Harry Potter Assessment Practice

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Harry Potter Assessment Practice

Written by Anabella Jasinski

Harry sat at the long, wooden table in the Great Hall with Ron, his eyes scanning the room
filled with chattering students. The aroma of delicious food wafted through the air, enticing
his taste buds. He couldn't resist the temptation, as he and Ron eagerly started to fill his plate
with heaping portions of roast beef, mashed potatoes, and buttered peas. Little did he know,
Professor Snape had a mischievous plan up his sleeve.
Snape, known for his cunning nature, had always favoured the Slytherin house and its
ambitious students. Ever since Harry had set foot in Hogwarts, Snape had been silently
plotting to convince him to join his beloved house. Tonight, he decided to take matters into
his own hands by slipping a special potion into Harry's food.
As Harry took a bite of the roast beef, his senses were assaulted with the incredible taste of
moist beef- the best he had ever had. Snape observed from afar waiting for the effects to take
place, a hint of anticipation in his eyes. Little did he know that Harry possessed a natural
resistance to potions due to his mother's protection.
To Snape's dismay, the potion didn't seem to have any effect on Harry. He watched as Harry
continued to eat his meal, seemingly unfazed. Snape's brow furrowed with frustration, unable
to comprehend why his carefully prepared potion had failed. Although not all way lost after
harry finished his meal he noticed how tired he was , so , on dumbledores que he and ron
headed up towards their dormitory with the rest of Gryffindor house everyone buzzing about
the meal and their day with every step harry took he felt more and more drowsy an try as he
might to shake it off he just kept on getting more and more tired longing for his warm bed.
Finally after what seemed like a centuries he reached his cosy room…

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