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THE GEOGRAPHY OF STRABO-ve. WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY HORACE LEONARD JONES, Pu.D., LL.D, 1 EIGHT VOLUMES WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS CENTRAL ARC!) LIBRARY, Aov. No... >JY. Oat ia810) $6 Sm CONTENTS Smo ee NE BOOK Be ID 100K It 56 ee ew + Javrewoix, ox EE MLeA-tavexs won as ARAL RENGOORAHY OF THE ENAGK-KaveAS ROME 2D wpa nen erm times Bees ‘Gren ao ssnonn abel fe aed { a S . STPABONOY PEOPPAGIKON I 12 Baad) § E6801 map wécay vin wapaniar advo ‘wapaBéBryrac ny dxo Sovsiov wéxpe Gerradias, wiv thy depav eearipnBer, ole dy chy ounidfac rots alpnpvais rd weph rhy voor, 8 otra peraBivar pis re va Aira duxt ral 18 Neapoasued, dep Neem dort rn rg Bbpebns begin ee me 2, Tlapauiens nv rolvun éoriv vies ext yirloos cyebin 71 xa Biawozlous orabious dnd Kiywaiou mpbs Vepaveréy, 7b 68 whdros daspados ward 8 7) Aboy beov mevrieovea wal éxaroy orablar. 73 pay ofy Kjvausy cove ward Oxpjio- midas Kal rb Eo Gepuomvdan tx ddtyon, Teparorbs 88 al Teradia wpis Sovvip. yiverat oby dorinog® os 1h ve Arvin, xa) Bowrig nal ‘AowplBs nah vols Maduciet. dud 82 rv orené= tyra cal 1b NeyMy pos ib rae wadaidy OS Maps dxoudod, ovnderas 8 rf elo ward Kahelba udbiora, nope) aporlerovra npos tobe ward thy AdNiba rémous Tis Bowrias Kab 4 yo aris MS. No, 1987 (A) ands with Dook ix (eee Val. yp 228 eee THE GEOGRAPHY OF STRABO BOOK X I 1, Siver Bao ies parallel to the whole of the coast fiom Sanium to ‘Thessaly, with the exeeption ‘of the ends on either sde,! 1 would be appropriate to connect my deseription of the island with that of the parts already described before passing on to ‘Actolia. and Aearminia, which are the remaining pts of Rurope to be déseribed. 2, In its lengthy then, the island extends parallel ta te const fora distance of about one thousand t¥o Inandeed. stadia from Cenaeum to Geraestus, but its breadth i tevegalar and generally only about one hundred and ity stadia,” Now Cenneum lies op- posite to Thermopylae and, to slight extent, to te Texion outside Thermepylie, whereas Geraestos and Potala le towards Sonium. " Accordingly, the island across the strait and opposite Attien, Boeotit, Locris,and the Malians. ‘Because ofits narrowness and ‘ofthe above-mentioned length, it was named Macris® by the ancients. Ttapprotches closest to the main. land at Chalets, where tt juts out in a convex eurve towards the region of Aulls in Boeotia and forms the * Le, Gh promonteres of Thermopstae gd Seni, whieh tie ‘iyomt the enrrequang extremities of boas Capa atid Gara TE Long Inland (ow Map VIE, end of Vat. IV). ae STRABO rowiea riv Bipuror mesh of Bid mredvav eipicapen, oxebiy 86 re xa mepl rv duvide poy Adds rorwy ward ve chy Hreipor kal rar ‘Thy whoay ef bedrepa 700 Wiptmov, v4 re dorés seal 7a gurés. el Bf 11 OédGURTAL, 100 p00 Biasagrjzower. xa xpiroy, bre ris BiBolas 7a Koide Aéyoust 7a erat AURIBo6 eal Tov meet Leparordy réwav xokmodrae® yap %) wapanic, mryguibovca Bi nf Nadalbr eyprovras midav xpos hy rapes. 8., O8 piyow 8 Mepis dedsiy i vfgos, OXA kad "ASooris. Rigor your elev 8 wonyriy ols de" adris BiBoias obBiorore elpnuen, ad "ABavras del of 8 Bion Eyov piven mvclovres “A Barres, np 8 yp "ABarres Ero. $nol 8 'Apiororins, a “ABas ris Bweueig Opixas épunBloras évoxxiigas Thy vigor en drovoudoas *"ABavras robs éyovras ain of 8 db pads gan, walanep ‘eal BiBoca avd Spalons, tdxa 8 Seren Bods addi) Myeral 74 dirpon bv 39 pds Alyaion rerpayion wapanig, ov hy "les fact rexeiv “Lmragoy, eal) viges + Ainiber, Da Thll, Cori, and Grose would een’ to enue For contra, Jone conjectaresnodafrs, to corerpnn swith 7 19.9.9, Sade” mone the ower o autl-eanern repay, "ote se” the upper or nuth-westors, ‘Blephener. 4 GEOGRAPHY, ro, 3 Buripus. Concerning the Buripas I have alread; spoken rather at length as alae toa certain extent conceming the lace which re oppoive one anther fers the strat both on the mainland and on the island, on either side of the Eunpus, tht is the Tegions both inside and outside the Ruripas.” But anything bas een lle out T shall now explain nore flys And fet let me explain thatthe parts Between Auli and the region of Geraestas are called the Follows of Eaen for the const bend inwards, hat when ie appreseies Chafee it forme » convex uve agin tower the mating. ‘Tae iatand wa called, not only Macris, butlso Avntis at any rts, the poet, adhough be names Baiboes, nevernames ‘ts lnhubitante © Bobocany but alvaye Absntes’": “And. thome who held Baboon, the eatrge-breathing Abenter « "- And with hii? followed the Abanfer"* Aristo ® aye that Thracian, settings ost fom the Phocian Als, Fecelonised the island and renamed those who eld iE" Abantes:” Others derive the name from a her,¢ just at they derive “Bobwen® from a heroine” Dat itanay be, just as certain eave on the const which fronts the Aegnean,whete To te id to have given Birth to Epaphus, i clled. Boot Aue, that the iad 2, 596, 542. * Tatoo of Cle wsote a worl on Eben, ba ti linger sstants He saa to have Houwished ta the fouth "Alia, founder of Aba, who ater eonquared Haba and rye oer Gane Spay tesa "On tne heroine Buboes,” sco Pauly-Wiasowa, “uaa ‘Cos Sell. STRABO and rip ainis aitlas toye robr0 robvepa. rab “Oxy 82 éeadetro 4 vjoos wal forty ousivupan aing 10 plnoron ray dyraita épar. wal EA Rovian 8 svondady dere “IedAomes rod “Lavoe of 82 'AbeAoy teal KiBou aBerpav acer, by ead The "BdNerlav erloas Rivera, yopiov ee ‘Opi adountrn vis, "loriaudrisos pes 18 Tedcbpln Sper, ea) thy ‘larlaiay npaverjearSat eal thy Tepidba? wai Kjpwbov rai Atényin® real Opoflas, & § warrdion jp dsvevbéoraror fv B8 pasreioy wal 700 Zedusourriou “AwsxAwvor pergeyaay 8 ais hy ‘lariaiay of EXAomie teal nibyoay ry wéhiv idseriBov 709 rupdovoy Buacaptrov perdi vd Aeverpixd. AnuorBeins 8 tnd Orimnov earacraBivas ripariv $121 eal By "Opera rv Podiaridyyr oir yhp_ dvo~ péoBrcar Sorepor oi loriauet, xa Ode dvd Honialas ‘Opeée Enos 8 bw ADywvaley dmovete~ Binal gaat riy "Iorlaiay dxd rab Biuov ‘rol Nloriaicwv, tx eal dvd 700 ‘Liperpiéey hy “Epérpiay. Geéropnos 8 drow, epueddovs xevpouudron BiSnas, rods ‘Ioriaiets eal Spor Rovias, els Maxcboviey peragrivat, biryidlous BE Abelian Qtivrae rie [Open inion, Sguon dvra mpérepon ray ‘la riaséay. 4 Keira 8 ind 7G Teple boa iv 7p CAM6 Apvug xadovytiy mapa ov KéXNavra worapoy 5 Aen DDT Qany deny Asere See ee a en ee 1 Ree Coral ford; ay the str lion ‘Ueinint, Rasbooey for eakons; 90 te laa liter GEOGRAPHY, 20.1. 3-4 Island got the name Buboea from the same exuse. ‘The iakand was tlso called Oche and the largest of ft mountains Deas the same name. And it was also ppamed Ellopia, after Elleps the son of Ton,” Some bay that he was the brother of Aielus and Cathusy tad he fs als anid to have founded Ellopia,w place in Orie, ag Se is called, in Histncotle™ nent the rountain ‘elethriae, and.'to have added. to his CTaninions istics, Perla, Ceriates, Aedepaus, and ‘Grob in this ht place was an omle most averse ti faetond (it was ab orcle of Apullo Selinustias) ‘The Hllopiaas migoated to Histises aad enlarged the eit, being forced to. do 20 by Philitides the tyme the ate of Lena, Denostenes faye tint Philistides ws set up by Philip a frame Sf the Oreitae too;? for ths in ster timer the Histiseans were nemed, end the ety. ‘was named Oreus instead of Hitinca. But ncsording to some ‘writers, Histinen was colonised by Athenians from The deme of the Histiseans, ag retrn was colonised from that of the EretsanaTheopompus says that ‘when Pericles overpowered Esboea the Histieans Uy agreement mignted to Macedonia, snd that to tousand’ Athenians who formerly compored. the ome of the Histivesns came and took up thele bode in Oreus. “LOreus is sitated at the foot of the mountain ‘Teletrus in the Drpsnus-a8 He tu called, on the River Calls, pon a high rock; and hence, perhaps, * ke fom the Grodke words “en” (wall) and ‘bons

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