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Alfredo Lopez

Carlos Canizares
ENC 1101
8 Feb. 2024
MLA Outline for Final Research Paper

I. Introduction

a. Hook

b. Background information: Overview on the Russian-Ukraine war.

c. Thesis: Although there may be good reasons to militarily intervene in the

Russian-Ukrainian War, the U.S. and its Allies should not intervene militarily in

Ukraine because it may lead to an unnecessary escalation of conflict, risk of

retaliation, and could lead to economic issues.

II. Body Paragraph 1- Escalation of conflict

a. Direct military confrontation between two major military powers may lead to an

escalation of conflict that can result in the following:

 International border crisis leading to an increase in the already alarming

refugee crisis seen in Ukraine and surrounding European countries due to

this war.

 Increase in the number of civilian casualties.

 Implementation of nuclear power.

III. Body Paragraph 2- Risk of retaliation

a. The intervention of the U.S. military runs the risk of retaliation from countries

that are allied with Russia.

b. Risk of direct attack on American soil in retaliation.

IV. Body Paragraph 3- Economic issues

a. Engaging in the war with another strong military power may lead to higher

demand in resources therefore risking food shortages, inflation, higher taxes, and

public debt as it may cause a race to aid other countries that might join forces with

us in such a war.

V. Opposing View

a. A US intervention could provide support to an otherwise weaker country's

military and support their cause, which is to uphold independence and democracy;

two very strong values that the US is built upon.

b. May provide a quick resolution to this conflict, as Ukraine will have a strong

military to back them.

VI. Rebuttal

a. While it is important for the US to hold true to its values in independence and

democracy, intervention in a foreign war whether direct or indirect may shift

focus from domestic issues.

VII. Conclusion

b. Restate thesis

c. Emphasize rebuttal to opposing view

Works Cited
Pszczel, Robert. “The Consequences of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine for International Security –

NATO and Beyond.” NATO Review, Nato Review, 7 July 2022,

Law, Tara. “How Russian Media Crafted a Year of Ukraine War Propaganda.” Time, Time, 23

Feb. 2023,

G, C. “The Risks of US Military Assistance to Ukraine.” Stimson Center, Dec. 2023,

Jenkins, Brian. “Consequences of the War in Ukraine: The Economic Fallout.” RAND, 7 Mar.

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