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RULES: Your fourth Data Day is a Data Challenge. You are to work on this by yourself.
Collaboration is strictly prohibited. If you have questions, ask your instructor.

In this Data Challenge, you are going to use the Data Set called Student Survey to determine
the answer to this question: Is GPA related to the number of piercings? That is, do students
with more (or fewer) piercings have better grades. Use any of the techniques you have learned
in this class to make your case (justify your choices). Present all your data and then write a one
page article for the school newspaper giving your findings. Remember that most students in the
school do not take statistics, so write for a general audience. Also, keep in mind that an article
has a title. Write your title to appeal to your audience and to make them want to read the

Put your name, section, and instructor name in the Header. Save your MSWord document in
the following manner: your last name, your first initial, your student ID number, DD4. So, if I
am Sue Jones ID 99999999, my document would be saved as joness99999999DD4 Submit this
through BB within 10 minutes of the completion of your class on Data Day4. If your project is
not submitted on time, there is a late penalty of 10% so your project grade will be lowered by
2 points--your highest possible total grade is 18.

Your assignment will be graded in the following manner.

Followed directions:
Exceptional: 3 points--No corrections were necessary; no additional instruction needed
Proficient: 1.5-2.5 points--A few corrections were necessary
Novice: 1 point--Student shows lack of understanding/student is still learning
Didn't do it: 0 points--The output isn't what was asked for.
Total possible, 3 points
Title for the article
Exceptional: 3 points--The headline is eye-catching and creative and right on point.
Proficient: 1.5-2.5 points--The headline is on point but doesn't catch one's eye. It is very
Novice: 1 point--Title is neither informative nor interesting
Didn't do it: 0 points--No title given
Total possible, 3 points
Graphs/Tables used to get data for the article
Exceptional: 3 points --Displays chosen carefully and information from them were used
appropriately in the article
Proficient: 1.5-2.5 points--Random displays chosen, not all information was used in the
Novice: 1 point--Useless displays, little to none used in the article
Didn't do it: 0 points--No displays shown
Total possible, 3 points
Article: Written for the correct audience
Exceptional: 3 points --Written for a general audience with no training in statistics.
Proficient: 1.5-2.5 points-- Article requires some statistical knowledge to understand it.
Novice: 1 point-- Article requires much statistical knowledge to understand it.
Didn't do it: 0 points-- Written without regard to the audience
Total possible, 3 points
Article: Content, writing, overall impact
Exceptional: 3 points --Extremely interesting. Would use as a model for future
Proficient: 1.5-2.5 points--Interesting enough but not outstanding.
Novice: 1 point--Shows lack of understanding of the purpose of the assignment.
Didn't do it: 0 points-Didn't write an article--wrote something but clearly not an article.
Total possible, 3 points
Exceptional: 5 points--This is an original Data Day Assignment submitted on time.
Proficient: 3 points--This is an original Data Day Assignment submitted late
Total possible, 5 points

GRAND TOTAL 20 points

If you are caught cheating on an exam or a project, you will fail the course and disciplinary charges may be
brought against you.
 Hunter College Policy on Academic Integrity
“Hunter College regards acts of academic dishonesty (e.g., plagiarism, cheating on examinations,
obtaining unfair advantage, and falsification of records and official documents) as serious offenses
against the values of intellectual honesty. The College is committed to enforcing the CUNY Policy on
Academic Integrity and will pursue cases of academic dishonesty according to the Hunter College
Academic Integrity Procedures.”

In particular, if you use someone else's work as your own, you will get an F in the course. If you
give your work to someone else to use, you may get an F in the course as well.

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