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Tayong, Donna Marie C.


Contemporary Period and Science and Technology in Nation Building

1) Newton Age
- Isaac Newton, a prominent figure in the Scientific Revolution, lived during
a time of significant advancements in science and technology. Born in
1642 in Woolsthorpe, England, Newton's lifetime spanned a period of
remarkable progress in scientific understanding and technological
- Newton's significant advances in physics, mathematics, and astronomy had
a significant impact on the development of science during his lifetime.
- His most well-known work, "Mathematical Principles of Natural
Philosophy," which was published in 1687 and established the laws of
motion and universal gravity, completely changed our perception of the
physical universe.
- "Opticks," his second major publication, described the experiments he
conducted to ascertain the characteristics of light. Newton is also a student
of alchemy and Biblical history as well.
2) Atomic Age
- The term "Atomic Age" describes a historical time marked by important
advancements in nuclear science and technology, especially after nuclear
fission was discovered in the late 1930s. The extensive usage and research
of atomic energy for both military and non-military applications implies
this era.
3) Space Age
- Space Age, an era that was born of the advent of nuclear power, advances
in rocketry, and the desire to be the first to put men into space and on the
- On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union opened the Space Age with the
launch of Sputnik, the world’s first artificial satellite.
4) Information Age
- “It is a period starting in the last quarter of the 20th century when
information became effortlessly accessible through publications and
through the management of information by computers and computer
networks” -

a) Computer Age
- It refers to a period that characterized the widespread adoption and
advancement in computer technology.

b) Digital Age
- It refers to a historical timeline and information technology-based
economy which originated on 20th century.

c) Social Media Age

- This one refers to the widespread adoption and integration of social media
platforms into various aspect such as in culture, society and means of
2) 10 Indigenous people in the Philippines and their contribution to
Science technology.
1. Alfredo Lagmay – was a National Research Council Member.
Among his many contributions, the most significant one was his
research on how specific changes happen in human behavior and
how particular behavior could treat mental illnesses in the long
2. Angel Alcala – Angel Alcala is the one who invented the artificial
coral reefs used for fisheries in Southeast Asia.
3. Eduardo Gomez – A marine biologist who led the first-ever
national-scale assessment damage to coral reefs worldwide.
4. Fe del Mundo – A notable Pediatric pioneer, she founded the first
pediatric Philippine hospital and focused on addressing what the
country lacked regarding medical equipment in specific
communities like rural areas.
5. Gavino Trono – he is also marine biologist and known as the
“Father of seaweed Diversity” because he made significant
contribution to tropical marine psychology.
6. Geminiano de Ocampo – is the only National scientist in the
Philippines specializing in ophthalmology. He was the first person
to diagnose and treat specific eye problem in the country.
7. Gregorio Velasquez – he is one of the many Filipinos who receive
the title of National scientist due to his research focuses on marine
8. Gregorio Zara - He was a scientist and engineer in the country. His
most significant invention was the videophone, which he patented
together with 30 other devices for better and more convenient
communication among people.
9. Julian Banzon - Julian Banzon uses his skill in producing
alternative fuels through his research methods. He was even known
for extracting resident coconut oil from the fruit.
10. Ramon Barba - Barba developed technology for inducing
mangoes to flower out of season and all year round.

3) Historical Background of Science and Technology in the Philippines

a) Pre-Spanish Era
- during this time people are already aware of medicinal properties of plants
and they are also actively engaging in activities and health-related
- They already had an alphabet system, number system and a calendar.
- Farming, mining weaving are also part of their practices.

b) Spanish Era
- During this time, Spaniards established schools, hospitals and they started
to do scientific research.
- Spanish leadership understood the modern science.
- The Spanish introduced formal education and founded scientific

c) American Era
- Under the American administration, science and technology in the
Philippines advanced quickly. This was made possible by the government's
simultaneous encouragement and support of a comprehensive public
education system, the awarding of scholarships for advanced study in
science and engineering, the establishment of science research agencies,
and the creation of science-based public services.

d) Commonwealth Era
- Under the 1973 Philippine Constitution, Article XV, Section 1, the
government’s role in supporting scientific research and invention was
- In 1974, a science development program was included in the government's
Four-Year Development Plan which covers the years 1974- 1978.
- Funding for science was also increased. The National Science
Development Board was replaced by the National Science and Technology
Authority under Executive Order No. 784. A Scientific Career in the civil
service was introduced in 1983.


60 years ago, the space age began. (2023, September 16). NASA.

Atomic Age design. (n.d.). Nuclear Museum.

Digital age. (n.d.). StudySmarter UK.

Historical antecedents of science and technology. (2018, September 29). SlideShare.

History of science and technology in the Philippines a pre Spanish era Filipinos. (2019,

December 13). Course Hero | Own the study hour.


Isaac Newton. (2015, March 10). HISTORY.

Sir Isaac Newton: Quotes, facts & biography. (2023, June 6).

Top 10 Filipino scientists who made a remarkable contribution to the Field of science | DOSTv

Science for the people. (n.d.). DOST Official Television Program | DOSTv - Science for

the People.


Williams, M. (2019, October 24). What is the space age? Universe Today.

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