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Proposal Submitted

Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology






Under the guidance of

Dr. K.Sentamilselvan,

Head of the Department, Associate Professor




Solid waste management is the primary responsibility of local authority, so people will not give
much importance to this waste management in India. Waste Management is a great Challenge to
the environmental sustainability, it not only shows the challenge but also it shows the social
handicap. Due to various reasons urban areas are facing many challenges. Unhealthy disposal of
solid waste is one of the important problems in many societies. Proper disposal or proper
segregation of solid waste is frequently intimated to all public by the government, but people not
ready to dispose the solid waste properly. Even the sweepers of the municipality forget to follow
the procedures in segregating the waste. The project is designed to educate sweepers (including the
general public) on how to segregate household waste. We hope the successful implementation of
waste segregation in major part of the cities will further lead to a cascading effect and thousands
more start the practice of waste segregation. Ultimately this will help the authorities resolve the
waste management issues and lead to a healthier environment in the city as well as neighboring
towns. The objective of this project is to increase awareness on sustainable waste disposal by
conducting an awareness program on solid waste management in the urban areas among municipal

1. Introduction
The problems of waste Segregation and management in most cities especially in
developing has become one of the intractable environmental problems facing urban centers. This
situation could be attributed to low level of technology that is not sophisticated enough to handle
the high rate of waste generation. Human population and rural-urban migration has increase
through urbanization, natural increase rate and industrialization, yet the service rendered is not
sizeable enough to control the high level of solid waste generated in urban areas and these has
contributed to a large extent, the nuisance and the damaging effect of the urban environment.
Classification of waste:

Why is Waste Segregation important?

 If the waste is not separated properly, it all gets mixed up in landfills. The dangers of this
is that they all leak after a period of time, resulting in leachate or toxic soup at the
bottom, which can contaminate ground water and release explosive methane gas.
 Methane is a greenhouse gas, which ultimately leads to climate change, extreme climates
and droughts. We can see the impact already in the world.
 When the waste is not separated properly it leads to less recycling because it is not easy
to remove materials for recycling. This means many resources are wasted.

SWM project of “Hand in Hand India”

Collaborating with government and NGOs, Hand In Hand India (NGO) has helped the
government in solid waste management and supported the local municipality (Guduvanchery,
Chengalpet Taluk) in waste collection. In India, about 1,50,000 tons of waste is generated every
day. Of the total municipal waste collected, on an average 94 per cent is dumped on land and
only 5 per cent is composted. Hand in Hand India’s Solid Waste Management (SWM)
intervention strives to facilitate local bodies to handle the garbage maintenance. This
intervention is implemented in partnership with the local government and communities. One of
the main focus areas of SWM project is to substitute street collection of waste with a distinct
waste collection process and converting the solid waste into energy. The secondary objective of
this project is to implement various waste-to-energy initiatives like bio gas plants, bio mass
pelleting and briquetting projects. Through a bio gas plant, food waste is converted into energy
and a sustainable environment-friendly solution is created. The bio mass waste is converted into
pellets and briquettes and is used as fuel for various thermal applications for both household and
industrial purposes.

Municipal Solid Waste Management

With rapid industrialization, the quantity of waste is increasing and waste composition is getting
more diversified. This requires segregation and recycling. However, because of insufficient
awareness, most people simply dump waste into land. This project emphasis municipal workers
to join hands in solid waste management project of Hand in Hand India. This activity involves
door-to-door collection, segregation and processing of municipal waste for bio gas, pellets and
briquettes. In SWM project, on an average of 52% total waste that is collected is diverted from
landfills and processed. Biodegradable waste is processed and the compost is sold to promote
organic and sustainable farming. Non-biodegradable waste is segregated and recyclable waste is
sent for reprocessing. Thus the same is insisted for municipal workers of Chengalpet Taluk

Solid Waste to Energy

With the objective of achieving sustainable development through environment-friendly

technologies and practices, it is possible to implement various waste-to-energy initiatives like bio
gas plants, bio mass pelleting and briquetting through solid wastes. The bio mass waste is
converted into pellets and briquettes and is used as fuel for various thermal applications for both
household and industrial purposes. This is emphasized to municipal workers and brings
awareness on income opportunity through the solid waste management.

2. Objectives
 To increase awareness on sustainable waste disposal by conducting an awareness program
to the municipal workers (sweepers/sanitary workers) of Guduvanchery municipality.
 To educate the municipal workers about solid waste management.
 To emphasis on the importance of solid waste management to be carried out along with
their day to day activities.
 To educate public and sanitary workers about the SWM project of HAND IN HAND
INDIA and support them with proper waste segregation.
 Emphasis on income opportunity through conversion of Solid waste to Energy.

3. Work Plan

3.1 Activities

 The meeting with municipal workers (sweepers/sanitary workers) will be

conducted in various places of Chengalpet Taluk.
 The meeting will be filled with the speeches of motivation and drive them
towards success implementation of Solid waste management.
 Inviting “Hand in Hand India” team to give guidelines to all municipal workers
about SWM project in a common meeting area.
 The municipal workers are insisted to support Hand in Hand by collecting solid
waste with reference to their SWM project
 Municipal workers will be given awareness speech about the income opportunity
by submitting solid waste to plants which converts solid waste into bio gas and
other energy fuels
 The best of the thing is all basic things and attitude & so on, which will be
imparted to these social works to achieve societal benefit.

3.2 Work plan in weeks

Activities No. of weeks

Meeting and discussion with municipality sweepers/sanitary workers 4

Meeting and discussion with “Hand in Hand India” people to support in creating 2
awareness about their SWM project to municipal workers

Meeting and discussion with Experts and trainers for giving seminar on waste 2
segregation and energy convertion

Meeting and discussion with bio gas plant experts to train on income opportunity 2
in solid waste deposit collected for biogas, pellets and briquettes.
Conduction of awareness and training sessions for municipal workers, 8
Documentation and Report

Total 18 Weeks


S.No Particulars Amount

1 Remuneration for Trainers Rs.6000

2 Transportation Rs.1000
3 Instruction pamphlets and banners Rs.2000

3 Stationaries Rs.1000

Total Expenses (Rupees Ten

5. Conclusion
The locations of municipal dustbins are accessible to ninety per cent of the people but the
dustbins are not cleared and transformed properly by the municipality. Some of them are putting
their waste along the roadside, street corners, vacant places, in front of unused houses. These
places are got fire sometimes and it leads to invisibility to vehicle drivers, eye irritation for
publics and there is a chance of getting fire at large level. These wastes are also spreads on road
and the surroundings are looking very awkwardly. So, this project would helpful for municipality
sweepers and common people to gain awareness on Waste Segregation and Waste management.
This project creates additional income opportunity for municipal workers and public through
solid waste deposit to energy conversion.

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