Political Frame 1

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1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The situation at hand is the forming of our corporation. My co-founder and Principal filed us as

a corporation without seeking my advice or opinion. Which isn’t the biggest deal in the world but

he doesn’t have as much of a financial and business background as I do. On top of that filed for

us in California, CA has some of the worse tax codes and requires the most documentation to

stay compliant with the state. We don’t want to be filed in CA as we will be taxed at a much

higher rate. I am now left with having to go about fixing this. I need to move our corp to my

preferred home state DE and seek legal advice to see if a C-Corp is even right for us. In my

current position at Vently, I am a Co-Founder and serve as the CFO. My responsibilities include

creating business models, identifying target markets, pursuing funding opportunities,

establishing the corporate structure, and leading a team of developers to produce a Minimum

Viable Product (MVP).

2) Describe how the symbols of the organization influenced the situation.

The symbols of Vently such as its name, logo and brand identity in some way dictated the

climate surrounding the foundation. Its symbolic meaning as a social platform, has however

evolved to play its role in forming perceptions and expectation within Vently. The first clue is

right in the name of the company itself as “Vently” – a sign for vibrancy, exactness and

socialized activities which matches completely this company’s values. Symbolic representation

most probably generated a low-capacity state of mind with suppliers isolated as important

connections and cooperative conclusion building reflected in their shared corporate character.

In addition, the organizational symbols including logo and branding materials might have

contributed to some extent in providing legitimacy as well as professional aspects around Vently.

This visual symbol of the brand, with a perfect mix and right application of symbols serves as an

identifier to stakeholders both internal; such investors’ potential users, who know what values
are that carry this value or aspires. In the case of Vently with regard to filing as a corporation, it

is possible that this point influences stakeholders’ perception towards credibility and authority.

Hence such correlation can take place when debriefing confidence on how organization may be

under leadership structure wise strategic directives are incorporated during decision-making

processes evoking taking examples form very beginning interaction between involved parties

relatively speaking filings in corporate sphere see

3) Recommend how you would use organizational symbols for an alternative course of

action regarding your case.

For a better utilization of the organizational symbol in giving direction to decision-making

processes, I would suggest that Vently’s image be synchronized according to its core values

and strategic plan. This encompasses establishment of a strong brand identity through use of

messaging that is uniform and visual cues on how to recognize the company’s image anywhere.

The stakeholders, both internal and external, can be inspired to engage with the company when

organizational symbols manifest what they are set out doing, which is fostering community

engagement in meaningful connections.

I would suggest organizational symbols as a means to developing the feeling of unity and

mutual responsibility in teams. Symbols of Vently, including the organizational logo or mission

statement can be included into internal communications products like emails and information

bulletins; team meetings may feature references as well as office environments include symbolic

fragments. This develops loyalty and contributing confidence in the team members, making

them feel at home with a profound belief in their favorite institution’s aims and values. Using

symbols of the organization to convey strategic decisions and initiatives will provide clarity in

advancement inside that organization. Linking these major decisions, such as the formation of a

corporation, to its symbolic representation and overall strategic direction improves stakeholder
understanding into how those decisions were rationalized and ability to feel involved in that

decision-making process.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned

about this frame.

As for the impact of organizational symbols on my thinking, I would focus more on applying

these signs in a more strategic way to steer decision-making processes at Vently. First of all, I

would ensure that the symbolic meaning for Vently is reflected accurately to represent their main

values driven by mission and strategic objectives. This is a continuous process of evaluation

and adjustments to the brand image such that changes in business objectives as well as market

conditions are addressed.

In addition, I would use organizational symbols as instruments for constructing a team culture

enhancing the cohesion and engagement. I would build symbols of Vently into internal

communication channels, team meetings and surrounding work environments as an attempt to

create shared identity among team members. This can lead to higher levels of motivation,

teamwork and a sense of participation in accomplishing the goal for every organization.

Reflecting on this, understanding the power of organizational symbols would serve as

intentionality in using such kinds of cultural capital to guide decision making and influence

positive culture at Vently. Upon acknowledging the power of symbols in determining attitudes,

actions and work cultures within organizations The aim would be to use them towards

mobilization headway adherence and optimal performance by workers.

Works Cited:
Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership,
7th edition (7th ed.). McGraw Hill-Ascent Audio. 2024,

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