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Blood Moon

A Guide on
How To Bleed

This booklet contains a comprehensive list of

resources and how to’s for a thorough understanding
of your emergency birth control/abortion options. It is
written for educational purposes only.

Before we get started, we wanted to make an
acknowledgement of the forces of racism and colonization
that have been a part of the abortion movement for
generations. This booklet is written with a broken heart for
all the communities that have been affected by eugenics
within the medical establishment, for all the indigenous,
black and brown people that had the decision of
sterilization forced upon them, to the detriment of their
families, communities, and spiritual selves, and to the
many people who were victims of medical
experimentation, either through misinformation, deceit or
forced participation in the development of hormonal birth
control and other gynecologic advancements dating back
to enslavement.
This booklet was written to honor the right of all people to
say no to pregnancy for whatever reason. But this booklet
will never be complete without being matched by access
to safe, affordable, competent, and culturally supportive
methods of contraceptives, abortion and continuing
pregnancy to birth, whichever is one’s desire.

Table of Contents

How this Booklet is Organized………………………………….9

Queer Experience/Body Dysphoria…………...…………..….11
The Four Stages of the Menstrual Cycle………………….....16
Phase One…...………...…………………...…………….…….21
Herbal Contraceptives………………………….………..22
The Morning After Pill/IUD……….…………....………...26
Phase Two………………………...…………………………….30
Herbal Abortion Part One………………….……..……...32
Phase Three………………………………………………….....39
Herbal Abortion part Two…….……….………..………...38
Phase Four………………………….…………………...………44
Menstrual Extraction……………………………..……….46
Constructing a Del-em Kit..……………………….….…..56
The Abortion Pill…………………………………….....….59
A Clinical Abortion………….…………………….…….…68
Checking the Blood…………………………………….……….74
Positives and Negatives of each Option……….....................77
Pain Management………...………………….………………....85
Rh-Negative and the RhoGAM Shot…………….…………....97

Herbal Aftercare for All Methods……………….……………..100
The Radical History of Cotton Root……………......………...113
Personal Stories
Sourcing Supplies and Herb.………………...…..…………...152
Bibliography………………………………………… ………...155

How this Booklet is Organized

This booklet is meant as a comprehensive guide on abortion

care. We wanted to be sure to offer as complete an
understanding as possible on each option available when
someone is interested in initiating miscarriage. We wanted to be
sure that this knowledge was written with consideration towards
the different ways people relate to their bodies and how gender
identity can affect comfort or isolation in this process. We also
wanted to make sure to be clear about people’s options when
race and legal status may be an issue to receive the desired level
of care.
First, we will go over common rhythms in hormonal cycles
and menstruation, to ensure a basic understanding of what is
actually happening inside your body. With a break down of each
individual phase of the cycle, we will start to go over each option
that is available within that phase. Some options are specific to
certain phases of the cycle, while others have a larger window in
which to work.
These options include:
Herbal contraceptives
The morning after pill or IUD

Herbal abortifacients
Menstrual extraction
The abortion pill
Clinical abortion

We have tried to include personal stories about each option.

These stories were also used to backup our research. We hope to
have more stories and artwork in the future to add to this booklet.
If you are inspired to share your story, please do. You can email
us at the email address listed below.
We will also go over medical contraindications, how to read
the blood when you start bleeding, issues around blood type,
options for aftercare, and other places for sourcing more
information or the necessary materials for the different
Any questions, concerns, stories or artwork can be emailed

Navigating Queer Experience/Body
Dysphoria During Abortion

We understand how complicated it can be and feel to be

pregnant when our lives exist outside of a standard gender binary.
Pregnancy and abortion can force us into contending with so
many layers of oppressive belief systems; challenging all the
physical and emotional work we have put into creating our lives
and our selves. Noone wants to face the potential of intentional
misgendering when seeking out clinics or reckoning with a surge
in hormones we may wish our bodies didn’t produce to begin with
or assumptions of heterosexuality by the people treating us. It’s
easy enough to feel isolated even when you have supportive
people around you. We want to touch for a minute on the issues
that we face as trans, non-binary, gender-nonconforming, gay or
queer, when navigating the shifted experience of our bodies while
also navigating the cis and hetero-centric world that is
reproductive health.
What allows each of us to hold onto our sense of selves and
remain comfortable within our bodies will be highly individual, as
we are all very unique in our ways of being and needs. Yes, this
pregnancy may be a challenge for you and you may experience

difficulty recognizing yourself in this experience of your body, but
this experience doesn’t have to define who you are in this world.
This could be a good period for you to prioritize some activities
that empower and reinforce who you are and how you want to be
seen in the world.
If you are having a difficult time feeling safe in your body
during this time, it is okay to take space from it, but let this happen
in a supportive and nurturing way. Shame and stigma can be
overpowering, but you do not need to believe those stories.
Shame and stigma do not need to dictate this experience. It is
totally normal when health issues arise to become depressed and
to have a hard time staying present. You may feel emotionally or
physically numb. It is okay to feel that; your body is going through
a big experience, and it’s very intelligent. Don’t fight yourself.
Allow yourself to create the boundaries you need to feel safe.
When you give yourself this space, you will have an easier time
coming back into your body when the process is over. It is also
important, if you are having trouble staying in your body, not to let
that lead you into neglecting to act in a timely manner. Make the
appointments that you need to, find the resources or the people
that will be able to help you get through this. This could be a
useful time to enlist the help of a supportive friend, someone who

can physically help to make all of this happen or someone
available to vent the hard emotions with and help you to make a
game plan.
If you are planning to have an abortion at a clinic this can
have its own set of challenges. If you are a marginalized person
of color you may already be accustomed to a certain level of
violence from medical establishments. The lineage of eugenics
may still be close to you and your family. It can be hard to know
exactly how people will treat us in these environments.
Experience may tell us that disrespect and disregard and,
potentially, blatant violence are imminent in this setting. We hope
that this zine will help to inform you of all of your options so that
you can seek the route that is most safe for you.
Remember: How one gets pregnant in relation to one’s
sexual orientation or gender identity is nobody’s business,
including health providers unless you volunteer them information
regarding your health needs. If you have an unintended or
unsupportable pregnancy it is important that you feel able to
request an abortion and do not feel pressured into explaining how
you got pregnant.

Tips to help get through the abortion experience:

● A friend that you can be open with about your emotional
● Warm drinks or food that help to feed your spirit and help
you feel nourished.
● Written reminders that you are really brave and you can do it
● Seek out the support of an abortion collective or support
● Plan fun activities with yourself or people you care about to
keep your spirits up
● Allow yourself as much rest time as you want
● Sometimes it helps to create an alternate persona while you
are at an abortion clinic, then when it is over you can be just
you again.
● Let yourself cry
● Homeopathic arnica, or arnica flower essence, to help bring
you back into your body, when you’re ready
● Let your body shake off the trauma and tension
● Read some good queer stories/ watch happy queer

This chart is based on an average 28 day cycle.

The Four Stages of the Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual Stage
The menstrual phase is the first stage. It’s also when you get your
This phase starts when an egg from the previous cycle isn’t
fertilized. Because pregnancy hasn’t taken place, levels of the
hormones estrogen and progesterone drop.
The thickened lining of your uterus, which would support a
pregnancy, is no longer needed, so it sheds through your vagina.
During your period, you release a combination of blood, mucus,
and tissue from your uterus.

If you are currently bleeding and had potential exposure, you can
use options for Phase One during this time.

If your period hasn’t come and you believe you are pregnant, then
you would use options for Phase Three or Phase Four.

Follicular Stage
The follicular stage starts on the first day of your period (so there
is some overlap with the menstrual phase) and ends when you
It starts when the hypothalamus sends a signal to your pituitary
gland to release follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This hormone
stimulates your ovaries to produce around 5 to 20 small sacs
called follicles. Each follicle contains an immature egg. FSH will
drop only allowing for 1 follicle(sometimes more) to mature. The
follicle will start to produce estradiol (a form of estrogen) which
breaks down the other follicles.
The maturing follicle sets off a surge in estrogen that thickens the
lining of your uterus. This creates a nutrient-rich environment for
an embryo to grow.

In this stage you would focus on your options included in Phase


Ovulation Stage

Rising estrogen levels during the follicular phase trigger your

pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone (LH) which starts
the process of ovulation.

Ovulation is when your ovary releases a mature egg. The egg
travels down the fallopian tube toward the uterus to be fertilized
by sperm.
The ovulation stage is the only time during your menstrual cycle
when you can get pregnant(exposure outside of this stage is still
possible). You can tell that you’re ovulating by symptoms like

● a slight rise in basal body temperature

● thicker discharge that has the texture of egg whites
● Some people experience light cramping on one side of the
lower abdomen
● An increase in libido

The egg survives up to 48 hours before it can no longer be

fertilized. (Sperm can last up to 5 days before it dies. Therefore
the window of potential pregnancy is about 10 days- 5 days
before and after ovulation).

In this stage you would focus on your options included in Phase


Luteal Stage

After the follicle releases its egg, it changes into the corpus
luteum. This structure releases hormones, mainly progesterone
and some estrogen. The rise in hormones keeps your uterine
lining thick and ready for a fertilized egg to implant.
If you do get pregnant, your body will produce human chorionic
gonadotropin (hCG). This is the hormone pregnancy tests detect.
It helps maintain the corpus luteum and keeps the uterine lining
If you don’t get pregnant, the corpus luteum will shrink away and
be reabsorbed. This leads to decreased levels of estrogen and
progesterone, which causes the onset of your period. The uterine
lining will shed during your period.
Progesterone inhibits oxytocin, causing the uterine muscles to
relax and contract less. Oxytocin stimulates contractions
associated with labor, which would be desirable if attempting to
stimulate menstruation or end pregnancy.

During this time use options for Phase Two.

At the end of the Luteal Stage we end up back at the Menstrual
Stage. Here you either begin to bleed and continue in the cyclic
pattern or your body begins the process of maintaining

Phase One
Phase one begins during ovulation, at the point of
conception, until implantation, until just before menstruation is
due. Weeks one and two. After ovulation your body starts
producing the hormone progesterone which helps create a
supportive environment in the uterus for the egg to attach and
grow. The egg will usually implant during the middle or end of
week two (counting from ovulation).

When taking herbs during this phase the focus will be on

herbs that block, alter or interfere with the body’s production of
progesterone. This will make the uterus inhospitable and prevent


1. Herbal Contraceptives
2. Morning after pill
3. Wait for Phase Two

Herbal Contraceptives
Queen Anne’s Lace: Daucus Carota (wild carrot)
Progesterone blocker contains Estrogenic Properties, stimulates
the uterus. Delays ovulation.
Take right after exposure to sperm and again 8 hours after.
This plant can be used on a regular basis if exposure is regular. If
exposure is during your fertile phase, take herb every 8 hours for
5 days. Use may affect the duration and flow of the menstrual
1-2 tsp seed chewed or powdered, every 8 hours for 5 days
3mls/1.5 tsp/30 drops of tincture(flower and seed) every 8
hours for 5 days
Don’t take while also taking hormonal medications, lactating,
if you don’t have a normal menstrual cycle, if you recently got off
of hormonal medications, if you experience rapid changes in
cycle, or experience breast tenderness when taking the herb.

Cotton Root Bark: Gossypium Hirsutum

This plant disrupts the production of progesterone and increases
receptor sites of oxytocin sensitive cells. Cotton root bark is
known to bring on menstruation, so if the fertile phase is

unknown, and you take cotton root bark you could start your
period early.
Tincture: 1ml/1/2 tsp/20 drops 3 times a day for 5 days after
exposure during fertile phase of cycle
Decoction: 100 grams dried root in liter of water, simmer
covered 20-30 minutes . Take 2-4 tablespoons every 30-60
minutes or sip continuously throughout the day for 5 days.
Chewing on small pieces of the roots all day for five days
Note: only use organically grown cotton due to heavy pesticide
Considered very safe for short term use(under 14 days),
prolonged use can cause atrophy of the uterine lining.

Rue: Ruta graveolens

This plant contains rutin which strengthens arteries and veins,
decreasing capillary permeability in the uterine tissue, causing the
uterus to become non-nutritive to the fertilized egg.
Infusion: 1-2 tbsp in a quart of water, steeped for 10 minutes.
Drink throughout the day.
Tincture:5-15 drops, 3-4 times daily
Capsules: 1-4 , 3-4 times daily

Use for 5 days after exposure, while watching for symptoms
of toxicity.
People with heart, liver or kidney issues should not use rue.
Stimulates uterus and nervous system, should not be used in
excess or for prolonged periods.
Taking rutin capsules may cause you to feel anxious or
fearful due to the effect of keeping adrenaline in the bloodstream.
Potential for drug interaction with blood thinner agents.
Contraindicated:while taking any medication that increases your
sensitivity to sunlight due to potentiation.
Symptoms of toxicity or overdose may include stomach pain,
vomiting, convulsions, mood and sleep issues.
Do not use it during lactation, it may increase sensitivity to

Juniper: Juniperus communis

Contains rutin and thujone*
Works as an implantation inhibitor as well as an abortifacient
Ripe berries and leaves are used. The unripe but full grown
berries have a higher volume of the essential oil. So adjust
dosage as needed.

Infusion:1-2 tbsp in quart of water, steeped for 10-20
minutes. Drink throughout the day.
Tincture:5-20 drops taken 2-3 times daily.
As an inhibitor take 5 days before and after ovulation
After exposure it takes 5 days.
Contraindications: Anyone with existing kidney or liver issues or
nerve damage should not use them. May interfere with absorption
of iron and other minerals, increase urination, irritate kidneys. Not
of use during lactation. People who experience epileptic seizures
should not ingest plants containing thujone.
*Thujone will be discussed in more detail in later phases.

Neem Leaf Powder: Azadirachta indica

Lots of research has been done in India in regards to neem
and its contraceptive effects. It seems to have several
contraceptive applications, The oil from the plant can be used as
a spermicide, the powdered plant can be used as an oral
contraceptive for those people that produce sperm, and two other
options which would only be available through qualified medical
research personnel at this time.
Neem Oil:
Insert vaginally before or after having unprotected sex

Neem Powder Capsules:
2 capsules taken 3 times daily before meals. Requires 1
month to be fully effective. Effects are reversible


Neem Leaf tablets or capsules provide people that produce sperm

with an alternative oral contraceptive option.
Take 1 capsule of neem leaf powder daily. It takes about 6 weeks
to become completely effective. The effects are reversed within 6
weeks after use is discontinued. No side effects have been
encountered and no changes to performance or libido.*
*Warning that this article link uses a lot of language about
population control

The Morning after Pill/IUD- Emergency


There are 2 clinical ways to prevent pregnancy after you have

unprotected sex:

Take an emergency contraceptive pill (AKA the morning-after pill)
or get a Paragard(copper) IUD. Both methods need to be used
within 120 hours (5 days) after having unprotected sex.

There are 2 types of morning-after pills:

First, a pill with ulipristal acetate. There’s only one brand,
called ella.
Ella requires a prescription from a nurse or doctor to get, but
you can get a fast medical consultation and prescription with
next-day delivery online, through their website.
ella is the most effective type of morning-after pill. It works just as
well on day 5 as it does on day 1.

The second option is a pill with levonorgestrel. Brand names

include: Plan B One Step, Take Action, My Way, AfterPill, and
You can buy these morning-after pills over the counter
without a prescription in most drugstores and pharmacies.
These types of morning-after pills work best when you take
them within 72 hours (3 days) after unprotected sex, but you can
take them up to 5 days after. The sooner you take them, the
better they work.

Plan B options haven’t been made for people over 155
pounds or more. And ella may work less well if you weigh 195
pounds or more.

Do not use more than one kind of morning-after pill at one

time or within 5 days of each other. They may counteract each
other and not work at all. Similarly hormone medications may
reduce the effectiveness of ella. If you’re taking emergency
contraception because you made a mistake with your hormonal
birth control, Plan B or the copper IUD are better options for you
than ella.

The morning-after pill is safe to take repeatedly but is not

recommended as the primary birth control method.

Paragard(copper) IUD:

This method is considered the most effective emergency

contraception, working 99% of the time. It has to be inserted by a
nurse or doctor into your uterus and can stay in the body up to 12
years or until you want it removed. An IUD is known to work no
matter what your weight is.

The copper in the Paragard IUD prevents pregnancy by
messing with the way sperm moves, so it’s hard for sperm to
swim well enough to get to an egg.

Hormonal IUD is different from the Paragard and is not an

effective option as an emergency contraceptive.

Side effects after getting an IUD usually go away in about 3

– 6 months, once your body gets used to having the IUD in your
uterus. Those include:
Mild to moderate pain when the IUD is put in
Cramping or backaches for a few days after you get the IUD
put in
Spotting between periods
Heavier periods and worse menstrual cramps

Both Plan B and the copper IUD are safe while breastfeeding

Phase Two

Phase two begins about five to seven days before

menstruation is due until menstruation begins or is past due.
Week two. At this point the egg will have attached to the uterine
wall, creating a spongy web of tissue called the chorionic villi, and
begin forming a placenta. If menstruation comes at the end of this
phase, the little bundle of tissue would pass nearly unnoticed with
the blood.

If accessible, you can take an early pregnancy test at this
point to confirm pregnancy.

Another way to check for pregnancy is via your cervix.

During most of the menstrual cycle the little donut shaped cervix
that leads into the uterus will be about the hardness of a nose and
more pink in color. During ovulation the cervix will soften, to about
the hardness of lips, and open to allow room for sperm to enter.
After ovulation the cervix typically will harden again. In early
pregnancy, though, there will be an increase in estrogen and
blood flow to the cervix. This will also cause the cervix to soften
as well as turn a bluish tint. You can use your finger, inserted in
the vagina to feel the texture of the cervix. To check the color, you
will want to use a speculum and a light, with either a hand mirror
or with another person available to look. The bluish color may not
show until phase three, when pregnancy is at least three weeks
With this technique, it is important to be familiar with your
body and be in a habit of checking the cycles of your cervix before
needing to check for a pregnancy. Our bodies are not uniform and
can cycle a little differently. For some people the cervix will
become a bluish color at the start of menstruation regardless of

pregnancy. Knowing what is normal for your body is key to using
natural systems to determine pregnancy.


1. Continuing with Herbs: Herbal Abortion Part One
2. Menstrual Extraction
3. Wait for Phase Three

Herbal Abortion Part One

When continuing with herbs, you will want to continue taking
herbs from Phase One to disrupt the development of the fertilized
egg. At this point you will also want to add herbs that are uterine
stimulating and herbs that help cause uterine contractions. This is
an ideal time to use herbs to stimulate the uterus because it is the
time your body is accustomed to bleeding. We can focus during
this phase on herbs that are less toxic but still contain the
properties we want to focus on.

Do not use stimulating and contracting herbs when:

You bleed heavily during a normal period and are anemic
If you have a blood clotting disorder
If you are on blood thinning medications

If you have estrogen dependent cancers
You have endometriosis or fibroids
*Watch blood sugar levels closely if you have diabetes

*Thujone is a common teratogen found in herbs used to end

pregnancy. Teratogens are substances that cause the growth of
abnormal structures in the embryo.Teratogens in a person’s
system during the first two weeks of pregnancy usually cause the
pregnancy to terminate. If pregnancy continues after exposure to
these substances, they may have damaged the embryo causing
birth defects or other unknown complications during pregnancy. It
is very important when using herbs containing these substances
to commit and follow through with termination of the pregnancy.
Thujone can cause stress to the kidneys and liver, so be careful
when using and be sure to include liver and kidney repair herbs
during and after this process. Repair herbs will be discussed more
in phase five. Thujone can also cause seizures in people
predisposed with epilepsy.

Length of Dosage: When taking the herbs listed below for Phase
Two, you will take them for 5-7 days until the first day of your
missed period. At that point you will move onto Phase Three.

Stimulating herbs: bring blood to the uterus, strengthens
contractions, and encourage bleeding

Note: Never use the essential oil of these herbs internally,

they are highly toxic.

Ginger root: Zingiber officinale

Helps guide other herbs to the uterus.
Decoction: Add 1 tbsp to other recipes
Tincture: 5-10 drops 3-6 times daily
Yarrow: Achillea millefolium
Use yarrow in combination with other herbs
Infusion: (can be decocted if other herbs being decocted) 4-6
tablespoons per quart steeped
Tincture: 2-4 ml/ .5-1 tsp/ 40-80 drops 4 times a day

Angelica: Angelica archangelica, sinensis, and other local

species can be used
Uterine stimulant that encourage contractions use as a decoction
or tincture. Has Oxytocic properties.

Decoction: 2 tbsp in a quart of water simmered 30 minutes, drink
throughout day
Tincture: 2 ml/ .5 tsp/ 40 drops every two hours

Symptoms of toxicity: Dizziness, headaches, stomach pain,


Black cohosh Actaea racemosa-

Prepares cervix to release the contents of the uterus.
A side effect of taking black cohosh is a frontal lobe headache.
People prone to headaches should try one drop of the tincture or
sip of tea before taking full dosage. Headache remedies might
need to be used in conjunction with black cohosh.
Decoction: 3 tablespoons per in a quart of water simmered
for 30 minutes. Drink throughout the day
Tincture: 2 ml/ .5 tsp/ 40 drops every 2 hours
Contraindications: contain Estrogenic Properties

Contracting herbs: cause the smooth muscles of the uterus

to contract to expel the contents.

Mugwort: Artemisia vulgare

contains thujone uterine contracting
Infusion: 1 tablespoon per quart, cover while steeping 30
min. Drink throughout the day
Tincture: 2 ml/ .5 tsp/ 40 drops every 2 hours
Contraindications: prolonged use can damage the nervous

Juniper: Juniperus communis

contains thujone and rutin, implantation inhibiting, uterine
Ripe berries and leaves are used. The unripe but full grown
berries have a higher volume of the essential oil. So adjust
dosage as needed.
Infusion:1-2 tbsp in quart of water, steeped for 10-20
minutes. Drink throughout the day.
Tincture 1 ml/ ¼ tsp/ 20 drops taken 2-3 times daily.

Marijuana: Cannabis sativa or other species

oxytocic properties
Infusion: 2 tablespoons of aerial parts steep in a quart mixture of
water and milk (cow or plant) covered, 30 minutes. Drank
throughout the day

Tincture: 2 ml/ .5 tsp/ 40 drops every 2 hours
Ingesting: 10-30 mg per day
Regular side effects of Marijuana: altered mental state (could be
positive or negative depending on how your body reacts to it),
sleepiness, hunger, loss of motor function.
If tolerance isn’t built up to dosage already, may cause nausea,
dizziness, lack of coordination, rapid heart rate

Blue cohosh: Caulophyllum thalictroides -

Oxytocin and caulosaponin, both producing contractions
Properties best extracted in alcohol/tincture form
Decoction: 3 tablespoons per quart, simmered 30 minutes drank
throughout the day
Tincture: 2 ml/ .5 tsp/ 2 dropperfuls every 2 hours

Contraindications: contain estrogenic properties, narrows arteries,

don’t use if you have high or low blood pressure, are at risk of
heart disease or stroke. Binds to nicotinic receptors and can
potentiate nicotine if used in conjunction.
Signs of toxicity: nausea, stomach/intestinal pain, diarrhea,
muscle weakness, chest pain, pain in limbs, increased blood
pressure, rapid pulse

Sample recipes:
2 Tbsp angelica root and 2 Tbsp mugwort leaf seeped for at least
30 minutes in 1 quart of hot water and drank throughout the day.
Continue for up to five days or until bleeding begins.

¼ part Ginger, 2 parts angelica, 1 part juniper, 1 part blue cohosh

decocted for 30 minutes to one hour. Drink 1 quart continuously
throughout the day for up to five days or until bleeding begins.

Phase Three

Phase three begins at the point when menstruation is late. A

pregnancy test will most likely show up positive (most tests from
the store will show pregnancy at about 3 weeks-which is 21 days
after last ovulation). Fertilized egg has reached the uterus and
has attached itself to the uterine wall, chorionic villi begins to form
which provides the initial nurishment, anchoring the pregnancy,
and producing the HCG hormone alerting the body of the
pregnancy, telling it to increase estrogen and progesterone and
also suppresses the immune system.


1. Continue With Stronger Herbs: Herbal Abortion Part Two
2. Skip to Phase Four to explore other non-herbal options
during this time

Herbal Abortion Part Two

Taking herbs to end pregnancy can be very damaging for an
embryo if you decide not to follow through with it, leading to birth
defects and other potential health issues. When making the
decision to take this step you must be willing to complete the

whole process and make sure that you have a backup option
should the herbs not work.

When continuing on with herbs, the process now will be similar to

phase two, The most ideal time to use herbs is during phase two,
right before menstruation is expected. Since that time has
passed, now we will focus on stronger herbs to give you a greater
chance at success.

The three main herbs that are recommended are Pennyroyal, wild
cotton root, and tansy. These three herbs all stimulate menstrual
contractions. These are very toxic herbs. You can use them in
conjunction with other support herbs but do not use them in
conjunction with each other.

The potential for toxicity is high with these herbs, so it is important

to not exceed the recommended doses and watch closely for
signs of toxicity. Essential oils of abortifacient herbs may be
fatal and should never be taken internally.

Signs of toxicity include: nausea, vomiting, inflammation of

stomach lining, dilated pupils, weakened and/or rapid pulse,

convulsions, sweating, numbness in extremities, pain in kidney
area, coma, feeling repulsed by the herbs. Trust yourself, if
anything isn’t feeling right stop taking the herbs.

*Each recipe should be used no longer than five days. If

menstruation doesn’t begin by day five, take a break on day six,
then on day seven begin again with the same recipe or a new

With these stronger plants, it is easier to have more control over

the dose by making a fresh batch every few hours to strain and
drink immediately. This avoids allowing too many of the toxic
constituents to leech into the tea as well as prevents time for the
volatile oils to evaporate.

Pennyroyal aerial parts: Hedeoma Pulegioides (American),

Mentha pulegium (European)
Causes uterine muscles to contract. Nausea is common with use
of pennyroyal. Best drank hot
Tea infusion: 1 tablespoons to 1 cup- steep covered 15 minutes
(very important to keep volatile oils from evaporating). Drink Hot
every 4 hours

Tincture: 3 ml/3/4 teaspoon every 3-4 hours

Tansy leaves and flowers: Tanacetum vulgare

(not to be confused with tansy ragwort, Senecio jacobace)
Contains Thujone. Is counteracted by vitamin c. The chemical
constituents can vary widely from plant to plant, so be sure to
start with a lower dose and slowly work up to test strength. If
possible become familiar with a specific bush, to become familiar
with the doses it requires. Best used as a simple(with no other
Tea infusion: 1 tsp to 1 cup of water 3-4 times daily. Drink hot.
Tincture: 1-2 mls/ .5 tsp 3-4 times daily

WIld cotton Root: Gossypium hirsutum

Tea decoction: 4 tablespoons per quart. Drink 1/2 cup every 2
Tincture: .5 ml/ ¼ teaspoon every hour

I encourage adding ginger to any recipe as it is a great stimulant

and works as a carrier for other herbs taken. The variety found in
grocery stores works great.

Sample recipe one:
Prepare decoction first of 2 tbsp angelica root with 1-2 tbsp
ginger root in a quart of water. You may need to add water to
keep the water level at a quart. Pour 1 cup of the decoction, hot,
over 1 tbsp of pennyroyal. Cover and steep for 15 minutes then
strain and drink. drink 3-4 times a day, remaking the decoction
each day, for 5 days or until you start bleeding. It’s important that
you don’t miss a dose. If you do miss a dose, drink a cup as soon
as you remember and don’t double up on the dosage or amount
you take.

Sample recipe two:

Tincture: ⅔ pennyroyal and ⅓ blue cohosh. Take 5 mls/2.5
teaspoons every 4 hours for 5 days or until bleeding starts.

Phase Four

Phase four overlaps in time with Phase Three. You would

find yourself here either if you tried herbs in Phase Two and
Phase Three and found them unsuccessful or if you decided to
skip the herbal option to try other methods. A pregnancy test will
most likely show up positive (most tests from the store will show
pregnancy at about 3 weeks-which is 21 days after last ovulation).
Fertilized egg has reached the uterus and has attached itself to

the uterine wall, chorionic villi begins to form which provides the
initial nurishment, anchoring the pregnancy, and producing the
HCG hormone alerting the body of the pregnancy, telling it to
increase estrogen and progesterone and also suppresses the
immune system.


1. Menstrual extraction
2. The abortion pill
3. Clinical abortion

In the next sections we will go over in detail the different aspects

to these options. You will learn:
1. How to build, practice and perform menstrual extraction with
a del- em kit.
2. Ways for sourcing pills for chemical abortions with directions
for using
3. A step by step for setting up and going through with a clinical
abortion with help if you are concerned with experiencing
difficulty in the process due to gender, race, or immigration

How to Menstrual Extraction:

A uterus, when not pregnant, contains only menstrual blood.

This blood can be legally removed by a self-help group. If
someone is pregnant, the uterus will contain menstrual blood and
fetal tissue. The contents of a pregnant uterus can be removed,
this time illegally, by the same technique. It is the presence or
absence of fetal tissue that decides the legality of the procedure,
when accomplished at home or by a self-help group.

Menstrual extraction(M.E.) works by the same method used in a

clinic. The two tools available are the MVA: Manual Aspiration
Abortion and the Del-em. MVA is used in many clinics still until the
9th-12th week of pregnancy. The Del-em became popular during
the times of illegal abortions until Roe Vs. Wade became law and
is possible to make at home.

This procedure is ideal from 6-9 weeks pregnant. It is safe until 12

weeks. If M.E. is being attempted after 12 weeks it should be
accompanied by misoprostol, to help open the cervix and make
expelling the blood easier.

Blue cohosh can be used a couple days leading up to the
procedure to help open the cervix. This is particularly useful when
you need to dilate larger than 6mm.

Performing the Procedure:

1. You specifically want to sterilize the cannula and the

speculum before use, but it would be good to do the other
supplies too for precaution (Ring forceps/tongs, gauze and
cotton swabs). Much of the material being used is plastic, so
heat isn’t the best option for sterilizing. You can use 10%
bleach solution and soak the items for 15-30 minutes, rinsing
after with sterilized water( water kept at a rolling boil for 5
minutes, or buy sterile water from a drugstore). Or you can
soak the items in 70% isopropyl for 30 minutes.
2. Person performing the menstrual extraction should wash
hands and put on gloves.
3. You should lie back on a low bed or futon and, with your legs
spread, get comfortable. You may want someone to hold
your legs for you. Definitely have someone by your side to
assist you with whatever you might want (water, abdominal
massage, Motrin, an extra pillow) during the extraction.

4. Apply a generous dab of lube to a sterile speculum and
insert into the vagina. Open the speculum enough to view
the cervix. You should feel discomfort and pressure from the
speculum, never pinching or pain. If you feel pinching or
pain, close the speculum and readjust. Sometimes the size
and type of speculum aren’t right for the person, if you only
have one type of speculum, then you might experience
more discomfort during the process. The cervix is the
whitish/pink donut shaped organ that is at the back of the
vagina. Everyone’s tilts a certain direction (forwards or
backwards) and the person performing the procedure might
have to grab the cervix with a tool (sterile tong, or
tenaculum) to be able to view the cervical opening.
5. When the speculum is in place, your cervical opening will be
visible by the person who will be holding the cannula. (This
is a good time to look for signs that there may already be an
infection. If there is an infection it would be good to treat it
before trying menstrual extraction). Use the sterile tongs to
hold an antiseptic soaked(iodine/betadine) sterile cotton
swab to cleanse the cervix. Do this process 2 times to make
sure you cleaned the whole area. Although the vagina is not
a sterile area, bacteria should never enter the cervix or

uterus or else you run the risk of infection. This helps to
reduce the risk of infection.

6. If needed, now you will dilate the cervix to the size of the
cannula you will be using. Dilators are sized based on the
gestational age in weeks. Sizing:
● Denniston – dilate to cannula size (e.g. size 7 for 7 mm
● Pratt – dilate to cannula size x 3 (e.g. 21 French for
7mm cannula)

Without letting the dilator touch the vaginal walls, gently and
gradually move the dilator into the cervical canal. Hold the
dilator loosely and allow it to rotate as it moves in. It will feel

snug but smooth. Try to move in a gentle and steady manner
as the internal wall of the cervix “gives way”.

If unable to pass through the internal wall try:

● readjusting the tenaculum

● change the angle of dilator
● Switching to a smaller size dilator
● widening speculum blades
● switching speculum sizes to a shorter and wider one

7. Next you will place the cannula. You want to do this as

quickly as you can after the dilator is removed. Cannula
● Flexible: longer with two openings at tip

● Rigid: larger single opening at tip
● Larger: faster aspiration, intact tissue
● Smaller: less dilation and resistance

Both the flexible and rigid cannulas are safe and efficient.
The cannula is not yet attached to anything. While wearing
gloves, touch only the two or so inches furthest from the end
of the cannula that will enter the cervix and carefully put
the cannula inside the vagina (do not let it touch the vaginal
walls either; remember the vagina is not a sterile field) and
slowly insert it into the exterior opening of the cervix. A
rotating motion as you insert may be helpful.

After you have put the cannula into the opening about 3/4 of
an inch, you will begin to feel resistance, as if the cannula
will not go any further. You have reached the inner opening
of the cervix or the entrance to the uterus. The person may
feel cramping at this point because both the cervix and the
uterus are muscles. The uterus may also recede into the
body making it hard to continue. This is normal as well.
Continue to push, with a gentle insistence, until you feel
something give and the level of resistance reduces; the
cannula has entered the uterus. Gently push it back until it

reaches the back wall of the uterus. This part will be easier if
you already went through the process with the dilator.

8. It is time to attach the rest of the aspirator to the cannula.

How exactly this part of the process works depends on the
tool you are using to create suction for the procedure.

● MVA: For this tool you will start with the valve buttons
open and the plunger pushed completely into the barrel.
Close the valve by pushing buttons down and forward
until locked totally in place. Pull the plunger back until
its arms snap outward over the rim at the edge of the
barrel, making sure the arms are placed over wide
edges of the barrel rim.

Attach the cannula, which is already in place inside the
uterus, to the aspirator being sure to not bump the
plunger arms as you handle it.

Now you will release the pinch valve, causing the

vacuum effect to reach the uterus, through the cannula.
Once that is done you will start doing passes: begin to
move the MVA in a semi-slow, in and out rotating
fashion in the uterus doing a quarter turn each time.
Remain in one area until you feel the texture of the
uterus go from soft and mushy to hard and ribbed or
ridge-like, or like scraping sandpaper. Make quarter
turns while moving in and out until a full circle has

Once you have done a full circle/pass, detach the

aspirator from the cannula to empty. This may be
difficult to do while the cannula is still in the uterus, it is
okay to remove it and reinsert as long as it doesn’t
touch any non-sterile areas. Look for bleeding as you
pull out and if there is you may need multiple passes or
attempt uterine massage to constrict the cervix. It's
normal to need multiple passes.

● Del-em: Create a kink in the tubing that will attach to
the cannula and remove all the air from the jar using
your one-way valve syringe. Unless you have a
one-way valve attached to your syringe, you will need
to kink the tubing and detach the syringe every time you
need to push the syringe plunger in to create more
suction (suction is created as you pull the plunger out).
This will provide the right amount of suction needed to
detach early first trimester menses and fetal tissue from
the uterine wall. Attach the tubing to the cannula and
use the same motions as you would for the MVA, an
in-out motion until the tissue becomes rough, then
rotating to another section of the uterus until you have
worked around the whole area.

Working quicker is better, to not draw out the pain. You will
see blood and, if you are pregnant, a white, pudding-like
substance (fetal tissue) in the tubing. Continue to do this
until you no longer feel, through the cannula, any softness in
the uterus nor see any blood or fetal tissue in the tubing.

8. When looking for bleeding when pulling the cannula out. You
can use a 4x4 piece of sterile gauze, held by the tongs to

press against the cervix to check the bleeding, or to help
encourage bleeding to stop and the cervix to close. When
you are sure you have done enough passes but bleeding
continues you can use uterine massage to encourage the
cervix to close. Uterine massage is just pressing down on
the lower abdomen and stimulating the uterus to clamp
down. Seems like a lot of pressure and people can look
uncomfortable. If the bleeding seems normal, remove the
speculum. The person should remain lying down for a few
minutes before getting dressed to make sure they don’t pass
out or throw up. If their cramping is severe, apply a heating
pad. Give some ginger ale and a small snack. Have the
person wear a pad to monitor bleeding- check the pad within
the next 20 minutes to make sure they aren’t having any
excessive bleeding.
9. When finished look at the tissues in the jar. Depending on
how far along the pregnancy was you should see a sac,
embryo and fetal tissues. See checking the blood
section for more details on this. It is normal to have
some level of bleeding after and for the miscarriage to
continue after the procedure is done.

10. The whole process, from the time the speculum goes in to
when it is taken out should be between 5-10 minutes.
Practice can be done on ripe papaya or melons to get a feel
for using the cannula suctioning.

Constructing a Del-em kit for Menstrual Extraction

You Will Need:
A medium sized jar, rubber stopper, tubing, one way valve, caulk,
syringe, cannula, speculum.

You can use a mason jar with a metal lid. You will need to be able
to drill two holes into the metal lid. Or you can get a rubber sink
stopper and find a jar that fits it snuggly.
This will be in the hardware section of stores and is used where
the tubing connects to the jar lid. This will make the jar air tight.
You will only achieve the correct suction if the device is air tight.
Tubing and the one-way valve:
These can be bought where aquarium supplies are sold. You
want enough length in the tubing to move around your body
comfortably, without strain, about 2-3 feet for each piece. And the
tubing should be 6mm, or wider if you are using a larger cannula
You want this to be a larger diameter syringe to limit the number
of times you need to repump it. A meat injector with a removable
needle should work. You won’t need the needle. Syringes used to
feed babies and animals don’t come with needles but may not
have the suction needed to work effectively.

If you have access to medical cannulas that is great as there are
different sizes that are best during specific timelines in the
pregnancy. Otherwise you can use the inner tubing in a spray
bottle. This tubing will equal a 6mm cannula. The size cannula
that is used equals the number of weeks you are into the
pregnancy. The 6mm is usable up to 6 weeks. If you are using a
cannula that is larger, such as an 8mm, the tubing should be large
enough to fit securely on the cannula. Please do not use spray
bottles that have, at any point, contained chemicals or detergents.
The speculum is worth not trying to fake and will need to be
ordered. You can buy them online on amazon or ebay, or
potentially in a medical supply store. Plastic is fine for single use
or using on only one person. Metal is nice if you want to reuse it
or to be able to re-sterilize it.

Other Supplies That Will Help During the Procedure:

● Valerian or motrin/ibuprofen: give 800 mg ten minutes
before, for pain.
● Flashlight or headlamp
● Mirror

● Iodine, hibiclens, betadine: antiseptic for the cervix (do not
use iodine with shellfish allergy)
● latex/nitrile gloves
● Pillows
● Sterile Cotton swabs
● Sterile 4x4 gauze
● Ring forceps or metal tongs
● Numbing medication- need to use on both sides of the
cervix. If using lidocaine, Read the section Pain
Management for details on how to use it.
● Lube- for speculum, when placing.

The Abortion Pill

When you go to a clinic for an abortion, you also have the option
of taking the abortion pill. In the clinic you will be given one tablet
of Mifepristone. Then you will be given a prescription of
Misoprostol to take at home. Mifepristone causes the pregnancy
to stop growing while Misoprostol causes contractions forcing the
tissues and blood to expel. Mifepristone is generally not available
outside of a clinical setting, but abortion through this process is
possible without it. Misoprostol can be obtained outside of a clinic.

Resources for How to get Miso Outside of a Clinic:
Mail order from the internet: - 20+ US states and growing.
Physician-supported medication abortion care online. Overnight
shipping* and comfort treatment included. for Mifeprex and Misoprostol in countries

with abortion restrictions -for Mifeprex and Misoprostol in the US
Buying in a Pharmacy: (mostly outside of the USA)
(taken from which has an interactive
map where you can click on any country in the world and find out
if you can purchase pills at a pharmacy, the brand names etc)
“Mifeprex is only available in India, China, Nepal and Bangladesh
Misoprostol has more widespread access and can be purchased
in pharmacies.
(The following info was taken from
“The brand names for Misoprostol are :

- Cytotec (200µg Misoprostol)

- Cyprostol

- Misotrol.

- Gymiso® - 200µg tablets,

- Prostokos® - 25µg vaginal tablets,

- Vagiprost® - 25µg vaginal tablets

Medicines that contain 200µg Misoprostol are:

- Arthrotec 50 or 75

- Oxaprost 50 or 75

Sometimes it is sold over the counter without a prescription.

Sometimes a prescription is necessary. It is less likely that one
would need a prescription for Arthrotec or Oxaprost.

Misoprostol is used to prevent gastric ulcers

Cytotec and Cyprostol and or Misotrol are brand names for


Arthrotec and Oxaprost contain Misoprostol and a painkiller called

Diclofenac. It is used against pain in the joints, or rheuma or
arthritis. Arthrotec is generally more expensive than Cytotec.

To obtain one these medicines, one could for example say that
your grandmother has severe rheumatoid arthritis, that she is
visiting and she forgot her medicines and is in pain, and that you
do not have money to pay for a doctor to get the prescriptions for
the tablets or that the doctor is on a holiday.

If there are problems getting the medicine in one pharmacy, try

another pharmacy, or send a male friend or partner, as they might
have less problems obtaining them. Or, perhaps you can find a
doctor willing to prescribe them. Usually one has more luck at the
smaller pharmacies that do not belong to a large chain. The
person should buy at least 12 pills of 200 mcg Misoprostol. One
pill of Cytotec or Arthrotec should contain 200 micrograms of
Misoprostol. Look for the dosage of Misoprostol on the package,
usually the tablets contain 200 mcg, but other dosages do exist. If
the pills do not contain 200 micrograms of Misoprostol,
recalculate the number of pills so that the same total amount of
Misoprostol will be used.”


Do not take the pills if the first day of your last menstrual period
was more than 11 weeks ago, you have an ectopic pregnancy,
have an allergy to Mifepristone, Misoprostol, or prostaglandins,

have any of these health conditions: chronic kidney failure,
hemorrhagic disorder/diseases, inherited Porphyries.”

To end a pregnancy up to 11 weeks follow these steps: It is

recommended that you have someone with you when you take
the pills for abortion. Plan in advance how you might seek medical
care if needed during the process.

If You Have Both Mifepristone and Misoprostol:

(if you only have misoprostol, skip to the section on taking
Take one tablet of Mifepristone. This will stop the pregnancy
from growing. It is recommended to have a light meal before
taking the Mife to decrease chances of nausea and vomiting. If
you throw up the medication within 20 minutes of taking it you
would need to take another dose. Note the time that you take the
pill, as long as you keep it down for 20 minutes you are ok. For
people experiencing a lot of nausea and vomiting with their
pregnancy, you can take anti-nausea pills about 1 hour before
taking the Mife, to help prevent vomiting. Or you can munch fresh
ginger root before taking, or if you begin to get nauseous after
taking. You can also brew a strong cup of peppermint tea and
have it available to drink if you start to feel nauseous.

24-48 hours later you take the Misoprostol (Miso will expel
the pregnancy from the uterus). You put 4 pills under the tongue
or between the cheek and gums (two pills on each side) let the
pills dissolve for 30 minutes and swallow anything left behind. You
should expect the symptoms to come on within the next 4 hours
(cramping, bleeding, flu-like symptoms:nausea, vomiting,
diarrhea) and last up to 24 hours.
You can also insert the 4 miso pills into the vagina or rectum,
as early as 2 hours and up to 48 hrs after taking the mifeprex .
This method tends to have less nausea and vomiting and is ideal
if someone is already experiencing a lot of stomach symptoms.
Push all four pills into the vagina or rectum as far as a finger can
reach and let dissolve there. Symptoms will come on in the next 4
hours and can last up to 24 hours.
If you are 9-11 weeks pregnant, you should take another
dose of 4 misoprostol pills 4 hours after the first dose. You should
take them the same method as the first time ( between the
cheeks, under the tongue or inserted into the vagina). Taking this

second set of pills reduces failure rate and also stabilizes some of
the symptoms that you might be experiencing from the first set of
If no symptoms present themselves, or you bleed or cramp
significantly less than expected (see Checking the Blood section),
you can take 2 more tablets of Misoprostol under the tongue or
between the cheeks (keeping them there for 30 minutes) every 4
hours up to 5 times total (or a maximum of 12 pills (or 5 doses)).
Only take more miso if you haven’t experienced symptoms or
didn’t expel the pregnancy.

If You Only Have Misoprostol Pills:

You need to have 12 pills total. You must take all three
doses. Space your doses apart by 4 hours. You take 4 pills at a
time using 1 of the 3 methods mentioned above. After 4 hours
take another dosage of 4 pills. After another 4 hours take the third
dosage of 4 pills. Even if you think you passed the pregnancy you
must take the last dosage of pills to try to empty the uterus as
much as possible and help to prevent any retained tissue.

Normal Side Effects of the Medicines:

Painful cramping, heavy bleeding including blood clots, flu
like symptoms such as: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever. These
side effects can last up to 24 hours after your last dose of Miso.

Studies have shown that the best medication for reducing
pain with a medical abortion is Ibuprofen and it doesn’t interact
with the effects of the misoprostol. You can take up to 800mg at a
time, not exceeding 3200 mg a day.

You Should go to the Hospital or Clinic if you Experience Any

of These Symptoms:
Pain or cramping that doesn’t get better with pain medication
Soaking through four or more menstrual pads in 2 hours
Passing large blood clots (the size of a lemon or bigger)for 2
Flu-like symptoms that haven’t resolved after 24 hours of taking
the misoprostol.

To prevent infection and be able to monitor bleeding:
Nothing in the vagina for 7 days! (no tampons, menstrual cups,
penetrative sex etc)
No submerging in water (taking a bath, swimming etc)-showers
are okay!

Follow up:

It is highly recommended that you get an ultrasound 1-2
weeks after taking the pills to guarantee that the abortion
completed and there are no remaining pregnancy tissues in the
uterus. If you have medicaid you can go to an emergency room
and say you think that you had or are having a miscarriage. If you
have private insurance, it is usually cheaper to go to an obgyn
then the emergency room, but sometimes a long waiting period to
get an appointment-try calling the clinic as soon as you know you
want to take the pills to see how soon you could get in. If you do
not have insurance, check with sliding scale clinics in your area or
call a local planned parenthood to see if they offer ultrasound
visits. You can just tell the clinics that you think you had a
miscarriage. Never go to a place that offers free ultrasounds as
they are not real medical facilities and don’t give accurate
If getting an ultrasound is not an option for you, please read
over the checking the blood section before undergoing a pill
abortion process.
Take a pregnancy test 30 days after your abortion. This is
obviously a long time to wait to see if the pills worked. If you are
having no continued pregnancy symptoms, feel like you passed
the pregnancy, or also checked your blood for the tissues - then

this method can be a good option and should be done if no other
follow up was obtained. Sometimes we think we passed the
pregnancy and we didn’t!

How to Clinic

Use the internet or call your nearest Planned Parenthood to

find abortion clinics in your area. Always make sure you are not
going somewhere that is an anti-choice clinic.

Ways to tell if it is an anti-choice clinic:

They offer free ultrasounds
Offer free pregnancy testing but no other medical testing or
Won’t tell you anything about the process of getting an
Try to convince you not to get an abortion
Have a name with “choice or crisis pregnancy” in it
Schedule you multiple appointments weeks apart

An abortion clinic will go over their process for scheduling

and the state mandated regulations when your talk to them. They
will give you prices and can tell you all your options. If you know
the date of your last menstrual period, you won’t need an
ultrasound before scheduling or your appointment.

How to get Around State/Clinic Regulations:
Every state has different laws regulating abortion. Clinics
have to go to lengths to be in compliance, often in time and
financially consuming ways. Most of these regulations are barriers
to people accessing abortion, like 24 hour waiting periods,
speaking to the Dr. before coming in etc. and need to be followed
by anyone seeking an abortion because there is no way of getting
around them as they are documented and controlled by the state.
Abortion clinics will be shut down if they are not in compliance.
But other regulations, like proof of ID and cost have more
flexibility and are sometimes one of the main barriers for people
seeking an abortion.

Most clinics in the US require that you have a government
issued photo id-like a driver’s license, state Id or Passport (can be
from any country). Gun licenses and military Id’s are also
accepted. Some clinics will accept a picture of your government
issued photo id-but you should check with the clinic in advance so
you aren’t turned away when you try to go in, and if you have
other forms of Id like bank or credit cards with your name, a social

security card, birth certificate, school id etc. you should also bring
those with the picture of your ID..
If you don’t have a government issued photo Id and aren’t
able to obtain one, you could ask a close friend who looks similar
to you if they would be willing to let you use their id. You would
have to know by memorization how to accurately spell the name
and the date of birth from the id without looking at it while you are
at the appointment. You would be able to use your own contact
and health information. Make sure the person hasn’t been seen at
that clinic in the past, and it’s important for them to keep in mind
that they might have a problem in the future or just be using the
same medical record with your visit information. They would also
be able to have access to the medical record because they would
be able to verify the identity. Most abortion clinics have their own
internal medical record system that doesn’t become apart of other
medical records that you have elsewhere (although this could
vary in some states).

$ Funding, Travel Funding, Medicaid/Medical Assistance:

Cost can be a huge barrier for people trying to obtain an
abortion at a clinic. Some clinics do offer assistance with the cost
if you ask. In the USA this money comes from private funding

sources, like donations-due to the fact that no federal dollars can
go towards abortions and only some states allow state funding. If
you are having trouble coming up with the cost, always call the
clinic and see if they can work with you, they often want to know
that you are trying to come up with an amount, so calling them
back and letting them know your progress-or lack of progress can
be helpful for them levying more funds. Most clinics want to work
with people, but have limited funds and a lot of people in need.
There are sometimes separate funds available for travel costs
including gas and hotel costs. If travel adds an extra expense for
you, let the clinic know and ask about potential assistance.
Usually you will be reimbursed at the appointment, so you have to
pay out of your pocket first.

Check other states nearby to see if abortion clinics fees are

cheaper. Prices for abortions vary state to state due to regulations
and availability of assistance programs. Sometimes the cost of
travel could be significantly less than the full price of an abortion
in your state versus the price in a neighboring state.

If your pregnancy is due to rape, incest or is a threat to

your life most state insurance will cover abortion in these

cases. Usually you do not need to have filed a police report.
In most states you do have to meet with the abortion doctor
in advance to fill out the necessary paperwork and already
have insurance through your state. If the pregnancy is a
threat to your life, you have to have proof of that from a
primary care doctor and usually the abortion would be
completed in a hospital setting.

If you are a minor (under 18) and seeking an abortion,

laws can vary state to state. Call your local abortion clinic to find
out your options. Most states have two options for people under
18: have a parent (who is on your birth certificate) present at the
appointment, or to obtain a judicial bypass. If you want to obtain a
judicial bypass, the clinic will help you with all the necessary
things that you have to do. Some people feel intimidated by the
thought of this process, but many minors do judicial bypass
successfully and there are feminist law advocates that help with
these processes. There is often specific funding for minors
seeking judicial bypass.

Checking the Blood

If you are unable to get a follow up after a abortion, it is a

good idea to make sure it’s complete or has been successful and
that there’s no retained tissues. This page offers ways to catch
and check the tissue.
You can check the blood and clots that you pass for the
pregnancy tissues. The pregnancy is very small (at 5-6 weeks
around 1/4 inch, at 9 weeks around 1 inch), but should be able to
be seen with the naked eye. If you don’t have access to an
ultrasound after a pill or herbal abortion, checking your blood can
be very crucial for your follow up care. The things that you are
looking for in the blood are:

The Sac:
This is a thin membrane that surrounds the embryo,
opaque/whitish in color between ⅓-1 inch long. The sac should
look complete and not torn in pieces or missing any chunks, if you
find more than one piece, see that they would approximately
make a whole one.

The Embryo:
This is the fetus or fetal tissue of the pregnancy, is also
white/opaque in color. Depending on how far along you are, you
should be able to find the beginning formation of the head, rib
cage, spinal column, and four limbs. At five weeks of pregnancy,
the whole embryo will look more like a kidney bean than
specifically formed parts, at nine weeks it will be more visible. The
embryo could still be inside the pregnancy sack when it is
expelled from the uterus.

Pregnancy Tissues:
such as menstrual blood and clots, chorionic villi (spider web like
tissue that starts forming at implantation that initially provide the
pregnancy with nutrients/blood from the uterus), umbilical cord.

Some tips for catching the blood:

Using a menstrual cup (make sure to keep it clean or sterilize by
boiling to help prevent infection)
Pee over a strainer to catch anything that might come out during
urination or pooing.

Any clots or tissues expelled can be put into a fine mesh strainer
and run under cold water to remove blood.
Tissue can be floated in a glass baking dish filled with water to be
able to see and differentiate the parts.
Blood and tissues can then be disposed of in a toilet or buried in
the ground. Tissues could also be put into a cardboard box and
incinerated in a fire.

Positives and Negatives of Each Option

Herbal Method
● It could work
● Not as visible as other methods
● You can do it yourself
● The herbs are accessible most places
● It is low cost
● Potentially herd on liver and kidneys
● Person has to be able to maintain a schedule for a few days
up to a few weeks
● It might not work
● It can cause a lot of body stress
● It can cause birth defects or complications in pregnancy if it
isn’t completed
● It takes longer and is more regimented

Clinic Method
● Person is under a doctor’s care

● Everything is happening in a sterile environment
● Safe and effective
● Support is available
● It cost a lot of money
● May have to interact with social stigmas against abortion
● It can be inaccessible to people with sensitive identities
● person may be uncomfortable with clinic/hospital setting

Menstrual Extraction
● Can be done yourself
● It can be done with limited experience
● It is less hard on the body
● A support person is available
● Can’t always be done in a sterile environment
● It doesn’t always work or may need extra support for
● Might be hard to access the supplies

Abortion Pill Method
● Has a high success rate
● Can be done at home
● Mostly takes a day or two to work
● Has a low risk of infection
● It can be taken again if it doesn’t work
● It is hard to access
● You need licensing to access it in the United States or have
to get through the mail
● It is hard on the body
● It is very uncomfortable/painful
● Might not work (when used in combination with Mifeprex
2-9% failure rate, more if using miso on own-somewhere up
to 20% failure rate)
● Can bleed up to 6 weeks
● Get flu like symptoms
● Can be expensive
● Won’t be able to do anything for a couple days.


Greater risk of hemorrhaging with all methods. Supplement with
iron and vitamin C for at least one week before attempting
abortion pills or menstrual extraction.

Miso: block absorption of misoprostol if taken within 30 minutes of
each other. Magnesium containing antacids can also increase
diarrhea symptoms.

Bleeding or Clotting Disorders (Von Willebrand's, hemophilia

etc.) or if a person is taking blood thinning medications
Highly suggested to be under Dr. Care
Herbal: contraindicated due to high likelihood of hemorrhage
Miso: contraindicated due to high likelihood of hemorrhage
Menstrual Extraction: okay with caution?-Often need DDAVP for
surgical procedure and would assume the same for ME.


Herbal: closely monitor blood sugar levels due to herbs potentially
interacting with levels or medications.

Estrogen Dependant Cancers

Herbal: many of the herbs increase estrogen or estrogen
receptors and shouldn’t be used. These in particular should be
avoided: Black Cohosh, Blue Cohosh, Queen anne’s lace

History of Seizures
Herbal: Not to use herbs that contain thujone(convulsant)
Miso: rare, but does lower threshold and there are case reports of
ME: No issues

If you have a hormonal or non-hormonal IUD and are pregnant,
you have to rule out ectopic pregnancy before proceeding with
any options for terminating the pregnancy. This has to be done at
a medical facility like a dr. office or hospital where they can do
ultrasound imaging to find the location of the pregnancy. Do not
go to a “free ultrasound clinic” as these are not licensed medical
facilities and they often lie to people and try to trick them into not

getting an abortion. IUD should also be removed before
attempting any of the abortion procedures.

Kidney Disease
Herbs: Due to extra stress and toxicity put on kidney, it isn’t
recommended to use herbal remedies
Mifeprex: not recommended with chronic adrenal failure, caution
or under dr supervision in kidney disease
Miso: unknown
Menstrual Extraction: Should be okay

Liver Disease (hepatitis, cirrhosis)

If untreated, or currently having symptoms, it isn’t recommended
to take misoprostol or herbal remedies due to extra stress put
onto liver and potential for liver toxicity.
Menstrual Extraction: Should be okay

Nursing Parent
Herbal: because of quantity and toxicity of herbs, it is
recommended to pump and dump throughout treatment
Mifeprex/Miso: Ok, but a child might experience diarrhea 2 hours
after taking medication.

Menstrual extraction: no issues

Herbal: Risk unknown
Miso: okay
Mifeprex/Mifepristone: Concurrent or long-term systemic steroid
use is a contraindication.Patients taking short-course systemic
steroids for acute, non-chronic problem (poison oak rash,
sinusitis) must have completed steroid therapy before taking
mifeprex. How do steroids affect it?-it’s also a steroid, so It
doesn’t work-they cancel eachother out and can be harmful to the
Menstrual extraction: Okay

Pain Management

For Menstrual Extraction

Because of discomfort and cramping associated with
opening the cervix and emptying the contents of the uterus, it is
often desired to minimize pain and side effects associated with
ME. Most aspiration abortions performed in the US are performed
using a local cervical anesthesia.

is the most commonly used numbing agent for local cervical
A sample recipe for preparation of an anesthetic solution (1)
1. Draw off 5 ml from a vial of 1% or .5% Lidocaine
2. Add 5ml of 8.4% sodium bicarbonate to buffer the solution
3. Use approximately 20 ml per patient (do not exceed 20 ml)
First inject a small amount (2-5 cc) of anesthetic into the lip of the
cervix before applying a tenaculum to position and stabilize the
cervix for cervical anesthesia.
The most common technique used by providers in north america
is a 4-point injection (2 o’clock, 4 o’clock, 8 o’clock and 10 o’clock)

to a depth of less than 3 cm using a maximum of 20 ml of total
anesthetic volume. See Figure A (1)

Figure A

Figure B

Figure B illustrates two different techniques for administering

lidocaine-directly into the cervix, or in the tissue adjacent the
cervix. No significant difference in technique has been
documented. The practitioner will experience resistance in
injection when administering anesthetic directly into the cervix and
little or no resistance when injecting into the tissue lateral to the

Some side effects from lidocaine injection people will
typically experience are: ringing in the ears, a metallic taste in the
mouth, and numbing of the mouth and tongue. Higher levels (toxic
amounts) will cause confusion, arrhythmia, or slowing of heart
rate, convulsions and seizures.

Pre-procedure Medications:
Some over the counter medications can be administered
10-30 minutes before ME to help decrease severity of cramping
and discomfort during and after procedure.
Ibuprofen: 600-800 mg (most commonly used)
acetaminophen: 1000 mg (used when person is allergic to

Alternative Technique:
Application of Lidocaine gel to the cervix 1 minute before
dilation. Study using this method showed that it reduced pain at
the end of the suction procedure, not during dilation. Lidocaine gel
might be easier to come by and doesn’t require being able to
administer injections.

Post Procedure Pain Management:

Applying a heating pad to the lower abdomen to reduce
cramping for 10-20 minutes
Second dose of Ibuprofen or acetaminophen if needed

Hydration/ Magnesium:
Water is really important for our muscles to work the way
they need to. It is important, when preparing for the miscarriage,
to stay well hydrated. Magnesium can help as well to tone and
keep muscles lubricated.

Herbs to Help Soften and Prepare the Cervix:

Take as a single herb, or in combination three times a day,
for 1 to 2 days leading up to the procedure:

Blue Cohosh: Caulophyllum thalictroides

Oxytocin and caulosaponin, both producing contractions.
Helps to soften and prepare the cervix for labor or miscarriage,
helps to ease painful cramps
Properties best extracted in alcohol/tincture form
Decoction: 3 tablespoons per quart, simmered 30 minutes to one
Tincture: 2 ml/ .5 tsp/ 2 dropperfuls

Contraindications: contain estrogenic properties, narrows arteries,
don’t use if you have high or low blood pressure, are at risk of
heart disease or stroke. Binds to nicotinic receptors and can
potentiate nicotine if used in conjunction.
Signs of toxicity: nausea, stomach/intestinal pain, diarrhea,
muscle weakness, chest pain, pain in limbs, increased blood
pressure, rapid pulse

Black Cohosh: Actaea racemosa

Prepares cervix to release the contents of the uterus.
A side effect of taking black cohosh is a frontal lobe headache.
People prone to headaches should try one drop of the tincture or
sip of tea before taking full dosage. Headache remedies might
need to be used in conjunction with black cohosh.
Decoction: 3 tablespoons per in a quart of water simmered
30 minutes.
Tincture: 2 ml/ .5 tsp/ 40 drops
Contraindications: contain Estrogenic Properties
Curly Parsley Petroselinum crispum
Softens cervix to aide in release of contents of uterus

Use fresh parsley as a pessary - insert around 5-10 sprigs of
parsley into the vagina overnight (can be put into panty hose or
bundled together with string for easy removal).

Lobelia: Lobelia inflata

“Specific relaxing effect of lobelia on a rigid cervical os that is
thick, doughy, and unyielding” (Felter, 1983 as cited in Gladstar &
Hirsch, 2000) Lobelia promotes normal uterine contraction after
the cervical os is dilated, and it relaxes perineal muscles.
Alcohol Tincture or Vinegar: 3-5 drops every 2 hours
Drop dosing directly on Cervix: 3-5 drops before procedure
The easiest method for adding drops onto the cervix may be to
add drops onto a sterile q-tip or cotton ball or add the drops to an
anti-bacterial tea/wash that then is wiped onto the cervix.
[People can experiment with some of the oxytocin containing
herbs that we have mentioned to see if those help to soften the
cervix and reduce cramping during these procedures.]

Evening Primrose Oil Capsule:

Helps soften and thin out the cervical tissue. Take
500-1000mg two times a day for threes day prior to taking
abortion pills, herbs or performing ME.

Herbs for Pain Related to Anxiety
“Factors influencing pain perception include: fewer or no
previous pregnancies, history of painful periods, pre-procedure
anxiety. Provider experience and shorter procedure time correlate
with less pain.” (1) History of trauma.

You can use any of the following herbs alone or in a blend

together tailored for you. For use before ME procedure, start
taking herbs a few hours before, taking some every hour to help
the body and mind stay calm and relaxed.

Skullcap: Scutellaria lateriflora

A relaxing herb, good for anxiety and stress felt in the
skeletal muscles, helps reduce pain and relax muscles, calming.
Infusion: 2 teaspoons per cup of water, let steep 20 minutes
Tincture: 1-2 mls/ 20-40 drops taken 3-5 times per day or as
often as needed

Motherwort: Leonurus cardiaca

Used often when anxiety or stress is felt in the chest or
heart, or associated with heart palpitations, also when anxiety is

felt as crushing- or coming in from all angles. Soothing for anxiety
associated with grief.
Infusion: 1 teaspoon per cup of water, let steep 20 minutes
Tincture: 5-20 drops taken 3-5 times a day or as often as needed

California Poppy: Eschscholzia californica

Good for when anxiety shows up as pain or anger in various
areas of the body, muscle tension, headache, irritability.
Infusion: 1-2 teaspoons per cup of water, let steep 20 minutes
Tincture: 1-2 mls/20-40 drops 3-5 times a day or as often as

Passion Flower: Passiflora incarnata

When anxiety is felt strongly in the mind, racing thoughts,
self judgement, feeling attacked in many aspects of life, when
there is restlessness and inability to sleep.
Infusion: 2 teaspoons per cup of water, let steep 20 minutes
Tincture: 1-2 mls/20-40 drops 3-5 times a day or as often as

Kava Kava: Piper mythisticum
Good for when anxiety is felt in the muscles, or for a person
who feels tightly wound up, when anxiety shows up as social
anxiety or makes the person want to isolate.
Decoction: 2 teaspoons per cup of water (better extracted with
some fat -½ coconut milk ½ water) cook for 30-40 minutes drink
1-3 cups a day
Tincture: 1-2 mls/20-40 drops 3-5 times a day or as needed
Safety precaution: for short term use only (if taken daily-1 month).
Not to be used by people with liver diseases, or in combination
with benzodiazepines.

Wood Betony: Stachys officinalis

This herb is good for anxiety that is felt mainly in the
Infusion: 1-2 teaspoons per cup of water, let steep 20 minutes.
Tincture: 1-3 ml/20-60 drops taken 3-5 times daily or as needed.

Bleeding Heart: Dicentra formosa

Stops your body’s production of adrenaline allowing you to
calm and move away from fight or flight mode and to reduce
nervous fear. Also a restorative to the nervous system

Tincture (fresh plant): 5-20 drops/ 1 ml taken 3-5 times daily or
Low Dose plant: high doses can shut down the central nervous
system making it difficult for the heart to function adequately

Anemone: Anemone Spp

Stops your body’s production of adrenaline allowing you to
calm and move away from fight or flight mode.
Tincture (fresh plant): 5-10 drops taken 3-5 times daily or as
Low Dose plant: high doses can shut down the central nervous
system making it difficult for the heart to function adequately

Milky Oats: Avena sativa

Helps to repair the protective cover of nerve cells offering
more tolerance. Good when you feel really worn down and easily
Decoction: 2-4 Tablespoons in 1 quart water, simmer 30 minutes
Tincture: 1-2 mls/20-40 drops 3-5 times a day or as often as

Do I need to get a Rhogam shot?

What is Rh Factor and how does it impact pregnancy?

Rh factor is a protein that the majority of people carry in their

blood. Roughly 85 percent of the population is Rh-positive, and
Rh status is genetically determined. In first pregnancies, Rh
sensitization is rarely a problem because the parent’s blood and
the developing pregnancy’s blood typically do not interact directly
until delivery- but if the Rh-positive blood (from the developing
pregnancy) enters the Rh-negative parent’s blood, the parent’s
immune system may develop antibodies against Rh factor. If
these antibodies then enter an rh-positive bloodstream (like in the
developing pregnancy), the antibodies can begin to attack the
developing pregnancy’s blood, causing jaundice or more severe
symptoms if left untreated.

How RhoGam Helps

RhoGAM pre-stocks the pregnant parent’s blood with the
antibodies to the Rh factor protein, and this prevents the person’s
immune system from needing to create antibodies to Rh factor in
the event of encountering Rh-positive blood.
Injecting the antibodies is safer than risking sensitization, because
RhoGAM antibodies eventually clear the person’s bloodstream,

meaning that if the pregnant parent’s blood mixed with the baby’s
in the future, the parent’s immune system would not have learned
to create antibodies against Rh factor and the baby would not get
anti-Rh antibodies. If a parent’s blood is sensitized to Rh factor,
the sensitization may be permanent and they risk delivering
anti-Rh antibodies to their future pregnancies.

Although it hasn’t been proven scientifically that it is totally

necessary in a 1st trimester miscarriage, abortion, ectopic
pregnancy, or other pregnancy loss, most Dr.’s will administer the
shot because it is a low risk shot that could be beneficial (risk is in
the 5% range). It’s kind of like a “why not” situation. If you are
potentially planning to have future pregnancies and your blood
type is negative, you might want to check out our source below to
consider if you want to get the shot.

“There is minimal evidence that administering

Rh immune globulin for first trimester vaginal bleeding
prevents maternal sensitization or development of
hemolytic disease of the newborn. The practice of
administering Rh immune globulin to Rh-negative
women with a first trimester spontaneous abortion is
based on expert opinion and extrapolation from

experience with fetomaternal hemorrhage in late
pregnancy. Its use for first trimester bleeding is not
evidence-based.” (

If you do want to get the shot, it is imperative that you get it

within 72 hrs after taking the pills. You can get it at an emergency
room or Dr.’s office that does follow up care for miscarriages. If it
has been more than three days since your miscarriage, however,
don't panic. The odds that you have become sensitized against
Rh factor are low. Still, it is a good idea to get it within the
recommended time span if you can, as it makes the small risk of
Rh sensitization even lower. There's much more evidence on the
shot's necessity after a later pregnancy loss or after giving birth.

If you are concerned, you can ask your doctor about a blood
test to check for RH sensitization so that you can set your mind at
ease. When you go into the clinic to get the shot. Be sure to use
the word miscarriage and do not say you had an abortion.

Herbal Aftercare for all Methods
Potential Complications With All Methods and Possible Ways to
Treat Them
*Please note that it is important to have these remedies on hand
before attempting to induce a miscarrage so that you can have
the remedies ready if needed.

Emotional support Herbs

Hugs: Not an herb but still can be nice
Flower Essences: Mimi Kamp from “Essence of the Desert” has
an extensive list of Essences, as does Bach Remedies
See section: Herbs for Pain Related to Anxiety for a list of
herbs that can help to soothe the mind and spirit when nerves feel
fried or you sense you are reaching the end of your ability to

Post Abortion Talkline: Exhale

A nonjudgemental supportive place to talk about abortion
experiences. “Offers nonjudgemental, supportive counseling to
individuals with abortion experiences and their partners, friends
and allies. We created a confidential space for speaking openly
about our abortion experiences free from shame and stigma,
outside the political and religious fight on our bodies. “

Call the Talkline: 866-4-Exhale
Text : 617-749-2948

Heavy bleeding During Abortion

symptom: Soaking through 2 pads an hour for more than 2
hours. Feeling dizzy or light-headed.

Your goal isn’t to stop the bleeding all together (although that
can be a result of using the herbs) your goal is to bring bleeding
back to a normal amount. You might experience that you need to
take the herbs at regular intervals to keep bleeding normal. For
example, you might have heavy bleeding, take herbs, bleeding
slows down or stops and then a few hours later is heavy again.
Repeat herbs as needed following the directions below.

Herbal Antihemorrhagic Herbs(herbs that stop bleeding):

Lady’s Mantle Alchemilla vulgaris and Yarrow Achillea
interchangeably or together, internally and externally if needed.

Tea: Infusion of 2-3 tablespoons in 8 oz of boiling water, steeped
for 20-30 minutes. Drink up to 1 quart in a half hour to
decrease/stop bleeding.
Tincture (advance preparation of herb extracted in alcohol): take 4
mls/ 2 tsp/80 drops in a little water every 5 minutes until bleeding
decreases or stops.

Shepherd's Purse: (Capsella bursa-pastoris)

A very common weed across much of the world. It is in the
mustard family and native to Europe.
Tea: Infusion of 2-3 tablespoons in 8 oz of boiling water, steeped
for 20-30 minutes. Drink up to 1 quart in a half hour to
decrease/stop bleeding.
Tincture: used internally, must be made from fresh whole plant
Take 1 ml/ ¼ tsp/ 20 drops by mouth. Take every half hour until
bleeding subsides.

Yunnan Baiyao: (Paiyao)

A Traditional Chinese Medicine used for bleeding disorders
and hemorrhaging. Can be bought at most Chinese markets

where herbal remedies are sold. Is available in powder or pills.
The pills are easier to take and work very rapidly.
Oral Administration Dosage
Take 1-2 capsules up to 4 times daily. Take an insurance pill (the
red pill) in case of severe hemorrhaging or bleeding.

External application might be needed if a person can’t take
the herbs due to nausea and throwing up. External applications
might be less effective, and hard to comply with if a person needs
to do repeat applications. Do not reuse sitz bath tea, make fresh
tea with each application.

Sitz bath:
Make a strong tea using about 8 tablespoons per quart of
boiling water. You probably need at least one gallon total. Let the
tea steep for 30 minutes. Sit in a shallow basin of the tea for
20-30 minutes and administer uterine massage.

Uterine massage:
Used mostly in surgical abortions or menstrual extraction

This helps to trigger the muscles to clamp down and slow
bleeding. While the person is lying flat on their back, massage the
area between the naval and pubic bone, using firm pressure and
circular motions.

Incomplete Abortion
This could be just retained tissues or the pregnancy itself still
in the uterus
Symptoms: Heavy or persistent bleeding and/or persistent
severe pain, pregnancy symptoms don’t subside or increase.
Positive pregnancy test 30 days after attempt to expel pregnancy.
It is important to check the contents (see section Checking the
Blood) that are expelled from the uterus if you are unable to
obtain an ultrasound after a pill or herbal abortion. How to treat:

If You Used the Abortion Pills:

You should take another round of Misoprostol (4 pills under
the tongue or between the cheek and gums) to expel the
remaining contents of the uterus.
If You Used Herbs:
Depending on the herbal regimen you followed, you may be
able to continue it or restart it to expel the remaining tissues. This

depends on how taxing the first round of herbs were on your
body. If possible you might need to follow up with a dose of
Misoprostol (see directions above)

In either case you might need follow up care from a clinic if

aspiration (suction abortion) is needed to remove the remaining
tissues or pregnancy. If you have tried a second attempt and the
abortion still doesn’t complete, aspiration will be necessary.
Retained tissues can lead to a serious infection or sepsis
and should be taken very seriously.

Symptom:Temperature of 100.4 F/39 C or higher more than 24
hours after taking pills or at any time when taking an herbal
Pain or cramping that doesn’t go away with pain medications
Abnormal discharge from the vagina
Treatment: An infection from an abortion can be very serious and
needs to be acted on quickly. In most cases, antibiotics are
necessary. If retained tissues are present they need to be
removed by aspiration (suction abortion) to prevent sepsis. If you
are treating yourself, you need to monitor your symptoms closely.

If you do not notice any decrease in the severity of your
symptoms or your symptoms get worse after 24 hours of herbal
treatment, you must seek medical attention with a doctor.

Herbal treatment:
Has to be followed very strictly and taken in high doses round the
Immune stimulants:
Echinacea or Spilanthes:
Tincture: take 2mls/ 1 tsp/ 40 drops every 2 hours until all
symptoms have subsided.
Tea: make a strong tea and drink it ‘round the clock until
symptoms have subsided (about 2 quarts per day-2 tablespoons
per 8 oz, steeped 30 minutes)

Anti-Infective Herbs:
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)- will make you fever, or increase
your temperature if you are already feverish
Berberine herb-Barberry (Berberis vulgaris), Oregon Grape Root
(Mahonia aquifolium), Goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis)
Sage (Salvia officinalis)

Chaparral (Larrea tridentata)
Andrographis paniculata
Pau D’Arco (Tabebuia impetiginosa)
Baical Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis)

Blood Moving Herbs:

Ginger (Zingiber officinale)
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum sp)
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Herbs to kill the infection:

A combination of the listed herbs (pick at least 3 from the
anti-infective herbs and one blood mover) made into a strong tea
(4 tablespoons of herb to 8 oz of water steeped 30 minutes).
Drink 2 cups an hour until symptoms are subsiding, then drink 1
cup every 2 hours until symptoms fully subsided.

Sample Teas:
Yarrow, Pau D’Arco, Barberry, Ginger
Andrographis, Baical Skullcap, Yarrow, Cinnamon
Yarrow, Sage, Chaparral, Rosemary

Usnea, Yarrow, Barberry, Ginger

Bonus Anti-Infectives/Immunostimulants:
Take one or both of these during treatment

Myrrh Resin: (Commiphora myrrha)

use tincture 1 dropperful every 2 hours(6 mls a day) or swallow
resin whole like a pill- a small piece about 1 per hour(about 3
grams per day).

Garlic: Allium sp
(has to be fresh, crushed and uncooked)-eat 4 cloves a day with

Kidney Support Herbs:

Take one or a combination of these herbs for 1 month
following an herbal protocol. Herbal teas are nice for the kidneys
rather than using tincture.
Nettle seed: Urtica dioica
2 tsp a day chewed or mixed into food
Nettle root:
Tea Decoction: 1 tsp to 1 cup of water decocted 30 minutes. Drink
1-2 cups a day

Mullein root: Verbascum thapsus
Tea Decoction: 1 tsp to 1 cup of water decocted 30 minutes. Drink
1-2 cups a day
Corn silk: Zea mays
Tea infusion: 1 tablespoon to 1 cup of water steeped 30 minutes.
Yum! Drink 1-2 cups a day

Liver Repair
If taking herbs or the abortion pill, your liver may have had a
rough few weeks these herbs will help your liver cells to regrow
and repair themselves.

Licorice root: Glycyrrhiza glabra

Has a long history of use in western and traditional chinese
medicine. Can be taken during treatment and after. Studies show
that it can prevent damage from taking place as well as heal
damage that has already been done. (Contraindicated with Heart
disease and High Blood Pressure)
Powder/Tea- 1 teaspoon 1-2 x a day,
Tincture- 2mls/1 tsp/40 drops 1 x a day

Schizandra berry: Schisandra chinensis
Can be taken during treatment and after. Studies show that it
can prevent damage from taking place as well as heal damage
that has already been done.
Powder/tea 1 tsp 1-2 x a day
Tincture 2mls/1 tsp/ 40 drops once a day

Milk Thistle: Silybum marianum

Can be taken during treatment and after. Studies show that it
can prevent damage from taking place as well as heal damage
that has already been done.
Powder-1 tsp 3 x a day

Membrane/ Tissue Repair

Marshmallow: Althea officinalis
Repairs mucous membranes in the body, including
intestines, lungs and uterus.
Other gooey mallows work similarly(like okra).
For the strongest results steep powder or chopped root in
cold water overnight (2 tablespoons/16 oz water), but this can
also be made as a hot tea.. Drink throughout the day. The tea can

be mucousy. Just dilute with water until it is palatable. Tea will last
one to two days.

Raspberry leaf: Rubus idaeus

Uterine tissue tonic, supplies nutrients and is mildly
astringent helping to tone the tissues.
Tea- 1 tsp/5 g to 8 oz/230 ml water, pour boiling water over and
steep 3-4 hours covered, strain and drink 1-2 cups a day.

Regulating Bleeding After Time Has Passed From

the Abortion
After using the pills or an herbal abortion, you can have
continuous or irregular bleeding for the next 6 weeks. It can range
from period-like bleeding, to heavy bleeding, to just spotting.
Sometimes you might pass more clots. The blood is typically
more brown in color rather than bright red. This bleeding is due to
the lining of the uterus building up to support the pregnancy, just
like it does most months in anticipation of a fertilized egg, only
there is more blood and tissues that have built up.
Mostly we would just let the body shed the lining how it
naturally does. People often get concerned when they have
bleeding over a long period of time, or if bleeding reappears

outside of their regular cycle. If you are experiencing any of the
following symptoms you should probably follow up with a doctor to
make sure your abortion is complete:
Heavy bleeding (bleeding through 4 pads or more in 2 hours)
Excessive Bleeding with cramping or pelvic pain
Fever of 100.2 F/39 C or higher
Passing clots 2-4 weeks after abortion
Pain or cramping that doesn’t go away with 800mg of

If you are having spotting or irregular bleeding and it's

annoying you, and it doesn’t include the symptoms describes for
hemorrhage or incomplete abortion, you can try taking some:

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) or Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla

vulgaris) to help reduce your symptoms.
Tea: 1 tsp/5g per 8oz/230 ml
Tincture: 2ml/1 tsp/40 drops 3 x a day

The Radical History of Cotton Root
Many of the ways that I have been taught as a “western
herbalist” have fallen short in giving a full account of how plants
have been used, or their historical impacts on society and culture,
and there have been huge gaps in crediting where knowledge
about plants has come from and how it was attained. I wanted to
include more info about cotton because, as a plant, I think that
most people see it through the lens of capitalism: a cash crop,
one that played a major role in colonial, white European wealth
being established during chattel slavery here in the US.
I don’t think most people think of cotton as a mallow family
plant, or associate it with the sweet, moistening, big beautifully
blossoming mallow family flowers. Cotton isn’t typically presented
as a medicinal plant, or sacred plant, or held up in regard as a
plant of resistance and self-determination. At one point, cotton
might have been the most-used medicinal plant in the US -- and
used specifically in resistance to slave masters and colonization.

Various species of cotton are native to many regions of

Africa, Central and North America, Caribbean Islands and India,
where cotton root bark, seeds and oil all have a history of being
used across cultures to help with contraception, birth, miscarrage

and other health issues (Grieve 1930). But it’s use as an
abortifacient as we know today comes from it’s historical use by
enslaved African women* in the Southern US.

In 1807, congress passed a bill abolishing the importation of

slaves into the US. “To plantation owners, this meant that future
labor would have to be supplied from the offspring of existing
slaves. As a result, many masters resorted to ‘breeding’ slaves
and establishing breeding plantations…. Enslaved women
suffered under the tridimensional oppression of race, class, and
gender, which included intimate violence and reproductive
exploitation.” (Culpepper 2017)

What a breeding plantation meant was that enslaved

females were expected to start bearing children by age 13, to
have had 4-5 children by age 20, and as an incentive, were told
they’d be granted freedom after producing 15 children. Boys were
expected to impregnate 12 females a year, if a boy was
underdeveloped (sexually) by age 15, he would be castrated and
sold to the market or used for labor. Much of this “breeding” was
enforced by armed white slave masters who orchestrated and
participated in mass rape. (Simkin 2014)

I want you to read this slowly, swallowing each word and
breathing it out to release.
Forced breeding. Sit with that. Really allow yourself to hold the
experience of millions of enslaved people who were raped and
forced to bear children, who were then often stolen from them.
I want you to pause, and feel it in your body, feel all the emotions
that come up, all the pain.

All of this horror is not without defiance and resistance by

those subjugated. This resistance came in every form: organized
rebellions, escape, and small everyday acts like breaking tools,
slowing down work, feigning sickness, setting fire to buildings or
even poisoning slave masters. On breeding plantations one of the
most common resistance tactics was the use of cotton root bark.

Enslaved African women chewed the fresh root bark daily as

a form of contraception. If someone did become pregnant the root
and seeds were used, boiled into a tea and drank to induce
miscarrage. The use of cotton root was so effective, “white
doctors, they began to use Viburnum prunifolium (black haw) to
stop the contractions of miscarriages already in progress, until

Physician W.W. Durham noticed ‘at one period in my practice, the
Negroes used the cotton root so frequently to produce abortion
that my supply of black haw became exhausted’. (Schwartz
2006)” (Culpepper 2017)

The use of cotton root was so widespread, Dave Byrd, who

lived in slavery prior to Emancipation, recounts “I believe if slavery
would have lasted much longer, the Negro race would have
depopulated because all the Negro womens, they had become
wise to this here cotton root. They would chew that and they
would not give birth to a baby. All of their masters sho’ did have to
watch them, but sometimes they would slip out at night and get
them a lot of cotton roots and bury them under their quarters. If
they could just get enough of that do what they wanted it
to do.” (Rawick 1972)

How did these women know how to use cotton root?

Culpepper writes “knowledge about the cotton plant and the use
of cotton root bark dates back to Mandingo women [using] the
root of the cotton tree, which grew in parts of Africa, [which] was
used as an abortifacient during the first trimester of pregnancy

(Bush 1990)...quite naturally the knowledge of cotton root as a
medicine was easily transferred to the cotton fields of the south.”

Just like many other plants found or brought here, African

women already had knowledge of the plant’s uses, and they were
able to use the cotton being grown on the plantations in ways
unexpected by white slave masters.

Cotton was so effective as an abortifacient amongst

enslaved Africans that white herbalists and doctors began to
replace the more commonly used Ergot (Claviceps purpurea) with
cotton root. Ergot, a type of fungus that grows on rye, was said to
be more dangerous, prolonged use causing a fatal gangrenous
disease. Ergot was also hard to process and store, as any over-
or under-drying caused chemical changes in the fungus or
allowed other molds to form. (Grieve 1930, Sayre 1917). White
doctors learned of the use and effectiveness of cotton by being
called on to “treat” or “reverse” induced miscarriages by enslaved
people. So, on the one hand, they enforced the condemnation of
cotton root use by enslaved Africans, and at the same time
incorporated the knowledge about cotton root into their
pharmacopeia, failing to acknowledge the source of the

information. White doctors condoned a system that made cotton
root available to whites while prohibiting its use by enslaved

So now take time to sit with cotton, and the strength,

knowledge, resilience and power of the African women who held
that plant’s use and taught others about it. We still have this
knowledge today because of them. Feel cotton and its wisdom in
your body.

I hope that when people talk about or use cotton root, they
will hold space for its history, remembering to sit with the legacy
and power of this plant. And I want to express deep gratitude to
the work of Karen Culpepper who did extensive research on
cotton. In all my scouring of books and the internet, her work was
by far the best researched and written. So please support her
work! I would encourage everyone to read her complete article on
cotton, a beautiful homage to the plant and the people who
carried this knowledge.

*The term women is used in this writing to refer to people

able to bear children. During the time of colonization and

enslavement, strict gender roles were enforced by colonial/slave
powers and gender variance was not well documented. Many
people subjected to forced reproduction might have been
transgender, non-binary or other gender varient. I choose to use
the word women (rather than people or other neutral term) to
honor the legacy of black women (cis and trans) and their
continued role as active resisters and leaders in the fight for
liberation globally.

Personal Stories
The first time I got pregnant I was 18. I had just recently become
politicized around women's health, and while in the past I had been
super paranoid about getting pregnant because I didn't think I could ever
have an abortion (I started taking the pill about a year before I even had
sex), after politicization, I stopped being very careful. I had read a bit
about herbal abortion, and fully believed that herbs could terminate a
pregnancy and that herbs were a good back-up plan. When I found out I
was pregnant, I was traveling, and it was very stressful trying to find the
herbs in the rural area I was. I also didn't have my zines with the herbal
A friend of mine however had Self-ritual for invoking release of
spirit life in the womb by Deborah Main and so I followed the herbal
part of her recipe – 10 tincture drops each black and blue cohosh every 2
hours and 10 drops rue tincture every 6 hours. I didn't do the rituals she
laid out because I didn't believe in ritual. I didn't start to bleed. I tried
some visualizations, tried hot baths, increased the dosage, started to feel
like I was a complete failure – like I wasn't connected enough to my
body to make this work. I had really bad morning sickness (something I
experienced every pregnancy since). I'm not really sure if the herbs
made me any sicker, but they didn't work. I ended up getting an abortion

at a clinic – this was before clinics had the type of insane regulations
they have now. The clinic I went to was in a house that was converted to
a clinic. There were families and kids playing with toys in the waiting
room. It was normalized in a way that was such a huge relief.
In my 20's I got pregnant two more times. I tried herbs. The
information I had at this point recommended way higher dosages that I
had tried when I was 18. I can't find the recipe, but I remember drinking
a LOT of tea, very hot penny-royal, I think the Cohoshes again, Tansy
and Rue, megadosing Vit. C. I can't remember but I felt awful. Again it
didn't work. Again I felt like I was a failure. First I was a failure because
I got pregnant, and then again because I couldn't get the herbs to work. I
had so-so experiences at the clinics. The first one was covered by
Medicaid (I had to apply for medicaid as the unborn child! But at least it
was still covered then in some states), the second was expensive and I
had to borrow a lot of money and it was difficult to pay it back.
I wanted to learn to do menstrual extraction. It seemed like a safer
and more effective way to take our health back into our own hands. In
my early 30's I got involved with a group of people who formed to learn
about reproductive health. Everyone had different ideas of what the
focus should be, and we spent a few months learning about the
menstrual cycle, nutrition, alternative healing, etc. Eventually everyone
left the group except for four people who wanted to learn menstrual

extraction. We didn't have any idea how we would learn it, but started
where we could.
We met weekly, and practiced speculum exams on each other. We
had a nurse come and teach us how to do pelvic exams. We discussed
policies – like would we except cis-male partners or support people in
the room, what would our security protocol look like, etc. We met like
this for about a year, and presented workshops on various topics –
self-defense, the menstrual cycle, natural fertility awareness, etc.
Eventually we were invited to a gathering of other health groups
where there was a midwife who did menstrual extraction. She taught us
the basic procedure, and we received a one-way bypass valve, sounds,
and cannulas. We did not feel even vaguely ready to start doing
menstrual extractions to end pregnancies, but started practicing on each
other during our periods. One of our members would typically go into
shock when the cannula went through her os, so that was scary but good
to have the experience of dealing with.
We met another group who had been doing menstrual extraction
for many years, and had a more rigorous approach to the procedure than
the midwife had. We studied with them for a weekend, and felt much
more prepared. They shared with us their emergency procedures and
other really useful documents.
Eventually we started performing menstrual extractions on friends

who got pregnant. Some went very smoothly, some were very difficult
or unsuccessful. Because we didn't have access to lidocaine (a injectable
numbing agent) we could not dilate the os and so could only do very
early pregnancies. The menstrual extractions we tried that were over six
weeks from the last menstrual period were unsuccessful – or led to
miscarriage or hemorrhage a few days after the procedure. We were able
to deal successfully with hemorrhage with herbs which was amazing, but
overall, I believe fairly traumatizing for the person. Logistically,
providing menstrual extraction was very taxing. When someone would
reach out to us, we usually had just a couple days to try and get
everything in order – meet with them, go over the risks, other options,
and pre-care – get a place cleaned and set up – rearrange our schedules –
meet with their support person – confidentiality talks. The post-care was
difficult to follow up with.
There are things that were really empowering about menstrual
extraction. Being in a committed group for a handful of years that met
regularly and worked on all the emotions that arose when we discussed
our bodies, and the powerful emotions that come up when we allow our
bodies to be present together was amazing. Being able to do free or low
cost pregnancy terminations in the comfort of people's homes was great.
Being able to facilitate a person moving through the experience of
pregnancy termination with care and support and allow them to really

explore and honor whatever emotions were or were not connected with it
was transformational. Taking back control of this basic human right was
amazing. I think some people had really empowering experiences when
we worked with them – and went on to become more involved in
political work.
I have mixed feelings about the time I spent working on menstrual
extraction. I think it is absolutely essential knowledge that we must hold
on to and pass on. I also think it is very limited in the scope of who it
can reach and who it can help. I think if people want to learn to do
menstrual extraction, they should be very serious, form a group, start to
learn to be really present and proficient at exams, learn to support each
other, and decide how they would support both each other and the people
they are helping before, during and after the menstrual extraction. I think
the support is probably the most important part of the offering, and
would like to see groups form to provide support to people going
through medical abortions.

I took the abortion pill a couple years ago, when I was about six
weeks pregnant. I did it at my apartment. I set a timer for a half
hour after putting the pills in my cheeks and suddenly KNEW it

was about to happen about 30 seconds before the alarm went off.
The timing was SO exact.
My instinct was to take the pill instead of getting a surgical
procedure because it seemed more low-key somehow. Like
because I wasn't having an actual surgical procedure it would feel
less invasive. I was wrong! One thing I wish I had really
understood beforehand is that instead of a medical provider
physically removing the fetal tissue, your body spontaneously
forces it out of you. It's not less invasive, it's just something that
suddenly starts happening inside you, which was a very creepy
and scary feeling. The doctor said to go to an emergency room if
anything felt "wrong", which was basically impossible to gauge as
a person who had never had an abortion before and didn't know
what level of pain indicated danger.
It was the second-worst pain I have ever experienced in my
life, right behind pinching my sciatic nerve. It lasted about 45
minutes at its most acute, but time during an abortion is intensely
relative. My doctor had given me an extra strength naproxen, but
no actual painkillers. Lying down in a warm shower was the only
thing that made it bearable. The pain aspect, and the
hormonal-emotional aspects are really downplayed in a lot of the
information available online, which is likely a result of

stigma/pressure to not seem inhumane, and also so as to not
scare folks out of getting them just because the pain really is that
bad and you likely are going to be deeply depressed and
hormonal for a while after. It was a Cronenberg nightmare, but
also incredibly straightforward; the only thing to do is let it happen
and sleep it off. Take oxys, take xanax, don't feel bad about it. I
was not prepared on account of not fully understanding what my
body was going to go through, and that made my experience
more difficult than it had to be.
I bled for a month straight afterward, but also kept riding my
bike and started having sex before I was actually healed. I'm a
sex worker, so I couldn't really take off all the time I needed, which
made overall healing take longer. I got a cervical infection, which
was gross and technically preventable. I also went into one of the
deepest depressions of my entire life. I was despondent. I was in
so much grief, but also totally without regret, which was a
confusing way to feel. I'm also trans, so there was an ultra
nihilistic dysphoria aspect to it all, and a near-total absence of
people for me to talk to who understood that element.
I have absolutely no regrets about getting the abortion, and I
still would not consider any other option if I could do it over, or
ever need to again. My only real regret is not getting a surgical

abortion and getting my tubes tied at the same time. I should have
had painkillers and anxiety meds on hands and it was cruel for my
doctor to not provide them. That said, my Medicaid insurance
covered 100% of the cost, which would have been about $600,
and everyone working at the clinic was great (although I played
cis -- no idea how things would have gone if I showed up in my
usual gender presentation or asked to be called a different name).
All in all, it was successful. The only advantage of the pill
abortion is that you can collect it in a jar and keep it, if that's your

I got pregnant for the first time on a mountain top in oregon,
my girlfriend at the time like literally fell asleep while we were
fucking, she had just cum inside me. I lay there awake, feeling the
magic of that mountain, and a vivid presence next to me, that
moved with the wind into my body. Everything around was still,
yet stirring, quiet, and loud. Stars speckled above, the smell of the
air crisp and cold. Trees creaking in the way they do, crickets,
katydids, and other critters chorused around me. I don’t know how
or why, but I knew immediately I was pregnant. I don’t know if it
was the presence- that so clearly joined us, or just the deep dread

that pregnancy could be the outcome. I woke the next morning
and quickly pushed those moments away from me-leaving them
on that mountain-ignoring what my body had told me, the trees,
the wind, the stars.
I didn’t face it again for another six weeks, once my period
was late-and the fucking sickness had settled in. At this point I
was on the other side of the country, at the RNC protests in
NYC-2nd Bush, 2nd term. But I was barely at the protests, too
tired and nauseous, I watched most of it on cspan, from the 14th
floor of a nyc apartment. Pissing on a pregnancy test, the positive
line showed immediately. From the moment I knew I was
pregnant (on that mountain top) I knew I didn’t want to be.
At the time I knew a little about herbs. I had used them for
menstrual cramps, colds and flus etc. I had learned from library
books (the internet wasn’t like it is now) and zines. I knew I
needed an abortion, and even though I was very familiar with
abortion clinics (having been an escort for a few years) I was
honestly scared to get one. I had never had a pelvic or
gynecological exam, due to no insurance and a history of sexual
trauma-It was something I had avoided. The thought of an
“invasive” surgery was triggering. And the pills at that time still
had a lot of misinformation and warnings. So I wanted to use

herbs. I dug out my trusty Hotpants, I had used it for advice on
cramps and other things and had so far been a great resource.
But there’s not much instruction in that zine. Just a list of
herbs-categorically, like abortifacients, emmenagogues etc. I got
some of the herbs. I made a strong tea- i think I drank like a quart.
I felt sick. Nothing happened. I called the abortion clinic the
following monday.
When I called to schedule my appointment-I wasn’t able to
say “I need an abortion”- I was surprised how much shame I felt
even though an abortion was the only thing I wanted and I was
pro-abortion and never wanted to have kids. It was probably the
first time I really experienced how much I had internalized the
stigma our culture has surrounding abortion, and being in my
early 20’s hadn’t done much work around unlearning or having
awareness of the unconscious bias I was subjecting myself to.
My experience at the clinic was really sweet. I was so
scared. My partner came with me. There was a wall of protesters
outside who all knew me from being an escort. Everyone at the
clinic was very nice and supportive. The procedure was incredibly
painful, but lasted like 4 minutes. The person in the room held my
hand and talked me through everything. I puked my brains out
afterwards, but was surprised when I sat up on the table and felt

immediately not pregnant! I was so relieved. They took me to the
recovery room, and I honestly can't remember if I still had cramps
or not. The recovery room was a semicircle of reclining chairs.
There were a few other people already in there and more brought
in while I waited my 30 minutes to make sure everything was
normal. To me, that was the most empowered I have ever felt. To
be in a room, full of people who just all had an abortion-knowing
what it had felt like to have been pregnant, not wanting to be
pregnant - and now, kinda magically not pregnant-felt fucking
incredible. There were so many emotions and reactions. Some
people were happy and almost dancing in their chairs. Some were
clearly sad and going through a mourning process. I looked
around and I felt the collective power there, and my heart poured
over. I remember leaving the clinic and my partner purposely
trying to run over the protesters while I flipped them off. We went
to the library to get some dvd movies. I fell asleep in the car, and
only woke up to move to the couch and sleep the rest of the day.
I feel so grateful for everyone in the past, present and future
who fought, or continue to, so I could not be pregnant when I was
and didn’t want to be.
I started studying herbs more formally in 2006 a few years
later-not cause I wanted to be an herbalist, but because I wanted

to do something for myself. As a community organizer and
activist- I had been putting all my energy into other people,
projects and causes and I wasn’t putting anything into myself.
Who knew I’d be where I’m at today from that small decision. But
after the first weekend of classes I was like-I want this to be my
It wasn’t until the second program that I took that the teacher
gave a class on herbal abortions. It felt like an intense class,
hearing the teachers experience, warnings and seriousness of
sharing the knowledge. I came away from it thinking- wow, I
messed around with those herbs not knowing shit and also-of
course It didn’t work for me-the amount I took was like nothing
compared to the dosages you need to poison yourself enough to
end a pregnancy. And that’s honestly what that class taught me.
That you are taking herbs that are completely toxic to the liver and
kidneys (and therefore the developing pregnancy) in a dosage
that is poisonous and could kill you and causes birth defects to a
developing embryo if it survives (and it often does). Yes you are
also taking herbs that contract the uterus and help to expel the
pregnancy, but those herbs won’t work on their own, if they did
we’d be in an easier position. The class taught me that if you’re
gonna use herbs, you gotta have a plan for going to a clinic if they

don’t work. And it taught me that not only is it very dangerous, but
it’s really, really rare that it works. And my experiences with herbal
abortions after that confirmed those lessons.
Becoming an herbalist, opens the door to people contacting
you about herbal abortions-people come to you for it. Mainly for
the same reason I sought it- I wanted to avoid an invasive
surgery, other people see it as more natural, they think it’s
possibly safer, and also it’s cheaper and potentially more
accessible. So I worked with people using the information from
that class. Each time, the herbs didn’t work and the person just
got really fucking sick. It was scary. I knew I needed to learn
more- so I sought out more classes and talked with other
herbalists and midwives. I researched. And I started working at an
abortion clinic.
Of course through it all, I learned that a surgical abortion is
the quickest, safest way to end a pregnancy. And although it is
“invasive” in the sense that some doctor is all up in your junk, it’s
not cutting into the body or doing anything that really needs any
healing afterwards. The dr goes in through the natural opening to
the uterus and scrapes/sucks out the lining (what is normally shed
during a menstrual period) and the pregnancy tissues. The uterus
clamps down (cramping), shrinking to it’s normal size (also a

natural process part of birth and menstruation). And that’s it. Yeah
it’s fucking painful. But you don’t damage your vital organs, you’re
not cramping and puking for 24 hrs (like can happen with the
pills). And you don’t bleed for the next 6 weeks shedding the
lining that built up while you were pregnant. Also, people who
work at abortion clinics are bad asses and really care about you
(not to say that everyone has a great experience at abortion
clinics-but that it’s less scary than most of us think). And I also
learned that there are safer, more effective ways of using herbs
and that information isn’t readily out there.
So that brings us to this zine. I wanted to put everything I’ve
been learning (or at least a good chunk of it) into some sort of
useful guide. Part of me feels some urgency with it, now that the
supreme court is made up of enough people to overturn Roe. But
also, abortion pills are becoming more accessible and spreading
that information more also feels important, because honestly
abortions are really expensive and cost is probably the biggest
deterrent second from accessing clinics.
I also hoped to get stories out there from people who have
accessed abortion outside of a clinic setting, whether they tried
herbs, menstrual extraction or sourcing pills from outside the
country. There are so many people out there experimenting and

also keeping the knowledge alive. People don’t talk about it alot,
but so many of us have abortions, or pregnancy scares, and
many have tried herbs. And a good number of people try other
dangerous things like bleach or other chemicals, or getting really
fucked up on drugs. So I reached out to a friend who I know has
as much interest and knowledge and we started working on it. I
hope that it will grow with more stories and personal experiences.
The short of the herbal info is this, using herbs to prevent
implantation of a fertilized egg is your number one goal, and using
herbs to bring on menstruation before and when you are
supposed to get your period is gonna have a much higher
success rate and is much safer. This means that using herbs
starts at the “whoops” moment or during ovulation and continues
until you get your period. I strongly believe that people should not
use herbs once they are pregnant enough that it’s showing up in a
pregnancy test. I honestly think that it’s too late (the herbs often
won’t work) and too dangerous a process at that point. And this is
the reason why I think that herbs didn’t work for me or people that
I had worked with- they came to me once they knew they were
pregnant, which is usually after they miss their period-putting
them at 5-6 weeks pregnant. In my opinion the pregnancy is too
established at that point to fuck with herbs.

Fifteen years ago I gave myself an herbal abortion. My life
was in turmoil. I had just moved all the way across the country
from all of my friends and family. I was living in a city for the first
time. I was in culture shock. I had no friends, and no job. I had
$3,000 to my name which was rapidly disappearing and I was
apartment-sitting for someone I had known back in college while
he was out of town for three months. This was the time-frame in
which the plan was to land a job and a place. As life would have it
along the way I fell in love, and immediately got pregnant. Which
was incredibly painful because part of what was stirring in my soul
at that time was a desire to find my person and start a family.
So you think I would have been elated, but about a week
before I realized I was pregnant I walked in on my guy and some
other woman. It clearly wasn’t a stable and honest relationship
that I could lean into. And because I was pregnant and full of
nesting hormones my fateful run-in that day nearly put me out of
my mind with rage and grief and fear. The only person I had
trusted in the depths of my vulnerability had betrayed me. And I
was at this point fully committed to a civic and environmental
campaign to save a very special piece of land that I had just

moved to (from that previously mentioned apartment sit), that was
under threat to be developed and whose development would
endanger an entire forest (the property was on the headwaters).
There are so many other factors that made my decision feel
imperative even though it was never what I ever thought I’d do if I
found I was pregnant. But for this writing let it be sufficient to say
that with no support system, no committed partner, no friends or
family nearby, no job and no money, and a fully commanding
campaign to save the only home I found I just didn’t see a way for
me to say yes to this life.
It was an incredibly personal and painful decision. I also
knew that there was no way I could undergo a clinical abirtion. I
fervently believe in access to them, but Iwas raised on herbal
medicine and rarely had ever seen a doctor. For me the plants
had to be the way. But with herbs you have a much narrower
window of efficacy than a clinical abortion. As fate would have it
when I discovered my pregnancy I was back east for a brief visit
to my family before I was slated to accompany my younger sister
on our first ever visit to our ancestral motherland. What I read said
that herbs need to be employed within the first 8 weeks of
pregnancy. I was six weeks from my last period and heading
overseas for two weeks. I would need to take the herbs with me

and do the course as I traveled. I also read that the abortifacent
herbs are really toxic and that once you do the course if they don’t
work thta you need to commit to a clinical abortion at that point
because the damage done to the fetus could mean a damaged
baby if carried to term. So I was committed to making sure the
herbs worked because I knew I just couldn’t handle a clinical
For one week I took two dropperfuls each (every three hours
around the clock) of rue, black cohosh, blue cohosh as well as
dong quai (for hormonal support) and eleuthero (for endurance). I
knew I was taking lobelia as well but at this juncture it’s hard for
me to imagine that I was taking it in two dropperful doses, but I
also don’t remember having separate dosages for anything I was
taking, so perhaps I did - which is just astounding because it is an
intense pergative. I was also topically applying pennyroyal tincture
over my womb. And I prayed. A lot. I talked to the spirit of my
child A LOT. I constantly told it how much I loved it, and wanted it
to come back to me someday. I explained to it that I was not yet
able to give it a solid home or a good family.
I had also read that taking these herbs at this dose level
should be done for no longer than one week. The toxicity after
that point could cause lasting damage to my organs or cause me

to get severely sick. So for the first half of my trip I was putting
heavy toxins into my body every three hours while I sat and met
relatives for the first time or traveled to the village where my
grandmother had grown up. It was surreal and painful, both
emotionally and physically. The course of herbs gave me intense
headaches and made me extremely nauseous. The headache
would have just dulled to tolerable and my alarm would go off
cueing me to take another round. Near the end it was incredibly
hard for me to get the doses down. My body feeling the poison
would resist intensely. It was very hellish*
Once the week was done there was nothing I could do but
wait. At least I was feeling better each day that passed in which I
didn’t have to take anymore of the herbs. Luckily 3 days after I
stopped the herbs I was sitting in a restaurant with my brother,
sister and cousin and felt the blood let down. It was a wave of
complicated emotions. Such immense relief and such
unmatchable sorrow. I spent that day by the sea. I needed to be
with the big water and the sunshine. It was a long road of
recovery still for me. Ther herbs had worked. But the toxins and
the stress had taken their toll and I went into a deep depression
as well as a bodily fatigue I had never known.

We continued to work to save the land we lived on and
eventually succeeded. It would take me nearly four years before I
no longer felt despair and grief when I would think of the loss of
that first pregnancy. But eventually it would become a piece of
me, a peace had grown from that journey into the underworld. I
grew immensely strong in spirit from having come through that
dark time and knew in a way no one can unless they have faced
that choice what a sacred responsibility it is to be a gatekeeper at
the doorway to life. And noone save those endowed with that
sacred responsibility can judge what it is to stand at that gate.
There is a reason we are here though. And whatever our choices
are each time there is a knock on that gate we will birth. We birth
life. We birth death. We grow stronger either way. And we come to
understand how inextricable those two forces are. I would never
change my choice. IT forever changed me. I am who I am
because of it.
*I wish to acknowledge that after this event, close friends would
share my story with other women who found themselves for their
own reasons needing to end a pregnancy and I never heard of
anyone else making it through a full week of this course of herbs
at this dose level. All of those people ended up regularly vomiting
or feeling too weak or sick to complete. I eventually stopped

sharing what my recipe had been because it was really painful to
hear stories of women who made themselves really sick and
weak with herbs and then had to undergo a clinical abortion

At 19, I became pregnant. This was a month after trying to
get my tubes tied(I needed to be 21 for the state to pay for the
surgery). I scoured the internet. I tried vitamin c as a suppository,
but I don’t remember the ratio. I got a horrible yeast infection and
stopped. I started looking at How To’s on diy abortion. Was like,
what the hell is a tincture? What is pennyroyal? Parsley, I know
what that is but don’t think it was doing anything when I shoved it
in my vagina.
I made an appointment to get a clinical abortion. Luckily one
of the closest ones to me then was in a low income area and only
cost $40. I told one person and they offered to go with me. We
biked there together, maybe ten plus miles. I only had $11 and my
friend gave me the rest. It was fast and only slightly painful. I
stared at the dust floating in the air above me while it was
happening and they gave out apple juice after. I biked back with
my friend and had no bleeding or pain following. The person that

had cum inside me had no idea that anything had happened and I
never talked to him again.
Then I was 21. My partner and I at the time were openly
experimenting with herbal contraceptives at this time. I was much
more familiar with plant medicine and herbal procedures at this
point. During ovulation I was taking wild carrot(seed or flower I
don’t remember now) in the form of tea. Trying to do a tbsp or so
in a cup of tea 3-4 times daily. I didn’t have easy access to hot
water(deep woods living with only a wood stove) so that method
was difficult at the time. I don’t believe I was consistent enough to
gain any benefit from the wild carrot. Knowing I was at risk of
being pregnant and not being confident in my work with wild
carrot I started looking into the next step.
I started drinking mugwort tea in the evenings for the five
days prior to when I expected my period. Three or four days into
that, I also started taking black cohosh and dong quai in the form
of tincture, 15 drops each 3-4 times daily(I don’t remember if I
was waking up at night to take the fourth dose or if I squeezed it
into the day hours.
[This part may drop skeptics, but I’m going to include it as it
was definitely a factor in this for me] A few days after my missed
period, and while taking the herbs, my partner of the time did a

sex ritual on me (not with my direct knowledge in the moment,
though it was fine). I experienced it as an extremely strong and
thorough orgasm. Fifteen minutes later I was in the process of
taking my morning dose and started bleeding. Cramps were
tremendous and I was able to catch all of my blood and found a
small cluster of the mycelial tissues. I did not have access to a
pregnancy test during this process.
The next month I thought I was pregnant again (my cycle
was rotating) I started taking herbs and bled a week late. I had no
pain and decided it was a false alarm. My cycle continued on a
five week rotation for a few months after that before settling again.
During all of this I was doing A LOT of research on herbal
contraceptives and abortions. Through my own process of trauma
and healing I was deeply uncomfortable with needing to rely on
others and felt intense distrust of my being under the care of
medical practitioners. I was scared I would end up with a surprise
hysterectomy at the hands of a doctor. I was searching for other
methods to sterilize myself.* I also had no access to money in my
early twenties and felt really affected by the power that was
stripped from me and the risks I faced when buying proper
medical care wasn’t an option. The seed for my connection to
plants and herbalism is deeply embedded in those feelings. I

needed to find ways to feel strong in myself and I wanted to be a
safe source of support, health, and healing for others that felt
restrictions from mainstream systems, or who just wanted to
create or hold onto a different way.
I had set up a “women’s” group at this same time, mostly for
bonding. Two friends were concerned they were both pregnant at
the same time. A group got together to look at each of their cervix
(I wasn’t there for this event). They found that one had no blue tint
to her cervix and they decided she wasn’t pregnant and she did
end up bleeding within the week. The other did have a blue tint to
her cervix. She made one cup of tansy tea and drank it. Felt it
move down through her body and she started bleeding
immediately. There was no other way to confirm pregnancy at the
time, so mostly that one is anecdotal.
I read a bit about menstrual extraction and was really excited
about finding a way to learn how to do that. Magically that winter,
while trapped in the mountains this person showed up where I
was living who had been trained as a midwife. My friends and I
had been interested in meeting her for other reasons but one day
she mentioned that she knew how to do this procedure and
wanted to teach people how to do it. The next week she realized
she was pregnant and offered to teach us on herself with a

del-em. I did most of the procedure myself and two others were
there for support, one of them stepping in to get a feel for it. It was
so long ago I don’t remember much of the feel of it, besides going
through the cervix and how much the uterus collapsed at the end.
It was successful. Emotionally it was warm and sad and inspiring.
About 6 months after my herbal abortion an issue came up
again. I was thinking one day about how my cycle had linked up
with my friend who I was living with. But then she had started
bleeding but I hadn’t. I started getting really strong feels about
how great having a baby would be and how happy it would make
me. (For context, I was very against myself having a baby at this
time.) Those feels are how I realized I was pregnant. Also eating
became really difficult and uncomfortable for me and I was
repulsed by almost everything. I don’t remember if I confirmed
with a test or not, a lot of time has passed.
For five days I made a tea, taken three times a day, of
pennyroyal, angelica root, and ginger root. It was a decoction of
ginger and angelica. I strained it and poured it hot over the
pennyroyal and allowed it to seep for 15 minutes. I drank it as hot
as I could. Day six I took a break. On day seven I started the
same recipe and protocol again and started bleeding that day.
When I was 25 it felt like a portal to hell opened in my uterus:

This experience was extremely difficult for me in almost
every way. First, the person this happened with did not, at any
point, have any consent to cum inside me. This also coincided
with me moving to a new state where I still needed housing and
only had sporadic work available and was about to start school. I
was also socially distracted from seeing old friends and meeting a
lot of new people. So, by the time I remembered I had a situation I
needed to deal with, I was already multiple days late, at least five.
I started with tansy by itself. 1-2 tbsp dried in a cup of hot
water. Seeped for 15 minutes. Doing that 3 times a day. I had my
first dose later in the day and could feel mild contractions. I let
myself become distracted and didn’t dose again for almost 12
hours. After that, taking my doses I could not feel any contractions
and with each day I became more stressed.
At this time, this person realized I was pregnant. He, feeling
that his “time was ticking”, was upset that I wasn’t trying to keep
the baby. He offered no support and wouldn’t offer financial
support if I needed to go to a clinic. Then started calling me a
bitch and his nemesis and bad mouthing me super hard. I
stopped talking to him completely. With the emotional drama, plus
my housing situation falling through, and the growing sense that

the herbs weren’t going to work I became really stressed and
started raising my doses a lot.
I switched at some point to the pennyroyal, angelica, ginger
recipe(angelica and ginger decoction poured over pennyroyal and
allowed to steep). I was taking herbs for a total of three weeks. I
was getting really strong symptoms of toxicity from high dosing,
but, doing the work on my own, I had let my stress take over my
decision making.
I stopped taking herbs and realized, when talking to a friend,
that I knew someone in my town that performed menstrual
extractions. We talked and she offered to support me in that way.
When she did the menstrual extraction she said that it seemed
that I was about to bleed at any moment. But that is how I felt the
entire time and still after the procedure, I didn’t bleed. The
menstrual extraction was mildly painful but mostly comfortable
and I got to play music I enjoyed. The person I was working with I
felt really safe around and I appreciated having another person
around to vent some of that difficulty to. When I still wouldn’t
bleed, via recommendation, I went to one of those pro-life clinics
that offer free ultrasounds and they told me they were receiving
no heartbeat. So, through it all, the pregnancy was terminated but
nothing would expel itself. I decided to take misoprostol to force

the contractions and prevent infection from an incomplete
abortion. I started taking the pills as suppositories early in the day.
I started bleeding by evening. I spent a lot of time in the
bathroom, I bled a lot and was curled up in a ball of pain on the
couch for hours in what a friend referred to as my “miso coma”.
After, I did nothing but lay in bed for three days listening to
the soothing voice and words of James Baldwin. At day five I went
on a class hike and became stimulated and continued to miscarry
and bleed and was on the verge of voming for a couple hours. I
did have a really nice moment with a bleeding heart(plant) I found
myself laying next to. But I had to awkwardly part from my class til
they finished their field trip. The icing on the cake for me was that,
with how my body and emotions were affected in that process I
was unable to work for two months (I was doing sex work
exclusively at the time), and having a much higher rent than I was
accustomed to, I ended up not having the money to even finish
that year of schooling. Also that guy ran into a friend of mine and
was bragging that I wouldn’t talk to him anymore because he had
gotten me pregnant. Though late time with the herbs was a big
issue, I’m deeply convinced that I had such a hard time actually
aborting because of the negative relationship the other person
had to the process, which was very different from my prior

experiences. I was constantly feeling really strong energetic pulls
from him throughout the experience.
Though this was hard for me, the knowledge seeker in me was
really interested in the wide variety of experiences the situation
allowed me to have. I’m glad to better understand what people
can experience in those moments.
I’ve also since had some serious health issues related to my
liver that I believe to be sourced at overdosing on tansy and
pennyroyal for weeks plus my dose of miso, combined with the
ensuing drinking habit that followed for the next year. It’s taken a
few years of herbal support and conscious life switches to see
shifts in my liver health and I still regularly have issues I face.
About a year ago I had another scare. I started taking herbs
around conception. I was using a juniper tincture. Taking about 20
drops multiple times throughout the day for five days. That was at
least five times a day, but really it was whenever I would think
about it, which was more. I would take the tincture sporadically
through the following couple weeks.
I don’t know if the juniper offered any benefit to the process. I
relate success to the following herbs I took. The two days before I
expected my menstruation. I started drinking a tea of angelica
root and mugwort. I would just seep it cold, in a quart of water, for

hours never actually straining it out until the next batch. It was
about 2-3 tbsp of each, per quart. I would drink that throughout
the day. That night before my expected period, I also ingested a
weed edible. I became horribly weed sick and started bleeding
with heavy painful contractions. It was an awful combo. I didn’t
realize it was my period at first and I had 70% convinced myself
that I had somehow poisoned myself and was dieing. ( I was able
to alleviate the paranoia a couple hours in with rescue remedy
essence) I felt mostly fine the next day, though spacey and
exhausted. The situation did bring up old feelings of isolation and
the circumstances of that moment weren’t especially supportive
and were unable to alleviate those feelings (I was on a road trip).
That did feel hard. It was comforting to not have my period at all
late though and I did collect the blood and found the mycelial
tissue present.
Not too long ago I acquired supplies for home menstrual
extractions with an MVA. I ended up pregnant again and because
of liver issues would prefer not using herbs. The clinic option
would have been $1200 expected upfront.
I asked my friend who was relatively familiar with ME to do it
for me and we set up a really cozy station in my room. I was
laying in my partner’s lap. It was so healing to be so comfortable

and supported in that moment. That session wasn’t successful, so
we did end up trying again on a second occasion as we were
having a hard time getting suction with the device and getting the
cannula in deep enough, though as I wasn’t handling it, I’m not
confident what the block really was. With those two sessions we
hardly got any tissue or blood. I was almost 8 weeks pregnant
with pretty tolerable symptoms but was struggling with stress and
loss of motivation.
I decided to do it on myself and when I found the energy, I
just did it. The hardest part was lining the speculum up so I could
get a clear view of my cervix through a hand mirror. I had no
issues with suction. I did have to pull the cannula all of the way
out each time I emptied the MVA, which I didn’t like having to do.
The texture of the embryo and placenta was way different than I
expected and, once I realized, was really obviously different from
the rest of the blood. But the feeling was very similar to the
sandpaper feel that’s described towards the end. Once the
speculum was in place it took me about 40 minutes, which I
imagine would be less time with more experience and a better
angle. There was a lot of blood and tissue and I bled for a couple
days after. I was concerned about getting an infection after

opening my cervix so many times but it seems that my body is
resistant to that type of issue.
* Most of those early adult years I was really interested in
getting my tubes tied or finding some other method to sterilize
myself. Some of this was influenced by someone I had been
dating at the time and some from my response to trauma. Not to
sway anyone’s relationship with their own body, but for an
accurate understanding of the experiences I shared, I just want to
be clear that I’m very glad I didn’t get my tubes tied at 19 or 21. I
relate very differently to my body and my desires now in ways I
would never have comprehended in those years.

Sourcing Supplies and Herbs

Research and buy from local sources and farms as you are able
Places to buy herbs online or over the phone:
Healing Spirits Farm
Pacific Botanicals
Cutting Root Apothecary
Zack Woods Farm
Frontier Herbs- (not good quality, but cheaper)

Don’t buy herbs for ingesting from occult shops as they are not
necessarily acquired for physiological value and may sit around
for longer periods, losing much of their potency.

How to Make Herbal Preparations:

Sourcing the Abortion Pills:
Ships to 20 US States - $239
Will ship anywhere including the US $95 usd-process is through a
doctor and legal under US law and FDA regulations (as of 2019).
Will only ship to countries where abortion is illegal $70-90 Euros.
Information on Abortion access in countries around the world,
including local numbers for information.
Find out if your country has misoprostol over the counter and
what names it is sold as.

Research on cotton root usage and history:
Gossypium spp. (Cotton root bark): A symbol of Herbal
Resistance by Karen L. Culpepper
Printed in The Journal of American Herbalist Guild Vol. 15
number 2 2017

Slavery in the United States by John Simkin 2014

A Modern Herbal by Maud Grieve 1930

A Manual of Organic Materia Medica and Pharmacognosy

4th edition by Lucius E. Sayre 1917

Ibuprofen and Misoprostol:

Information on Rhogam:

Mail Order information and other info for purchasing pills


Performing Clinical abortions:

Management of Unintended and Abnormal Pregnancy:
Comprehensive Abortion Care 1st edition 2009 By Maureen
Paul | E. Steve Lichtenberg | Lynn Borgatta | David A.Grimes
| Phillip G. Stubblefield | Mitchell D. Creinin

Wild Carrot Seed Studies:
Neem as Contraceptive:*

*Warning that this article link uses a lot of language about
population control


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