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Emma Muehlenbeck

Communication and disorders

Dr. Sharon Becker

November 27, 2022

A Speech and Language pathologist is a crucial job that requires patience and

hard work. Speech and language pathologists are considered experts in communication, and

they collaborate with people of all ages. Speech and Language Pathologists treat types of

communication problems. Some of the problems Speech and language pathologists specialize in

include speech sounds, language, literacy, social communication, voice, fluency, cognitive-

communication, and feeding and swallowing. Speech and Language Pathologists can work in

different environments including schools, hospitals, and private practices. Speech-language

pathologists can be especially important in allowing students to succeed and they are vital for

helping students in a special education classroom.

For this assignment, I looked at a video of a speech-language therapist that worked in a

hospital. The video is based on the experience of Arnie Loeb who is the pediatric speech-

language pathologist at a hospital in Canada. She works with children under six who have

speech, language, or developmental difficulties. Loeb works with kids who have trouble

understanding their words, using words, or pronouncing words. In the context of this hospital,

Loeb is primarily asked to help children when they visit a pediatrician, and they think that the

child may be developmentally delayed. Once it is identified that the child may require

intervention with their speech, she makes an appointment with the parent and the child so she

can ask the parents how the child is doing at home and observe them. The way Loeb goes about

evaluating the children is based on play, so the child is not stressed. Loeb even says in the video

“A lot of times the kids think they are coming in to see the toy doctor (Loeb, 1:00).” By utilizing

this form of play-based evaluation Loeb can evaluate in a stress- free environment whether the

child has a speech problem and needs intervention.

Loeb provides many different forms of speech therapy for her clients. Some clients come

in every couple of months to check in and see how the child is progressing and other clients

come in weekly. Loeb provides appointments both with the child or with a group of peers who

may struggle in the same way as the child. Loeb believes group therapy is more fun, so it is the

most utilized form of speech therapy. The hospital also provides referrals for other services

providers and medical providers.

A large part of Loeb’s intervention is helping parents learn how to communicate with

their kids better. Loeb is a big advocate of parents helping reinforce what she is instructing the

child in their sessions so they can better utilize the services. Loeb always spends a part of the

sessions explaining to the parents how they can go about teaching their child the techniques

that Loeb spent the session explaining.

Learning about the responsibilities of a pediatric speech pathologist in the setting of a

hospital was interesting. The differences in therapy style differ from a school style in that they

work in private or group sessions that are not incorporated with the school.


In exploring the different things speech pathologists do I was very intrigued by the wide

variety of places they can work and the different people with whom they can work. Speech

pathologists can work with kids as well as adults and they are a powerful tool to help people’s

ability to communicate. I underestimated the amount of people speech therapists can help;

they can help strike victims and people with special needs. In the context of a pediatric speech

pathologist, I find it interesting how to play- based a lot of therapy is for younger children and

how involved the therapists try to get the parents.

I think as a special education teacher it is vital for student success that the teacher can

incorporate the help of a speech pathologist in the classroom. Being able to communicate with

the speech therapist and evaluate how the student is progressing can be a vital part of their

educational journey. By allowing a speech therapist incorporated into the classroom you can

optimize time to help promote student success.



StJoesHealthCentre, director. Speech Language Therapy Paediatrics. YouTube, YouTube, 29

Apr. 2013, Accessed 27 Nov. 2022.

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