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Film Worksheet: Improving English Through Movies

Fișă de lucru bazată pe film – Îmbunătățește-ți engleza prin filme

Film Title: ____________________________________________

Before Watching – înainte să te uiți la film

1. Look up any unfamiliar words or phrases from the film's synopsis or trailer.
Write down at least 5 new words or phrases with their definitions.
What do you know about the film based on the title or poster?
What genre do you think the film belongs to? Why?
Have you watched any other films by the same director or featuring the same actors?
What were they like?

While Watching – în timp ce te uiți la film

Pay attention to the characters' dialogue and actions.

Note down any phrases or expressions that you find interesting or difficult to understand.

Write a brief summary of what happened in each major scene.

Include key events, character developments, and any surprises or twists.

After Watching – după ce te-ai uitat la film

What did you think of the film overall? Did it meet your expectations?
Which character did you like the most? Why?
Were there any memorable quotes or scenes? Share your favorites.

Writing Task:

Write a movie review discussing the plot, characters, and your overall opinion.
Include vocabulary words learned from the film.

Speaking Task:

Discuss the film with a partner or in a small group.

Share your favorite parts, least favorite parts, and any recommendations.
Further Exploration:

Research the cultural context of the film (e.g., its country of origin, historical
Compare and contrast it with a film from a different culture or time period.

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