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History of Architecture Reviewer  while a cromlech is a

three or more upright

stones and at the top
of it is a flat stone.
1.Paleolithic Stage (Old Stone Age) Theopile Malo Correct de la tour d’Auvergne
 it is the oldest ages among the three  he was the one that introduced the
 found in Africa word dolem and menhir to the general
 the materials used are made up of archaeological usage.
stones  “First Grenadier of France”
2.Mesolitic (Middle Stone Age) 3.Tumuli
 the people adaptation on hunting,  This is used a burial or monuments to
collecting and fishing as their source of honor and remember the dead.
food is on forest and seashore.  a cairn that is a pile of stones.
3. Neolithic Stage (New Stone Age)
 here the people discovered agriculture
and is more skilled in making polished
Prehistoric Infrastructure
Lake Dwellings
 These are wooden
 these are one
huts that is built
single upright
above the water
stone. Their shape
for protection to
is also uneven and
 they are also called as menhirs in
western France which mean
 Stonehenge
maen-“stone”, and hir-“long”.
 stones
 middle Breton: men- “stone”,
arranged in a
2.Cromlech and Dolmens circles.
 the best
 this two are used as a sacrificial or
preserved megalithic site in Europe.
worship place.
 these are used to worship.
 a dolmen is a two
or more upright
stones supporting Egyptian Architecture
a horizontal
slab.the word I. Geographical
domen which means dol- “table”, men-  known as the land of pharaohs and the
stone. only country in ancient world.
 the Egyptian build their cities for the Theban triad
living and the dead.
 Ammon-God of sun
II. Geological  Mut-wife of ammon, the mother of all
 Chief Stones are limestone, sandstone,
 Khons-Sone of ammon and mut, the
and alabaster.
moon god
 limestones are quarried at Tura and
Ma’sara Memphis triad
 sandstones quarried at central district
 Ptah- the creator
 Hard Stones are granite, quartzite and
 Sekhmet-wife of ptah,goddess of war
 red granites are found in Aswan  Nefertem-Son of ptah and sekhment
 their stones are not only used for Other Egyptian gods and goddesses.
architectural work but also for their
 Osiris- the god of dead
vases and personal ornament.
 Their architecture is built by the  Isis- the wife of Osiris
method of quarrying, transporting, and  Horus- the god of the sky
raising enormous block of stones.  Hathor- the goddess of love
 Acacia used for boats.  Set-The dread god of evil
 Sycamore is used for mummy cases.  Seraphis- the bull god
 Bast- goddess of protection,pleasure
III.Climatic and health
 it has two seasons including: spring V. Historical and Social
and summer.
 it was rare in Egypt to have a storm,  Most ancient and the information are
fog and rain. from literacy sources, from papyri and
 The walls of the Egyptian architecture tablet, buildings and their inscription.
serves as a protection to the heat and  The craftmanship was highly develop
in protecting the hieroglyphics. in terms of weaving, glass blowing,
pottery turning, metal working and
IV. Religion making music instruments etc.
 The religion as monotheistic but  Egytians are in pursuit of astronomy,
polytheistic in practice. mathematics and philosophy
 The religious rites of Egyptian are  the kings are called pharoah which
traditional, unchangeable, and came from the Hebrew word Per-aa
mysterious. which means the great house.
 Their chief of worship is Osiris wich is  The pharaohs are divided into 30
the man god. dynasties by Manetho a priest from
 The remainings of pharoah was 300bc that compiled a history in Greek.
transported across the nile to the west
bank where the domain of dead is
located. Egyptian Dynasty
1. Ancient Kingdom(Dynasties I-X), 3200 -
2130 BC
The two triad of god and goddesses:
 Menes is the first dynastic king that Thothmes III
founded Memphis as the southern
 One of the great pharoah that rebuilt
part of Egypt.
and decorated a lot of temples.
 Memphis is the capital from third to
sixth dynasty. Amenophis III
 On this dynasty is also the progress of
 The one who built a great part of the
writing which is the hieroglyphics
temple at Luxor.
writing that is developed.
 built the renowned Colossi of
 On third dynasty from royal mastaba it
evolves into true pyramid
Amenophis IV
Ex. Step Pyramid of the Pharoah at Zoser at
Sakkara  The one who changed his name into
Akhnaten and founded his capital at
 On the fourth dynasty the royal
Tell el -Amana.
pyramid became fully evolved.
Seti I
2. Middle Kingdom (Dynasties XI-XVII), 2130-
158- BC  He built his temple at abidos and his
own sepulcher among the tombs of
Mentuhetep II
 pharoah that unified the country once
Rameses II
 The one that is called “the Great as he
Amenemhat I of the Twelfth Dynasty
surpassed the achievements of the
 restored and founded the great temple other pharaohs.
at Karnak.  Built a lot of temples.

Sensusrets I Ex.Rock Temples at Abu Simbel,

 built the earliest known large obelisk. The Hypostyle Hall at Karnak etc.

Amenemhat III 4. Ptolomaic Period (332-30 BC)

 built the Labyrinth at Fayum Alexander the great

3. New Kingdom( dynasties XVIII_XXX), 1580-  He rescued the egyptians from their
332 BC hatred oppressors.
 hailed as the son of ammon
 Thebes was the capital
Thothmes I
 capital and center of Greek culture.
 First Pharoah that was buried at the
“rock cut corridor” Thombs of the Ptolemy II
kings in Theban mountain.
 famous for the pharos or light house.
Queen Hatshepsut
Ptolemy V
 Patronized the art of peace, re-
 responsible to produce rosetta stone.
established religious rites.
 On the death of cleopara, the Egypt
became a roman province.
5. The Roman Period (30 BC- 395 AD)
 body of a lion and a head of a man
 Under Caesar Egypt entered another
 famous for the “pharaoh’s bed.  body of a lion and a head of a ram
 Under Constantine the roman control
extended even into the religion.
 In AD 324 The Christianity religion is  body of a lion and a head of a hawk
declared as official religion and the
bible as translated into Coptic.
Hypostyle Hall
Theodosious the great
 issued his edict in AD 381
 decreeing that the whole roman  placed at the entranced of the temple
empire should be Christian.  Temple walls are normally thick and
made up of limestone,sandstone or
6. Later period (AD 395- present day) granite.
 The colonnades and dorways are
 Roof are composed of massive slabs of
stone are supported by outher walls
and columns.
 Columns seldoms over six diameter
Egyptian Architectural Character high
 Simplicity
 Monumental
Tomb Architecture
 Mysterious
 Eg A.Mastaba
 a rectangular,flat topped that is a
burial site for the remains of eyptian.
 dervied from the Arabic word which
means “bench”
monumental architecture is 3
columnar and trabeated.
 Egyptian temples are
approached by impressive
avenues of sphinxes part of mastaba:
1. the outer chamber-where the offerings 2. 2.Mortuary temple-used for worship of
are placed to the Ka or “double” the dead
decorated with festals. 3. 3.Valley building-a embalmment
2. The inner secret chamber- known as andinterment rites.
“serdab” which contains the statues of
3 types of pyramid
the deceased.
3. The chamber containg the A. Stepped -Pyramid of Zoser.
sarcophagus-it is the one that reached B. Bent - South Pyramid of Seneferu
the underground shaft. C. Sloped - Pyramid at Gizeh

Examples of mastaba:
1.Mastaba of Thi Sakara 1.Stepped Pyramid of Zoser, Sakkara

 well preserved and restored  the world’s

 erected for thi a royal architect and a first large
superintendent of royal pyramids scale
monument in
2.Mastaba of Aha,Sakkara
 it is a mastaba form the first dynasty  was built by an architect named
 the central chamber has the body of Imhotep.
the king and his other four chambers
2.Pyramid at Metdum
are for his intimate possessions.
 it has a twenty-seven compartment.  it is for the
 it has an exterior of “palace façade”. huni the last
king of the
3.Mastaba of K1 at Beit, Khallak
third dynasty
 it is a massive stairway tome of crude  a seven
brick stepped structure
 guarded by five stone portcullises.
3.Bent or South Pyramid of Seneferu, Dashur
 Known for
having a two
angles of
4.North pyramid of Seneferu, Dashur
 a sepulchral monument in the form of
huge stone structures  The burial
 it came from the Greek word place of
“pyramis” seneferu
 ancient Egyptians called them “mr”  earliest
designed and
3 parts of a pyramid: completed true pyramid
1. 1.An offering chapel-east side of the 5. Great Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu), Near
pyramid Cairo
 Built for ➢ The entrance is pylon and at the front
Cheops, the of it is an obelisks .
son of
2. Temple of Hatshepsut, Der el-Bahari,
seneferu and
the second
king in fourth dynasty.  Built by an architect named Senmut,
 largerst pyramid among the three
3. Temple of Temple of Ammon, Karnak
pyramid of gizeh.
 The grandest of all Egyptian temples
3 separate internal chamber:
4. Great Temple, Abu Simbel
1. 1.subterrameam
chamber  the most stupendous of all rock hewn
2. Queens chamber temples
3. Kings chamber  it has an entrance forecourt leads to
an imposing façade.
6.Pyramid of
Chephren(Kafra) 5. Small Temple, Abu Simbel

 second largest  dedicated to the defied queen

among the three at Nefertari and goddess Hathor.
gizeh  it is located beside the great temple of
 it only has one chamber abu simbel.
 a sacred symbol of the sun god
7.Pyramid of Mykerinos ( Menkaura) Heliopolis,
 used and placed at the front of a
 the smallest form
the three pyramid
 the casing is Example of Obelisk
preserved and 1.Obelisk in the Piazza od S.
mainly made out Giovanni In Laterno,Rome
of tura limestone.
 it is a piece of obelisk that
came from the temple of
Valley of the Kings ammon at Karnak thebes.

A. Temples – two main classes 2. Cleopatra’s needle

1. Mortuary Temples - For ministration to  Located at the Thames

deified pharaohs Embankment, London

2. Cult Temples - the popular worship for -Was brought to England from
the ancient and mysterious gods. Alexandria in 1878.

1. Temple of Khons, Karnak Near East

 A cult temple I. Geographical

 The parts of it is the pylon, court,
hypostyle hall etc,
 the home of early civilizations within a a. Enlil-the Lord of the Sumerian
region roughly corresponding to the pantheon, patron God of Nippur
modern middle east b. Ningirsu- patron god of Lagash
 cradle of civilization. c. Marduk and Ashur- national Gods of
 first writing system Babylon and Assyria
 the first centralized governments, law  The knowledge about Babylonian
codes and empires methods of divination came from
 it started at the twin river which is omen tablets
Tigris and Euphrates.  Superstition and symbolism are
 Mesos- “middle” + tamos –“river” everywhere.
 Babylonia and Assyria are one country
that ancient writers called Assyria.
 ethical forces representing goof and
II. Geological
evil of war from the beginning of time.
 bricks are the main materials used in
building their infrastructure in
babylonia. Two gods under Zoroastrianism
 it has bitumen springs at al
a. Ahura Mazda or Ormazd
 The assyrians followed the way the
Babylonians used bricks.  The sky god and creator of good.
 The persian tiles is well known for their B. Ahrima
beauty of texture and color
 the destructive spirit and the creator
III. Climatic of good
 The climate consist of two: winter and V. Social
a. Babylonia
 they are traders in origin
 the Babylonian and Assyrian ang  the first writing was inventedby
polytheistic in practice of worship. sumerians
A. Triad of the universe
a. Anu-god of heaven, the patron Cuneiform
of warka
b. Baal- God of Earth  type of writings they used.
c. Ea or Enki- God of waters, Patron God b. Assyria
of Eridu
 they are fighters and sportsmen
B. Another triad  they built palaces in a raised platforms
a. Shamash- God of the Sun  the economy of these ancient
b. Sin- God of the Moon civilizations included
c. Ishtar- God of the life giving carpenters,masons,smiths makers of
power musical instrument etc.

Other gods c. Persia

 they are able to dominate due to  Most famous king among the Assyrian
military superiority. kings
 the persians are soldiers,landowners.
A. Babylonian Period
 He invaded and conquered Syria
 An early sumerian king which is
eanatum unites the Babylonian cities
 The great king Hammurabi is the one  Fought againstthe Arabs and Medes
that formulated the code of law
The Babylonian Empire lasted for only
 The power of Babylonian with the
seventy years.
attacks from hitties and kassites as a
result Assyria became a separate Nebuchadnezzar II
kingdom.  Famous for the destruction of
B. Assyrian Period Jerusalem and Babylon captivity.

 The Assyrian gets the babylonia in C. Persian Period

1275 BC and remaind as the great  The domination of Persian over Near
military power of near east until the east
destrucyion of niniveh.  Cambyses the son of king Lydia
Niniveh extended the persian conquest to
 An ancient Assyrian city of upper
 Darius captured miletus abd destroyed
the famous Ionic temple.
 the largest city in the world for around
 Xerxes met with the defeat of the
50 years.
Greek in the battle of Salamis and land
King Tiglath Pileser I of Platea.
 Near east became a Greek colny under
 the one that carried a campaign
the reign of Alexander the Great.
towards northwest and in northern
Syria. Architectural Character
 There was a little knowledge until
nineteenth century excavations of
Bota, Palace etc.
 He removed the government from  Their chief temple is called ziggurats.
ahshur and bring it to Calah (Nimroud)
Shalmaneser II
 An anrtifical
 He made himself a master of Near East mountain,made
from Media to Mediterranean. up of tiered,
Tiglath Pileser III
stages from one
 Extended his empire to the border of to seven stages.
Type of ziggurats:
a. Archaic
b. Two or More stage 3.The White Temple and Ziggurat at Warka
c. Seven Stage
 Best preserved
Temples among the
 typical to Babylonian Architecture
dedicated to Anu
4. Temple Oval at Khafaje
typical to the
 unusual complex dating from the Early
Dynastic Period
5. Sumer
 it was the material used for the palace
 Earliest known
civilization in the
 The Babylonians clothed their walls 6. Gobekli Tepe
with a coat of glazed brickwork of
 World’s first
many colors
 Asyrrian walls are structures of
sundried bricks faced with kiln burnt B. Assyrian Architecture
1.City of Ashur
 The top is finished with battlemented
cresting.  religious and national center of the
 Assyrian used glowing alabaster on the Assyrian states.
carvings fir their artistic  The ziggurat temple of Ashur was
qualities. restored by Tukulti-Ninurta I
 The arch with Radiating
2.City of Nimrud (Calah)
voussoirs was employed
in constructing their  Restored and enlarged by
buildings. Ashurnasirpal II and made its as his
 In contrast to the arches of Assyrian, capital.
the persians used horizontal stone 3.Palance of Sargon
lintels for doors and windows.
 Assyrian used a chiseled alabaster  A complex of large
slabs into their architectural ornament. and small courst
and corridors
A. Early Mesopotamian Architecture
4. City of Niniveh
1.Warka (Uruk:the Biblical Erech)
 Sennacherid made it a capital of
 largest Sumerian Citiy Assyrian empire.
 Its important buildings were Eanna and
the Anu Precints C.Neo-Babylonian Achitecture

2. Ziggurat and Precint of Ur 1. City of Babylon

 Remodeled by Urnammu along his  Destroyed by

successor Sennacherib
 Rebuilt by Nebuchadnezzar II  Its each palace comprised bil-halani or
 Its Ishar gate glows in coloured glazed porched house.
G. Urartian Architecture
2.Hangging Garden of
1.Citadel of Van
 Capital of Urartu
 One of the
marvels in -Its water supply was coming from a spring
Ancient World built by Sarduri I The founder of Van.
 Adjacent to the chief temple of the city
2. Temple of Kayalidere
dedicated to Marduk and to the north
is the tower of Babel  Dedicated to Haldi and the chief god of
D. Early Anatolian and Hittie Architecture
 Shamiram Su (Semiramis Canal)
1.Palace of Beycesultan Famous for its canals and cisterns

 outstanding for using timber as G. Phrygian Architecture

reinforcement for walls
2.Tempe 1, Bogazkoy
 the capital of Phrygia
 Largest and oldest of the five identified
H. Median and Persian Architecture
1.Tomb of Cyrus, Pasargadae
3.Open-air sanctuary,Yizillikaya
 A simple box like
E. Cannanite, Phoenician and Israelite
monument made up
of limestone
2. Palace of Persepolis
 mostly built by
1.Two Palace at Tell Atchana (Ancient Xerxes I and finished
Alalakh) by Artaxerxes I
 a third doorway on
 The interesting feature of it is the
the south lead
usage of basalt orthostats in its north
tworad the Apadana
 Xerxex built his own palace connected
2. Temple of Solomon, to an L Shaped Building and called it as
Jerusalem a Harem.
 Xerxes was known also for its Halls of
 Built by the
the hundred Columns
craftsmen Ten Main Parts/Buildings of the Palace at
F. Syro-Hittie Architecture
1. Stairway to Terrace 6. Tripylon
1.Citadel of Zincirli
2. Gatehouse of Xerxes 7. Harem
3. Apadana of Darius I 8. Treasury  Adobe bricks made from sun dried clay
is used.
4. Palace of Darius I 9. Hall of 100
Columns III. Historical and Social
5. Palace of Xerxes 10. Inner  The civilization of Olmec grew up on
Gatehouse the Gulf Coast on the First MIlenium
 600 BC, the great msyan existed in
I. Seleucid, Parthian, and Sassianian Yucatan Region.
a. Pre classic
1. Palace, Feruz- Abad
b. Classic 100
 Built from stone rubbled with a
c. Post Classic 900
 On the 10th Century, Toltecs founded
2. Palace, Ctesiphon
a new center.
 attributed to  On the Tula 14th Century, the Aztec
Chosroes people occupied the tula and founded
a twin capital.
 Tenochiltan & Tlatelolco are present in
1. Citadel Mexico City until the present days.
 A Military Architecture  Maize is a staple food.
 Middle American societies is like the
2.Barbican ancient Egypt.
 an outwork medieval castle Aztec Society are organized into separate
3.Voussoirs classes.

 A truncated wedge shaped blocks a.Priest (Tecuhtli) e.Craftsmen

froming an arch b. Nobles (Pipiltin) F.
Architecture in Pre -Columbian America & Commoners/Serfs/Slaves
Peru c. Warriors
Middle America d. Merchants
I. Geographical and Climate  A form of writing is glypic writing that
 Their important areas are in central is used on the Olmec times and more
Mexico. developed by the Maya And Aztecs
 they have the tropical countries  Mayas are skilled in mathematics and
weather and an impenetrable rain astronomy
forest of latter.  Aztec has an
accurate calendar
II. Geological bbased on a 365
 Yucatan has limestone and Mexico has days of a calendar.
volcanic rocks including Tezontli.  Mayas are peace loving people.
 Totlecs and Aztecs are a skilled Part of their Main bldg..:
organized armies.
1. Bed Area
IV. Religious 2. Family Shrine
3. Kitchen Area
 it influence the way buildings are
4. Discussion Area
 Steam bath is located on the adjacent
 The totlecs worshipped Quetzalcoatl
of the main bldg..
Architectural Character  The Sacrificial Temple Is a important
structure for the
 Temple pyramid is the most important
 Shrines of the gods
 it is the house of god
were also very
 Temple pyramid are called foci and a
important to the religious life of the
sacred enclosure in Midlle America.
 Adobe brick are used for lesser bldg..
 Their largest and
 Stone was used for the important
most extravagant
building is the
 True Arch was unknown.
Emporors Palace.
Mayan Architecture  Important rooms of their Emperors
 Most basic Sturcture Palace:
is their houses called 1. Reception Chamber
“Hay hut” 2. Tribute store
 Mayas used cut and 3. Meeting Chamber
polished stone blocks for their 4. Emperor’s personal apartment
 Their exterior and interior walls are
1.Olmec Architecture
covered in a substance called “Lime
Stucco” Architectural Character
 their architectural style includes large
clay, clay platform and terraces usually
 Temples are built for
pointed bright shades of red, yellow,
religious purposes
and purple.
 Stone mosaic fllors
Ancient Aztec Architecture  Basalt Columns
 Olmec are the first civilization to build
Architectural Character pyramids
 Peasants and  Famous for their huge bust.
nobles homes are Examples
the same.
 it consist of two 1. Temple Pyramid Cucuilco
bldg. which is the  Regarded as the
main bldg. and steam bath which is forerunner of the later
believed a therapeutic for them. temple pyramids
2. Pyramid of the  it means the rim of the well of Itza
Sun,Teotihuacan  Two Parts of Chichen Itza:
1. Chichen, Viejo- buildings arw from
 a pyramid that rises
classic period.
in four stages
2. Chichen,Nuevo -Consist of
3. Citadel, Teotihuacan monumental construction
 surrounded by terraced platforms 1.Pyramid of Kukulcan
4. Temple Pyramid, Tenayuca 2. El Caracol
 Carried the twin temple that is 3. Temple of the
dedicated to Huitzilopochtli the war Warrios
god of Aztec and Tlaloc the rain god of
4.Temple of the
Thousand Columns
5. Temple 1 (Temple of the
5.Temple of the Jaguars
Giant Jaguar, Tikal)
Pyramid of Kukulcan
 Impressive example of
classic Maya  one of the most
temple Pyramid. impressive
historical structures
6. Temple of the Inscriptions, Palenque
in the world.
 there is a large,  it also serves as a
vaulted Egypt, w/c is calendar.
approached from the
Popul Vah
summit of the
pyramid by a corbel -vaulted stairways.  Mayan mythology, divine heroes
challenge demons at the ball game.
7. North Pyramid, Tula
 A five Stage
Toltec Pyramid. Tikal (Guatemala)
 It has a four
 Founded by the Mayans on the 6th
colossal basalt
Century BC.
“telamones” a.Temple 1 ( Temple of
the Great Jaguar)
8. Temple of the Warrior, Chichen Itza
 the most amazing building in Tikal
 Has a strong
resemblance to Temple IV
the North
 the tallest building in the americas
Pyramid at Tula
before the skyscraperwas buiit.
9. Palace of the Governors Uxmal
10. Chichen Itza
 A pre Columbian  another center came into being at
Mesoamerican City. Tiahuanaco
 on the first hald of
Eleventh Century
the 1sr melennium
AD, Teotihuacan  Tiahunaco Collapse
was the largest city  new nation, the chimu that is from
in the pre their center at Chachan Extended their
Columbian Americas territory.
 Aztecs influence this city  Inca people settled at the Cuzco basin
 largest and most populated center in where they built their capital.
the New world.  Inca people Conquered the Powerful
Chimu and extended their empire into
central Chile
I. Geographical and Climatic  The cultivation of cropls wa difficult
 the steep valley are terraced into
 it has two section which consist of the
great mountain range of Andes And a
 Arid Conditions of the coastal strip are
narrow coastal trip in places no wider
overcome by a complex irrigation
than 96 km.
Regions of Peru:  wheel was unknown
 Ilama and Alpaca
1. Costa
was used for their
2. Sierras (High land)
3. Montana or selva
 Possessed hieroglyphic writing I
II. geological sophisticated calendar.
 Adobe bricks were the basic material  Skillful in working of gold, silver,
used for their buildings. copper and alloy
 Types of stone that is generallyused for IV. Religious
their important bldg..:
 the king himself is related to the all
a. Black andesite
powerful sun god.
b. Yucay limestone
 Inca governed as an absolute ruler
c. Diorite porphyry
Architectural Character
III. Historical and Social
 Inca people posses this trademarks:
Advanced civilizations existed in Peru:
 Simplicity
a. Kotus  Precision
b. Chavin  Functionality
Between 100 BC & AD 300  Austerity
 Trapezoid doorways, windows and wall
 new distinct center emerged niches are common.
a. Paracas & Nasa- south coast  Cyclopean walling is employed
 Rough stones set in
b. Mochica (Moche)- ON the North Coast mud is a style known
AD 600 as “Pirca”
 Buildings open in one side are known Machu Pichu
as Masmas.
 a late Inca town
 Adobe bricks are the basic material
 Sacred spot
they used.
where world was
Example: originated.
 Plaque caused the
Temple of the Sun Moche
the death of the 50 % of the Inca
 Built out of Adobe brick. population
 On July 24. 1911 american archeologist
Hiram Binghan
 Capital of the Chimu Empire rediscovered it.
 All of its building is made up of Adobe
Nazca Lines
 Fortress, Paramonga  Are the series of
 example of brick construction. ancient geoglyphs located at the Nazca
Dessert in southern Peru.
 Created by the
Nazca Culture.
The gate of the sun, Tiahuanago
 One of the most Greek Architecture
I. Geographical
monuments of the
great ceremonial  Greece is an independent nation.
site in the Titicaca.  Consist of the numerous island that
are spread both Ionian and Aegean
 built to protect Cuzco the sacred city of  Bounded by the three sea which is the
the Inca people. mediterranean Sea ,Aegean Sea, and
Ionian Sea
 Its Capital is Athens
 Capital of the Inca
II. Geological
 It is where their  The most beautiful and monumental of
most important all building materials
temple was built.
III. Climate
 Navel of the universe.
 created by Manco Copac amd Mama  Its climate is between rigorous cold
Oclo. and relaxing heat
 The city was built in a shape of puma.  Together with the hot summer and
The sacred animal of the Incas. sudden winter showers together with
a. Sacsayhuaman the Greek love for conversation.
b. Pumacchupan
IV. Aegean/Cretan/Minoan
c. Coricancha
d. Huancapata
a. Aegean-Embrance the civilization of  the time where Greek was continuesly
Crete conquering foreign lands and the
b. Cretan-Commonly known as Minoan formation of the vast territory known
as Hellenistic Empire.
A. Aegean Civilization centered in Crete
 One of the cities founded was dividen
during the Fourth Millenium BC.
among his generals
 aegean civilization grew and expanded a. Antigonus-greece
developing a commercial empire and b. Seleucis- Asia Minor
protected by naval power. c. Ptolemy- Egypt
 Crafts,pottery communications and
V. Religion
trade produced unify of
culture and economic Aegean
 Focused on nature worship that
 They are famous for their
represented by small rocks, stones and
Royal Villas
pillar etc.
B.Mycenean or Helladic Greece  Their goddess of fertility
is known as “Rhea” and
 Mycenean and Tiryns are important
identified as Hera By the
center of culture arts etc.
 Woman took an important role in
social life. Hellenic and Hellenistic Greece (Greek)
 There is a total absence of
 Focused on the main worship
monumental class compared to Egypt
and Mesopotamia.
 Temples was not needed until after the
C. Hellenic Greece collapse of Aegean Civilization as
Greek represents their deities into
 The classicsl period of Greek
large statues.
 its city state is called “Polis” Greek (The 12 Olympian ) w/Roman
 greek adapted their writings from Equivalent
Phoenician that result form a
1. Zeus – the supreme gods, ruler of the
development on their language and
2. Hera – wife of Zeus and goddess of
 Ex. Alpha,beta,gamma etc.
 their government consist of
3. Apollo – god of law, reason and art,
Oligarchic,tyrannic, and democratic.
4. music/Apollo and poetry, founder of
 advancement in mathematics, science,
physics, astronomy, literature etc.
5. Athena – goddess of wisdom and
 buildings are built as religious
6. /Minerva
D. Helllenistic Greece 7. Poseidon – the sea-god/Neptune
8. Dionysus – God wine, feasting and
 Unification of Greece was acomplised
9. revelry/Bacchus
by Macedonia and firmly established
by Alexander the Great.
10. Demeter – goddess of earth and 4. Inclined blocks
11. Artemis – goddess of
the chase/Diana 1. The Treasury of Atreus
12. Hermes – messenger
 known as the thomb of Agamemnon
of the gods, god of
 finest Aegean tomb
13. commerce/ Mercury
14. Aphrodite – goddess of love and 2. The Palace of Tyrins
15. beauty/Venus  a hill top citadel
16. Hephaestus – god of fire, flame and surrounded by a
17. forge/Vulcan god of Handicrafts defensive walls
18. Ares – god of war/Mars

3. The Lion Gate Mycenae

Also the other Gods/Godesses
 Famous feature of
1. Hestia – goddess of the heart or sacred the plalace of
fire/Vesta Tyrins
2. Helios – the sun god /Sol
3. Selene – the moon goddess / Luna
4. Pan- God of the Flocks/ Pan Architectural Character
Two mortals that became gods: Greek Architecture
1. Heracles  Simplicity of Lines
2. Asclepius  Refinement of Details
Architectural Character  Perfection in Proportion
 The chief building under the Hellenic
 Buildings have flat roof which is typical
Greece is temples.
to eastern countries.
 Temple plans such as Erechtheion are
 the buildings are made up of rubble or
cut stone work.
 The columns are on the
 Gypsum was used to make hard and
outside of the building.
polished floor.
 They used cyclopean walling system.
Characteristics of their buildings are  Column are the external feature of the
Greek Architecture.
a. False Archs of heavy blocks
 Greek Architecture are columnar and
b. Column tapered down
c. Triangular headed opemings.
 Openings are square headed and
d. Corbelled vaults or dome shaped roofs.
spanned by lintel.
4 types of walling in Aegean Architecture  wooden roofs are untrussed:rafters
 Marble ceilings of the
1. Cyclopean Walling
peristyle are enriched by
2. Polygon walling
lacunaria and panels
3. Rectangular Walling
 acanthus leaf and scroll play an
important role in Greek ornamenrt
 Greek Architecture are often called
Carpentry in Marble.
5 types of column
 Tuscan
 Doric Types of Planning a Temple
 Ionic 1. Column - Henostyle
 Corinthian 2. Columns – Distyle
 Composite 3. Columns – Tristyle
Example: 4. Columns – Tetrasytle
5. Columns – Pentastyle
1.Propylea, Athens 6. Columns – Hexastyle
 Its architect is 7. Columns – Heptasyle
Mnesicles 8. Columns – Octastyle
 it uses both 9. Columns – Enneastyle
doric and ionic 10. Columns – Decastyle
columns 11. Columns – Dodecastyle

2. The Acropolis,Athens Arrangement of Columns

 One of the
famous sites of
 Has a stoas or
colonnaded shelter
main Buildings in upper Acropolis
1. Propylea
2. Pinacotheca
3. TheErectheion A. In Antis
4. Old temple of Athena
5. Stoa of Eumenes  it has one to four column between the
6. Parthenon antae and 2 is the usual number.
7. Temple of Nike, Apteros B. Ampi-Antis
8. Temple of Dionysus
 It has one to four columns between
9. Odeion of Herod Atticus
the antae and rear,Two is the usual
10. Statue of Athena, Promocho
C. Prostyle
 Chief class of buildings under Hellenic
 temples have a portico columns at the
 not intende for internal Worship
D. Amphi-Prostyle  A triglyph is aligned over each column
and there is usually one over each
 it has a portico of columns at the front
and rear.
Spacing of Column for Doric Orders
 it has a single line of column
surrounding the naos. 1. Monoglyph – has an interval of one
F. Pseudo-Peripteral
2. Diglyph – has an interval of two
 It has a column attached to the naos triglyphs
wall. 3. Polyglyph – has an interval of 3 or
more triglyph
G. Dipteral
Other Forms of Inter Columniation
 it has a double line of columns
surrounding the naos wall. 1. Pycnostyle – 1 ½ Ø
2. Systyle – 2 Ø
H. Pseudo- Dipteral
3. Eustyle – 2 ¼ Ø
 it has a double line of columns. But the 4. Diastyle – 3 Ø
inner range of 5. Arreostyle – 3 ½ Ø
column is attached
Example of Doric Structures
to the naos wall.
1.Parthenon, Athens
Three methods of
Admitting Light in Greek  One of the main buildings of Acropolis
Architecture  Dedicated to Athena, Partheros the
virgin Athena
1. Clerestory
 its architects are Ictinus and
2. Skylight
3. Temple Doors
 Peripteral Octasyle
The three Greek orders  Near the western end of the naos is
a. Doric order stood the famous statue of Athena
b. Ionic order Parthenos
c. Corinthian Order  Made up of Chryselephantine.
 In 1204 AD it became a Latin church
A. Doric Order  It remains the greatest historic
 stands without a vase directly monument and the mos precious
on a crepidoma heritage of Greece.
 the abacus is square slab 2.Heraion, Olympia
 sturdiest among the Greek
orders  Dedicated to
A.2 Doric Entablature  the most ancient
 It is made up of two to three slabs. of all Greek
3. Temple of Zeus, Olympia  Amphiprostyle tetrastyle
 Designed by Libon of Elis 2.Erechtheion,Athens
 Has a colossal gold and ivory stastue of
 Designed by
Zeus and above its base was sculpture
 Consist of three
4.Thesion, Athens porches
 The tomb of Cecrops
 Best preserved Doric Temple in Greece
 There are six
 Temple of Hephaestus
draped figures or
6.Temple of Apollo Caryatids
 Used as Harem
 Designed by Ictinus
adter Turkish annexation

7. Temple of Zeus Olympius, Agrigentum

 Designed by Theron
3. Temple of Apollo,
 Ranks as second in size among Greek
Didyma near Miletus
 Pseudo Peripteral heptasyle  Designed by Paeonous of Ephesus
and Daphnis of Miletus.
B. Ionic Order
 It is a Dipteral decastyle
 Remarkabl;e for its
4. Temple of IIissus , Athens
 Derived from  Amphi prostyle
Egyptian lotus tetrastyle
 Two main parts:  Designed by
1. Architrave Callicrates
2. Cornice
C. The Corinthian Order
B.1 Ionic Column
 A decorative Variant of
 It has a twenty four flutes Ionic
 Moulded base know as  The invention of the
Attic base capiutal was due to
B.2 Ionic Entablature
C.1 The Corinthian Column
 It has two parts:
 Architrave large dentils in bed mould  Much deeper than the
 An architrave has three fascia Ionic
 It has an intverted bell
1.Temple of Nike Apteros, Athens
and is surrounded by two
 Dedicated to Wingless tiers of eight acanthus
Victory leaves and between the leaves oof the
 Design by Calicrates upper row rise eight caulicoli.
C.2 The Corinthian Entablature
 Has 3 main parts:  Clypsedra- a water clock instrument
 The architrave,the frieze and the measuring the time.
B. Moulding
1.Tholos, Epidauros
 A peristyle of 26 Doric columns
 A circular building
2. Tholos (Philippeion),Olympia
 Its external peristyle has a 18 ionic
columns and the inner wall has 9
1. Cyma recta- carved with honey suckle
Corinthian Column
2. Cyma Reversa-Carved with water leaf
and tongue
3.Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, Athens
3. Ovolo- carved with egg and dart
 It was built to support a 4. Fillet- A small plain face
tripod awarded as a prize 5. Astragal or Bead- carved with beans
for the athlethic and and reel
musical competition. 6. Cavetto-a simple hollow
 Has a two stages: 7. Scotia-A deep hollow
a. Lower stage 8. Torus-Magnified bead moulding
b. Uppper stage 9. Birds Beak- Happens in Doric Order
Temple of Zeus Olympus (Olympieion) 10. Corona-A deep vertical face

 It C. Theater was
 An open air
structures were
antiochus ephiphanes of hollowed
Syria  Built for Dionysus
 Designed by Cossotious.
 It has 104 columns originally and the C.1Parts of Greek Theather
remainings are only fifteen columns. 1.CaveaC
5.Tower of the Winds,Athens  Seats are arranged by rows.
 Known as the 2. Orchestra
Horrolopgium of
Andronikos  A circular paved space
Cyrrhestes 3. Scene Building or Skene
 Built to measure
 Used by the actors
the time by the
means of clepsydra C.2 Examples of Greek Theaters
1. The theater,Epuidauros
 Designed by Polytcleitos 8.Hippodrome
 Most perfect theatral form
 Prototype of
2.The theater of Dionysos, Athens roman circus
 It can accommodate 18,000 people. 9 Palaestra – the
wresting school.
10 Gymnasium – a
place for physical exercises of all kinds.

Buildings 11 Naval Building.

1. Agora
 The center of social
and business life.
2. Stoa
 It serves as shelter at E. Tombs
religious shrines.
1. The Mausoleum,
3. Prytaneion Halicarnassos.
 Served as a senate house for the chief  the most famous of
dignitaries all Greek tombs
 it is for King
4.Bouleterion Mausolos
 its architects are Pythius and Satyrus
 Serves as a council  Scopas is the sculptor
2. The Nereid Monument, Xantos
5.Assembly House
 Typifies the Ionian sculptural
 It is like the bouleterion but is larger luxuriance
than it.
3. The Lion tomb, Cnidos
 It has a Doric columns and
 It is where pseudo peripteral
musician arrangement.
performed for
their work to be F. Domestic Building
approved by the public.  Their apartments are
7.Stadium on the North side
facing the winter sun
 A foot race  Modest in scope and
course where materials.
games are being
done. G.Terminologies
 A block resting on the vertex  blocks separating the Metopes in a
Doric frieze
 An ornament block
 a fillet along the top of the architrave
 A truangulkar surface bouded on a the
sloping and horizontal cornice of
pediment. Pediment Doric order.
 It is a piece of wood placed on the top
of entablature. Regula/Regulae

Metope  it is the short band between the tenia

and gutter on a Doric entablature
 the space between the Doric triglyphs.
 small drop like projections
 a substructure distinguished from the
stylobate by the absence of column. Mutule

Stylobate  a projecting square block

 a continuous base Entablature

Architrave  the upper part of an order

 the beam lying across the column Cornice

Crepidoma  projecting section of an entablature

 the stepped base of a Greek Temple. Frieze

Abacus  the middle division of an entablature

between architrave and cornice
 the flat slab on the top of capital.
 the lowest part of the entablature
 an ovolo moulding
 the trunks of column between the
 the nock of the Greek Doric column base and the capital
Hypotrachelion Entasis
 the groove round a Doric column  A curve in the vertical profile of a
Annulet (Shaft ring) column

 a motif consisting of a ring round of Propylon

shaft  It is the gate building of a temple.
Triglyph Naos
 the sanctuary containing the statue of
the God.
 the vestibule of a Greek or Roman
 the enclosed section at the rear of a
Greek temple.
 it is the sharp edge produced by the
meeting of two surface
 shallow, concave grooves.
 a building to contain pictures.
 a building to contain sculpture
 sunk panels or coffers
a term applied to temple without column at

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