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DragonsandStories | Patreon | Art: AI

Blade of the Dead

DragonsandStories | Patreon

Blade of the Dead

Weapon (dagger), artifact (requires attunement by
a creature of evil alignment)
It is a weapon shrouded in malevolence, carved from the
essence of darkness itself. Its blade is adorned with the
likeness of a skeleton, a grim harbinger of the fate that befalls
those who dare to wield it without a heart steeped in evil.

It is a magic weapon that grants a +3 bonus to attack and

damage rolls made with it. Additionally, upon hitting a
creature, the wielder rolls a d6 to determine the cursed
effect that afflicts the target:

On an odd roll, the target is ensnared by a chilling grip

unseen, as if death itself brushes against them. They
must pass a Constitution saving throw (DC 17) or suffer
4d4 cold damage, their movements slowed by an invisible
frost that reduces their speed by 20 feet.

On an even roll, the target is silently sliced by the

weapon, unaware of the wound as it seems to heal
instantly. However, a necrotic wound festers beneath the
surface. The target takes 1d4 necrotic damage at the start
of each of its turns. If the target has not received any
healing by the start of your next turn, the necrotic
damage increases to 1d10. The necrotic wound's effect
lasts until the target restores hit points or until 1 minute
has passed.
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Evolving. The weapon has 10 charges and regains 2d4 + 3

expended charges daily at midnight. As a bonus action, the
wielder can expend charges to evolve the weapon's form for
10 minutes:

Stage 1. As the base form of the weapon, it retains a

dagger shape. The wielder can expend 1 charge to cast
animate dead, raising one undead creature under their

Stage 2 (2 charges). The wielder can transform the

weapon into a shortsword for the duration. In this form,
the weapon can be used as a spellcasting focus for
necromancy spells. Additionally, any necrotic damage
dealt by spells cast using the weapon as a focus, or by the
weapon itself, increases by one die step (up to a
maximum of d12) for the duration.

Stage 3 (3 charges). The weapon becomes a conduit for

more potent necromancy. When casting animate dead
using the shortsword as a focus, two skeletons emerge
from the blade to serve the wielder. These skeletons gain
a bonus to their damage rolls equal to the wielder's
proficiency bonus, and if their size can increase without
hindrance, they become Large, with their weapon damage
die increasing by one step (up to a maximum of a d12).
Furthermore, the weapon itself can be targeted with
animate dead, causing the skeletons to emerge directly
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from its essence.

Eternal Servitude. If a creature is slain by this weapon,

their soul becomes bound to the weapon. As an action, the
wielder can animate the slain creature as an unseen servant,
as per the unseen servant spell, which lasts until dismissed,
no concentration required. Unlike the spell, this servant
retains a semblance of its former self and memories,
allowing the wielder to converse with it telepathically.

Through this communication, the wielder can glean insights

from the servant's past life, including secrets and knowledge
it held in life, subject to the GM's discretion. This bound
soul can only be released by a dispel evil and good spell or
similar magic.

Skeletal Dominion. The wielder can use an action to cause

the ground to split as skeletal hands reach out to grab the
ankles of every creature within 30 feet. These creatures
must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC 17) or be
knocked prone and restrained by the skeletal hands. While
restrained in this way, the creatures are vulnerable to
necrotic damage. The wielder regains the ability to use this
at midnight.

Touch of the Damned. Any creature other than one of evil

alignment that touches the weapon must succeed on a
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Wisdom saving throw (DC 17) or be instantly slain. If the

creature dies in this manner, its body crumbles into dust,
and it rises as a skeleton under the GM's control.

Curse. Upon attunement, the wielder's flesh begins to

wither, their visage growing ever more gaunt and
cadaverous, mirroring the skeletal motif of the weapon.
Living creatures instinctively recoil from the wielder's grim
aspect, disturbed by the aura of death that clings to them.
The wielder suffers disadvantage on all Charisma checks
when interacting with creatures that are not undead, as the
mark of the reaper becomes increasingly pronounced,
isolating them from the world of the living.

Random Properties. The Blade of the Dead harbors the

following random properties:

2 minor beneficial properties

1 major beneficial properties
1 minor detrimental property
2 major detrimental property

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