Seperating Mixture's Activity

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1. Put on both safety glasses and Lab coat.

2. Set up equipment:
- Connect Bunsen burner pipe to gas and place it along with
tripod on cement sheet with Clay Triangle on top of tripod.
- Turn on laboratory balance and set the balance to that of
the evaporating dish.
- Pour sea water into beaker and prepare 50ml’s of sea water.
- Place funnel onto of conical flask and insert filter paper into
the funnel.
- Prepare evaporating dish to place upon clay triangle.
- Prepare measuring cylinder.
- Prepare match for Bunsen burner.
3. Pour sea water into the funnel and through the filter paper into
the conical flask.
4. Wait until filtration is complete and pour the new filtered water
into the measuring cylinder.
5. Record remaining milters of water inside the measuring cylinder.
6. Pour—using measuring cylinder—the filtered water into the
evaporating dish and place it upon the Bunsen burners clay
7. Turn on gas and light march ensuring Bunsen burner is turned
onto safety flame.
8. After ignition of the Bunsen burner gas turn it onto heating
flame and wait for the filtered water to boil and eventually
9. Wait until the filtered water has evaporated and you have
turned off the heating flame before turning off the gas.
10. Wait until evaporating dish is cool enough to handle before
placing it upon balance to measure remaining grams of salt and
other residues.
11. Record results.
12. Pack up equipment and place it upon trays for removal.
13. Take off lab coat and goggles.

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