Unit 05 - Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

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Speed, Power, Torque, and
DC Motors Unit5:

In Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors, you build a VEX test stand winch that enables
you to learn key engineering concepts and principles so you can directly apply mathematics and
science to robotics. The test stand will be used again and enhanced in Unit 6: Gears, Chains, and
The concepts regarding speed, power, torque, and DC motors have countless real-world
applications. In STEM Connections, we present one application involving the operation of a free
fall amusement park ride. After completing the Think and Build phases, you see how the concepts
of speed, power, torque and DC motors come into play in the real world.

Unit Objectives
After completing Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors, you will be able to:

Demonstrate the physical concepts of speed, force, torque, power, acceleration, and
characteristics of DC Motors.
■ Create and define characteristics of a shaft using Autodesk® Inventor® Professional 2009.

Test a VEX motor and build a simple winch.

Determine and calculate the free speed and stall torque of a VEX motor.

Prerequisites and Resources

Related resources for Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors are:

Unit 1: Introduction to VEX and Robotics.

Unit 2: Introduction to Autodesk® Inventor®.
■ Unit 3: Building a Protobot.

Unit 4: Microcontroller and Transmitter Overview.

Key Terms and Definitions
The following key terms are used in Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors.

Term Definition
Acceleration A change in speed over time.
Chamfer A placed feature that bevels a part edge and is defined by its placement,
size, and angle.
DC motor An electric rotating machine energized by direct current and used to
convert electric energy to mechanical energy.
Direct current (DC) An electric current flowing in one direction only.
Force Accelerations are caused by forces. For example, when a robot is
accelerating it does so because of the force its wheels exert on the floor
Keyway A slot for a key in the hub or shaft of a wheel. This permits the shaft and
wheel to turn together.
Power Energy that is produced by mechanical, electrical, or other means and
used to operate a device.
– OR –
The time-rate of doing work, measured in watts or less frequently
Relief An undercut on a shaft. Typically used between the shoulder of a shaft and
a threaded section. This makes it easier to cut a thread on a shaft.
Shaft Often referred to as a drive shaft. A mechanical device for transferring
power from the engine or motor to where it is wanted.
Speed Measure of how fast an object is moving, that is, how much distance it will
travel over a given time.
Torque Torque is the application of force where there is rotational motion.
Work The measure of a force exerted over a distance.
Wrench flat Flat surfaces cut on opposite sides of a shaft. These flats are sized for
standard wrench openings and allow for assembly of the shaft.

2 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

Required Supplies and Software
The following supplies and software are used in Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors.

Supplies Software
One VEX Transmitter Autodesk Inventor Professional 2009
One VEX Microcontroller
One 7.2V VEX Battery
One assembled VEX motor test stand from the Unit 5:
Speed, Power, Torque, DC Motors > Build Phase
One zip tie
Notebook and pen
Work surface
One Stopwatch
36” of 1/8” braided nylon and polyester cord, or equivalent
Set of masses or other weights
Small storage container for loose parts

Required VEX Parts

The following VEX parts are required in Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors > Build Phase.

Quantity Part Number Abbreviation

4 BEAM-1000 B1
2 BEAM-2000 B2
2 SCREW-632-0500 SS4
8 SCREW-832-0250 S2
4 SCREW-832-0500 B4
6 SCREW-832-0750 S6

■ 3
Quantity Part Number Abbreviation
1 SHAFT-4000 SQ4
1 VL-CHAN-121-15 RevA C15
2 VL-CHAN-151-25 RevA CW25

Academic Standards
The following national academic standards are supported in Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque,
and DC Motors.

Phase Academic Standard

Think Science (NSES)
Unifying Concepts and Processes: Form and Function
Physical Science: Motion and Forces
Science and Technology: Abilities of Technological Design
Technology (ITEA)
5.8: The Attributes of Design
5.9: Engineering Design
6.12: Use and Maintain Technological Products and Systems
Mathematics (NCTM)
Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics.
Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of

4 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

Phase Academic Standard
Create Science (NSES)
Unifying Concepts and Processes: Form and Function
Physical Science: Motions and Forces
Science and Technology: Abilities of Technological Design
Technology (ITEA)
5.8: The Attributes of Design
5.9: Engineering Design
6.12: Use and Maintain Technological Products and Systems
Mathematics (NCTM)
Numbers and Operations
Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers,
and number systems.
Algebra Standard
Understand patterns, relations, and functions.
Geometry Standard
Use visualization, spatial reasoning, and geometric modeling to solve problems.
Measurement Standard
Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of
Build Science (NSES)
Unifying Concepts and Processes: Form and Function
Physical Science: Motion and Forces
Science and Technology: Abilities of Technological Design
Technology (ITEA)
5.8: The Attributes of Design
5.9: Engineering Design
6.12: Use and Maintain Technological Products and Systems
Mathematics (NCTM)
Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics.
Understand measurable attributes of objects and the units, systems, and processes of

■ 5
Phase Academic Standard
Amaze Science (NSES)
Unifying Concepts and Processes: Form and Function
Physical Science: Motion and Forces
Science and Technology: Abilities of Technological Design
Technology (ITEA)
5.8: The Attributes of Design
Mathematics (NCTM)
Recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics.

6 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

Think Phase

This phase explains some of the fundamental concepts of physics which apply to VEX Robotics. It also
covers the basics of DC Motor Theory.

After completing this phase, you will be able to:

Describe the physical concepts of:
• Speed
• Force
• Torque
• Power
• Acceleration

List the four primary characteristics of DC Motors.

Prerequisites and Resources

Related phase resources are:

Unit 1: Introduction to VEX and Robotics.

Required Supplies and Software

The following supplies are used in this phase:

Notebook and pen
Work surface

Think Phase ■ 7
Research and Activity
Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors
To understand the performance of a robot one must first understand the basic concepts of physics.

The first concept is the concept of speed. Speed is a measure of how fast an object is moving, that is,
how much distance it will travel over a given time. This measure is given in units distance per time
(some common ones include miles per hour or feet per second).

Rotational Speed
Speed can be expressed rotationally as well. This refers to how fast something is moving in a circle. It
is measured in units of angular-distance per time or rotational cycles per time. Common examples
include degrees per second or revolutions per minute (RPM).

A change in speed over time is known as acceleration; the higher the acceleration the faster the
change in speed. If something is moving at a constant speed, it is not accelerating.

Accelerations are caused by forces. When you press on something you are exerting a force on it. When
a robot is accelerating it does so because of the force its wheels exert on the floor. Force is measured
in units such as pounds and newtons.

Force directed in a circle is called torque. Torque is a spinning force; however in the instance of a
wheel, this spinning force creates a linear force at its edge. This is how we define torque, as a linear
force at the edge of a circle. Torque is described by the magnitude of the force multiplied by the
distance it is from the center of rotation (Force x Distance = Torque). Torque is measured commonly
in units of inch-pounds and newton-meters.

8 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

So if we know how much torque is applied to an axle with a wheel on it, we can find out how much
force the wheel is applying on the floor.
Force = Torque / Wheel Radius
In this case, the wheel radius would be the distance from the center of rotation.

Work is the measure of a force exerted over a distance. If I lift something 5 feet, it requires less work
than if I lifted it 10 feet. It can also be thought of as a change in energy.

Power is another concept important in robotics. Most people are more familiar with power as an
electrical term, but it is part of mechanical physics as well.
Power is defined as the rate that work is performed. How fast can you do your work?
In robotics, it is handy to think of power as a limit. If you need to lift a 10 lb weight (exerting a 10 lb
force) the amount of power you have available limits how fast (the rate) at which you can lift it. If you
have lots of power available, you will be able to lift it quickly; if you don’t have a lot of power, you will
lift it slowly.
Power can be defined as force multiplied by velocity. (How fast can you push with a known force?)
Power is frequently measured in terms of watts.
Power = Force [Newtons] x Velocity [Meters / Second]
1 Watt = 1 (Newton x Meter)/ Second
The descriptions above only scratch the surface of these physical properties. The concepts discussed
above are significantly more advanced that touched upon here. However, the basic understanding is
enough to apply them.

DC Motors
DC (Direct Current) motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. Motors can have very
different characteristics depending on their manufacture.
When a voltage is applied to the motor, it outputs a torque inversely proportional to its speed. (That
means the faster the motor is going the LESS torque it outputs, and the slower the motor is going the
MORE torque it outputs.) The motor will also draw current proportional to this torque (more torque
means more current draw).
You can think of the motor as working to overcome a load. With NO load on the motor, it will spin very
fast and draw almost no current. As the load increases on the motor it must output more torque to
overcome the load, and as it increases the torque it draws more current. Eventually if enough load is
placed on the motor, it will stop moving or “stall.”
There are four main characteristics which define DC motor performance and define the relationships
described above:
■ Stall Torque (N*m): The amount of load placed on a motor which will cause it to stop moving.

Free Speed (RPM): The maximum rotational speed a motor will run at when it is under no load.

Stall Current (Amp): The amount of current a motor will draw when it is stalled.
■ Free Current (Amp): The amount of current a motor will draw when it is under no load.

Think Phase ■ 9
These four characteristics change proportionally depending on how much voltage is applied to the
motor. Below is a graph which shows these characteristics for a given voltage:

Based on the above relationships, you can see how the concept of power comes into play. With a given
loading, the motor can spin only at a certain speed. Since the relationships shown above are linear, it
is a simple matter of plotting the torque-speed and torque-current graphs by experimentally
determining (2) points on each graph.

Designing with DC Motors

Like all motors, the VEX Continuous Rotation Motors have certain limitations. They have a limited
amount of power to output. If the motor draws more than 1 amp of current, it trips its internal thermal
limiter; designers need to utilize the motor so it will not be placed under loads greater than this. Once
you determine what load the motor will be operating under (how heavy an arm is it lifting?) and you
ensure that it is under the limit, you can calculate how fast the arm will move at this loading.
The key thing to remember is that motors have a limited amount of power they can output. There is a
balance between speed and torque; you can’t have both at the same time.

10 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

Create Phase

In this phase, you learn about creating shaft components in the context of an assembly, using
predefined shape elements to quickly create the geometry.
When you use the Shaft Generator to create and edit a shaft design, predefined shapes help ensure
that the model conforms to industry standards. Editing your shaft design is easier and quicker than
editing shafts that are created using sketched and placed feature-based modeling techniques
because of the ease-of-use and consistent modeling techniques offered with the Shaft Generator.
The following illustration shows a common use of shafts in a design. In the motor assembly, shafts are
required to transmit power from the electric motor to the gear assembly.

After completing this phase, you will be able to:

Define the characteristics of a shaft created with the Shaft Generator.

Describe the options available for creating shafts using the Shaft Generator.
■ Create shafts using the Shaft Generator.

Prerequisites and Resources

Before starting this phase, you must have:

A working knowledge of the Windows operating system.
■ Completed Unit 1: Introduction to VEX and Robotics > Getting Started with Autodesk Inventor.

Completed Unit 2: Introduction to Autodesk Inventor > Quick Start for Autodesk Inventor.

Create Phase ■ 11
Technical Overview
The following Autodesk Inventor tools are used in this phase.

Icon Name Description

Shaft Generator Use to design the shape of a shaft, add and calculate loads and
supports, and other calculation parameters. Perform a strength
check and generate the shaft in the Autodesk Inventor model.
The shaft is assembled from single sections (cylinder, cone, and
polygon) including features (chamfers, fillets, neck-downs, and
so on).
Thread Use to create threads on existing model features.
Custom thread designations are stored within thread and hole
features in the model and may be recovered in a drawing hole
or thread note. In shaded drawing views, threaded features are
depicted the same as in the part model.
Return Use Return to quit in-place editing and quickly return to the
desired environment. The destination depends on which
modeling environment you are working in.
Constraint Assembly constraints determine how components in the
assembly fit together. As you apply constraints, you remove
degrees of freedom, restricting the ways components can

Required Supplies and Software

The following software is used in this phase.

Autodesk Inventor Professional 2009

12 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

About the Shaft Generator
You use the Shaft Generator to create and edit shaft designs by combining individual shaft sections in
the assembly environment. The shaft sections provided with this tool include the most common
geometry found in shafts. You can base your shaft designs on data you input, part geometry in the
assembly, and load calculations provided in the Shaft Component Generator dialog box.
The following illustration shows a shaft design for an electrical motor. A variety of input data is used
to design the shaft. In addition to supporting the loads, it needs to fit with the threaded hole on the
existing motor.

Definition of the Shaft Generator

The Shaft Generator provides a series of tools that enable you to design and edit a shaft, section by
section. As you design the shaft, you can add multiple features to fully define each section. You can
also perform calculations and create output graphs based on the loads applied to the shaft.
The following illustration shows the Calculation tab of the Shaft Component Generator dialog box.

Create Phase ■ 13
Example Shaft from the Shaft Generator
The following illustration shows a shaft design that was created using the Shaft Generator.

Multiple features were added to the shaft sections to perform the tasks of rotating and locating the
various parts that will be connected to the shaft. The features created in the Shaft Generator on this
design include:

■ Cylindrical diameter change


■ Chamfer

Wrench flat

Shaft Component Generator Dialog Box

The Shaft Component Generator dialog box offers multiple tabs for designing and analyzing a shaft.
You use the Design tab to create your shaft design, and the Calculation and Graphs tabs to analyze the
shaft while you design. In addition to the dialog box, the graphics area displays a 3D shaft preview
based on the current settings in the dialog box. You can also quickly modify each section of your shaft
using the grips provided on the 3D preview.
The following illustration shows the Shaft Component Generator dialog box and the interactive 3D
shaft preview. The four default sections shown are provided when you first use the tool, enabling you
to immediately begin your shaft design.

14 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

Create Phase ■ 15
Shaft Component Generator Dialog Box Options
The following options are available for designing, locating, calculating, and saving shaft designs.

Design tab: Design a shaft. Calculation tab: Set material, loads, and supports to calculate the
shaft. Graphs tab: Display a diagram of shaft loads.
Locate the shaft in the assembly. Define the axis, start plane, and orientation.
Add cylinder, cone, or polygon sections to your shaft.
Expand all, collapse all, or set options for the section tree display.
Define each section of your shaft design. Specify shape and size of the section. Add features to
each section. Drag to reorder a section.
Specify the size of the base feature.
Expand the Design tab and display information regarding each shaft section in a text format.
Expand the Design tab to display calculation messages.
Toggle the display of the Shaft Component Generator dialog box to display the Templates

16 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

Creating Shafts
The Shaft Component Generator tool creates a parametric shaft part using defined and consistent
modeling methodologies. Because the shaft component is a parametric model, you can edit the
model and add additional sketched or placed features, depending on your design needs.
In the following illustration, a shaft is created using the Shaft Component Generator. Currently, a
chamfer is being added to the first segment of the shaft.


Shaft Generator

Panel Bar: Design Accelerator

Toolbar: Design Accelerator

Sections Area
You use the Sections area of the Shaft Component Generator dialog box to control the shape and size
of each shaft segment and to add bores to either end of the shaft. The Sections drop-down list has
three options to define the working location: Sections, Bore on the Left, and Bore on the Right.
The default Sections option enables you to add multiple sections to the shaft. You can add cylinders,
cones, and polygons. Each time that a section is added, a new row is added to the section tree for
further refinement.
The Bore on the Left and Bore on the Right options enable you to add internal shaft features. You can
add cylindrical or conical bores to the shaft. Each time that a bore is added to the shaft, a new row is
added to the section tree for further refinement.

Create Phase ■ 17
The following options are available for designing shafts in the Sections area of the Shaft Component

Section Tree
The Section tree area of the Shaft Component Generator dialog box is where the majority of the shaft
design is accomplished. Each Section tree row is broken down into four groups. After the shape and
size of the shaft section have been specified, you can add features to the section based on options
available from these four groups. The options that are available vary depending on the shape selected,
and other options already applied.
The following options are available in the Section tree of the Shaft Component Generator dialog box.

Add features to the left edge of the shaft section. The features that are available depend on the
type of section.
Change the current section type.
Add features to the right edge of the shaft section. The features that are available depend on
the type of section.
Add features to the shaft section. The features that are available depend on the type of section.

18 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

Display a 2D Preview
To display a 2D dynamic preview of the shaft that you are designing, in the Shaft Component
Generator dialog box, under Sections, click Options (1). In the Options dialog box, under 2D Preview,
click Always Show.

Shaft Features
The following features are available for shaft designs.

Shaft Feature Feature Description

Cylinder Add cylindrical shaft sections. Cylinders are a base feature for shaft
design. Additional features such as keyways, retaining rings, through
holes, grooves, reliefs, and wrenches can be added to shaft sections. The
length and diameter of cylinders can be changed using grips.

Polygon Add a section to a shaft with three to 50 flat sides. Polygons are a base
feature for shaft designs. Through holes can be added to polygon
sections. Use grips to change the length and the section diameter, or
to rotate the section.

Create Phase ■ 19
Shaft Feature Feature Description
Cone Add a cone shape to a shaft. The cone is a base feature for shaft design.
Fillets and chamfers can be added to cone sections. If the cone section is
in between two other shaft sections, both cone diameters are initially
controlled by the adjacent sections. To change either diameter of the
cone section independently, you must first unlock the variables
controlling their size using the Edit option. You can adjust the length and
both diameters with grips.

Cylindrical Bore Add cylindrical internal bores to the shaft. Internal bores can be added to
either end of the shaft and can be used in conjunction with conical bores.
You can adjust the length and diameter with grips.

Conical Bore Add conical bores to the shaft. Conical bores can be added to either end
of the shaft and can be used in conjunction with cylindrical bores. The
length and both diameters can be adjusted with grips.

Chamfer Add an angle break at the end of shaft section, or provide a transition
between two shaft sections. Chamfers are constructed using one of the
following three methods: Distance, Distance and Angle, and Two

Fillet Add a rounded shape to the outside edge of a shaft section, or provide a
transition between different shaft sections.

Lock Nut Groove Add a groove, chamfer, and optional thread to the end of a shaft. The
Locknut Groove dialog box enables you to select from a list of standard
locknut grooves, or you can define custom settings.

20 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

Shaft Feature Feature Description
Relief Define a relief in a shaft section. A relief is typically used to provide an
undercut for clearance between two shaft sections. You select a relief
from a series of standard shapes. The Relief dialog box enables you to
define custom values for the relief selected.

Keyway Groove Add a slot to a shaft section. A keyway groove is used to lock rotation
between the shaft and added components. The keyway sizes are
generated from industry standards. The Keyway dialog box enables you
to create a custom keyway and to insert parts from the Content Center.

Retaining Ring Add a square groove around the diameter of a cylindrical shaft section.
The default sizes are based on industry standards. The Retaining Ring
Groove dialog box enables you to enter custom values and insert parts
from the Content Center.

Wrench Opening Add a wrench opening to a cylindrical shaft section. This opening makes
assembly of the shaft much simpler. The opening should match a
standard wrench size.

Through Hole Add a through hole to a cylinder or polygon shaft section, perpendicular
to the centerline of the shaft. This hole can be used for inserting a pin.

Groove Add a radius groove to a cylindrical shaft section. This groove can be used
to locate an o-ring.

Create Phase ■ 21
Process: Creating a Shaft
The following steps describe creating a shaft and adding it to your assembly using the
Shaft Generator.

1. Access the Design Accelerator panel bar.

2. Start the Shaft Generator tool.

3. Add or remove sections.

22 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

4. Size the sections.

5. Add features to sections.

6. Add bores to the shaft ends.

7. Add the shaft to the assembly.

Create Phase ■ 23
Exercise: Design a Shaft
In this exercise, you use Shaft Generator to design a Place the Shaft in the Assembly
shaft for a motor.
Using the Shaft Generator, you create a shaft with
two sections. On the first section, you add a keyway
and a flat for a wrench. You size the second section
for a thread and add a relief.

1. Right-click in the Assembly Panel. Click

Design Accelerator.

The completed exercise

Open the File

1. If a default configuration file for metric shaft

configurations already exists for the current
user, delete it. 2. Click Shaft Generator.

In Windows Explorer, navigate to the
following path: Drive:\Documents and
Settings\User name\Application Data\
Autodesk\Inventor 2009\
■ Select and delete the file
3. Press F6 to view the motor and the shaft
2. Make IFI_Unit5.ipj the active project. preview.
3. Open motor.iam. 4. Click in the graphics window to place the
shaft preview.
A shaft is placed in the assembly. The default
dimensions are too large. You will modify the
design in the following steps.

24 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

5. Under Sections, select Cone 100/ 65 x 100. Design the First Section on the Shaft
In this section of the exercise, you add a keyway and
a flat for a wrench.

1. Select Cylinder 50 x 100.

2. Click Feature Properties.

6. Click Delete Section and Features.

3. For D, enter 10.

4. For L, enter 45.

5. Click OK.
7. Click Yes. 6. From the Second Edge Features list, select No
8. Repeat this workflow to delete Cylinder Feature.
55 x 100.

Create Phase ■ 25
7. From the Section Features list, select Add Design the Second Section on the Shaft
Keyway Groove. The default dimensions are In this section of the exercise, you size the second
acceptable. section for a thread and add a relief.

1. Select Cylinder 80 x 100.

2. Click Feature Properties.
3. For D, enter 8.
4. For L, enter 9.5.

8. From the Section Features list, select Add

9. Click Feature Properties.
10. Under Position, select Measure from Second
Edge. 5. Click OK.
6. Zoom into the modified shaft design preview.

11. For x, enter 2.

12. For L, enter 8.
13. For W, enter 7. 7. From the First Edge Features list, select No
8. From the Second Edge Features list, select
Chamfer. Click the check mark.
9. From the Section Features list, select Add
Relief - D (SI Units).

14. Click OK.

10. Click Feature Properties.

11. For x, enter 0.4. Click OK.

26 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

12. Click OK twice to create the shaft. 5. Click OK.
13. Click to place the shaft in the assembly. 6. Click Return.

7. Press F6 to view the assembly as the default

Home view.
8. On the Design Accelerator panel, click the
down arrow. Click Assembly Panel.

Complete the Assembly

You now add a thread to the shaft and constrain the
shaft to the motor assembly.

1. In the browser, expand Shaft:1. Right-click 9. Click Constraint.

Shaft:1. Click Edit.

10. Under Type, click Insert.

11. Select the outside edge of the shaft.

2. Click Thread.

3. Select the second section of the shaft.

4. Click the Specification tab. Confirm that the

thread designation is M8x1.25.
NOTE: When you place a thread, Autodesk
Inventor uses the diameter of the selected
feature to determine the thread size.

Create Phase ■ 27
12. Select the edge of the threaded hole.

13. Click OK.

14. Save the file.

15. Close the file.

28 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

Build Phase

In this phase, students assemble a test stand that can be used to determine the specifications
of a VEX motor.
The completed test stand is shown in the following image.

Phase Objectives
After completing this phase, you will be able to:

Test the specifications of a VEX motor.
■ Build a simple winch.

Prerequisites and Resources

Before starting this phase, you must have:

Completed Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors > Think Phase.
■ Disassembled Protobot used in Unit 3: Building a Protobot.

Related phase resources are:

Unit 1: Introduction to Vex and Robotics.
■ Unit 3: Building a Protobot.

Build Phase ■ 29
Required Supplies and Software
The following supplies are used in this phase:

One disassembled Protobot used in Unit 3: Building a Protobot
Notebook and pen
Work surface
Small storage container for loose parts
Optional: Autodesk Inventor Professional 2009

Required VEX Parts

The following VEX parts are required in this phase:

Quantity Part Number Abbreviation

4 BEAM-1000 B1
2 BEAM-2000 B2
2 SCREW-632-0500 SS4
8 SCREW-832-0250 S2
4 SCREW-832-0500 B4
6 SCREW-832-0750 S6
1 SHAFT-4000 SQ4
1 VL-CHAN-121-15 RevA C15
2 VL-CHAN-151-25 RevA CW25

30 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

In this activity, you assemble a test stand that will be used to test the specifications of a VEX motor.
This stand will be reused in later units for further activities.

As you work on building this project, have some of your team members focus on expanding
their expertise using Autodesk Inventor. Later in the curriculum, you will be challenged to come up
with your own creative solutions for robot design. You will save time and maximize your ability to
create winning solutions if your team understands how to leverage the power of digital prototypes
using Inventor.
NOTE: Team members can download a free version of Autodesk Inventor Professional to use at home,
so you can come to class prepared to build and test your best ideas! To do this, simply join the
Autodesk Student Engineering and Design Community at http://www.autodesk.com/edcommunity.

1. Wrap fifteen Tank Tread Links [TL] around a Tank Tread Sprocket [TS] and fasten together.

The completed model is as shown:

Build Phase ■ 31
2. To complete the next step:

Bolt two 2" long beams [B2] to the 1x2x1x15 C-Channel [C15].

Bolt a Motor [MOT] and a Bearing Flat [BF] to the 1x2x1x15 C-Channel.
■ Insert the 4" Shaft [SQ4] through the bearing into the motor.

Slide two Collars [COL] onto the shaft and leave them loose.

The completed model is as shown:

32 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

3. To complete the next step:

Bolt a Bearing Flat [BF] to the 1x5x1x25 C-Channel [CW25].

Bolt 1x5x1x25 C-Channel to the assembly completed in the previous step.
■ Adjust the two Collars up against each Bearing Flat.

The completed model is as shown:

Build Phase ■ 33
4. To complete the next step:

Attach four 1” long beams [B1] to the corners of the 1x5x1x25 C-Channel.

Attach the rope guide [BB] to the 1x5x1x25 C-Channel.
■ Slide the assembly from Step 1 onto the 4" Shaft.

The completed model is as shown:

34 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

5. To complete the next step:

Bolt a Bearing Flat to the second piece of 1x5x1x25 C-Channel.

Bolt the two 1x5x1x25 C-Channel pieces together.

The completed model is as shown:

Build Phase ■ 35
6. Your test stand is now complete and ready for use!

36 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

Amaze Phase
In this phase, students use their VEX motor test stand to determine the specifications of a VEX motor.

Phase Objectives
After completing this phase, you will be able to:

Determine the free speed of a motor.

Calculate the stall torque of a motor.
■ Describe the typical free speed and stall torque of a VEX motor.

Prerequisites and Resources

Before starting this phase, you must have:

Completed Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors > Think Phase.
■ Completed Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, DC Motors > Build Phase.

Have one assembled VEX motor test stand from the Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and
DC Motors > Build Phase.
Related phase resources are:

Unit 1: Introduction to VEX and Robotics.

Unit 4: Microcontroller and Transmitter Overview.

Required Supplies and Software

The following supplies are used in this phase:

One VEX Microcontroller
One assembled VEX motor test stand from the Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors > Build Phase
One VEX Transmitter
One 7.2V VEX Battery
Notebook and pen
Work surface
One Stopwatch
36” of 1/8” braided nylon and polyester cord, or equivalent rope/string
Set of masses or other weights
One zip tie

Amaze Phase ■ 37
Using the VEX motor test stand, determine the free speed and stall torque of a VEX motor.

Determine Free Speed

1. Attach a zip tie to the 4” shaft between the tank tread pulley and the motor. The zip tie serves as a
visual reference when counting motor revolutions.
2. Plug the motor into port 6 of your Microcontroller.
3. Plug the Transmitter into port Rx1 of the Microcontroller.
4. Plug the 7.2V battery into the Microcontroller.
5. Turn both your Transmitter and Microcontroller on.
6. Using the yellow buttons on the back of the Transmitter, you should be able to control the rotation
of the pulley.
7. Perform five tests, where you run the test stand for one minute.
8. During each test, count the number of times the zip tie passes a reference point.
9. For each test, record this number in a chart in your engineering notebook.
10. Calculate the average of your five tests. This number is your experimental determination of the
free speed of a VEX Motor in RPM.
11. Determine Stall Torque.

38 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

Instructions Figure 1
1. Remove the zip tie that was attached in the Free Speed
2. Wrap the rope around the pulley, and pass the end of it
through the rope guide. See Figure 1.
Stall torque is the amount of torque required to prevent
the motor from spinning. Torque is defined as:
Torque = Force x Radius
Where force is the force of gravity downwards measured
in pounds (lbs.), radius is the radius of the rotating object
measured in inches (in.), and torque is the torque on the
motor measured in inch pounds (in-lbs.).
3. To determine the stall torque, you need to determine
what force or weight will prevent the motor from
spinning. To do so, you load the test stand with a
weight, and keep increasing it until the motor can no
longer spin.
4. Set up the test between two tables, with the string
hanging between them.
5. Attach an initial weight of approximately 3 lbs. to the
6. Using the Transmitter, rotate the pulley and lift the
7. Increase the weight attached to the string by
approximately 4 oz. and try and rotate the pulley.
8. Continue increasing the weight until the motor can no
longer rotate.
9. Record this amount of weight in your engineering
10. Measure the radius of the pulley.
11. Now using the force in pounds and the radius of the
pulley in inches, you can calculate the stall torque of the
motor in inch-pounds.

Engineering Notebook
The actual free speed and stall torque of a VEX motor are approximately 100 rpm and 6.5 in-lbs. Do
your results match these? Explain what factors could cause a variance between the actual results, and
the results you obtained experimentally. How could these tests be improved to ensure a greater
degree of accuracy?

Prepare your findings from this phase, and present them to the class. Specifically talk about your
recommendations to improve the accuracy of tests. If your results varied a great deal from the actual
data, explain why you think this happened.

Amaze Phase ■ 39
STEM Connections

Amusement park rides, such as roller coasters and drop rides, are great examples of how the principles
of physics apply to the world around us. The following STEM Connection relates to a free fall
amusement park ride where passengers are loaded into a car, pulled vertically to the top of a tall
structural tower, and then dropped with the forces of gravity hurling them back to the ground.

Some amusement park rides pull riders slowly to the top of a large tower, and then send them
plummeting in a free fall to the bottom again. This can be achieved with a large motor that rotates a
shaft with a pulley and cable attached. Why is this big drop so thrilling? Why don’t you feel the same
rush flying across the country in an airplane, even though the plane moves much faster than the ride?
Does your body feel speed? Does it feel acceleration?
As you picture an amusement park ride in which you are pulled to the top and then do a feel fall,
explain how the following physics concepts come into play: power, speed, acceleration, energy, force,
and work.

40 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

One of the biggest concerns of an amusement park ride designer is safety. Based on your
understanding of speed, acceleration, power, and forces, what safety features would you want to
make sure are incorporated into the ride?
The materials used in the construction of a free fall amusement park ride play a major part in
maintaining safety. What materials and construction methods do you think would be optimal for the
design of this type of ride?

1. Is it possible to get a lighter load (fewer people) to the top faster than a maximum load?
2. If you move a lighter load of people to the top at a faster speed, what happens with motor torque?
3. When attempting to lift a load to the top of a drop ride, when might you reach stall torque?
4. Why would an amusement park designer want to avoid a situation involving stall torque?
5. What is happening to the electrical current being drawn by the motor as it draws the load from
the bottom to the top of the ride?
6. What might happen to the motor if you were to reach stall torque?
7. Can you think of some type of warning system that can prevent the possibility of reaching
stall torque?
8. Can you think of a safety backup if the motor were to fail while pulling the load to the top?

Given equation: Force = Mass * Acceleration. For example, a force of 12 N (that is, Newtons) could
accelerate a 3 kg mass at 4 m/s2, because 12=3*4. Or, it could accelerate a 6 kg mass at 2 m/s2, because
12=6*2. When you apply the same force to double the mass, you get half the acceleration.
1. Suppose you were building a drop ride, and you want it to lift 16 people at a time. If we plan for an
average mass of 95 kg per person, how much force would the ride’s motor need to apply in order
to exactly counteract acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2)?
2. How much force to accelerate the riders upward at 3 m/s2?
(Note: your answer to the second question should be greater than your answer to the first.
Think about why this might be, and discuss with a teammate.)
3. Final question: If 16 football players (average mass: 140 kg) decide to try the drop ride, how fast
can the ride accelerate them upwards with a force of 25000 N? Remember to account for gravity.

STEM Connections ■ 41
42 ■ Unit 5: Speed, Power, Torque, and DC Motors

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