Quiz, Faina

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Faina, Rosela F.

March 01, 2021

I- BSED FILIPINO B Purposive Communication





"The art of communication is the language of the heart".

"The art of communication is the language of the leadership".



The reciever would be the one giving the message.

The sender would be the one giving the message.



The first ethical principles according to the US NCA is to

"advocate truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason as essential to the integrity of creation" .


The most important contribution from Eugene White's Model is the concept of feedback.



The art of one's communtion reflects the art of one's thinking.

II. Illustrate the flow/process of the following communtion models.


Aristotle's Model Communication

Here is my illustration :

Speaker Speech. Audience Effect


Aristotle's Model of Communication



Here is my illustration:


Encoder Encoder

Interpreter Interpreter

Decoder . Decoder





I choose Aristotle's Model of Communication

Aristotle's Communication Model

Aristotle's Communication Model was the first to take an initiative and the design the
communication model.Let us first the go through a simple situation; in a political meeting the
perspective leader delivers speech to the audience urging for more votes from the constituency. He tries
to convince the crowd in the best possible way he can so that he emerges as a winner.

What is he actually doing?

He delivering his speech in manner that the listeners would get convinced and cast their votes only his
favour, or in other words respond in the same manner the speaker wanted to.Here the leader or the
speaker or the sender is the center of attraction and the crowd simply the passive listeners.The example
actually explains the Aristotle's model of communication. According to this model, the speaker plays a
key role in communtion. He is the one who takes complete charge of the communication.The sender
first prepares a content which he does by carefully putting his thoughts in words with an objective and
influencing the listeners or the recipients, who would then respond in the sender's desired way.No
points in guessing that the content has to be very impressive in this model for the audience or the
recievers to get convinced.The model says that the speaker communicates in such away that the
listeners get influenced and respond accordingly.The speaker must be very careful about his selection of
words and content in this model of communication.He should understand his target audience and then
prepare his speech.Making eye contact with the second party is again a must to create an impact
among the listeners.Let us again go through the first example; the politician must understand the needs
of the people in his constituency like the need of shopping mall, better transport system,safety of girls
etc and then design his speech.His speech should address all the above issues and focus on providing the
solutions to their problems to expect maximum votes from them.His tone and pitch should also be loud
and clear enough for the people to hear and understand the speech properly. Stammering, getting
nervous in between of a conversation must be avoided.Voice modulations also play a very important
role in creating the desire effect.Blank expressions, confused looks and similar pitch all through the
speech make it monotonous and nullify its effect. The speaker should know where to lay more stress on
highlight which words influence the listeners.One will definitely purchase the mobile handset from the
store where the salesman gives an impressive demo of the mobile. It depends on the salesman what to
speak in a manner to influence the listeners so that they respond to him in a way he actually wants
purchase the handset and increase his billing.The Aristotle's model of communication is the widely
accepted and the most common model of communtion where when the sender sends the information
or a message to the recievers to influence them make them respond and act Aristotle' model of
communication is the golden rule excel in public speaking, seminars,lectures where the sender makes
his point clear by designing an impressive, content,passing on the message to the second part and they
simply respond accordingly.Here the sender is the active member and the reciever passive one.


Submitted to: Mrs. Leslie Macuja

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