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Answer sheet for Assessment Unit 3 Criterion B Summative Assessment.

MYP 3 – 1750 – 1850 Romanticism, 1837 – 1901 Victorian, 1801 – 1900 Melodrama, 1860 –
1900 Realism.
Group Members Name Role to fulfill Responsibilities

Props and costumes to be used for the skit.

Motivate the reason for the artistic choice you made.
Why do you choose to add these elements to the performance?
Props Costumes

Characters and characteristics that will be used in the skit.

Use the summary of the time periods for reference
Character Characteristics

The planning of the skit (this can be a script, mind map, graphic organizer)
The bottom has an example of a graphic organizer that can be used, follow the arrows to show the
progress of the development.

Graphic Organizer – Formative Assessment

Idea – What are you going to Group members and roles Things the group members need
do? they will fulfill: to do:
Name - Role

Story structure: Story structure: Most important facts that will be

Rising action: Exposition: used in the skit:
Story structure: Story structure: Story structure:
Climax: Falling action: Resolution:

Statement of inquiry and inquiry questions:

Theatre styles has been influenced by a variety of media to enhance the message or meaning
of a drama presentation.
What are the key elements How did theatre use a To what extent did the
and conventions of the variety of media to different varieties of media
different theatre styles? communicate with the communicate a clear message
audience? through expression of drama

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