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Date :

To :


Dear Mr.,

This letter confirms that you are hereby place under preventive suspension from work while an
investigation is done based on the following offense charged against you:

 Being found positive for Methamphetamine drug/metabolite during random drug tests
conducted on January 3, 2024, which is a ground for dismissal under R.A. 9165 (Dangerous Drug
Act) and Labor Code.

In addition, your PREVENTIVE SUSPENSION is without pay for thirty (30) days effective
immediately upon the receipt of this Notice while this matter is being investigated. As discussed
in our meeting today, January 6, 2024 that we will conduct a confirmatory test to give light with
the investigation.

When the investigation is complete and confirmatory result will be released, we will let you know
and we will discuss to you the action to be taken, if appropriate.

Note that your suspension does not mean that we have already decided that you have done or
not done an action or behaviour that is misconduct or serious misconduct. The company resorted
to preventive suspension because of the nature and gravity of the offense charged and the
sensitivity of the nature of the work you are currently occupying.

In the event that you are found guilty of the said charge, the company may terminate you from
employment and /or impose appropriate action.

Furthermore, while you are suspended you must not carry out any of your work duties and you should not
come into the workplace unless advised and agreed by the Management.

Sincerely yours,

Conformed by: Noted by:


Signature Over Printed Name: ________________________________________

Date: __________________________

Time: __________________________

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