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DEPARTMENT OF Electrical Engineering


A report submitted to the department of Electrical/Electronic engineering of

Hibmat University Institute in partial fulfillment of the requirement
Of the award of a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Power systems

“Design of Smart Home Automation and Security system using “Eta Palace
Hotel Buea” as case study”. Submitted to the department of Electrical
/Electronic Engineering of Hibmat University institute of Buea in partial
fulfillment of the requirement for the award of a degree. Done under the
supervision of:


SIGN ……………………….. DATE:…………………..



SIGN:………………………. DATE:…………………..



This work is dedicated to the Mailong Joseph’s family.


I express my deep sense of gratitude to my supervisor Mr. Che Emmanuel. I am

grateful for your time, corrections and encouragements.

My sincere gratitude to the staff of Hibmat University Institute Buea for the
knowledge impacted throughout my stay in school.

And my profound appreciation to my wonderful parents Mr. and Mrs. LAISSIN

JOSEPH and my friends, course mates for their holistic care and to God Almighty.

This study aims to present / illustrate that thanks to the growth of new
technologies, the effective use of natural resources can be an important factor for
the economic development of several African regions. Africa is a continent with
the lowest share of "Smart House" construction technology usage. From this
study, the minimum requirements for a "Smart House" were determined
depending on the level of income of a person in Africa. The parameters of mobile
communications for controlling the elements of a "Smart House" are presented.
An algorithm of the "Smart House" element power supply system and its various
accessories was formed. The use of a "Smart House" construction technology in
Africa will reduce financial costs, improve living conditions and increase the
population welfare. The technologies implemented will significantly reduce the
daily and monthly costs of running a home in African countries. A general
analysis of approaches to data transmission over the Internet is also presented, as
this is a very important factor in the control and security of "Smart Houses" in
remote access mode via mobile phones or computers. Of course, an indispensable
condition is the access to this digital technology.






TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………….…...7

LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………….9



1.2Problem statement ……………………………………………………... …12
1.3Objective of the study………………………………………..……………..13
1.4Research hypothesis…………………………………………….………….13
1.4.1 perceived automation…………………………………………………...13
1.4.2 perceived controllability………………………………………………..13
1.4.3 perceived interconnectedness…………………………………………..14
1.4.4 perceived reliability…………………………………………………….14
1.5scope of the study…………………………………………………..……...14
1.6 Definition of terms…………………………………………………………14

2.1 Conceptual frame work……………………………………...........17-18
2.2 Theoretical framework……………………………………………..19-20
3.1 Conceptual framework……………………………………....…….21-23
3.2 Main components of home automation system…………………….23-25
3.3 System architecture and implementation …………………………..25-26



1.1 Background of Study

1. With the development of information and communication technology and,

more concretely, the evolution of the Internet in the world, specialists in the
field have begun to study the extent to which human beings can use the
advantages of this new technology in order to improve the living conditions
of the population of a given region. These new forms of technology are
being applied much more in the following sectors: urbanization and smart
city building; construction or renewal of hospitals with medical
teleconsultation services; education with distance learning courses;
buildings with “Smart Houses” and etc. As far as smart cities are concerned,
we have seen surveillance cameras, intelligent traffic light systems, robotic
reception and sales services and many others. In medicine, the traditional
relationship that existed between the doctor and the sick improved due to
this technology, the queue almost lost its popularity. Distance learning has
improved with the possibility of direct and visual communication in real
time between the learner and the tutor. With “Smart Houses”, there have
been some anomalies that suggest that the policy adopted in developed
countries cannot be adopted in poor or developing countries. In principle,
it should be noted that the introduction of new technologies is intended not
only to promote the development of regions and strengthen the security of
property in the home, but also to promote the reduction of spending on
services for the maintenance or consumption of a house. Originally, the
“Smart House” concept derives from the concept “Passive House” or “Zero

House” (ZeroEnergyBuilding). The concept of a “Passive House” was first

proposed by Dr. Wolfgang Feist (Germany) and Professor Bo Adamson
(Sweden) in 1988. At that time, this meant houses that did not require
significant expenditure of thermal energy for heating. The main task that is
set in the construction of a “Passive House” is to preserve heat. This goal
is also relevant for the existing structures, as well as for more modern
“Smart Houses.” Measurements carried out after the construction of the
first “Passive House” showed a real reduction in energy consumption for
household needs by up to 80% (compared to ordinary houses). Up to this
point, the relevance of ensuring resource saving and energy efficiency in
the construction of smart houses remains, while digitally controlled
elements are being added. The modern legislation promotes energy-
efficient technologies around the world. European standard EN 15232
(“Energy Characteristics of Buildings. The Meaning of Automation,
Management and Control of Buildings”) [was developed and implemented
in conjunction with the European Directive on energy performance of
buildings 2002/91/EC. The standard describes a method for evaluating the
impact of automation and control systems on the energy consumption of
buildings. For this purpose, four performance classes are introduced, from
A to D. The question we can ask ourselves today is what is the definition
of a “Smart House” as will be described in our manuscript and what is its
purpose? Most Western definitions agree that a “Smart House” is a set of
technologies that allows you to connect various home systems, providing
them with an ability to interact and remotely control life-support systems,
with energy and resource-saving characteristics. Our definition is more
specific; let's say that in principle, it is a set of hardware complexes that
have smart properties due to the smart software that transmits comfort to

the owners using artificial intelligence technology adapted to the natural

resources of the region. Hence, a “Smart House” will be a dynamically
functioning object, that is, it should be adapted to the standard of living of
citizens and make decisions individually according to the following main
scenarios: change of state of the object after an event, change of state of the
object according to a schedule and change of state by personal will. So, do
“Smart Houses” in developed countries fit this definition? How can African
houses adapt to this definition? Can solar energy, which is an abundant and
sufficient resource in Africa, promote the development of “Smart Houses”?
What technology should be used to facilitate everyday life with “Smart
Houses” in Africa? These are all questions which will contribute to our
research in this report.[ref1: Patchava V, Kandala HB, Babu PR. Asmart
home automation technique with raspberry Pi using IoT. In: Proceedings of
the 2015 International Conference on Smart Sensors and Systems (IC-SSS).
Bangalore, India: IEEE; 2015. p. 1-4.]

1.1 Problem statement

The increasing popularity and adoption of smart home automation
technologies has raised the need to examine the challenges and opportunities
associated with their implementation. This report aims to identify the key
barriers, assess the potential benefits, and propose effective strategies for
successful integration of smart home automation systems in residential
Home is the place where people live and individuals invest their most of the
time at home. Walking along with the revolution industry, smart home is an
emerging innovation, which has changed the way individuals live. Currently,
there are various design of smart home which consist of multiple control

system can be choose from. However this smart home can be categorized into
two main categories which is local control and remotely controlled systems.
The different between local control and remotely control systems is the way
for operation. Basically, the remotely control can use internet connection by
using their electronic devices for long distance while the local control using
in-home controller with a stationary or wireless communication technology to
connect to the central hub or gateway.

1.2Objective of study

For these studies, the goal of smart homes is to improve the quality of life of
residents through automated devices, to enable them to live a safe, healthy,
comfortable life independently

1.2 Research Hypothesis

1.2.1 Perceived automation

Automation is a term referring to the automation of housework and

household activities such as the control of lighting, heating systems, and
ventilation. This kind of automation enables users to be comfortable, live
conveniently, be secure, and be energy efficient. In addition, it monitors elderly
and disabled people to ensure suitable care. The acceptance of automation has
increased in smart homes recently due to the enhanced affordability and simplicity
through upgraded technology proposed a controller to optimize power
management to reduce the energy consumption of a smart home automation
system. Authenticated the correlation between the user attitude and efficient smart

home automation function. Perceived automation is positively associated with

smart home adoption intention.

1.2.2 Perceived controllability

Controllability is the ability to do whatever a user needs with the given

system that is under control. Confirmed that control is a critical issue in
most complex networks. Users remotely control smart home systems by
accessing services on smartphones, mobile phones, and computers. Due to
the increased number of sensors and multitouch screens, mobile devices
became a pivotal user interface in smart home systems. In addition,
implicated that user interfaces on mobile devices are key for controlling a
smart home system. Perceived controllability is positively associated with
smart home adoption intention.

1.2.3 Perceived Interconnectedness

Perceived interconnectedness is positively associated with smart home

adoption intention.

1.2.4 Perceived Reliability

Perceived reliability is positively associated with smart home adoption intention .

1.3 Scope of the study
It describes collective information about sensors, multimedia devices,
communication protocols, and systems, which are widely used in smart home
implementation. Special algorithms from different fields and their
significance are explained according to their scope of use in smart homes.

1.4 Definition of terms

Automation: application of machines to tasks once performed by human
beings or, increasingly, to tasks that would otherwise be impossible. Although
the term mechanization is often used to refer to the simple replacement of
human labor by machines, automation generally implies the integration of
machines into a self-governing system.(Oxford Dictionary)

Smart house: A smart home refers to a convenient home setup where

appliances and devices can be automatically controlled remotely from
anywhere with an internet connection using a mobile or
other networked device. Devices in a smart home are interconnected through
the internet, allowing the user to control functions such as security access to
the home, temperature, lighting, and a home theater remotely.

Smart city: “Smart city is an ICT-enabled digital environment where all the
major services and establishments are digitalized and connected. They
work/operate together to create a safe, secure, clean & efficient planet for the
residents and guests of that city.

IoT: Stands for the internet of things. It refers to a network of physical devices,
vehicles, appliances and other objects embedded with sensors, software and
connectivity capabilities that enable them to collect and exchange data over
the internet. In simple terms, IoT involves connecting everyday objects to the
internet and enabling them to communicate and interact with each other

Smart home refers to the integration of various technologies and devices within a
residential setting to create an intelligent and automated living environment .The
goal is to enhance, comfort , convenience ,security ,energy efficiency , and overall
quality of life for the occupants. A research review by OLUWASEYI OLAWALE
BELLO Ekiti State University 2022 summarizes the existing knowledge and
findings in the field

The idea of a smart home A special issue dedicated to ‘bringing users into
building energy performance’ may not seem like the ideal place for commenting
on smart technology. But information and communication technology (ICT) and
energy systems are altering the meaning of ‘user’ and changing the performance
of homes, and not necessarily in ways that address the policy challenge of
responding to climate change while providing or maintaining reliable, affordable
energy services. Hence the argument that follows is very much focused on users
and other actors: it advocates tightening up the language to discuss and evaluate
smart technology in buildings. There are many definitions of the smart home in
research and marketing literature, but they fall into two broad categories. As
examples, this definition focuses on a smart home as a home, and what it can do
for its occupants: [A smart home is] a residence equipped with a communications
network, linking sensors, domestic appliances, and devices, that can be remotely
monitored, accessed or controlled and which provides services that respond to the
needs of its inhabitants.

A second definition, more generic in that it includes non-domestic buildings,

focuses on the building itself – not mentioning occupants at all – and on its
connection with energy systems:

Smart buildings are flexibly connected and interacting with the energy system,
being able to produce, store and/or consume energy efficiently (Building
Performance Institute Europe [BPIE], Citation2017].

While one definition is home- and user-focused and the other is building- and
system-focused, what they share is the significance of communications networks
to link appliances or subsystems with each other and to enable remote access and
control along with the provision of services. That is, the level of connectedness
goes well beyond the use of ICT in smart metering, or remote control of a
television from the sofa. Thus, the BPIE report cited above contains an example
of a dozen Belgian houses, old and new, ‘equipped with a range of technologies
to provide a maximum of load-shifting potential’ with the aim of balancing the
neighbourhood network: solar photovoltaics and thermal capture, heat pumps, and
fuel cells or batteries, along with a monitoring and control system. Another
example includes homes with electric vehicles and their potential as storage
devices, especially for rooftop solar generation.

The concept of a smart home offering new services can be traced back to futuristic
display homes in 1930s’ America, developed at a time when electricity
consumption was unproblematic and presenting:

Unprecedented levels of luxury, relaxation and indulgence, with excessive

consumption on display … efficiency did not relate to energy but … the benefits
of modern living with less effort from householder.

The concept remained a specialized one for some time, only able to take shape for
a mass market in the final quarter of the 20th century as computing power became
increasingly accessible and automated appliances more commonplace.

From an electrical systems perspective, though, ‘smarting’ began about four

decades later with the upgrading of equipment in the transmission grid. This
process continued outwards/downwards through the distribution network and
large consumers until it became possible to think of small end-uses as ripe for
automation, interconnection and remote control. In this way, the user- and system-
centred visions came together to some extent, giving a boost to the former. Thus,
the introduction to a set of proceedings from a 1988 conference on home
automation comments that:

One of the last bastions of low tech is the home, and it looks very much as though
this too is about to fall in the face of the onslaught of modern technology to
create … one of the largest consumer markets ever. It is … an application whose
time has come … we shall be choosing, not to fill our houses with optic fibres or
Liquid Crystal Displays, but to acquire a whole series of aids to make domestic
life more comfortable, more efficient and more fun. (RMDP, Citation1988, p. 1)

Not everyone viewed the prospect of smart homes so optimistically. A critique

from the same year comments that:
Computer home scenarios have a narrow and instrumental fixation on technique
– the ‘evolution’ of the household is seen as an expression of some autonomous
technological ‘progresses. The dream is a domestic machine-utopia … in which
human agents are passive and infantilized. In such technocratic scripts the
household is severed from its surrounding (economic, social and political)
contexts. (Robins & Hepworth, Citation1988, pp. 157–158)

This infantilizing and deactivating element of the smart home vision can certainly
be traced in the literature, implicitly if not explicitly, in the planned shift from
human to machine sensing and control, and the development of ‘ambient
intelligence’ that is capable of learning. As an example, De Silva, Morikawa, and
Petra (Citation2012) describe a smart home application that can detect and
recognize ‘health conditions’ of home occupants, collecting information to
support their wellbeing. Another well-known example is the ‘learning thermostat’

The domestic machine-utopia has proved hard to realize, though. A report on

smart homes and assistive technologies, prepared for the lengthy ‘Application
Home Initiative’ trials in the UK, noted the inherent difficulty of ‘smarting’ the
residential sector with its complex housing, complex needs, complex market
forces and lack of enthusiasm even for the ICT application showing most promise:
monitoring the elderly and infirm [Poulsen, Nicolle, & Galley, Citation2002].
This difficulty persists even though in many parts of the world it is commonplace
for homes to host discrete ICT applications in the shape of computers,
smartphones and internet-connected home entertainment, along with appliances
such as washing machines that are at least partly automated. The problems arise
in connecting these together (primarily because of technical and commercial
issues) and in making any resulting package useful enough to persuade
householders and/or system managers to adopt it.

The establishment of ICT in energy infrastructure and evolution of modern

renewable electricity generation are transforming electrical systems from being
demand led (‘predict and provide’) to supply led, requiring careful matching of
demand and (variable) supply at levels that may vary from the individual
prosumer or microgrid up to the national or regional grids. Difficulties with this
transition may be felt most at neighbourhood or area level, e.g. if a number of

households adopt solar generation, electric vehicles or heat pumps, causing

imbalances at particular times of day. Hence, the interest in whether and how
‘smart homes in smart grids’ might be part of a more sustainable future, their
relatively small loads and varied activities assisting with network balance and
paving the way for more renewable supply (e.g. Balta-Ozkan et al., Citation2014;
and research and policy programmes such as the European Horizon 2020 and EU
Strategic Energy Technology plan).Footnote1

The growing significance of system issues strengthens the second type of smart
home narrative: not so much the home that is automated for its own sake in order
to provide comfort, convenience and fun, but the home that interacts with
electricity networks in order to provide and receive services. These exchanges can
involve storage and generation facilities in the home, but even households without
microgeneration, batteries, storage heaters or hot water tanks have a potential
resource in their demand, something which can be reduced or shifted when this
will assist network or grid management. (Darby and McKenna (Citation2012) set
out a range of possibilities for this, with and without automated response.) With
this narrative comes a more explicit recognition of the potential importance of
energy management and energy data to householders, as in this account of smart
home developments:

there is an emerging trend of a special type of smart homes which can help
occupants to reduce energy consumption of the house by monitoring and
controlling devices and rescheduling their operating time according to energy
demand and supply. (De Silva et al., Citation2012, p. 1313)

These overlapping priorities and discourses illustrate why there is an urgent need
to clarify what is meant by smart homes and what the spread of ICT into buildings

means in terms of ‘bringing users into building energy performance’. For

example, the term ‘use’ can take on new meanings. Through ICT, users may now
be ‘using’ energy and buildings indirectly. Even if they have been involved in
decisions to purchase new control and communication technologies and even if
they have set them up, some switching and appliance activity may now be
controlled automatically. But the main problem lies with the term ‘smart’ itself,
weighed down with many meanings and applied to many possibilities. There will
be differences in terms of user involvement and outcomes between, say, a
householder who decides to programme a washing machine through a ‘smart
plug’ so that it will not operate at peak times, one who makes storage heaters
available to facilitate use of locally generated electricity (Boait, Snape, Darby,
Hamilton, & Morris, Citation2017), one who uses a smart thermostat with
‘learning’ features to control the heating (Yang & Newmand, Citation2013) and
one who adopts a fuller smart home package (Takayama, Pantofaru, Robson,
Soto, & Barry, Citation2012). All could be described as using smart home
technology, but it would be misleading to lump them all together as living in smart
homes, or to assume improvements in wellbeing and environmental impact in all
cases. Hence the need to ask what domestic smart technologies are for, clarify the
role of users in different situations, and evaluate building energy performance in
terms of benefits and costs to different actors, now that the boundaries of ‘home’
have been extended, first by connection to electricity networks and then to the

Conclusively, Two types of narrative appear to be at work in the literature on

smart home technologies. They have some overlapping actors, artefacts, goals and
processes, but offer quite different perspectives on what smartness is intended to
achieve and how it is distributed between human and non-human actors. There

has not been space here to do more than touch on the question of what a home
means to those who live in it, regulate the resources that flow into or out of it, and
otherwise interact with it. But meanings of ‘home’ do connect with the potential
and actual meanings of a smart home, and with how technology is used there.

How the term ‘smart’ is operationalized in homes and how it might figure in
possible energy futures matters greatly, if sensible priorities are to adopted for
living with electricity and ICT. What is currently known about equipping a home
with a high degree of automation and networked appliances indicates that such a
home to be expected to be more, not less, environmentally damaging than a
similar but non-smart one: building performance suffers and the user fades from
view, at least temporarily. In operation, additional standby and in-use
consumption is highly likely, as occupants become distanced from the business of
using their senses and activity to achieve a pleasant living environment. As an
object for research and development, the image (mirage?) of the smart home
arguably diverts attention and resources from activities, skills, materials and
relationships that already show success in addressing ecological and social
dysfunction, well documented in the pages of this journal. The fully
smart/connected home, it seems, has little or nothing to do with end-use
efficiency, let alone demand reduction, and often seems to disappoint when it
comes to convenience and workability. The search for interoperability and for
automated homes on the grand scale, I would argue, distracts attention and
resources from more pressing issues of affordable shelter and basic energy
services. It does not offer a credible response to the wicked problem of
environmental harm arising from modern energy services, but a partial response
to problems (home security and health monitoring, for example) that may well

have other solutions, and may be largely illusory (the ‘problem’ of having to
switch on a light or kettle, or lower a blind).

The second part of the commentary discussed the role of smart-home technology
in the context of transition from demand- to supply-led systems, looking at some
specific technologies and at the emerging phenomenon of demand response. Here,
space- and water-heating loads along with electric vehicles are prime candidates
for ‘smarting’ because of their relative size and potential for load shifting. But
perhaps the main significance of demand response for readers of this journal is
that it extends our understanding of what a user is (does the user use the electricity
system, or vice versa? Is an appliance there for the person who bought it or for the
remote operator that switches it on and off in accordance with system
conditions?); and our understanding of what building performance is. It may even
stimulate ideas about appropriately complex but pragmatic responses to the
wicked issues posed by our reliance on electricity. Considering what is involved
in demand response nicely demystifies some aspects of smart technology,
uncovering some very ordinary combinations of people, things and processes that,
together, can enable a system to function. Developing clear, careful language with
which to talk about these combinations and their outcomes will be a necessary
part of designing and carrying out building performance evaluation.

Another researched reviewed was [Cristina Stolojescu-Crisan.2019] says that The

Internet of Things (IoT) is a system that allows devices to be connected and
remotely monitored across the Internet. In the last years, the IoT concept has had
a strong evolution, being currently used in various domains such as smart homes,
telemedicine, industrial environments, etc. . Wireless sensor network technologies
integrated into the IoT enable a global interconnection of smart devices with
advanced functionalities . A wireless home automation network, composed of

sensors and actuators that share resources and are interconnected to each other, is
the key technology to making intelligent homes. A “smart home” is a part of the
IoT paradigm and aims to integrate home automation. Allowing objects and
devices in a home to be connected to the Internet enables users to remotely
monitor and control them . These include light switches that can be turned on and
off by using a smartphone or by voice command, thermostats that will adjust the
indoor temperatures and generate reports about energy usage, or smart irrigation
systems that will start at a specific time of a day, on a custom monthly schedule,
and thus will control water waste. Smart home solutions have become very
popular in the last years. an example of a smart home that uses different IoT-
connected utilities. One of the greatest advantages of home automation systems is
their easy management and control using different devices, including
smartphones, laptops and desktops, tablets, smart watches, or voice assistants.
Home automation systems offer a series of benefits; they add safety through
appliance and lighting control, secure the home through automated door locks,
increase awareness through security cameras, increase convenience through
temperature adjustment, save precious time, give control, and save money

Figure 1. An IoT-based smart home depicting the use of smart sensing devices
for different purposes.

Several home automation systems involved with IoT have been proposed by
academic researchers in the literature in the last decade. In wireless-based home
automation systems, different technologies have been used, each of them with
their pros and cons. For example, Bluetooth-based automation [is low cost, fast,
and easy to be installed, but it is limited to short distances. GSM and ZigBee are
widely used wireless technologies as well. GSM provides long-range
communication at the cost of a mobile plan of the service provider that operates
in the area. Zigbee is a wireless mesh network standard that is designed to be
low-cost and with low power consumption, targeted at battery-powered devices
in wireless control and monitoring applications. However, it has a low data speed,
low transmission, as well as low network stability, and has a high maintenance
cost. Wi-Fi technology is used in . The advantages of Wi-Fi technology over
ZigBee or Z-Wave are related to price, complexity (meaning simplicity), and
accessibility. First, Wi-Fi-enabled smart devices are usually cheap. In addition, it
is easier to find do-it-yourself devices that use Wi-Fi, resulting a less expensive
option. Second, Wi-Fi is already a necessity and it is in most homes, so it is easier
to buy devices that are already Wi-Fi-enabled. Finally, Wi-Fi is characterized by
simplicity, meaning that a user must connect only a minimal number of devices
for a home automation setup. Since it is very common, the investment on extra
hardware is avoided; a user only needs the basic setup for a home automation
system. However, Wi-Fi is not designed to create mesh networks, it consumes ten
times more energy than similar devices using ZigBee, Z-Wave, or Bluetooth for
example, and many Wi-Fi routers can only allow up to thirty devices connected
at once. As compared to Ethernet, Wi-Fi brings several advantages, including the
easy connection and access of multiple devices, the expandability (adding new
devices without the hassle of additional wiring), lower cost, or single access point
requirement. The cons include limited distance to cover (a Wi-Fi network with

standard equipment can be limited in range through walls and other obstructions
in a standard home), the number of devices can be limited, there is interference
and complex propagation effects, obstacles can block the Wi-Fi signal and affect
the devices connected to it, and there are connection speed (the fastest speed of
Wi-Fi is much slower than a wired network), Internet security, and privacy issues.
Low-cost, open source hardware components, such as Arduino and Raspberry Pi
microcontroller unit (MCU) boards, and a combination of sensors have been very
used in the home automation domain. Home automations using Arduino boards
are proposed in . Arduino is highly flexible, open source, not expensive, and easy
to program [19]. In addition, the existence of a large and active community of
users is a great plus. However, Arduino is not designed to handle the large
complexity that comes with advanced projects. For more advanced and real-time
projects, Raspberry Pi is a better option. Raspberry Pi is an exciting technological
development that is much cheaper than any desktop computer or mobile device
[24]. Most of the software and projects done on Raspberry Pi are open source and
are maintained by online user communities, which are always excited about new
projects. When developing software on Raspberry Pi, Python is the language of
choice, since it is relatively simple (fewer lines and less complexity) compared to
other programming languages. In addition to its low price, Raspberry Pi is energy
efficient and does not require any cooling systems. Smart home automations with
Raspberry Pi are proposed in . ESP8266 chips are low-price Wi-Fi modules that
are perfectly suited for projects in the IoT field. ESP8266 is a single core
processor that runs at 80 MHz. ESP8266 chips were used for home automations-
related projects in . A features comparison for home automation system published
in scientific papers, in the last ten years, is presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Features comparison for home automation system published in the last
10 years

Automation Communication Controller User Interface Applications
[4] Bluetooth PIC mobile app control indoor
control appliances
indoor and outdoor,
[5] Bluetooth Arduino mobile app
within short
control appliances
[6] Bluetooth, GSM PIC mobile app indoor and
[7] ZigBee, Ethernet Arduino MEGA mobile app control appliances
X10, Serial, EIB, ZigBee, 32-bit ARM Control panel (touch indoor automation
[8] Bluetooth, microcontroller pad), desktop based solution

Raspberry PI, temperature,
[9] Wi-Fi, ZigBee
NodeMCU luminosity,
movement, and
control of indoor
appliances but not
[10] ZigBee Laptop/PC server mobile app
[11] ZigBee, Wi-Fi Linux board GUI interface control HVAC
remote control of
web-based, mobile appliances (IP cams,
[12] ZigBee, Wi-Fi, Ethernet Raspberry PI
app smart
control indoor
[13] Wi-Fi TI-CC3200 MCU mobile app
monitor the soil
[14] Wi-Fi NodeMCU web-based control indoor
[15] Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Raspberry PI mobile app control indoor
web-based, mobile control of indoor
[16] Wi-Fi Arduino mega
app appliances

web-based, mobile security, energy

[17] Wi-Fi PC server
app management

control of indoor
[18] Wi-Fi, IR PC server mobile app

control indoor
[19] Wi-Fi Arduino mobile app appliances, video
control indoor
[20] Bluetooth Arduino mobile app appliances, energy
[21] Wi-Fi Arduino, ESP8266 mobile app control indoor
Home Automation
System Communication Controller User Interface Applications

indoor and outdoor

control, monitoring,
web-based, mobile
[22] Bluetooth, Wi-Fi Arduino mega energy
management, safety,
control of indoor
[23] Ethernet Arduino mega web-based appliances

control home
[25] Ethernet Raspberry PI web-based appliances,
light automation and
ZigBee, Z-wave, Wi- physical intrusion
[26] Raspberry PI unspecified
Fi detection

control indoor
web-based, mobile appliances
[27] Wi-Fi NodeMCU
app (luminosity sensor,
LED, buzzer)
testing modules in a
smart home system,
related to
[28] Wi-Fi ESP8266 unspecified indoor appliances
surveillance, energy
[29] Wi-Fi Arduino, ESP8266 mobile app control of switches

control of appliances
indoor and outdoor,
web-based, mobile safety, security,
[30] Wi-Fi Node MCU
app energy
indoor and outdoor
web-based, mobile control, energy
[31] Ethernet Galileo board
app management,

safety, monitoring
[32] GSM, Wi-Fi PC server web-based (gas, temperature, fire
[33] GSM 8051 MCU web-based indoor and outdoor
control of indoor
appliances, safety,
[34] GSM Arduino web-based
remote monitoring
ZigBee, Wi-Fi, LabVIEW PDA and control system
[35] PC
GSM/GPR Module for intelligent
[36] ZigBee PC web app power outlet control

The purpose of this paper is to present qToggle, which is a system designed and
developed for multiple home/building automations, including access control and
security, appliances control (lights, thermostats, AC, and other appliances),
irrigations, and power and energy management. This paper represents an
extension of , we proposed a building automation solution to reduce the exposure
and transmission of COVID-19 during the pandemic situation in workspaces by
avoiding touching certain objects and surfaces and for helping managing
buildings during an emergency. In this paper, we have focused on smart homes
applications, in general, not in a pandemic situation.

What makes our proposal different from others is highlighted in Table 1: it is

different in terms of the technologies used, the controllers, the type of
communication, the user interface, and most of all the applications regarding what
solutions it can offer in terms of a smart home. The communication technology
represents a key point to achieve successful operation in a home automation
system. In many papers in the literature, the authors combine several
communication technologies; for example, the authors use either a wired or a
wireless technology to connect the sensors with the nodes, a wireless technology
to send data from nodes to storage centers, etc. Ethernet and/or a Wi-Fi local

network are usually enough for a working qToggle setup. Most low-cost devices
for IoT usually support Wi-Fi, and most households are able to provide enough
wireless coverage with several low-cost devices. The best node and the selection
of the processor (controller) for an IoT-based home automation system are chosen
considering the necessities and the characteristics a user wants for the system.
Even if most automation systems presented in the literature use Arduino boards,
the Raspberry family are frequently used as well, since they are more potent than
the Arduino boards and have powerful computing abilities that allow the
implementation of more demanding software and algorithms. Hence, we chose
the Raspberry Pi board for the proposed system. Our system has not only a
research scope, but we intended to develop a system that can be successfully used
in practice and as well as monetized in the future. The microcontroller used for
the proposed system is the ESP8266 chip, due to its size, ultralow power
consumption, powerful on-board processing, and storage.

Most systems do not have access to the power grid or may only receive power
during a given time period. The use of solar energy reduces the energetic costs,
which is an advantage for home automation systems. Starting this year, the
qToggle system proposed in this paper will be using solar energy thanks to the
photovoltaic panels installed, so the energy consumption will not be an issue.

qToggle is built around a flexible and powerful API (we have defined the API
from the ground up), allowing various types of devices to work together. qToggle
provides a simple language for the IoT by using the JavaScript Object Notation
(JSON) data format, which is defined by RFC 7159. Turning on a light bulb
should be as easy as PATCH-ing a URL, while obtaining the temperature from a
sensor requires a simple GET request. The idea behind qToggle is to control
programmable systems having a Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

(TCP/IP) stack via simple HTTP requests. For example, these systems can be
single-board computers or TCP/IP-enabled microcontrollers. qToggle aims to
propose a standard that allows managing, provisioning, and communicating to
different devices. qToggle does not attempt to reinvent the wheel, but it makes
use of the existing and widely used technologies, such as RESTful APIs on the
top of HTTP, passing over data encoded as JSON.

Features that make qToggle special are the following:

•A unitary and consistent solution that integrates all required features;

•Device provisioning and management;

•The firmware update over the same unique API used by all devices;

•The use of expressions allows intelligent and complex rules to be implemented

between various sensors and actuators inside a network;

•Hierarchical master-slave topology that offers flexibility and scalability;

•User data do not leave the premises of the local network, a cloud connection
not being needed (for security and privacy reasons);

•The integrated web app works well on all major platforms (both desktop and
mobile):Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, or macOS.

2.1 Conceptual framework:

The conceptual framework for a smart house includes several key components:

 Home Automation Systems: Home automation systems are systems that

allow homeowners to control various aspects of their home, such as
lighting, heating, cooling, and security, using a smartphone or other device.
 Smart Appliances: Smart appliances are appliances that are connected to
the internet and can be controlled using a smartphone or other device. These
appliances can be programmed to turn on and off at specific times, adjust
their settings based on the user's preferences, and even order replacement
parts when needed.
 Home Energy Management Systems: Home energy management systems
are systems that allow homeowners to monitor and control the energy usage
of their home. These systems can be used to track energy usage, identify
areas where energy is being wasted, and adjust the settings of various
appliances and systems to reduce energy consumption.
 Security Monitoring Systems: Security monitoring systems are systems
that allow homeowners to monitor their home for intruders using cameras
and sensors. The homeowner can receive alerts on their smartphone if any
anomalies are detected.
 Data Analytics: Data analytics software can be used to analyze the data
generated by the smart house systems. This can help homeowners identify
patterns in their energy usage, optimize the settings of their appliances and
systems, and improve the overall efficiency of their home.
 User Interface: The user interface is the interface through which
homeowners interact with the smart house systems. This can include
smartphone apps, web portals, and voice-activated assistants.
 Communication Protocols: Communication protocols are the protocols
used to communicate between the various smart house systems. These

protocols must be secure and reliable to ensure that the systems are
functioning properly and that the homeowner's data is protected.
 . Integration with Existing Systems: Smart house systems must be
integrated with existing systems and appliances in the home to ensure that
the homeowner can fully control and optimize all aspects of their home.

Conclusion: The conceptual framework for a smart house includes several key
components, including home automation systems, smart appliances, home energy
management systems, security monitoring systems, data analytics, user interfaces,
communication protocols, and integration with existing systems. By incorporating
these components into a smart house system, homeowners can enjoy a more
comfortable, convenient, and energy-efficient home. As smart house technology
continues to advance, it is likely that we will see an increasing number of homes
become smart homes, providing homeowners with greater control over their
homes and their energy usage.

2.2 Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework for a smart house is

based on several key theories and concepts:

 Internet of Things (IoT): The internet of things (IoT) is a network of

physical devices that are connected to the internet and can be controlled
and monitored remotely. Smart house systems are a prime example of the
IoT, as they consist of various devices that are connected to the internet and
can be controlled using a smartphone or other device.

 Home Automation: Home automation is the use of technology to automate

various functions in the home, such as lighting, heating, cooling, and
security. Smart house systems are a form of home automation, as they allow
homeowners to control various aspects of their home using a smartphone
or other device.
 Energy Efficiency: Energy efficiency is the use of technology to reduce
energy consumption and improve the efficiency of a system. Smart house
systems are designed to be energy-efficient, as they allow homeowners to
monitor and control the energy usage of their home, identify areas where
energy is being wasted, and adjust the settings of various appliances and
systems to reduce energy consumption.
 Human-Computer Interaction (HCI): Human-computer interaction (HCI) is
the study of how people interact with computer systems. Smart house
systems rely heavily on HCI, as they require a user interface (such as a
smartphone app or web portal) through which the homeowner can interact
with the various systems in their home.
 Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting computer
systems and networks from digital attacks. Smart house systems must be
designed with cybersecurity in mind, as they are vulnerable to attacks from
hackers who may attempt to gain access to sensitive data or control of the
various systems in the home.
 System Integration: System integration is the process of integrating various
systems and components into a cohesive and functional whole. Smart house
systems require system integration to ensure that all the various
components (such as home automation systems, smart appliances, and
security monitoring systems) work together seamlessly.

The theoretical framework for a smart house is based on several key theories and
concepts, including the internet of things, home automation, energy efficiency,
human-computer interaction, cybersecurity, and system integration. By
incorporating these theories and concepts into the design and implementation of
a smart house system, homeowners can enjoy a more comfortable, convenient,
and energy-efficient home. As smart house technology continues to advance, it is
likely that we will see an increasing number of homes become smart homes,
providing homeowners with greater control over their homes and their energy



This section describes the methodology adopted for this work including the
systematically organized different stages of the research in conjunction with the
detailed implementation features of the proposed system. In addition, it clarifies
the structural components of the proposed system and their integration to achieve
the research aim. The flowchart in Fig. 2 illustrates the research stages followed
in the present study.

Fig 2: Flowchart of research activities


The layout design of home prototype is displayed in Fig. 2 which is followed by

modelling phase, where all the necessary equipment and materials are used for
building a smart home prototype.

Fig 3: Plant layout.

The prototype of smart home is built using plywood as presented in Fig. 3. After
that, the wiring and hardware implementation is carried out. Then the
programming phase of Arduino Software is accomplished. For design
enhancement and optimization, any problem that occurs during building the
project, is identified and solved during testing phase. Some improvement is also
done to avoid the same error. Finally, the complete design of the project is

Fig 4: Front view of house prototype.

3.1 Main Components of Home Automation System

1) ARDUINO Mega as shown in Fig. 4 (a) is used as the main controller in this
project because it is inexpensive, cross-platform, simple, clear programming
environment, open source and extensible software. The electrical appliances and
the sensors are connected to the pin of Arduino Mega. The function of Arduino
board is to read the input and turn it to output, receive and transmit serial data,
trigger an interrupt on a low value, provide 8bit PWM output and more.

3 WI-FI module ESP32: Wi-Fi Module ESP32 has 8 pins which is depicted as
in the Fig. 4 (b) is connected to the Arduino Mega. This module is compatible
to 5V logic level only. ESP32 is chosen because it is low cost and high features
and that makes it an ideal module for IoT applications.


Fig 5b: ESP 32.

4 Relay board: In this project, the relay module as illustrated in Fig. 5 is also
used to provide connection between two or more points in response with the
input signal. It is connected to the fan and bulbs that acts as output. Relay are
used in many applications because of their relative simplicity, long life and
proven high reliability. The function is to protect, regulate and control the

Fig 6: Relay board.

In addition to these three main components, several sensors and equipments are
used either to monitor or control the Smart Home such as voltage regulator,
temperature sensor, humidity sensor, PIR motion sensor, buzzer and samples for
home appliances like bulbs and fans.

3.2 Minor components used

3,2.1 Resistors A resistor is a passive two-terminal electrical component that

implements electrical resistance as a circuit element. In electronic circuits,
resistors are used to reduce current flow, adjust signal levels, to divide
voltages, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines, among other
uses. High-power resistors that can dissipate many watts of electrical power as
heat may be used as part of motor controls, in power distribution systems, or as
test loads for generators. Fixed resistors have resistances that only change slightly
with temperature, time or operating voltage. Variable resistors can be used to
adjust circuit elements (such as a volume control or a lamp dimmer), or as sensing
devices for heat, light, humidity, force, or chemical activity. Resistors are
common elements of electrical networks and electronic circuits and are
ubiquitous in electronic equipment. Practical resistors as discrete components can

be composed of various compounds and forms. Resistors are also implemented

within integrated circuits.

The electrical function of a resistor is specified by its resistance: common

commercial resistors are manufactured over a range of more than nine orders of
magnitude. The nominal value of the resistance falls within the manufacturing
tolerance, indicated on the component.

Fig 7: Types of resistors

3.2.2Diodes:Conducts current primarily inonedirection (asymmetric conductance)

. It has low (ideally zero) resistance in one direction, and high (ideally infinite)
resistance in the other.

A semiconductor diode, the most commonly used type today, is a crystalline piece
of semiconductor material with a p–n junction connected to two electrical
terminals.[4] It has an exponential current–voltage characteristic. Semiconductor
diodes were the first semiconductor electronic devices. The discovery of

asymmetric electrical conduction across the contact between a crystalline mineral

and a metal was made by German physicist Ferdinand Braun in 1874. Today,
most diodes are made of silicon, but other semiconducting materials such
as gallium arsenide and germanium are also used.[5] The obsolete thermionic
diode is a vacuum tube with two electrodes, a heated cathode and a plate, in
which electrons can flow in only one direction, from cathode to plate. Among
many uses, diodes are found in rectifiers to convert alternating current (AC)
power to direct current (DC), demodulation in radio receivers, and can even be
used for logic or as temperature sensors. A common variant of a diode is a light-
emitting diode, which is used as electric lighting and status indicators on
electronic devices.

Fig 8 diodes

3.2.3 Buck conveter:A buck converter or step-down converter is a DC-to-DC

converter which steps down voltage (while stepping up current) from its input
(supply) to its output (load). It is a class of switched-mode power supply.
Switching converters (such as buck converters) provide much greater power
efficiency as DC-to-DC converters than linear regulators, which are simpler
circuits that lower voltages by dissipating power as heat, but do not step up output
current.[1] The efficiency of buck converters can be very high, often over 90%,

making them useful for tasks such as converting a computer's

main supply voltage, which is usually 12 V, down to lower voltages needed
by USB, DRAM and the CPU, which are usually 5, 3.3 or 1.8 V.

Buck converters typically contain at least two semiconductors (a diode and

a transistor, although modern buck converters frequently replace the diode with a
second transistor used for synchronous rectification) and at least one energy
storage element (a capacitor, inductor, or the two in combination). To reduce
voltage ripple, filters made of capacitors (sometimes in combination with
inductors) are normally added to such a converter's output (load-side filter) and
input (supply-side filter).[2] Its name derives from the inductor that “bucks” or
opposes the supply voltage.[3]

Buck converters typically operate with a switching frequency range from 100 kHz
to a few MHz. A higher switching frequency allows for use of smaller inductors
and capacitors, but also increases lost efficiency to more frequent transistor

3.2.4 Transistor (BJT); A BJT uses both electrons and electron holes as charge
carriers. In contrast, a unipolar transistor such as a field effect transistor (FET),
uses only one kund of charge carrier. A bipolar transistor allows a small current
flowing between the terminals making the device capable of amplification and
switching in this context.

3.3 System architecture and Implementation

This paper focus on the usage of Arduino Mega microcontroller embedded with
WI-FI module ESP32 in it for controlling the home appliances. A local control
system over Wi-Fi is established based on IoT. The range of the Wi-Fi module is

100 meters with a frequency of 2.4 GHz A suitable Wi-Fi-based web application
is programmed and utilized because it has a user-friendly interface and it can work
efficiently with Arduino Mega to control and monitor via smart phone, desktop,
laptop, iPad and any device with a web browser or Wi-Fi compact ability. Arduino
controller is programmed to interact with the web application.. The relay board
receive its input signals from Arduino Mega through a transistor (BJT), while the
bulbs and fan which are only samples for real home appliances are connected to
the relay outputs.

Fig 9a: Programming in an Arduino IDE


Fig 9b: Programming in an Arduino IDE

This code sets up a web server that listens on port 80 for incoming HTTP requests.
The root path ("/") displays a web page with buttons to control each LED. Clicking
the buttons sends requests to turn on or off the respective LED via URLs like
/led0/on or /led1/off.

To run this code, you'll need to install the ESP32 board support package in the
Arduino IDE and select the appropriate board from the Tools menu. Then,
compile and upload the code to your ESP32.

Once uploaded, you can access the web app by entering the IP address of the
ESP32 in a web browser on your local network. The web app will allow you to
control the LEDs by clicking the buttons. The SSID is “HANS HOME
AUTOMATION” and password is “87654321”.

Fig 10: circuit simulated in proteus

The detailed connection of the devices is displayed in Fig.8. The steps on how to
control the electrical appliances using web app are depicted in Fig. 9. Through
this procedure, the considered electrical appliances and home conditions can be
controlled and monitored via mobile phone.

Fig 11: Distribution box with hardware connection



Go to
end. your

controll Run the IP

electrical address &
appliance connect
s via eb arduino via
app ESP32

Fig 12: Flowchart of project setup.




This section presents an example to verify and validate the implementation of the
proposed HAS. The preliminary results that we obtained in this paper will be used
for further extension and enhancement this paper was managing to successfully
develop a Wi-Fi-Based Automation System for Smart Home Using Android
Mobile Phone.

Firstly, we need to connect our Android-Based smart phone with the available
Wi-Fi. Then open a web browser fill in the IP address before connect. The IP
address can be found in commend prompt in PC. Connect Web application to Wi-
Fi. Now we can control all the electrical appliances and able to monitor the
motion, temperature and humidity of the house.

The electrical appliances such as bulb and fan can be controlled and monitored
using web app which is demonstrated in Fig. 10. . The motion sensor also can
detect if there is any motion in a certain area and give alarm via buzzer, which
can be used later on in the security system or in automated the operation of lights.

Fig. 13. House prototype with electrical appliances controlled via Android

At the end of this stage of our project, all the electrical appliances can be
controlled by using web app as shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 14. Developed user interface for switching.(mobile phone view)

This research project has proposed, designed and fabricated a low cost Wi-Fi
based Automation System for Smart Home prototype using Arduino and Android
smartphone. It enables the control all the electrical appliances such as the bulb
and fan at home easily and efficiently via WiFi. The sensor can monitor the
motion, humidity and temperature of the house. Buzzer will be ON when there is
a motion detected in the house. The Smart Home Automation System provide a
comfortable, intelligence, good security and improve the quality of life. By using
this smart home system, electric bill can be reduced because the user can control
the electrical appliances anytime without using human energy.

Fig 15 : developed user interface for switching (pc view)

The next step of our research will be enabling the remote control of the developed
system based on IoT concept so that the user can control it using webserver even
when they are not around their house. We are going to increase the number and
variety of sensors for more safety and security in addition to provide option for
the fully-automated of home appliances. We will implement a gateway to connect
all sensors to an IoT platform and we may replace some sensors with a wireless
sensor to overcome some wiring problems. Our final product should be a compact
box which is easy to be integrated to an existing switching board of real houses
appliances via relay board and provide safer control.


5.1 Conclusion

The system achieved a precision rate of 94.44% and provided a cost-effective

platform for interconnecting a variety of devices in a home through the IoT.

This research project has proposed, designed and fabricated a low cost Wi-Fi
based Automation System for Smart Home prototype using Arduino and Android
smartphone. It enables the control all the electrical appliances such as the bulb
and fan at home easily and efficiently via WiFi. The Smart Home Automation
System provide a comfortable, intelligence, good security and improve the quality
of life. By using this smart home system, electric bill can be reduced because the
user can control the electrical appliances anytime without using human energy.
The next step of our research will be enabling the remote control of the developed
system based on IoT concept so that the user can control it using webserver even
when they are not around their house. We are going to increase the number and
variety of sensors for more safety and security in addition to provide option for
the fully-automated of home appliances. We will implement a gateway to connect
all sensors to an IoT platform and we may replace some sensors with a wireless
sensor to overcome some wiring problems. Our final product should be a compact
box which is easy to be integrated to an existing switching board of real houses
appliances via relay board and provide safer control.

5.2 Limitations

Based on the researches that have been done, one of the main issues in most
existing HAS is their implementation and maintenance cost which is not
affordable for most users. Furthermore, some current systems provide a view of
the house from a web application( online) which is inconvenience for users, who
must access the Web each time they wish to control or view the status of their
houses [10]. In addition, some HAS lack of user friendly interfaces for monitoring
and controlling appliances. Besides, there are some limitations in the
communication technologies that have been used in the existing automation
systems. For example, the communication range of Bluetooth is limited to 10
meters. If more than 10 meters, the connection will be lost and the user not able
to control home’s appliances. Furthermore, ZigBee is designed for low rate
wireless personal area networks with data rate 250Kb/s which is insufficient data
rate. Another communication technology is GSM which can be access anywhere
in the world but it is costly and it has low data rate of transmission and limitations
in coverage for rural areas .

Therefore, in this paper, we propose a new system to overcome the limitations of

the existing home automation systems. This can be achieved by design and
fabricate a low cost Wi-Fi-based Automation System for Smart Home prototype
using Arduino microcontroller and Android-Based smartphone. The system is
developed to control all the electrical appliances at home easily and efficiently
and enable the remote control by supporting the IoT concept.


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