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Plan for Unit 3 - Things that matter

Start: Mon 8th

End: Tue 23rd

Before you start, think about these questions and answer them in your folders:
1. What do you think are the most important factors contributing to happiness in life? How do these factors
vary across cultures, age groups, and individuals?
2. Can happiness be achieved through external circumstances such as wealth, success, or relationships, or
is it an internal state of being? Why or why not?
3. How do you think technology and social media are affecting our ability to find happiness in today's
society? Are they helping or hindering our well-being, and why?

Date Student’s book Workbook Extra practice Observation

8/5 Vocabulary & Listening Vocabulary Vocabulary 15:00 we should start correcting
P.26 Activities 1-4 P.20 Activities 1,2 P.184 Activity 2.1 altogether
P.27 Activities 5-8 P.21 Activity 1 P.185 Activities
2.2, 4.1, 4.2,

9/5 Grammar Grammar Grammar 13:50 we should start correcting

Read grammar reference - P.21 Act 1-3 P. 55,56 altogether
complete activities from P.24 Act 1,2,1 P. 57 Act 1,2,3
p.144-146 P.25 Act 2 (not writing) P. 58 Act 4,5
P.28 Act. 1-3
P.32 Act 1,2,4,5,7
P.33 Act 4,6

10/5 Reading Reading 15:00 we should start correcting

P.30 Act 4 P.22 Act 2 altogether
P.23 Act 3
P.24 Act 1,2

12/5 Homework: Extra practice - Mock

exam activities
Hand in via classroom

15/5 Writing Hand in at the end of the lesson

Read writing reference -
P.34 Act 1,2,5,6,7

16/5 Review Students should complete these

P. 35,36,37 pages on their own, in silence.
13:50 we should start correcting

17/5 Final project

Complete your final project

19/5 Homework: Extra practice - Mock

exam activities
Hand in via classroom

22/5 Final presentation - Project - Unit 3

Place: SUM

23/5 Final test - Unit 3

Final project: Building Bridges to Happiness: Exploring the Science of Well-being
Preparation: 17/5
Deadline: 22/5

1. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the science of happiness and its key components.
2. Students will develop their research and presentation skills by working collaboratively to gather and
present information on the topic of happiness.
3. Students will practice using comparative and superlative forms of adjectives in written and spoken English
in the context of discussing happiness.

Warm-up activity
1. Word association: Write the word "happiness" on the board and ask students to brainstorm as many
words as they can think of that are associated with happiness. Give them 2-3 minutes to write down their
ideas, then have them share their answers with the class.
2. Video clip: Watch this video After watching the clip,
reflect on what they learned and how it relates to your own lives.

For the main activity, students will work in pairs to prepare a presentation on the topic of happiness.
1. Assign topics: Each group will choose a specific aspect of happiness to research and present on.
● The science of happiness
● Happiness and success
● Happiness and relationships
● The role of money in happiness
● Cultivating happiness through mindfulness and gratitude
2. Research: Research your topic online. Find credible sources and take notes on key points.
3. Presentation preparation: Create slides or visual aids and practice your speaking skills.
4. Presentations 22/5: Each group will have 5-10 minutes to present their topic to the class. After each
presentation, allow time for questions and discussion.

Grammar focus
Throughout the research and presentation process, students should be encouraged to use comparative and
superlative forms of adjectives to describe their findings.

Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Fair (3) Poor (2)

Demonstrates a
Provides adequate Presents some Presents minimal
Content understanding of
information but information but with information with
Knowledge the topic and
lacks depth. limited details. inaccuracies.
provides detailed

Mostly organized,
information in a Lacks clear Information is
Organization but some parts are
clear and logical organization. presented randomly.

Mostly clear, but

Speaks clearly and Speech is difficult to Speech is very
Delivery some parts are
effectively. follow. difficult to follow.

Uses visual aids

Uses visual aids Uses visual aids, Uses no visual aids
effectively to
Visual Aids adequately but but they are not or uses them
without much effect. helpful. inappropriately.

Correctly uses
Mostly correct, but Uses them
comparative and
Grammar Use with occasional incorrectly most of Uses none of them.
superlative forms of
errors. the time.

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