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Assignment: Annotated Bibliography

Jerry Green

Florida Southern College

EDU 7005: Ways of Knowing: Research In Education

Professor Fowler

July 13, 2022

Annotated Bibliography

Kenner, C., & Weinerman, J. (2010, November 30). Adult learning theory: Applications to non-

traditional college students. Journal of College Reading and Learning. Retrieved July 12,

2022, from

In this article the authors introduce the reader to a composite of some of the issues

many adult learners bring with them on their first day of college/university study.

Their research is focused on how best to understand and teach entry-level adult

learners who are between the ages of 25 and 50, with a High School diploma or

GED. Kenner and Weinermann lay out three metacognitive frameworks that

identify how people structure their own learning theories. The article is useful for

my research topic as they show how educators can use several strategies to help

adult learners integrate into the academic community, and ways in which academe

can support the non traditional student.

Stange, A. (2008, February 29). Traditional and non-traditional college students' descriptions of

the. College Student Journal. Retrieved July 12, 2022, from


The article by Amy Stange is the results of ANOVAs performed on self-report data

from a large diverse sample of undergrad students enrolled in an urban environment 4-

year university. Young student entering directly from High School describe the ideal
college course as fun and engaging. While older students and transfer students from

community colleges expressed a desire for serious, rigorous, real world courses. She

identifies possible mismatches between students and faculty expectations. I do not plan

on using this article in my research. However, the information is certainly useful for

many academic institutions.

Trowler, V. (2015, June 30). Negotiating contestations and "chaotic conceptions": Engaging

"non-traditional" students in higher education. Higher Education Quarterly. Retrieved

July 12, 2022, from

The author asserts that student engagement is held out as the panacea to all that

inhibits non traditional success. The study was conducted in Scotland to explore the

engagement of non traditional students. The author believes that what is meant by

the concept student engagement and non traditional student is fragmented,

contradictory and confusing. Trowler introduces the term ‘chaotic

conceptions’. Interviews were conducted face-to-face along life history lines with

non traditional students. They were transcribed and analyzed with the use of

qualitative data analysis software. This qualitative study is very interesting to me in

terms of the process. I absolutely want to use this research in my investigation of non

traditional students.
Schömer, F., & González-Monteagudo, J. (2012, November 30). Participation in higher

education: Barriers and opportunities for non-traditional students in higher education in

Germany and Spain. Studies in the Education of Adults. Retrieved July 12, 2022, from

This research looks at participation in higher education by non traditional students in

Germany and Spain. The researchers use two case studies. One study in each national

context. The study is based on biographical interviews. They look at and compare the

two cultures looking for the best way to achieve retention and learning in higher

education from a European perspective. The study also looks at social class and

inequality. While the study is obviously focused on European cities, I am very interested

in their findings and comparing their approach to this type of research to my research of

American non traditional students.

West, L., Fleming, T., & Finnegan, F. (2012, November 30). Connecting Bourdieu, Winnicott,

and honneth: Understanding the experiences of non-traditional learners through an

interdisciplinary lens. Studies in the Education of Adults. Retrieved July 12, 2022, from

This study looks at how and why non traditional students remain in higher education.

The study is part of a European Union financed research study in seven EU countries.

The author worked with samples of students and staff from various types of universities
ion each country. Non traditional defined students from backgrounds normally

underrepresented in universities: working class, migrant, disabled and minority groups.

The researchers crossed many disciplines in this study: connecting socio-cultural and

psychological dimensions, in epiphonal experience. The researchers used an auto

biographical narrative qualitative study. They chronicled how people can, in educational

contexts, ask fundamental questions of self, engaging feelings as well as thoughts, and

how new forms of relationship, including with other learners but also the symbolic order,

can be developed. This is a very interesting and deep study that I would be interested in

reading more about. I am interested in the type of research performed by this author.

Driving out fear in the nontraditional classroom: Five practical Strategies (n.d.). Retrieved July

13, 2022, from

Enrollment of non traditional students in higher education is rising. The rate of success

for non traditional students is not rising. The researchers take a look at this problem

through the lens of Neuroscience and fear. I will not use this research in my


Experiencing the barriers: Non-traditional students entering higher education (n.d.). Retrieved

July 13, 2022, from


Non traditional students face financial struggles, family obligations, job and career

concerns. Add COVID-19 to that mix and you have a mountain of obstacles to traverse.

Despite the fact that more research is being conducted on the struggles on non traditional

students, nothing is working to lessen the struggle. This research suggest a holistic

approach to teaching students may be helpful. I like the information in this study, I

believe it will add some value to my research.

Emotional presence in building an online learning community among non traditional graduate

students. (n.d.). Retrieved July 13, 2022, from


This study explored non traditional graduate students perceived emotional presence as

they used online learning. The research utilized both quantitative and qualitative data

from 45 non traditional graduate students in the field of education.

Remenick, L. (2019, April 30). Services and support for nontraditional students in Higher

Education: A historical literature review. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education.

Retrieved July 12, 2022, from

The purpose of this study was to examine non traditional students and the support

offered from the academe throughout United States history. The researcher

used a historical literature review approach. The study identified the fact that
change in academia is slow to materialize. Colleges and universities must continue to

promote policies that support a diversity of students.

Watkins-Lewis, K. (2016, March 1). Today's non-traditional student: Challenges to academic

success and degree completion. Inquiries Journal. Retrieved July 12, 2022, from http://


The author of this research asserts that success among non traditional students is

correlated with biological, psychological and social factors. Non traditional students

are less likely to graduate. Even though many higher education institutions

implement open admissions and part-time enrollment, however non traditional

student graduation rate is lower than traditional students. I expect to use this study

in my research paper.

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