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Etapa pe școală - clasa a VIII-a

Subject I (50 points):

A. (2px10=20 points) Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms. Write your answers on
the Answer Sheet.

It was close to six thirty p.m. Ann (1) _______ (feel) very positive driving home; it was good to feel that way after
so many negative, depressing nights. ‘I (2) _______ (begin) to feel better lately. I’m sure all (3) _______ (be) fine
in the end’, she said to herself. With everything she (4) _______ (learn) from reading Ryan Heck’s articles, she
knew that a positive attitude (5) _______ (be) essential because we (6) _______ (literally/create) the world we
viewed. So, if we (7) _______ (be) depressed all the time, we (8) _______ (create) a negative world. Ann (9)
_______ (think) about all of that, as she fought her way through the hell of California drivers on the freeway. This
traffic (10) _______ (can) stress out even the most relaxed person.

B. (2px10=20 points) Read the text and fill in the gaps with the appropriate word A, B, C or D. Write your
answers on the Answer Sheet.

Green roofs – an urban solution?

Are you (1) _______ up with living in a building that’s baking hot in the summer and (2) _______ cold in the
winter? Have you had (3) _______ of expensive electricity bills? (4) _______ of whether you live in a detached
house or a tower (5) _______, environmentalists, ecologists and gardeners might have (6) _______ up with a
solution to all your problems: a green roof. Green roofs – roofs that are (7) _______ with plants – are becoming
increasingly popular. They’re great in terms of turning an otherwise underused space (8) _______ a lovely garden,
providing insulation and creating an ecosystem in an urban environment. What’s more, (9) _______ studies have
shown that if the majority of buildings in a typical city (10) _______ had green roofs, the average temperature on
the hottest days would calm down by several degrees.

1. A. given B. fed C. drunk D. eaten

2. A. boiling B. blistering C. freezing D. scorching
3. A. much B. adequate C. sufficient D. enough
4. A. Despite B. Regardless C. Not D. No matter
5. A. block B. skyscraper C. structure D. building
6. A. come B. found C. made D. set
7. A. poured B. laid C. covered D. filled
8. A. in B. at C. to D. into
9. A. fresh B. recent C. latest D. unused
10. A. middle B. heart C. core D. centre

C. (1px10=10 points) Read the sentences below and use the words given in capitals at the end of the row
to form words that fit in the gaps. Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS on the Answer Sheet.

1. Susan has the _______ to explain things clearly and concisely. ABLE
2. Admitting you've made a mistake is a sign of strength, not _______. WEAK
3. The _______ of the ship, on a routine mission in 1925, has never been explained. APPEAR
4. He tried for years to get his work published before accepting he was an _______ writer. SUCCESS
5. There must be some _______ - I didn’t order pasta. UNDERSTAND
6. I feel that I have benefited greatly from my grandmother’s _______. WISE
7. They're content to _______ with a very small circle of people. SOCIAL
8. It's ridiculous - we have a tiny _______ and you blow the whole thing out of proportion! AGREE
9. His battle against cancer has _______ his belief in God. STRONG
10. That's a very effective _______ - it really jumps out at you. ADVERTISE

Subject II (5px5=25 points) Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) to the questions.
Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

History of the weekend

What are you doing this weekend? Perhaps you’re spending time with family, hanging out with friends, or maybe
you’re going to play a sport. All around the world, people chill out at the end of the working week and take part in
leisure activities. In many countries, the weekend consists of Saturday and Sunday, while in others Friday and
Saturday are the days of rest. In Afghanistan, Thursday and Friday form the weekend, while in one country,
Brunei, Friday and Sunday are the days off.
Have you ever stopped to wonder, though, exactly where it originated? And how is the concept going to change?
The modern weekend took shape during the Industrial Revolution. In the early 19th century, in areas such as the
north of England, people began to leave the countryside to work in towns and cities. There, new factories were
springing up. Their working lives were once ruled by nature, with the amount of work depending on the changing
seasons. Now, their employers demanded a different rhythm – a six-day week of up to 12 hours a day, followed
by one day of rest.
Campaigns for workers’ rights appeared. By the end of the century, they had managed to reduce the working
week to five and a half days. This meant that working people could take an interest in hobbies such as
photography, which was very new at the time. In the US in the 1920s, the industrialist Henry Ford helped to create
the weekend. He gave all his workers Saturday and Sunday off work. His factories manufactured cars, and he
wanted to allow his employees time to purchase and enjoy the cars they were producing.
These days, in many countries, working a 40-hour week is normal. Many people have a 9-to-5 job, but even that
is rapidly changing. Technology enables more people to work from home and plan their own use of time. This
means that an official period away from work is becoming less important. Perhaps in the future we will work fewer
hours altogether. If we become more productive, we should be able to afford the same lifestyle by working fewer
hours. It has been estimated, for example, that a worker in the US can achieve a 1950s standard of living by
working just 11 hours a week. Some people have recommended a 21-hour working week to help with
unemployment, climate change and inequality. However, a change like that may mean more leisure time but it
will probably limit people’s ability to earn money to enjoy it.
1. When did people’s working lives begin to 4. Why does the writer suggest the weekend may
change? be less important now?
A. when they moved to the north of England. A. because we start work later than we used to
B. when they decided to ignore the climate. B. because we have enough free time to use
C. when they left England and went elsewhere to work. technology
D. when they started working in factories. C. because people are more in control of their
working week
D. because nobody works over 40 hours a week
2. What happened as a result of campaigns on 5. What does ‘like that’ in the final paragraph
behalf of workers? refer to?
A. People worked fewer hours overall. A. reducing the hours most people work
B. People worked fewer hours per day. B. making the world a fairer place
C. People found employment in leisure industries. C. the world becoming hotter
D. People became more inventive. D. living as people did in the 1950s
3. The writer says that an American businessman
gave his workers time off so that
A. they would enjoy working for him.
B. they could spend money on cars.
C. he didn’t have to pay them to drive.
D. he could produce more cars.

Subject III (25 points) Write a story ending with this sentence:
“That's what Lauren and I learnt that day, the day we realised our friendship was stronger than ever.”
Write your story in 200 words (20-30 lines) and give it an appropriate title. Pay attention to the
• you don't need long descriptions;
• use dialogues only if they are relevant for your characters or events;
• you should use this plan:
1. Introduction (paragraph 1 - set the scene)
2. Main body (paragraph(s) 2/3 - develop the story)
3. Conclusion (paragraph 4 - end the story)
Don’t count the words given!


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