Expt. 5. Law of Acceleration

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NPS 210 – Physics for Engineers

Name: Date performed:

Section & Class schedule: Date submitted:
Group No.: Instructor:

Experiment No. 5

According to Sir Isaac Newton, an object accelerates if acted on by an unbalanced force (Giancoli, 2003). The
acceleration a depends on two factors: (1)the unbalanced force acting on the object F, and (2) the mass of the object m.
In this experiment, you will study the law of acceleration by performing two simple
activities. The first activity is done by measuring the change in acceleration when a constant mass is subjected to a varying
force, and then by noting the change in acceleration when the force remains constant and the mass varies using a rolling cart
with a small counter weight that is used to minimize friction.

The second activity is performed using the Atwood machine in which a small net force is applied to two unequal
masses connected by a string over a pulley. Each of the masses are pulled by gravity so that the difference of the weights will
reduce the unequal force that will accelerate the system, one mass upward and the other downward.

Newton’s law of acceleration is often written as F = ma. From this law, the following
equations are formed: (for m1<m2)
T  W1  m1a for m1 W 2 – T = m 2a for m2
Combining the two equations,
g(m2  m1 ) Equation 1
m1  m2
Another way of solving for the acceleration of the system is from the linear motion equation,
a . Equation 2
1. To determine the relationship between acceleration and force when the mass is kept constant, and between
acceleration and mass when the force is kept constant.
.2. To determine the acceleration of a system using the Atwood machine.

Rolling cart, string, weight hanger, slotted mass, pulley, meterstick, stopwatch, triple beam balance, Atwood machine
(pulley, iron stand, masses, string)

I. The rolling cart
A. Mass is constant, force varies.
1. Weigh the cart. Attach the cart on one of the ends of the string. Let the string pass over the pulley that is attached at the
edge of the table. Hang a weight hanger on the other end of the string.
2. Add enough small masses to the weight hanger so that the cart will move uniformly when it is given a slight push. This
serves as a counterweight. This should stay in the weight hanger throughout the experiment but should not be considered
as a force.
3. Place 50 g on the weight hanger. This serves as the first force. Mark the initial position of the cart. Measure the time it
takes for the cart to travel a certain distance.
4. Run two more trials by increasing the force. For every change in force, measure the time it takes for the cart to travel the
same distance as in Step 3.
5. Calculate the acceleration (theoretical values) corresponding to different forces using the Newton’s law of acceleration,
𝐅 = 𝐦𝐚 and the experimental values using the linear motion equation 𝑎 = 2𝑥2 . Calculate the percent difference between
the two values.

B. Force constant, mass varies.

1. Remove the other masses on the weight hanger leaving 150 g, which serves as the constant force. Retain also the
counterweight. Load the cart with 300g. Measure the time required for the cart to travel the same distance.
2. Run two more trials by decreasing the mass of the system. Remove 100-g mass from the cart then 200-g mass. For
every change in mass, measure the time needed to travel the same distance.
3. Calculate the acceleration of the system corresponding to different masses as in A and determine the percent difference
between the two values.

II. The Atwood machine

1. Mount the pulley about 1 m or more above the floor. Pass a string through the pulley and attach equal slotted masses on
each end. The string should be just enough for one mass to reach the floor when the other is at the pulley.
2. Tap one mass so that the system moves with uniform speed.
3. Add another slotted mass to one of the masses. Support it and release when someone starts timing the motion. Record the
masses used, time elapsed, and the distance traveled. Make 5 trials using varied masses.
4. Determine the acceleration of the system in each trial theoretically using Equation 1, and experimentally using Equation 2.
Compute the percent difference between the two values.

Father Saturnino Urios University Butuan City

NPS 210 – Physics for Engineers

Data and Results:

Trial Mass(m) Force(F) Time(t) Distance(x) Acceleration(a)
(kg) (N) (s) (m) TV EV
Percent difference

Trial Mass(m) Force(F) Time(t) Distance(x) Acceleration(a)
(kg) (N) (s) (m) TV EV
Percent difference

Trial m1 m2 W1 W2 Time Distance Acceleration
(kg) (kg) (N) (N) (s) (m) (m/s2)
Percent difference
Computations: write at the back

Analysis and Interpretation:


Drawing: (Actual set-up with proper label)

Application: Answer in a separate sheet

1. Differentiate mass and weight.
2. A box weighing 70 N rests on the table. A rope tied to the box runs vertically upward over a pulley and a weight is
hung from the other end. Determine the force that the table exerts on the box if the weight hanging on the other side of
the pulley weighs a) 30 N, b) 60 N, and c) 90 N.
3. A 10-kg block rests on a frictionless table. A cord is attached to the block extends horizontally to a pulley at the edge
of the table. A 5-kg mass hangs at the other end of the cord after it passes over a pulley. Calculate the acceleration of
the block and the tension in the cord.

Father Saturnino Urios University Butuan City

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