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Name: Date & Time of Live Lesson:

Earth Space Science - Climate & Meteorology 04: Meteorology Live Lesson

▪ Answer the questions below – type your answers in this document and attach it to the assignment
Climate and Meteorology 04: Meteorology (50 points):

▪ 1. Why is predicting the weather important? It helps us prepare for and respond to various conditions,
ensuring safety and allowing us to plan accordingly. It's also vital for agriculture, emergency services,
and transportation.

▪ 2. Why is accuracy in predicting the weather important? It helps protect life and property, plan
activities, and manage sources like water and energy efficiently. And it minimizes the impact of severe
weather events.

▪ 3. Are weather predictions always accurate? If not, why? They aren't always accurate because the
atmosphere is incredibly complex, and small changes can lead to different outcomes.

▪ 4. What is forecast? A prediction or estimate of future events in weather. It is based on scientific

analysis of atmospheric data.

▪ 5. What are some of the things that meteorologists do? they study weather patterns, collect data,
make forecasts, and issue warnings to inform and protect the public.

WEATHER DATA TABLE – include a screen shot of the DATA TABLE we collected in the Live Lesson here.
SUMMARY - in your own words summarize what you learnt about weather forecasting in the Live Lesson
and looking back at the Data Table include an analysis of the weather data that we collected in the Live
Lesson (3-5 complete sentences). Weather forecasting is the application of science and technology
to predict the state of the atmosphere for a future time at a specific location. Meteorologists
gather data from various sources like satellites, radar, weather stations, and buoys. They use
this data to understand current conditions and how the atmosphere behaves.Meteorologists
then input this data into computer models that simulate the Earth's atmosphere and predict how
it will evolve. These models are based on the laws of physics, including dynamics,
thermodynamics, and fluid dynamics, which govern the behavior of the atmosphere.They look at
patterns, such as high and low-pressure systems, temperature, humidity, wind speed and
direction, and try to predict how these will change. The models produce various possible
outcomes, which meteorologists interpret to make a single forecast.Weather forecasts can
range from short-term (hours or days) to long-term predictions (weeks or even months).
Short-term forecasts tend to be more accurate because the conditions are less likely to change
significantly. Long-term forecasts are more uncertain but can still provide useful information
about trends and patterns.Meteorologists also use their expertise to issue weather warnings and
alerts to inform the public about potential severe weather conditions like storms, hurricanes, or
extreme temperatures, which can help mitigate risks and protect life and property.

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