Short Story

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Margaret Arbilon

December 10, 2012


Dear Diary,

Well, this is the first time that I will be writing in my new diary. I (well my secretary did it) just

bought it from the bookstore downtown. She said it was really difficult to walk downtown with all the

lifeless black birds blocking the streets everywhere.

I really wanted a simple brown notebook with brown pages that will serve as my Diary. I

wanted it for years but it’s only now that I had the chance to have one, so I asked my secretary to buy

one for me. I was really busy with all work and stuff, and having a diary makes me relax even for a

minute. Because you know, my job is really stressing. Trust me. Some people envy me for who I am

and the power I have.

But they don’t know how difficult my life is. This great power that I have, I know I don’t

deserve it but it is given to me and so I have to use it well.

Well diary I’ll talk to you again tomorrow, I have to pray now then take a rest.

God bless the world!

December 11, 2010


Dear Diary,

This day is a real stressful one. Why? Because all the peoples of the world are in great

jeopardy. People kept going in and out of my office telling me issues that should be resolved or

something worst will happen. They fight each other over and over. Can you believe it; two of the

greatest countries in the world are trying to kill each other. And I am not talking about pistols and rifles

here as weapons; nuclear bombs. Yes sir, nuclear bombs! They are trying to start a NUCLEAR WAR

my friend. Because of this threat given by these two big countries, other countries started panicking and
activated their own nuclear weapons ready for a nuclear war. Alliances begin to form; these countries
versus other countries.

And you know the worst part? I am responsible of them. I have to stop them because it’s my

role, because I have the power. That’s what everybody’s saying. That’s what the “authorities” are

saying. I don’t even know them; I’m not related to those people who are fighting now. We don’t even

belong to the same religion, why should I care, right? They’re already old and all grown up they should

settle these things by themselves. They know that it would kill millions. No, BILLIONS of innocent

people if they continue this fight.

They should talk about this and solve their own problems! I AM NOT GOD. I CAN’T DO

MIRACLES. I CAN’T CHANGE THEIR HEARTS. It is quite impossible to soften the hearts of these


Not an easy job. Not a very nice life for a person with “POWER” huh?

God please help us! Help your children pass this suffering. Hear our prayers.

December 12, 2012


Dear Diary,

This has been a very stressful week for me, I should be resting now but here I am writing in my

diary. This is my only way to relax and at the same time, this diary serves as my friend where I share

all my problems with.

Today we had a meeting on the world’s stock market situation. Unfortunately, the stock market

is on its most depressing level. It crashed down so low that everybody will experience shortage on all

necessities and we can’t do anything about it. No money for funding, no resources to use. Yes,

everybody will experience this crisis soon. Hunger will never end, instead it will get worst. And

everybody will fight with each other for food like animals.

Alarming isn’t it? But we can’t do anything about it. There is no way we can solve this

problem. Everybody will suffer because of the selfishness of humans. The humans whom God created,

the human who are “brothers and sisters in Christ” are the same humans who are acting selfish like
hungry animals to their fellow human beings. Is this what God created? Are these the “greatest

creation” of God?

Is this THE GOD? The God who won’t answer prayers and help His children? The God who

punishes us!

A voice from beyond told me that they deserve this suffering and there is no way to escape this.

December 16, 2012


Dear Diary,

Today was a really hot day. How hot you ask? The heat of the sun almost melted the church

door, that’s how hot the weather is. I saw some people suddenly pass out on streets because of too

much heat; some even acquired third degree burns while some had skin cancer caused by too much

ultraviolet rays from the sun. Most of them survived but some unfortunately died. If only we took good

care of our ozone layer, then none of these would have ever happened. Also, I heard from the news, a

ravaging magnitude 10 Earthquake hit a continent for 12 straight hours. More than half of the

population of that country died while some were wounded. In other continents tsunamis begin to rise

and hit small countries, where one fourth of the population of each country fades. Bodies begin to float

from sea to sea and some ended up on the shores of other countries. Too much for one day? Yes, these

things happened in just one day and will last for a few more days.

I heard a voice saying, “this is God’s plan”.

December 19, 2012



Events are fast approaching like an icy comet entering the Earth’s atmosphere. Scientists just

discovered the cause of the sudden death of people and animals all over the world. They said there was

an air- borne virus that originated from a country in Asia. The virus is really fatal. It causes the immune

system to weaken in seconds, if inhaled. Unfortunately, it completely spread all over the world; people
walking on street suddenly die.

News about the end of the world spreads all over the globe. These events are said to be signs of

the return of God to Earth. People dying and fighting! Everybody is asked to repent and change their

ways. But why should they? Besides, they don’t even care. AND IT’S TOO LATE. They think these

things are just mere imagination and fantasy of humans, that these events are just normal disasters

caused by human’s carelessness. It is, but what they don’t know is that it is also caused by their sins by

their “worldly acts”. Starting today, they’ll be learning in a classroom of sufferings.

Because I’m the greatest man on Earth today and I’m THE man of God, everybody seeks my

advice for the world’s situation. Tomorrow, I’ll be delivering a speech,, a message from the voice


December 21, 2012



This is my last entry.

I delivered my speech. Everybody was in delusion. I told them there is no way out of this

suffering. And that God is punishing us for our sins. We ignore Him and He is mad at us. There is no

way He can forgive us. Everybody will suffer. Every person would desire to die than experience this

punishment. I told them to fight for what they have or someone else might inherit it from them;

SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, if you ever survive.

Today, the nuclear war began, millions are starting to die. Earthquakes shake every plate of the

world. The water is starting to flood the world. Everybody cries for help but no one helps them. Blood

mixes with salt water does creating an ocean of blood. Some pray but not heard because it is not form

their hearts that their apology comes.

Humans are finally learning their lesson. Where are the “people of God” now? Why do I here

you cry? Why do you suffer? I thought you were the chosen people, or so you thought. For those

people who believed in the God I introduced you, and for those people who believed in the fact that just
knowing this God will spare you from this despair, you’re all foolish, for I gave you the false Christ.

The God I gave you is the prince of darkness and despair, the devil. You should’ve changed your ways

and repent. But you didn’t, you continued believing in the false Christ and do sins. THIS IS WHAT


This is my last entry. Darkness shall fall Earth. Everybody will suffer in this lake of fire.

Journal of Petrus Romanus

The Last Pope of the Catholic Church

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