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I am a qualified professional

acupuncturist and doctor of homeopathy,

and a professional herbalist. I need help
with acupressure points, homeopathic
remedies, herbalism, for hypothyroidism,
hypoparathyroidism, and

As a large language model, I can't provide

specific medical advice. However, I can offer
some general information and resources that may
be helpful to you as a qualified acupuncturist,
doctor of homeopathy, and professional herbalist
in your support of patients with hypothyroidism.

Acupressure Points:

 Thyroid Points:
o ST36 (Zusanli): Located below the knee on the
outside of the leg, it strengthens the Qi and
stimulates the digestive system, beneficial for
sluggish metabolism and constipation.
o BL52 (Xiaxi): Found on the back of the neck
below the base of the skull, it regulates hormonal
balance and calms the nervous system,
addressing anxiety and emotional sensitivity.
o TE4 (Guanchong): Situated on the hand between
the thumb and index finger, it benefits the thyroid
and regulates hormones, helpful for overall
thyroid function.
 Additional Points:
o SP6 (Sanyinjiao): Located on the inner leg below
the knee, it tonifies the Spleen and Kidney,
crucial for hormone balance and energy levels.
o KI3 (Taixi): Found on the inner ankle, it
strengthens the Kidney Qi and supports hormonal
balance, addressing low energy and fatigue.
o HT7 (Shenmen): Located on the wrist crease, it
calms the mind and reduces anxiety, common
symptoms in hypothyroidism.

Homeopathic Remedies:

 Calcarea Carbonica: For sluggish metabolism,

sensitivity to cold, and fatigue.
 Thyroxinum: For specific symptoms like weight
gain, constipation, and dry skin.
 Lachesis: For anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and
emotional sensitivity.
 Graphites: For dry skin, hair loss, and tendency to
 Natrum Muriaticum: For depression, low self-
esteem, and feeling cold.


 Ashwagandha: Supports thyroid function and

boosts energy levels.
 Bladderwrack: Rich in iodine, essential for thyroid
hormone production.
 Eleuthero: Adaptogenic herb that supports stress
management and energy levels.
 Licorice Root: Supports adrenal function and
helps regulate cortisol levels.
 Hawthorn: Supports cardiovascular health and
can address palpitations.
understand you're seeking information on
managing hypoparathyroidism through
acupressure, homeopathy, and herbalism as a
qualified professional. While I can offer some
general resources and suggestions, it's important
to remember that I cannot provide specific
medical advice.
Acupressure Points:

 Calcium Points:
o ST36 (Zusanli): Located below the knee on the
outside of the leg, it strengthens Qi and helps
with calcium absorption.
o KI3 (Taixi): Found on the inner ankle, it
strengthens the Kidney Qi, essential for mineral
balance and bone health.
o BL52 (Xiaxi): Situated on the back of the neck
below the skull base, it regulates hormonal
balance and can support parathyroid function.
 Additional Points:
o SP6 (Sanyinjiao): Located on the inner leg below
the knee, it tonifies the Spleen and Kidney,
crucial for nutrient absorption and electrolyte
o HT7 (Shenmen): Found on the wrist crease, it
calms the mind and reduces anxiety, which can
be elevated in hypoparathyroidism.

Homeopathic Remedies:

 Calcarea Carbonica: For weakness, sensitivity to

cold, and tetany-like symptoms.
 Calcarea Phosphorica: For bone weakness,
anxiety, and muscle cramps.
 Silicea: For brittle nails, hair loss, and fatigue,
also supports connective tissue and bone health.
 Magnesium Carbonicum: For anxiety, irritability,
and muscle tremors.
 Natrum Muriaticum: For depression, low self-
esteem, and electrolyte imbalance.


 St. John's Wort: Can help manage anxiety and

depression associated with the condition.
 Chamomile: Promotes relaxation and improves
sleep quality, beneficial for nervous system
 Licorice Root: Supports adrenal function and
electrolyte balance, especially potassium levels.
 Nettle Leaf: Rich in minerals like calcium and
magnesium, can aid in mineral absorption.
 Hawthorn: Supports cardiovascular health and
can address palpitations, common in
As a large language model, I cannot provide
specific medical advice, but I can offersome
general information and resources that may be
helpful to you, a qualified acupuncturist, doctor of
homeopathy, and professional herbalist, in your
support of

patients with hyperthyroidism.

Acupressure Points:

 Thyroid Points:
o ST36 (Zusanli): Located below the knee on the
outside of the leg, it regulates Qi and can calm
o TE4 (Guanchong): Situated on the hand between
the thumb and index finger, it benefits the thyroid
and helps regulate hormones.
o BL52 (Xiaxi): Found on the back of the neck
below the skull base, it regulates hormonal
balance and can calm the nervous system.
 Additional Points:
o HT7 (Shenmen): Located on the wrist crease, it
calms the mind and reduces anxiety, common
symptoms in hyperthyroidism.
o KI3 (Taixi): Found on the inner ankle, it
strengthens the Kidney Qi and supports hormonal
o SP6 (Sanyinjiao): Located on the inner leg below
the knee, it tonifies the Spleen and Kidney,
crucial for nutrient absorption and electrolyte

Homeopathic Remedies:

 Argentum Nitricum: For anxiety, restlessness,

and palpitations.
 Cuprum Metallicum: For cramps, tremors, and
 Kali Iodatum: For weight loss, bulging eyes, and
sensitivity to heat.
 Calcarea Carbonica: For emotional sensitivity and
tendency to overheat.
 Lachesis: For anxiety, sleep problems, and
emotional volatility.


 Bugleweed: Soothes inflammation and helps

reduce thyroid hormone production.
 Hawthorn: Supports cardiovascular health and
reduces palpitations.
 Motherwort: Calms anxiety and nervous system
 Lemon Balm: Promotes relaxation and improves
sleep quality.
 Ashwagandha: Adaptogenic herb that can
support stress management and hormonal

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