this
(broken arm, cracked ribs, etc) recovery cursed charm, the user attracts nearby
time is halved. cats for the next 2d6 months (cats follow
47-48 them, meow at them, wait on their
A scrap of mottled skin bears the tattoo
doorstep or window sill, etc). The GM
of a black wyvern. Touching the tattoo
decides if the charm can be disposed of
transfers it to the user’s body, roll 1d6: (i)
early (at which time it disappears).
37-38 arm, (ii) chest, (iii) shoulder, (iv) hand,
(v) neck, (vi) face. If another person An intricate wooden harp carved with
touches the tattoo, it transfers to them, 49-50 images of angels. It sounds like a church
and so on. pipe organ when strummed.

If a reptile can see this shamanic necklace
(wooden lizard head set with three quartz
65-66 stones) it regards the wearer more
favourably (advantage on Reaction rolls).
This sturdy peg leg makes an ominous
clicking noise when the user walks on a
hard surface. The wearer feels an urge to
find a parrot or monkey pet, and adopts
pirate phrases such as “Drink up me
67-68 hearties, yo ho!”, “Aye, cap’ain”, and
“Open yer buccaneers, mate!” If the wearer
evidences their inner seadog before a
stranger, they may restore 1 point of Luck
(once per adventure).
A silver chalice with sun and star icons. If
the user warms themselves in sunlight for
69-70 fifteen mins, and drinks from the cup, they
don’t require food or drink for the next 24
This tiny bronze bell is missing its hours.
clapper, and the lip interior is marked This white cloak with a fleece lined
51-52 with shadowed runes. The bearer gains a interior never gets dirty, and muffles the
+2 bonus on stealth related checks, and 71-72 sounds of armour beneath it (negates
automatically rerolls Terrible Failures. armour stealth penalties).
This coin takes many forms, but usually A smooth marble egg that is cold to the
presents as a gold crown. The bearer may touch. When held in a bare hand, it grows
53-54 will the coin to take the form of any other 73-74 warm if within Close range of a secret
coin and display either face. Using any of door (grows warmer the closer it gets).
the coin’s powers drains 1d3 Luck.
This silver locket is in mint condition,
A bronze ear trumpet marked with an with an interior engraving of a stack of
ancient hieroglyph. Placing it beside one’s coins. Any time the bearer attempts to
ear allows the user to understand any spend money (other than on essential
55-56 spoken language. Each time the ear horn food or shelter), they must make a Will
is used in this way, Consult the Bones to check or abandon the purchase (deciding
determine whether the user develops a 75-76 instead that the item is unsuitable, a
random Madness. waste, they don’t trust the vendor, etc).
This sturdy backpack has an eye icon The bearer may not attempt to buy the
woven into one strap. Whilst in same kind of item again for 1d4 days.
57-58 possession of the pack, the bearer feels a The cursed locket stays with the user for
tingling sensation at the back of their 1d6+6 months, then is mysteriously lost.
skull if anyone tries to steal from them. This curious drum has a volcano icon
A black iron lantern edged with silver. painted on its face. When used, the drum
59-60 When lit, it radiates faint moonlight up to 77-78 continues to beat ten times after the user
Melee range. stops (at the same volume and tempo).
A small gold statuette of a field rat. A dwarven steel tankard decorated with
Might just be art (120 gp). Or it might be a twin hammer sigil. Slamming the mug
61-62 the idol from Adventure Framework #29; down on a table or other hard surface fills
Riddle of the Golden Rat. 79-80 it with ale. Only one person may drink
This plain cold iron ring squeezes the from the mug each night, or it stops
63-64 wearer’s finger when a fey is within Far working for 1d4 days.
range. A steel hook hand decorated with a ship
81-82 motif. The wearer is super buoyant and
cannot fail a swim related check.

An obsidian pendant on an electrum
chain. If the wearer of this charm falls
from a rooftop, something always
83-84 happens to prevent them injuring
themselves (a wagon of hay is below, they
fall through a shop awning, their cloak
snags on a gargoyle, etc).
This short electrum bracelet is set with
twin moonstone gems. Pressing both
85-86 stones simultaneously causes them to
glow for up to an hour (as candlelight,
once per day).
These two wooden daggers are etched
with curling vines. The holder of one
87-88 dagger instinctively knows the direction to
the other one (the pair might not be found
This silver whistle produces no sound,
but if used outdoors, summons the moon
89-90 from behind the clouds, or vice versa.
Each change takes 2d6 rounds.
This ancient torch never runs out of fuel,
produces no smoke, and burns even when
91-92 submerged under water. It must be
smothered to be put out.

A brass ring with a horn crest. When

entering a room, balcony, ascending a
podium, etc, the wearer may choose to be
93-94 accompanied by coincidental fanfare of
some kind (eg a church bell tolls, thunder
cracks overhead, nearby dogs bark, a
baby wails, etc).
An ornate ball mask adorned with parrot
feathers. Whilst wearing the mask, the
95-96 user may perfectly mimic any voice they
This wooden holy symbol initially
appears to belong to a deity consistent
with the bearer’s beliefs. While the bearer
sleeps however, the cursed relic morphs
97-98 into a demonic sigil, triggering a hostile
random encounter, and increasing the
bearer’s DDM tally by 1d6 (once only,
the relic then vanishes).
This 6” diameter coin pouch has a white
iceberg stitched on the top flap. The
pouch is much larger than it looks, as
99-100 deep (and as wide, excluding the 6”
opening) as the user’s arm up to their
shoulder (bonus 2 Pack Gear slots).

In Argosa, permanent magic items are relatively When an adventurer first acquires a Major Magical
rare and each item is a unique piece. This is partly Item, they gain access to its first power. The precise
due to the scarcity of spell casters (and other way in which they become aware of this is left to
sources of power capable of creating them), and the GM to decide, but might include innate
partly because the process is long and arduous. understanding, research, intrinsic clues such as
lightning flickering about the head of the Storm
On the one hand, whilst permanent magic items are Spear coupled with trial and error, and so on.
infrequently made, once created, they are incredibly
difficult to destroy, and often endure for hundreds As a character levels up however, they become
if not thousands of years. An adventurer stumbling more attuned to the item, unlocking further
across an enchanted blade is likely to find one powers as their sorcerous connection with the
fashioned in the style of a past age rather than the object grows. Unless the GM determines otherwise,
present. Generally speaking, a permanent magical with each new level the adventurer unlocks a
item cannot be destroyed by ordinary means further power, until all powers have been unlocked.
(though they can be damaged). The GM decides
how a particular item might be destroyed. In addition to specific powers, Major Magical Items
may have other properties as noted in the last row
Appearance & History under Special, which may apply at different times.
Each magic item has its own special appearance or
feel, and a unique history. An enchanted object Designer’s Thoughts
need not be flashy or made of expensive materials, Magic items that improve over time are intended to
but anyone who wields it understands there is help keep the number of magical items relatively
something different about it. Perhaps a sword never low, consistent with a low to moderate magic
dulls, a gnarled staff is warm to the touch, or a world, whilst still allowing players to gain new and
breastplate moulds itself to fit the wearer perfectly. interesting abilities as they level up.
Items such as these endure over generations,
developing histories of their own as they pass from
one keeper to the next.
Activating a power generally requires an action, but
some abilities are “always on” or reactive in nature
(no action). If there is any uncertainty the GM
decides. Activating a power usually requires a
DDM check (p.92). Spell like effects are usually
treated as an ordinary success at the user’s level
unless noted otherwise.

This steel kite shield is emblazoned with a golden
Shield of Lash of the Elf sun icon. It was forged in the Second Age by a
1 Argaunt p.237
11 Queen p.240 chapter of knights dedicated to Argaunt (war,
protection, recovery, loyalty), a precursor deity to
Storm Spear Torc of Sebutett modern day Argona.
2 p.237
12 p.240

Orb of
Fangs of the SHIELD OF ARGAUNt
3 T’Seroskk p.238
13 Unflinching
Mother p.241 The shield grants +2 AC instead of +1,
1st and you are immune to poison & disease.
Ballard’s Blade Mask of the
4 p.238
14 Golden One p.241 The shield may negate a directional
2nd attack twice rather than once before
Cowl of the Gnar Sumek requiring repair (p.61).
North p.238
15 p.242 Once per week, conjure a wall of spectral
Yulnvorg the 3rd light (treat as Veil of the Balor at 8th level,
Coil of the Worm but made of searing light instead of fire).
6 Bonebreaker 16 p.242
p.239 Special In order to unlock the 2nd and 3rd powers,
Talisman of you must become a true follower of Argona.
Plague Demon’s
7 the Black Sun 17 Clasp p.242
Staff of
Mensicor p.239
18 Cyldimere p.243 This hardwood spear has a twin bladed bronze
head, with lightning like verdigris and runes along
Horn of Dusker’s Vest the shaft. The creator is uncertain, but the forge
Karagoss p.240
19 p.243 work ancient in nature, and appears to date from
the Second Age. Scattered reports from the Ordo
Armour of the Malefactos suggest the relic might be lost
10 Morg Tor p.240 20 Phoenix p.243 somewhere in the Trackless Moors.

Once every 1d4 days, slam the butt of the
spear into the ground, causing a wave of
1st thunder to boom outward (as Thunderous
Invocation at 6th level).
Once per week, throw the spear to
transform it into a bolt of lightning (as
2nd Lightning Bolt at 10th level, Great
Success). The spear reappears in your
hand at the end of the round.
Once per month, invoke the sky spirits
3rd who bear you aloft on powerful winds (as
Wings of the Raven King at 6th level).
Special You feel a strong affinity for wind, rain,
and storms. If the GM rolls for weather, shift the
result one level towards inclement conditions.

orb Of t’SerOSkk Once per month, forcibly present the
sword as a holy symbol to banish a
This translucent orb appears to be filled with roiling 3rd supernatural creature within Close range
green fog. Enchanted by the serpentman T’Seroskk
to the Void (Luck (Will) save negates).
in a past age, the orb and its master became
synonymous with power at any cost. Both were lost Special You develop a hunger for glory, so much so
in a terrible battle against the Cyclopes in the that the GM may call for an occasional Will check
Sunstone Ranges. to resist opportunities for renown (treat similar to
a Madness, but cannot be cured).


Once per week, brandish the orb to trap a This fleecy brown cloak has grey furred shoulders,
creature within Close range inside it (Luck a deep cowl, and a metal clasp with a kraken icon.
(Will) save resists). Only one creature may Carried to Argosa across the Boreal Sea, the Cowl
be trapped inside the orb at a time. You was a gift from Yirig the Black to Drar Norrvak. It
1st may later spend an action to release the
was lost years later amid the Siltwater Isles, when
creature, which obeys your commands the raider’s vessel was sunk by a pair of Argosan
(excluding obviously suicidal orders) for warships.
2d6 minutes, then breaks free.
Once per week, you may whisper a single
suggestion to the orb, which creatures COWL OF THE NoRtH
2nd within Close range are compelled to While wearing the cloak, you are immune
carry out (excluding obviously harmful to cold damage (magical or otherwise),
suggestions). 1st and once per month, may transform into
Once every six months, sacrifice a living heavy mist (no action, as Cradle of
humanoid to the orb to gain a Forbidden Formlessness at 8th level).
3rd Wish. Using this power instantly ages you
While wearing the cloak, once per week,
2d10 years. you may transform into a white furred
Special After retaining the orb for more than a 2nd wolf or owl (as Transmogrification at 8th
month, you feel part of your life force slipping level, but lasts up to 2d6 hours).
away, siphoned by the Nest Beyond the Stars (age Once every year, you may invoke a
2d10 years). weather effect similar to Conclave of Wind
3rd & Sky at 9th level. You may treat the
BALLARD’S BLADE casting as a Great Success, is desired.
This gold gilded sword has a red grip and is inset Special You slowly but surely convert to worship
with red opals. Forged at the dawn of the current of the Deep One, the slumbering Varnori god of
Age for a knight of the Iron God (Graxus, God of the inky depths.
war, glory, courage, struggle), the weapon radiates
a holy aura if examined with Pierce the Veil.

Ballard’s Blade counts as holy, causing an
additional 1d8 damage vs Demons and
1st Undead. You may cause the sword to glow
at will (no action, as candle light).
While you have the blade drawn, gain
2nd 50% Magic Resistance.

Yûlnvorg The taliSMan
Bonebreaker Once per week, cause a spell or magical
This preternaturally heavy, oval shaped mace has a power that affects you to be absorbed by
studded head and ringed grip. Fashioned of highly the talisman instead (if AoE, the whole
rare meteorite ore (also known as moonsteel), 1st effect is absorbed). At any later time, you
Yûlnvorg was enchanted by Nocratha the Stargazer user may spend an action to release it
as a reward for one of his first and most loyal (projected from the talisman).
disciples. The weapon was lost during the (short
lived) Northgate rebellion more than a decade ago. You learn a random spell (roll 1d100 on
2nd the Spell List) that you may cast once per
adventure (at your level).
Yûlnvorg Once per month, invoke Phylactery of the
Undying at 9th level (the talisman is the
On a natural 20 attack roll the mace
shatters bones, roll 1d6: (i) wrist, (ii) knee, 3rd phylactery). If your soul does not return
to your body within 2d6 minutes, you die
1st (iii) elbow, (iv) hip, (v) back, (vi) skull. A (adding your memories to the amulet).
broken back incapacitates the target, a
shattered skull kills them. Special Over time you occasionally experience
unfamiliar memories, as if recalling the lives of
Once every 1d4 days, strike the mace
others (such memories may intrude from time to
against a solid object with a tremendous
time, similar to a Madness).
gong, conjuring the blazing icon of a
silver door. All enemies in Close range
2nd must make a Luck (Con) save or (i) reel
backwards a short distance, (ii) fall prone,
(iii) drop whatever they are holding, and This dread staff is topped with a flesh sack of
(iv) suffer Blind for 1d3 rounds. bulging eyes, toothy maws, and stringy tentacles
(dead but preserved). Enchanted by Mensicor, a
Special The blue tinged moonsteel somehow mutes deep witch of the distant past, how the staff made
the capricious nature of the Veil, reducing the its way to the surface remains a mystery.
user’s DDM tally by 1, and permits using a Reroll
when rolling on the DDM or Divine Rebuke table
(once per adventure). In addition, as long as you StAFF OF MENSICOR
retain Yûlnvorg, you have strange dreams and
visions of Nocratha, as if somehow connected to You develop rudimentary dark vision,
the aging sorcerer (you intuitively know he is able to make out rough shapes in
1st complete darkness (disad on Perception
oblivious to the joining).
checks, Near Blind instead of Blind).
Once every 1d4 days, strike the staff on
TALISMAN OF tHE the ground to cause alien tendrils to burst
BLACK SUN upwards within Close range. Enemies
2nd within a Melee area are Grabbed (Str 19).
This palm sized amulet is made of gold, with a The rubbery tendrils have AC 14 and 13
glass inset depicting a black circle surrounded by a hp. They last 2d6 rounds before sinking
red corona. The talisman’s age and origins are into the earth.
uncertain; there are no known books, tablets or
other writings that refer to it. Attempts to catalogue Once per month, conjure a Gibbering
the talisman inevitably fail, intending authors Terror from the void. The Terror obeys
3rd your commands (no action) and remains
inexplicably forget, become distracted, or are
deluded into thinking they have already completed for 2d6 rounds or until destroyed.
the task before they begin. Pierce the Veil reveals an Special You become sensitive to sunlight (-2
arcane aura, but nothing more. penalty to Athletics checks and Rest checks if
sunny and you are not inside, underground, or
under some other thick cover (forest canopy, etc).

HoRN OF KARAGOSS Once per six months, when an ally within
Created by the Frost Giants of Varn Karagoss, this Close range is reduced to zero hp, you
enchanted horn was crafted from a mammoth’s may bellow an oath of vengeance against
tusk. The horn is burnished to a pearly grey, gold your ally’s vanquisher. If Morg Tor strikes
clasps inlaid with tracings of blue topaz, and 3rd that target with your next action, it causes
intrinsically alters size to match the user. Binding 50 damage (if reduced to zero hp, the
the merciless cold and biting winds of the White target is destroyed in spectacular fashion).
Drifts, the horn is no instrument for old men. If you miss, roll on the Divine Rebuke
table instead.
Special You develop a thick, lustrous beard that
HoRN OF KARAGOSS cannot be shaved, cut, or burnt away. Dwarves
inexplicably find themselves swayed by you
Once per week, sound the horn to lash
(advantage on social checks). The Grudge Hammer
foes with a hail of deadly frost (as Blast of
1st Frozen Ruin at 8th Level). Also immune to is indestructible and cannot be damaged by
anything short of a demigod.
cold damage (magical or otherwise).
Once per month, sound the horn to
summon a 10 HD Snow Elemental (as
2nd Water Elemental). It obeys your orders LASH OF THE ELF QUEEN
This hefty whip is cut from wyvern hide and has
(no action) and lasts 2d6 rounds. three serpent heads that animate when attacking.
Once every six months, sound the horn The lash belonged to the elf queen Ninsorva,
for over the course of 1 hour to summon renowned for her enslavement of all sapient races
3rd fog, torrential rain, a blizzard, or similar within the boughs of Cemorril (now called the
cold, horrible weather (as Conclave of Wistwood) during the dawn of the Second Age. The
Wind & Sky, at 9th level). whip was lost with the fall of the last elven
Special You grow four inches taller, develop an kingdom.
aversion to warmth (feels uncomfortable), and a
silver streak in your hair. Using any of the horn’s
powers requires a Con check. If unsuccessful, the LASH OF THE ELF QUEEN
horn fails to function and saps your strength (lose Once per week, you may cause the lash to
1d3 Str, Con or Dex; determine randomly). You 1st animate and act on its own (as Infuse
may try again next turn, if you wish. Animus at 7th level, affects the lash only).
On a critical hit, the whip tears off one of
MORG ToR 2nd the target’s limbs (no save, targets with 7+
HD are tripped or disarmed instead).
Morg Tor, the Grudge Hammer, is made of mithral
and gold, mined from the purest veins in the earth’s Once per month, by wrapping the whip
deep mantle. Forged by an unnamed dwarven around your waist, you fade from sight
master smith, Morg Tor’s perfection was such that
3rd and hearing (as A Wisp Unseen and Silent
the First Thane imbued it with his divine favour. Shroud at 7th level; only you are affected).
Special The lash causes 2d4 damage on a hit
MORG ToR instead of 1d4. You develop a bond with nature
and a haughty, more ambitious streak, less content
If you suffer a critical hit, and your next with your place in the world (treat as elf
1st action is to strike your attacker with Morg personality traits, p.13). If you discard the lash,
Tor, it becomes a critical hit. this effect dwindles over 1d12 months.
Once per week, throw the hammer along
with yourself up to Very Far range. If an
attack, roll to hit as normal; if successful
This golden torc is decorated with green peridot
2nd the target is also Stunned. On a miss, you stones, crafted by the ancient Ramorans for King
scatter within a Melee area of the target Priest Sebutett. According to legend, the torc was
(use 1d8 for compass direction). Hit or buried with the mummified king in a secret tomb in
miss, you roll to their feet, weapon ready. the Forest of Drelnor.

Once every six months, transform into a
ToRC OF SEBUtETT Giant Serpent (as Transmogrification at 8th
4th level, but 12 HD, Bite 2d8 + Poison, and
You no longer require food or drink, and
can hold your breath for up to 10 minutes. the effect lasts 2d6 minutes).
1st Food tastes like ash and drink like greasy Special Your canines and tongue enlarge; not
water. Careful examination suggests the enough to notice with a casual glance, but close
your breathing is irregular. inspection reveals the abnormality (Perc check,
perhaps opposed by a Cha (Deception or Sleight of
Once per week, you may invoke Undead Hand) roll). If the sword is discarded, these effects
2nd Servant at 8th level.
revert over 1d12 months.
Once per week, drain the life from living
creatures within a Close radius, healing
3rd yourself in the process (causes targets 1d6
damage per creature, no save. User heals This gold forged mask was crafted by the ancient
the total amount). Suun at the height of their power in the Second
Age. Infused with blood magic, the mask belonged
Once per month, you may command the to an elder warrior chief who used it to cow her
undead. Treat as the Cultist’s Turning enemies into submission.
4th ability at 8th level, but affected undead
obey the user for 1d6 x 10 mins.
Special Your skin becomes dry and cracked, and GOLDEN MASK
you develop insomnia. If you discard the Torc,
these effects fade over 1d12 months. Once every 1d4 days, project a blast of
subjugation (Close range, Close area)

1st causing targets to cower (50% prostrate
themselves, 50% drop items and back
UNFLINCHING MOtHER away). A Luck (Will) save resists.
This silvered shortsword has a snake head pommel
encrusted with emerald eyes. Forged by the
serpentmen of the Second Age, the blade was
empowered by the snake goddess and the Nest
Beyond the Stars. Like the Scaled Ones themselves,
there have been no reports of the blade in the
current era.

Spend a Reroll (no action) to clone the
shortsword into two weapons. The cloned
weapon lasts 2d6 rounds, and may be
given to another if desired. If Two
1st Weapon Fighting with both shortswords,
the user does not suffer disadvantage on
their Extra attack. Only one cloned
weapon may exist at a time.
Once every 1d4 days, coat one or both
shortswords in a random poison (roll
2nd 1d20 on the Poison table). The venom
lasts until the next successful strike or 2d6
rounds, whichever occurs first.
Once per week, seize control of a reptilian
3rd creature (as Sign of Subjugation, 8th level,
and the target need not be humanoid).

Once per week, corrode metal with a
look. A single object within Close range, COIL OF tHE WoRM
up to shield size (or a similar area of a The rope cannot be severed or burnt.
2nd larger metal object, like an iron door) Extremely heavy loads, or creatures with
instantly rusts and crumbles. Attended 1st Str 19+ may “stretch” the rope (eg to
items gain a Luck save to negate. Magical break free of it), but will not sever it.
items are immune.
Once every 1d4 days, you may animate
Once per month, unleash a death glare 2nd and command the rope for 1d6 minutes
against a single living target within Close (as Infuse Animus at 8th level).
range (giant sized or smaller): Luck save
3rd or target is instantly slain, curling up into Once only, transform the rope into a
a shrivelled husk. This power triggers a Purple Worm. The worm is ravenous and
DDM effect. requires an action and Will check each
3rd round to direct it, otherwise it becomes
Special Your eyes, blood, and tears take on a uncontrolled for the duration. The
golden hue. If you discard the mask, these effects transformation lasts 1d6 x 10 mins, then
fade over 1d6 months. this power falls dormant.

GNAR SUMEK Special When invoking any of the rope’s powers,

those lacking Skorn blood must make a Will
This plain looking leather sling has a mysterious check. If failed, the rope refuses to co-operate,
blood red rune painted on the outside of its pouch. instead triggering a DDM effect.
Fashioned by an ancestor of the Burnt Ones tribe,
the outcast employed it to kill her former chieftain
before vanishing into the wilds. Skalds of the High PLAGUE DEMON’S CLASP
Plains still sing of the dread shaman and her This fine cooper brooch is fashioned in the likeness
infamous weapon, dubbing it Gnar Sumek (“stone of a small winged demon, decorated with a central
curse”). bloodstone. Legend tells that the demon Neb-Shr-
Gmog, Tiller of Plagues, conjured the brooch for a
Gnar Sumek desperate mortal; a “gift” part boon, part curse.

Once every 1d4 days, fire a stone that

1st enlarges to boulder size before it strikes PLAGUE DEMON’S CLASP
causing 5d6 damage. Once every 1d4 days, transform into a
Once per week, by twirling the sling 1st cockroach (non-flying variety, treat as
2nd about your head, you may fly or hover for Transmogrification at 8th level).
up to 2d6 minutes (normal move speed). Once per week, you may infect a touched
Special Within days you come to despise thuels creature or object with a disease or
and other “primitive” cultures. At the GM’s 2nd parasite of your choosing (no initial
option, Will checks might be required to refrain save). You are immune.
from conduct offending such persons (treat as an Once per month, cause a horde of biting,
incurable Madness). If the sling is discarded, this stinging insects to surge out of your
resentment fades in 1d4 weeks. mouth: Melee range, target suffers 12d6
3rd damage, Luck (Con) save for half. This
COIL OF tHE WoRM power triggers a DDM effect, and boils
spread over your whole body for a week.
This compact coil of pasty coloured, grey striped
rope stretches up to 60 ft long, wrapped at both Special You develop boils in a random location,
ends. Fashioned from the silk of a giant silkworm, 1d8: (i) face, (ii) neck, (iii) torso, (iv) hand, (v) arm,
the rope was enchanted by a long dead skorn exile. (vi) foot, (vii) leg, (viii) genitals. The boils are
Imbued with the beastman’s loathing for “soft” incurable as long as you have the clasp. Anyone
races, the rope is a potent weapon and tool, but physically touching you risks contracting the boils
difficult to control. (Luck (Con) save resists).

DUSKER’S VEST Once per week, you may commune with
This black leather cuirass was cut from the hide of 3rd a tree or plant you touch for 2d6 rounds
an elder cloaker, marked with a moon sigil and (use Echo of Days at 7th level as a guide).
sewn with numerous secret pockets. It may be worn Special Over time you become a strict vegetarian
as light armour or as part of a set of medium and no longer sleep, instead entering a restful
armour. Used for centuries by assassins of the trance (as elf). A relic of the Unseelie realm,
enigmatic Duskers, the armour entered general Cyldimere cannot be drawn against an elf, fey, or
circulation after a botched murder in Crow’s Keep. natural beast.


This exquisite bronze breastplate may be worn as
Once every 1d4 days, draw a useful item part of medium or heavy armour, and is
1st from one of the vest’s secret pockets (treat emblazoned with fire and flame iconography.
as UF Pilfer Pouch). Originally forged for mercenary captain Norcin the
Once per week, you invoke a chameleon Cruel, the armour eventually made its way to
effect, gaining adv on stealth checks, and Argosa, only to be lost at the infamous Argos
2nd allowing you to hide in plain sight. The Plateau massacre.
effect lasts 2d6 minutes.
Once per month, you may merge your
physical body with your shadow (no
action). Whist in two dimensional Once every 1d4 days, wreathe your
shadow form, you must move along weapon in flame (no action) for three
1st rounds. On a hit, targets must make a
surfaces, but may slip beneath doors,
3rd between cracks, etc. Further, you may Luck (Dex) save or are Burning.
merge indistinguishably into other larger Once per week, you manifest wings of
shadows, and are immune to non- 2nd fire (as Wings of the Raven King at 7th
magical weapons (excluding cold iron). level but lasts 2d6 rounds).
The effect lasts up to 2d6 minutes. Once only, when reduced to zero hp, you
Special You find yourself inclined to profitable may erupt into white hot flames (4d6
criminal activities such as robbery, black market damage to adjacent enemies). At the end
fencing, and fraud. At the GM’s option, resisting of the next round you rise from the ashes
such opportunities might require a Will check 3rd at maximum hp, and regain 3 Luck, 3
from time to time (treat as a Madness). If you uses of expended class abilities, and 3
discard the vest, this effect fades over 1d6 months. Rerolls. After using this power, the
armour vanishes.
CYLDIMERE Special You develop pyromania (treat as a
The Huntress of Men is a black yew bow with a Madness, but incurable) and are immune to fire.
static recurve, gifted to the elves by the Bruhga of
Still Dreams. Made for a ranger of the First Age, the
bow has taken the lives of countless humanoids,
humans foremost among them.

Once every 1d4 days, fire an elemental
arrow (fire, lightning, frost, etc) causing
1st 5d6 extra damage on a hit, and possibly
causing an elemental effect (GM’s call).
Arrows fired from Cyldimere seek the
2nd hearts of men (Crit 18-20 vs humanoids).

Less Dark Magic
For less dark but no less dangerous magic mishaps,
download the Perilous Magic table from our
website to substitute for the DDM table.
Outlined below are some possible rule variations to
better tailor ToA to your preferences. Less Dangerous Magic
For more predictable, less dangerous magic, use
Customised PC Creation 1d20 for all DDM checks, not just for magic items.
For those tables that prefer more customised, less
random character creation, consider any or all of Individual Initiative
the following tweaks: All PCs roll initiative each round, and take their
turns before or after the monsters based on their
◆ Roll 3d6 or 4d6 (drop the lowest), and allocate personal initiative result.
as the player wishes. If using the 4d6 variant,
PCs do not gain +1 attribute each level. Simultaneous Initiative
All PC turns occur simultaneously with their
◆ Players choose their PC’s skills. respective opponent. If there are more enemies
than PCs, any remaining enemies act after the PCs.
◆ Players choose their PC’s starting abilities.
Distances in Feet
◆ PCs gain a Unique Feature of their choice at For distances in feet rather than range bands, use
1st level. This will make starting characters the following:
more powerful than usual.
◆ Melee range: 5 ft
Swapping Out Class Abilities
When a PC gains a level, they may also swap out ◆ Close range: 30 ft
one known class ability for another. A Magic User
wishing to swap a known spell for another must go ◆ Far range: 60 ft
through the usual Magical Research process.
◆ Very Far range: GM’s call up to 240 ft
More Deadly
For a deadlier game, do not permit Rerolls on Death Small Party Play
saves, and if a PC suffers more damage than half For the most part ToA and the Argosa Sandbox were
their max hp in one hit, they are automatically playtested with parties of four PCs. If playing with
reduced to zero hp (“massive damage” rule). a pair of characters, or just a single adventurer,
consider beefing the party up with hirelings or
Less Deadly halving the number of monsters that appear.
For a less deadly game, consider some of the Additionally, if using the Hexploration rules, solo
following options: PCs may perform two Travel roles instead of one.

◆ Remove the limit of one Reroll per roll. Str for Thrown Weapon Damage
Thrown weapon damage adds either Str or Perc
◆ Allow Rerolls to apply to any failed rolls made modifier.
by the adventurers.

◆ Remove the one Rescue per adventure limit.

Advancement beyond 9th level
Each level beyond 9th, PCs gain the following
◆ Adventurers gain an extra 1 or 2 hp when
leveling up. Note the more hp the party has, ◆ 1 hp per level, and +1 attack bonus every two
the more monsters are required to genuinely levels.
threaten them, which will extend fight times.
◆ New skill at 11th level, and +1 AC at 12th
◆ Light armour grants 1 point of damage level.
reduction, or 2 points for medium or heavy
armour (perhaps with equal penalties to the ◆ Unique Feature at 13th level.
character’s Initiative attribute).

Constitution, 11 Gambling, 121
Consult the Bones, 204 Gear, 56
Contents, 2 GM Tools, 129
Core Features, 5 Grabbed, 82
Cover, 80 Great Success, 64
Actions, 75 Crafting, 124 Group Checks, 65
Activity Die, 66 Critical Hits, 77 Guide, 135
Adamantine, 58 Critical Range, 162
Adaptable, 31 Cultist, 24 Half Skorn, 14
Addiction, 124 Custom Monsters, 163 Halfling, 14
Advancement, 114 Harvesting the Dead, 162
Aerial Combat, 81 Damage, 77 Healer’s Kit, 56, 89
Aerial Encounters, 140 Dark & Dangerous Magic, 92 Healing, 89
Alchemy & Mechanica, 16 Dazed, 82 Heavy, 164
Ammunition Rolls, 58 DDM Die, 92 Helpless, 82
Animals, 56, 61, 167 Death Save, 83 Hexes, 134
Armour, 61 Delay Turn, 69 Hexploration, 134
Armour Class (AC), 61, 162 Demon, 164 Hill Encounters, 147
Artificer, 16 Desert Encounters, 143 Hirelings, 156
Atonement, 98 Dexterity, 11 Hit Dice (HD), 162
Attacks, 76 Diseases, 130 Hit Points, 15
Attributes, 11 Divine Blessing, 96 Humans, 13
Attribute Checks, 63 Divine Rebuke, 96 Hunting (Foraging), 135
Attribute Modifiers, 11 Dodge, 77
Attunement, 236 Doing Things, 63 Immunity, Non-Magic Wpns, 165
Downtime, 113 Incorporeal, 165
Back to Base, 139 Downtime Level Up, 115 Initiative, 11, 69
Backgrounds, 8, 52 Drowning, 81 Injuries, 83
Backstab, 42 Dungeon Crawling, 132 Injuries & Setbacks Table, 83
Barbarian, 20 Dungeon Events, 133 Illusions, 91
Bard, 22 Dungeon Tally, 133 Inspire Greatness, 23
Battle Gear, 55 Dwarves, 13 Intelligence, 11
Beast Companion, 39 Dying, 83 Intercept, 70
Black Market Trade, 116 Invisibility, 80
Blade Trauma, 84 Elves, 13
Blast Trauma, 85 Encounter Tables, 140 Jungle Encounters, 144
Blessing, 96 Encounters, 66
Blind, 82 Encumbered, 55, 82 Knock Outs, 81
Blocking an Area, 70 Encumbrance, 55
Blunt Trauma, 85 Equipment, 55 Lair Treasure, 226
Boarding, 57 Experience Points, 114 Lifestyle, 57
Boss, 164 Exploding die, 7 Light, 55, 132
Bundles, 55 Exploits, 78 Long Rest, 89
Burning, 82 Exploration, 134 Look Out, 135
Bypasses, 212 Luck, 12
Falling, 70 Lycanthrope, 165
Carousing, 117 Far, 70
Carry Loot A, 217 Fatigued, 82 Madness, 160
Carry Loot B, 218 Favour, 26 Magic, 91
Casting a Spell, 91 Ferocious Rage, 21 Magic Resistance, 166
Character Creation, 8 Fighter, 30 Magic User, 33
Charge, 70 Fighting Styles, 80 Magical Items, using Powers, 236
Charisma, 11 Finisher, 42 Magical Research, 125
Chases, 72 Flanking, 81 Major Exploits, 78
City Encounters, 141 Food & Board, 57 Major Magical items, 236
Classes, 15 Forager, 135 Marching Order, 132
Close, 70 Forest Encounters, 146 Masterforged Gear, 62
Cold Iron, 58 Free Attacks, 70 Melee Attacks, 77
Combat, 70 Fumbles, 77 Melee, Range Band, 70
Conditions, 82 Melee Weapons Table, 59

Minor Charms, 232 Repairs, 61 Trail Encounters, 150
Minor Exploits, 78 Rerolls, 52 Traits, 157
Minor Magical Items, 227 Rescues, 79 Traps, 210
Miscellaneous Factors, 80 Research, 125 Trauma Tables, 84
Missile Trauma, 86 Rest, 89 Travel Events, 136
Mithral, 58 Retries, 65 Travel Procedure, 134
Monk, 35 Rite of Atonement, 98 Travel Roles, 135
Monk Techniques, 36 Ritual Magic, 111 Travel Speed, 135
Monsters, 162 Rival Adventurers, 206 Treasure, 217
Monsters by HD List, 163 River Crossing, 134 Tricks & Techniques, 42
Monstrous Pets, 122 Road Encounters, 150 Triggers & Counters, 211
Montages, 65 Rogue, 41 Trinkets & Curios, 220
Morale, 69 Round Down, 7 Trollblood Ointment, 57
Mountain Encounters, 147 Rumours, 126 Two Handed Style, 80
Mounted, 80 Two Weapon Fighting, 80
Move, 70 Scout, 135
Scroll Inscribing, 126 Unarmed Combat, 80
Nat 19s, 58, 77 Scrolls, 228 Undead, 164
Near Blind, 82 Senses, 166 Underground Encounters, 154
Non-Proficiency, 81 Sensing Magic, 91 Underground Events, 136
Number Appearing, 162 Services, 57 Underwater, 81
Session Advance, 115 Unique Features, 15, 45
Off Turn Attacks, 166 Shields, 61
Opposed Checks, 64 Ships, 61 Valuables A, 218
Oracle Tools, 204 Short Rest, 89 Valuables B, 219
Other Modifiers, 81 Silvered, 58 Variant Rules, 244
Overland Events, 136 Single Weapon Fighting, 80 Vehicles, 61
Skills, 52 Very Far, 70
Pack Gear, 55 Sky Caller, 135 Village Encounters, 141
Parasites, 131 Sleep, 89 Visibility, 80
Party Bonds, 44 Smelling Salts, 57 Voyage Events, 136
Party Retreat, 72 Snow Encounters, 152
Payback, 159 Solo Rules, 208 Water Encounters, 148
Perception, 11 Sorcery, 91 Weapons, 58
Personalities, 157 Special Ingredients, 123 Weather, 136
Pets, 122 Special Metals, 58 Willpower, 11
Plains Encounters, 149 Special Traits, 164 Withdrawing, 71
Poison, 214 Spell Books, 228 Wounded, 15, 82
Poppy Milk, 57 Spell Casting, 91
Potions, 123, 227 Spell Descriptions, 103 XP, 114
Prone, 82 Spell Duration, 91
Spell List, 100
Quartermaster, 135 Standing Up, 70
Starting Distances, 139
Races, 13 Starving, 82
Random Encounters, 139 Stealthy Attacker, 80
Range Bands, 71 Strength, 11
Ranged Attacks, 77 Stunned, 82
Ranged Weapons Table, 60 Suffocation, 81
Ranger, 38 Supply, 55
Rangercraft 39 Support, 135
Reaction Rolls, 66 Surprise, 81
Read the Signs, 205 Swamp Encounters, 153
Readied Gear, 75, 132 Swarms, 166
Ready Action, 69
Rearguard, 135 Tenets, 26
Recharge, 162 Terrible Failure, 64
Recovery, 89, 124 Town Encounters, 141
Regeneration, 166 Toxin Trauma, 87


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