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Conflict A t tac k S e q u e n c e
Types of Conflict: 1. Choose your target and the asset you’re using to attack.
@ Personal – Dueling (corebook, p.171). 2. Make a Contest skill test against your opponent. The
@ Skirmish – Multiple opponents (corebook, p.174). attacker’s final Difficulty increases by +1 for each defen-
@ Warfare – Large scale conflict (corebook, p.180). sive asset in the target’s zone.
@ Espionage – Spying (corebook p.177). a. If you win the contest, then you successfully
@ Intrigue – Social conflict (corebook, p.184). attack the enemy.
b. If you lose the contest, then your attack has
Moving Assets failed, and the action ends. You may not keep the
initiative after this.
To move an asset from one zone to the next requires a skill 3. If you successfully attacked, the results are as follows:
test (Difficulty 2). a. If the enemy is a minor non-player character
You may spend 2 Momentum to move an additional zone. or minor supporting character, then they are
defeated immediately.
@ If you move an asset subtly, you reduce the cost to b. If the enemy is a notable or major non-player
keep the initiative to 0 if you succeed. character, a notable supporting character, or a
@ If you move an asset boldly, then you may move one main player character, then defeating them is an
of an opposing character’s assets by one zone if you extended task. Each character has an extended
succeed. task track with a requirement equal to a relevant
@ If you fail, you may not spend Momentum on additional skill, which is used to track how close to defeat
movement, and one enemy may move a single asset that character is. Each successful attack against a
one zone. You may not keep the initiative. character scores points towards that extended task
equal to 2 plus the attacking asset’s Potency, and
Use of Assets you may add +1 to this by spending 2 Momentum.
Common examples of ways to use an asset include: A character is defeated when their track is full.
4. If you defeated an opponent, then you may spend 2
@ Attacking an opponent with the intent of harming or
Momentum to inflict a lasting defeat.
defeating them (see Attack Sequence and Resisting
Defeat, opposite). Resisting Defeat
@ Attempting to remove an opponent’s asset from play. All player characters, notable and major non-player/
supporting characters may resist defeat once per scene.
@ Attempting to create a new trait for the scene, or a new
asset for yourself or an ally.
@ When they do, they are simply not defeated and may
continue the conflict, but are not healed in any way.
@ Attempting to overcome an obstacle or hindrance in
@ It costs 1 Momentum, or adds 1 to Threat, and causes
the environment.
you to suffer a complication.
@ Attempting to gain information about the situation.
@ The amount of Momentum, or Threat spent to Resist
@ Attempting to remove a trait or similar complication Defeat increases by an amount equal to the Potency of
from an ally, or to aid a defeated ally. the asset used to cause that defeat.


D ete rmination
(P layers )
Determination may only be spent on a test where a Drive statement applies without conflict with the action. If a player opts to
challenge or comply on a test, they may gain 1 Determination. Determination may be spent in the following ways, each use
costs 1 point:
@ Automatic 1: On a single die.
@ Re-roll: Any or all dice.
@ Declaration: Create a new trait or change or remove an existing one.
@ Extra Action: Act again during a conflict.

Dune © 2022 Legendary. Dune: Adventures in the Imperium is an officially sub-licensed property from Gale Force Nine, a Battlefront Group Company. All Rights Reserved, except the Modiphius Logo which is © Modiphius Entertainment Ltd
Read this First

My dearest children,
By now, you will have heard the news that our House has been chosen by the Emperor
to take over all spice production operations on Arrakis, called ‘Dune’ by the natives there.
As you know, spice is perhaps the most important substance in the universe. So, this new
fiefdom is a tremendous honor and responsibility for our family.
I have been quite busy on Arrakis, surveying our new holdings and doing my part to
ensure a smooth and painless transition from House Harkonnen, who previously held this
responsibility. The Harkonnens have been rewarded by the Emperor for their service and
reaped many rewards from their tenure. They are being more than adequately compensated
for their service by the Emperor, and much of this new favor relies on executing a smooth
transition of governorship. This makes us mutual allies for the moment, even though the
Harkonnen reputation is an unpleasant one. I can only hope we profit as well as they have.
Managed properly, the potential rewards on Arrakis are almost limitless.
I have also decided you are old enough to take your rightful place in our House, and lead
our new venture on Arrakis. To this end, I am sending you and your retainers for a
sabbatical on Giedi Prime, the homeworld of House Harkonnen. Our Harkonnen allies
have offered to train you for the trials ahead and offer the benefit of their experience on
Dune. Stay sharp, observe well, and learn from them.
I am sorry that I cannot say farewell properly, but there is too much to prepare and you
are no longer children that need to hide behind my skirts. Know that I love you and trust
you to do your best for our House. We will all see each other again soon when you have
completed your training.
I have enclosed everything that you might need for the journeys ahead with this letter. Study
this information well. On Arrakis, there will be no second chances.
Be vigilant, be careful. You are the heirs to our noble House, and in your hands lies the
well-being of us all.
Your Loving Mother
Sakura, Countess Nagara
AG E N T S O F D U N E / C A M PA I G N S E T 1
W h at i f B ox
You Ruled Arrakis? Inside the box you will also find:
What if, instead of House Atreides So, if you have everyone together
taking control of the planet Dune, it and are ready to play, we are ready CHARACTER FOLIOS (5)
was you and your friends? to begin. The adventure may take
several hours to complete, so we
Unlike the acclaimed story of Dune,
do not recommend trying to run
which tells how the family and
through it in one session or rushing
retainers of House Atreides went to
through it. Take your time and take
Dune to find their destiny, Agents
as many sessions as you need with
of Dune lets you play through a
whatever amount of time you have
different scenario, where you and
available. Just put everything back Give all five of these to the players now.
your friends play as a new House
in the box for safekeeping between Each player should choose a character to
and face all-new challenges.
sessions and pick up where you left play for the adventure. Don’t worry about
Can you do better than the off when you can meet again. all the numbers and rules just yet. It is
Atreides did, or will you face their fine to pick one based on which picture
One thing you must do before you
same fate? looks the coolest! Once each player has
go any further is decide who will be
chosen their character, the gamemaster
The Agents of Dune Beginner’s the gamemaster. It is their job to
should place any remaining ones back in
Campaign Set offers you the guide you through the adventure
the box, they will not be needed. Each
opportunity to discover that answer and read text aloud where
player should now take a moment to look
for yourselves by playing this necessary. They do not get to play
over their character and read the details
roleplaying game adventure, and their own character, but they will
there. Don’t worry about the rules stuff;
you can begin playing right now. play everyone else you meet. It is
we’ll get to that as we go.
a bit more responsibility, but it is
You’ll need between two to six
as much fun as being a player, just While the players are looking through
people to play this game. While
a different type of fun. Anyone can the sheets and choosing characters,
it works best with all six people,
be the gamemaster; they don’t you (the gamemaster) can read the rest
you can still enjoy every aspect of
need to have played a game like of this section to yourself.
it with as few as two. Anyone can
this before, although it will help.
enjoy this adventure, although
We’ll be with you every step of ADVENTURE BOOKLET
its themes and rules may not be
the way to guide you through the
suitable for young children.
In Agents of Dune experience an
We should add that the
exciting roleplaying adventure that
gamemaster is not playing against
introduces the setting of Dune and
the players. Roleplaying is not
the 2d20 System rules. Don’t worry
about winning, but playing a
if you know nothing about any of
challenging adventure together. So,
these things. Everything will be
where there are disagreements, the
explained as you play through the
gamemaster has the final call, but
should listen to the players before
Agents of Dune is designed to be making a decision. Their judgments
played straight out of the box. So should be neutral, fair, and serve
don’t open or look at anything until the story you are all telling. A G E N T S O F D U N E
you are directed to, as you’ll spoil the
Take a moment to discuss this
surprise. However, if you are already
between yourselves. Once you have
an experienced roleplayer and know
chosen the gamemaster, it will be This booklet is only for the gamemaster.
the 2d20 System, you may wish to
difficult to change your mind later. It contains all three acts of the story
adapt the adventure yourself. In
you are going to tell together, with the
this case, read through the material Once chosen, the gamemaster they
player’s characters as the heroes. It will
and run the adventure in whatever should read the next section and
tell you what to read out and which
way you prefer. But even if you are follow the instructions about what
components to hand out as you go. Most
experienced, you may enjoy this new to do with all the components in
importantly it will also teach you how to
way of playing the game. the box.
play the game as you play.

There are two cards decks that contain
a mixture of different cards.

These should be kept by the

gamemaster or kept in the box until
they are needed. The adventure
Character Cards detail the various booklet will tell you when you need
characters you will meet. You will be to use them, but you are welcome to
directed to reveal these in turn as the punch them all out now so they are
game progresses as each enters the ready.
story. But for now each player should Inside the box you will find a code you
be given the card for the character HANDOUTS, can use to redeem a free pdf digital
they have chosen. You will also find TRACKERS AND MAPS copy of the Dune: Adventures in
several stands that the cards can be the Imperium Core Rulebook. While
placed in when used as markers later. we will explain the rules as the story
For now, place each character card in progresses, you can use this resource
front of each player in its stand which as a reference. It will also give you
will help everyone remember who is much more in depth detail on the
playing which character. setting and additional rules that are
not used in this adventure. You may
wish to claim and download your copy
now so it is available on a laptop or
There are several folded maps, paper
tablet when you start the game.
handouts and card trackers. Where
you need to use these will all be made Once everyone is settled and
clear as you go through the adventure. ready and has chosen a character,
For now, leave them in the box and the gamemaster should open the
you will be instructed when to use adventure booklet to the first page
Asset Cards represent items the each one. and begin the preparations for the
characters will collect as the game adventure.
progresses. The gamemaster should DICE
The last page of this folio contains
keep all of these for now, and the
useful tables and charts for reference
booklet will tell you when to hand each
when you run the game. They will all
one out.
make more sense as you play.

There are five twenty sided dice in a

worm symbol instead of a ‘1’. They
may look a little odd, but you’ll get
used to them. For this game we use
20-sided dice, or ‘d20s’. As you will
see later on, when making tests you
Trait Cards represent bonuses and
will roll from two to five of them. We
penalties your characters may suffer
note this as 2d20 or 5d20, etc. All the
or gain as the story progresses. These
dice should be placed on the table
will modify dice tests and show where
where everyone can reach them.
you have gained the favor or enmity
of other characters.

AG E N T S O F D U N E / C A M PA I G N S E T 3
p.102 p.105 p.144
Skills Drives Traits
@ Battle: Physical conflict @ Duty: @ Let you try something you couldn’t do normally.
and strategy. What is your
@ Make something easier to attempt (–1 Difficulty).
@ Communicate: @ Make something harder to attempt (+1 Difficulty, or
@ Faith:
Social tests. need a Skill Test when it wouldn’t normally).
What your heart says.
@ Discipline:
@ Justice: @ Stops you doing something that you could normally do.
Stamina and willpower. What is right.
@ Move: @ Power: p.148-
Athletics and speed. What you want. S k i l l T e s t P ro c e d u r e 149

@ Understand: @ Truth:
1. Player describes action.
Mental challenges What the facts are.
2. Gamemaster decides on appropriate skill and assigns
and knowledge. a Difficulty.
3. Player chooses a Drive statement:
@ If one is relevant, use that Drive.
D i f f i c u lt y L e v e l s @ If none are relevant use one of the remaining Drives.
@ If one conflicts or mismatches you may challenge
Simple (Difficulty 0) or comply with the test.
@ Nudging open a stuck door. 4. Check to see if a focus can be applied (max of 1).
@ Investigating a subject of common knowledge. 5. Spend Threat, Momentum, and/or Determination
@ Asking for a simple favor. points to modify the test.
6. Roll the dice and count successes:
Average (Difficulty 1) @ Each die that scores the target number or below
@ Overcoming a simple lock. is a success.
@ A roll of 1 (or up to the skill value if using a focus)
@ Investigating private but not secret knowledge.
is a critical and yields two successes.
@ Asking for a significant favor from a friend. @ Each success beyond the required Difficulty
earns 1 Momentum.
Challenging (Difficulty 2)
@ Overcoming a complex lock. @ Target Number = Skill + Drive
@ Investigating confidential or hidden knowledge. @ Dice Pool = 2d20, max dice pool 5d20
@ Asking for a favor that costs the benefactor
something minor.
@ Each assistant rolls only 1d20 (Momentum cannot
Daunting (Difficulty 3) increase).
@ Overcoming a complex lock in a hurry.
@ Target number is their choice of skill + Drive, Focus
@ Investigating knowledge that has been actively hidden
may be applied.
by a powerful faction.
@ Asking for a complicated or expensive favor. Complications
Dire (Difficulty 4) COMP.
@ Overcoming a complex lock, in a hurry, without the right
1 Normal 20
2 Risky 19 or 20
@ Investigating knowledge whose very existence has
been hidden. 3 Perilous 18–20

@ Asking for a complicated or expensive favor. 4 Precarious 17–20

5 Treacherous 16–20
Epic (Difficulty 5)
@ Overcoming a complex lock, in a hurry, without the
Complications result on a roll of 20 on any dice.
right tools, during a battle.
@ Investigating knowledge whose very existence has Success at cost
been hidden for centuries . A roll may be changed to a bare success if the character
@ Asking for a dangerous favor from a stranger. suffers a complication.

Dune © 2022 Legendary. Dune: Adventures in the Imperium is an officially sub-licensed property from Gale Force Nine, a Battlefront Group Company. All Rights Reserved, except the Modiphius Logo which is © Modiphius Entertainment Ltd
N ag a r a
M a rt i a l N o b l e
You are the elder child of the ruler of your House.
As such you have been trained as a warrior and
a leader.

Play this character if you like being in charge and

enjoy dueling and combat.

AG E N T S O F D U N E / C A M PA I G N S E T 5
Welcome to the Imperium of Humanity, an era tens of
thousands of years into the future.

In this time the Known Universe is ruled by the

Emperor and the Great Houses. It is a feudal era,
where noble families rule whole planets in the service
of the Emperor, but politic ruthlessly in the shadows
for power and control.

Many, many years ago, humanity was enslaved by its

own creation, machines that thought like humans.
After a long war for freedom, humanity vowed never
again to create ‘thinking machines’. Unfortunately,
they had become so reliant on these constructs it
became a difficult vow to keep, as humanity lacked
the necessary abilities the thinking machines pos-
sessed. So several ‘Great Schools’ were created to
teach humanity the skills they lacked. One such school
developed ‘Mentats’, human beings trained to think,
analyze, and remember more efficiently and quickly
than any computer. Another renowned school is the
Sisterhood of the Bene Gesserit, who have learned
such control over body and mind that some people
consider them ‘witches’.

Despite the wealth and incredible technology available

to the Great Houses, the most critical to keeping the
Imperium running is the spice melange. This mysteri-
ous substance prolongs life, grants powerful prescient
visions, and allows many adepts of the Great Schools
incredible power. It is also the key to space travel.
Only by using the prescient powers they gain from the
Name: Shizu Nagara
drug can the Navigators of the Spacing Guild safely
pilot their huge Heighliners across the vast interstellar House: Nagara
distances. Without spice, commerce and travel within
Role: Heir and Duelist
the Imperium grinds to a halt.
Personality Traits: Noble, Leader
Unfortunately, spice is only found a single planet, and
hundreds of attempts to duplicate it have all failed. Ambition: To rule House Nagara

The planet is question is Arrakis, and it is one of the

most inhospitable planets in the whole Imperium. No
drop of rain has ever fallen on Arrakis, and the entire
B a c kg r o u n d
world is one vast desert full of deadly sandstorms and Shizu is the eldest child of Countess Nagara, and the
giant worms that can swallow buildings whole. So the named heir of the House. From a young age she has
people of Arrakis know it by another name. been drilled in the ways of rulership and statecraft
so she might be ready at any moment to assume the
They call it ‘Dune’.
responsibilities of leadership. For her own protection
she has also been highly trained in all manner of fighting
arts. The enemies of House Nagara would dearly love to
spill her blood, and if they try, she will make them pay for
every drop.
COOL UNDER PRESSURE (BATTLE) D U T Y: 7 People are the true
strength of a Noble House.
When the situation gets tough, you take a deep
breath and get the job done.

When you attempt a test using Battle, before

FA I T H : 4
rolling you may spend a Determination point
to automatically succeed at that test, but you JUSTICE: 6 I will get revenge on those
who wrong me.
generate no Momentum. The normal conditions
for spending Determination still apply. The ability to destroy
P OW E R : 8 a thing is the key to
SUBTLE STEP controlling it.

You’re well-versed in methods of avoiding notice,
T RU T H :
and you reveal little that you do not intend to.

When you attempt a Move test to sneak or

otherwise pass unseen through an area, or when
you attempt to move an asset subtly during a SKILL FOCUSES
conflict, the first extra d20 you purchase for the
test is free. B AT T L E : 6 Dueling


The slow blade pierces the shield. You’re C O M M U N I C AT E : 5
well-versed in the subtle ways of avoiding an
opponent’s defenses.

When you make an attack during a duel or a

skirmish using a melee weapon, and you buy one
or more dice by spending Momentum, you may MOVE: 7 Pilot, Stealth
choose one of the enemy’s assets in the same
zone as your attack; you can ignore that asset
during your attack. U N D E R S TA N D : 6 Danger Sense

@ Your father’s rapier (long blade), the ancestral
blade of House Nagara.

AG E N T S O F D U N E / C A M PA I G N S E T 7
p.102 p.105 p.144
Skills Drives Traits
@ Battle: Physical conflict @ Duty: @ Let you try something you couldn’t do normally.
and strategy. What is your
@ Make something easier to attempt (–1 Difficulty).
@ Communicate: @ Make something harder to attempt (+1 Difficulty, or
@ Faith:
Social tests. need a Skill Test when it wouldn’t normally).
What your heart says.
@ Discipline:
@ Justice: @ Stops you doing something that you could normally do.
Stamina and willpower. What is right.
@ Move: @ Power: p.148-
Athletics and speed. What you want. S k i l l T e s t P ro c e d u r e 149

@ Understand: @ Truth:
1. Player describes action.
Mental challenges What the facts are.
2. Gamemaster decides on appropriate skill and assigns
and knowledge. a Difficulty.
3. Player chooses a Drive statement:
@ If one is relevant, use that Drive.
D i f f i c u lt y L e v e l s @ If none are relevant use one of the remaining Drives.
@ If one conflicts or mismatches you may challenge
Simple (Difficulty 0) or comply with the test.
@ Nudging open a stuck door. 4. Check to see if a focus can be applied (max of 1).
@ Investigating a subject of common knowledge. 5. Spend Threat, Momentum, and/or Determination
@ Asking for a simple favor. points to modify the test.
6. Roll the dice and count successes:
Average (Difficulty 1) @ Each die that scores the target number or below
@ Overcoming a simple lock. is a success.
@ A roll of 1 (or up to the skill value if using a focus)
@ Investigating private but not secret knowledge.
is a critical and yields two successes.
@ Asking for a significant favor from a friend. @ Each success beyond the required Difficulty
earns 1 Momentum.
Challenging (Difficulty 2)
@ Overcoming a complex lock. @ Target Number = Skill + Drive
@ Investigating confidential or hidden knowledge. @ Dice Pool = 2d20, max dice pool 5d20
@ Asking for a favor that costs the benefactor
something minor.
@ Each assistant rolls only 1d20 (Momentum cannot
Daunting (Difficulty 3) increase).
@ Overcoming a complex lock in a hurry.
@ Target number is their choice of skill + Drive, Focus
@ Investigating knowledge that has been actively hidden
may be applied.
by a powerful faction.
@ Asking for a complicated or expensive favor. Complications
Dire (Difficulty 4) COMP.
@ Overcoming a complex lock, in a hurry, without the right
1 Normal 20
2 Risky 19 or 20
@ Investigating knowledge whose very existence has
been hidden. 3 Perilous 18–20

@ Asking for a complicated or expensive favor. 4 Precarious 17–20

5 Treacherous 16–20
Epic (Difficulty 5)
@ Overcoming a complex lock, in a hurry, without the
Complications result on a roll of 20 on any dice.
right tools, during a battle.
@ Investigating knowledge whose very existence has Success at cost
been hidden for centuries. A roll may be changed to a bare success if the character
@ Asking for a dangerous favor from a stranger. suffers a complication.

Dune © 2022 Legendary. Dune: Adventures in the Imperium is an officially sub-licensed property from Gale Force Nine, a Battlefront Group Company. All Rights Reserved, except the Modiphius Logo which is © Modiphius Entertainment Ltd
J i ro
N ag a r a
C h a r i s m at i c N o b l e
You are the younger child of the ruler of your
House. You are not especially physical so you have
developed keen social skills.

Play this character if you enjoy socializing and

charming your adversaries.

AG E N T S O F D U N E / C A M PA I G N S E T 1
Welcome to the Imperium of Humanity, an era tens of
thousands of years into the future.

In this time the Known Universe is ruled by the

Emperor and the Great Houses. It is a feudal era,
where noble families rule whole planets in the service
of the Emperor, but politic ruthlessly in the shadows
for power and control.

Many, many years ago, humanity was enslaved by its

own creation, machines that thought like humans.
After a long war for freedom, humanity vowed never
again to create ‘thinking machines’. Unfortunately,
they had become so reliant on these constructs it
became a difficult vow to keep, as humanity lacked
the necessary abilities the thinking machines pos-
sessed. So several ‘Great Schools’ were created to
teach humanity the skills they lacked. One such school
developed ‘Mentats’, human beings trained to think,
analyze, and remember more efficiently and quickly
than any computer. Another renowned school is the
Sisterhood of the Bene Gesserit, who have learned
such control over body and mind that some people Name: Jiro Nagara
consider them ‘witches’.
House: Nagara
Despite the wealth and incredible technology available
Role: Heir and Socialite
to the Great Houses, the most critical to keeping the
Imperium running is the spice melange. This mysteri- Personality Traits: Noble, Stylish
ous substance prolongs life, grants powerful prescient
Ambition: To run House Nagara from the shadows
visions, and allows many adepts of the Great Schools
incredible power. It is also the key to space travel.
Only by using the prescient powers they gain from the
drug can the Navigators of the Spacing Guild safely
B a c kg r o u n d
pilot their huge Heighliners across the vast interstellar As the younger child of Countess Nagara, Jiro has been
distances. Without spice, commerce and travel within free to enjoy most of the advantages of privilege, but
the Imperium grinds to a halt. few of its responsibilities. Sometimes he is jealous of
the attention his elder sister Shizu gets, but he knows
Unfortunately, spice is only found a single planet, and
she sometimes wishes she had his freedoms. Jiro has
hundreds of attempts to duplicate it have all failed.
an aptitude for socializing, and so has been trained in
The planet is question is Arrakis, and it is one of the diplomacy and negotiation. He expects to serve as an
most inhospitable planets in the whole Imperium. No advisor to Countess Nagara and eventually to Shizu when
drop of rain has ever fallen on Arrakis, and the entire she takes over the House. He hopes to become an envoy
world is one vast desert full of deadly sandstorms and for House Nagara so he might travel all over the universe.
giant worms that can swallow buildings whole. So the
people of Arrakis know it by another name.

They call it ‘Dune’.

BOLD (COMMUNICATE) D U T Y: 8 Repay what you owe.
When you take calculated risks, you tend to
succeed more often than seems reasonable.

When you attempt a test using Communicate,

FA I T H : 6 Faith gives me certainty
where others doubt.
and you buy additional d20s by generating Threat I have no patience for
for the gamemaster, you may re-roll a single d20 JUSTICE: 7 those who complain that
in that dice pool. life is unfair.

You are a master at concealing your intentions and

motivations. Few truly know what drives you, even
T RU T H :
if they think they understand you.

When an opponent fails an Understand or

Communicate test against you, you may
immediately create a trait which reflects a SKILL FOCUSES
mistaken belief they have about you.

B AT T L E : 5
You have a special knack for saying more than
one thing at once, conveying one message with C O M M U N I C AT E : 7 Deceit, Persuasion
the literal meaning of your words and another
with innuendo, allusions, and signals that only the
intended recipients will understand. DISCIPLINE: 6 Observe

When you attempt a Communicate test, you may

choose to increase the Difficulty of the test by +1 MOVE: 4
to conceal a hidden message within your words.
You must state who is the intended recipient
of this hidden message. People other than the U N D E R S TA N D : 6 Etiquette
intended recipient cannot discern that you have
concealed another message, unless they have
this talent, or some other ability to detect things
which people cannot normally detect (such as the
Hyperawareness talent).

@ Secret Files that imply House Harkonnen has
a secret store of spice on Arrakis.

AG E N T S O F D U N E / C A M PA I G N S E T 3
p.102 p.105 p.144
Skills Drives Traits
@ Battle: Physical conflict @ Duty: @ Let you try something you couldn’t do normally.
and strategy. What is your
@ Make something easier to attempt (–1 Difficulty).
@ Communicate: @ Make something harder to attempt (+1 Difficulty, or
@ Faith:
Social tests. need a Skill Test when it wouldn’t normally).
What your heart says.
@ Discipline:
@ Justice: @ Stops you doing something that you could normally do.
Stamina and willpower. What is right.
@ Move: @ Power: p.148-
Athletics and speed. What you want. S k i l l T e s t P ro c e d u r e 149

@ Understand: @ Truth:
1. Player describes action.
Mental challenges What the facts are.
2. Gamemaster decides on appropriate skill and assigns
and knowledge. a Difficulty.
3. Player chooses a Drive statement:
@ If one is relevant, use that Drive.
D i f f i c u lt y L e v e l s @ If none are relevant use one of the remaining Drives.
@ If one conflicts or mismatches you may challenge
Simple (Difficulty 0) or comply with the test.
@ Nudging open a stuck door. 4. Check to see if a focus can be applied (max of 1).
@ Investigating a subject of common knowledge. 5. Spend Threat, Momentum, and/or Determination
@ Asking for a simple favor. points to modify the test.
6. Roll the dice and count successes:
Average (Difficulty 1) @ Each die that scores the target number or below
@ Overcoming a simple lock. is a success.
@ A roll of 1 (or up to the skill value if using a focus)
@ Investigating private but not secret knowledge.
is a critical and yields two successes.
@ Asking for a significant favor from a friend. @ Each success beyond the required Difficulty
earns 1 Momentum.
Challenging (Difficulty 2)
@ Overcoming a complex lock. @ Target Number = Skill + Drive
@ Investigating confidential or hidden knowledge. @ Dice Pool = 2d20, max dice pool 5d20
@ Asking for a favor that costs the benefactor
something minor.
@ Each assistant rolls only 1d20 (Momentum cannot
Daunting (Difficulty 3) increase).
@ Overcoming a complex lock in a hurry.
@ Target number is their choice of skill + Drive, Focus
@ Investigating knowledge that has been actively hidden
may be applied.
by a powerful faction.
@ Asking for a complicated or expensive favor. Complications
Dire (Difficulty 4) COMP.
@ Overcoming a complex lock, in a hurry, without the right
1 Normal 20
2 Risky 19 or 20
@ Investigating knowledge whose very existence has
been hidden. 3 Perilous 18–20

@ Asking for a complicated or expensive favor. 4 Precarious 17–20

5 Treacherous 16–20
Epic (Difficulty 5)
@ Overcoming a complex lock, in a hurry, without the
Complications result on a roll of 20 on any dice.
right tools, during a battle.
@ Investigating knowledge whose very existence has Success at cost
been hidden for centuries. A roll may be changed to a bare success if the character
@ Asking for a dangerous favor from a stranger. suffers a complication.

Dune © 2022 Legendary. Dune: Adventures in the Imperium is an officially sub-licensed property from Gale Force Nine, a Battlefront Group Company. All Rights Reserved, except the Modiphius Logo which is © Modiphius Entertainment Ltd
Zafir Callas
S wo r d m a s t e r
You are a highly trained fighter, skilled with both blades and
lasguns, although you prefer to meet your opponents face-to-face
with steel.

Play this character if you enjoy combat and swashbuckling action.

AG E N T S O F D U N E / C A M PA I G N S E T 1
Welcome to the Imperium of Humanity, an era tens of
thousands of years into the future.

In this time the Known Universe is ruled by the

Emperor and the Great Houses. It is a feudal era,
where noble families rule whole planets in the service
of the Emperor, but politic ruthlessly in the shadows
for power and control.

Many, many years ago, humanity was enslaved by its

own creation, machines that thought like humans.
After a long war for freedom, humanity vowed never
again to create ‘thinking machines’. Unfortunately,
they had become so reliant on these constructs it
became a difficult vow to keep, as humanity lacked
the necessary abilities the thinking machines pos-
sessed. So several ‘Great Schools’ were created to
teach humanity the skills they lacked. One such school
developed ‘Mentats’, human beings trained to think,
analyze, and remember more efficiently and quickly
than any computer. Another renowned school is the
Sisterhood of the Bene Gesserit, who have learned
such control over body and mind that some people Name: Zafir Callas
consider them ‘witches’.
House: Nagara
Despite the wealth and incredible technology available
Role: Swordmaster and Bodyguard
to the Great Houses, the most critical to keeping the
Imperium running is the spice melange. This mysteri- Personality Traits: Swordmaster, Honorable
ous substance prolongs life, grants powerful prescient
Ambition: To fight a duel that history will remember
visions, and allows many adepts of the Great Schools
incredible power. It is also the key to space travel.
Only by using the prescient powers they gain from the
drug can the Navigators of the Spacing Guild safely
B a c kg r o u n d
pilot their huge Heighliners across the vast interstellar Zafir has dedicated his life to not only the blade but
distances. Without spice, commerce and travel within every other manner of weapon one can think of. In many
the Imperium grinds to a halt. ways, it is he and not the blade he carries that is the real
weapon. Now that he is a little older, he feels privileged
Unfortunately, spice is only found a single planet, and
to have trained the noble children of the ruler of his
hundreds of attempts to duplicate it have all failed.
House. He has been their teacher in the ways of combat
The planet is question is Arrakis, and it is one of the and strategy for most of their lives, and has become
most inhospitable planets in the whole Imperium. No something of a big brother to them. While the time has
drop of rain has ever fallen on Arrakis, and the entire come to let them make their own decisions, he will never
world is one vast desert full of deadly sandstorms and leave their side or forget his oath to protect them.
giant worms that can swallow buildings whole. So the
people of Arrakis know it by another name.

They call it ‘Dune’.

DECISIVE ACTION D U T Y: 6 My life is pledged to my
You take risks in combat, often ones that seem
foolhardy or needless. You have a knack for
making those gambles pay off. FA I T H : 4
In a conflict, when you succeed at a Battle test to
remove an opponent’s assets, and you bought JUSTICE: 8 I must speak for those
whose lives I command.
one or more dice by generating Threat, you may
spend 2 points of Momentum to remove a second
enemy asset. P OW E R : 5
Your commitment to a cause is unwavering,
T RU T H : 7 A keen blade cuts through
and this has carried you through many a tough

At the start of a scene, if there is no Momentum SKILL FOCUSES

in the group pool, roll 1d20. If you roll equal to or
less than your Discipline score, add 1 to the group
Momentum pool.
B AT T L E : 7 Dueling, Short Blades

You know where to find the criminal element
wherever you go.

Wherever you are, once per adventure, you can


always contact the criminal underworld or black

market (as long as there is one in that area). This MOVE: 6 Grace
doesn’t mean they will be well disposed toward
you, just that you can find a contact.
U N D E R S TA N D : 4
@ A fighting Kindjal (short blade) that once – so
it is said – killed a Sardaukar.

AG E N T S O F D U N E / C A M PA I G N S E T 3
p.102 p.105 p.144
Skills Drives Traits
@ Battle: Physical conflict @ Duty: @ Let you try something you couldn’t do normally.
and strategy. What is your
@ Make something easier to attempt (–1 Difficulty).
@ Communicate: @ Make something harder to attempt (+1 Difficulty, or
@ Faith:
Social tests. need a Skill Test when it wouldn’t normally).
What your heart says.
@ Discipline:
@ Justice: @ Stops you doing something that you could normally do.
Stamina and willpower. What is right.
@ Move: @ Power: p.148-
Athletics and speed. What you want. S k i l l T e s t P ro c e d u r e 149

@ Understand: @ Truth:
1. Player describes action.
Mental challenges What the facts are.
2. Gamemaster decides on appropriate skill and assigns
and knowledge. a Difficulty.
3. Player chooses a Drive statement:
@ If one is relevant, use that Drive.
D i f f i c u lt y L e v e l s @ If none are relevant use one of the remaining Drives.
@ If one conflicts or mismatches you may challenge
Simple (Difficulty 0) or comply with the test.
@ Nudging open a stuck door. 4. Check to see if a focus can be applied (max of 1).
@ Investigating a subject of common knowledge. 5. Spend Threat, Momentum, and/or Determination
@ Asking for a simple favor. points to modify the test.
6. Roll the dice and count successes:
Average (Difficulty 1) @ Each die that scores the target number or below
@ Overcoming a simple lock. is a success.
@ A roll of 1 (or up to the skill value if using a focus)
@ Investigating private but not secret knowledge.
is a critical and yields two successes.
@ Asking for a significant favor from a friend. @ Each success beyond the required Difficulty
earns 1 Momentum.
Challenging (Difficulty 2)
@ Overcoming a complex lock. @ Target Number = Skill + Drive
@ Investigating confidential or hidden knowledge. @ Dice Pool = 2d20, max dice pool 5d20
@ Asking for a favor that costs the benefactor
something minor.
@ Each assistant rolls only 1d20 (Momentum cannot
Daunting (Difficulty 3) increase).
@ Overcoming a complex lock in a hurry.
@ Target number is their choice of skill + Drive, Focus
@ Investigating knowledge that has been actively hidden
may be applied.
by a powerful faction.
@ Asking for a complicated or expensive favor. Complications
Dire (Difficulty 4) COMP.
@ Overcoming a complex lock, in a hurry, without the right
1 Normal 20
2 Risky 19 or 20
@ Investigating knowledge whose very existence has
been hidden. 3 Perilous 18–20

@ Asking for a complicated or expensive favor. 4 Precarious 17–20

5 Treacherous 16–20
Epic (Difficulty 5)
@ Overcoming a complex lock, in a hurry, without the
Complications result on a roll of 20 on any dice.
right tools, during a battle.
@ Investigating knowledge whose very existence has Success at cost
been hidden for centuries. A roll may be changed to a bare success if the character
@ Asking for a dangerous favor from a stranger. suffers a complication.

Dune © 2022 Legendary. Dune: Adventures in the Imperium is an officially sub-licensed property from Gale Force Nine, a Battlefront Group Company. All Rights Reserved, except the Modiphius Logo which is © Modiphius Entertainment Ltd
N ata l i a K h a n
M e n tat A dv i s o r
You are a human computer, trained to process and store data with
an efficiency beyond any mere machine.

Play this character if you enjoy using your intellect to solve


AG E N T S O F D U N E / C A M PA I G N S E T 1
Welcome to the Imperium of Humanity, an era tens of
thousands of years into the future.

In this time the Known Universe is ruled by the

Emperor and the Great Houses. It is a feudal era,
where noble families rule whole planets in the service
of the Emperor, but politic ruthlessly in the shadows
for power and control.

Many, many years ago, humanity was enslaved by its

own creation, machines that thought like humans.
After a long war for freedom, humanity vowed never
again to create ‘thinking machines’. Unfortunately,
they had become so reliant on these constructs it
became a difficult vow to keep, as humanity lacked
the necessary abilities the thinking machines pos-
sessed. So several ‘Great Schools’ were created to
teach humanity the skills they lacked. One such school
developed ‘Mentats’, human beings trained to think,
analyze, and remember more efficiently and quickly
than any computer. Another renowned school is the
Sisterhood of the Bene Gesserit, who have learned
such control over body and mind that some people Name: Natalia Khan
consider them ‘witches’.
House: Nagara
Despite the wealth and incredible technology available
Role: Mentat Advisor
to the Great Houses, the most critical to keeping the
Imperium running is the spice melange. This mysteri- Personality Traits: Mentat, Careful
ous substance prolongs life, grants powerful prescient
Ambition: To add something worthwhile to the sum of
visions, and allows many adepts of the Great Schools
human knowledge
incredible power. It is also the key to space travel.
Only by using the prescient powers they gain from the
drug can the Navigators of the Spacing Guild safely
pilot their huge Heighliners across the vast interstellar
B a c kg r o u n d
distances. Without spice, commerce and travel within Thousands of years ago, humanity was enslaved by
the Imperium grinds to a halt. thinking machines until they freed themselves during the
rebellion called the ‘Butlerian Jihad’. Since that time it
Unfortunately, spice is only found a single planet, and
has been illegal to create a thinking machine. However,
hundreds of attempts to duplicate it have all failed.
people still needed computers and so the Mentat school
The planet is question is Arrakis, and it is one of the was developed to teach human beings how to analyze
most inhospitable planets in the whole Imperium. No and process data in the same way as the computers of
drop of rain has ever fallen on Arrakis, and the entire old.
world is one vast desert full of deadly sandstorms and
From an early age, Talia underwent this training and
giant worms that can swallow buildings whole. So the
now she can remember facts and figures with perfect
people of Arrakis know it by another name.
accuracy and make predictions based on calculations.
They call it ‘Dune’. Not everyone has the talent to become a Mentat, but
there are enough for each noble House to have one
or two in service to the ruling family. Talia serves as an
advisor to the Countess’s children guiding them with her
predictions and serving as a powerful library of data and
ADVISOR (UNDERSTAND) D U T Y: 6 I serve at the pleasure of
the House.
You’ve got a knack for guiding others through

When you choose this talent, select a single skill.

FA I T H : 7 Drive must be tempered
with understanding.
Whenever you assist an ally and you use that skill,
the ally you assist may re-roll a single d20 in their JUSTICE: 4
dice pool.

Your certainty and resolve are a beacon to others,

who might waver without your example. If I do not know it, it is
T RU T H : irrelevant.
Once per scene, when an ally fails a skill test, you
may immediately spend 2 points of Momentum
or add 2 to Threat to allow that ally to re-roll their
dice pool. When they re-roll, they may use your SKILL FOCUSES
Discipline score instead of the skill they were
using. B AT T L E : 4
Intense mental conditioning and extensive training C O M M U N I C AT E : 6 Diplomacy
have developed your intellect into a potent and
valuable thing. You can retain and process vast
amounts of information at extraordinary speeds. DISCIPLINE: 6 Self-Ccontrol

You have almost perfect recall, for even the most

complex data. When making an Understand test MOVE: 5
that applies to recalling data, one of the d20s in
your pool may be considered to have rolled a 1
instead of rolling it. U N D E R S TA N D : 7 Advanced Technology,
Data Analysis

@ A Notebook full of secrets and records,
written in your own personal code.

AG E N T S O F D U N E / C A M PA I G N S E T 3
p.102 p.105 p.144
Skills Drives Traits
@ Battle: Physical conflict @ Duty: @ Let you try something you couldn’t do normally.
and strategy. What is your
@ Make something easier to attempt (–1 Difficulty).
@ Communicate: @ Make something harder to attempt (+1 Difficulty, or
@ Faith:
Social tests. need a Skill Test when it wouldn’t normally).
What your heart says.
@ Discipline:
@ Justice: @ Stops you doing something that you could normally do.
Stamina and willpower. What is right.
@ Move: @ Power: p.148-
Athletics and speed. What you want. S k i l l T e s t P ro c e d u r e 149

@ Understand: @ Truth:
1. Player describes action.
Mental challenges What the facts are.
2. Gamemaster decides on appropriate skill and assigns
and knowledge. a Difficulty.
3. Player chooses a Drive statement:
@ If one is relevant, use that Drive.
D i f f i c u lt y L e v e l s @ If none are relevant use one of the remaining Drives.
@ If one conflicts or mismatches you may challenge
Simple (Difficulty 0) or comply with the test.
@ Nudging open a stuck door. 4. Check to see if a focus can be applied (max of 1).
@ Investigating a subject of common knowledge. 5. Spend Threat, Momentum, and/or Determination
@ Asking for a simple favor. points to modify the test.
6. Roll the dice and count successes:
Average (Difficulty 1) @ Each die that scores the target number or below
@ Overcoming a simple lock. is a success.
@ A roll of 1 (or up to the skill value if using a focus)
@ Investigating private but not secret knowledge.
is a critical and yields two successes.
@ Asking for a significant favor from a friend. @ Each success beyond the required Difficulty
earns 1 Momentum.
Challenging (Difficulty 2)
@ Overcoming a complex lock. @ Target Number = Skill + Drive
@ Investigating confidential or hidden knowledge. @ Dice Pool = 2d20, max dice pool 5d20
@ Asking for a favor that costs the benefactor
something minor.
@ Each assistant rolls only 1d20 (Momentum cannot
Daunting (Difficulty 3) increase).
@ Overcoming a complex lock in a hurry.
@ Target number is their choice of skill + Drive, Focus
@ Investigating knowledge that has been actively hidden
may be applied.
by a powerful faction.
@ Asking for a complicated or expensive favor. Complications
Dire (Difficulty 4) COMP.
@ Overcoming a complex lock, in a hurry, without the right
1 Normal 20
2 Risky 19 or 20
@ Investigating knowledge whose very existence has
been hidden. 3 Perilous 18–20

@ Asking for a complicated or expensive favor. 4 Precarious 17–20

5 Treacherous 16–20
Epic (Difficulty 5)
@ Overcoming a complex lock, in a hurry, without the
Complications result on a roll of 20 on any dice.
right tools, during a battle.
@ Investigating knowledge whose very existence has Success at cost
been hidden for centuries. A roll may be changed to a bare success if the character
@ Asking for a dangerous favor from a stranger. suffers a complication.

Dune © 2022 Legendary. Dune: Adventures in the Imperium is an officially sub-licensed property from Gale Force Nine, a Battlefront Group Company. All Rights Reserved, except the Modiphius Logo which is © Modiphius Entertainment Ltd
Alice Dominica
Bene Gesserit Spymaster
Educated by the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood, your mental and
physical abilities are trained to deadly effectiveness.

Play this character if you enjoy manipulating secrets and destroying

your opponents through guile and stealth.

AG E N T S O F D U N E / C A M PA I G N S E T 1
Welcome to the Imperium of Humanity, an era tens of
thousands of years into the future.

In this time the Known Universe is ruled by the

Emperor and the Great Houses. It is a feudal era,
where noble families rule whole planets in the service
of the Emperor, but politic ruthlessly in the shadows
for power and control.

Many, many years ago, humanity was enslaved by its

own creation, machines that thought like humans.
After a long war for freedom, humanity vowed never
again to create ‘thinking machines’. Unfortunately,
they had become so reliant on these constructs it
became a difficult vow to keep, as humanity lacked
the necessary abilities the thinking machines pos-
sessed. So several ‘Great Schools’ were created to
teach humanity the skills they lacked. One such school
developed ‘Mentats’, human beings trained to think,
analyze, and remember more efficiently and quickly
than any computer. Another renowned school is the
Sisterhood of the Bene Gesserit, who have learned
such control over body and mind that some people Name: Alice Dominica
consider them ‘witches’.
House: Nagara
Despite the wealth and incredible technology available
Role: Spymaster
to the Great Houses, the most critical to keeping the
Imperium running is the spice melange. This mysteri- Personality Traits: Bene Gesserit, Spymaster, Cunning
ous substance prolongs life, grants powerful prescient
Ambition: To find a way to serve House Nagara and the
visions, and allows many adepts of the Great Schools
Sisterhood equally
incredible power. It is also the key to space travel.
Only by using the prescient powers they gain from the
drug can the Navigators of the Spacing Guild safely
pilot their huge Heighliners across the vast interstellar
B a c kg r o u n d
distances. Without spice, commerce and travel within For millennia, the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood has trained
the Imperium grinds to a halt. its members in the most advanced techniques of mental
and physical conditioning. This not only makes them
Unfortunately, spice is only found a single planet, and
lethal fighters but grants them almost mystical powers
hundreds of attempts to duplicate it have all failed.
to manipulate those with less willpower. This, and their
The planet is question is Arrakis, and it is one of the secretive nature, has given them a derogatory reputation
most inhospitable planets in the whole Imperium. No by some as ‘witches’. However, to them it is a badge
drop of rain has ever fallen on Arrakis, and the entire of honor. Despite this reputation they are scattered
world is one vast desert full of deadly sandstorms and across the Imperium in service to most noble Houses,
giant worms that can swallow buildings whole. So the and indoctrinate most daughters of the nobility in their
people of Arrakis know it by another name. hidden ways.

They call it ‘Dune’. Alice is a cousin to Shizu and Jiro, and has studied with
the Sisterhood since she was a girl. This has made her as
dedicated to her order as she is to House Nagara. She
is conversant in most forms of espionage, and a cunning
manipulator herself. As such, it is her job to guard her
cousins from threats they may not see coming until it is
too late.
HYPERAWARENESS D U T Y: 4 Duty can be owed to
many places.
Your training has honed your awareness to an
incredible degree, allowing you to notice details
too small for others to perceive. Armed with FA I T H : 8 I trust my leaders to know
what is best.
these insights, you can uncover secrets and

truths that others may be oblivious to.
Whenever you spend Momentum to Obtain
Information about the current situation, your
current location, or a person you can currently P OW E R : 7 Authority attracts those
who are corruptible.
observe, you may ask two questions for the first
The purpose of argument
point of Momentum spent. Further, the limits of
T RU T H : is to change the nature of
what others would be able to notice do not apply the answer.
to you for any questions

You can intimate that you know more than you
do about an enemy’s secrets.

Once per scene you may create an asset (at no

B AT T L E : 6 Unarmed Combat

cost) such as blackmail evidence or an owed

favor that will allow you to initiate an intrigue C O M M U N I C AT E : 4
or espionage conflict with a person of your
choosing. The asset is a lie, of course; you don’t
have anything, but your target doesn’t know DISCIPLINE: 7 Composure, Espionage
that. The asset is removed once the conflict is
over, and if you are defeated the fact you were
bluffing is exposed and you suffer an additional
MOVE: 6 Swift


U N D E R S TA N D : 5
You have absolute control over your body. Every
muscle and every nerve is under your control,
and you have even mastered your own body
chemistry and metabolism.

Whenever you attempt a Move or Discipline test

which relies on your control of your body, you
may re-roll a single d20. You can perfectly control
your breathing, heart rate, and your internal
organs (including the ability to choose whether
to conceive a child, and to determine the child’s
physical and genetic traits).

@ A Bene Gesserit friend on Arrakis, an acolyte
called Marie who knows Arrakeen well.

AG E N T S O F D U N E / C A M PA I G N S E T 3

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