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``Know thyself'' (anonymous, Ancient Greece

Creating growth for c.400BC)

yourself as leader
Rupert Eales-White
In the previous article, we introduced the
COGAL concept of leadership. COGALs are
creators of growth and learning in themselves
and those they lead. This is not easy to
achieve, as we have to grow ourselves before
we can help other people grow. Here we look
at how you can achieve this, focussing on how
you can:
. build your self-confidence;
. develop awareness;
The author . overcome limiting beliefs; and
Rupert Eales-White is Director at Eales-White
. improve your performance.
Consultancy Limited, Westerham, Kent, UK, and author of
seven books on management development topics.
Building self-confidence
I will focus on two powerful techniques, both
Self esteem, Leadership, Beliefs, Performance levels of which will help you build your
self-confidence and enable you to face any
Abstract situation in the future. They are creating
Before we can grow those we lead, we need to learn how affirmative statements and building a ring of
to grow ourselves. This article focuses on how we achieve confidence.
that through building our self-confidence, using both
affirmative statements and the ring of confidence; Creating affirmative statements
developing our awareness and ability to take constructive Look back on your past and think of, and
action; overcoming limiting beliefs though analysis and write down, all your successes ± any
coaching and creating a written action plan to improve achievement you feel proud of. There is no
our performance in key areas of effective leadership maximum, but you should continue until you
where we are motivated to create effective change. have at least ten:
(1) Taking the achievement of which you
Electronic access are most proud and answer the
question: ``What are all the skills and
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is
qualities I demonstrated to achieve this
available at
(2) Continue with other successes until you
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is have at least 20 different skills/qualities. If
available at one of your qualities is not persistence, then please persist. It is very very
motivational to spend as much time as it
takes to drag out all these skills and
qualities we all possess, as we all have
successes ± however small we may think
(3) Develop three affirmative statements,
each with three related qualities and
skills, e.g.:
Industrial and Commercial Training
Volume 35 . Number 6 . 2003 . pp. 247-250 This article is derived from Rupert Eales-White's
# MCB UP Limited . ISSN 0019-7858 latest book, The Effective Leader, Kogan Page,
DOI 10.1108/00197850310493910 2003.
Creating growth for yourself as leader Industrial and Commercial Training
Rupert Eales-White Volume 35 . Number 6 . 2003 . 247-250

. I focus on clients, am a good listener Developing awareness

and develop rapport easily.
. I am hard working, well organised Figure 1 shows a very powerful and simple
and disciplined. model. It applies at all levels ± organisational,
. I am friendly, supportive and departmental, team and individual.
generous. What it says is that we have to develop our
awareness and take constructive action in
These are generic statements that are true for
order to grow. The absence of both will
you (not a ``wish'' or ``will'' list) that you
produce decay.
should memorise and use whenever you feel It is not sufficient to develop our awareness
the need. It is often quite helpful to start the of self, of others, of life, of everything if we
day with them ± putting you into a confident continue to act as if we are not aware. An
and positive frame of mind. example might be some one who read widely
An important point is that different people and deeply and developed knowledge,
have different ways of processing information. understanding and awareness ± but it stayed
The three primary ways are: auditory, in the world of books and he or she continued
visualisation and kinaesthetics (feeling). to live their life unaffected.
While we can use all three, we often prefer It is not sufficient to act in a positive and
one to another. constructive way ± do the right things, if we
So you should do all three to have the are not aware of why those actions are helpful.
greatest impact ± memorise the list, create a Clearly, if we are the kind of person who
picture of you behaving as indicated by each tends to be positive and take constructive
affirmative statement (which is why I action, that gives us a head start in terms of
suggested they be connected) and generate current level of growth. However, without
positive attitudes and emotions. being aware, we cannot direct the path of
Additionally, when you know you have a action nor continue to grow.
particular change to make or project to So we need to make a conscious link
complete, you can develop affirmative between the two ± apply our enhanced
statements that are specific to the awareness to be more constructive in what we
requirements for success in the future ± by do.
looking back to the pool of qualities and skills Specific strategies that will enable us to
you have developed, choosing those needed develop our awareness:
and writing specific affirmative statements . Dedicate quality time to raising
± again picture success and creating the awareness.
positive feelings associated with success. . Become as little children again. When we
were young, we asked many many
Building a ring of confidence ``whats'', ``whys'' and ``hows'' that
(1) Think back to a situation where you felt enabled us to learn.
on the top of the world ± fully confident. . Specifically question our own and others'
(2) Recall all the positive emotions you had, assumptions ± what we think and what we
using all the ways to process information believe. This will enable us to more
± visual, auditory and kinaesthetic.
(3) Re-create the same emotional state. Figure 1
(4) Draw an (imaginary) circle in the ground
in front of you and when, and only when,
you are in that positive state, step into the
circle ± the circle of confidence.
(5) Step out when you want to come back
down to earth. Repeat another two
occasions and, when stepping out for the
last time, try not to let go of the emotion.
Again, whenever you are facing a situation
that holds some concerns for you, you can use
this technique to build your confidence.
Creating growth for yourself as leader Industrial and Commercial Training
Rupert Eales-White Volume 35 . Number 6 . 2003 . 247-250

readily accept new ideas that do not fit have worked with find it easy to identify
with existing thinking. the things they think they do badly and
. Learn to listen to the messages we receive often difficult to identify the things they
and not be distracted by who the do well. The reason, I believe, is that too
messenger is and how the message is many people in this world think the glass
conveyed. is half empty, rather than half full. The
. Notice and control our tendency to result is that we tend to receive (once we
``justify'' ± answer unasked questions, are no longer young children) frequent
``explain'' our weaknesses, defend criticism and less frequent praise.
ourselves unnecessarily. (2) Step 2. For each item on the list, putting
. Develop a positive attitude to ourselves as objective a hat on as you possible can,
and others ± the glass is always half full. think why do you believe you do badly.
You may have to be very tough on
yourself and keep persisting for each item.
Overcome limiting beliefs For a given reason, that might an effect
and not the fundamental cause. Keep
We all develop beliefs that limit our scope for asking why until you have hit rock
action and our ability to grow and achieve. bottom. Then you will have found what
you can work on to overcome the limiting
Example belief.
Have you ever heard of a man called (3) Step 3. Develop a plan to eradicate the
Cliff Young? cause and hence overcome the limiting
He was an unknown 61-year-old farm belief. Remember, we all have the
worker who entered the long distance potential to improve and the power of
Melbourne-Sidney race. He had little idea of positive thinking to produce positive
what was a good or bad time to finish. Yet he action.
won the race, beating some of the world's Let us take an example:
greatest athletes ± by one and half days. He ``I am useless at presentations''.
``So why do you think so?''
had none of the conventional wisdom or ``Because the only time I have ever made a
limiting beliefs that held back his fellow presentation I was useless''.
competitors. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. ``Well, what do you think caused that poor
We can compare Cliff Young's and the performance?''.
other athletes' beliefs by looking at Table I. Pause: ``Well, I was a bag of nerves ± lost my
thread at the start and never recovered''.
We think and behave in a way consistent
``Well, why do you think you were so
with our beliefs. When there is a mismatch nervous?''.
between our beliefs and our results, our Pause: ``Well, I just lacked confidence. I was
thinking and behaviour ``automatically'' familiar with the material ± learnt it by heart
changes so as to make our results consistent ± but I found having a big audience so
intimidating, I cracked up''.
with our beliefs.
``Well, what do you think would really help
So if you identify the beliefs that limit you to be able to give a rarely fantastic
development and growth that would be the presentation?''.
starting point to doing something about them. ``I suppose if I learnt all the tricks and
What I would like you to do is the techniques beforehand and rehearsed till I
got it right, I would be more confident and
might do a bit better''.
(1) Step 1. Write down everything you believe ``You will do fantastically ± just need to go
you are not good at. Funnily enough, that on that excellent presentation skills course
will not be too difficult. Most managers I run at Sefton''.

Table I Comparable beliefs

Other athletes Cliff Young
Special training was needed Practice was running around a sheep station
Special equipment was needed Overalls and boots should be worn
The race should be run like a marathon You should shuffle along (later this was found to be
the most efficient way to run very long distances)
The pattern should be ± run 18 hours, sleep six hours Cliff did not know that sleep was allowed

Creating growth for yourself as leader Industrial and Commercial Training
Rupert Eales-White Volume 35 . Number 6 . 2003 . 247-250

Note: While you can be your own better. It can be things you already do well,
questioner, if you have a trusted friend/ rather than areas where you believe you do
colleague or partner, using them will be badly. Professor Drucker once said that it was
beneficial. They would be acting as a Western cultural defect to focus on
your coach, rather than coaching weaknesses rather than to play to strengths.
yourself, which can be tougher.
Step 2. How will I translate my intentions
into objectives?
Improving your performance Objectives are concrete measures of progress
towards achieving our goals/intentions. They
A fascinating piece of research to start with, need to be SMART (specific, measurable,
carried out using Yale University graduates in agreed, realistic, time-related).
the USA. They were surveyed in the 1950s A useful question to translate an intention
and again 20 years later. The research showed into objectives can be: what will be the key
that 3 per cent were worth more in terms of changes(s) or ``events'' which will indicate
wealth than the other 97 per cent put that the statement of intention is being
together. This 3 per cent also had better achieved?
health and enjoyed better relationships with Example: Taking listening as an example:
others. ``At the end of three months, when I ask for
Only one thing fully explained this 3:97 per feedback from three colleagues (selected
cent split. It was not parental wealth, degree
randomly!), each will confirm a significant
subjects taken, career selected, ethnic or
improvement in my ability to listen to them''.
gender base, or any other of the more obvious
factors. The difference was that 3 per cent
Step 3. What should I do and when?
had written goals in the 1950s, while the huge
The final step is to develop an action plan.
majority had not.
This means determining the sequence of
So we turn now to a methodology where
actions to be taken and the deadlines that
you can create well-formed outcomes and
need to be met to achieve the objective(s).
precisely written goals. We focus on
Additional questions to ask oneself at this
improving your performance.
stage can be:
To do this, we need to ask ourselves the
(1) Who can provide me with support and
right questions in the right sequence.
Step 1. Where do I want to focus and (2) How would I like that support to be
why? given?
We will only do something differently or (3) Who will be my ``external conscience'' ± to
better if we are committed to making the whom do I give explicit ``nagging rights''?
change ± recognising and believing in the A final point is that persistence is the key to
personal benefits we will gain to compensate effective change.
for the discipline and effort required. Research into behavioural change suggests
We need to develop a series of goals or that we need to practise new behaviours at
intentions framed in a positive action- least 13 times before they become a new
oriented way, e.g.: habit: otherwise, we will revert to the
. I will listen effectively; established habit or in the context of our
. I will project myself positively; and growth model of leadership ± having
. I will build an effective team.
developed awareness, we need to repeat the
Note: I suggest you look back and select those constructive actions at least 13 times for
leadership actions where you would like to get growth to take place.


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