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2019 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)

Design of Microstrip Patch Antenna & its Analysis

Through ANN for Terahertz Application
Parnika Saxena, Shuchismita Pani
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Amity University, Noida, India,

Abstract— For designing the antennas i.e. Microstrip results, once the trained data is used [9]. Designing of ANN
Antennas (MPA) , the most well-known strategies include possesses features which make them suitable choice for
transmission as well as the cavity model which present a analysis and quite necessary for Antennas.
few changes in the mechanism through which antenna The proposed work presents an ANN that depicts the
radiates. Thus number of errors arise in the detection of correspondence among the parameters i.e. operating
the antenna parameters. Numerical techniques, are more frequency, dimensions, dielectric constant and the dielectric
accurate, need vast resources for computation, need more height of a Microstrip antenna. The Dielectric Constant,
time for processing a progressed electromagnetic Dielectric Width are considered as the input Parameters,
knowledge. In the Given work Artificial Neural Network Output being the Patch Dimensions. For the training, the
(ANN) is utilized to demonstrate the link or relation dataset is built using an EM Calculator for a freq. Range of
between the parameters of antennas (Permittivity, 0.3-3THz.
Substrate height and freq.) for the examination and
design of MPA for a range of 0.3 – 3 THz. II. METHODOLOGY

Keywords—Planar; Antenna ; Neural networks; ANN; A. Microstrip Antenna Design

Radiation Pattern ; Regression Design can be done by various techniques, one of them
being the printed circuit technology. These antennas possess
I. INTRODUCTION various attractive features and are used for various
The dielectric constant, dimensions of the antenna are related applications. Microstrip antennas widely or commonly used
to the frequency at which the antenna operates [1]. Due to the are rectangular, triangular, circular and Elliptical Microstrip
features of Microstrip Patch Antenna (MPA) like small size, Patch Antennas [10-12]. For the proposed Research, the
low production cost, accuracy they have become very antenna used is a Rectangular MPA as in the Fig.1. The
attractive, they have attracted a lot of attention in the research substrate used is Gallium Arsenide, ‫א‬௥ =12.9. This substrate
[2-3]. Due to the requirement of increase in demand for the possesses attracting properties like low loss tangent, High
high data rate communication, there is a need of the high resistivity and excellent semiconductor Properties. Fig. 2
operating frequency which lie in the terahertz band of the shows the Feed used, it is an Inset feed. Table I is a Tabular
representation of the Design Parameters.
electromagnetic spectrum.
In the recent years, the terahertz technology i.e. Antennas for
Terahertz Applications have attracted enormous amount of
interest from the researchers for its budding and useful
applications for space communications, imaging systems etc.
A lot of work has already been done for Terahertz
Applications [4]. However, in order to increase the frequency
at which the antenna operates, to set up the communication
link in THz region, several design issues are incurred which
need to be focused on. It is necessary to design the antenna
with proper dimensions also in order to obtain high gain as
well as accuracy [5]. The analysis technique is established on Figure 1: Designed Antenna
the detection of its physical parameters when the resonance
frequency of antenna, Dielectric Constant, Dielectric Width
are known. The designing part of the antenna is opposite to
the analysis process. While designing the antenna it is
important to focus on the determination of the parameters, in
order to ensure that the designed antenna gives better results
analysis techniques are used i.e. Analysis through ANN.
The ANNs i.e. Artificial Neural Networks are able of
generalizing i.e. ANN has the ability to give response
precisely to the inputs which are in the interval which is
defined to the network [6-8]. This Range is predefined during
the time when Neural Network is trained. In addition to this
addition ANN can give results much closer to the desired Figure 2: MPA showing Inset Feed

978-1-7281-1380-7/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 391

2019 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)

In order to make the neural network learn a no. of iterative

processes are reqd. To train the network the modification or
adjustment of weights can be done accordingly to train the
network. The motive of the training is obtaining a desired
output for all potential input values, minimization the error
function. The function used for the training of the network is
“Trainlm”, used for updating the weight and bias in
accordance to LM algorithm. The data for the training of the
network is build using EM calculator, For the Frequency
Range of 0.3-3THz. The data set is composed of 136 samples.


B. Feed Forward Algorithm Parameter Range/ Values Considered

This kind of a network is also known as Multi-Layer Frequency (fr) 0.3-3 THz
Perceptron (MLP), used widely to model the neural network Dielectric 10.2 , 12.9
Constant (İ)
.It is known as feed forward Neural network when no directed
Height of 0.005- 0.3 mm
cycle is formed by the Units. In a feed forward neural network Substrate
the way or direction towards which the data always travels in No. of Samples 136
one way which means from input through intermediate layers
or hidden to output Layer as shown in Fig. 3. E. Mean Squared Error (MSE)
MSE is the error function which is to be minimized in the
neural network. MSE reduces the sum of MSE errors, it is
also called as the performance function of the network. MSE
calculates the Error,

Error = OT – ON
Where, OT = Target Output
ON = Network Output

The average of sum of the resultant errors is calculated, gives

the performance of the network. Less is the MSE better is the
Fig. 3. Feed Forward Neural Network result. The whole objective of training is reduction of the
C. Levenberg Marquardt Algorithm
The iterative technique used in order to provide the numeric
solutions for minimization of functions which are nonlinear F. Antenna Simulation Results
is known as the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm also called HFSS i.e. High Frequency Simulation Software is used for
as LMA. In order to resolve nonlinear problems of Least simulating and the values obtained i.e. return loss, gain,
squares of large scale, this algorithm is used. It can be said Bandwidth are studied at the operating Frequency of 3.2 THz.
that this method is a technique of optimization. 1) Return Loss ( S11 Parameter )
The role & functionality of LMA lies between 2 Algorithms
S11 Parameter obtained is depicted in Fig. 4(a) for the
i.e. the descent method and the GNA. On obtaining the
designed antenna. This Parameter is also known as the
solution, if present solution is distant to the minimum (local
reflection coefficient. The obtained Value of S11 is -17.50 dB
minimum) and there is a large value of H, in such a case LMA
at an operating Frequency of 3.2 THz.
behaves as a descent technique which is not fast but XY Plot 1 g ANSOFT

convergence guarantee is there whereas if the case of solution

Curve Info

lying near the local minima is there it’ll behave as Newton

Setup1 : Sw eep

method i.e. GNA in which the convergence is faster.


D. Network Training -7.50

d B (S (1 ,1 ))

The learning process is done by the adjustments of the

weights by some learning algorithm, this whole process is -10.00

known as learning. Learning Algorithms are: -12.50

• Supervised: In this type of learning there is a presence of -15.00

source which provides the standard output.

1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00
Freq [thz]

• Unsupervised: In this type of learning there is no source

Fig. 4(a). S11 Plot
which provides the desired values.

2019 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)

2) Gain
For the proposed antenna design operating for Terahertz
Frequency a gain of 1.760dB is obtained. The Parameter gain
of the antenna shows the estimation of intensity in the
direction where peak value of radiation is obtained to that of
transmitted in an isotropic way [12].
The Fig. 4(b). Represents the 3-D plot obtained for the
designed antenna. Fig. 5(a). N/W Architecture

Fig. 4(b). 3-Dimensional Polar Plot

On Simulation of the designed antenna on HFSS. Various
Parameters are obtained . The Table III is a tabular
Representation of the Results.


Fig. 5(b). Regression Plot

G. ANN Results
For the proposed research work the number of hidden nodes
is twenty, input & output Parameters being three and two
respectively. For the Proposed work neural network
architecture is shown in the Fig. 5(a).
1) Regression Plot
When the network consists of training, testing and validation
data Regression Analysis is performed. For determining the
relation between the variables this plot is a statistical method.
Fig. 5(c). Performance Plot
When the value of R=1, the proposed model defines
variability of data around its mean. Higher the value of R,
Better is the fitting of the model to the data. 3) Error Histogram and Gradient
The values of R for data can be seen from Fig. 5(b). All values For the purpose of visualizing the errors after training in
obtained are acceptable. between predicted and target values. The error histogram
with 20 Bins is obtained as shown in Fig. 5(d).
2) Performance When the no. of validation checks is maximum, here 6 the
training stops. Fig. 5(e). Shows the Gradient Plot with 6
The Performance of the network can be determined using the
validation checks the maximum number of validation checks
neural net fitting. The best Validation Performance is 3.4936e is 6. The value of the gradient decent is 5.0762, Mu value of
at epoch 7. The same can be seen from the Fig. 5(c). 1e-07.

2019 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN)

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Fig. 5(d): Error Plot, 5(e): Gradient Plot

In designing, the synthesis and analysis are two opposite
terms. The efficiency of artificial neural networks i.e. ANN
for Microstrip antennas (MPA) analysis is comparatively
much more as compared to analytical, numeric methods. In
the proposed work, the design procedure comprises of the
analysis stage as the terminating stage. For the analysis of
network of ANN, the parameters are investigated by
reversing the database obtained i.e. considering output as
input. The proposed work is an application of ANN with
Levenberg- Marquardt training algorithm (LMA) to analyze
the antenna to predict the accuracy. The ANN with 20 hidden
nodes shows best result. Thus, ANN is highly recommended
& suggested for the design of MPA.

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