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Group Project Rating Sheet

Public Relations Practice I

Little Library Strategic Communications Plan (group assignment)

Please complete the form below by assigning each of your group members (and
yourself) a mark out of 10 based on the criteria below. Provide comments to back up
your evaluation. Faculty reviews this, but members of your group do not.

In addition to this, you’re encouraged to re-group for 20 minutes and consider what
worked and what you could do better next time you work with a group. This type of
critical evaluation will help all of you moving forward. Consider closely the process you
used to move the project along and the communication amongst group members.
These two factors are often key to the success/challenges of group work.

Evaluation criteria:
 Asked pertinent questions during group meetings
 Attended group meetings
 Had assigned work prepared and ready for meetings
 Did work thoroughly and provided it in appropriate format (hard copy, e-mail,
 Accepted constructive criticism
 Worked as a team member, not as an individual
 Did an equal portion of the work
 Helped keep the group on agenda
 Assisted in creating an atmosphere of cooperation (helped resolve conflict,
motivated group, etc.)

Group member’s name Comments Mark

Olivia Ward She contributed so much to this assignment. She 10
happily accepts the ideas of every member for
the assignment. She coordinates so well with
other group members. She helps other group

Michelle Cameron Though she was sick, she came at the very last 8
moment and contributed to the background and
research. She communicates so well with other
group members. Present really good ideas for the

Group member’s name Comments Mark


Zach Lewis He did nothing in this assignment. He always 5

attended the meeting but never contributed to
writing the assignment. He didn’t present any
ideas on this assignment. In the very end he just
corrected the font size.

Ana Merkureva It’s so difficult to work with her. In this 2

assignment, she didn’t let anyone put their part.
Me, Michelle and Olivia wanted to focus on
technology and meeting room but she denied
which unnecessarily caused panic at the very end
moment. She always picks up fights with
But she attended all the meetings and submitted
her part on time. She contributed to writing and
presented her ideas well.

Surbhi Sharma I presented my ideas equally. I wrote my part on 8

time and helped others in their part. Attended all
the meetings.
But after Ana’s incident I restricted myself in this
group, because I don’t feel like presenting new
ideas knowing that Ana will reject them and will
argue with me.
Your name (please print):Surbhi Sharma

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