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The Merapi

Table of 01 What, where and when did it happen

contents 02 What processes caused it?

03 The impact on people there
04 Environment impacts
05 Economic impacts
Main information
Main Information
Mount Merapi erupted on January 24th, 2023 in
Indonesia. It lasted four minutes. There were
pyroclastic flows and ashfall, which led to a number
of casualties, such as fatalities, injuries, people that
had to evacuate their homes and severe damage to
the infrastructure.
caused it?

The main reasons that the mountain erupted

were magma accumulation, gases that were
trapped, which was under high pressure that
shot out lava, rocks and other debris out of
the volcano, which is classified as a explosive
The impact on the people there.
As mentioned in the previous slides, there were multiple casualties such as fatalities,
injuries and cases of people that had to evacuate their homes. These were due to the
pyroclastic flows caused by the eruption. There were also health impacts due to
inhalation of ash from the ash cloud looming above the mountain that spread.
Environmental impacts
The ashfall had an impact on the vegetation, since ash can smother vegetation, which
slowed down the crops industry. The good side to this is that ashfall can actually enrich
the soil with nutrients, but that is on the long term. On the short term, it hinders the
agricultural productivity.
Economic impacts
It is estimated the the Mount Merapi eruption
caused $450 billion dollars in damages. This is due
to the destruction of infrastructure, means of
production such as agriculture and social
infrastructure, such as housing
Thank you for listening.

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