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Without electricity

Are you the type of person, that uses electronic devices everyday? Or how about
not having a fridge to store food in? Well, imagine being without it for half a year!

I had just got home from school. I was absolutely exhausted and really looking
forward to surfing on the web, but as I was turning on my computer, I looked down
and realized the icon hadn’t turned on. At first I thought my computer broke, but
then I discovered, that anything, that has to be powered, was not working. “The
blackout will last for 2 hours.” I thought to myself, but then weeks and months went
by and in the end it lasted for 6 months.

It was a dreadful experience, but I found new ways of having fun, instead of just
browsing on my phone like I used to and learned some really useful information
while hanging out with my family and friends.

So next time, when you want to charge something at home, maybe you should take
some time to appreciate, how lucky you are, that you don’t have to be half a year
without power.

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