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Trường THPT _________ ĐỀ THI GIỮA HỌC KÌ 1

Lớp: 11______ Thời gian: 60 phút


A. LISTENING (1pt=4*0.25)
Listen and choose the best answer.
1. Where does the conversation take place?
A. at Mindy’s house B. at Mr. Sanders house
C. at Mindy’s grandmother’s house D. at the shopping mall
2. Why did Mindy bow?
A. She wanted to welcome Mr. Sanders. B. It’s a custom in Canada.
C. She wanted to express joy. D. It’sconsidered polite in her country.
3. How do people behave to the elderly in Korean culture?
A. People respect the elderly.
B. Mr. Sanders has been to Korea.
C. All Canadians love chocolate.
D. Customs in Canada and Korea are the same.
4. What do Canadian people do to be polite when being invited to dinner?
A. bring flowers or a box of chocolates.
B. bring a box of chocolates.
C. bring flowers.
D. give some cheeses or a box of candies.
Mr. Sanders: Mindy, welcome to Canada!
Mindy: Thank you, Mr. Sanders.
Mr. Sanders: Ah, Mindy, you don’t have to bow here in Canada.
Mindy: I know, but it’s a habit. It’s polite in my country.
Mr. Sanders: Well, thank you for being polite. Tell me more about customs in Korea.
Mindy: A lot of our customs are about showing respect to elders. When you get something from an
elderly person, you have to take it with two hands to show respect. Another thing is you have to wait
for the eldest person at the table to start a meal.
Mr. Sanders: Wow, you guys really respect the elderly. Any other customs we should know about?
Mindy: Oh, hmm, it is also considered rude to leave a lot of food on your plate at the end of a meal.
Mr. Sanders: Really? Customs in Canada and Korea are so different! It is OK to leave food on your
plate here.
Mindy: Oh, I almost forgot! I heard that in Canada it is polite to bring flowers or a box of chocolates
when you get invited to dinner. So I got you some chocolate. Here!
Mr. Sanders: Geez. Thanks!

B. LEXICAL-GRAMMAR (4pts=20*0.2)
Mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)
in each of the following questions.
5. This is a ‘green city’ designed to reduce its negative impact on the environment.
A. influence B. thought C. feeling D. collection
6. I'm thinking of living in a smart city in the future.
A safe B. intelligent C. expensive D. eco-friendly
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
7. A smart city is a modern urban area that uses a range of technologies to provide services, solve
problems, and support people better.
A. ancient B. new C. fast D. public
8 For example, streetlights can turn off when the streets are empty, and sensors can inform waste
collection teams when the bins are full.
A. satisfactory B. happy C. abundant D. empty
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
9. For a healthy diet, you should cut down to sugar and eat more vegetables.
Sửa cut down to  cut down on
10. People feel safe in this neighbourhood but smart sensors are installed everywhere.
Sửa but  because

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
11. People of different generations often come into _________with one another.
A. conflict B. effect C. step D. action
12. I __________ several races since I started a new workout routine.
A. win B. to have won C. won D. have won
13. The government should improve the infrastructure of big cities to boost the_________.
A. economy B. economist C. economize D. economically
14. I'm thinking ___________ taking up yoga. I feel a bit stressed these days.
A. for B. in C. of D. on
15. My parents respect my career choice, so I __________ follow in their footsteps.
A. mustn’t B. don’t have to C. should D. shouldn't
16. _________ you want to maintain a healthy weight; you shouldn't have snacks between meals.
A. If B. Despite C. Because D. In spite of
17. Well, I live with my _________ family, and I have to learn to accept the differences between the
A. extended B. nuclear C. blended D. single-parent
18. Mai’s parents believe that children should _________their dreams.
A. follow B. run C. go D. wish
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the following exchanges.
19. Mark and his mom are talking together.
Mark: “Mom, I have won the Speaking competition at school.”
His mom: “_______________.”

A. It’s a wonderful story B. You should be better next time

C. Really! Congratulations, boy D. Try your best
20. Tom and his mom are talking together.
Tom’s mom: “I’m afraid there are no scholarships for girls in this school.”
Tom: “_______________, mom.”
A. I don’t think that is enough for everyone B. Don’t worry
C . I hope it could come on time D. It’s a pity
Choose the sentence which has the closest meaning to the original one.
21. Hama isn’t used to studying very hard.
A. Hama used to study very hard.
B. Hama doesn’t like to study very hard.
C. Hama isn’t accustomed to studying very hard.
D. Hama needed help to studying very hard.
22. Helen could not afford to buy a new laptop.
A. Helen couldn’t buy a new laptop because it was too expensive.
B. Helen bought a new laptop because it was expensive.
C. Helen bought a new laptop though it was expensive.
D. Helen had enough money but he didn’t buy a new laptop.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences
23. Henry was lazy. He never washed his clothes.
A. Henry was lazy so that he never washed his clothes.
B. Henry was so lazy that he never washed his clothes.
C. Henry never washed his clothes that he was so lazy.
D. Henry was never so lazy that he washed his clothes.
24. Electronic devices use energy. They do it even when they are switched off.
A. Even when switched off, electric devices use energy.
B. Electronic devices use energy unless they are switched off.
C. Due to their energy use, electronic devices are switched off.
D. Despite their energy use, electronic devices are switched off.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
If large differences between the generations exist, why don't they spawn conflict? The answer is
First, the two largest areas of difference technology and music are less (25)___________ charged than
political issues. The older generation is likely to be proud (26) _________ the younger generation's
prowess in technology, rather than to view it as a problem. As for the (27)__________ differences,
each generation wants its own style of music, and (28)_________ older generation generally can relate
to that desire.
Second, in the (29)________ areas of difference, the younger generation tends to regard the older
generation as superior to their own generation clearly a difference from the 1960s, with its rallying cry
of "Don't trust anyone over 30."
25. A. emotionally B. emotional C. emotion D. emotions
26. A. At B. by C. of D. from
27. A. dancing B. musical C.feeling D. taste
28. A. 0 B. an C. a D. the
29. A. many B. any C. other D. some
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to
each of the questions.
Women often complain that the men in their lives are not romantic enough. But men sometimes have
trouble expressing their feelings, often resorting to cheesy Hallmark cards or pricey bejeweled baubles
to do the job for them. But there is a far better way to be romantic and it doesn’t involve spending a
fortune or even opening your mouth.
In the days before courting consisted of hanging our and getting drinks, courting was a formal
and dignified endeavor. Symbols were used to express feelings and thoughts deemed too special for
mere words. During the Victorian Era, a whole romantic language developed around the giving and
receiving of flowers. Everything from the type and size of the flower to the way it was held or
presented conveyed layers of meaning and communicated a gentleman’s feelings and intentions. Each
bouquet contained a secret message for a lady to eagerly interpret and endlessly dissect.
These days giving flowers has become a somewhat ho-hum cliché. Resurrecting this Victorian
tradition will infuse the gesture with new life and romance and bring back some of the subtly, mystery,
and fun of courtship. Your lady will swoon that you put far more thought into your selection of flowers
than grabbing a bouquet out of the case at Wal-Mart. You’ll come off as a real gentleman and a
hopeless romantic. It can become an amazing tradition you’ll both enjoy. Seriously, women eat this
stuff up.
Of course, even women nowadays have forgotten the meanings of flowers. So by your lady a
flower dictionary. And keep a copy for yourself (it’s important that you both use the same reference, as
the meanings were never set in stone and can sometimes vary from book to book). Then, each time you
present her with a bouquet, she can search the volume to find what secret messages you have
embedded in the flowers.
30. What is the author’s main purpose in the passage?
A. To explain what is called “romance”.
B. To complain that men are not romantic enough.
C. To prove that men are not as romantic as women.
D. To suggest ways for men to be more romantic.
Đoạn 1: But there is a far … your mouth
31. The word “dignified” in paragraph 2 mostly means ____________.
A. important B. easy C. serious D. slight
dignified ~ serious: trang nghiêm, nghiêm túc
32.Which of the following does NOT express a secret message for the female receiver during the
Victorian Era?
A. The way flowers are wrapped B. The colors of the flowers
C. The kind of flowers D. The size of flowers
Đoạn 2: During the Victorian Era … interpret and endlessly disect
33. As mentioned in the third paragraph, it’s so moving if a man ____________
A. thinks of the flowers carefully before choosing.
B. enjoys giving flowers to a woman.
C. takes a bouquet available.
D. gives his woman something to eat.
Đoạn 3: Your lady will swoon … the case at Wal-Mart
34. What does the word “her” in the last paragraph refer to?
A. a flower dictionar B. women C. yourself D. your lady
her ~ your lady => đoạn cuối: of course, even women … in the flowers
D. WRTING (3 pts)
Part I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence
printed before it. (1pt)
35. You had better study for the exam tomorrow.
 You should ______________________________________________.
You should study for the exam tomorrow.
36. It has been a long time since we last called each other.
 We haven’t______________________________________________.
We haven’t called each other for a long time.
Part 2: Rearrange the words in the following sentences into a complete sentence. (1pt)
37. haven’t seen /I/my relatives/I/ since/last/in/HCM city/them/saw/.
 _______________________________________________________.
I haven't seen my relatives since I last saw them in HCM city.
38. think/ My parents/ out/ after 10 p.m/I/ shouldn’t/stay/.
 _______________________________________________________.
My parents think I shouldn't stay out after 10 p.m.
Part 3: Write a short message (35-45 words) to reply to your friend's dinner invitation. (1pt)

A. LISTENING (1pt=4*0.25)
1. 2. 3. 4

B. LEXICAL-GRAMMAR (4pts=20*0.2)
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
15. 16. 17. 18. 19.
20. 21. 22. 23. 24.


25. 26. 27. 28. 29.
30. 31. 32. 33. 34.

D. WRTING (3 pts)

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