Caribbean Global Interaction

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Caribbean Global Interaction:

Caribbean Global Interaction began in 1492; with the Europeans Influencing us ever since.
Historically, the Caribbean has been Socially, Diasporically, Politically and Economically
Impacted but Overtime, the Caribbean has also Impacted Metropolitan Nations. The
Caribbean has Influenced the Metropolitan Nations into what they are today.
The Caribbean was the Basis of European Economic Exploitation → Using Several Systems of
Production to Advance a Capitalist Venture (Eg. Repartimiento, Encomienda, Slavery,
Indentureship). For the Caribbean to be Useful to the Europeans, several Factors of Production
must be Available:
a. Land.
b. Labour.
c. Capital.
d. Enterprise / Skill / Management.

The Europeans Impacted on us Socially, Diasporically and Politically because of Economics.

The Europeans come and Discover Land and Labour Force (2 Factors) but has to Bring Capital
and Skill. For a Period, Amerindian Labour Existed but in 1518, Europeans Import Labour.
It has become a Precedent that may be referred to as a Culture of Dependency. This can be
Modified into Different Variations:
a. Economies of Dependencies.
b. Cultural Imperialism.

Even though there is Exchange / Interaction between the Caribbean and the Rest of the World,
it is Obvious that the Metropolitan Nations Enjoy a more Favourable Outcome from this
Exchange. Because of Cultural Imperialism, Caribbean Nationals have a "Taste" for Foreign
We have a Preference for all Things Metropolitan. This Reflects a Particular Consumption
Pattern that is Culturally Imperialistic. It means the Caribbean Experiences an Outflow of
Money because of how we Purchase Goods.
It is also Fair to say because of a Historical Paradigm, Caribbean Nationals Idolizes a Foreign /
Metropolitan Lifestyle. We look at International Lifestyles as what we want for Ourselves. This
Influences People to see their Own Lifestyle / Land as Inferior with a Level of Contempt.
Caribbean Influences on Metropolitan Nations:
There have been a few Groups to Impact Metropolitan Nations more than others. The Impacts of
these Groups can be Generalized to Encompass all Caribbean's People Impacts.
Caribbean People have Affected Metropolitan Nations because of Migration into Metropolitan
There are no Caribbean Nations that are not Represented in Areas such as Canada and New York
→ There are Points of Destination. Due to a Concentration of Migrant Population in Miami /
Florida, the US has Significantly Affected them:
Introduction: They Affected Florida Economically and Socially / Culturally. Because of a
Cuban Population, there is a Demographic Change; changing Miami's Racial Spectrum from
Europeans to Hispanics.
Economic Impacts: Cubans have Displaced the Americans as they Overrun Towns. While not
Flattering to know, the Infiltration of People of Dark Complexion Leads to Real Estate Prices
Decreasing. There is a Loss of Investment. The Area Degenerates into a Slum. The Property
Values Drops and the City Stops Attending to Maintenance.
The Type of Businesses is also Influenced. Eg. The Cuban Presence set up Grocery Shops.
Cuban Cultural Identity is Paid for. Because of Cuban Presence, there is Need to Reach Out to
them, ie, Use of Spanish TV and Radio.
Socio – Cultural Impacts: This Caused Southern USA to have Racial Tension / Stereotyping
and further Segregation of Society → Leading to Creation of Racist Generalizations. Eg.
Hispanics being called "Spics." These Names become part of Gang Culture. The Mexicans /
Haitians / Jamaicans move into Miami and Start Gang Warfare.
The Large Concentration of Cubans resulted in Spanish being the 2nd Language of Miami. The
Majority of Residents in Miami Speak Spanish → Policies for Employment in Miami have
Changed. Eg. One has to be Bilingual.
Education Policies have also Changed. Eg. Teachers have to be Bilingual and the
Implementation of Cuban History in the Curriculum.
Impact of Cuba in USA:
Economic Impacts: The Lowering of the Minimum Wage. The Migrants are Willing to Work
for Less. Caribbean People will not Think in the Equivalent Dollar but will Think in Aversions
to Local Dollar. This Leads to Employees Favouring Migrant Labour. Because Migrant Labour
is Given 1st Preference for Jobs, there is Animosity and Antagonism between Local and
Migrant Workers.
Racism is Catalyzed via Employment Issues. This Causes a Greater Amount of Judicial and
Taxation Problems. Because of the Antagonism, Nations Spend more to Police Miami. The
Migrant Labour are not Registered, therefore, there is Taxation Evasion; leading to USA being
Deprived of a Tax Income.
Social / Cultural Impacts: Cubans in Miami Create Problems for Managing Migration into the
USA. In 1959, there was a Cuban Revolution (Fidel Castro took over the Cuban Government by
Force of Arms, ie, Communism). Right away, Anyone who wants to leave Cuba may do so
Freely. This has Triggered Mass Migration out of Cuba to Miami (Political Refugees).
According to the UN Charter of Human Rights, Every Individual who is Seeking Political
Asylum must be given Asylum in a Friendly Nation. When Cuban Refugees Stormed Miami in
1959, there becomes an Overwhelming Strain on USA's Social Services as well as the Creation
of Job Crises.
In response to this, USA Constructed Polices. Eg. The "Wet Foot, Dry Foot" Policy. This Policy
Seeks to Restrict the Number of Cubans who become USA Citizens (This is Applicable in Sea
and Land). On Land, one will go through a Process of Naturalization. This Policy has Restricted
the Migration but has Affected Economically. The USA must now Invest a lot in Policing and
Political Impacts: Cubans become a Lobby Group. They Lobbied the USA to Change a Trade
Policy, "Trade Embargoes." USA made this when they Realized Cuba is a Communist. Cubans
also Lobbied to Change Polices regarding Cubans.
Many Cubans have Attained Levels of Power. Overtime, they have been Slowly Accepted into
Cuba has been Recognized as a Major "Swing Vote" Population. Cubans in such Large Numbers
can Influence the Outcome of Elections. Politicians have tried to Win them over. During the
Last Two Elections, Obama Manipulated the Population to Win Presidency. In 2011, he Revised
the Laws regarding Cubans as follows:
1. Remittances: Money that is Earned in One Place but Spent in Another (Money that is Sent
Back Home). This is Important Lifeline for Caribbean People. In the USA, it was Limited to
$3000 USD Annually but Obama Increased the Ceiling to $10 000 USD.

Obama knows that by Increasing this Ceiling, the Government can Tax this Extra Money.
The Known Remittances that go to Cuba is $1 Billion USD, therefore, there is much that is
Unknown. Remittances Policies mean that the Cuban American Labourer has more Freedom in
Society because he can Supply his Home with Money.
2. Visitation: Previous to 2011's Reassessment of Cuban Americans, Cubans could only Return
Home Once in 3 Years. But now, they can Return Home Twice Annually. They can also Bring
their Families to the USA.

So, the USA Revised their Trade Policies regarding Movement of Goods in Cuba. In 2013,
American Goods entered Cuba for the 1st Time in 70 Years (Eg. Microwave Ovens), ie, it was a
Start of a Better Relationship.
Metropolitan Impacts upon Caribbean Society:
1. Social / Cultural.
2. Economic.
3. Political.
4. Diasporic.

The most Obvious Impacts are Economic in Nature because there are still Impacting us Today.
Economic Impacts are Considered Historically Relevant because it Leads to the Age of
Globalisation. Trade Impacts begin with Repartimiento and Continue with Globalisation.
In 1492, Europeans Introduced Christianity and Politics. From a Social, Cultural and Political
Aspect, we have been and still are Impacted. European Action has Created Legacies of Cultural
Imperialism. European Trade and Economic Policies have led to Economic Strangulation of
the Caribbean.
The Labour Policies of the Past (Eg. Repartimiento, Encomienda, Slavery, Indentureship) were
Exploitative in Nature and Led to the Monetization and Repatriation of Caribbean Wealth.
This Led to Underdevelopment. Even though a Nation has Wealth, Nothing has been Invested
into Increasing State of Living and Services of a Nation.
Today, Central Global Trade and Finance Economics (Eg. Global Money Matters) are
Controlled by The World Bank, The World Trade Organization (WTO), IMF (International
Monetary Fund).
These Institutions were Controlled by the Global 8 (USA, Japan, Canada, etc...) But now, they
are Controlled by the Global 20. These Agencies are Elitist in Nature (High Levels of
Technology, Wealth and Development).
They Craft Policies for 3rd World Nations. This Creates Neo – Marxism, Neo – Colonialism
and Neo – Imperialism. This Creates a Pattern. In 1492, the Caribbean was Politically Owned
but Now, we are Economically Owned.
One such Policy is the Lomè Agreement. This is a Trade Relationship between African,
Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Nations with the European Union (EU). This is Relevant to the
Banana Producing Nations in the West Indies (WINBAN).
There is a Preferential Trading Agreement (PTA). This is Preferential because the ACP
Nations Enjoyed Privileges under the Lomè such as:
a. Priority Access to Markets.
b. No Quotas / Limits on Quantities of Products Sold.
c. Guaranteed Best International Prices on Goods.
This means that the West Indian Banana Producers can Enjoy Economic Stability. WINBAN
Nations Estimated their Budgets on Tonnes of Bananas. However, in 2008, the WTO Shut Down
the Lomè Agreement; Plunging WINBAN Nations into Economic Uncertainty.
The Lomè Agreement can be Considered a Guilt Driven Action. The EU Nations were
Responsible for the Exploitation of the ACP Nations in the Past. Now, they Created these
Policies to Aid them.
Eastern Caribbean Nations (Eg. Grenada) must now Find Ways to Diversify their Economies.
Because of a Decision by the WTO, there is 500 Years of Cultural Upheaval. There is Chaos in
Small Island Economies.
Metropolitan Protectionism: This is a Concept where an Economy Seeks to Protect its
Market from External Competition / Intruders. Metropolitan Nations Flood Developing
Nations with their Goods.
However, they do not Reciprocate the Open Market to Ensure Stability of their Own Industries.
Protectionism is any Strategy (Eg. Taxation or Advertising) that Reduces Intrusion into the
Market. Protectionism Preserves their Own at our Detriment:
Eg. In the 1970s, Trinidad and Tobago Launched the Iron and Steel Company ISCOTT; which is
now ANSA McAL. Trinidad and Tobago were able to Produce Steel more Cheaply than any
other Nation in the World since Natural Gas was Abundant and Free.
Locally Produced Steel had a Price Advantage. Trinidad and Tobago tried to Infiltrate the USA
Market, but Failed; since USA Launched an Advertising Campaign which Gathered Pity and
Support from its People; Resulting in Americans Choosing their Local Producers.
Metropolitan Countries Control all the Access to Capital in the World (Eg. The WTO).
Therefore, Developing Nations (Eg. Caribbean) must Wait on the Favour of the Metropolitan
Countries to Trade with them.
Eg. In the 1990s, CARICOM was Attempting to Break into NAFTA. They were Told that
CARICOM has Nothing they want. The Caribbean doesn’t Enjoy any Niche Markets; the
World is Producing Cheaper Alternatives.
Political Influences: In 1492, Caribbean Political Evolution was Directly Linked to European
Decision Making. The Politics of the Caribbean Reflects the Direction Europe wants to take us
in. The Control that was Present in the 16th Century is still Present in the 21st Century. It
becomes a Legacy of Colonial Action. All Caribbean Nations Utilize some Types of European,
Hybrid Political Models.
Eg. For the BWI: Westminster White Hall, Colony (Bahamas, Montserrat, Cayman Islands),
Annexed Territory Status (Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, Martinique).
Certain Political Models (Eg. Democracy) Promotes a Greater Level of Stability Compared to
Others (Eg. Communism) or even the Situation in Haiti (No Political Model can be Identified). It
may be said that the Political Model, in Addition to a Long Period of Colonization by the
Metropolitan Country, has Allowed a Level of Stability.
Even though we have become Politically Independent, the Policies Crafted by the Metropolitan
Nations or Multilateral Organizations (WTO, IMF, World Bank) still Impact upon Caribbean
Politics. Overtime, many Metropolitan Nations made Policies that have Impacted upon us.
Eg. In the 1980s, the USA Recognized that the Caribbean was a Transhipment Point for
Narcotics that Entered in the USA from the Narco Economies of South America. So, the USA
Initiated Policies to Intervene. One Policy is the "Ship Rider" Agreement. This was supposed to
Allow the USA Jurisdictional Authority (Eg. Power of Arrest) in Trinidad and Tobago and
The Jurisdictional Authority is Problematic; as One is Giving Away his Freedom. Jamaica
Accepted their Terms but Trinidad and Tobago Denied. Then, USA Blacklisted / Denied
Trinidad and Tobago them Trade. So, Trinidad and Tobago Decided to Accept the Offer. If they
didn’t Accept, it would have Meant a Breakdown in Trinidad and Tobago's Economic Stability.
The Caribbean can also be seen to Suffer because of Metropolitan Policies. Eg. The Cuban
Revolution in 1959. This Led to Cuba being Economically Suffocated through Trade
Embargos. Cuba going Communist Angered USA and they Stopped Trading. (Similar to Haiti
and France in the 16th Century).
Consumption Patterns: This can be Summarised as "A Taste for Foreign Goods," and can be
Described as Cultural Imperialism (An Idea that Metropolitan Goods are Better than Local
Goods). This has an Economic Impact; Leads to an Outflow of Money from the Caribbean into
the Metropolitan Economy.
This is Understandable since the Majority of our Daily Goods come from a Metropolitan Nation
(Eg. Toothpaste). Nearly Everything Consumed is Manufactured in Metropolitan Countries. By
our Buying Habits, through our Taste, we Serve to Perpetuate Underdevelopment. We
Employ the Foreign Business Men through the Detriment of our Local Entrepreneurs.
The Caribbean has been a Consumer Market. Initially, we Bought Everything we Needed and
Exported Raw Materials (Eg. Brown Sugar, White Rice, Natural Gas, Crude Oil). The
Metropolitan Nations Buys them, Processes them and Sell them back at Higher Prices.
Metropolitan Nations still Control our Economy. This Consumption Pattern has a Far
Reaching Impact upon Caribbean Societies. Eg. In 2016, Trinidad and Tobago is on the Verge of
a Recession. It means many Caribbean Countries will Increase Taxes on Imported Goods. This
will Cause Social Disruption.
Many Goods that the Metropolitan Nations Export are Dangerous. Eg. Light Up Shoes were
Discontinued in USA because of the Poisonous Mercury Switch Present. They Withdrew them
from the USA Shelves and sent them to be Sold in 3rd World Nations. This is Described as
Dumping: 2nd Class Goods Sold on Markets that have Lenient Laws.
Tourism: The Caribbean Benefits Tremendously from Metropolitan Visitors. Our Primary
Market to Push Tourism is England, USA and Canada. Without Tourism, some Countries (Eg.
Barbados → 80% of its Workers are Employed Directly and Indirectly through Tourism) will
Slip into an Economic Decline. Clearly, Tourism is a Major Economic Pillar.
Metropolitan Culture is also Imported. Tourism can Lead to the Alteration of a Local Culture
and Economy. Eg. Cultural Hybrid. Tourism may Cause Social Stratification and Inflation.
Caribbean People Impact upon Metropolitan Tourism as well. We Idolize a Metropolitan
Vacation. Through Tourism, Caribbean People Outflow Cash to the Metropolitan Countries.
Education: Historically, the Caribbean has always been Influenced by European Education
Standards. Eg. Dependence upon an English Examining Body, Colonial Education as part of
System of Control. Cultural Imperialism of Education Continues today. Caribbean People
Idolize Metropolitan Education as the "Best."
Caribbean People still Gravitate towards Metropolitan Universities because they are Perceived
as Higher Status. Many Caribbean People Opt to Pursue SATs in Conjunction with CSEC,
CAPE to Expand their Educational Opportunities. Indirectly, Caribbean People Create a
Negative Stereotype on their Local Universities.
If the Brightest Seek Education Outside of the Caribbean, it would Perpetuate the Negative
Attitude towards our Educational System. It is True to Say that CXC has Several Internal
Problems that do not Inspire Confidence from Caribbean Nationals.
CXC is Attempting to become more Standardised and Expand their Curriculum Offered; to
make Caribbean Education more Applicable to Every Human Need (To Convince People not to
Migrate to Study).
Up to the late 1990s, UWI wasn’t Offering any Courses in Marine Engineering. This Proves that
whether there was a Lack of Resources, Professional Qualification or Planning, there are Several
Shortcomings in our University Education.
Sport: All our Major Sporting Activities have been Imported from Metropolitan Countries.
While they Impacted our Sporting Culture, Caribbean Athletes have Impacted on their Sports
Reality, ie, many Caribbean Players have gone on to be Internationally Famous: They Break
Records and Set Standards.
Cricket: This comes into the Caribbean via the Plantation. Overtime (After Emancipation),
Cricket moves away from being a Bourgeoisie Game and was Liberalised to Incorporate
Africans and East Indians.
The Formation of the Federation led to the Creation of the WICB (West Indies Cricket Board);
which is Tasked with Selecting and Managing the WICT (West Indies Cricket Team). The WICB
was meant to be a Platform for Regional Unification.
From its Inception, Cricket became a Global Force because it was soon a Means of Redress.
So, the WI soon Rose to Global Supremacy. Overtime, in the late 1980s, WI Cricket Declined.
Up to Now, WI Cricket has Diminished in its Global Standings.
Many Players have Broken Records and Currently Sit in Global Standings; becoming Legends
of the Game. In the Newest Version of the Game, WI is Ranked Highly. Batsmen and Bowlers
are among the Top Picks because of their Talent. Their Success has Brought Recognition and
some Level of Reputation to the Caribbean (Eg. Pollard, Narine). T20 has much to Owe to Alan
Track and Field: This can be Considered as the "Original" Sports. Track and Field is Governed
by the IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations). Since the 1970s, Track and
Field has been Dominated by Jamaican and Bahamas Athletes. They Brought Recognition to
the Caribbean.
One Event that Stood Out is the 100m Sprint (Fastest Man in the Planet). The Caribbean has
been Constantly Represented since the 1970s. This means the Caribbean Region has Developed
a Reputation for Creating Fine Athletes.
This Reputation went through the Ceiling with the Tremendous Success of Usain Bolt and
Keshorn Walcott. Kirani James won the 400m Hurdle Race; bringing a Level of Respect to
Grenada and Allowing a Positive Global Image.
Soccer: This has always been a Sport Associated with Europe; all Major Teams and
Competitions are European in Nature. They have always been Elitist in Controlling Football. It
is a more Popular Sport among the Youths; compared to Cricket. The Best Publicized Sporting
Event is the FIFA World Cup, thus, it Attracts the Most Attention.
Caribbean Players Idolize European Teams. It is a Dream of all Caribbean Players to Participate
at the European Level. Caribbean Regional League Football has Started but it is in no way
Equivalent to the European Level.
As a Result, most of the Best Players take their Talents to Metropolitan Countries. It Leads to
Loss of Skill for the Caribbean; Comparable to Brain Drain in Education. Many Athletes may
Appear in 2nd and 3rd Division Games. Even though it is Good Football, it is not Televised.
This Creates Employment for Caribbean Players but they don't make International Headlines.
Dwight Yorke is the most Famous Footballer of the Caribbean since he Played for the Best
Football Team at the Time (Manchester United: 1999). He made the World Stop and Pay
Attention to him.
Basketball: This is Associated with Metropolitan USA. It comes to the Caribbean during World
War Two by USA Service Men at their Naval Bases in Strategic Locations in the Caribbean (Eg.
Chaguaramas). In the Caribbean, Basketball Emulates USA Culture. Basketball is Associated
with certain Social Ills, such as the Drug Trade and Organized Crimes.
In many Caribbean Countries, that Stereotype is also True. Eg. One Pair of Sneakers Hanged on
Utility Lines has been Iconographied to Symbolized "Drugs Sold Here." It is a Copycat
Culture. Basketball Tends to Remain an Inner – City Game and was seen as a Vehicle to
Promote the Betterment of Communities.
Eg. In 2011, Trinidad and Tobago Launched the "Hoops of Life." Shaquille O'Neal was Brought
in to Promote the Event. The Caribbean has not Produced any Significant Names in the
Basketball World. We are still Buyers of Culture: Eg. Brands, Kits, Movies, etc...
Religion: Ethnocentrism is the Dominant Mindset. Eg. Christianity has taken Root as the
Dominant Religious Majority. Christianity can be Perceived as the Superstructure of Society.
Rastafarianism has been Exported and a Lesser Known, Hybrid Religion: Voodoo has Impacted
the USA Movie Culture.

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