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I believe Banksy is simply a man trying to spread his political, social and philosophical ideas through a

unique and eye-catching method. That being art. Due to his nature to reproduce and then
sometimes mock art of various artists the international art community takes great interest within his
exploits and messages. Most of Banksy’s art consists of a single very clear message, we are
destroying the planet and causing ecological damage to the environment, whether this be within his
resin sculpture Ballerina with Action Man Parts, or his painting Show me the Monet, they all contain
a very distinct message about our and capitalism’s rampant impact on the environment. The art
community understandably have mixed opinions due to his mockery of famous art and also his
origins as a street artist but also take great interest within his expression of important messages
about climate change. To me Banksy himself is a strange man who I feel rather conflicted about. I find
his appropriation of artworks a fascinating but troubling topic, to copy and essentially defame the
work of someone else is just wrong to me. However, his messaging about the environment is
something that is incredibly important to me due to my great love for nature and the benefits to
humanity it brings. The artwork of Shome me the Monet particularly calls to me because it invokes
the beauty of nature and how much it has been shattered by our interference, the shopping trolly a
representation of the danger of our rampant consumerism and the construction cone a symbol for
our insatiable desire for expansion. Banksy to me and the world is a strange mix of activist, artist and
thief, a man willing to still and defame artwork all in the name for a greater good of attempting to
spread awareness about the danger humanity provides to the world.

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