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Cassidy Fisk

Group 1


Who are your teammates? My team consists of Dawn Dahlke, Karissa Kaiser, Elizabeth Page,

Cristian Morales, and myself.

1. Report the metrics (Customer, Employee and Shareholder satisfaction percentages). How

did your team do? What could have been done better? Explain. (5 pts)

Customer satisfaction increased from 20% to 47%. Employee satisfaction increased from

20% to 58%. Shareholder satisfaction increased from 20% to 33%. Our team did well in

ensuring that we made choices that increased the employee satisfaction, especially with the

crisis involving some striking and push back from employees. My team ensured that each

department had large number of resources to perform their job adequately. In the first stage,

we were allocating a vast amount of money towards each department to give them each the

chance to significantly boost the satisfaction percentages. During the first stage, I found

myself agreeing with the group on every decision as they chose to focus on taking care of the

employees. In the second stage, we were more frugal with our spending of the overall cash

reserve. I did slightly disagree with the CEO’s choice to engage with compensation as I

thought the fair trade negotiation was the more ethical option and would have been worth the

higher cost. In the end, I chose to agree with the majority as we were mostly concerned

about conserving the cash reserves. I think we can improve by trying to implement more

focus and resources on achieving a higher satisfaction level with the shareholders. Overall,

in each step of the crisis we did increase each satisfaction percentage in a positive manner

and that leads me to believe that we can continue to find our way to success in future

simulation experiences.
Cassidy Fisk
Group 1

2. How did your individual decisions compare to those of your teammates? Did you

agree/disagree? (4 pts)

My group has a good collaborative climate and we often see eye-to-eye when it comes to

making decisions during the crisis. As we read through the crisis I kept in mind that I wanted

the group to highly invest in the ERP system, talent retention plan, implementing the Six

Sigma, and competitor analysis. The ERP system, talent retention plan, and Six Sigma

budgets all involve increasing our employee’s capabilities and experience. Competitor

analysis is integral to helping our company understand what other companies are doing and

what choices we might want to make in reaction to other companies. I did disagree in the

second stage of the crisis when our CEO chose to continue negotiating with the union rather

than implement a fair trade negotiation. While continuing the negotiation with the union did

save the company $431,165 I think that we might have seen better results using the fair trade

negotiation. The fair trade negotiation would have shown that our core values included

treating our employees like family whilst still standing our ground without intimidation.

Ultimately I did agree with our CEO as we were highly concerned at our diminished cash


3. Think of the crisis and your team's decisions Which theory or theories in the textbook (in

Ch 1-5, 14) you have studied so far are applicable to this crisis Explain (5 pts)

I think that my team has been implementing and utilizing the situational theory of leadership.

After analyzing each step of the crisis, we chose which directives to give to the employees and
Cassidy Fisk
Group 1

then follow through by providing support by means of budget allocation. The directing style (SI)

is most like how my group oversees decisions. We choose to focus on how we can best increase

our goals and provide necessary support. Our goals are to increase the customer, employee, and

shareholder satisfaction percentages while staying true to our morals and advocating for

employee development and retention. I chose the directing style over the coaching style as I

found that there isn’t much opportunity for follower input for the team to work upon.

4. What is your demonstrated leadership style in this week’s game? Have you used this

style in your personal life or in your job as a leader? Give an example. (6 pts)

My demonstrated leadership style this week was the authentic leadership style. The

Authentic leadership style is rooted in being an honest, caring, and ethical leader. Authentic

leaders are also known for being self-aware and conscientious of how their actions as a leader

may affect their followers. I have not had the opportunity to become a manager nor shift

supervisor so I don’t often get to directly apply my authentic leadership style. However, when I

am in a group setting or having a conversation with a leader I try to be self-aware of how plans

or actions we are discussing could affect my other coworkers. I speak up to better the working

conditions for myself and other employees. For example, there has been some concern over

whether we would open our store while a winter storm is passing through our area. I was

prepared to bring up points in defense of the employees staying home to ensure safety for the

entire crew. Additionally, I was prepared to mention that it would not be a good idea to

encourage customers to come out into a snowstorm by being open and available to the public.

While the store might lose some revenue, I think that it is imperative to prioritize employee and
Cassidy Fisk
Group 1

customer safety. As I grow as a leader I intend to remain committed to leading in an honest,

ethical, and supportive manner.

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