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Analysis of Abnormal Wave Records by the Hilbert–Huang Transform Method

Institute of Oceanology-Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Varna, Bulgaria

Unit of Marine Technology and Engineering, Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal

(Manuscript received 17 January 2006, in final form 5 October 2006)


The Hilbert–Huang transform method is used in this work to analyze wave records from the North Sea,
which include abnormal waves. The analysis of the characteristics of abnormal waves is based on the local
decomposition of wave data by using the intrinsic mode functions. The variations of amplitude of intrinsic
mode functions around the time of the occurrence of abnormal waves are examined in order to investigate
the contribution of different intrinsic mode functions on the abnormal waves’ profile, in an attempt to find
relationships between them. The changes of local frequency of each intrinsic mode function in the vicinity
of abnormal waves are examined. The essential nonlinearity of abnormal waves is considered as intrawave
frequency modulation, a variation of the instantaneous frequency within one oscillation cycle. The Hilbert
spectrum is used as a detector of abnormal waves.

1. Introduction normal waves as the ones with a height that would be

outside the normally expected ones within the estab-
Abnormal, freak, or rogue waves are local, primary
lished linear wave theory. Based on 20-min duration
transient phenomena with uncertain and unpredictable
and the Rayleigh model for the probability distribu-
occurrence. A while ago, Draper (1964) referred to the
tions of wave heights, he concluded that in cases where
existence of freak waves, but until recently they were
the wave height was greater than twice the significant
thought to rarely occur and very little was known about
wave height, the wave would be considered abnormal.
their characteristics. During the last several years, vari-
The value of this ratio, which was later called the ab-
ous research groups have studied freak, rogue, or ab-
normality or amplification index (AI), is thus related to
normal waves. While in earlier publications these waves
the duration of a sea state and a probability level, al-
were designated as freak, later the designation of rogue
though there is no strong reason why 2.0 was chosen
waves was adopted. However, as these waves are being
instead, for example, of 1.9, 2.1, or a similar number. In
defined as the ones that are outside of the normal popu-
lation of expected waves, they are also called abnormal fact, different authors tend to adopt different reference
waves. In general all these terms have been used by numbers, and a review of the various criteria being used
different authors to designate essentially the same type can be found in Clauss (2002) and in Guedes Soares et
of waves. al. (2003).
Dean (1990) was probably the first who defined ab- The study of this type of wave has been given a new
impetus by the identification of such waves in full-scale
wave records as reported by Haver and Karunakaran
* Current affiliation: ECOH Corporation, Yokohama, Japan. (1998), Mori et al. (2002), and Guedes Soares et al.
(2003, 2004a), among others.
The effort to understand the nature of these waves
Corresponding author address: C. Guedes Soares, Unit of Ma-
has shown that various mechanisms can generate this
rine Technology and Engineering, Technical University of Lisbon,
Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisbon, type of very large waves as reviewed by Kharif and
Portugal. Pelinovsky (2003). In general, it is accepted that they
E-mail: are a result of nonlinear interactions that transform lo-

DOI: 10.1175/JTECH2067.1

© 2007 American Meteorological Society

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cal wave groups in such a way that at a certain occasion investigated phenomenon. Wu and Yao (2004) ana-
one single large wave is formed and disappears after a lyzed the laboratory-generated abnormal waves, inter-
while. Several authors, such as Trulsen and Dysthe acting with currents, and stressed that the detection of
(1997), Osborne (2000), and Slunyaev et al. (2005), higher, steeper freak waves using the Fourier spectrum
have studied the propagation of wave groups using dif- is a challenging task.
ferent mathematical theories that are able to explain Cherneva and Guedes Soares (2007) have adopted
how they develop into a very large wave. nonlinear spectral analysis and have shown that with
An investigation of the local properties of sea waves the use of bispectrum it is possible to identify second-
is necessary in order to try to identify any mechanism order nonlinear wave interactions in sea states with
that may develop prior to the creation of an abnormal high skewness that can occur during severe storms.
wave and in this way contribute to the understanding of However, since the power spectrum suppresses all
what happens in reality. The widely used Fourier spec- phase relations, it cannot be used to analyze the phase
tral analysis is inappropriate to analyze the local con- coupling. The nonlinear interactions between harmonic
ditions associated with the occurrence of abnormal components induce certain phase relations that can be
waves, as it provides no useful information about time studied by the local frequency even in deep-water
variation of wave characteristics. Also, in Fourier-based waves (Cherneva and Guedes Soares 2001), which was
analysis, as well as in almost all of the conventional shown not to follow a uniform distribution in the sea
methods for wave data analysis, the wave process is states with abnormal waves.
assumed to be stationary and linear, while an abnormal An adequately chosen method for the analysis of ab-
wave is typically a nonstationary and nonlinear event. normal wave records is necessary in order to obtain the
Furthermore, the parameters of water waves, deter- correct knowledge of this transient event. A nonlinear
mined by Fourier spectra, are integral characteristics of and nonstationary method for data analysis is probably
sea states and their local time variations are impossible better suited for the study of the nonlinear and nonsta-
to be tracked. tionary nature of abnormal waves. This was the moti-
The time distribution of energy is needed, comple- vation to apply the Hilbert–Huang transform (HHT)
mentary to the frequency distribution for the detection method, a comparatively new method for nonlinear and
of the occurrence of abnormal waves both in the fre- nonstationary time series analysis to study abnormal
quency and time domains. There are several Fourier- wave records.
based methods for frequency–time distribution of the The HHT method, introduced by Huang et al.
energy like time window–width Fourier transform (1998), differs from all previous methods for nonsta-
(Guedes Soares and Cherneva 2005), evolutionary tionary and nonlinear data analysis by its unique ap-
spectrum, principal component analysis, or wavelet proach for data processing. The key part of this method
analysis (Liu and Mori 2000). is the empirical mode decomposition (EMD), which
These methods suffer from the demerits of Fourier identifies the specific local time scales and extracts
spectral analysis for the purpose of determining the them into intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). The instan-
characteristics of abnormal waves, such as the global taneous frequency, determined by the Hilbert trans-
definition of harmonic components and their linear su- form of IMF, provides a much sharper identification of
perposition for decomposition of the data, thus assum- the embedded events. The frequency–time distribution
ing the stationarity and linearity of data. There is also a of the wave energy, designated as a Hilbert spectrum,
resolution problem inherent in all Fourier-based analy- provides an overall view of the variation of energy with
sis due to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Wave- time and frequency.
let analyses provide some improvement of the resolu- In comparison with wavelet and Fourier analysis, the
tion by utilization of adjustable windows, but the prob- HHT method offers much better temporal and fre-
lems caused by the nonadaptive nature of these quency resolution. The Hilbert spectrum pointed to the
windows and the leakage of energy have still not been local, not global, peculiarities of energy and is therefore
completely solved. a perfect tool for identification of abnormal wave oc-
Wavelet transform analysis has been used by Liu and currence in time and frequency. It stresses that the re-
Mori (2000) to analyze abnormal wave records, and cent developments of the HHT method, namely, the
although the abnormal wave is identified from a wave- confidence limit of EMD, the normalized HHT, and the
let spectrum, there are some limitations of wavelet statistical significance of IMF, presented in Wu and
analysis, as discussed by Schlurmann (2002). The pre- Huang (2004), Huang et al. (2003), and Huang (2005),
liminary choice of a mother wavelet leads to some sub- which are adopted here, improve considerably the pre-
jective, a priori assumption on the characteristics of the cision and reliability of the HHT method.

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In this study, the HHT method for nonlinear and 2. Hilbert–Huang transform method
nonstationary time series analysis is used to study wave
records measured in the North Sea, which included ab- The Hilbert–Huang transform method provides a
normal waves. The essential nonlinearity of abnormal novel approach for nonlinear and nonstationary data
waves is examined by the HHT method. The Fourier- processing. The HHT consists of the EMD and the Hil-
based methods presented nonlinearity by introducing bert spectral analysis. The EMD relies on data sifting
many harmonics to describe the distorted waveform. according to the time scale. A time interval between
These harmonics are mathematically necessary but successive extremes in a time series is defined as a time
have no physical meaning. The nonlinearity of sea scale. This is the essence of the EMD. The main idea of
waves is considered by the HHT method as intrawave EMD is first to identify the time scale that will reveal
frequency modulation, which is a variation of the in- the physical characteristics of the process recorded as a
stantaneous frequency within one oscillation cycle. Wu time series and to extract them into IMFs. The EMD is
and Yao (2004) found a strong correlation between the a data-sifting process to eliminate locally riding waves
magnitude of intrawave instantaneous frequency as well as to eliminate locally the asymmetry of the time
modulation and the wave nonlinearity in their study of series profile. A procedure for EMD and several appli-
freak waves by the HHT method. cations of the HHT method are presented in Huang et
The characteristics of the largest waves in the storm al. (1998, 1999).
sea states had been examined by Guedes Soares et al. The time series X(t) is first decomposed by EMD
(2004b) and new parameters, characterizing the asym- into a finite number n IMF Cj, j ⫽ 1, n, which extract
metry and steepness of abnormal waves, were proposed the energy associated with various intrinsic time scales
and examined by Guedes Soares et al. (2003). In this and residue rn. The superposition of the IMF and the
paper six of those time series are examined, four with residue reconstruct the data record:
single abnormal waves and the remainder with an ab-
normal wave imbedded in a group. As the various nu-
merical studies referred to earlier have shown, single
X共t兲 ⫽ 兺 C 共t兲 ⫹ r 共t兲.
j n 共1兲
abnormal waves are the result of the evolution of a
group, and it is considered that records that do not An IMF is defined as a function, having the same
show a single wave but present a group are simply in a number of extremes and zero crossings, and at any
different state of the evolution process. The choice of point the mean value of the upper envelope, defined by
the two types of wave situations aimed at verifying the local maxima and the down envelope defined by the
whether different characteristics would be apparent be- local minima, is zero. These upper and lower envelopes
tween the two types of situations. are determined by using cubic splines. The important
For each of the six wave records used in this study, a condition for an IMF is that only one maximum or
confidence limit for EMD is initially determined ac- minimum exists between successive zeros. The empiri-
cording to Huang et al. (2003). The characteristics of cal mode decomposition is an iterative process where
abnormal waves are examined on the basis of local de- envelopes and their mean values are used to decom-
composition of wave data into IMF. The significance of pose the original data into frequency components, in
the information extracted in different IMFs is verified sequence from the highest to the lowest frequency. The
by comparing the characteristics of each IMF with sifting process of the EMD is repeated until some con-
those of white noise. The variations of the amplitude of ditions, known as a stopping criterion, are satisfied.
the IMFs around the time of occurrence of abnormal The stopping criterion is an important step in the
waves are examined in order to investigate the contri- HHT method in order to obtain physical meaningful
bution of the different IMFs to the abnormal wave pro- IMF. Generally, there are many ways to decompose
file, and an attempt is made to find a relationship be- one given time series into different components. Even
tween them. The changes of local frequency of each using EMD, the different sets of IMF can be obtained
IMF in the vicinity of an abnormal wave are examined. by changing the stopping criteria. The first stoppage
The instantaneous frequency is determined with preci- criterion, proposed by Huang et al. (1998), is similar to
sion by using the normalized HHT procedure. The pe- the Cauchy convergence test, but later (Huang et al.
culiarities of the decomposition of an abnormal wave 1999) it was replaced by the so-called simplified stop-
appearing in a group of several high waves and as an page criterion, which on its side was revised by Huang
isolated single wave are examined here. The Hilbert et al. (2003) and substituted by a confidence limit for
spectrum is proposed to identify abnormal waves in the EMD. The effect of the stopping criterion on the
wave records. characteristics of the extracted IMFs was examined by

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Pascoal et al. (2005). The last criterion, that is, the con- 1995; Cherneva and Veltcheva 1995) led to negative
fidence limit for the EMD, is applied here. local frequencies. The real advantage of the Hilbert
The set of IMFs is unique and specific for the par- transform for determination of the instantaneous fre-
ticular time series, since it is based on and derived from quency became obvious after Huang et al. (1998) intro-
the local characteristics of these data. The components duced the EMD.
of the EMD are usually physically meaningful, as the The frequency–time distribution of the amplitudes or
characteristic scales are defined by the physical data. squared amplitudes was designated by Huang et al.
The IMF could be considered as a more general case of (1998, 1999) as a Hilbert amplitude spectrum or Hilbert
the simple harmonic functions, but it can be claimed energy spectrum, respectively. In this study, the Hilbert
that, due to their specific derivation, IMFs also have a energy spectrum, determined as frequency–time distri-
physical meaning in addition to the mathematical one. bution of the squared amplitude, is used. For simplicity,
In the second step of data analysis, the Hilbert trans- the Hilbert energy spectrum is denoted as Hilbert spec-
form is applied to these IMF: trum.

冕 ⬁
The HHT is a direct method for the analysis of non-
1 Cj共t⬘兲
Ĉj共t兲 ⫽ P dt⬘, 共2兲 linear and nonstationary data, and its basis is a poste-
␲ ⫺⬁ t ⫺ t⬘ riori, adaptive, and may or may not be linear; the fre-
where P indicates the Cauchy principal value. The am- quency is derived by differentiation rather than by con-
plitude aj, the phase ␸j, and the instantaneous fre- volution; therefore, it is not limited by the uncertainty
quency ␻j are calculated by principle.
The basic development of the HHT method has been
aj共t兲 ⫽ 公C 共t兲 ⫹ Ĉ 共t兲,
j 共3兲 followed by some improvements in the area of the nor-
malized Hilbert transform and the statistical signifi-

␸j共t兲 ⫽ arctg 冋 册 Ĉ共t兲

, and 共4兲
cance of the IMFs.
The Hilbert transform exists for any function, but the
obtained phase function will not always yield a physical
d␸j共t兲 meaningful instantaneous frequency as discussed by
␻j共t兲 ⫽ . 共5兲
dt Veltcheva and Guedes Soares (2004). In addition to the
requirement of being an IMF, which is only a necessary
Using (3)–(5) the original data X(t) can be expressed as
condition, additional limitations have been summarized
a real part (Re) of the complex expansion
in two theorems, the Bedrosian theorem and the Nuttal

兺 a 共t兲e 冕
n theorem. To satisfy those requirements, Huang (2005)
i ␻j共t兲 dt
X共t兲 ⫽ Re j , 共6兲 proposed the normalization of the IMF by dividing it by
the envelope of the IMF. As an important measure of
which is considered as a generalized form of the Fourier the correctness of the extracted IMF, a time variable
expansion. Here both amplitude aj(t) and instantaneous error index EI is introduced as
frequency ␻j(t) are functions of time t in contrast with
the constant amplitude and frequency in the Fourier EI共t兲 ⫽ 关Aj 共t兲 ⫺ 1兴2, 共7兲
expansion. With the IMF expansion, the amplitude and
frequency modulations are clearly separated. where Aj(t) ⫽ Cj(t)/RCj(t) is the normalized IMF Cj and
The intrinsic mode functions, by definition, always RCj(t) is an envelope of the Cj IMF.
have positive frequencies, because the oscillations in The statistical significance of the IMF is another im-
IMF are symmetric with respect to the local mean and portant question. It is necessary in data processing to
consequently they admit well-behaved Hilbert trans- ensure confidence in the separation of the noise from
forms. The IMFs provide sharp identifications of im- the useful information. This question was addressed by
bedded structures in the data time series. The instanta- both Flandrin et al. (2004) and Wu and Huang (2004)
neous frequency, determined by (5), is precise in both through the study of noise signals. Wu and Huang
time and frequency domain; it breaks through the limi- (2004) studied statistical properties of the scattering of
tation of the uncertainty principle, inherited in the Fou- the Gaussian white noise data and deduced a 99%
rier transform pairs or Fourier-type transform pairs, bound for the white noise. They concluded that when a
such as the wavelet transform. The previous attempts to dataset is analyzed with EMD, if the mean period and
determine the instantaneous frequency by performing rms values of IMF exist within the noise band, the ex-
the Hilbert transform directly from the original data tracted components most likely represent noise. On the
time series (Melville 1983; Huang et al. 1992; Cohen other hand, the IMF, whose energy and period exceed

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the noise bound, is considered to contain statistically

significant information.

3. Data
Six records of sea surface elevation containing abnor-
mal waves are used in this study. This dataset was col-
lected at the North Alwyn fixed steel jacket platform in
the northern North Sea at a depth of about 130 m and
has already been studied by Guedes Soares et al.
(2004b). During the storm of 16–22 November 1997,
421 recordings using a laser altimeter of the northeast
corner monitor were stored. Each record is 20 min at a
sampling rate of 0.2 s.
The largest wave in the record appears as a very high
wave in the vicinity of comparatively lower waves in
four wave records. For convenience this type of abnor-
mal wave is called a single abnormal wave. Four out of
the six records contain this type of abnormal wave. Fig-
ure 1a presents a wave record (NA9711200151) with
abnormal wave of about 375 s, which is well distin-
guished with large wave height and contrasts with the
waves immediately before and after it.
The extreme wave in the other two wave records is
accompanied by high waves that precede and succeed
the extreme wave. The appearance of this type of ab-
normal wave is called an abnormal wave group and an
example record (NA9711200731) is show in Fig. 1b.
The highest wave in the record is surrounded by neigh-
boring high waves. The profile of the abnormal wave is
more symmetric relative to the zero level, if the abnor-
mal wave appears as the largest wave in a group. The
single large wave is characterized by a sharp crest with
a height higher than the preceding or succeeding trough FIG. 1. Abnormal wave data for records (a) NA9711200151 and
height. (b) NA9711200731.

and is presented as a function of the stopping number S

4. Results of HHT data analysis
also in Fig. 2. The OI provides a criterion to reject those
The EMD method was applied to six wave records IMF sets that are nonorthogonal.
and an IMF set was determined for each of them. First, The range of stopping number S, where the squared
the confidence limit for the EMD is determined. The deviation has a minimal difference from the computed
sifting process of EMD was stopped when the number ensemble mean, is determined for each record. For the
of extremes equaled the number of zero crossings for S record NA9711200151, a minimal sd range of param-
successive sifting steps. Here EMD was performed for eter S is 7–10, while for record NA9711200731 it is 8–10.
10 selected numbers of stopping number S. The squared The OI also has low values for these values of S and
deviations (sds) of the individual cases from an en- thus the obtained sets of IMF could also be considered
semble mean for the 10 Hilbert spectra of records orthogonal for these values of S. All wave records are
(NA9711200151 and NA9711200731) are presented in first analyzed in this way to determine the confidence
Fig. 2. limit for the empirical mode decomposition.
The orthogonality of the obtained basis is quantified The detailed results of the decomposition of record
as the orthogonal index (OI) NA9711200151 into 10 IMF and the residue are pre-

兺 冋兺 兺 册
T n⫹1 n⫹1 sented in Fig. 3, and the sea surface elevation data are
OI ⫽ Cj 共t兲Ck共t兲ⲐX2共t兲 共8兲 shown in Fig. 3a. The sifting is performed for S ⫽ 9
t⫽0 j⫽1 k⫽1 successive times.

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The energy and time characteristics of individual

IMF are estimated and compared with wave character-
istics in order to estimate quantitatively the contribu-
tion of different IMFs to the wave data. The zeroth
moment mC 0 is proposed as a measure of integrally de-

termined energy of Cj IMF, while the peak frequency fp

of spectrum Cj is used as the representative frequency.
The characteristics of records NA9711200151 and
NA9711200731 and their IMFs are presented in Table
1. The energy of the IMF with index higher than five is
significantly lower than the energy of the first five
IMFs. From an energetic point of view, the first five or
six IMFs are the main contributors to the energy con-
tents of these wave data. The third IMF C3 has the
highest energy in the decomposition of record
NA9711200151 with a single abnormal wave. The peak
frequency of the C3 IMF is 0.088 Hz.
The record NA9711200731 with an abnormal wave
group is characterized with a dominant C2 IMF, fol-
lowed by the third C3 IMF. The peak frequency of C2
and C3 components are close to each other, respec-
tively, 0.098 and 0.088 Hz. The presence of two domi-
nant IMF components with close frequencies of oscil-
lations in the decomposition of wave records was found
to be related to wave groupiness by Veltcheva (2002).
The energy hierarchy of the IMFs in the decomposition
of a wave record clearly reflected the specific peculiari-
FIG. 2. Orthogonal index and sd of the individual cases from the ties of the particular wave data as also obtained by
ensemble mean for 10 Hilbert spectra as a function of stopping
number S for records (a) NA9711200151 and (b) NA9711200731.
Veltcheva and Guedes Soares (2004).
Next, the peculiarities of the decomposition are ex-
The information extracted in each IMF is checked in amined locally around the time of the abnormal wave
order to estimate its statistical significance. Using the occurrence. The zoom of the IMF variation around the
relation between energy and the period of components time of abnormal wave occurrence is shown in Fig. 5.
of decomposition of white noise obtained by Wu and The third IMF, C3, shown by the dashed thick line in
Huang (2004), each IMF is checked according to 99% Fig. 5a, has the largest amplitude among the IMF; C3
white noise boundary. The results of the significance has also the highest energy in the decomposition of the
test for the records NA9711200151 and NA9711200731 whole record. There is a kind of focusing of the first
are presented in Fig. 4. The energy of the first compo- four IMF at the crest of single abnormal waves at t ⫽
nent C1 is below the 99% boundary so it can be con- 375 s (Fig. 5a). The crest of the C3 IMF coincides with
sidered that C1 contains little useful information and it the crest of the C2, C4, and C1 components. In the vi-
can be assumed that C1 comes from noise, which is valid cinity of wave troughs, preceding and succeeding the
for most records. On the basis of this assumption, the crest of the single abnormal wave, the second IMF C2 is
energy of C1 can be assigned on the 99% line and it can out of phase with C3 and C4. The decomposition of
be used to rescale the rest of the IMF. The results of record NA9711200731 around the time of the abnormal
these tests are shown by dots in Fig. 4. wave group occurrence is presented in Fig. 5b. The sec-
The statistical significance of the decomposition of ond C2 IMF (dotted line) has the largest energy in the
the records [NA 9711200151 (single) and NA9711200731 decomposition, followed by the C3 IMF (dashed thick
(group)] shows that according to a priori test four IMFs line). The decomposition of the abnormal wave group
contained statistically significant information: C2, C3, in Fig. 5b does not present such a type of focusing of
C4, and C5. Under the rescaled posteriori criterion, different IMFs at the time of occurrence of the wave
however, C1 and C6 also contain some useful informa- crest of the abnormal wave. The second IMF C2 is in
tion since all of the first six IMFs are bordering the phase with the abnormal wave, but a shifting of C3 and
statistical significance at the 99% confidence limit. C4 can be observed. These arrangements of the phases

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FIG. 3. Empirical mode decomposition of wave record NA9711200151. (a) Data of sea surface elevation, (b)–(k) 10 IMF C1–C10,
and (l) residue R.

of C2, C3, and C4 contributed to the reconstruction of IMFs, in ascending order, starting with the IMF with
the specific peculiarities of the two types of abnormal the highest energy. The second and third components
waves. Figure 6 presents the reconstruction of the pro- are the main contributors for the reconstruction of the
file of the abnormal wave by adding up the first six abnormal waves as the sum of C2 and C3 is close to the

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FIG. 4. Test of the statistical significance of information ex-

tracted into decomposition of records (a) NA9711200151 and (b)

wave profile. However, for the complete reconstruction

of the abnormal wave profile all components are nec- FIG. 5. Zoom of the wave data and its IMF at the vicinity of
essary. The arrangements of being in and out of phase abnormal wave for records (a) NA9711200151 and (b)
of C2, C3, and C4 in Fig. 5a resulted in correct recon- NA9711200731.
struction of the larger sharp crest and flat troughs of the
single abnormal wave in Fig. 6a. For the case of the
C3, and C4 reconstruct the observed more symmetric
abnormal wave group (Fig. 6b), the phase-shifted C2,
wave profile of abnormal wave at t ⫽ 373 s.
TABLE 1. Spectral characteristics of wave records and their IMF.
The variations of local frequency within the vicinity
of the abnormal wave are examined. The instantaneous
Single abnormal wave Group abnormal wave frequency is determined by the normalized HHT and
record NA9711200151: record NA9711200731: the correctness of its estimation is checked by means of
fp ⫽ 0.088 Hz; m0 ⫽ 10.56 fp ⫽ 0.098 Hz; m0 ⫽ 6.98
the EI. The time variation of the instantaneous fre-
Ci m0 fp m0 fp quency of the second C2 and third C3 components,
1 0.12 0.146 0.04 0.166 which have the largest energy in the decomposition of
2 1.58 0.117 3.69 0.098 records NA9711200151 and NA9711200731, are shown
3 8.39 0.088 2.43 0.088 in Figs. 7b,e and 8b,e, respectively. Additionally, the
4 0.77 0.059 0.66 0.049
sea surface elevation and corresponding IMF are shown
5 0.18 0.039 0.14 0.029
6 0.05 0.029 0.04 0.020 for reference in Figs. 7a,d and 8a,d, while Figs. 7c,f and
7 0.01 0.020 0.02 0.029 8c,f present the time variation of the EI of each IMF.
8 0.00 0.010 0.02 0.020 Generally, the estimated local frequency of different
9 0.00 0.010 0.01 0.010 IMF in the area of the abnormal wave is correct as the
10 0.00 0.010 0.00 0.010
EI has small values.

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wave group (Figs. 8b,e) ⌬␻23 it is 0.11 Hz. The larger

intrawave frequency modulation is associated with a
higher asymmetry of the profile of the single abnormal
wave in contrast to the more symmetrical abnormal
wave in the group. Depending on the mechanism of
generating abnormal waves, Wu and Yao (2004) re-
ported a different trend in the correlation between ⌬␻23
and wave steepness.
The peculiarities in the amplitude and frequency
variations of the IMF are reflected in the frequency–
time distribution of the energy. The Hilbert spectrum
H(␻, t) of the record NA9711200151 is shown in Fig. 9a,
while the H(␻, t) of record NA9711200731 is presented
in Fig. 10a. The 3D plot of the zoomed Hilbert spec-
trum in the vicinity of the abnormal wave is shown in
Figs. 9b and 10b. The color bars next to the diagrams
indicate the energy scale.
The abnormal waves are clearly shown in time and
frequency as the maximum energy of the record. An
interesting peculiarity is traced by detailed examination
of the zoomed Hilbert spectrum. The instantaneous fre-
quency increases considerably during a single abnormal
wave around 375 s in Fig. 9a as the variation of the local
frequency is the highest for the whole record. This is an
indicator of the intrawave frequency modulation.
The Hilbert spectrum of the abnormal wave group in
Fig. 10a also has a very well distinguished peak, but
without high frequency variations. Liu and Mori (2000),
analyzing the wavelet spectrum of abnormal wave data,
also observed that the symmetrical waveform of an ab-
normal wave does not produce energy in the high fre-
quency range in contrast with the wavelet spectrum of
FIG. 6. Reconstruction of abnormal wave profile by IMF components steep abnormal waves. The intrawave frequency modu-
for records (a) NA9711200151 and (b) NA9711200731. lation, a variation of the local frequency within one
wave, is connected with the large asymmetry of the
The asymmetrical waveform of the single abnormal profile of a single abnormal wave and produced the
wave shown in Fig. 7a is accompanied by increasing the sharp increase of local frequency.
instantaneous frequency of the second IMF (C2) up to The Hilbert spectrum H(␻, t) provides an overall
0.45 Hz in Fig. 7b. The local frequency of C3 in Fig. 7e view of the variation of energy with time and frequency
also varies within the time of occurrence of the abnor- and points to the local time–frequency distribution of
mal wave but not so much. The variation of local fre- the energy. The EMD is a nonlinear decomposition and
quency of the second IMF (C2) (Fig. 8b) within the the Hilbert spectrum contains all the nonlinear wave-
abnormal wave group is small, while the frequency of form distortions, such as intrawave frequency modula-
C3 (Fig. 8e) does not change at all during the abnormal tion. This nonlinear representation does not need the
wave occurrence. Quantitatively, the intrawave fre- harmonics to fit the waveform.
quency modulation can be estimated by the difference
between the instantaneous frequencies of IMF, which
5. Conclusions
contribute mainly to the profile of the abnormal wave,
as suggested by Wu and Yao (2004). The difference The Hilbert–Huang transform method for nonlinear
⌬␻23(t) ⫽ ␻2(t) ⫺ ␻3(t) between the instantaneous fre- and nonstationary time series analysis is used in this
quency ␻2(t) and ␻3(t) of the second and third IMF has study to investigate abnormal waves. The characteris-
been verified. From Figs. 7b,e the difference ⌬␻23 for a tics of abnormal waves are examined on the basis of
single abnormal wave is 0.32 Hz, while for an abnormal local decomposition of wave data into IMF. The confi-

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FIG. 7. The variation of characteristics of (left) C2 and (right) C3 in the area of single abnormal wave for record
NA9711200151. (top) Sea surface elevation and IMF, (middle) instantaneous frequency, and (bottom) error index.

FIG. 8. The variation of characteristics of (left) C2 and (right) C3 in the area of abnormal wave group for record
NA97200731. (top) Sea surface elevation and IMF, (middle) instantaneous frequency, and (bottom) error index.

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FIG. 9. (a) Hilbert spectrum of whole record NA9711200151

FIG. 10. (a) Hilbert spectrum of whole record NA9711200731
and (b) zoomed Hilbert spectrum in the vicinity of the abnormal
and (b) zoomed Hilbert spectrum in the vicinity of the abnormal

dence limit for EMD is determined first and the signifi- vicinity of abnormal waves are examined. The larger
cance of information, extracted in a different IMF, is intrawave frequency modulation is associated with a
verified in detail. higher asymmetry of the profile of single abnormal
Two types of abnormal waves, isolated single wave waves in contrast to the more symmetrical abnormal
and abnormal wave group, produce a different type of waves in a group.
decomposition. The third IMF (C3) has the highest en- The Hilbert spectrum easily detected the appearance
ergy in the decomposition of the record with single ab- of abnormal waves both in the time and frequency do-
normal waves, while the record with abnormal wave mains. The instantaneous frequency increases consid-
groups is characterized with two dominant IMFs (C2 erably during a single abnormal wave occurrence as the
and C3) with close peak frequencies, a fact related to variation of the local frequency is the highest for the
the wave groupiness. whole record, while the Hilbert spectrum of the abnor-
The peculiarities of the decomposition are examined mal wave group has very distinguished peaks due to the
locally around the time of the abnormal wave occur- occurrence of the abnormal wave but without intra-
rence. The profile of the abnormal wave is recon- wave frequency modulation. The asymmetry of abnor-
structed by summing up the first six IMFs in ascending mal waves is correlated with the magnitude of intra-
order starting with the IMF with highest energy in the wave frequency modulation.
decomposition. The dominant components are the
main contributors for the reconstruction of abnormal Acknowledgments. The data used in this study have
waves as their summed total is close to the wave profile. been obtained during the project “Rogue Waves—
The changes of local frequency of each IMF in the Forecast and Impact on Marine Structures (MAX-

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