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Psychic & Psychosomatic Disorders


Treatment :

Color Therapy

Line No. 1 Point No. 2 –

Red Line No. 3 Point No. 5

– Red Line No. 2 Point No.

2 – Red
Mid Line of Thumb (YANG Side) Point No. 2 - Red

Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 1 – Yellow

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 4 – White
Meta Physical Aspect

Sudden attack of sadness due to lack of achievement. Mostly occurs in case with
excessive yang Dryness energy.


Treatment : For apply (rubb) sujok ring in portion of thumb between distal joint & nail
for 1 min. thrice a day

Magnet Therapy :Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 5 – White

Meta Physical Aspect : Anger or frustration when suppressed within one selb might
invite migraine Extended hyper activity (mental & Physical) when relaxed may also can
be its prominent cause.


Treatment :
Magnet Therapy :Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 8 – Yellow.

Color Therapy: Orange colored circle in at 1/3 distance between tip of thumb and distal
joint from the tip.

Meta Physical Aspect : May be enhanced by lack of satisfaction or even by

excessiveness of over expansive thoughts


Treatment :

Colour Therapy

Brown Coloured circle on Yin surface of thumb between distal joint and tip on
correspondance area of Agna Chakra

Meta Physical Aspect

Over Mental flexibilty and over imaginary / fantasy character force the low concentration

Treatment :
Color Therapy Mid line of thumb - Point no - 1( Yang side )- Orange

Magnet Therapy Line no - 6 - BAR MAGNET NAIL SIDE WHITE. Line no - 6 - BAR

Meta Physical Aspect Lack of Confidence or lack of Satisfaction personalities might

suffer greatly from fear Emotions.


Formula 1 :

Magnet Therapy:Bar Magnet (Tip Side) Line No. 10 – Yellow.

Color Therapy: Middle Line of Thumb - Point no. 4 - Green

Formula 2 :
Color Therapy: A Green coloured circle on middle line of palm. Area of Manipur

Meta Physical Aspect :Heavy possessive characters, or over sincerity treated with
humiliation, may be common cause of over emmotionalism.

Gynac Problems
Painful menses along with clots

Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 4 – White.

Over Mentrual bleeding

Magnet Therapy: Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 4 – White.

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 2 – Yellow.

Colour Therapy

Line No. 11 - Point no. 1 – Blue.

Line No. 11 - Point no. 6 – Blue.

Line No. 11 - Point no. 4 – Blue.

Muladhar chakra - Blue circle.

Less Mentrual Bleeding

Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 3 – Yellow - Both Hands.

Colour Therapy :Muladhar chakra - Orange circle.

Meta Physical Aspect: Over Urbanisation is major cause of disturbances of menstrual

cycle (especially for less bleeding). It includes negligance of lady ornaments usage such
as Bangles, Payals, etc. along with descending order of shyness.


Treatment :
Color Therapy

Line No. 11 Point No. 4 – Green

Line No. 11 Point No. 3 – Green
Line No. 11 Point No. 5 – Red
Line No. 8 Point No. 4 – Green

Meta Physical Aspect :Sudden acquisition of argon at emotional level can lead to such
CYSTS in ovaries.


Treatment :
Colour Therapy

Line No. 11 – Point No 4 - Dark Blue

Line No. 11 – Point No 6 - Dark Blue
Mid Line of Thumb - Point No 4 - Dark Blue
Point No 6 - Dark Blue

Meta Physical Aspect

Tendency of grieving any past incidents along with negative attitude can enhance
chances of Leucoria metaphysically.


Treatment :

Color Therapy

Line no. 5 - Yellow coloured band starting from lower surface of nail to base of finger.

Meta Physical Aspect

Hyperness in one's mental/physical attitude,reflecting as severe Anger. Such patients

may also be suffering ffrom severe headaches/intollerance towards Nuissance, etc.,

Brain & Spinalcard Problems


Treatment :

Magnet Therapy: Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 3 – Yellow

Color Therapy: Black colored circle in the area between both joint of thumb in yang

Meta Physical Aspect: Characters with the dominance of over excitement may be
prone to such problem if exposed to slightest of physical stress such as odd postures.


Treatment :

Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 6 – White.

Sujok Ring : Rub areas surrounding all the 3 joints of middle finger for 1 minute each.

Meta Physical Aspect: Along with physicl jerks, mental levels of fear or over
cautiousness at a prolonged duration can favour happening of Sciatica with smallest
physical jerk on lumbar region of spine.


Treatment :

Magnet Therapy: Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 2 – Yellow.

Color Therapy: Yang side of index finger draw thick Dark Blue colored band from
Neutro joint to base joint of finger.

Meta Physical Aspect: Over expansive attitude is prone for back aches on exposure to
slightest physical jerks

Neural & Degenerative Problems


Treatment :

Magnet Therapy: Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 6 – White.

Sujok Ring: Rub areas surrounding all the 3 joints of middle finger for 1 minute each.

Meta Physical Aspect: Along with physicl jerks, mental levels of fear or over
cautiousness at a prolonged duration can favour happening of Sciatica with smallest
physical jerk on lumbar region of spine.


Treatment :

Color Therapy: Line no. 4 - Point no. 1 - Orange.

Line no. 4 - Point no. 6 - Orange.

Line no. 2 - Point no. 1 - Orange.
Yang side of Thumb - Core area of eyes - Orange

Meta Physical Aspect: Orthodox Mentality Stubborn attitude, or Constant fear may
lead to CATARAC.


Color Therapy: Red Colour over correspondance areas of Ears on both sides of YIN-
YANG Border in First Phalange of Thumb.

Magnet Therapy:Line no - 12 - BAR MAGNET TIP SIDE YELLOW.

Meta Physical Aspect: Over orthodox character or over Excitement in one's

Personality that appears not regulerly but rarely with Severity.


Treatment :
Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 9 – Yellow.

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 12 – Yellow.

Color Therapy

Line no. 2 - Point no. 1 - Red.

Line no. 2 - Point no. 6 - Red.
Line no. 2 - Point no. 4 - Green.
Line no. 2 - Point no. 3 - Green.

Meta Physical Aspect

Over stubborn character or fear (persistant) are much prone for neuropathy.

Allergic Problems

Treatment :

Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 5 – White

Color Therapy

Line No. 5 Point No. 4 – Brown

Line No. 1 Point No. 2 – Brown
Line No. 3 Point No. 5 – Dark Blue
Line No. 2 Point No. 4 – Brown

Meta Physical Aspect

Over sensitive nature or suppression of anger can be recognized as leading



Allergic Asthama

Magnet Therapy: Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 5 – White.

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 3 – Yellow.

Color Therapy: Line no. 5 - Point no. 3 - Brown.

Line no. 1 - Point no. 2 - Brown.

Line no. 3 - Point no. 5 - Blue.
Line no. 2 - Point no. 3 - Brown.
Pulmonary Asthma

Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 1 – Yellow.

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 4 – White.

Color Therapy

Line No. 1 - Point no. 2 – Red.

Cardiac Asthama

Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 9 – Yellow.

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 12 – Yellow.

Color Therapy

Line No. 9 - Point no. 3 – Green.

Line No. 9 - Point no. 4 – Green.
Line No. 9 - Point no. 1 – Orange.
Line No. 9 - Point no. 6 – Orange.
Middle line of Thumb(YIN) - Point no. 3 – Green.
Middle line of Thumb(YIN) - Point no. 6 – Orange.

Meta Physical Aspect

Over sensitive nature but reluctant to show their reactions are the most common
patients suffering from asthama


Treatment :

Color Therapy

Line no. 4 - Point no. 5 - Dark Blue

On YIN surface of thumb on both above and below the distal joint a circle of brown
Meta Physical Aspect
People with dominating mentality may suffer frequently by tonsilitis.

Circulatory & Lymphethic Problems


Treatment :

Magnet Therapy: Bar Magnet (Tip Side) Line No. 2 – Yellow

Bar Magnet (Tip Side) Line No. 5 – White

Color Therapy: Line No. 3 Point No. 1 – Dark Blue

Line No. 3 Point No. 6 – Dark Blue

Meta Physical Aspect: Along with intrinsic physical factors, metaphysical factors such
as over anxiety pride and boasting characters can favour high B.P.


Treatment :
Magnet Therapy:Bar Magnet (Tip Side) Line No. 3 – Yellow

Meta Physical Aspect: Negative approach towards life and inferiority complex can
result in such Low B.P. conditions.


Color Therapy

Line No. 4 Point No. 3 – Green

Line No. 5 Point No. 4 – Green
Line No. 1 Point No. 2 – Red
Line No. 2 Point No. 3 – Green

Meta Physical Aspect: Over anxiety, agong or sadness at emotional level or

excessive eating desire can be promotive reason of cholesterol.


Treatment :
Colour Therapy

Line No. 9 – Point No 3 - Green

Line No. 9 – Point No 4 - Green / Dark Blue
Line No. 9 – Point No 6 - Dark Blue

Magnet Therapy

Line No 4 - Bar Magnet (Nail Side) - White

Meta Physical Aspect

When expansive and development ideas are restricted, it might cause varicose vein.

Treatment :
Color Therapy:Line no. 8 - Point no. 2 - Red

Line no. 8 - Point no. 5 - Red

Midline of thumb (YIN side) - Point no. 2 and Point no. 5 – Red
Meta Physical Aspects :
Some people who try to match their low mental levels with excitement are prone to
addiction. They try to seek satisfaction through addiction. i.e Those who require mental
and emotional supporters are prone for addictions.


Color Therapy: Line no. 10 - Point no. 4 - Green

Line no. 11 - Point no. 3 - Green

Line no. 7 - Point no. 5 - Red
Line no. 8 - Point no. 4 - Green

Formula 2 :
Magnet Therapy

Line no. 11 - Tip side - White

Meta Physical Aspect

Surrendered mentality against sociality or lack of victorious spirit can favour such
swelling in lower limbs.

Hormonal Imbalance

Treatment :
Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Tip Side) Line No. 11 – White

Mid Line of Thumb Tip Side (Yin Surface) – Yellow

Meta Physical Aspect

Excessiveness of Yang wind energy (Lack of tolerance towards naissance or hastening)

or excessiveness of possessive attitude can be related with less heighted nees.


Treatment :
Color Therapy

Line No. 4 Point No. 3 – Dark Blue

Line No. 6 Point No. 1 – Dark Blue
Line No. 3 Point No. 5 – Brown
Line No. 2 Point No. 3 – Dark Blue

Meta Physical Aspect

Over thoughtfulness, over desires and fantasy mental levels can enhance the cause of


Formula 1 Treatment :
Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Tip Side) Line No. 2 – Yellow

Color Therapy

Line No. 2 Point No. 6 – Black

Line No. 6 Point No. 6 – Black
Mid Line of thumb (Yang Side) Point No. 1 - Black

Formula 2 Treatment

Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 6 – White

Color Therapy

Line No. 6 Point No. 1 –

Yellow Line No. 4 Point No. 3
– Yellow Line No. 1 Point No. 2
– Red
Mid Line of thumb (Yang Side) Point No. 1 – Yellow

Meta Physical Aspect

Over ambission or over sensitivity to cold can be prominent reason that promote hair

Treatment :

Colour Therapy

Line No. 11 – Point No 4 - Dark Blue

Line No. 11 – Point No 6 - Dark Blue
Mid Line of Thumb - Point No 4 - Dark Blue
Point No 6 - Dark Blue

Meta Physical Aspect

Tendency of grieving any past incidents along with negative attitude can enhance
chances of Leucoria metaphysically.


Treatment :
Color Therapy

Line no. 10 - Point no. 4 - Green

Line no. 11 - Point no. 3 - Green
Line no. 8 - Point no. 3 - Green
Line no. 8 - Point no. 4 - Green

Meta Physical Aspects :

Lack of satifaction : Seek satisfaction through eating.

Excessive possessiveness along with sincere personality.
Highly ambitious with dominant emotion of BOAST.


Treatment :
Color Therapy

Line no. 5 - Yellow coloured band starting from lower surface of nail to base of finger.

Meta Physical Aspect

Hyper ness in one's mental/physical attitude, reflecting as severe Anger. Such patients
may also be suffering from severe headaches/intollerance towards Nuissance, etc.

Treatment :

Color Therapy

Red Colour over correspondance areas of Ears on both sides of YIN-YANG Border in
First Phalange of Thumb.

Magnet Therapy

Meta Physical Aspect

Over orthodox character or over Excitement in one's Personality that appears not
regulerly but rarely with Severity.
Skin and Joint Problems


Treatment :

Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 3 – Yellow

Color Therapy

Yin side of thumb Dark Blue color in area between tip & distal joint.

Meta Physical Aspect

Consumption of spicy foods along with feelings of over excitement at mental physical or
even sexual levels may aggravate it.


Treatment :
Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 4 – White Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 3 – White

Color Therapy

Line No. 5 Point No. 5 – Dark Blue

Line No. 5 Point No. 1 – Dark Blue
Line No. 5 Point No. 3 – Green
Line No. 2 Point No. 5 – Dark Blue

Meta Physical Aspect

Expansive or Excitement when suppressed repeatedly may lead to arthritis.


Treatment :
Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Tip Side) Line No. 12 – Yellow

Bar Magnet (Tip Side) Line No. 9 – Yellow

Color Therapy

Line No. 12 Point No. 6 – Yellow

Line No. 9 Point No. 2 – Red
Line No. 10 Point No. 4 – Yellow
Line No. 8 Point No. 2 – Red

Meta Physical Aspect

Character Consisting of over cautiousness or feeling of dependency over a long period

may lead to knee joint degeneration.


Treatment :
Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 12 – White.

Color Therapy

Line No. 1 Point No. 2 –

Red Line No. 3 Point No. 5
– Red Line No. 2 Point No.
2 – Red
Mid Line of Thumb (YANG Side) Point No. 2 - Red

Meta Physical Aspect

Sudden attack of sadness due to lack of achievement. Mostly occurs in case with
excessive yang Dryness energy.


Treatment :
Color Therapy

Orange coloured circle on central area of Index and Middle Finger.(YIN Surface)

Meta Physical Aspects :

Those people who are generally with positive attitude but at times become aggressive in
complaining or aggressively reveal sadness.

Treatment :

Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 2 – Yellow.

Color Therapy

Yang side of index finger draw thick Dark Blue colored band from Neutro joint to base
joint of finger.

Meta Physical Aspect

Mentality of show-off of modernisation / superiority of such ligament problems such as

tennis elbow pains.

Treatment :

Color Therapy

Dark Green Coloured border covering nail of thumb.

Meta Physical Aspect

Viscousity in behaviour may prove favourable for its happening.

Digestive & Excretary Problems


Formula 1 Treatment :
Color Therapy

Red colour in 3rd phalange of Index Finger Yin Surface

Apply for 4 hours daily during day time.

Formula 2 Treatment :

Magnet Therapy

Bar Magnet (Nail Side) Line No. 4 - White

Everyday 2 hours
Formula 3 Treatment :

Long Term Constipation

Add Formula 1 + Formula 3

Line No. 1 - Point No 1 - Orange

Line No. 1 - Point No 6 - Orange
Mid Line of Thumb - Point No 6 - Orange

Meta Physical Aspect

Over satisfaction, hyper anger or over complaining nature may be the cause of


Treatment :
Colour Therapy

Line No. 10 – Point No 4 - Dark

Blue Line No. 12 – Point No 6 -
Dark Blue Line No. 9 – Point No 2 -
Dark Blue

Meta Physical Aspect

Anxiety and emotionally sensitive personalities are common victims of such gastric and
indigestion problems.

Treatment :

Magnet Therapy

Line No 6 - Bar Magnet(Nail Side) - White

Color Therapy

Line no. 2 - Point no. 6. - Orange

Line no. 6 - Point no. 1. - Orange

Meta Physical Aspect

Fear and anxiety along with impulsive nature can be favourable for frequent urination.


Treatment :

Magnet Therapy

Line No 5 - Bar Magnet(Nail Side) - White

Apply before sleeping time for 3-4 hours.

Color Therapy

Line no. 6 - Point no. 3 -

Yellow Line no. 6 - Point no. 4
- Yellow Line no. 2 - Point no.
3 - Yellow Line no. 2 - Point
no. 4 - Yellow

Meta Physical Aspect

Hyper kinetic activity of mind and body in case of children can result in bed wetting.
Lack of viscosity can also be described for this purpose.


Treatment :
Color Therapy

Line no. 4 - Point no. 5 - Dark Blue

On YIN surface of thumb on both above and below the distal joint a circle of brown

Meta Physical Aspect

People with dominating mentality may suffer frequently by tonsilitis.


Treatment :

Color Therapy

Line no. 10 - Point no. 4 - Green

Line no. 11 - Point no. 3 - Green
Line no. 8 - Point no. 3 - Green
Line no. 8 - Point no. 4 - Green

Meta Physical Aspects :

Lack of satifaction : Seek satisfaction through eating.

Excessive possessiveness along with sincere personality.
Highly ambitious with dominant emotion of BOAST.

Treatment :

Color Therapy

Line no. 11 - Point no. 4 - Green color (Apply MUG Grain over this point and keep it
for 2-3 hours.)
Line no. 8 - Point no. 4 - Green color or MUG Grain.

Meta Physical Aspect

Possessiveness and Conservative Attitude could favour naval disturbance frequently.


Treatment :
Color Therapy

Line no. 5 - Point no. 4 - Brown color.

Meta Physical Aspect

Repeated symptoms of vomting / nausea may be related with hyper mental attitude
or over-reactive character.

Treatment :

Color Therapy

Line no. 10 - Dark Blue coloured broad band from base of finger upto its tip.
Meta Physical Aspect

Over sincerity or show-off of over maturity can favour frequent burps.


Treatment :

Formula 1 :

Color Therapy

Middle Line of Thumb - At 1/3 distance from distal joint towards the tip - Black color

Formula 2 :

Color Therapy

Line no. 4 - Point no. 2 - Brown

Line no. 4 - Point no. 5 - Brown

Meta Physical Aspect

Lack of adjustability with excitement due to self rigidity in nature is a main cause of
Mouth Ulcer.

Treatment :

Color Therapy

Line No. 4 Point No. 1 – Dark

Blue Line No. 4 Point No. 3 –
Dark Blue Line No. 4 Point No. 5
– Dark Blue Line No. 2 Point No.
3 – Brown
Thumb YIN Side Point No. 6 – Dark Blue
Magnet Therapy

Line No. 8 Tip Side White

Line No. 4 Nail Side White

Treatment :

Color Therapy

Line No. 12 - Point No. 2 – Red

Line No. 12 - Point No. 6 – Red
Line No. 12 - Point No. 4 – Green
Line No. 12 - Point No. 3 – Green
Middle line of Thumb - Point No. 2 – Red
Middle line of Thumb - Point No. 6 – Red
Middle line of Thumb - Point No. 4 – Green
Middle line of Thumb - Point No. 3 – Green

Meta Physical Aspect

Constant fear over a long period or over elderly character can favour the mal-
functioning of kidney.

Treatment :

Formula 1 :

Color Therapy

Line no. 10 - Point no. 4 - Green

Line no. 11 - Point no. 3 - Green
Line no. 7 - Point no. 5 - Red
Line no. 8 - Point no. 4 - Green

Formula 2 :
Magnet Therapy

Line no. 11 - Tip side - White

Meta Physical Aspect

Surrendered mentality against sociality or lack of victorious spirit can favour such
swelling in lower limbs.

Triorigin is a vast field. Triorigin makes us understand the creation and operation
functions of NATURE. We were getting satisfaction through Six Ki Therapy until the
theory of Triorigin was introduced. Study of Triorigin is easier as compared to Six Ki but
its implementation requires great level of consciousness. Till we reach to that stage let
us try to get results from initial study of Triorigin world. Try and be ready for combo of
Six Ki & Triorigin to achieve miracles.

Nomenclature of Triorigin (For Branch Level Treatment) Points on Meridian :

Each meridian according to Six Ki is composed of 6 energies.

Similarly each meridian is also composed of 4 forces that are necessary for existence.

1) Hetro 2) Home 3) Neutro 4) Neuto

In our study we have made 4 points (areas) on each meridian.


1) HETRO POINT :- Meridian Heat Point.

2) HOMO POINT :- Meridian Coldness Point.

3) NEUTRO POINT (SPIRITUAL POINT):- Meridians Wind Point.

4) NEUTO POINT :- Meridian Humidity Point.


1) HETRO POINT :- Meridian Coldness Point (Most Distal).

2) HOMO POINT :- Meridian Hotness Point (Point Nearest towards Body).

3) NEUTRO POINT (SPIRITUAL POINT):- Meridian Humidity Point.

4) NEUTO POINT :- Meridian Wind Point .

Scientific Nomenclature - Reasoning :-

The most distal point amongst the Six Ki points is named as HETRO.

The most nearest Point amongst them is HOMO.

The most functional Point amongst them is NEUTRO.

The most hidden point amongst all 6 energy points and that too, towards homo & not
towards hetro – NEUTO.
Note : In this combination theory each of the 4 points (as per Triorigin) are to be
SCREENED by a probe based on the Screening of CORRESPONDENCE
BALL amongst area of cm around the point.

Nomenclature of Triorigin Meridians for Individual Level Treatment :

Energy Meridians :
1) HOTNESS meridians
2) COLDNESS meridians
3) HEAT/WIND meridians

Triorigin Meridians :
NEUTRO meridians
NEUTO meridians
HETRO meridians
HOMO meridians

Scientific Nomenclature - Reasoning :-

1) NEUTRO :- HOTNESS - Maximum functional energy

2) NEUTO :- COLDNESS - Nearly a PAUSE/LAST stage or Prior TO INITIATION.

3) HETRO: - (Heat/wind) CONSTANT movement or activation.

4) HOMO: - (Humidity /Dryness) Constant collection, gathering or contraction.


First of all, patient has to be diagnosed whether his problem is at the Branch Level or
Individual Level depending on Six Ki Funda.

In next step we should diagnose the excessiveness/deficiency of any one at the 4

forces -




This diagnosis can be conducted by any therapist who has basic knowledge of Triorigin.

Study cases and treatment given :-


Age: 68 years
Report: S creatinine - 5.3
Diagnosis – Excessive Homo in kidney


Kidney Meridian :
1) H Meridian. HETRO
2) H Meridian. HOMO
3) H Meridian. NEUTRO
4) H Meridian. NEUTO

Control :
X Meridian. HETRO
X Meridian. HOMO
X Meridian. NEUTRO
X Meridian. NEUTO

Case 2 :- Inflammation on whole body (Since Last 10 Day's)

Age: 32 years
Diagnosis – Excessive Hetro at individual level.

Treatment :
1) Hetro meridian (F) – HETRO Point
2) Homo meridian (B) – HOMO Point
3) Neutro Meridian (J) - NEUTRO Point
4) Neuto Meridian(G) - NEUTO Point
Control Meridian :

Note :
Before confirmation of Heat/Wind Amongst HETRO Meridians, we should

If Expansion Type – Hetro /

HEAT If movement Type - Hetro /

WIND Conclusion :
By the combination of Six Ki and TRIORIGIN, we have achieved more vigorous results.
So if the MASTERS would further analyze this combination, we think that future might
emphasis this combination for more PRACTICAL SUCCESS.
What is Energy ?

You might have gone through this word a number of times. Now let us study this word in
detail. Before the creation of this universe can we imagine what would have existed?
The existing thing was Tao. This is a Korean word whose meaning can be understood
as godness or holiness and nothing else. From Tao, chi was created which means
energy. From chi, bi-polar energy was created (positive & negative) because for
creation of anything, bi-polar forces are required. In ancient books, positive and
negative energies resembled to male and female energies. From these bi-polar
energies everything was created which has lead to our current existence. In Chinese
terminology positive energies are called yang and negative energies are called yin.
YANG = Positive Energy
YIN= Negative Energy
Both of these energies flow in harmony through our body to make it a living being. If this
harmony gets disturbed, it may lead to disease. Treatment of such diseases requires
nothing but harmonization between this yin and yang forces.
Yin energies are directed from earth towards heaven whereas the yang energies from
heaven to earth. So these energies intersect our body in a longitudinal fashion to
keep each and every cell and tissue of our body in full vitality stage.
Acute problems occur mostly due to yang forces whereas yin energies are
responsible for chronic problems.
5-Elements and 6 Ki :
In Indian Culture of Ayurveda, we have studied that everything is created from 5
Elements (Panchtattva- Jal, Agni, Akash, Vayu And Prithvi)
Professor Park Jae Woo has studied Ayurveda in detail. Along with this, he has also
studied Chinese Culture and Egyptian Culture and finally concluded SUJOK. According
to Indian Culture, energy is distributed in human body through 7 Chakras and 72,000
Nadis. Whereas in Chinese Culture through Meridians and Egyptian Culture through
Diamond Energy System.
In Sujok, we study 5 elements as:- wood, fire, earth, metal and water.
These elements do not affect our body directly but through there respective energies.
The 6 energies of these 5 elements can be studied as shown in the table.

These 6 energies flow through our body to make a functional unit of each and every cell
and tissue. These energies are in a specific constitution in every individual which is
responsible to define his character, likings, dislikes, nature, past and future diseases
and also his treatment.
If one has knowledge of each of these energies in detail, he could analyze the problem
on the basis of which energy is disharmonized. By this, one can not only get rid of
physical problems but also can handle meta-physical problems such as anxiety, anger,
and memory etc. Each of these energies is responsible for specific endocrine glands
functions. So treatment of hormonal imbalances can also be done successfully.
Each of these energies is further bifurcated into positive and negative (yin & yang).
e.g. Yin-wind & Yang-wind and so on. Each of the respective energy problems can be
further diagnosed into acute and chronic and thereby can be treated with Yin-wind or
Yang-wind. So a general outline of this energy circulation in our body is necessary to
treat any problem from its root.

Following chart represents the relation of each energy with various body
Now, after studying this energy fundamentals in detail, you would be sure that any
problem in nature can be treated by harmonizing energy balance theoretically.

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